BX Options Class Builder
BX Options Class Builder
BX Options Class Builder
BX Options: Class Builder
Character class construction kit designed for use with Old-School Essentials by Necrotic Gnome
Cover art copyright © 2019 Greg MacKenzie.
Interior illustrations copyright respective authors (by page), used with permission: Jacob E. Blackmon
(24); Luigi Castellani (15, 30, 33, 49, 51, 53, 57, 58, 72, 76); David Lewis Johnson (77); William
McAusland (2, 7, 9, 12, 28, 62, 65, 68); Denis J. McCarthy (40, 47, 50); Bradley K. McDevitt (6, 71);
Nova Development Corporation (34, 36)
First and foremost, my admiration and gratitude to the original B/X editors: David Cook, Steve
Marsh, and Tom Moldvay, who provided such a solid, yet infinitely flexible, fantasy RPG framework
that continues to excite and inspire me today. I’d also like to thank my 7th-grade gaming group, who
taught me to play, pardoned my mistakes, and gave me the confidence to create better stories: Joe
B., George D., Tony D., Greg F., Glenn H., Heath H., Jason H., Alex K., Mike L., Dan S., Marc S., Mark
S., and Michael S. Finally, a “Boba Fett nod” to Gavin Norman, whose thoughtful dedication, organi-
sational skill, and love for the hobby made publishing for B/X possible.
Appendix A, “d6 Thief Skills,” inspired by equal parts the author’s OCD and Dyson Logos’ “d6 and
2d6 Thiefin’ for Basic Dungeons & Dragons”.
BX Options: Class Builder; Copyright © 2020 Erin D. Smale.
Second Edition, July 2020; First Edition, January 2020
BX Options is a trademark of Erin D. Smale.
Old-School Essentials is a trademark of Necrotic Gnome. The trademark and Old-School Essentials
logo are used with permission of Necrotic Gnome, under license.
This product is neither an official Old-School Essentials release nor affiliated with or approved by
Necrotic Gnome, except under license.
This product is released under the terms of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, Copyright © 2000,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
BX Options
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................... 3 Barbarian....................................... 36
Beast-talker ................................... 38
Class Builder ......................................... 4
Berserker ........................................ 40
Creating Classes ............................. 4
Tips & Hints ...................................... 4 Halfling ............................................... 42
Random Bonuses ........................... 42
Class Abilities ....................................... 6
Class Variants ............................... 43
Basic Abilities ................................... 7 Warden.......................................... 46
Special Abilities............................... 8
Restrictions ......................................10 Magic-User......................................... 48
“Locked” Abilities ..........................10 Random Bonuses ........................... 48
Base XP and Level Progression..11 Class Variants ............................... 49
Necromancer ................................. 52
Cleric ....................................................12
Sorcerer.......................................... 54
Random Bonuses............................12
Class Variants ................................13 Thief ..................................................... 56
Crusader .........................................16 Random Bonuses ........................... 56
Shaman ...........................................18 Class Variants ............................... 57
Assassin........................................... 60
Dwarf ...................................................20
Bard ................................................ 62
Random Bonuses............................20 Scout................................................ 64
Class Variants ................................21
Elder ................................................24 Appendices ........................................ 66
A) d6 Thief Skills .......................... 66
Elf ..........................................................26
B) Class Base XP Values ............. 67
Random Bonuses............................26 C) Skills ........................................... 68
Class Variants ................................27 D) Equipment ................................. 70
Archon .............................................30 E) Spell Failure .............................. 71
Fighter ..................................................32 F) Home Terrain ............................ 72
Random Bonuses............................32 G) Animal Special Abilities ........ 73
Class Variants ................................33 H) High-level Characters ............ 74
Open Game License......................... 78
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BX Options
In 1982, I cut my RPG teeth on Given my OCD tendencies, the sys-
Messrs. Moldvay, Cook, and Marsh’s tem had to be by the numbers, so I
Basic/Expert Dungeons & Dragons reverse engineered the official clas-
game. It was a Christmas gift from ses by assigning an XP value to each
my parents, and it took 11-year-old ability. The result is contained herein,
me a year to figure out how to play offered with two caveats:
(thanks to some 7th-grade classmates
1. The XP values in the class builder
who graciously invited me to join
are derived from the “core”
their “study hall” game).
class’ base XP requirements (i.e.,
Turns out that B/X is more than the the XP required to reach 2nd lev-
sum of its parts: Nearly four decades el). While this ensures that new
(and many other RPGs) later, B/X is or customised classes are bal-
still as much fun to play as when I anced, it works only if you use all
was 12. There are lifetimes of gam- the class ability categories. It’s
ing potential in its combined 128 delicate: If you start tugging at
pages, and its concision makes it at one thread, you risk unravelling
once easy to learn, fast to play, and the entire sweater.
infinitely expandable. 2. That said, I make no claim that
the system here matches whatev-
One aspect that enables B/X to be
er (deeply arcane) methodology
so succinct is its “race-as-class” ap-
the original authors employed.
proach to characters. It wasn’t until a
Undoubtedly, there are other
friend exposed me to Advanced
ways to parse abilities and as-
Dungeons & Dragons, which sepa-
sign XP costs—the approach pre-
rated race and class, that I ques-
sented here is merely the one I
tioned this elegant approach, and I
managed to puzzle out and use
instantly wanted dwarf clerics, elf
to positive effect in my own
rangers, halfling thieves, illusionists,
campaign settings.
and paladins for my B/X game.
As a final note, the class builder here
So began a years-long, on-and-off-
is a streamlined version built espe-
again journey toward devising a
cially for compatibility with Gavin
class-building system that was both
Norman’s excellent Old-School Essen-
backward compatible with the ca-
tials series. For the curious, the origi-
nonical classes and scalable to fit
nal system may be found in the “Per-
any setting, genre, or style of play
fect Class” articles on our Basic D&D
using the B/X rules.
website Breeyark.org.
BX Options
Class Builder
The class builder is a “point-buy” 5. Sum the XP values for each abil-
tool for OSE-compatible race-as- ity and restriction on the work-
class character types. Each class sheet. This is the class’ base XP
ability has an XP value, which con- value (i.e., the number of experi-
tributes to the class’ base XP, or the ence points needed for 2nd level).
number of experience points needed 6. Create the class’ level progres-
to achieve 2nd level (upon which the sion table by plugging the base
class’ subsequent level progression is XP into the Level Progression by
founded). Class Type table (pg. 11). For
ease of reference, include the
Everything you need to create new
class’ Hit Dice, THAC0, and Sav-
(or modify existing) classes is includ-
ing Throws for each level.
ed in this book. While there are oth-
er classes in other books, this is the
only supplement that guarantees Tips & Hints
perfect balance with the canon, since
it’s derived directly from the abilities • Take a conservative approach to
and corresponding XP values of the class roles: First decide if you can
original, “classic” fantasy classes. achieve what you want by role-
playing a classic class a certain
way; if not, create a variant by
Creating Classes adding, changing, or removing
1. Make a copy of the Class XP abilities. Create a new class only
Worksheet (facing page). when these first two options fail
2. Determine the class’ Basic Abili- to get the class you want.
ties (pg. 7) and note the XP val- • The classic classes (i.e., cleric, elf,
ue of each on the worksheet. fighter, etc.) are generic, but
3. Choose the class’ Special Abilities variants and new classes invari-
(pp. 8-9) and note the XP value ably reflect unique aspects of
of each on the worksheet. Any your referee’s setting (which is
number of Special Abilities may why there are 28 versions of the
be applied. bard class, and why that’s OK).
• Always use the class builder with
house rules.
BX Options
Class XP Worksheet
Ability Details XP Cost
Prime requisite
Hit dice
Basic Abilities
Combat progression
Saving throws
Basic Abilities Total:
Special Abilities
Restrictions Total:
Base XP:
BX Options
Class Abilities
The premise behind the class builder Restrictions: Class limits and disad-
is simple: Each class’ XP is based on vantages: attribute score require-
its abilities—the more numerous and ments, level limits, stronghold and
powerful these abilities, the more XP follower requirements, the need for
needed to advance. Abilities fall into special equipment, et al. Restrictions
one of three categories: are represented as negative XP
Basic: Foundational characteristics
shared by all classes: prime requi- Each class’ base XP (i.e., the amount
sites, hit die, armour and weapon of XP needed to achieve 2nd level)
requirements, languages, saving equals the sum of each ability’s XP
throws, and combat progression. value. The base XP value is then
plugged into one of four level pro-
Special: Specific characteristics that
gression formulae to determine the
make each class unique: spell cast-
class’ XP requirements all the way up
ing, detection skills, situational bo-
to its maximum experience level.
nuses, infravision, et al.
