Terminology Nutrition Assesment & Monev NCP 2020
Terminology Nutrition Assesment & Monev NCP 2020
Terminology Nutrition Assesment & Monev NCP 2020
This is a combined list of Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation terms. All terms can be used for Nutrition Assessment. Client History terms are used for
Nutrition Assessment, but not for Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation. Each term is designated with an alpha numeric NCPT hierarchical code, followed by a five-digit
(eg, 99999) Academy SNOMED CT/LOINC unique identifier (ANDUID). Neither should be used in nutrition documentation. The ANDUID is for data-tracking
purposes in electronic health records.
Type, amount, and pattern of intake of foods and food ❑ Fluid measured intake from food FH- 14038
groups, indices of diet quality, intake of fluids, ❑ Fluid measured intake per kg in 24 hours FH- 14039
breastmilk and infant formula ❑ Free water measured intake in 24 hours FH- 14040
Fluid intake (1.2.1) ❑ Free water measured intake from FH- 14041
❑ Estimated fluid intake FH- 14011 breastmilk in 24 hours
❑ Total fluid estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 14012 ❑ Free water measured intake from FH- 14042
infant formula in 24 hours
❑ Fluid estimated intake from oral FH- 11386
nutrition in 24 hours ❑ Free water measured intake from FH- 14043
enteral nutrition in 24 hours
❑ Water estimated oral intake in 24 hours FH- 14013
❑ Free water measured intake from FH- 14044
❑ Sugar sweetened beverage estimated FH- 14014
parenteral nutrition in 24 hours
oral intake in 24 hours
❑ Free water measured intake from FH- 14045
❑ Beverage with high intensity sweetener FH- 14015
intravenous fluids in 24 hours
estimated oral intake in 24 hours
❑ 100 percent fruit juice estimated oral FH- 14016
intake in 24 hours Food intake (1.2.2)
❑ Amount of food FH- 10012
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021.
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
❑ Estimated amount of food FH- 13125 ❑ Breastmilk intake measured volume in 24 FH- 11408
❑ Grain servings estimated in 24 hours FH- 11387 hours
❑ Fruit servings estimated in 24 hours FH- 11389 ❑ Breastmilk intake measured volume per FH- 14061
kg in 24 hours
❑ Vegetable servings estimated in 24 hours FH- 11391
❑ Milk product servings estimated in 24 FH- 11393
❑ Infant formula intake FH- 10019
hours ❑ Infant formula feedings in 24 hours FH- 11412
❑ Protein food servings estimated in 24 FH- 11395 ❑ Adequacy of infant formula intake FH- 11413
hours ❑ Infant formula intake composition FH- 14211
❑ Fat servings estimated in 24 hours FH- 11397 ❑ Infant formula intake concentration FH- 14062
❑ Empty energy servings estimated in 24 FH- 11399 ❑ Estimated infant formula intake FH- 14063
hours ❑ Infant formula intake estimated volume in FH- 11410
❑ Estimated percent of meals eaten in 24 FH- 14046 24 hours
hours ❑ Infant formula intake estimated volume FH- 14064
❑ Measured amount of food FH- 13126 per kg in 24 hours
❑ Grain servings measured in 24 hours FH- 11388 ❑ Measured infant formula intake FH- 14065
❑ Fruit servings measured in 24 hours FH- 11390 ❑ Infant formula intake measured volume in FH- 11411
❑ Vegetable servings measured in 24 hours FH- 11392 24 hours
❑ Milk product servings measured in 24 FH- 11394 ❑ Infant formula intake measured volume FH- 14066
hours per kg in 24 hours
❑ Protein food servings measured in 24 FH- 11396 Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Intake (1.3)
hours Specialized nutrition support intake from all sources,
❑ Fat servings measured in 24 hours FH- 11398 eg, enteral and parenteral routes.
❑ Empty energy servings measured in 24 FH- 11400 Enteral nutrition intake (1.3.1)
hours ❑ Enteral nutrition formula/solution FH- 10022
❑ Measured percent of meals eaten in 24 FH- 14047 ❑ Enteral nutrition formula composition FH- 11414
❑ Enteral nutrition formula concentration FH- 11415
❑ Types of food FH- 10013
❑ Enteral nutrition formula estimated volume in FH- 11416
❑ Fortified food intake FH- 14048 24 hours
❑ Enriched food intake FH- 14049 ❑ Enteral nutrition formula measured volume in FH- 13227
❑ Special dietary food intake FH- 14050 24 hours
❑ Medical food intake FH- 14051 ❑ Enteral tube feeding flush estimated volume in FH- 10023
❑ Processed food intake FH- 14052 24 hours
❑ Quick service food intake FH- 14053 ❑ Enteral tube feeding flush measured volume in FH- 13228
❑ Self prepared food intake FH- 14054 24 hours
❑ Estimated meal and snack pattern FH- 13127 ❑ IV fluids FH- 10026
❑ Number of meals estimated in 24 hours FH- 11404 Bioactive Substance Intake (1.4)
❑ Number of snacks estimated in 24 hours FH- 11402 Alcohol, plant stanol and sterol esters, soy protein,
psyllium and beta glucan, and caffeine intake from all
❑ Measured meal and snack pattern FH- 13128
sources, eg, food, beverages, supplements, and via
❑ Number of meals measured in 24 hours FH- 11405
enteral and parenteral routes.
