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2020 Fish Wildlife Damage Assessment

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Natural Resource Damage Assessment

Clover Flat Landfill Waste Discharges

(Riparian Destruction, Leachate, Sediment, and Low pH)

Napa County

May 15, 2020

Prepared by

Bryand M. Duke, Ph.D.

Senior Environmental Scientist
California Department of Fish and Wildlife

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) estimates damages to natural resources
based upon the following components: 1) primary restoration and monitoring costs of the
impacted area; 2) compensatory damages; and 3) the costs of assessment. Primary restoration
refers to actions taken at the impacted site to repair and speed the natural recovery of the site
(see Appendix A). Compensatory restoration refers to additional restoration projects, either on -site
or off-site, to compensate the public for the lost natural resources between the time of the incident
and full recovery. Compensatory damages are based upon the cost to implement restoration
projects that would benefit habitats similar to those injured. The analysis in this report focuses on
compensatory damages, under the assumption that primary restoration is performed on-site to
facilitate recovery of the impacted areas.

Clover Flat Landfill (CFL) is located at 4380 Clover Flat Road, Calistoga, CA 94515. CFL is owned
by Vista Corporation and operated by Clover Flat Landfill, Incorporated. CFL is situated along the
western slope of Clover Flat Canyon in Napa County, California (Figure 1 ). The landfill is
accessed by Clover Flat Road, which extends northward from the Silverado Trail (road) up the
western side of the canyon to the landfill site. The landfill site consists of previously capped landfill
basins, the active landfill basin, and the capping material mining operation adjacent to the uphill
section of the active basin. Clover Flat Canyon runs primarily north to south, with the canyon floor
elevation ranging from approximately 300 feet at the Napa River to about 800 feet at the landfill
site. The canyon topography is characterized by moderately steep slopes with scattered rocky
outcrops, arising from a narrow, rock-bound stream channel with limited flood benching. The
canyon supports an oak woodland/chaparral vegetation community. (Memorandum by CDFW
Senior Environmental Scientist Glenn Sibbald (October 30, 2019) (Sibbald 2019), Memorandum
by Environmental Scientist Garrett Allen (May 10, 2019) (Allen 2019).)

This estimate of compensatory damages is based on injuries quantified in two streams: Streams 1
and 2 (see Figure 1). These streams are located on the site and each one is a tributary to the
Napa River. Stream 1 is a small, intermittent stream that flows along the bottom of Clover Flat
Canyon, draining southward to eventually leave the canyon and enter s the Napa Valley. Stream 1
flows under Silverado Trail North Road, after which it is channelized for most of its remaining
length before entering the Napa River. Stream 2, which occurs along the north boundary of the
landfill, is a small, intermittent stream that drains a short, steep offshoot of the Clover Flat Canyon
on the canyon’s western edge. Stream 2 flows along the northeast edge of the landfill capping
material mining operation before it joins Stream 1 (Sibbald 2019).

Stream Location
—— Streams of interest

Clover Flat Landfill

Stream Location
Napa County

Figure 1. Location of CFL (upper left side), and Streams 1 and 2 .


On March 28, 2019, California Department of Fish and Wildlife Officer Mark White visited CFL.
Officer White noted
that CFL had severely
polluted the unnamed
tributaries (Streams 1
and 2) that flow
through the landfill
Report by Wildlife
Officer Mark White
(March 29, 2019)
(White 2019)). Officer
White observed large
amounts of earth
waste spoils,
leachate, litter, and
sediment that were
allowed to enter the
streams. (See Figures
2a, 2b. Figure 2b is
the reference site.)
CDFW staff also
observed several
hundred linear feet of
stream covered in
side-cast rock,
boulder, and mineral
earth waste spoils
(White 2019). Stream
2 had been severely
altered without any
notification to CDFW
and there was
essentially no aquatic
life present in sections
of Stream 1 (White
2019). Officer White
documented evidence
of violations of Fish
and Game Code
sections 1602(a)(1),
5650(a)(6), and
5652(a) (White 2019).


CFL has received notices from the Napa County Planning, Building, and Environmental Services
and the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board alleging violations outside the
Fish and Game Code. However, the focus of this report is compensatory damages arising from
Fish and Game Code violations include in Wildlife Officer Mark White’s Arrest/Investigation Report
(White 2019) only.


Stream 1 and Stream 2 are tributaries of the Napa River. The Napa River provides habitat for a
diverse array of species including several special-status species. California freshwater shrimp
(Syncaris pacifica), foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii), longfin smelt (Spirinchus
thaleichthys), and delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) are all protected under the California
Endangered Species Act and are found in the Napa River system. Additionally, the Napa River is
designated critical habitat for Central California Coast steelhead ( Oncorhynchus mykiss), and
California red-legged frog (CRLF) (Rana draytonii), both of which are protected under the federal
Endangered Species Act (Allen 2019). Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and western
pond turtle (Emys marmorata) are Species of Special Concern that are also known to exist

The impacted streams on the CFL site provided habitat for a variety of fish and wildlife species
prior to impacts. Both streams on the site contained potentially suitable habitat for the foothill
yellow-legged frog, and therefore could have been adversely affected as a result of long-term
stream pollution and deposition of fine sediment from CFL (Allen 2019). Birds like acorn
woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus), western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica), and
yellow-billed magpies (Pica nuttalli) store acorns from the oak trees that line the stream to eat
later. Oak trees also provide shelter for cavity-nesting birds, such as woodpeckers and bluebirds
(Zack 2005). The following butterflies also use oaks as host plants: California sister (Adelpha
californica), Propertius duskywing (Erynnis propertius), Mournful duskywing (Erynnis tristis),
California oak moth (Phryganidia californica), and at least 41 other butterflies and moths (CNPS
2020). Trees also control temperatures of streams by providing shade which benefits several in-
stream species, such as Central California Coast steelhead (APMS 2019).