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BX Options
improved once obtained. [100 XP Spells, bonus: The class may wield
for 1/6 chance of success, 200 XP extra spell levels each day (e.g., 2
for 2/6 chance, 400 XP for 3/6 bonus levels could be two 1st level
chance, 800 XP for 4/6 chance] spells or one 2nd level spell). Spells
are either innate or in addition to
Skill, learned: The class possesses a
those the character may normally
skill that may be used at will. The
memorise. [100 XP per spell level
referee defines each skill’s scope
for spell casting classes, 200 XP per
and effect; for example:
spell level for non-spell casters]
• Animal Handling: Tame, train, Thief Skills: Any of the classic thief
and care for a type of animal. class skills, regardless of improve-
• First Aid: Restore 1d4 hit points. ment rate. [50 XP each]
• Lore: Answer questions about a
specific person, place, or thing. Turn Undead: The class can destroy
or repel undead, regardless of im-
• Tracking: Follow signs of a quar-
provement rate. [200 XP]
ry’s passage.
Using Magic Items: The class can
Learned skills start with a 1/6
use magic items restricted to a spe-
chance of success at 1st level but
cific class. [200 XP, 400 XP if usage
improve as experience levels are
is non-conventional, like wielding an
gained; unless otherwise noted, no
item at maximum effect or reusing a
skill can exceed a 5/6 chance of
one-shot item]
success at the class’ maximum level.
[100 XP for +1 improvement every
6 levels, 200 XP for +1 improve-
ment every 5 levels, 400 XP for +1
every 4 levels, 600 XP for +1 im-
provement every 3 levels, 800 XP
for +1 improvement every 2 levels]
Spell Casting: The ability to wield
divine or arcane magic: Weapon Mastery: The class gains a
+1 bonus “to-hit” and damage with
• Divine spells [100 XP per maxi- a weapon type (e.g., any sword, any
mum spell level: 500 XP for a bow, etc.). [200 XP, 400 XP for +2
maximum of 5th level, 400 XP for bonus]
maximum 4th level, 300 XP for
maximum 3rd level, etc.] Weapon Proficiency: The class gains
• Arcane spells [400 XP per maxi- a +1 bonus “to-hit” and damage
mum spell level: 2,000 XP for a with a specific weapon (e.g., normal
maximum of 5th level 1,600 XP sword, long bow, etc.). [100 XP, 200
for maximum 4th level, etc.] XP for +2 bonus]
BX Options
minimum is 2nd level (i.e., –200 XP). that a cleric’s alignment must match (or be
BX Options
1 0 0 0 0
2 BXP x 1 BXP x 1 BXP x 1 BXP x 1
3 BXP x 2 BXP x 2 BXP x 2 BXP x 2
4 BXP x 4 BXP x 4 BXP x 4 BXP x 4
5 BXP x 8 BXP x 8 BXP x 8 BXP x 8
6 (BXP x 16) + 1,000 BXP x 16 BXP x 16 (BXP x 16) + 800
7 (BXP x 32) + 2,000 BXP x 32 BXP x 32 (BXP x 32) + 1,600
8 (BXP x 64) + 4,000 BXP x 60 BXP x 60 (BXP x 64) + 3,200
9 +100,000* +120,000* +150,000* (BXP x 128) + 6,400
10 +100,000* +120,000* +150,000* +120,000*
11 +100,000* +120,000* +150,000* +120,000*
12 +100,000* +120,000* +150,000* +120,000*
13 +100,000* +120,000* +150,000* +120,000*
14 +100,000* +120,000* +150,000* +120,000*
* Cumulatively add this figure to the last calculated BXP value. For example, a 12th level cleric type
with a base XP 1,800 is [(BXP x 64) + 4,000 + 400,000] 519,200. N.B. These values conform to
the High-Level Play optional rule in the Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Rules Tome.
5 Of the non-human classes, halflings have the same level progression as fighters, but dwarfs and
elves advance at irregular XP rates contrived (one suspects) to ensure parity with other classes at
their respective maximum experience levels. For simplicity, the unique dwarf and elf progressions
have been excluded in favour of the more consistent guidelines above.
BX Options
Clerics are devout individuals who
advance their deity’s agenda Random Bonuses
through spells and combat. The cleric Clerics may receive bonuses for ex-
class can represent any adventurer ceptional service to their order or for
whose religious devotion is strong divine favour. At 2nd level and
enough to gain an immortal’s favour above, the player may roll 1d12 for
in the form of divine magic. As such, a random bonus instead of hit points.
clerics are good templates for char- Bonuses are lost if the cleric suffers
acters like Jeanne d’Arc, Friar Tuck, deity disfavour; re-rolling a bonus
Henutmehyt, or templar knights. results in cumulative benefits:
In spirit, the cleric’s prohibition 1. Gain +1 to hit and damage the
against edged weapons is a balanc- infidel (as defined by referee)
ing factor to limit combat effective- 2. Daily bonus of +1 to any save
ness. In practice, referees can main- 3. Daily bonus of 1 additional spell
tain that balance simply by mandat- level
ing that clerics of a given sect, 4. Granted random magic item to
church, or deity are trained to wield fulfil church quest
only specific weapons. In game 5. Assigned 1d4 devoted acolytes
terms, this makes sense: While cleri- as unpaid retainers (morale +1)
cal training precludes broad weap- 6. Holy symbol grants +1 bonus to
on skill, it does allow clerics to focus turn undead
their combat drill on a select set of 7. Create magic items at current
arms meaningful to their order and level (if re-rolled, reduce chance
its earthly mission. of failure by 3%)
8. Roll additional d6 on successful
Turn attempts against undead
with HD lower than current level
9. Increase heal roll results by +1
hit point
10. Gain 1/6 chance that using a
staff does not consume a charge
BX Options
Size n/a 0
Equipment Holy symbol -100
Pledge Deity disfavour -300
Weakness n/a 0
Base XP: 1,500
BX Options
at 12th level
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Magical Research: Dedicated to
Requirements: Minimum STR 9
martial pursuits, crusaders do not
Prime Requisite: WIS
engage in magical research.
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 14 Pledge: Crusaders are bound by the
Armour: Any, including shields same standards as their clerical
Weapons: Any permitted by their counterparts; if their alignment
order strays from that of their deity, they
Languages: Alignment, Common cannot cast spells until reconciled.
A cleric sub-class, crusaders are hu- Turn Undead: Crusaders have no
man warrior-priests of religious power to turn undead.
fighting orders. Such orders are aux- Weakness: Reactions with the infidel
iliary and subordinate to their par- (including agents, associates, or al-
ent church or sect, whose mission they lies thereof) are penalised by –4.
support through force of arms. Com-
mon to all orders is an “infidel,” or Abilities
the primary target of its martial
Combat: When fighting the infidel,
attention, which could be as specific
crusaders gain +1 to initiative, “to-
as a pagan tribe or rival sect, or as
hit,” and damage rolls; a +1 bonus
broad as beings of an opposing
to their AC and saving throws vs.
race, nation, or alignment. Not all
infidel attacks; and all allies within
churches support fighting orders, nor
20’ enjoy the effects of bless.
are all orders truly subordinate.
Conviction: The strength of a cru-
N.B. As self-righteous fighters with
sader’s faith in their mission makes
limited clerical ability, crusaders are
them immune to charm and hold
a good template for paladin (or
person spells.
anti-paladin) archetypes in settings
where the struggle between good Foe Sense: Crusaders have a 2/6
and evil is foundational and epic. In chance to detect the infidel within
settings where alignment struggles 10’ per level (includes hidden or
are not the focus of conflict—where invisible foes as well as during face-
the line between good and evil is to-face encounters).
blurred and subjective—crusaders
Spell Casting: Crusaders may pray
BX Options
1 0 1d6 19 [+0] 11 12 14 16 15 – – –
2 2,200 2d6 19 [+0] 11 12 14 16 15 1 – –
3 4,400 3d6 19 [+0] 11 12 14 16 15 1 – –
4 8,800 4d6 17 [+2] 11 12 14 16 15 1 – –
5 17,600 5d6 17 [+2] 9 10 12 14 12 2 – –
6 36,200 6d6 17 [+2] 9 10 12 14 12 2 – –
7 72,400 7d6 14 [+5] 9 10 12 14 12 2 1 –
8 144,800 8d6 14 [+5] 9 10 12 14 12 3 1 –
9 244,800 9d6 14 [+5] 6 7 9 11 9 3 1 –
10 344,800 9d6+1* 12 [+7] 6 7 9 11 9 3 2 –
11 444,800 9d6+2* 12 [+7] 6 7 9 11 9 4 2 –
12 544,800 9d6+3* 12 [+7] 6 7 9 11 9 4 2 1
13 644,800 9d6+4* 10 [+9] 3 5 7 8 7 4 3 1
14 744,800 9d6+5* 10 [+9] 3 5 7 8 7 5 3 1
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply Crusaders need 100,000 XP per level after 14th
To-hit: THAC0 value [attack roll bonus for use with Ascending Armour Class]
Saves: D=death/poison; W=wand; P=paralysis/petrify; B=dragon breath; S=rod/staff/spell
BX Options
Alignment: Shamans may be Neu-
Requirements: Minimum CON 9
tral or Chaotic. Neutral shamans
Prime Requisite: WIS
embrace the harmonious aspects of
Hit Dice: 1d6
their spirit animal; Chaotic shamans
Maximum Level: 14
emulate their guides’ survival instincts
Armour: Leather, no shields
and displays of power.