❑ Number of snacks measured in 24 hours FH- 11403
Alcohol intake (1.4.1)
❑ Diet quality index FH- 10015
❑ Alcohol intake in one week FH- 14172
❑ Healthy eating index (HEI) 2015 score FH- 14055
❑ Alcohol intake in 24 hours FH- 14173
❑ Food variety FH- 10016
❑ Beer intake in 24 hours FH- 14174
Breastmilk/infant formula intake (1.2.3) ❑ Distilled alcohol intake in 24 hours FH- 14175
❑ Breastmilk intake FH- 10018 ❑ Wine intake in 24 hours FH- 14176
❑ Breastmilk feeding attempts in 24 hours FH- 11406 ❑ Hard cider intake in 24 hours FH- 14177
❑ Adequacy of breastmilk intake FH- 11409 ❑ Days per week alcoholic drinks consumed FH- 14188
❑ Donor breastmilk intake FH- 14056
❑ Alcohol intake pattern on drinking days FH- 10031
❑ Mother’s expressed breastmilk intake FH- 14057
Bioactive substance intake (1.4.2)
❑ Estimated breastmilk intake FH- 14058
❑ Estimated bioactive substance intake FH- 13129
❑ Breastmilk intake estimated volume in 24 FH- 11407
❑ Plant stanol ester estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11422
❑ Breastmilk intake estimated volume per FH- 14059
❑ Plant sterol ester estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11424
kg in 24 hours ❑ Soy protein estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11426
❑ Measured breastmilk intake FH- 14060 ❑ Psyllium estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11428
❑ Beta glucan estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11430
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
❑ Measured bioactive substance intake FH- 13130 ❑ Monounsaturated fat measured intake in 24 FH- 11442
❑ Plant stanol ester measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11423 hours
❑ Plant sterol ester measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11425 ❑ Omega 3 fatty acid measured intake in 24 FH- 11444
❑ Soy protein measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11427
❑ Alpha linolenic acid measured intake in FH- 11446
❑ Psyllium measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11429
24 hours
❑ Beta glucan measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11431
❑ Eicosapentaenoic acid measured intake in FH- 11448
❑ Food additive intake (specify) FH- 10038 24 hours
❑ High intensity sweetener additive intake FH- 14067 ❑ Docosahexaenoic acid measured intake in FH- 11450
❑ Excessive high intensity sweetener FH- 14068 24 hours
additive intake ❑ Essential fatty acid measured intake in 24 FH- 11452
Caffeine intake (1.4.3) hours
❑ Total caffeine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11432 ❑ Medium chain triglyceride measured intake in FH- 11454
24 hours
❑ Total caffeine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 10041
❑ Fat measured intake in one meal FH- 14072
Macronutrient Intake (1.5)
❑ Percent saturated fat measured intake in 24 hours FH- 14073
Fat and cholesterol, protein, carbohydrate, and fiber
intake from all sources including food, beverages, ❑ Fat measured intake from oral nutrition in 24 FH- 14074
supplements, and via enteral and parenteral routes. hours
Fat intake (1.5.1) ❑ Fat measured intake from enteral nutrition in 24 FH- 14075
❑ Estimated fat intake FH- 13131
❑ Fat measured intake from parenteral nutrition in FH- 14076
❑ Total fat estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11433
24 hours
❑ Saturated fat estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11435
❑ Fat measured intake from intravenous fluids in 24 FH- 14077
❑ Trans fatty acid estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11437 hours
❑ Polyunsaturated fat estimated intake in 24 FH- 11439 ❑ Fat additive measured intake in 24 hours FH- 14078
hours ❑ Percent fat measured intake in 24 hours FH- 14217
❑ Linoleic acid estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11602 Cholesterol intake (1.5.2)
❑ Monounsaturated fat estimated intake in 24 FH- 11441 ❑ Cholesterol estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11455
❑ Cholesterol measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11456
❑ Omega 3 fatty acid estimated intake in 24 FH- 11443
Protein intake (1.5.3)
❑ Estimated protein intake FH- 13133
❑ Alpha linolenic acid estimated intake in FH- 11445
24 hours ❑ Total protein estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11457
❑ Eicosapentaenoic acid estimated intake in FH- 11447 ❑ High biological value protein estimated intake FH- 11459
24 hours in 24 hours
❑ Docosahexaenoic acid estimated intake in FH- 11449 ❑ Casein estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11461
24 hours ❑ Whey estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11463
❑ Essential fatty acid estimated intake in 24 FH- 11451 ❑ Gluten estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11465
hours ❑ Protein estimated intake per kg in 24 hours FH- 11467
❑ Medium chain triglyceride estimated intake in FH- 11453 ❑ Natural protein estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11610
24 hours
❑ Protein estimated intake in one meal FH- 14079
❑ Fat estimated intake in one meal FH- 14069
❑ Percent protein estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 14080
❑ Percent saturated fat estimated intake in 24 FH- 14070
❑ Protein estimated intake from oral nutrition in FH- 13003
24 hours
❑ Fat estimated intake from oral nutrition in 24 FH- 13000
❑ Protein estimated intake from enteral nutrition FH- 13004
in 24 hours
❑ Fat estimated intake from enteral nutrition in FH- 12014
❑ Protein additive estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 14081
24 hours
❑ Measured protein intake FH- 13134
❑ Fat estimated intake from parenteral nutrition FH- 13001