Injury Zones
The spill is detailed in a memorandum by CDFW Environmental Scientist Garrett Allen (Allen
2019), a memorandum by CDFW Senior Environmental Scientist Glenn Sibbald (Sibbald 2019),
and an Arrest/Investigation Report by CDFW Wildlife Officer Mark White (White 2019). These
reports provide information concerning leachate, low pH water, and sediment inputs to Streams 1
and 2. To quantify stream injury (see Appendix A), Streams 1 and 2 were divided into four zones
(Zones 1-4; see Figure 3). Zones 1-3 are located above Silverado Trail North Road (STNR) and
one Zone 4 is located below STNR.

Types of Injury

CDFW staff documented two different types of impacts to Stream 1 and Stream 2 at CFL. These
impacts were 1) the removal of riparian oak woodland and 2) in-stream impacts due to low pH,

leachate, and fine sediment. Riparian oak woodland removal occurred near Zone 1 (Stream 2)
and in-stream impacts were documented on Zones 2-4 (Stream 1).



—— Streams
of Interest
J//\ 1 = 16 Acres
= 1.243 teet
= 3.343 teet
(AAA4 = 3.918 eet
: 5

Figure 3. Clover Flat Landfill Zones 1-4.


Parameters Used to Estimate Baseline Impacts and Recovery Times

To assess injury and baseline levels (see Appendix A), chemical analysis, toxicity bioassays,
bioassessment, and in-stream observations were used. Additionally, chemical and biological
measurements, and species life histories were used to estimate recovery time. Water chemistry
(e.g. pH) was measured on three zones of Stream 1 during an initial site visit on May 21, 2019.
Samples were analyzed for pH, metals, ammonia, orthophosphate, nitrate and nitrite and volatile
organic compounds (Alpha Analytical Laboratories 2019). Toxicity testing was conducted by
exposing fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to water from the CFL site (Nautilus
Environmental 2019). Aquatic bioassessment sampling was performed to access species
abundance, taxonomic diversity, and percent cover (Sibbald 2019). Baseline, injury, and recovery
estimates were included for each zone (i.e., Zones 1-4). These estimates were combined with
either the area or length impacted in each zone to develop measures of overall injury .


Zone 1 (Stream 2)
Zone 1 (Stream 2) consisted primarily of mixed oak habitat, and the predominant oak species was
coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia). These trees are evergreen oaks that grow west of the central
valleys of California, as far north as Mendocino County, and as far south as nor thern Baja
California in Mexico. This tree typically reaches a mature height of 10 -25 meters in approximately
75 years (APMS 2019). Many birds, mammals, reptiles, and invertebrates utilize oak trees which
are among the most important wildlife plants (APMS 2019). These trees are typically found on well
drained soils of coastal hills and plains, and usually near year-round or perennial streams. Coast
live oaks stabilize soil on slopes, provide an organic-rich litter and contribute to a habitat for a
diversity of insects, birds, and mammals and acorns are an important food source for birds, small
mammals, and deer.

Riparian Canopy Removal

A substantial amount of riparian canopy was removed from the Stream 2 riparian area (Figure 4)
and the Stream 1 riparian area (Figure 5, Appendix C) at the CFL location between May 2014 and
August 2014 (Allen 2019). This removal resulted in the loss of riparian function for terrestrial and
aquatic species on-site. Mature riparian trees and mid-canopy vegetation will take considerable
time to reestablish, grow and function (Allen 2019). The temporal loss of riparian habitat reduc es
shading, which will increase water temperature, and results in deleterious impacts to aquatic
organisms. Reduction of riparian vegetation also can result in decreased stream bank stability.
Riparian areas are of critical importance to protect and conserve the biotic and abiotic integrity of
a watershed (Allen 2019). Riparian buffers provide a microclimate, a source of large woody
debris, and act as filter strips (Allen 2019). As a filter strip, riparian buffers also aide in keeping
pollutants from entering adjacent waters through a combination of processes including di lution,
sequestration by plants and microbes, biodegradation, chemical degradation, volatilization, and
entrapment within soil particles.

PH Samples and Riparian Area
& Leachate Tanks
PH Sample
— Steam

ENS Riparian ares

Clover Flat Landfill

PH Samples and Riparian Area
Napa County

Figure 4. Clover Flat Landfill pH Samples and Riparian Destruction.

Injury and Recovery

Prior to removal, the oak riparian complex was considered to have 90% of the baseline services of
an unimpaired stream due to background operations of the landfill. According to field
measurements, 1.57 acres of oak riparian woodland habitat were determined to be removed. The
complete removal of oak riparian woodland was quantified as the complete loss of the 90%
baseline services. Recovery of Zone 1 is estimated to start in March of 2021, and recovery is
expected to last 30 years (personal communication with Wildlife Officer Mark White and
Environmental Scientist Garrett Allen, September 11, 2019).


Effects of Sediment and Turbidity on Aquatic Species

Uncontained sediment and erosion discharged from the CFL site into the downstream receiving
waters, resulting in substantial adverse impacts to fish and wildlife (Figure 5). Increased sediment
delivery from the CFL is deleterious to aquatic species and their habitat. Excess fine sediment
(i.e., fines) deposited into waterways can have significant effects on fish and wildlife species.
Fines that stay suspended in the stream can be deleterious to fish because it significantly
increases the water’s cloudiness or turbidity, and many fish species are sight feeders, and
therefore, rely on water clarity for foraging success. In addition, turbid waters can also cause fish
to spend energy to rid their gills of sediment by coughing, which erodes sensitive gill tissues,
thereby inhibiting growth or even resulting in fish mortality (Allen 2019; Berg and Northcote, 1985).