Weapons: Any one-handed melee
Languages: Alignment, Common Equipment: A shaman carries a fet-
ish for each of their spirit guides (a
A shaman is a tribal cleric common to
tooth, claw, pelt, etc.); this object is
barbarian and nomadic cultures.
required to cast spells, speak with
They revere animal spirits as exem-
animals, and shapechange.
plars of proper outlook and conduct
in all matters. Pledge: Any alignment shift or a
drastic deviation from their animal
Animal Spirit Guides spirit’s guidance causes the guide to
At 1st level, a shaman gains a ran- forsake the shaman until proper
dom animal spirit guide in exchange atonement is made.
for a permanent loss of 1 point from Turn Undead: Shamans have no
a random attribute score. power to turn undead.
The spirit guide imparts the wisdom
necessary to cast spells, and “marks”
the shaman with a permanent special Combat: A shaman is limited to
ability that reflects their bond. (q.v., leather armour and cannot use a
Appendix G for possible spirit ani- shield. They may use any one-
mals and their abilities). handed melee weapon, including
edged weapons.
Neutral shamans have a single guide
throughout their career, but the effi- Magical Research: The shaman may
cacy of their special ability incre- appeal to their spirit guides to aid in
ments at levels 4, 8, and 12. magical research as a cleric of equal
Chaotic shamans may acquire an
additional spirit guide at levels 4, 8, Shapechange: At 4th level, a shaman
and 12. Each new guide reduces a may assume the form of any of their
random ability by 1 point, but if the animal guides; this ability conforms
same guide is rolled, the correspond- in all respects to the 4th level magic-
ing special ability increments. user spell polymorph self and may
be used once per day for every four
levels the shaman has earned.
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BX Options
Skill, innate: Shamans have a 2/6 spell list. Shamans cast spells as ritu-
chance to hear noise or detect secret als, which require a material sacri-
doors and hidden objects. fice valuable to their animal guide
equal to 10gp per spell level (food,
Speak with Animals: At 4th level, a
milk, nesting material, etc.). Casting
shaman may communicate with ani-
a spell requires 1 round per spell
mals of the same type as their spirit
level of uninterrupted meditation.
guides; this ability conforms in all
respects to the 2nd level cleric spell Using Magic Items: Shamans may
speak with animals and may be use magic items reserved for clerics,
used once per day for every four including divine spell scrolls.
levels the shaman has earned.
After Reaching 9th Level
Spell Casting: A shaman casts spells
as a cleric of equal level but selects At 9th level, a shaman attracts 1d4
from a “druidic” or nature-oriented 1st level shaman assistants. They do
not build strongholds.
Shaman Level Progression
Saving Throws Spells per Day
Level XP HD To-hit D W P B S 1 2 3 4 5
1 0 1d6 19 [+0] 11 12 14 16 15 – – – – –
2 2,100 2d6 19 [+0] 11 12 14 16 15 1 – – – –
3 4,200 3d6 19 [+0] 11 12 14 16 15 2 – – – –
4 8,400 4d6 19 [+0] 11 12 14 16 15 2 1 – – –
5 16,800 5d6 17 [+2] 9 10 12 14 12 2 2 – – –
6 34,600 6d6 17 [+2] 9 10 12 14 12 2 2 1 1 –
7 69,200 7d6 17 [+2] 9 10 12 14 12 2 2 2 1 1
8 138,400 8d6 17 [+2] 9 10 12 14 12 3 3 2 2 1
9 238,400 9d6 14 [+5] 6 7 9 11 9 3 3 3 2 2
10 338,400 9d6+1* 14 [+5] 6 7 9 11 9 4 4 3 3 2
11 438,400 9d6+2* 14 [+5] 6 7 9 11 9 4 4 4 3 3
12 538,400 9d6+3* 14 [+5] 6 7 9 11 9 5 5 4 4 3
13 638,400 9d6+4* 12 [+7] 3 5 7 8 7 5 5 5 4 4
14 738,400 9d6+5* 12 [+7] 3 5 7 8 7 6 5 5 5 4
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply Shamans need 100,000 XP per level after 14th
To-hit: THAC0 value [attack roll bonus for use with Ascending Armour Class]
Saves: D=death/poison; W=wand; P=paralysis/petrify; B=dragon breath; S=rod/staff/spell
BX Options
Classic dwarfs maintain the stocky,
diminutive, bearded stereotype Random Bonuses
common to both Tolkien and Lewis, Dwarfs may receive bonuses as a
wherein they are depicted as stoic perk of clan membership. At 2nd lev-
but prideful, honourable yet avari- el and above, the player may roll
cious, loyal and vengeful in accord 1d12 for a random bonus instead of
with their unshakeable principles. hit points. Underscored bonuses are
While not strictly of the earth, they lost if the dwarf is expelled from
dwell within it, to such affinity that their clan; re-rolling a bonus results
fine craftsmanship with stone, gems, in cumulative benefits:
and ore comes naturally to them.
1. Given dwarven plate (non-
Mountain dwarfs—the classic arche- magical plate mail +1)
type—build extensive, worked-stone 2. Combat training grants +1 AC
cities within and beneath great vs. foes larger than man-sized
mountain ranges and rocky hills, 3. Training allows dwarf to choose
from which they mine ore, raw gem- a two-handed weapon
stones, silver, and gold. Each city 4. Granted random magic item to
houses multiple clans, each special- fulfil clan quest
ised in some industry or service to 5. Attract 1d4 1st level dwarfs as
benefit the entire community; rul- unpaid retainers (morale +1)
ership is the hereditary obligation of 6. Improve one detection skill of the
the city’s founding clan. Dwarf cities player’s choice by +1 (i.e., 3/6
are well-defended against their chance)
age-old subterranean foes: goblins 7. Increase hit die type to d10
and kobolds. 8. Exploits grant +1 reaction and
N.B. While dwarfs are smaller than morale bonus with dwarf NPCs
humans, they are not burdened with 9. Clan support and loyalty defrays
a size restriction. Dwarf weapon stronghold cost by 10%
requirements stipulate they be “small 10. Bonus of +1 “to-hit” vs. goblins
or normal-sized,” but there is no or kobolds
corresponding exclusion to their ar- 11. Bonus of +1 damage with “tradi-
mour (as noted for the even smaller tional” dwarf weapon (e.g., axe,
halflings). At four feet tall, then, crossbow, hammer, et al.)
dwarfs are assumed to operate in a 12. Roll for hit points and then roll
man-sized world without any espe- again, ignoring a result of “12”
n d
cial impediment.
BX Options
Size n/a 0
Equipment n/a 0
Pledge n/a 0
Weakness n/a 0
Base XP: 2,200
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Requirements: Minimum CON 9,
minimum WIS 9
Prime Requisite: WIS
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 12
Armour: Any, including shields
Weapons: Any permitted by their
deity (see below)
Languages: Alignment, Common,
Dwarfish, Gnome, Goblin, Kob-
old Divine Power: Each elder clan re-
ceives a special ability related to
Elders are dwarf clerics, dedicated their deity’s sphere of influence (q.v.,
to dwarven immortal powers. Elders “Divine Powers by Deity,” below).
renounce their home clan when they The referee is encouraged to modify
take up the faith, joining a clerical these powers to suit the setting’s
clan dedicated either to an individu- dwarven immortals, with a total val-
al deity or (in smaller settlements) ue of 400 XP to conform with the
the entire dwarf pantheon. base XP and level progression table
on the facing page.
Infravision: Like other dwarfs, el-
Holy Symbol: Like clerics, elders
ders possess infravision to 60’.
must possess a holy symbol to cast
divine spells. Magical Research: Elders may re-
search new divine spells at any lev-
Pledge: Elders are bound by the
el; upon reaching 9th level, elders
same behavioural standards as cler-
may create magic items and re-
ics; if their alignment strays from that
search other magical effects.
of their deity, they suffer Deity Dis-
favour. Skills, innate: Elders have a 2/6
chance of detecting construction
Turn Undead: Elders have no power
tricks; traps; and listening at doors.
to turn undead.
