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Strip Footing Design

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TEDDS calculation version

385 385



Pad footing details

Length of pad footing; L = 1000 mm
W idth of pad footing; B = 1000 mm
Area of pad footing; A = L  B = 1.000 m 2
Depth of pad footing; h = 250 mm
Depth of soil over pad footing; h soil = 200 mm
Density of concrete;  conc = 23.6 kN/m 3

Column details
Column base length; lA = 230 mm
Column base width; b A = 1000 mm
Column eccentricity in x; e PxA = 0 mm
Column eccentricity in y; e PyA = 0 mm
Soil details
Density of soil;  soil = 20.0 kN/m 3
Design shear strength; ’ = 25.0 deg
Design base friction;  = 19.3 deg
Allowable bearing pressure; P bearing = 150 kN/m 2
Axial loading on column
Dead axial load on column; P GA = 20.0 kN
Imposed axial load on column; P QA = 20.0 kN
W ind axial load on column; P W A = 0.0 kN
Total axial load on column; P A = 40.0 kN
Foundation loads
Dead surcharge load; F Gsur = 20.000 kN/m 2
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Imposed surcharge load; F Qsur = 20.000 kN/m 2

Pad footing self weight; F swt = h   conc = 5.900 kN/m 2
Soil self weight; F soil = h soil   soil = 4.000 kN/m 2
Total foundation load; F = A  (F Gsur + F Qsur + F swt + F soil) = 49.9 kN

Calculate pad base reaction

Total base reaction; T = F + P A = 89.9 kN
Eccentricity of base reaction in x; e Tx = (P A  e PxA + M xA + H xA  h) / T = 0 mm
Eccentricity of base reaction in y; e Ty = (P A  e PyA + M yA + H yA  h) / T = 0 mm

Check pad base reaction eccentricity

abs(e Tx ) / L + abs(e Ty) / B = 0.000
Base reaction acts within middle third of base
Calculate pad base pressures
q 1 = T / A - 6  T  e Tx / (L  A) - 6  T  e Ty / (B  A) = 89.900 kN/m 2
q 2 = T / A - 6  T  e Tx / (L  A) + 6  T  e Ty / (B  A) = 89.900 kN/m 2
q 3 = T / A + 6  T  e Tx / (L  A) - 6  T  e Ty / (B  A) = 89.900 kN/m 2
q 4 = T / A + 6  T  e Tx / (L  A) + 6  T  e Ty / (B  A) = 89.900 kN/m 2
Minimum base pressure; q min = min(q 1 , q 2 , q 3 , q 4 ) = 89.900 kN/m 2
Maximum base pressure; q max = max(q 1 , q 2 , q 3 , q 4 ) = 89.900 kN/m 2
PASS - Maximum base pressure is less than allowable bearing pressure

2 2
89.9 kN/m 89.9 kN/m

2 2
89.9 kN/m 89.9 kN/m

Partial safety factors for loads

Partial safety factor for dead loads;  fG = 1.40
Partial safety factor for imposed loads;  fQ = 1.60
Partial safety factor for wind loads;  fW = 0.00
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Ultimate axial loading on column

Ultimate axial load on column; P uA = P GA   fG + P QA   fQ + P W A   fW = 60.0 kN

Ultimate foundation loads

Ultimate foundation load; F u = A  [(F Gsur + F swt + F soil)   fG + F Qsur   fQ ] = 73.9 kN

Ultimate horizontal loading on column

Ultimate horizontal load in x direction; H xuA = H GxA  fG + H QxA   fQ + H W xA   fW = 0.0 kN
Ultimate horizontal load in y direction; H yuA = H GyA  fG + H QyA  fQ + H W yA   fW = 0.0 kN

Ultimate moment on column

Ultimate moment on column in x direction; M xuA = M GxA   fG + M QxA   fQ + M W xA   fW = 0.000 kNm
Ultimate moment on column in y direction; M yuA = M GyA   fG + M QyA   fQ + M W yA   fW = 0.000 kNm