Confluence of Stream 1 and Stream 2

Figure 5. Confluence of Stream 2 (left) and Stream 1 (right). Orange coloration can be
observed in Stream 2 and no orange coloration was observed in Stream 1. Likewise, moss was
not observed on rocks in Stream 2, however, moss was observed on the rocks in Stream 1 (Allen

Water Chemistry

Measurements of pH in Zone 2 (Stream 1) ranged from 3.35 to 6.50. It is important to note that
the pH of 3.35 is lower than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) National
Recommended Water Quality Criteria. Healthy, diverse and productive fish and macroinvertebrate
populations typically live in waters that have a pH between approximately 6.5 and 8.5 (USEPA
National Recommended Water Quality Criteria 2019). The pH 3.35 measurement is also lower
than the pH of 7.87 that was measured at the reference site (Sibbald 20 19).

It is important to note that Zone 2 also contains a drainage that flows directly into Stream 1. The
pH of the water in pipes that drain into a drainage area in Zone 2 were measured and determined
to be very acidic at pH 2.96 and 3.26 (Figure 3; Sibbald 2019).

Orange coloration (Zone 2; Figure 5) on sediment was also observed in Stream 1 after the
confluence of Stream 2. No orange coloration was observed at the reference site (Figure 5;
Sibbald 2019).

The specific conductivity was 1,278 µS/cm at Zone 2. This is indicative of a source of ion rich
water in the upstream area of the impact zone (Sibbald 2019). The specific conductivity
measured at the reference site was 76.3 µS/cm. The specific conductivity in Zone 2 (which
was alongside of the landfill) was 17 times higher (1,278 µS/cm) than at the reference site
(76.3 µS/cm).

Toxicity Bioassay

Within 72 hours, 100% of all fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) died after being placed in a
water sample from Zone 2. A pH reading of 5.00 was measured at experiment conclusion.
Consequently, mortality was attributed to low pH (Figure 4; Nautilus Environmental 2019). No
mortality of fathead minnows was observed in the water sample from the reference site during the
96-hour test period.


Zone 2 had less than half the taxonomic diversity of the reference site and was determined
to be impaired (Sibbald 2019).

Aquatic macrophyte cover, primarily aquatic mosses, was present at the reference site,
comprising 23.2% of the available aquatic cover. In contrast, no aquatic macrophyte cover
was observed at Zone 2 despite both sites possessing similar habitat to that found at the
reference site (Sibbald 2019).

Injury and Recovery

Prior to illegal landfill releases, Zone 2 was considered to have 90% of the resource services
of an unimpaired stream (pers. comm. with White and Allen, 2019.) Using ArcGIS software,
Zone 2 was measured as 1,243 feet in length. Based upon the bioassay results and
observed biological communities on-site, changes in water and sediment resulted in a nearly
complete loss of the baseline services (Alpha 2019, Nautilus Environmental, 2019, Sibbald
2019). This was quantified as a 90% initial injury. Recovery of Zone 2 is estimated to start in
March of 2021 and recovery is expected to take 3 years (pers. comm. with White and Allen,


Water Chemistry

Measurements of pH in Zone 3 (Stream 1) ranged from 6.90 to 7.66. Because the pH

measurement of 6.9 was located downstream of the pH reading of 7.66, a strong alkaline source
is thought to exist between the two sampling points (Sibbald 2019). A slightly higher pH of 7.87
was measured at the reference site (Sibbald 2019).

Orange coloration was also observed on sediment and rocks in Zone 3 (Sibbald 2019). However,
no orange coloration was observed at the reference site in Figure 5 (Sibbald 2019).

Zone 3 Leachate Pond adjacent to Stream 1

Analysis of the water from the leachate collection pond (which is adjacent to Stream 1) created by
landfill operators alongside Stream 1 in Zone 3, found detectable levels of arsenic, barium, and
zinc (Nautilus Environmental 2019). The zinc level was elevated, but comparison to USEPA water
quality criteria could not be properly performed due to a lack of hardness data for the sample. No
arsenic, barium, or zinc were detected at the reference site (Alpha 2019). However, ammonia was
detected in Zone 3 at 11 mg/L (Alpha 2019). This ammonia concentration exceeded chronic
toxicity levels of 1.9 mg/L (USEPA 2013). No ammonia was detected in water samples from the
reference site (Alpha 2019).

Toxicity Bioassay

Zone 3 Leachate Pond adjacent to Stream 1

Survival of 97.5% was observed in fathead minnow toxicity bioassay when using samples from
Zone 3 (Nautilus Environmental 2019). No mortality of fathead minnows was observed in the
water sample from the reference site during the 96-hour test period.


Based on the organisms present at bioassessment sites in Zone 3 (Stream 1) these

locations were determined to be impaired (Sibbald 2019).

Aquatic macrophyte cover, primarily aquatic mosses, was present at the reference site,
comprising 23.2% of the available aquatic cover. In contrast, no aquatic macrophyte cover
was observed at Zone 3 despite sites possessing similar habitat to that found at the
reference site (Sibbald 2019).


Rocks and cobble, which encompasses many in-stream areas of Zone 3, were covered or
surrounded by sediment (i.e. embeddedness). Additionally, embeddedness was higher in
Zone 3 than the reference site (Sibbald 2019).


CDFW staff also documented impacts to biological resources caused by excessive amounts of
fine sediment extending approximately one mile downstream (including Zone 3). According to


CDFW staff, the alterations appear to be the result of waste spoils from landfill earthwork
deposited down a steep hillside and into a flowing stream channel.