in 24 hours ❑ Total protein measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11458
❑ Fat estimated intake from intravenous fluids in FH- 13002 ❑ High biological value protein measured intake FH- 11460
24 hours in 24 hours
❑ Fat additive estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 14071 ❑ Casein measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11462
❑ Percent fat estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 14216 ❑ Whey measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11464
❑ Measured fat intake FH- 13132 ❑ Gluten measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11466
❑ Total fat measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11434 ❑ Protein measured intake per kg in 24 hours FH- 11468
❑ Saturated fat measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11436 ❑ Natural protein measured intake in 24 hours FH- 14082
❑ Trans fatty acid measured intake in 24 hours FH- 11438 ❑ Protein measured intake in one meal FH- 14083
❑ Polyunsaturated fat measured intake in 24 FH- 11440 ❑ Percent protein measured intake in 24 hours FH- 14212
hours ❑ Protein measured intake from oral nutrition in FH- 14084
❑ Linoleic acid measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13225 24 hours
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
❑ Protein measured intake from enteral nutrition FH- 14085 ❑ Simple carbohydrate estimated intake in 24 FH- 11628
in 24 hours hours
❑ Protein additive measured intake in 24 hours FH- 14087 ❑ Galactose estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11629
Amino acid intake (1.5.4) ❑ Lactose estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11630
❑ Estimated amino acid intake FH- 13135 ❑ Fructose estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11631
❑ Total amino acid estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 10057 ❑ Carbohydrate estimated intake per kg in 24 FH- 14088
❑ Essential amino acid estimated intake in 24 FH- 10058 hours
hours ❑ Carbohydrate estimated intake in one meal FH- 14089
❑ Histidine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11612 ❑ Percent carbohydrate estimated intake in 24 FH- 14090
❑ Methionine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11613 hours
❑ Isoleucine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11614 ❑ Carbohydrate estimated intake from oral FH- 12143
nutrition in 24 hours
❑ Leucine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11615
❑ Carbohydrate estimated intake from enteral FH- 12011
❑ Lysine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11616
nutrition in 24 hours
❑ Threonine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11617
❑ Carbohydrate estimated intake from parenteral FH- 11180
❑ Tryptophan estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11618 nutrition in 24 hours
❑ Phenylalanine estimated intake in 24 FH- 11619 ❑ Carbohydrate estimated intake from FH- 11240
hours intravenous fluids in 24 hours
❑ Valine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11620 ❑ Carbohydrate additive estimated intake in 24 FH- 14091
❑ Nonessential amino acid estimated intake in FH- 11621 hours
24 hours ❑ Estimated daily glycemic index value FH- 12013
❑ Arginine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11622
❑ Estimated daily glycemic load FH- 12142
❑ Glutamine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11623
❑ Insulin to carbohydrate ratio FH- 10066
❑ Homocysteine estimated intake in 24 FH- 11624
❑ Measured carbohydrate intake FH- 13154
❑ Total carbohydrate measured intake in 24 FH- 13155
❑ Tyramine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11625 hours
❑ Tyrosine estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 11626 ❑ Complex carbohydrate measured intake in 24 FH- 13156
❑ Measured amino acid intake FH- 13226 hours
❑ Total amino acid measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13137 ❑ Simple carbohydrate measured intake in 24 FH- 13157
❑ Essential amino acid measured intake in 24 FH- 13138 hours
hours ❑ Galactose measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13158
❑ Histidine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13139 ❑ Lactose measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13159
❑ Methionine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13140 ❑ Fructose measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13160
❑ Isoleucine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13141 ❑ Carbohydrate measured intake per kg in 24 FH- 14092
❑ Leucine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13142 hours
❑ Lysine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13143 ❑ Carbohydrate measured intake in one meal FH- 14093
❑ Threonine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13144 ❑ Percent carbohydrate measured intake in 24 FH- 14094
❑ Tryptophan measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13145
❑ Phenylalanine measured intake in 24 FH- 13146 ❑ Carbohydrate measured intake from oral FH- 14095
hours nutrition in 24 hours
❑ Valine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13147 ❑ Carbohydrate measured intake from enteral FH- 14096
nutrition in 24 hours
❑ Nonessential amino acid measured intake in FH- 13148
24 hours ❑ Carbohydrate measured intake from parenteral FH- 14097
nutrition in 24 hours
❑ Arginine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13136
❑ Carbohydrate measured intake from FH- 14098
❑ Glutamine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13149
intravenous fluids in 24 hours
❑ Homocysteine measured intake in 24 FH- 13150