Calculate ultimate pad base reaction

Ultimate base reaction; T u = F u + P uA = 133.9 kN
Eccentricity of ultimate base reaction in x; e Txu = (P uA  e PxA + M xuA + H xuA  h) / T u = 0 mm
Eccentricity of ultimate base reaction in y; e Tyu = (P uA  e PyA + M yuA + H yuA  h) / T u = 0 mm

Calculate ultimate pad base pressures

q 1u = T u /A - 6T u e Txu /(LA) - 6T u e Tyu /(BA) = 133.860 kN/m 2
q 2u = T u /A - 6T u e Txu /(LA) + 6T u  e Tyu/(BA) = 133.860 kN/m 2
q 3u = T u /A + 6T u e Txu/(LA) - 6T u e Tyu /(BA) = 133.860 kN/m 2
q 4u = T u /A + 6T u e Txu/(LA) + 6T u e Tyu/(BA) = 133.860 kN/m 2
Minimum ultimate base pressure; q minu = min(q 1u , q 2u , q 3u , q 4u ) = 133.860 kN/m 2
Maximum ultimate base pressure; q maxu = max(q 1u , q 2u , q 3u , q 4u ) = 133.860 kN/m 2
Calculate rate of change of base pressure in x direction
Left hand base reaction; fuL = (q 1u + q 2u )  B / 2 = 133.860 kN/m
Right hand base reaction; fuR = (q 3u + q 4u )  B / 2 = 133.860 kN/m
Length of base reaction; L x = L = 1000 mm
Rate of change of base pressure; C x = (f uR - f uL) / L x = 0.000 kN/m/m
Calculate pad lengths in x direction
Left hand length; L L = L / 2 + e PxA = 500 mm
Right hand length; L R = L / 2 - e PxA = 500 mm
Calculate ultimate moments in x direction
Ultimate moment in x direction; M x = fuL L L 2 /2+C x L L 3 /6-F u L L 2 /(2L) = 7.500 kNm

Calculate rate of change of base pressure in y direction

Top edge base reaction; fuT = (q 2u + q 4u )  L / 2 = 133.860 kN/m
Bottom edge base reaction; fuB = (q 1u + q 3u )  L / 2 = 133.860 kN/m
Length of base reaction; L y = B = 1000 mm
Rate of change of base pressure; C y = (f uB - f uT) / L y = 0.000 kN/m/m
Calculate pad lengths in y direction
Top length; L T = B / 2 - e PyA = 500 mm
Bottom length; L B = B / 2 + e PyA = 500 mm
Calculate ultimate moments in y direction
Ultimate moment in y direction; M y = fuTL T2 /2+C yL T3 /6-F u L T2 /(2B) = 7.500 kNm

Material details
Characteristic strength of concrete; fcu = 25 N/mm 2
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Characteristic strength of reinforcement; fy = 460 N/mm 2

Characteristic strength of shear reinforcement; fyv = 460 N/mm 2
Nominal cover to reinforcement; c nom = 30 mm
Moment design in x direction
Diameter of tension reinforcement; xB = 12 mm
Depth of tension reinforcement; d x = h - c nom - xB / 2 = 214 mm

Design formula for rectangular beams (cl

K x = M x / (B  d x 2  fcu ) = 0.007
K x ’ = 0.156
K x < K x ' compression reinforcement is not required
Lever arm; z x = d x  min([0.5 + (0.25 - K x / 0.9)], 0.95) = 203 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required; A s_x_req = M x / (0.87  fy  z x ) = 92 mm 2
Minimum area of tension reinforcement; A s_x_min = 0.0024  B  h = 600 mm 2
Tension reinforcement provided; 6 No. 12 dia. bars bottom (200 centres)
Area of tension reinforcement provided; A s_xB_prov = N xB    xB 2 / 4 = 679 mm 2
PASS - Tension reinforcement provided exceeds tension reinforcement required
Moment design in y direction
Diameter of tension reinforcement; yB = 12 mm
Depth of tension reinforcement; d y = h - c nom - xB - yB / 2 = 202 mm