Spell Casting: Elders may pray for
Abilities divine spells, following the same
Combat: Elders are allowed any rules for divine spell use as clerics.
armour; weapon choice emulates the
Using Magic Items: Elders may use
preferred arms of their deity. Elders
magic items reserved for clerics,
attack as clerics of equal level.
including divine spell scrolls.
n d
BX Options
1 0 1d6 19 [+0] 8 9 10 13 12 – – – –
2 2,500 2d6 19 [+0] 8 9 10 13 12 1 – – –
3 5,000 3d6 19 [+0] 8 9 10 13 12 2 – – –
4 10,000 4d6 19 [+0] 6 7 8 10 10 2 1 – –
5 20,000 5d6 17 [+2] 6 7 8 10 10 3 2 – –
6 41,000 6d6 17 [+2] 6 7 8 10 10 3 2 1
7 82,000 7d6 17 [+2] 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 2
8 164,000 8d6 17 [+2] 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1
9 264,000 9d6 14 [+5] 4 5 6 7 8 5 4 3 2
10 364,000 9d6+2* 14 [+5] 2 3 4 4 6 5 4 3 2
11 464,000 9d6+4* 14 [+5] 2 3 4 4 6 6 5 4 3
12 564,000 9d6+6* 14 [+5] 2 3 4 4 6 6 5 4 3
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply Elders need 100,000 XP per level after 12th
To-hit: THAC0 value [attack roll bonus for use with Ascending Armour Class]
Saves: D=death/poison; W=wand; P=paralysis/petrify; B=dragon breath; S=rod/staff/spell
BX Options
Like dwarfs, classic fantasy elves
have roots in Tolkien’s legendarium, Random Bonuses
where they’re expert warriors and Elves may receive bonuses as a perk
adept wizards. The translation to of their longevity. At 2nd level and
game mechanics is a bit awkward, above, the player may roll 1d12 for
as the original fighter and magic- a random bonus instead of hit points.
user classes decisively split sword- Re-rolling a bonus results in cumula-
swinging and spell casting into polar tive benefits:
1. Given elven chain (non-magical
To complicate this dichotomy, the chain mail, encumbers as leather)
canon describes elves as forest- 2. Bonus of +1 “to-hit” vs. orcs or
dwelling custodians of Nature, fond trolls
of beautiful things, long-lived, oth- 3. Improve one detection skill of the
erworldly, and disposed to frolic player’s choice by +1 (i.e., 3/6
and play. They’re also deadly war- chance)
rior/mages who devote time and 4. Herbal remedies cure disease or
energy to train with all weapons and neutralise poison (roll current
learn arcane spells. How then does level or less on d20 to succeed)
the referee reconcile the extremes of 5. Double-fisted (may fight with a
gamesome tree-hugger and menac- melee weapon in each hand; roll
ing murder-sprite? 1 attack at +1; if successful, roll
One flexible approach is to cast damage for each weapon and
elves as empire-builders who (much take the best result)
like Tolkien’s Tareldar or—to put a 6. Parry (+1 AC with melee arms)
different spin on it—Moorcock’s 7. Longshot (ignore the long-range
Melnibonéans) achieved their current “to-hit” penalty w/bows)
aesthetic only after struggling 8. Double shot (fire two arrows per
through a violent past. While they round; different targets only if
prefer to evolve their culture along you win initiative)
an artful path, they retain their mar- 9. Spells have maximum effect
tial and arcane capabilities to de- when cast in forest terrain
fend and expand their domain. In 10. Natural familiar (forest animal,
any given setting, then, these “high” intelligent, and “speaks” with elf)
or “noble” elves may be on the rise, 11. In forests, +1 to surprise
maintaining their authority, or in 12. Roll for hit points and then roll
again, ignoring a result of “12”
n d
BX Options
Size n/a 0
Equipment Spell book -100
Pledge n/a 0
Weakness n/a 0
Base XP: 4,000
Class Variants
Elf class variants have the same base • Add: New abilities not possessed
XP and level progression as elves, by the parent class
but with swapped abilities to repre- • Change: Alterations to abilities
sent specialised roles or sub-races. of the parent class
Variants have the same abilities as • Remove: Abilities of the parent
elves, except where noted below as: class unavailable to the variant
BX Options
BX Options
Wild elves are the cultural bridge • Spells, Bonus: One additional
between the sylvan and high elves. spell level each day at levels 2,
Wild elf tribes ward and cultivate 4, 7, and 10
specific natural ranges, and charac-
ters must choose their home terrain
(q.v., Appendix F). • Armour: Leather only; no shields
Add • Weapons: Any one-handed
• THAC0: As cleric
• Defensive Bonus: +1 AC in home • Stronghold: Build at 10th level
• Encounter Bonus: +1 surprise in Remove
home terrain • Equipment: No spell books
• Hide: 9/10 chance to hide in
home terrain Sentinel
• Saving Throw Bonus: +1 to all
saves in home terrain Sentinels are elite warrior elves
charged with protecting important
• Snares: Set/disarm as thief of
elven persons, places, and artefacts
equal level find/remove traps
(e.g., High Queen Sindaralarian,
• Weapon Mastery: +1 “to-hit” Gladehenge, the Elfstone, etc.).
and damage with all bows and
spears Add
BX Options
Archons are high elf servants of the Saving Throw Bonus: Any save vs.
primal powers—elementals, beast an elemental or fey is made at +1.
lords, and demiurges—who first Skill, innate: Archons have a 2/6
bestowed wisdom upon the elven chance of detecting secret doors.
race. Archons do not worship these
beings, but instead honour ancient Spell Casting: Archons gain arcane
pacts of mutual assistance and pro- spells up to 5th level through pacts
tection, from which an archon’s ar- made with primal beings. To cast a
cane power stems. spell, archons must make a Spell
Casting roll to invoke the pact (see
Restrictions facing page). N.B. Elementals con-
Alignment: Though pacts exist with jured by an archon have maximum
beings of all alignments, archons are hit points, and if their concentration is
bound by ancient accord to eschew broken, an archon may make a re-
extremes and must therefore remain action roll to regain control.
Neutral in all matters. Using Magic Items: As spell casters,
Talisman: Archons must bear a tal- archons can use arcane scrolls and
isman (ring, brooch, pin, etc.) that magic items reserved for elves.
signifies to primal powers their right
to engage in arcane pacts. An ar-
chon’s talisman is unique; spells can-
not be loosed without it. Replacing a
lost talisman involves a major quest.
BX Options
After Reaching 10th Level a 4th level archon could cast four 1st
level spells, two 2nd level spells, or
At 10th level, an archon may build a any combination not exceeding four
stronghold dedicated to the service total spell levels).
of primal beings. The stronghold
must be built in a natural setting and To release a spell, an archon ap-
gains the favour of all beasts, ele- peals to a primal being for aid with
mentals, and fey in the local hex. a Spell Casting roll. If the roll suc-
Once established, and at each level ceeds, the spell is “cast”; if the roll
thereafter, the stronghold attracts fails, the appeal is ignored, and the
the service of 2d6 1st level elves, spell effect does not manifest. Either
plus one archon for every six elves. way, they attempt counts against the
archon’s daily spell limit.
Arcane Pacts
Archons gain a +1 bonus to their
Arcane pacts are ancient agree- Spell Casting rolls by sacrificing hit
ments with primal beings, who grant points equal to the level of the spell
magic spells in exchange for mortal to be cast (e.g., for a 2nd level spell,
vitality in the form of hit points. a 2hp sacrifice grants a +1 bonus,
Each day, an archon may wield 1 4hp grants +2, etc.). Hit points sacri-
spell level per experience level (e.g., ficed in this way heal normally.
BX Options
Every adventure, regardless of gen-
re, has a fighter, whether as protec- Random Bonuses
tor, antagonist, or epic hero. The Fighters may receive bonuses
archetype is the literal embodiment through intense training. At 2nd level
of physical struggle, deadly force, and above, the player may roll
and heroic stamina. The exclusive 1d12 for a random bonus instead of
focus on these qualities make the hit points. Re-rolling a bonus results
fighter’s role both unambiguous and in cumulative benefits:
infinitely flexible: Fighters have a
singular function that translates to 1. Dead eye (+1 “to-hit” and dam-
any setting. age with any missile weapon)
2. Bonus of +1 “to-hit” a specific
Yet there are some interesting sub- type of foe
tleties: First, while fighters, dwarfs, 3. Batter (+1 “to-hit” and damage
elves, and halflings share the same with any melee weapon)
“to-hit” progression, only fighters 4. Combat mobility (increase en-
may advance as high as 14th level counter movement by 10’)
to ultimately gain the best THAC0 of 5. Double-fisted (may fight with a
all classic classes. Second, fighters’ melee weapon in each hand; roll
unrestricted access to weapons and 1 attack at +1; if successful, roll
armour ensures the greatest poten- damage for each weapon and
tial offense and defence as they take the best result)
advance in level and the availability 6. Parry (+1 AC with melee arms)
of magic armament increases. Third, 7. Assigned 1d4 devoted veterans
their sheer stamina is well represent- as unpaid retainers (morale +1)
ed not only via their hit die, but also 8. Increase hit die type to d10
by their saves, which are surpassed 9. Combat sense (+1 to personal
only by dwarfs and halflings. initiative rolls)
Finally, fighters may build their 10. Shield bash (successful attack
stronghold as soon as they can af- with shield inflicts 1d6 points of
ford it, regardless of level. They are damage or pushes foe back 5’)
also the only class whose progression 11. Exploits grant +1 reaction and
includes a landed title (e.g., Baron or morale bonus with retainers and
Baroness), which implies (in classic peers of the realm
fantasy settings at least) a causal 12. Roll for hit points and then roll
relationship between martial ability again, ignoring a result of “12”
n d
and peerage.