❑ Carbohydrate additive measured intake in 24 FH- 14099
❑ Tyramine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13151
Fiber intake (1.5.6)
❑ Tyrosine measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13152
❑ Estimated fiber intake FH- 13161
❑ Amino acids from enteral nutrition FH- 13005
❑ Total fiber estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 10068
❑ Amino acids from parenteral nutrition FH- 13006
❑ Soluble fiber estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 10069
❑ Amino acids from intravenous fluids FH- 13007
❑ Insoluble fiber estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 10070
Carbohydrate intake (1.5.5)
❑ Fiber estimated intake from oral nutrition in 24 FH- 14213
❑ Estimated carbohydrate intake FH- 13153 hours
❑ Total carbohydrate estimated intake in 24 FH- 10060 ❑ Fiber estimated intake from enteral nutrition in FH- 14100
hours 24 hours
❑ Complex carbohydrate estimated intake in 24 FH- 11627 ❑ Fiber additive estimated intake in 24 hours FH- 14214
❑ Measured fiber intake FH- 11519
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
❑ Total fiber measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13162 ❑ Sodium estimated intake in 24 hours (7) 10095
❑ Soluble fiber measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13163 ❑ Zinc estimated intake in 24 hours (8) 10096
❑ Insoluble fiber measured intake in 24 hours FH- 13164 ❑ Sulfate estimated intake in 24 hours (9) 10097
❑ Fiber measured intake from oral nutrition in 24 FH- 14101
❑ Fluoride estimated intake in 24 hours (10) 10098
❑ Copper estimated intake in 24 hours (11) 10099
❑ Fiber measured intake from enteral nutrition in FH- 14102
24 hours ❑ Iodine estimated intake in 24 hours (12) 10100
❑ Fiber additive measured intake in 24 hours FH- 14103 ❑ Selenium estimated intake in 24 hours (13) 10101
Micronutrient Intake (1.6) ❑ Manganese estimated intake in 24 hours (14) 10102
Vitamin and mineral intake from all sources, including ❑ Chromium estimated intake in 24 hours (15) 10103
food, beverages, supplements, and via enteral and
parenteral routes. ❑ Molybdenum estimated intake in 24 hours (16) 10104
❑ Chloride estimated intake in 24 hours (2) 10090 Food and Nutrient Administration (2)
❑ Iron estimated intake in 24 hours (3) 10091 Current and previous diets and/or food modifications,
eating environment, and enteral and parenteral
❑ Magnesium estimated intake in 24 hours (4) 10092 nutrition administration.
❑ Potassium estimated intake in 24 hours (5) 10093 Diet History (2.1)
❑ Phosphorus estimated intake in 24 hours (6) 10094
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
Description of food and drink regularly provided or ❑ Nutrition skill of the community FH-4.2.1 13207
consumed, past diets followed or prescribed and ❑ Nutrition skill of supportive individuals FH-4.2.2 13208
counseling received, and the eating environment.
❑ Nutrition skill of individual client FH-4.2.3 13209
Diet order (2.1.1)
Beliefs and attitudes (4.3)
❑ General, healthful diet order FH- 10113
❑ Nutrition priority of individual client FH-4.3.1 14508
❑ Modified diet order FH- 10114
❑ Nutrition priority of client’s supportive FH-4.3.2 14509
❑ Enteral nutrition order FH- 10115 individuals
❑ Parenteral nutrition order FH- 10116 ❑ Nutrition priority of client’s supportive structures FH-4.3.3 14510
Diet experience (2.1.2) ❑ Nutrition priority of client’s stakeholders FH-4.3.4 14511
❑ Previously prescribed diets FH- 10118 ❑ Conflict with individual client’s value system FH-4.3.5 14512
❑ Previous diet/nutrition education/counseling FH- 10119 ❑ Conflict with client’s supportive individuals’ FH-4.3.6 14513
value system
❑ Self selected diet/s followed FH- 10120
❑ Conflict with client’s supportive structures’ value FH-4.3.7 14514
❑ Dieting attempts FH- 10121
❑ Food allergies FH- 10805
❑ Conflict with client’s stakeholders’ value system FH-4.3.8 14515
❑ Food intolerance FH- 10806 ❑ Behavioral beliefs FH-4.3.9 14516
Eating environment (2.1.3) ❑ Perceived susceptibility to nutrition related FH- 14517
❑ Location FH- 10123 health problems score
❑ Atmosphere FH- 10124 ❑ Perceived severity of risk to health score FH- 14518
❑ Caregiver/companion FH- 10125 ❑ Perceived benefit of nutrition related change FH- 14519
❑ Appropriate breastfeeding FH- 10126
accommodations/facility ❑ Likelihood of performing nutrition related FH- 14520
behavior score
❑ Eats alone FH- 10127
❑ Perceived control over nutrition related FH- 14521
Enteral and parenteral nutrition administration behavior score
❑ Nutrition self efficacy score FH- 14522
❑ Enteral access FH- 10129
❑ Perceived barrier to nutrition related behavior FH- 14523
❑ Parenteral access FH- 10130 score
❑ Body position, EN FH- 10804 ❑ Readiness to change nutrition related behavior FH- 10151
Fasting (2.1.5) stage
❑ Fasting pattern in one calendar day, reported FH- 11633 ❑ Precontemplation stage for readiness to FH- 14524
❑ Fasting pattern in one calendar week, reported FH- 11634
❑ Contemplation stage for readiness to FH- 14525
❑ Fasting pattern in one calendar month, reported FH- 11635
❑ Fasting pattern in one calendar year, reported FH- 11636
❑ Preparation stage for readiness to change FH- 14526
❑ Fasting tolerance, reported FH- 11637
❑ Action stage for readiness to change FH- 14527
Medication and Complementary/Alternative ❑ Maintenance stage for readiness to change FH- 14528
Medicine Use (3) ❑ Relapse stage for readiness to change FH- 14529
Prescription and over the counter medications, ❑ Readiness to change nutrition related behavior FH- 14590
including herbal preparations and score
complementary/alternative medicine products used.
