Final Chapter 4
Final Chapter 4
Final Chapter 4
Santa Rosa Campus. This contains the interpretation, analysis and presentation of the
qualitative data gathered in this research study. Primary goals drove the collection of the
data and subsequent data analysis and the following objectives were accomplished. The
Rosa Campus The following figures were the interview results from the consumers and
users of whitening soap. The discussion provides responses to the specific research
1. How does your gender affect your decision in purchasing whitening soap?
was much more concerned on their skin rather than males. Some whitening soaps were
exclusive for females and some male were quite vain and desired to have a lighter skin.
Moreover, 43% of the respondents said that gender doesn’t matter because everyone
In Lippa’s “Gender Nature and Nurture” 2nd Edition (2012), gender refers to
words gender and sex both have conceals awareness for the state of being male or
female but typically used in slightly different ways. Gender Identity Theory is the
marketing literature that tends to treat biological sex as the sole determinant of gender-
related behaviors an essential use. Martin and Halverson said that gender schema
theory explains how individuals construct their gender identities to interpret their own
The chart above showed how respondents perceived and defined whitening
soap. Almost 77% of the respondents defined the whitening soap as whitener and can
lighten the skin while 15% of them defined that whitening soap could moisturized skin
and gave other benefits and functions and the other 8% defined the whitening soap
Based on the article entitled “How Does Skin Lightening Soap Differ from Skin
Lightening Creams?” by Suzzy (2013), skin whitening soap is the foundation of any good
skin lightening regimen. Skin whitening soaps also work to gently exfoliate the skin,
sloughing off dead skin cells and revealing new healthy skin that’s just hiding
The chart showed that 95% of the respondents said that their knowledge about
whitening soap was a great help and served as a basis on how they chose a good
quality product that suited on their skin type and make them wise in purchasing what
kind of product to buy. On the other hand, 5% of them said that the knowledge they had
about whitening soap cannot help them in purchasing because it was not effective.
According to Helen’s “Glutathione Soaps – The Good, The Bad, And Some Tips
for Skin Whitening” (2015), the benefit of glutathione is important to the body since it
removes free radicals, helps slow aging process, and prevents other diseases. Applying
this to the skin is said to constrain the production of melanin, thus achieving the
lightening effect and minimizing skin discoloration. It helps improve the skin complexion
and tone. Using the glutathione in soap form, it is believed to not cause harmful side
effects compared to IV. They also include additional ingredients that are good for the
skin, like Vitamin A, C, and E. Some also have moisturizing ingredients. For the
disadvantages, there is some debate to its real effectiveness, since it can make the skin
lighter by a number of shades. A lot of them melt quickly. Some users experience drying
The chart showed that 62% of the respondents purchase whitening soap to
whitens their skin while 38% of them also said that their reason in purchasing whitening
soap was to have a self-confidence, to blooming and glowing skin, and to maintain their
youthful look. The other 2% of the respondents said that they were not the one who
bought the said whitening soap because they were already contented with their skin
According to Alfajora (2013), Filipinos see fair skin and young skin, as one of the
standards of beauty and being attractive has become a basis of being accepted in the
society because most people will judge you by the way you look. It seems like there is
discrimination within our society. Frankie, a blogger from Skin Beautiful Blog, has stated
are more likely to have dates and have many friends” and “attractive people are 2-5
times more likely to be hired for a position” while “unattractive people are most likely to
Figure 6. Percentage of Kinds of Buyers in Purchasing Whitening Soap
The chart above showed that 57% of the respondents were dissonance-kind of
risky purchase but see little difference among brands. Meanwhile, 28% of the
respondents were complex-kind of buyers who were not doing any effort in purchasing
whitening soap, also they only buy when the product recommended. On the other hand,
15% are habitual-kind of buyers for they purchase whitening soap that they were
consistently using. These three types of consumer buying behavior based on the degree
marketers. Every aspect of a product, from the way the packaging catches the eye to the
way the product is displayed in the store, has an impact on a consumer’s impulse
control. Marketers who can capture the impulsive thought and close the sale will have
Figure 7. Percentage of Promotional Activity that Attracts Consumers to Purchase
Whitening Soap
The chart above showed that the most effective promotional activities that
attracted the consumers in purchasing whitening soap. 70% out of respondents believed
that TV commercials, social media advertisements and video reviews were the most
effective and attractive promotional activities. And the other 30% said the “word of
emphasized that sales promotion are activities that supplement a company’s advertising,
public relations and personal selling efforts. The goal of sales promotion is to persuade
on the impact of message on the consumer, when they are making a purchase decision
similar in their mainland or hometown where they grew up and acquired some customs.
Moreover, Dr. Flores (2012) said that there is critical success factor. First advertising
and promotion to maintain a competitive edge in the industry, players spend millions on
industry. Second is pricing with present economic slowdown people eat out but with a
low budget.
7. How does the price affect your satisfaction in purchasing whitening soap?
Figure 8. Percentage on the Effect of Price in Purchasing Whitening Soap
In this figure, it showed the effect of the price in consumers when they purchased
whitening soap. Most of the respondents said that the price affects their purchasing
behavior because some of the respondents were price conscious. But most of them
were willing to purchase regardless of the price. According to them, expensive whitening
based. In cost-based pricing, the consumers set the prices purely on product costs and
research helps to ascertain the acceptable price range, and then the consumer can
determine the profit and cost requirements within that range. In competition-based
pricing, the consumer will set the prices based on their competitors. Depending on
customer loyalty or brand differences, the consumer might be selling at above or below
market price.
pricing or say value optimized pricing in which price is set primarily but not exclusively
based on perceived value to customers, but neither cost of product, market price,