BX Options
Size n/a 0
Equipment n/a 0
Pledge n/a 0
Weakness n/a 0
Base XP: 2,000
BX Options
Bodyguard Champion
These fighters are paid or pledged Champions are weapon masters,
to protect an NPC or party member. specialising with various arms. They
Their sole mission is to keep an eye may be employed for martial in-
out for danger and defend their struction, guardians, as professional
charge from harm. arena fighters, or as contestants in
trial-by-combat disputes.
• Combat Bonus: +1 initiative, “to-
hit,” damage, and AC vs. a • Weapon Proficiency: One profi-
known threat to their charge ciency “slot” at levels 1, 4, 7, 10,
• Skill, innate: Detect Threat (2/6 and 13, granting +1 “to-hit” and
chance of sensing imminent threat damage with a specific weapon;
to their charge) the PC may apply multiple slots
• Pledge: Lose combat bonuses if to the same weapon
they deliberately ignore a known Change
threat to their charge
• Requirements: Minimum DEX 9,
Change minimum STR 9
• Stronghold: Build a training • Weapons: Champions are re-
academy at 10th level, attracting stricted to wielding only the
5d6 1st level fighters and 2d6 weapons in which they’re profi-
bodyguards (plus 1d6 body- cient
guards each level after 10th) • Stronghold: Build at 4th level
n d
BX Options
Protect the weak; deliver jus- Any one-handed Sacrifice, compassion, humili-
tice; defeat evil melee; no missiles ty, honesty
Protect the realm; serve the Any melee; cross- Service, impartiality, reliabil-
order; embody fairness to all bows ity, reasonable
Protect the ruler; promote the Ambition, pragmatism, flexi-
Chaotic Any
order; attain power bility, impassivity
* The lance is a preferred weapon for mounted combat by all knights
BX Options
Combat: Barbarians don’t manufac-
Requirements: Minimum DEX 9,
ture armour heavier than chain or
maximum WIS 15
weapons of mechanical nature (e.g.,
Prime Requisite: STR
crossbows). They may use shields. In
Hit Dice: 1d10
their home terrain, they gain a +1
Maximum Level: 14
bonus to surprise, initiative, “to-hit,”
Armour: Any non-plate, including
and damage rolls.
shields (see below)
Weapons: Any (see below)
Languages: Common, Tribal tongue
Barbarians are stout humans who
form tribal societies in a specific
“home” terrain (q.v., Appendix F).
They live by foraging, hunting, herd-
ing, and basic farming, yet have
intricate clan hierarchies, laws, cus-
toms, and social taboos. Devoted to
Dodge: Barbarians are quick and
nature worship, they view divine
agile: Their DEX-based AC adjust-
magic as proof of the primordial
ment is tripled when wearing no
gods’ favour, but arcane magic is
armour, doubled when wearing
anathema. Barbarians do not like
leather, and normal if wearing chain.
cities and do not welcome outsiders.
Hide: In their home terrain, barbari-
Restrictions ans have a 9/10 chance of hiding
Alignment: Barbarians embrace the (outside their home terrain, use the
free spirit of the wilds and are lim- thief skill, Hide in Shadows, below).
ited to Chaotic or Neutral alignment. Thief Skills: Barbarians can Climb
Superstitious: Barbarians consider Sheer Surfaces, Hear Noise, Hide in
arcane magic taboo and suffer a –2 Shadows, and Move Silently as a
penalty to saving throws against any thief of equal level. These skills may
arcane effect. They will not knowing- be employed in any terrain.
ly use any item, weapon, or armour Wilderness Survival: In their home
enchanted with arcane magic. terrain, barbarians can track, hunt,
Wild: Barbarians find cities bewil- forage, secure shelter, fashion tools,
dering and suffer a –1 penalty to all and set traps and snares. Failed
reaction rolls in any urban environ- attempts may be re-rolled, though
ment larger than a village. each subsequent roll represents 1d4
n d
hours of effort.
BX Options
BX Options
BX Options
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply Beast-talkers need 100,000 XP per level after 14th
To-hit: THAC0 value [attack roll bonus for use with Ascending Armour Class]
Saves: D=death/poison; W=wand; P=paralysis/petrify; B=dragon breath; S=rod/staff/spell
BX Options
Berserk: When wounded by a foe,
Requirements: None
berserkers erupt in a bloodthirsty
Prime Requisite: STR
fury (make a Control Berserk roll to
Hit Dice: 1d8
resist). When compelled by this vio-
Maximum Level: 14
lent rage, berserkers charge head-
Armour: Leather or furs, including
long at their attacker, gaining +2
bonus to initiative, “to-hit,” and
Weapons: Any, except missiles (see
damage rolls. While berserk, ber-
serkers enjoy 2 points of damage
Languages: Alignment, Common
reduction and a +2 bonus to saves
Berserkers are human fighters dedi- against a specific attack type (or a
cated to an animal totem or beast +1 bonus in an entire saving throw
cult. Berserker “clans” model them- category). These attack types vary
selves along the social habits and by beast cult, as defined by the
hierarchies of their totem animal. In referee (see below).
clan or tribal cultures, berserkers
In their berserk state, berserkers are
may mimic their animal’s behaviour,
heedless of risk, attacking the closest
sleep cycles, diet, and living condi-
target in melee range (including
tions to form a more intimate bond
allies; roll randomly if multiple tar-
with the beast’s spirit; in more “ad-
gets present themselves). Their
vanced” societies, berserkers may
abandon imposes a –4 AC penalty.
observe such traits only symbolically.
When there are no more targets in
Restrictions melee range, or if a berserker
Alignment: A berserker’s alignment strikes an ally, they may make a
must match that of their animal’s. Control Berserk roll to return to nor-
mal. Each such attempt takes a full
round of focused restraint (suffering
a wound negates the attempt); once
their fury has abated, a berserker
must rest for 1 turn or suffer the
penalty for not resting.
Combat: Berserkers wear leather or
furs and may carry shields. They can
BX Options
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply Berserkers need 120,000 XP per level after 14th
To-hit: THAC0 value [attack roll bonus for use with Ascending Armour Class]
Saves: D=death/poison; W=wand; P=paralysis/petrify; B=dragon breath; S=rod/staff/spell
BX Options
Like the other demi-human classes,
halflings are heavily (if not exclu- Random Bonuses
sively) influenced by Tolkien, who Halflings may receive bonuses
modelled them in the vein of the through their community’s support. At
pastoral English, valuing cheer and 2nd level and above, the player may
good health more than coin. As such, roll 1d12 for a random bonus in-
halflings dwell in bucolic comfort, stead of hit points. Underscored bo-
engaged in all manner of agrarian nuses are lost if the halfling is ex-
industry, surrounded by the abun- pelled from their community; bonuses
dant fruits of their fulfilling labours. are cumulative if re-rolled:
But this is hardly the picture of ad- 1. Inherit a random magic item
venture. Indeed, why risk life and 2. Bonus of +1 to saves vs. fear
limb for fame or gold when the 3. Improve chance of hiding in dun-
greater riches of home and hearth geons by +1 (i.e., 3/6 chance)
are within ready reach? 4. Improve chance of gaining sur-
Perhaps only when propelled by prise outdoors by +1 (i.e., 3/6)
events outside their control. Like Tol- 5. Attract 1d4 1st level halflings as
kien’s English, halflings prefer quiet, unpaid retainers (morale +1)
industrious stability but rise admira- 6. Good luck allows character to
bly to the challenges of adventure re-roll one roll each day
when called. Indeed, they have ex- 7. Develop danger sense (surprised
cellent saving throws, decent hit only 1/6)
points, combat progression as fight- 8. Gain 2/6 chance to detect poi-
ers, and bonuses to initiative, de- son in food or drink
fence, and missile attacks. 9. Use Reaction roll to haggle; re-
sult of 8+ grants a discount of
Still, they max out at 8th level, with 0%-50% (1d6–1)
strongholds akin to manor houses at 10. Gain 1 random Thief Skill as a
the centre of rural estates. The impli- thief of current level (Roll 1d8
cation, then, is that even when moti- for skill; “Find Traps” required
vated to adventure, a halfling will before “Remove Traps”)
never make a career out of it. In-
BX Options
BX Options
Burglar Chaplain
These halflings are expert treasure These worthies are clergy in halfling
hunters, driven by a desire for riches communities, supporting a pantheon
that goes beyond the appreciation of immortals that represent bounty,
of finery to the thrill of the heist. family, and security. It is unusual for
While reluctant (like most halflings) a chaplain to venerate a single dei-
to expose themselves to unnecessary ty, instead worshipping a host of
danger, once they get a taste for like-minded powers that serve as
adventure, burglars find it hard to immortal community patrons.
return to the sedentary comforts of
home and hearth.