❑ Negative emotions about food and nutrition FH-4.3.10 14530
Medications (3.1)
❑ Positive emotions about food and nutrition FH-4.3.11 14531
❑ Prescription medication use FH-3.1.1 10820
❑ Unrealistic nutrition related goals FH-4.3.12 10154
❑ Insulin sensitivity factor FH- 11241
❑ Unscientific nutrition beliefs FH-4.3.13 14532
❑ Over the counter (OTC) medication use FH-3.1.2 10134
❑ Body image disturbance FH-4.3.14 10146
❑ Misuse of medication FH-3.1.3 10135
❑ Preoccupation with food FH-4.3.15 10149
Complementary/Alternative Medicine (3.2)
❑ Preoccupation with weight FH-4.3.16 10150
❑ Nutrition related complementary/alternative FH-3.2.1 10137
❑ Preoccupation with body shape FH-4.3.17 14533
medicine use
❑ Negative nutrition self talk FH-4.3.18 14534
Knowledge/Beliefs/Attitudes (4)
❑ Positive nutrition self talk FH-4.3.19 14535
Understanding of nutrition-related concepts and
conviction of the truth and feelings/emotions toward ❑ Preferences for food FH-4.3.20 10156
some nutrition-related statement or phenomenon, along ❑ Preferences for beverages FH-4.3.21 14537
with readiness to change nutrition-related behaviors. Behavior (5)
Food and nutrition knowledge(4.1) Client activities and actions, which influence
❑ Nutrition knowledge of community FH-4.1.1 13204 achievement of nutrition related goals.
❑ Nutrition knowledge of supportive individuals FH-4.1.2 13205 Adherence (5.1)
❑ Nutrition knowledge of individual client FH-4.1.3 13206 ❑ Self reported nutrition adherence score FH-5.1.1 10160
Food and nutrition skill (4.2) ❑ Nutrition encounter ratio FH-5.1.2 14215
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
❑ Ability to recall nutrition goals FH-5.1.3 10162 ❑ Access to assistive food preparation devices FH-6.4.3 10203
❑ Nutrition self monitoring at agreed upon rate FH-5.1.4 10163 Food and nutrition sanitation (6.5)
❑ Nutrition self management as agreed upon FH-5.1.5 10164 ❑ Availability of suitable sanitation facilities FH-6.5.1 14551
Avoidance behavior (5.2) ❑ Ability to wash hands with soap and water FH-6.5.2 14552
❑ Avoidance FH-5.2.1 10166 Physical Activity and Function (7)
❑ Restrictive eating FH-5.2.2 10167 Physical activity, cognitive and physical ability to
engage in specific tasks, eg, breastfeeding and self-
❑ Cause of avoidance behavior FH-5.2.3 10168
Bingeing and purging behavior (5.3)
Breastfeeding Assessment (7.1)
❑ Binge eating behavior FH-5.3.1 10170
❑ Initiation of breastfeeding FH-7.1.1 10206
❑ Purging behavior FH-5.3.2 10171
❑ Start breastfeeding FH- 14108
Mealtime behavior (5.4)
❑ Stop breastfeeding FH- 14109
❑ Meal duration FH-5.4.1 10173
❑ Breastfeeding approach FH-7.1.2 14110
❑ Percent of meal time spent eating FH-5.4.2 10174
❑ Exclusive breastfeeding FH- 10208
❑ Preference to drink rather than eat FH-5.4.3 10175 ❑ Predominant breastfeeding FH- 14111
❑ Refusal to eat/chew FH-5.4.4 10176 ❑ Partial breastfeeding FH- 14112
❑ Spitting food out FH-5.4.5 10177 ❑ Breastfeeding difficulties FH-7.1.3 10209
❑ Rumination FH-5.4.6 10178 ❑ Infant able to latch on to breast for FH- 14113
❑ Patient/client/caregiver fatigue during feeding FH-5.4.7 10179 feeding
process resulting in inadequate intake ❑ Infant unable to latch on to breast for FH- 14114
❑ Willingness to try new foods FH-5.4.8 10180 feeding
❑ Limited number of accepted foods FH-5.4.9 10181 ❑ Difficulty latching onto breast for feeding FH- 14115
❑ Abscess of breast associated with FH- 14116
❑ Rigid sensory preferences FH-5.4.10 10182
Social network (5.5)
❑ Cracked nipple associated with lactation FH- 14117
❑ Ability to build and utilize social network FH-5.5.1 10184
❑ Infection of nipple associated with FH- 14118
Factors Affecting Access to Food and lactation
Food/Nutrition Related Supplies (6) ❑ Non purulent mastitis associated with FH- 14119
Factors that affect intake and availability of a sufficient lactation
quantity of safe, healthful food as well as food/nutrition- ❑ Retracted nipple associated with lactation FH- 14120
related supplies.