Injury and Recovery

Prior to illegal landfill releases, Zone 3 was considered to have 90% of the resource services
of an unimpaired stream (pers. comm. with White and Allen, 2019). Using ArcGIS software,
Zone 2 was measured as 3,343 feet in length. Based upon observed biological communities
on-site changes in water and sediment resulted in a loss of the baseline services (Alpha
2019, Nautilus Environmental, 2019, Sibbald 2019). Initial injury was quantified as 25%.
Recovery of Zone 2 is estimated to start in March of 2020 and recovery is expected to take
two years (pers. comm. with White and Allen, 2019).

Water Chemistry

No pH measurements were performed on samples from Zone 4.

Analysis of the water sample for Zone 4 (Figure 3) showed that the zinc level was elevated, but
comparison to USEPA water quality criteria could not be properly performed due to a lack of
hardness data for the sample. No Zinc was detected at the reference site. Low levels of ammonia
(Alpha 2019) were also detected but these concentrations did not exceed Water Quality Criteria
for ammonia set by USEPA in 2013. No ammonia was detected at the reference site (Alpha

Toxicity Bioassay

Due to the smaller water volume present from Zone 4, no toxicity bioassay was performed using
this water.


Biological Community Assessment

No biological community assessments were performed in Zone 4 because this zone had an
inadequate amount of water flowing in the stream during the sampling period (Sibbald 2019).


CDFW staff also documented impacts to biological resources caused by excessive amounts of
fine sediment extending approximately 1-mile downstream (Zone 4). According to CDFW staff the
alterations appear to be the result of waste spoils from landfill earthwork deposited down a steep
hillside and into a flowing stream channel

Injury and Recovery

Prior to illegal landfill releases, Zone 4 was considered to have 50% of the resource services
(See Appendix B) of an unimpaired stream (pers. comm. with White and Allen, 2019). Using
ArcGIS software, Zone 2 was measured as 3,198 feet in length. Initial injury was quantified
as 20% based on excessive amounts of fine sediments in the water. Recovery of Zone 4 is


estimated to start in March of 2020 and recovery is expected to take 3 years (pers. comm.
with White and Allen, 2019).


Types of Injury and Restoration

There is injury to two different types of resources: in-stream habitat and oak woodland habitat.
Therefore, damages are quantified using two different types of restoration projects: in -stream
projects and oak woodland projects. To estimate the cost of a compensatory restoration through
each type of project, the costs of comparable projects in the region are presented. Each of these
comparable projects has been funded and is currently in progress. The costs associated with both
in-stream riparian and oak woodland riparian restoration projects are included in the Calculation of
Damages section of this report.


Annual maintenance and monitoring for each project listed below will include replanting any areas
with poor plant survival rates, maintaining irrigation systems, managing invasive plants, managing
downed trees, conducting annual photo monitoring, submitting a summary of the project in an
annual report. Project monitoring and annual maintenance for five years following implementation
will be conducted.

2018 Tulocay Creek Bank Stabilization

This project involved the biotechnical stabilization of 200 linear feet of severely eroded stream
bank along Tulocay Creek in Napa County. There was no excavation except for the keyway
transitions at the edges of the project footprint. The objective was to rebuild the streambank out to
the original design slope. The approach included interlocked root wads and toe logs, ½ ton rock
placed below the ordinary high-water mark (OHWM), soil-choked ¼ ton rock/soil lifts with dense
willow pole layering above OHWM, and two to three layers of coir logs staked with willow poles.
The transition from the treated slope to the native grade was hydroseeded with native grasses
and covered with coconut coir erosion control fabric.

2019 Napa Creek Bank Stabilization

The project involved biotechnical stabilization of 90 linear feet of severely eroded stream bank
along Napa Creek. The area had been planted with willows, but high flows scoured the bank
behind the plantings and eroded them away. Immediately upstream are a series of toe logs with
willow plantings. The site is on the outside bend of a natural curve in the stream. The objective
was to rebuild the streambank out to the original design slope. The approach included ¼ ton rock
placed below a single vegetated soil lift above the rock layer, and willow brush mattress covered
in coconut fabric transitioning up to the undisturbed slope. The transition from the treated slope to
the native grade was also seeded with native grasses and the whole site was irrigated with
overhead microsprinklers.

2018 York Creek Bank Stabilization

The project includes using bioengineering to reinforce an approximately 130 linear-foot section of
actively eroding streambank. The new streambank will be restored to its original (pre-erosion)


location and reinforced with rock boulders that will be keyed in at the toe and vegetated soil
wrapped lifts constructed at a 2:1 slope up to new top of bank. In addition, the project will remove
approximately 50 cubic yards of in-stream gravel from a gravel bar in the center of the channel to
discourage flows from deflecting into the protected streambank. Lastly, the project will remove two
in-stream willow trees and use them as streambank protection by embedding them into the toe of
the bank at both the upstream and downstream ends of the project site and will require removing
approximately 20 linear feet (approximately 200 square feet) of Himalayan blackberry (Rubus
armeniacus) from the channel. Revegetation includes baltic rush (Juncas Balticus), snowberry
(Sumphoricarpos albus), Pigeon Point coyote brush (Baccharis Pilularis), clustered field sedge
(Carex Praegracilis), winter currant LN (Ribes Sanguineum), California meadow sedge (Carex
pansa), toyon (Heteromeles arbutdia), arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis), one California bay laurel
(Umbellularia californica) and one Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia).


Each project listed includes mobilization, demobilization, invasive vegetation management, and
three years of maintenance and reporting.