Add • Equipment: Holy symbol required
to cast divine spells
• Equipment: Thieves’ tools to pick • Pledge: Alignment must be Law-
locks ful or Neutral; they do not suffer
• Read Languages: 80% chance, Divine Disfavour as clerics, but
starting at 2nd level will lose community support for
• Skill, Innate: Detect Secret Doors any significant deviations
(2/6 chance to find secret doors) • Spell Casting: As cleric of equal
• Thief Skills: Find Traps, Remove level
Traps, Hear Noise, Move Silently, • Using Magic Items: As cleric, but
Pick Locks, Pick Pockets as thief no magical research
of equal level
• Requirements: Minimum WIS 9
• Requirements: Minimum DEX 9 • Prime Requisite: DEX and WIS
(no CON requirement) • THAC0: As cleric
• THAC0: As thief • Stronghold: May build as cleric
• Stronghold: Build as thief at 4th at 4th level, though attracting on-
level, attracting 1d4 1st level ly 2d6x10 1st level halfling de-
burglars who serve as apprentic- fenders instead of the usual
es and 1d6+1 halflings of levels complement of fighters; costs of
1d4 each who act as unpaid re- the stronghold are halved due to
tainers community support
Remove Remove
• Attack Bonus: No missile bonus • Attack Bonus: No missile bonus
• Turn Undead: Unlike clerics,
n d
BX Options
Combat: Wardens are allowed any
Requirements: Minimum CON 9,
armour, shields, and weapons ap-
minimum DEX 9
propriate to their small size. They
Prime Requisite: DEX and STR
gain a +1 bonus “to-hit” a special
Hit Dice: 1d6
foe native to their locale (q.v., “Spe-
Maximum Level: 8
cial Foes by Terrain,” on the facing
Armour: Any appropriate to size,
page); the warden applies this bo-
including shields
nus even when fighting the foe out-
Weapons: Any appropriate to size
side their community’s borders.
(see below)
Languages: Alignment, Common, Defensive Bonus: Like halflings,
Halfling wardens gain a +2 AC bonus vs.
creatures larger than human-sized.
These halfling “outdoorsmen” patrol
the wilderness surrounding a halfling Encounter Bonus: Wardens gain a
community against threats and mis- +1 bonus to individual initiative.
chief. Wardens work at the pleasure They also receive a +1 bonus to
of the local sheriff and thus share reactions with other halflings.
responsibility for the community’s Hide: Wardens have a 9/10 chance
safety and defence. to hide in the wilderness; unlike other
Restrictions halflings, they do not have the abil-
ity to hide in dungeons.
Alignment: A warden’s alignment
cannot be opposite that of the sher- Skill, innate: Wardens have a 2/6
iff they have sworn to serve. chance of detecting natural traps
(i.e., pits, snares, deadfalls, etc.)
Badge of Office: All wardens are
given a badge of office by the local Thief Skills: Outdoors, wardens can
sheriff to signify their authority (e.g., Hear Noise and Move Silently as a
a brooch, pin, feathered cap, shield thief of equal level.
device, etc.). The warden must dis- Wilderness Survival: Outdoors,
play this badge to gain their reac- wardens can track, hunt, forage,
tion roll bonus (see below). secure shelter, fashion tools, and set
Pledge: Wardens are pledged to traps and snares. Failed attempts
serve the local sheriff; failure to do may be re-rolled, though each sub-
so strips the warden of their special sequent roll represents 1d6 hours of
abilities (rendering them a “normal” effort.
halfling) until some effort is under-
taken to regain the community’s con-
n d
BX Options
BX Options
The magic-user is the game ana-
logue to the staple fantasy wizard, Random Bonuses
sorcerer, magician, enchanter, etc. Magic-users may receive bonuses
But while it’s possible a magic-user through intense arcane study. At 2nd
might achieve the power of a Gan- level and above, the player may roll
dalf, Merlin, or Morgan le Fay, most 1d12 for a random bonus instead of
would agree that their high base XP hit points. Re-rolling a bonus results
and highly focused abilities makes it in cumulative benefits:
hard to keep them alive long enough
to reach such heights. 1. Create magic items at current
level (if re-rolled, reduce chance
Predictably, debate rages over how of failure by 3%)
(or even whether) to fix this. Some 2. Daily bonus of 1 additional spell
players advocate increased surviva- level
bility through more hit points, more 3. Ability to “convert” 1hp per
weapons, more spells, better saves, memorized spell level into self-
any armour, etc. Others argue that healing energy
the magic-user is just fine as it is: The 4. Extensive occult research allows
“smart” way to play them is to learn the magic-user to learn a 1st lev-
read magic and equip with as many el divine spell in place of 2 ar-
spell scrolls as possible. cane spell levels
Ultimately, it’s up to each gaming 5. Attract monstrous henchman of
group where to fall on the issue, but matching alignment (roll on dun-
it is worth noting that the magic- geon encounter table equal to
user’s base XP costs are consistent magic-user’s level)
with the other classic classes, so the 6. Increase CON hit point adjust-
referee can add, remove, or swap ment by +1
abilities using the Class Builder with 7. Gain permanent empathic com-
confidence. Regardless, whether munication with some unintelligent
survivability is a matter of playing monster type
style or changing class abilities, ei- 8. Learns how to wield a staff
ther strategy can achieve the power- 9. Learn 1 additional language
BX Options
Shield No 0
Weapons Restricted (dagger only) 100
Languages 2 (Alignment, Common) 0
Combat progression Improve THAC0 every 5 levels 100
Saving throws As magic-user 200
Magical research Yes 200
Size n/a 0
Equipment Spell book -100
Pledge n/a 0
Weakness n/a 0
Base XP: 2,500
BX Options
Arcanist Add
BX Options
Mage Change
• Detect Magic
• Read Languages
• Read Magic
4th Level
2nd Level
• Confusion
• Detect Evil
• Wizard Eye
• Detect Invisible
• ESP 5th Level
• Locate Object • Contact Higher Plane
3rd Level • Feeblemind
• Clairvoyance
• Infravision
BX Options
BX Options
1 0 1d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 1 – – – – –
2 2,800 2d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 2 – – – – –
3 5,600 3d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 2 1 – – – –
4 11,200 4d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 2 2 – – – –
5 22,400 5d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 2 2 1 – – –
6 44,800 6d4 17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 2 2 2 – – –
7 89,600 7d4 17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 3 2 2 1 – –
8 168,000 8d4 17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 3 3 2 2 – –
9 318,000 9d4 17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 3 3 3 2 1 –
10 468,000 9d4+1* 17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 3 3 3 3 2 –
11 618,000 9d4+2* 14 [+5] 8 9 8 11 8 4 3 3 3 2 1
12 768,000 9d4+3* 14 [+5] 8 9 8 11 8 4 4 3 3 3 2
13 918,000 9d4+4* 14 [+5] 8 9 8 11 8 4 4 4 3 3 3
14 1,068,000 9d4+5* 14 [+5] 8 9 8 11 8 4 4 4 4 3 3
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply Necromancers need 150,000 XP per level after 14th
To-hit: THAC0 value [attack roll bonus for use with Ascending Armour Class]
Saves: D=death/poison; W=wand; P=paralysis/petrify; B=dragon breath; S=rod/staff/spell
BX Options
they are not deities in the traditional, worship- indicate they have yet to find a suitable pa-
BX Options
1 0 1d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 1 1
2 2,200 2d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 1 1
3 4,400 3d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 2 1
4 8,800 4d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 2 2
5 17,600 5d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 3 2
6 35,200 6d4 17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 3 2
7 70,400 7d4 17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 4 2
8 132,000 8d4 17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 4 2
9 282,000 9d4 17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 5 3
10 432,000 9d4+1* 17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 5 3
11 582,000 9d4+2* 14 [+5] 8 9 8 11 8 6 4
12 732,000 9d4+3* 14 [+5] 8 9 8 11 8 6 4
13 882,000 9d4+4* 14 [+5] 8 9 8 11 8 6 4
14 1,032,000 9d4+5* 14 [+5] 8 9 8 11 8 6 4
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply Sorcerers need 150,000 XP per level after 14th
To-hit: THAC0 value [attack roll bonus for use with Ascending Armour Class]
Saves: D=death/poison; W=wand; P=paralysis/petrify; B=dragon breath; S=rod/staff/spell
BX Options
Thieves are known for their skills in
stealth and burglary but characteris- Random Bonuses
ing them exclusively as criminals is Thieves may receive bonuses through
an oversimplification—thieves occu- guild affiliation. At 2nd level and
py an interesting niche that speaks above, the player may roll 1d12 for
to how humans may approach the a random bonus instead of hit points.