❑ Inversion of nipple associated with FH- 14121
Food and nutrition program participation (6.1) lactation
❑ Eligibility for government nutrition programs FH-6.1.1 10187 ❑ Breast engorgement associated with FH- 14122
❑ Enrollment in government nutrition programs FH-6.1.2 14538 lactation
❑ Eligibility for community nutrition programs FH-6.1.3 10189 ❑ Previous breast surgery associated with FH- 14123
❑ Enrollment in community nutrition programs FH-6.1.4 14539
❑ Breast abnormality associated with FH- 14124
❑ Awareness of programs offering food support and FH-6.1.5 14540 lactation
nutrition intervention
❑ Inadequate flow of breastmilk FH- 14125
Safe food availability (6.2)
❑ Finding related to infant’s ability to suck FH-7.1.4 14126
❑ Availability of shopping facilities FH-6.2.1 10192
❑ Infant able to suck FH- 14127
❑ Ability to procure safe food FH-6.2.2 10800
❑ Infant unable to suck FH- 14128
❑ Access to food preparation equipment FH-6.2.3 14541 ❑ Difficulty sucking FH- 14129
❑ Availability of food refrigeration FH-6.2.4 14542 Nutrition related ADLs and IADLs (7.2)
❑ Ability to store food safely FH-6.2.5 14543 ❑ Physical ability to complete tasks for meal FH-7.2.1 10211
❑ Ability to identify safe food FH-6.2.6 10801 preparation
❑ Individual client food security level FH-6.2.7 14544 ❑ Physical ability to self feed FH-7.2.2 10212
❑ Household food security level FH-6.2.8 14545 ❑ Ability to position self in relation to plate FH-7.2.3 10213
❑ Situational food insecurity FH-6.2.9 14546 ❑ Receives assistance with intake FH-7.2.4 10214
❑ Chronic food insecurity FH-6.2.10 14547 ❑ Ability to use adaptive eating devices FH-7.2.5 10215
Safe water availability (6.3) ❑ Cognitive ability to complete tasks for meal FH-7.2.6 10216
❑ Availability of potable water FH-6.3.1 10198 preparation
❑ Ability to decontaminate water FH-6.3.2 14548 ❑ Remembers to eat FH-7.2.7 10139
❑ Awareness of public health water alert FH-6.3.3 14549 ❑ Recalls eating FH-7.2.8 10218
Food and nutrition related supplies availability ❑ Mini mental state examination score FH-7.2.9 10219
(6.4) ❑ Nutrition related activities of daily living (ADL) FH-7.2.10 10220
❑ Access to food and nutrition related supplies FH-6.4.1 10201 score
❑ Access to assistive eating devices FH-6.4.2 10202
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
❑ Nutrition related instrumental activities of daily FH-7.2.11 10221 ❑ Stated prepregnancy weight AD- 12036
living (IADL) score ❑ Dosing weight AD- 12037
Physical activity (7.3) ❑ Estimated dry weight AD- 12038
❑ Physical activity history FH-7.3.1 10223 ❑ Preamputation measured weight AD- 12039
❑ Consistency FH-7.3.2 10224 ❑ Preamputation estimated weight AD- 12040
❑ Frequency FH-7.3.3 10225 ❑ Postamputation measured weight AD- 12041
❑ Duration FH-7.3.4 10226 ❑ Postamputation estimated weight AD- 12042
❑ Intensity FH-7.3.5 10227 ❑ Predialysis weight AD- 12043
❑ Type of physical activity FH-7.3.6 10228 ❑ Postdialysis weight AD- 12044
❑ Strength FH-7.3.7 10229 ❑ Frame AD-1.1.3 10241
❑ Handgrip strength FH- 11680 ❑ Frame size AD- 12045
❑ TV/screen time FH-7.3.8 10230 ❑ Wrist circumference AD- 12046
❑ Other sedentary activity time FH-7.3.9 10231 ❑ Weight change AD-1.1.4 10242
❑ Involuntary physical movement FH-7.3.10 10232 ❑ Weight gain AD- 12047
❑ Non exercise activity thermogenesis FH-7.3.11 10233 ❑ Weight loss AD- 12048
Factors affecting access to physical activity (7.4) ❑ Weight change percentage AD- 12049
❑ Neighborhood safety FH-7.4.1 10822 ❑ Measured interdialytic weight gain AD- 12050
❑ Walkability of neighborhood FH-7.4.2 10823 ❑ Measured interdialytic weight loss AD- 12051
❑ Proximity to parks/green space FH-7.4.3 10824 ❑ Measured gestational weight gain AD- 12052
❑ Access to physical activity facilities/programs FH-7.4.4 10825 ❑ Measured gestational weight loss AD- 12053
Nutrition Related Patient/Client Centered ❑ Weight change intent AD- 12054
Measures (8) ❑ Body mass AD-1.1.5 10243
Patient/client’s perception of his or her nutrition ❑ Body mass index (BMI) AD- 12055
intervention and its impact on life. ❑ Body mass index prime ratio (BMI prime) AD- 12056
Nutrition quality of life (8.1) ❑ Growth pattern indices AD-1.1.6 10244
❑ Nutrition quality of life responses FH-8.1.1 10236 ❑ BMI for age percentile AD- 12057
❑ BMI for age z score AD- 12058
ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS ❑ Head circumference AD- 12059
(AD) ❑ Birth head circumference AD- 12060
Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), growth pattern ❑ Head circumference for age percentile AD- 12061
indices/percentile ranks, and weight history. ❑ Head circumference for age z score AD- 12062
Body composition/growth/weight history (1.1) ❑ Length for age percentile AD- 12063
❑ Height AD-1.1.1 10239 ❑ Length for age z score AD- 12064
❑ Measured height AD- 11377 ❑ Stature for age percentile AD- 12065
❑ Measured length AD- 12015 ❑ Stature for age z score AD- 12066
❑ Birth length AD- 12016 ❑ Weight for length percentile AD- 12067
❑ Preamputation measured height AD- 12017 ❑ Weight for length z score AD- 12068
❑ Preamputation estimated height AD- 12018 ❑ Weight for age percentile AD- 12069
❑ Estimated height AD- 12019 ❑ Weight for age z score AD- 12070
❑ Stated height AD- 12020 ❑ Weight for stature percentile AD- 12071
❑ Measured peak adult height AD- 12021 ❑ Weight for stature z score AD- 12072
❑ Stated peak adult height AD- 12022 ❑ Mid parental height comparator AD- 12073
❑ Knee height AD- 12023 ❑ Body compartment estimates AD-1.1.7 10245
❑ Tibia length AD- 12024 ❑ Body fat percentage AD- 12074
❑ Arm span AD- 12025 ❑ Body fat percentage technique AD- 12075
❑ Arm demispan AD- 12026 ❑ Body surface area AD- 12076
❑ Arm halfspan AD- 12027 ❑ Calculated body surface area AD- 12077
❑ Height measurement device AD- 12028 ❑ Bone age AD- 12078
❑ Weight AD-1.1.2 10240 ❑ Bone mineral density t score AD- 12079
❑ Measured weight AD- 12029 ❑ Bone mineral density z score AD- 12080
❑ Stated weight AD- 12030 ❑ Bone mineral density technique AD- 12081
❑ Stated peak weight AD- 12031 ❑ Mid arm muscle circumference AD- 12082
❑ Measured peak weight AD- 12032 ❑ Mid arm muscle circumference percentile AD- 12083
❑ Usual stated body weight (UBW) AD- 12033 ❑ Triceps skinfold thickness AD- 12084
❑ UBW percentage AD- 12034 ❑ Triceps skinfold percentile AD- 12085
❑ Birth weight AD- 12035 ❑ Triceps skinfold z score AD- 12086
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
❑ Prealbumin BD-1.11.2 10338 ❑ Deamidated gliadin peptide antibodies (IgG) BD-1.11.58 11270
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
❑ Urine 2 oxoisovalerate BD-1.12.24 11220 ❑ Fatty acid panel mitochondrial C8 to C18 BD-1.15.6 11235
❑ Urine galactitol BD-1.12.25 11221 ❑ Fatty acid panel essential C12 to C22 BD-1.15.7 11236
❑ Urine reducing substances BD-1.12.26 11222 ❑ Fatty acid panel peroxisomal C22 to C26 BD-1.15.8 11237
❑ Urine porphyrins BD-1.12.27 11274 ❑ MCAD enzyme assay in fibroblasts or other BD-1.15.9 11238
❑ Urine creatinine, 24 hour BD-1.12.28 14189 tissues
❑ Urine citrate, 24 hours BD-1.12.29 14190 ❑ Fatty acid beta oxidation in fibroblasts BD-1.15.10 11239
❑ Urine phosphorus, 24 hour BD-1.12.30 14191
❑ Urine pH, random BD-1.12.31 14192 NUTRITION-FOCUSED PHYSICAL
❑ Urine pH, 24 hour BD-1.12.32 14193 FINDINGS (PD)
❑ Urine sodium, 24 hour BD-1.12.33 14194 Findings from a nutrition-focused physical exam,
❑ Urine urea nitrogen, 24 hour BD-1.12.34 14195 interview, or the medical record including muscle and
subcutaneous fat, oral health, suck/swallow/breathe
❑ Urine oxalate, 24 hour BD-1.12.35 14196
ability, appetite, and affect.
❑ Urine chloride, 24 hour BD-1.12.36 14197
Nutrition-focused physical findings (1.1)
❑ Urine ammonium, 24 hour BD-1.12.37 14198
❑ Overall findings (1)
❑ Urine magnesium, 24 hour BD-1.12.38 14199
❑ Asthenia PD- 11646
❑ Urine potassium, 24 hour BD-1.12.39 14200
❑ Buffalo hump PD- 11647
❑ Urine sulfate, 24 hour BD-1.12.40 14201
❑ Cachexia PD- 11648
❑ Urine cystine, 24 hour BD-1.12.41 14202
❑ Cushingoid appearance PD- 11649
❑ Calcium oxalate supersaturation in 24 hour urine BD-1.12.42 14203
❑ Ectomorph PD- 11650
❑ Calcium phosphate supersaturation in 24 hour BD-1.12.43 14204
❑ Endomorph PD- 11651
❑ Lethargic PD- 11652
❑ Brushite supersaturation in 24 hour urine BD-1.12.44 14205
❑ Mesomorph PD- 11653
❑ Uric acid supersaturation in 24 hour urine BD-1.12.45 14218
❑ Neglect of personal hygiene PD- 11654
Vitamin profile (1.13)
❑ Obese PD- 11655
❑ Vitamin A, serum or plasma retinol BD-1.13.1 10351
❑ Short stature for age PD- 11656
❑ Vitamin C, plasma or serum BD-1.13.2 10352
❑ Tall stature PD- 11657
❑ Vitamin D, 25 hydroxy BD-1.13.3 10353