Napa River Restoration Oakville to Oak Knoll, Group A, Sites Revegetation Project

The project involves planting 4.1 acres in a riparian corridor. Oakville to Oak Knoll Group A sites
were planted and irrigation installed in late spring 2017. Once the plants and irrigation were
installed, the first year of plant establishment and maintenance began. Coast live oak (Quercus
agrifolia) was the dominant species planted however other species were also planted. These
species included: valley oak (Quercus lobate), Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii), arroyo
willow (Salix lasiolepis), big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), California buckeye (Aesculus
californica), Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia), California black walnut (Juglans californica), red
willow (Salix laevigata), bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), white alder (Alnus rhombifolia), and yellow
willow (Salix lasiolepis). Staff will conduct annual surveys at all planted restoration sites in Group
A to determine percent survivorship, cover, and qualitative health of installed and naturally
recruited vegetation.

Oakville to Oak Knoll Revegetation Project, Group B, PW 19-21

The project involves planting 7.6 acres in a riparian corridor. Oakville to Oak Knoll Group B sites
were planted and irrigation was installed. Once the plants and irrigation were installed, the first
year of plant establishment and maintenance began. Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) was the
second most dominant species planted. Other species included, valley oak (Quercus lobate),
Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii), big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), California buckeye
(Aesculus californica), Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia), white alder (Alnus rhombifolia), and red
willow (Salix laevigata). Staff conducted annual surveys at all planted restoration sites in Group B
to determine percent survivorship, cover, and qualitative health of installed and naturally recruited

Oakville to Oak Knoll Revegetation Project, Group C, PW 18-05

This project involves planting 14.4 acres in a riparian corridor. Once the plants and irrigation are
installed, the first year of plant establishment and maintenance will begin. Coast live oak (Quercus
agrifolia) and other species were planted. These species included: valley oak (Quercus lobate),
Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii), California buckeye (Aesculus californica), big leaf maple
(Acer macrophyllum), Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia), California black walnut (Juglans californica),
bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), and white alder (Alnus rhombifolia). Staff will conduct annual surveys

at all planted restoration sites in Group C to determine percent survivorship, cover, and qualitative
health of installed and naturally recruited vegetation.


In-Stream Restoration Projects

Project Name Linear Feet Project Cost Cost Per Mile

2019 Tulocay Creek Bank

Stabilization 200
$238,188 $6,288,163

2019 Napa Creek

Stabilization 90 $70,500 $4,136,000

York Creek Bank

Stabilization 130 $150,020 $6,093,120

Average Cost of
Projects / Linear Mile

Riparian Oak Woodland Planting Restoration Projects

Project Name Acres Project Cost Cost Per Acre
Napa River Restoration
Oakville to Oak Knoll,
Group A, Sites
Revegetation Project

4.1 $445,460 $108,649

OVOK Revegetation
Project, Group B, PW 19-
21 7.6 $588,711 $77,462

OVOK Group C
Revegetation Project, PW
18-05 14.4 $1,244,361 $86,414

Average Cost of
Projects/ Acre $90,842



The costs for in-stream riparian and oak woodland riparian restoration projects are below.

Estimates of recovery in this NRDA are based on landfill engineering projections that were
provided for the NRDA. Ongoing landfill catchment activities may not be 100% effective, resulting
in future impacts. Predictions of stream recovery are based on good faith that the best
management practices will be implemented and effective. If engineering projections are not
achieved, then subsequent modifications to the NRDA may be required to account for
uncompensated injuries.

Compensatory damages are calculated using the cost of compensatory restoration project s that
benefits the same types of habitat. In this case, we consider riparian stream restoration projects
as compensation. The goal is to compensate for the interim lost ecological services between the
time of the incident and full recovery.

The standard approach to determining the size of a compensatory restoration project in NRDA is
Resource Equivalency Analysis (REA). This method considers the spatial size, degree, and
duration of the injury and compares it to the ecological benefits expected from a res toration
project. The aim is to estimate the size of a compensatory restoration project that would provide
benefits equal in value to the losses caused by the incident. Once the appropriate restoration
project size is calculated, the cost of the compensatory project is the estimate of compensatory
damages. This methodology is explained in Appendix A and the results are detailed in Appendix
B. In this case, the total cost of conducting two compensatory restoration projects (riparian oak
woodland and in-stream) is the basis of compensatory damages.

The public should be compensated for the injuries to 1.57 acres of riparian oak woodland habitat
and 1.61 miles (8,503.44 feet) of in-stream habitat. Based upon an equivalency analysis that
applies the facts and circumstances described above, the public can be compensated for the
identified injuries on the CFL site by the implementation of a riparian woodland restoration project
that is 1.86 acres and by the implementation of an in-stream riparian restoration project that is
0.131 mile (691 feet; see Appendix B). Based on restoration costs of $90,842 per acre for riparian
woodland restoration and costs of $5,505,761 per stream mile for in-stream restoration in Napa
County (see table above), the public is owed $890,220. This amount assumes there will be
adequate remediation of the impacted area and no further injuries. If there is a heavy rain year, or
if best management practices are not maintained, protections of the stream could be
compromised delaying recovery and increasing injury to the stream.


Allen, Garrett. “Resource Impact Assessment and Violations of Fish and Game Code section
1602, 5650 and 5652, Clover Flat Landfill, Calistoga, Napa County.” Memorandum to Mark White
dated May 10, 2019.

Allen, Garrett. Personal communication. Dated September 11, 2019.

Alpha Analytical Laboratories 2019. Analytical Report for Samples. Work Order 19D0663. 23
April 2019. 13 pages. CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2019. Bioassessment report for un -
named streams in the vicinity of Clover Flat Landfill, Napa County, CA. 30 October 2019. 10

Berg, L., Northcote, T.G. 1985.Changes in territorial, gill-flaring, and feeding behavior in juvenile
coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) following short-term pulses of suspended sediment.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 42: 1410-1417.

California Native Plant Society. Accessed October 16, 2019.


Cordone, A.J., and D.W. Kelley. 1961. The influence of inorganic sediment on the aquatic life of
streams. California Department of Fish and Game 47: 189-228.