role of an adventurer in the setting. Re-rolling a bonus results in cumula-
Consider the leap humans make tive benefits:
when going from “normal” to 1. Gain “night-vision” (infravision to
“classed”: Devout ones become cler- 30’ range)
ics, strong ones fighters, and smart 2. Gain 2/6 chance to detect de-
ones magic-users. But what about the ceit (lies, false rumours, swindlers)
humans too wilful for the clergy, too 3. Read languages at current level
weak to fight, or too indifferent to (if re-rolled, improve chance of
study the arcane? What about the success by 2%)
humans who prefer spontaneity over 4. Gain +1 “to-hit” bonus with
preparation, relying on luck as much thrown weapons
as talent? For these people— 5. Gain 2/6 chance of appraising
opportunists who avoid the long dis- gems, art, or fine goods
cipline of carefully practiced profes- 6. Attract 1d4 1st bandits as unpaid
sions in favour of whatever skills, retainers (morale +1)
wits, and guile the current situation 7. Acquire a set of fine lockpicks
demands—the professional path (pick locks a 1 level higher)
represented by the thief class is an 8. Gain danger sense (surprised
attractive and suitable option. only 1/6)
More than mere felons, then, thieves 9. Read spell scrolls at current level
are well and oddly rounded special- (if re-rolled, improve chance of
ists: Adroit with any weapon, they success by 2%)
can take down foes with a single 10. Gain 2/6 chance to find seedy
backstab; they have low hit points, urban contacts (fixers, crime
but put themselves at immense physi- bosses, corrupt officials)
cal risk; they rely on strength and 11. Gain 2/6 chance to forge docu-
dexterity, but can read unknown ments (letters, seals, official pa-
languages and spell scrolls. Played pers, and signatures)
as experts instead of delinquents, 12. Roll for hit points and then roll
again, ignoring a result of “12”
n d
BX Options
Shield No 0
Weapons Any 200
Languages 2 (Alignment, Common) 0
Combat progression Improve THAC0 every 4 levels 200
Saving throws As thief 200
Back-stab +4 to hit unaware foe, x2 damage 200
Size n/a 0
Equipment Thieves’ tools -100
Pledge n/a 0
Weakness n/a 0
Base XP: 1,200
Class Variants
Thief class variants have the same
base XP and level progression as
thieves, but with swapped abilities to
better suit specialised roles in the • Add: New abilities not possessed
setting. by the parent class
Class variants have the same abili- • Change: Alterations to abilities
ties as their parent class, except of the parent class
where noted otherwise below as: • Remove: Abilities of the parent
class unavailable to the variant
BX Options
Bounty Hunter
These thieves are hired by authori-
ties to track and capture fugitives.
Rough-and-tumble, they collect re-
wards for returning their quarry to
justice (usually alive).
at 12th level
BX Options
BX Options
after consumption.
assassin receives a +4 bonus “to-hit.”
If the attack succeeds, damage is Thief Skills: Assassins may Climb
multiplied by the target’s (descend- Sheer Surfaces, Hear Noise, Hide in
ing) AC plus the assassin’s level (min- Shadows, and Move Silently as a
n d
imum factor of x1). Targets larger thief one level lower than their own.
BX Options
BX Options
Combat: Bards eschew shields or
Requirements: Minimum DEX 9, min-
armour heavier than leather, wield-
imum WIS 9
ing only one-handed weapons.
Prime Requisite: CHA
Hit Dice: 1d4 Enchantment: Bards may play or
Maximum Level: 14 sing enchanting songs to reproduce
Armour: Leather, no shields magical effects (q.v., “Bardic Songs,”
Weapons: Any one-handed melee or on the facing page), which manifest
missile weapons a full round after the bard begins
Languages: Alignment, Common, +2 their recital. All living beings within
additional earshot (except the party) may save
to avoid the effect, which lasts for as
Bards are human warrior-poets who
long as the bard is able to play
chronicle the exploits of daring ad-
ventures as participants. They relate
these histories through song and Lore: Bards have a 2/6 chance to
verse, which are lent credibility as recall any random bit of history; re-
eyewitnesses to the events described rolls require 1d8 hours of passive
in their epics. Between adventures, mulling or 1d4 hours of dedicated
bards earn a living by entertaining research.
others with tales of adventure—in Read Languages: A bard of 4th
fact, adventuring parties sometimes level can read non-magical text in
hire bards to enhance their heroic any language (including dead lan-
reputations (perhaps, it is imagined, guages and basic codes) with 80%
with a liberal application of flatter- probability. If the roll fails, the bard
ing embellishment). cannot make another attempt until
gaining an experience level.
Thief Skills: Bards practice all thief
skills (except Find or Remove Traps)
as a thief of equal level, though their
skill does not improve after 9th level.
Restrictions Using Magic Items: At 8th level
Instrument: Bardic enchantments bards have an 80% chance to read
arcane scrolls; failure means the
set of thieves’ tools to Pick Locks. 9 Optionally, use the Spell Failure table in
Appendix E.
BX Options
1 0 1d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 1 – – –
2 2,500 2d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 1 – – –
3 5,000 3d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 2 – – –
4 10,000 4d4 19 [+0] 13 14 13 16 15 2 – – –
5 20,000 5d4 17 [+2] 12 13 11 14 13 2 – – –
6 40,800 6d4 17 [+2] 12 13 11 14 13 2 1 – –
7 81,600 7d4 17 [+2] 12 13 11 14 13 2 1 – –
8 163,200 8d4 17 [+2] 12 13 11 14 13 2 2 – –
9 326,400 9d4 14 [+5] 10 11 9 12 10 2 2 – –
10 446,400 9d4+2* 14 [+5] 10 11 9 12 10 2 2 1 –
11 566,400 9d4+4* 14 [+5] 10 11 9 12 10 2 2 1 –
12 686,400 9d4+6* 14 [+5] 10 11 9 12 10 2 2 2 –
13 806,400 9d4+8* 12 [+7] 8 9 7 10 8 2 2 2 –
14 926,400 9d4+10* 12 [+7] 8 9 7 10 8 3 2 2 1
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply Bards need 120,000 XP per level after 14th
To-hit: THAC0 value [attack roll bonus for use with Ascending Armour Class]
Saves: D=death/poison; W=wand; P=paralysis/petrify; B=dragon breath; S=rod/staff/spell
BX Options
Combat: Scouts prefer leather or
Requirements: Minimum STR 9
chain mail and do not carry shields.
Prime Requisite: DEX
Two-handed melee weapons are too
Hit Dice: 1d6
bulky to use in the field. Scouts gain
Maximum Level: 14
+1 “to-hit” in familiar territory (q.v.).
Armour: Any non-plate, no shields
Weapons: Any except two-handed Familiar Territory: Any wilderness
melee weapons where the scout spends a full expe-
Languages: Alignment, Common rience level is considered “familiar
territory” (size varies but there is a
Scouts are humans who’ve adapted
definite boundary; e.g., the Dark
to life in the wilderness, working to
Forest, the Western Desert, etc.).
keep stretches of untamed territory
safe for travellers and local popula- Infravision: Scouts have infravision
tions. Scouts know their territory to a range of 30’.
well—both its terrain and its deni- Surprise: In familiar territory, scouts
zens—warding it against foes that surprise at +1 and are themselves
might pose a danger to local settle- surprised only 1/6.
ments. They believe that birds,
beasts, and plants have as much a Thief Skills: Scouts can Climb Sheer
right to life as “civilised” peoples Surfaces, Hear Noise, Hide in Shad-
and try to ensure the peace and ows, and Move Silently as a thief of
safety of all—they’re just as likely to equal level. These skills function at
run down poachers as to guide one level higher in familiar territory.
peaceful travellers safely through a Using Magic Items: A scout of 4th
dark forest. level or higher can cast druidic spells
from scrolls with 80% accuracy. A
failed roll means the scroll fades
Alignment: Scouts have a respect without loosing the spell. 10
for life that restricts them to Lawful
or Neutral alignment. Wilderness Survival: Scouts can
track, hunt, forage, secure shelter,
Wild: Scouts dislike the noise and fashion tools, and set traps and
bustle of urban environments, which snares with a successful Wilderness
is fine since people usually view Survival roll. Failed attempts may be
Appendix E.
BX Options
BX Options
A) d6 Thief Skills
Groups that wish to convert Thief Skills from percentiles to the d6 “standard”
may use the table below, though at considerable loss of fidelity, since each point
on the d6 represents a full 16.67% probability. The chance-in-six success values
below are derived by dividing the original Thief Skill percentiles by 16.67 and
rounding up. 11
To maintain a chance of failure, where the value is “6/6” (i.e., 6-in-6 chance of
success) or greater and the die roll result is a “6,” toss a second d6—if the sec-
ond roll is also a “6,” the attempt fails.
d6 Thief Skill Conversion
Climb Find or
Hear Hide in Move Pick Pick
Thief Level Sheer Remove
Noise Shadows Silently Locks Pockets 12
Surfaces Traps
11 If using with the specialist thief variant (pg. 59), grant 2 points per level for skill improvements.
12 To reflect the penalty imposed by the target’s level, adjust rolls by –1 for targets of levels 5-7, –2
n d
for levels 8-10, –3 for levels 11-13, and –4 for level 14 (e.g., a 12th level thief attempting to pick an
BX Options
BX Options
C) Skills
While old-school games generally
eschew skill systems, there is a prec-
edent set by allowing classes to per-
form certain tasks with a d6 check
(e.g., finding secret doors or detect-
ing room traps). This convention is Learned Skills
expanded here to give referees a Learned skills are acquired at 1st
flexible (but consistent) system to level with a 1/6 (1-in-6) chance of
enhance class roles within the setting. success but improve at a variable
rate as levels are earned (pg. 9).
