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Word List Bencze Tatjána

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Word list:

The Way up to Heaven

Bencze Tatjána
1. Pathological beteges not reasonable or sensible; A pathological liar has a
impossible to control constant need to tell lies and,
many times, for no reason at all.
2. Apprehension nyugtalanság, worry or fear that He felt a wave
aggódás something unpleasant may of apprehension and accelerated
happen heart beat as the door opened.
3. To inflict bosszant to tease or make somebody They have inflicted that article
suffer something on us.
4. Intensify fokoz, erősít to make something To intensify the stretch, breathe
increase in degree or in once again.
5. Irrepressible (of feelings, etc.) very He sensed their apprehension,
fegyelmezetlen strong; impossible to mingled with a
control or stop sudden irrepressible sense of
6. Foible gyengeség a weakness of a person, not The foibles of him make him so
being taken serious strange.
7. To distribute szétoszt give sth out to several The books will be distributed
people free to local schools
8. Bundle köteg a number of things that are They gave us bundles of towels.
held together
9. To drape dobni to hang clothes, materials, He draped his coat over the back
etc. loosely on of the chair.

10. Torment gyötrelem extreme pain, especially She suffered years of mental
mental pain; a person or torment after her son's death.
thing that causes this

11. Butler komornyik the most important male The butler announced that
servant in a house, usually dinner was served.
responsible for organizing
the other servants
12. Persuade rábeszél of a situation or event) I didn't want to go, but my
provide a sound reason for friends persuaded me into it.
(someone) to do something
13. To be fond of szeret, kedvel fond of somebody having Over the years, I have grown
someone warm or loving feelings for quite fond of her.
somebody, especially
somebody you have known
for a long time
14. Yearning sóvárgás a strong and emotional A yearning for a quiet life.
15. To dote on bolondulni vmiért to feel and show great love He dotes on his children.
something for somebody, ignoring
their faults
16. Diminutive kicsiny very small She has a diminutive figure.
17. Dapper jól öltözött someone dressed in a He looks very dapper in that
fashionable way black suit.
18. To bore untatni to make somebody feel Has he been boring you with his
bored, especially by stories about his trip?
talking too much
19. Astonishing meglepő very surprising; difficult to I find it absolutely astonishing
believe that you didn't like it.
20. Resemblance hasonlóság the fact of being or looking Yes, there are family
similar to resemblances.
21. Peculiar tulajdon belonging or relating to I know it's unusual but you will
one particular place, get used to his peculiar style.
situation, person, etc., and
not to others
22. Meekly szerényen expressing your opinion in He meekly accepted the
a quiet way arrangement.
23. Marshland mocsár ground near a lake, a river, At the mouth of the river there
or the sea that often floods is a large area of marshland.
and is always wet
24. Hazy párás, ködös not clean weather, because The room was hazy with smoke
of haze
25. Vacillate ingadozó to be uncertain what to do, Her mood vacillated between
or to change often between hope and despair.
two opinions
26. Chauffeur sofőr a person whose job is to The chauffeur drove them
drive a car straight to the hill
27. Bustling tömött full of people The market was bustling with
28. Enterprise vállalkozás a company or business She is in charge of a huge
29. Disconsolate vigasztalhatatlan very unhappy and She was disconsolate about the
disappointed situation and cried very hard.

30. To supervise felügyelni be in charge of sth Our father was supervising us.
31. Grassland füves terület a large open area covered They were turning grassland
with wild grass into farmland.
32. Temporarily ideglenesen in a way intended to last The service is temporarily
for only a short time unavailable.
33. Extraordinary rendkívüli not normal or ordinary This movie tells an
extraordinary story, I’ve never
seen anything like it.

34. Clerk üzleti árusító a person whose job is to A store clerk rushed to help her.
35. Disposal eldobás the act of getting rid of The council is responsible for
something waste disposal and street
36. Flabby gyenge covered with soft, loose fat He’s got soft and flabby since
he gave up running.
37. Trifle apróság something that is not Of course, it seems an awfully
valuable or important silly little trifle to talk about.
38. To spring in berohanni jump/move suddenly He sprang out of bed, because
he was late.
39. Porter hordár a person whose job is to The porter helped me carry my
help people with their suitcase to the room.
40. Shrilly élesen/éles hangon in a very high and loud She talked in a really shrilly
voice way.
41. Glimmer pislákol fény a small unsteady light We saw a glimmer of light on
the far shore.
42. Indicator mutató a sign that showes where The indicator was pointing at
the elevator is the fourth floor.
43. To emerge felbukkanni to become possible to see The swimmer emerged from the
44. To cock billenteni to raise a part of your body He cocked he head at one side
so that it’s pointing at an and looked at her.
45. To clasp fogni to hold st tightly in your His hands were clasped tightly
hand together.
46. To postpone elhalasztani to arrange for an event to Our vacation was postponed
take place at a later time because of the bad weather.
than planned
47. To twitch rángatózni a part of a body making Her eyes were twitching
sudden, uncontrollable, because of how nervous she
movement was.
48. Spout cső a pipe or tube through The spout of the teapot is
which you can pour liquid broken.
49. Wedged ékelt to support something with We wedged the car, so it doesn’t
something so that it does roll down the hill.
not roll for example