Design formula for rectangular beams (cl

K y = M y / (L  d y2  fcu ) = 0.007
K y’ = 0.156
K y < K y ' compression reinforcement is not required
Lever arm; z y = d y  min([0.5 + (0.25 - K y / 0.9)], 0.95) = 192 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required; A s_y_req = M y / (0.87  fy  z y) = 98 mm 2
Minimum area of tension reinforcement; A s_y_min = 0.0024  L  h = 600 mm 2
Tension reinforcement provided; 6 No. 12 dia. bars bottom (200 centres)
Area of tension reinforcement provided; A s_yB_prov = N yB    yB2 / 4 = 679 mm 2
PASS - Tension reinforcement provided exceeds tension reinforcement required
Calculate ultimate shear force at d from right face of column
Ultimate pressure for shear; q su = (q 1u + C x  (L / 2 + e PxA + lA / 2 + d x ) / B + q 4u ) / 2
q su = 133.860 kN/m 2
Area loaded for shear; A s = B  min(3  (L / 2 - e Tx ), L / 2 - e PxA - lA / 2 - d x) = 0.171 m 2
Ultimate shear force; V su = A s  (q su - F u / A) = 10.260 kN

Shear stresses at d from right face of column (cl

Design shear stress; v su = V su / (B  d x ) = 0.048 N/mm 2

From BS 8110:Part 1:1997 - Table 3.8

Design concrete shear stress; v c = 0.504 N/mm 2
Allowable design shear stress; v max = min(0.8N/mm 2  (f cu / 1 N/mm 2), 5 N/mm 2) = 4.000 N/mm 2
PASS - v su < v c - No shear reinforcement required
Calculate ultimate punching shear force at face of column
Ultimate pressure for punching shear; q puA = q 1u +[(L/2+e PxA -lA /2)+(lA )/2]C x /B-[B/2]C y/L
q puA = 133.860 kN/m 2
Average effective depth of reinforcement; d = (d x + d y) / 2 = 208 mm
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Area loaded for punching shear at column; A pA = (l A)B = 0.230 m 2

Length of punching shear perimeter; u pA = 2B = 2000 mm
Ultimate shear force at shear perimeter; V puA = P uA + (F u / A - q puA )  A pA = 46.200 kN
Effective shear force at shear perimeter; V puAeff = V puA  1.25 = 57.750 kN

Punching shear stresses at face of column (cl

Design shear stress; v puA = V puAeff / (u pA  d) = 0.139 N/mm 2
Allowable design shear stress; v max = min(0.8N/mm 2  (f cu / 1 N/mm 2), 5 N/mm 2) = 4.000 N/mm 2
PASS - Design shear stress is less than allowable design shear stress
Calculate ultimate punching shear force at perimeter of 1.5 d from face of column
Ultimate pressure for punching shear; q puA1.5d = q 1u +[(L/2+e PxA -lA /2-1.5d)+(lA +21.5d)/2]C x /B-[B/2]C y/L
q puA1.5d = 133.860 kN/m 2
Average effective depth of reinforcement; d = (d x + d y) / 2 = 208 mm
Area loaded for punching shear at column; A pA1.5d = (lA +21.5d)B = 0.854 m 2
Length of punching shear perimeter; u pA1.5d = 2B = 2000 mm
Ultimate shear force at shear perimeter; V puA1.5d = P uA + (F u / A - q puA1.5d )  A pA1.5d = 8.760 kN
Effective shear force at shear perimeter; V puA1.5deff = V puA1.5d  1.25 = 10.950 kN

Punching shear stresses at perimeter of 1.5 d from face of column (cl
Design shear stress; v puA1.5d = V puA1.5deff / (u pA1.5d  d) = 0.026 N/mm 2

From BS 8110:Part 1:1997 - Table 3.8

Design concrete shear stress; v c = 0.512 N/mm 2
Allowable design shear stress; v max = min(0.8N/mm 2  (f cu / 1 N/mm 2), 5 N/mm 2) = 4.000 N/mm 2
PASS - v puA1.5d < v c - No shear reinforcement required

6 No. 12 dia. bars btm (200 c/c)

6 No. 12 dia. bars btm (200 c/c)

Shear at d from column face

Punching shear perimeter at 1.5 × d from column face

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