EPA Water Criterion Document. Last accessed November 5, 2019.


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Appendix A: Explanation of REA

Appendix B: REA Values
Appendix C: Photographs


Appendix A: Explanation of REA


There are two basic approaches to measuring the compensation for natural resources injuries.
One is to focus on the demand side, the “consumer valuation approach”; the other is to focus on
the supply side, the “replacement cost” approach. In the former, we seek to measure the
monetary value that the public puts on the natural resources (i.e., how much the public demands
the services of natural resources); in the latter, we seek to measure how much it costs to replace
the natural resource services that the public loses as a result of the injury (i.e., how much it costs
to supply natural resource services). See the Glossary for complete definitions of some of the
terms used here.



Aggregate Demand/
Marginal Benefit

Lost Resource
Value from Injury

Resource Units


Resource Supply /
Marginal Cost

of Replacing

S' — Resource Units

FIGURE 1: Consumer Valuation versus Replacement Cost Approaches for Natural

Resource Damage Calculation.

Figure 1 illustrates the difference between these two approaches. In both graphs, the supply of
natural resources shifts from S 0 to S 1 as a result of an incident (e.g., oil spill, sediment discharge
into a stream, illegal removal of vegetation). The shaded area in the top graph illustrates the
dollar value of the resource loss as measured by the monetary payment that would make the
public indifferent to the incident. For example, if each individual in a 30 million person society
would need a $.05 payment (on average) to make them indifferent to the resource loss, the

shaded area in the top graph would equal $1.5 million. Because the difficulty in observing
market prices that reveal the level of cash payment that would compensate individuals for
resource losses, the quantitative characteristics of the demand curve(s), and consequently the size
of the shaded area in the upper graph, are difficult to measure. Contingent Valuation (CV) and
other types of analyses are designed to estimate this dollar value. These methodologies typically
involve large surveys and can be costly.

The lower graph illustrates a replacement cost approach. Beyond noting that the injured resource
has value, the actual extent to which the public values it is not directly considered. Instead, the
determination of adequate compensation depends on the level of natural resource provision
(versus monetary payments) that compensates society for what it has lost as a result of the
incident. The cost of providing this compensation becomes the estimate of damages. Resource
Equivalency Analysis (REA) is the primary methodology for conducting this type of
measurement in natural resource damage assessment. It is depicted by a resource supply shift in
the lower graph from S 1 back to S 0. The shaded area is the total monetary cost of funding the
supply shift. For example, if 2 acres of wetland enhancement are estimated to compensate for an
incident that temporarily reduced the service value of 1 acre of wetland habitat, the cost of
performing 2 acres of wetland enhancement becomes the estimate of damages.
It is clear from Figure 1 that the public’s valuation of the resource (the shaded area in the top
graph) is not necessarily equal to the total replacement cost (the shaded area in the bottom
graph). This is especially true when unique resources or rare species are involved, as the slope of
the aggregate demand curve (top figure) may be much steeper due to resource scarcity. This
would result in a much larger monetary payment being necessary to compensate the public. In
such a case, the replacement cost approach of REA may result in damages far less than the losses
as valued by the public. However, because it is easier and less costly to measure the total
replacement cost than the total public value, REA has an advantage over other methods,
especially for small to medium-sized incidents with minimal impact on rare species.

Resource Equivalency Analysis

In this assessment, REA has been used to determining compensatory damages. This method is
relatively inexpensive and relies primarily on biological information collected in the course of
determining natural resource injuries caused by the spill. It is consistent with approaches
recommended in the language of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation
and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA).
REA involves determining the amount of “natural resource services” that the affected re sources
would have provided had it not been injured, and it equates the quantity of lost services with
those created by proposed compensatory restoration projects that would provide similar services.
The unit of measure may be acre-years, stream feet-years, or some other metric. The size of the
restoration project is scaled to the injury first; the cost of restoration is then calculated after the
scaling has been done. The cost of restoring a comparable amount of resources to those lost or
injured is the basis for the compensatory damages. In this sense, REA calculates the
replacement cost of the lost years of natural resource services.
Future years are discounted at 3% per year, consistent with National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration recommendations for natural resource damage assessments. Discounting of
future years is done based on the assumption that present services are more valuable than future

services. When it comes to natural resources, the question of whether or not society should value
the present more than future is a philosophical question (e.g., one can recall the “greenhouse
effect” and the question of how much expense we should incur today to preserve the future).
However, the question of how much society actually discounts the value of future natural
resources is an empirical one. The 3% figure is currently the standard accepted discount rate for
natural resource damage assessments.

REA involves three steps: 1) the debit calculation, 2) the credit calculation, 3) the computation of
the costs of restoration. These calculations may be done in a variety of ways, but the most
common are to estimate the injury and the restoration benefits in terms of area years of habitat or
animal years.

Habitat Example
For example, suppose a 10-acre area is degraded due to an oil spill such that it supplies only 30%
of its previous habitat services during the year following the incident. In the second year after
the incident, the habitat begins to recover, supplying 90% of its baseline services. By the third
year it is fully recovered. In this case, the lost acre years of habitat services would be 70% x 10
acres x 1 year + 10% x 10 acres x 1 year = 8 acre years of habitat services. Figure 2 illustrates
this example by showing the recovery path of the habitat over time.
As stated above, future years are discounted at a 3% rate, thus the injuries in the second year
count a little less. Incorporating this, 7.97 acre years of habitat services were lost. This
difference appears minimal here, but becomes significant (due to compounding) if injuries
persist many years into the future.
The credit calculation focuses on the gain in habitat services that result from a restoration
project. Creating acre years of habitat services is a function of both area and time.
Hypothetically, compensation could involve taking 7.97 acres of land with no habitat value (e.g.,
a parking lot) and turning it into productive habitat for 1 year. Alternatively, we could achieve
compensation by creating 1 acre for 7.97 years. In reality, most restoration projects invo lve
taking previously degraded habitat (at another nearby location) and restoring it over a number of
years, and maintaining it into the future.