50. Frantically eszeveszetten quickly but not well They worked frantically to
organised finish on time.
51. Stovepipe trousers csövesnadrág a slightly tighter version of My grandfather often wears
straight-leg pants, this style stovepipes.
is fitted to the knee, then
falls straight to the ankle
52. Repetition ismétlődés the fact of doing or saying In her work we find constant
the same thing many times repetition of the same themes.
53. Gloomy borús nearly dark in a way that The weather was rather gloomy
makes you feel sad. yesterday.
54. To examine megvizsgálni to look at or consider a She began to examine the
person or thing carefully wound.
and in detail in order to
discover something about
55. To withdrew visszavonulni to take or move out or The magazine withdrew the
back, or to remove: prize offer.
56. Intently erősen with strong She looked at him intently.
57. Flesh hús the soft parts of the body Vegetarians don't eat animal
of an animal and flesh.
especially of a vertebrate
58. To peer bámulni to look closely at sth She kept peering over her
59. Lapel hajtóka front part of the jacket She grabbed him by the lapels
of his jacket.
60. Mist fátyol köd a cloud less thick than fog The hills were covered in mist.
61. Muck mocsok mud The road was covered in muck.
62. Wisp szalmacsomó a small, thin peace of hair, She brushed aside a wisp of
grass, etc hair.
63. Faintly félénken in a way that can’t be Jenn smiled faintly, comforted
clearly hear or seen by the presence of her friend.
64. Motionless mozdulatlan not moving, still She stood motionless.
65. To alter átalakítani to make sy/st different He altered so much I barely
recognised him.
66. Authority fennhatóság the power to give orders to Nothing will be done if no one
people in authority takes the matter
67. Charming bájos very pleasant He’s a charming boy.
68. To recline lefeküdni to lean or incline She was reclining on the sofa,
backwards watching TV.
69. To cancel eltörölni to decide that st that has Flights have been cancelled
been arranged will not take because of the weather.
70. Remarkably rendkívül in a way that is The two books are remarkably
unusual/surprising similar.
71. To fidget babrálni to keep moving your body I’m always fidgeting when I’m
because you are nervous or anxious.
72. Bland lágy smooth and soothing in They were hearing some bland
manner or quality background music.
73. Distant messzi far away in time and space Now it’s just a distant memory.
74. Lump göröngy a piece of sth solid without The sauce has lumps in it.
75. To tinkle csilingelni a light, high ringing sound I heard the tinkle of glass
76. Accurate pontos correct and true in every The film is historically accurate.
77. Doubly duplán, kettősen more than usual I made doubly sure I locked the
door when I left.
78. Suspicion gyanítás a feeling that sby has done They drove away to avoid
sth wrong suspicion.
79. Receiver telefonkagyló the part of a phone you Lisa put the receiver back to her
hold close to your ear ear.
80. Purposely szándékosan intentionally He was purposely avoiding his
81. To assume feltételezni to think or accept sth is Let’s assume that the plan
true with no proof succeeds.
82. Rumour hír pieces of information A strange rumour was spread
about her.
83. Misery nyomorúság great physical or mental Fame brought nothing but
pain misery.
84. Nasty undok very bad or unpleasant He had a nasty accident.
85. Unreasonable ésszerűtlen not fair He was totally unreasonable.
86. Consciously tudatosan in a way that shows that It was a consciously made
you are aware of what you choice.
are doing
87. Miracle csoda an act that doesn’t follow It was a miracle that he survived
the laws of nature the accident.
88. To jerk rántani, lökni to move with a sharp, He jerked the phone away from
sudden movement her.
89. Rapid sebes quick The patient had a rapid
90. Aloud hangosan, in a voice that others can The student was thinking aloud.
fennhangon hear
91. To observe észlelni to notice sy/ sth I want you to observe the
92. To sniff szagolni to breathe smell through The dog sniffed the air.
the nose
93. Margin szegély the empty space at the side She wrote her name on the
of the paper, road…. margin.
94. Oppressive nyomasztó treating people in an unfair There has been some oppressive
way laws introduced.
95. Ridiculous nevetséges very silly I look ridiculous in this hat.
96. Definite elhatározott final It was a definitive agreement.
97. Atmosphere légkör the air in a room/small The plants love warm
place atmosphere.
98. Odour bűz an unpleasant smell She could smell the odour of
cigarette smoke.
99. Firm kemény fairly hard These peaches are still firm.
100. Borderline határvonal not clearly belonging It was a borderline pass.

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