Skills are either innate or learned,
The faster the improvement rate, the
meaning their chance of success is
higher the base XP cost:
either static or improves with level. It
is possible for a skill to be innate for Learned Skill Improvement Rates
one class and learned for another.
Improvement Rate (+1/X Levels)
Regardless, a skill’s chance of success
caps out at 5/6 (5-in-6), so there is Level 2 3 4 5 6
always a chance of failure. 1 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6
2 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6
Innate Skills
3 2/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6
Innate skills are talents the class pos-
4 2/6 2/6 1/6 1/6 1/6
sesses by virtue of race, training, or
instinct. They do not improve once 5 3/6 2/6 2/6 1/6 1/6
acquired, meaning their chance-in- 6 3/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 1/6
six of success remains the same re- 7 4/6 3/6 2/6 2/6 2/6
gardless of the character’s level. 8 4/6 3/6 2/6 2/6 2/6
While a 2/6 chance of success is
9 5/6 3/6 3/6 2/6 2/6
“standard,” this value is mutable by
10 5/6 4/6 3/6 2/6 2/6
altering the skill’s base XP cost:
11 5/6 4/6 3/6 3/6 2/6
Innate Skill Base XP Costs
12 5/6 4/6 3/6 3/6 2/6
Success Chance Base XP Cost 13 5/6 5/6 4/6 3/6 3/6
1/6 (1-in-6) 100 XP 14 5/6 5/6 4/6 3/6 3/6
BX Options
BX Options
D) Equipment
Cost Weight Basic
Armour AC Notes
(gp) (coins) Encumbrance
Cost Weight
Weapon Dmg Qualities
(gp) (coins)
Ammunition Cost (gp) Notes
Blowgun needle 1 10 needles; see Poisons (pg. 61) for additional dosage costs
Long arrow 10 20 arrows; for use with great bows
unentangle themselves.
• Weapons: Blowgun, club, dag-
• Envenomed: Blowgun needles
ger, hand axe, javelin, net, short
deliver poison (pg. 61); one dose
bow, sling, spear (any type),
of poison coats 10 needles.
n d
BX Options
E) Spell Failure
At the referee’s option, spells may
be mis-cast in certain circumstances.
In this context, “failure” includes the
possibility that the spell could still
work, though with unexpected re-
sults. Spell failure might occur when:
Spell Failure
1d10 Result
1 Spell fails, creating shockwave (1hp/spell level damage to all within 10’/spell level)
2 Spell works, but caster suffers damage equal to 1hp per spell level
3 Spell works, but effect is permanent until dispelled (damage requires magical healing)
4 Spell works, but affects (d6: 1 random foe; 2-3 random ally; 4-5 all foes; 6 all allies)
5 Spell fails, no additional effect
6 Spell works, but caster is “drained” of spell casting ability for 1d6 turns per spell level
7 Spell works, but caster falls unconscious for 1d6 turns
8 Spell works, but effect is delayed 1d4 rounds
9 Spell works, but at reduced (d6: 1-2 duration; 3-4 range; 5-6 effect)
10 Spell works, with twice the normal (d6: 1-3 duration; 4-5 range; 6 effect)
BX Options
F) Home Terrain
Classes of wild or barbaric nature (e.g., barbarians, feral halflings, wild elves, et
al.) must choose a home terrain, which influences their choice of equipment (other
arms and armour may be available, though the items listed below are most com-
mon and readily obtainable).
Home Terrain
Terrain Description Typical Armour Typical Weapons
Rocky land at high altitudes; Furs, leather, chain Axe, dagger, spear,
includes arctic snowfields mail; shield sword; short bow
Axe, spear; short
Lush wooded areas; includes Leather, chain mail
Forest bow (or blowgun in
jungle in tropical climes (rare); shield
Rolling grasslands; includes Leather, lamellar; Club, spear, sword
steppe or tundra in cold climes shield (rare); short bow
Arid locales where water and Leather, chain mail; Dagger, spear,
vegetation are scarce shield sword; great bow
Wetlands of any sort; includes Dagger, spear,
Swamp Leather
marshes or taiga in cold climes sword
Areas characterised by large Leather, chain mail Dagger, spear,
bodies of water (rare) sword; short bow
n d
BX Options
BX Options
H) High-level Characters
Players and referees may allow Magic-user: 150,000 XP and +1hp
characters to continue earning expe- per level beyond 14th
rience and levels beyond the limit of
Thief: 120,000 XP and +2hp per
their Level Progression tables:
level beyond 14th
Cleric: 100,000 XP and +1hp per
This rule is optional and governed
level beyond 14th
by two provisions:
Dwarf: 130,000 XP and +3hp per
1. A character’s maximum level
level beyond 12th (dwarfs roll High-
cannot exceed their prime requi-
level Benefits below as Fighters)
site score (or the lowest of multi-
Elf: 200,000 XP and +2hp per level ple prime requisite scores)
beyond 10th (each level, elves roll
2. Use the High-level Benefits table
High-level Benefits below either as a
only for levels beyond the class’
Fighter or Magic-user)
Level Progression table
Fighter: 120,000 XP and +2hp per
Each time a character earns a level
level beyond 14th
beyond the limit on their Level Pro-
Halfling: 120,000 XP and +2hp per gression table, roll 1d8 on the High-
level beyond 8th (each level, halflings level Benefits table to determine
roll High-level Benefits below either what advantage is gained:
as a Fighter or Thief)
High-level Benefits
1d8 Cleric Fighter Magic-user Thief
BX Options
BX Options
Improved Turning: Each time this Magic Sense: The thief has a 2/6
benefit is rolled, the cleric increases chance of detecting magic, as the 1st
the total hit dice of undead turned level arcane spell, at will. Each time
by 2d6. Re-roll if the cleric does not this benefit is rolled, the chance of
turn undead. success increases by +1, to a maxi-
mum of 5/6.
Improved Wield: When using a rod,
staff, or wand, spell casters know the Non-person: The thief nullifies their
number of charges remaining, and presence and is immune to scrying,
all effects manifest at 50% greater detection spells, and ESP. If rolled
efficacy (e.g., a 6d6 fireball does again, the thief is aware of any
9d6 damage). If rolled again, the magical detection attempt; if rolled
spell caster can recharge rods, a third time, the thief may “redirect”
staves, and wands via the magic known detection attempts to a third
item creation rules, but at half the party, thus foiling the searcher.
cost in time and money.
Numinous Aura: The cleric exudes
an air of divine power that influ-
ences observers according to their
alignment relative to the cleric:
BX Options
16th level cleric’s relic contains a Sweep: When a fighter slays a foe
total of 8 divine magic levels). Spells in melee, they may attack another
are assigned by the referee and target in melee range. This continues
may include magical bonuses (a +1 until the fighter fails to land a killing
bonus counts as a single level); each blow or there are no more targets in
spell may be loosed once per day. range. Each time this benefit is
A single relic is “created” each time rolled, the fighter may move up to 5’
this benefit is rolled. between each strike.
Special Moves: Each time this bene-
fit is rolled, the fighter gains one of
the following combat abilities:
1. Enchanted strike: May use normal
weapons to hit creatures immune
to mundane damage
2. Give ground: Retreat is treated
like a fighting withdrawal
3. Squirmy: Cannot be swallowed
whole or carried away
4. Vitality: The fighter may save vs.
Spells to avoid energy drain
Walk it Off: The fighter ignores up
Stat Increase: Roll hit points and to 1hp of damage per level against
improve basic stats, based on class: 1 attack each day (improve daily
• Cleric: THAC0 +2; all saving limit by 1 if re-rolled).
throws +2 Weapon Bond: Each time this benefit
• Fighter: THAC0 +3; all saving is rolled, the fighter may designate
throws +1; roll for hit points a personal weapon as a signature
• Magic-user: THAC0 +1; all sav- arm, improving weapon perfor-
ing throws +3 mance as follows:
• Thief: THAC0 +2; all saving • +1 “to-hit” (works against crea-
throws +2; roll for hit points tures immune to normal weapons)
The “to-hit” limit is THAC0 6 [+13]; • Increase damage die by one
saving throws cannot be less than 3. step (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6
becomes 1d8, etc.)
Spell Enhancement: Each time this
benefit is rolled, the magic-user may • +1 AC bonus for parrying (me-
double the range, duration, or effect lee) or reduce range penalty by
of one known spell per day. Targets –1 (missile)
save at –1, if applicable. The weapon must be named, and
benefits vanish if the weapon is lost.
BX Options
COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the Eldritch Weirdness, Book One, © 2008, Matthew J. Finch.
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Advanced Edition Companion, © 2009–2010, Daniel Proctor.
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n d
BX Options