% Habitat Services
80% Pee eeeenesy

: (undiscounted)
Year 1 Year 2 Time from Incident
Tire 2s Tyts 23yrs
FIGURE 2: Biological Injury and Recovery FIGURE 3: Restoration Trajectory/Credit


Suppose the restoration project improves the quality of a nearby degraded area, so that, if it
previously provided only 30% of potential services, it would provide 80% of potential habitat
services after restoration. Also suppose the project begins two years after the incident and it tak es
an additional 5 years for the 80% level to be achieved. Figure 3 provides an illustration of this
restoration trajectory. In our hypothetical example, the project is expected to have a lifespan of
20 years. Note that, with future years discounted, the 20th year of the project (22-23 years after
the incident) counts little; years after that are effectively completely discounted due to
uncertainty regarding the future.
Mathematically, we seek to restore an area that will provide 7.97 acre years of services over the
discounted 20- year phased-in life span of the restoration project. In this example, that would be
an area of about 1.3 acres. That is to say, restoration of 1.3 acres for 20 years would compensate
the public for the 7.96 lost acre years of habitat services due to the spill. Visually, the area
identified in Figure 3 (multiplied by the affected acres and calculated to measure the present
discounted value) should equal the area identified in Figure 4 (again, multiplied by the acres
targeted for restoration and calculated to measure the present discounted value, thus discounting
future years).
The percentage of habitat services lost (or gained, in the case of the restoration project) may be
measured in a variety of ways. For our hypothetical oil spill case, three examples might include
(1) the use of a habitat-wide evaluation index, (2) the use of one or more surrogate species, or (3)
the use of an estimate based on the degree of oiling. Care must be taken when using a surrogate
species to represent the entire affected habitat. Ideally, this surrogate is the population of one or
more species that is immobile (that is, the animals do not move easily in and out of the affected
area) and that has significant forward and/or backward ecological links to other species in the
affected ecosystem. For example, the population of red crossbills, a bird that feeds primarily on
pine cone seeds and migrates erratically from year to year, would be a poor surrogate for
measuring injuries to a streambed. The aquatic macroinvertebrate community within the stream,
however, provides an ideal surrogate, as they play a key role in the streambed food chain.
Likewise, on the restoration side, care must taken when the project targets one or a few species
rather than the entire habitat. Ideally, a project that seeks to restore the population of a key
indicator species will also benefit the entire habitat and, thus, other species as well. Indeed, such
projects typically focus directly on habitat improvements. However, it is importan t to verify that
such a species-centered project is indeed benefiting the entire habitat.

Animal Example
When the injury is primarily to individual animals rather than a complete habitat, the REA may
focus on lost animal- years. For example, suppose an oil spill causes negligible injury to a body
of water, but results in the death of 100 ducks. Using information about the life history of the
ducks (e.g., annual survival rate, average life expectancy, average fledging rate, etc.), we can
estimate the “lost duck years” due to the spill. On the credit side, we can examine restoration
projects designed to create duck nesting habitat and scale the size of the project such that it
creates as many duck years as were lost in the incident.

Restoration Costs = Natural Resource Damages

Once the proposed restoration projects are scaled such that they will provide services equal to

those lost due to the incident, the cost of the projects can be calculated. Note that this is the first
time dollar figures enter the REA process. Until now, all the calculations of the “equivalency”
have been in terms of years of resource services. The cost of the restoration projects is the
compensatory damage of the incident.

Prepared by:

Steve Hampton, Ph.D.

Resource Economist
California Department of Fish and Game
(916) 323-4724

Matthew Zafonte, Ph.D.

Resource Economist
California Department of Fish and Game
(916) 323-0635

Revision Date: July 5, 2005

For another explanation of the REA methodology (in its more specific form for habitats), see
“Habitat Equivalency Analysis: An Overview”, prepared by NOAA. Copies of this document
are available at http://www.darp.noaa.gov/library/pdf/heaoverv.pdf.



Aggregate demand
the demand of all consumers combined; e.g., if there are 20,000 people in a
town and each person demands two pieces of bread each day, the aggregate
demand is 40,000 pieces of bread per day.

the conditions of the natural resources and services that would have
existed had the incident not occurred.

Compensatory restoration
a restoration project which seeks to compensate the public for temporal or
permanent injuries to natural resources; e.g., if a marsh is injured by an oil
spill and recovers slowly over ten years, a compensatory project (which may
be off-site) seeks to compensate the public for the ten years of diminished
natural resources.

Discount rate
the rate at which the future is discounted, i.e., the rate at which the future does
not count as much as the present; e.g., a dollar a year from now is worth less
than a dollar today; if the bank offers a 3% rate, whereby $1.00 becomes
$1.03 in one year, the future was discounted at 3%.

an observable or measurable adverse change in a natural resource
or impairment of a natural resource service. Injury may occur directly or
Indirectly to a natural resource and/or service.

Primary restoration
a restoration project which seeks to help an injured area recover more quickly
from an injury; e.g., if a marsh is injured by an oil spill and would recover
slowly over ten years if left alone, a primary restoration project might seek to
speed the recovery time of the marsh and achieve full recovery after five

means the return of injured natural resources and services to baseline.

Replacement cost
the cost of replacing that which was lost; e.g., if fifty acre-years of habitat
services were lost due to an oil spill, the cost of creating fifty acre- years of
similar habitat services would be the replacement cost.


Appendix B
Table 1. Resource Equivalency Analysis Details.

