L and L Optician
L and L Optician
L and L Optician
mean and include the Licensorabove named as also his respective heirs,
E. That, the Licensor has considered the proposal of the licensee and
being satisfied with the proposal of Licensee has agreed to allot
the area100 Sq. Fts. situated at Siddhi arcade,part of shop
no 1 ,Kalda corner, Ch.Sambhaji Nagar, on Leave and License
basis and Licensor has agreed to give the premise on the Leave
and License basis.
G. The Licensor has agreed to allow the Licensee herein to use and
occupy the said Licensed premises for his aforesaid purposes only,
on Leave and License basis for the below mentioned period, on
terms and subject to conditions hereafter appearing;
(b) Words referring to a singular number include the plural, and words
referring to plural include singular.
(c) Headlines and titles are included in this Agreement for convenience
only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.
(d) Each Party must, at its own expenses, take all reasonable steps and
do all that is reasonably necessary to give full effect to this Agreement
and events contemplated by it.
2) Purpose
(b) That, the Licensee shall provide the services (i) in professional, diligent
and timely manner, (ii) as per good commercial practices and (iii) devote
the time and attention necessary to provide services in accordance with
the best of the standards and meet including quality.
(d) The Licensee shall not do anything in the said premises which is or is
likely to cause a nuisance to the other occupants of the said building or to
the prejudice in any manner. That the Licensee shall not in any way, use
the said premises for any purposes other than mentioned in this
Agreement and will not bring or store any prohibited goods, material in the
said premises which could, in any way be detrimental to the safety interest
of the Licensor. The legal issues if any arising of the prohibited or illegal
goods, material shall be solely responsibility of the Licensee.
The Licensee shall maintain the said premises in its existing condition and
damage, if any, caused to the said premises, the same shall be repaired
by the Licensee at its own cost subject to normal wear and tear.
(a) That the Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee herein a revocable
leave and license, to occupy the Licensed Premises, described in
Schedule A hereunder written without creating any tenancy rights or any
other rights, title and interest in favor of the Licensee for a period of 36
Months commencing from ------------------------ and ending on
That the Licensed premises shall only be used by the Licensee for the
(b) As the Licensee shall be acting that, the party in second part will maintain
the decorum in the shop in accordance with the ambience of the hospital. As
service provider to the hospital in the premises of which he is working hence the
reputation of the hospital shall also depend upon the quality of service, material
and the prices and charges that the licensee shall be offering to the customers.
Hence to keep the quality and pricing of the goods under control in the interest
of the hospital and the patient that shall be visiting the hospital and purchasing
from Licensee, it is proposed that the Licensor shall have control over the
pricing and inventory and stocking of the quality goods. Provide the punctual
services without any delay. Any activity deterrent and damaging to the
reputation of the hospital and to hospital services will not be carried out by the
licensee in any event and may incur termination of this agreement with
immediate effect,.
(c) Therefore, to avoid the overpricing at the Licensee’s outlet and keep check
of the quality, the Licensee shall keep the goods after approving the same from
the Licensor. He shall also maintain the record of inventory, sales, purchase
and stock at a secured computer system of which the Licensor will have an
unconditional access. The Licensor shall have right to inspect the transitions of
the record of inventory, sales, purchase and stock at any time and any
discrepancies in the same shall be treated as breach of contract. The amounts
of the sales made are to be maintained in the accounting software/system
provided by the Licensor including the sales in cash. The UPI code of the
Licensee shall be displayed on the visible area and money transfer shall be
allowed on the same code only. Any employee or the person receiving the UPI
in his personal or business name shall be considered as breach of contract.
The Licensee shall keep the Licensor promptly informed of all material matters
which come to Licensee’s attention relating to or affecting the business of the
Licensor or any matters concerning the provision of Services hereunder by the
(d) That, the Licensor/ Licensee will be responsible for acquiring, renewing and
maintaining all Government Permissions, licenses certificates etc. and shall be
sole property of the Licensor/ Licensee.
The Licensee shall be responsible to display the said permission and licenses at
the location which shall be visible and inspection of the same can be carried out
various authorities as the time needed. Any alteration or changes or hiding the
information of the said permissions or the Licenses by the Licensee shall be
treated as breach of contract. Whenever required the Licensee shall show
permissions and licenses to the various authorities with utmost care. If any
query arising during this shall be brought to the notice of Licensor and shall not
be addressed by solely by the Licensee.
4) Term of License
The leave and license agreement commence on --------- and shall
continue for a period of 36 months (“Agreement Period”) unless
terminated earlier in accordance with the terms hereof or breach of
agreement arising due to non-compliance of the terms & conditions of this
agreement or the non-adherence to the agreement terms.
6) Security Deposit:
This deposit shall be refunded without any interest after 90 days subject to
delivery of peaceful possession of the licensed premises by the Licensee
to the Licensor after expiry of the agreement period or earlier termination
of the agreement in accordance with the terms hereof subject to there
being no outstanding dues by the Licensee. The Licensor shall be entitled
to adjust any outstanding amounts of rent, interest or other charges due
from Licensee and any amount spent on repairing damages caused to the
premises under this agreement by the Licensee against the security
deposit prior to refunding the same to the Licensee. In the event of the
security deposit not sufficient to cover the outstanding amounts due to the
Licensee, the Licensee shall be liable to pay all such outstanding amounts
within 15 (Fifteen) days from the receipt of a written demand from
8) Maintenance Charges:
A separate electricity meter shall be provided by the Licensor for the
electrical use of the Licensee. The Licensee shall bear and pay all the
electrical usage as well as maintenance charges in respect of the said
Licensed Premises. Other outgoings including Municipal property taxes
and water charges respect of the said premises shall be paid by the
Licensor. The licensee shall pay the electricity and maintenance charges
directly to the authorities concerned and a give a copy of such payments
to the Licensor on monthly basis. It shall be duty of the Licensee to pay
electricity charges on priority before the due date, and any disconnection
of the electricity from the authorities for the nonpayment of the charges or
tampering the meter shall be responsibility of the Licensee. The Licensor
shall recover the outstanding electrical usage charges as well as
reconnection @5% interest from the Licensee immediately.
The Licensee shall be provided with one intercom connection for the
communication within premise along with a LAN internet through a central
server. The Licensee shall have right to apply for a Telephone, Fax
connection in the premises covered under this agreement in his own
name and at his own cost. This Telephone, Fax connection shall be
removed by the Licensee obtained and installed by him, as well as pay all
the dues on the expiry/termination of the License.
That the Licensee shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations
of the local government authorities in relation to the licensed premises.
That, the Licensor and the authorized personnel shall on reasonable notice
given by the Licensor to the Licensee shall have a right of access either by
himself or through authorized representative to enter, view and inspect the
Licensed premises at any time and reasonable intervals.
That the Licensee and Licensor will have the right to vacate the said
premises by giving a notice in writing of six months.
(b)That the Licensees shall pay -------- to the Licensor the following
amount per month towards the compensation for the use of the said licensed
The amount of monthly compensation shall be payable within first
five days of the concerned month of Leave and License.