❑ Body language that may suggest discomfort PD- 14553
❑ Vitamin E, plasma alpha-tocopherol BD-1.13.4 10354
with interaction
❑ Thiamin, activity coefficient for erythrocyte BD-1.13.5 10355
❑ Adipose (2)
transketolase activity
❑ Atrophy of orbital fat PD- 11659
❑ Riboflavin, activity coefficient for erythrocyte BD-1.13.6 10356
glutathione reductase activity ❑ Excess subcutaneous fat PD- 11660
❑ Niacin, urinary N’methyl-nicotinamide BD-1.13.7 10357 ❑ Loss of subcutaneous fat PD- 11661
concentration ❑ Central adiposity PD- 11662
❑ Vitamin B6, plasma or serum pyridoxal BD-1.13.8 10358 ❑ Loss of subcutaneous triceps fat PD- 12095
5’phosphate concentration ❑ Loss of subcutaneous biceps fat PD- 12096
❑ Pantothenic acid, urinary pantothenate excretion, BD-1.13.9 10850 ❑ Loss of subcutaneous fat overlying the ribs PD- 12097
❑ Lipodystrophy PD- 14554
❑ Biotin, urinary 3 hydroxyisovaleric acid excretion BD-1.13.10 11275
❑ Bones (3)
❑ Biotin, lymphocyte propionyl CoA carboxylase in BD-1.13.11 11276
❑ Bow legs PD- 11664
pregnancy, serum
❑ Frontal bossing PD- 11665
❑ Biotinidase BD-1.13.12 11223
❑ Harrison’s sulcus PD- 11666
❑ Protein induced by vitamin K absence or BD-1.13.13 11224
antagonist II ❑ Rachitic rosary PD- 11667
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
Household food security assessment tool scores Estimated fluid needs (3.1)
(2) ❑ Total fluid estimated needs CS-3.1.1 10440
❑ US household food security module: six item AT-2.1 14137 ❑ Method for estimating needs CS-3.1.2 10441
short form raw score
Micronutrient Needs (4)
❑ US household food security module: six item AT-2.2 14138
Estimated vitamin needs (4.1)
short form scale score
❑ Food insecurity experience scale (FIES) raw AT-2.3 14139 ❑ A (1) 10444
score ❑ C (2) 10445
Food variety assessment tool scores (3) ❑ D (3) 10446
❑ Minimum dietary diversity for women (MDD-W) AT-3.1 14141 ❑ E (4) 10447
indicator score
❑ K (5) 10448
Physiologic metabolic etiology EY-1.5 14571 ❑ Method for estimating needs (14) 10458
❑ Total fat estimated needs in 24 hours CS-2.1.1 12206 ❑ Iodine (12) 10473
❑ Fat estimated needs per kg of body weight CS-2.1.2 13010 ❑ Selenium (13) 10474
❑ Method for estimating total fat needs CS-2.1.3 10425 ❑ Manganese (14) 10475
❑ Proportion of energy needs from fat in 24 hours CS-2.1.4 13009 ❑ Chromium (15) 10476
Estimated protein needs (2.2) ❑ Molybdenum (16) 10477
❑ Total protein estimated needs in 24 hours CS-2.2.1 12207 ❑ Boron (17) 10478
❑ Protein estimated needs per kg of body weight CS-2.2.2 13011 ❑ Cobalt (18) 10479
❑ Method for estimating total protein needs CS-2.2.3 10429 ❑ Method for estimating needs (19) 10480
❑ Proportion of energy needs from protein in 24 CS-2.2.4 13012
Weight and Growth Recommendation (5)
Recommended body weight/body mass
Estimated carbohydrate needs (2.3)
index/growth (5.1)
❑ Total carbohydrate estimated needs in 24 hours CS-2.3.1 12208
❑ Ideal/reference body weight (IBW) CS-5.1.1 10483
❑ Carbohydrate estimated needs per kg of body CS-2.3.2 13013
❑ Recommended body mass index (BMI) CS-5.1.2 10484
❑ Goal weight CS-5.1.3 12144
❑ Method for estimating total carbohydrate needs CS-2.3.3 10433
❑ Goal weight gain/day CS-5.1.4 12145
❑ Proportion of energy needs from carbohydrate in CS-2.3.4 13014
24 hours ❑ Goal weight for length z score CS-5.1.5 12146
Estimated fiber needs (2.4) ❑ Goal mid upper arm circumference z score CS-5.1.6 12147
❑ Total fiber estimated needs in 24 hours CS-2.4.1 12209 ❑ Goal BMI for age z score CS-5.1.7 12148
❑ Percent median BMI CS-5.1.8 12149
❑ Method for estimating total fiber needs CS-2.4.2 10437
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
Evaluation of progress toward a nutrition related ❑ Some progress toward goal EV-1.5 14583
goal(s) and resolution of a nutrition diagnosis(es). ❑ Some digression away from goal EV-1.6 14584
Intervention goal status (1) Nutrition diagnosis status (2)
❑ New goal identified EV-1.1 14579 ❑ New nutrition diagnosis EV-2.1 14586
❑ Goal achieved EV-1.2 14580 ❑ Active nutrition diagnosis EV-2.2 14587
❑ Goal discontinued EV-1.3 14581 ❑ Resolved nutrition diagnosis EV-2.3 14588
❑ Goal not achieved EV-1.4 14582 ❑ Discontinued nutrition diagnosis EV-2.4 14589
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), 2020 Edition. Copyright 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Updated October 2021