Calculation of Injuries (Debit Calculation)

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4

Area Injured 1.57 0.2354 0.6331 0.742
Unit: acres stream-miles stream-miles stream-miles

Year Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4

1 90% 90% 25% 20%
2 90% 90% 13% 15%
3 84% 50% 6% 8%
4 81% 25% 0% 3%
5 78% 12% 0%
6 15% 0%
7 12%
8 69%
9 66%
10 63%
11 60%
12 57%
13 54%
14 51%
15 48%
16 45%
17 42%
18 39%
19 36%
20 33%
21 30%
22 27%
23 24%
24 21%
25 18%
26 15%
27 12%
28 9%
29 6%
30 3%
31 0

Table 2. Resource Equivalency Analysis Details.

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4

Total Lost-Acre
Years 16.88

Mile-Years 0.607 0.274 0.332

Total Lost
Stream Mile- 1.213

Table 3. Lost Acre-Years and Lost Stream Mile Years (In-Stream)

IN-STREAM CREDIT CALCULATION (projected restoration benefits). Restoration actions

are expected to provide an absolute net increase of 60% in ecological services (from 30% of
potential to 90%) and are expected to take 40 years. The table below illustrates the gain in
resource services over time.

Gained Gained
Resource Stream Resource Stream
Year Service | Miles-Years Year Service | Miles-Years
Gains (Discounted ) Gains (Discounted)
1 0% 0 22 60% 0.32253
2 0% 0 23 60% 0.313136
3 1% 0.009426 24 60% 0.304015
4 3% 0.027454 25 60% 0.29516
5 6% 0.053309 26 60% 0.286563
6 10% 0.086261 27 60% 0.278217
7 14% 0.117248 28 60% 0.270113
8 18% 0.146356 29 60% 0.262246
g 22% 0.17367 30 60% 0.254608
10 26% 0.199268 31 60% 0.247192
11 30% 0.223228 32 60% 0.239992
12 34% 0.245623 33 60% 0.233002
13 38% 0.266524 34 60% 0.226216
14 42% 0.286 35 60% 0.219627
15 46% 0.304114 36 60% 0.21323
16 50% 0.320931 37 60% 0.207019
17 53% 0.330278 38 60% 0.20099
18 56% 0.338809 39 60% 0.195136
19 58% 0.340689 40 60% 0.189452
20 60% 0.342172 41 60% 0.183934
21 60% 0.332205 42 60% 0.178577
Total 9.265

This project provides 9.265

stream mile-years of resource
100% RESTORATION TRAJECTORY services per stream mile of
n restoration.
o 80%
o The injury resultedin 1.213 lost
” wo 60% . .
oo stream mile-years of habitat
= 3 40% services. The public would thus be
2 a. compensated with a restoration
ow 20% project that is 1.213 /9.265 = 0.131
3s 00% | | | | | | | | stream miles long.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Year (Incident Occurs at Beginning of Year 1)

Table 4. Lost Acre-Years and Lost Stream Mile Years (Riparian Woodland)

RIPARIAN WOODLAND CREDIT CALCULATION (projected restoration benefits)

Restoration actions are expected to provide an absolute net increase of 60% in ecological
services (from 30% of potential to 90%) and are expected to take 40 years. The table below
illustrates the gain in resource services over time.

Gained Gained Gained

Acre-Years Acre-Years Resource Stream
Year (Discounted) | (Discounted) Year Service | Miles-Years
Gains (Discounted)
1 0% 0 22 60% 0.322529
2 0% 0 23 60% 0.313135
3 0% 0 24 60% 0.304015
4 6% 0.0549085 25 60% 0.295160
5 9% 0.0799638 26 60% 0.286563
6 12% 0.1035130 27 60% 0.278216
7 15% 0.1256226 28 60% 0.270113
8 18% 0.1463564 29 60% 0.262246
9g 21% 0.1657759 30 60% 0.254607
10 24% 0.1839400 31 60% 0.247192
11 27% 0.2009053 32 60% 0.239992
12 30% 0.2167263 33 60% 0.233002
13 33% 0.2314553 34 60% 0.226215
14 36% 0.2451424 35 60% 0.219626
15 39% 0.2578359 36 60% 0.213230
16 A2% 0.2695820 37 60% 0.207019
17 45% 0.2804251 38 60% 0.200989
18 48% 0.2904078 39 60% 0.195135
19 51% 0.2995712 40 60% 0.189452
20 54% 0.3079544 41 60% 0.183934
21 57% 0.3155951 42 60% 0.178576
43 60% 0.17338
Total 9.070

This project provides 9.070

RESTORATION TRAJECTORY acre-years of resource services per
stream mile of restoration.
% Resource Services

The injury resultedin 16.884 lost


acre-years of habitat services. The

public would thus be compensated
with a restoration project that is
16.884 /9.070 = 1.861 acres.

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Year (Incident Occurs at Beginning of Year 1)

F aaeh (CRT k ey 180
J i y 4 ‘fag
FE p Aerie 2 ‘
Figure 1. Photo 575 - pipeline from the landfill into the creek, looking east. (See San
Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, SEBRVWQCB NOV Report, dated
March 29, 2019).

Figure 2. Photo 589 - black, oily-looking material flowing toward the creek, looking northeast.
(See San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, SFBRWQCB NOV Report,
dated March 29, 2019).

7 i bs =" A ¥

Figure 3. Representative views of Stream 2 (April 2, 201 9), downstream of the leachate
entering the stream (Allen 2019).

Figure 4. Looking upslope toward active landfill (not in view). Black plastic storm drain
pipe on right originating from landfill travels down slope into Stream 1 (March 28, 2019) (Allen 2019).

Figure 5. Side-cast rock, boulder, and mineral earth waste spoils deposited into Stream
1 corridor where riparian canopy previously existed (Allen 2019).


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