Zerto It Resilience Platform Datasheet
Zerto It Resilience Platform Datasheet
Zerto It Resilience Platform Datasheet
Built-in orchestration and automation allow you to define workflows for live Unique Elastic Journal that
failovers and failover tests to enable push-button disaster recovery. Prove combines the granular journal
your resilience with robust tests that won’t impact production environments technology with long-term
or disrupt protection. repositories
Native and Agentless Journal-Based Recovery Full Application Stack Protection
Continuous Data Protection
Agentless protection natively Every generated change is almost Protect and recover entire application
integrates into existing platforms. immediately replicated to a journal stacks with guaranteed consistency
Continuous data replication and recovery checkpoints are created through Virtual Protection Groups.
has absolutely no impact to the automatically every few seconds. This Consistency is maintained across
performance of the production allows you to rewind and recover files, multiple virtual machines (VMs) no
environment. Easy, non-disruptive VMs, applications, and even entire sites matter where they are running in
installation can be implemented in to how they were seconds ago with your infrastructure.
any environment. unmatched granularity.
Long Term Retention -
Supported repositories
Purpose Built Backup Appliances:
DellEMC DataDomain, Exagrid, HPE
Key Capabilities StoreOnce, Other De-Deduplicated
Storage Appliances, Generic
Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) and Granularity in Seconds – Continuous
Network Shares
data replication protects every change in near-real time to ensure RPOs
Connection types: NFS, SMB
are measured in seconds. On top of replication, Zerto uses journal-based
recovery to restore data at a granularity of seconds to mitigate data loss in Index & Search - Supported
any scenario. repositories:
Easily Recover Entire Sites, Multi-VM Apps, VMs, and Files — Rewind and Any support SMB share
recover individual files, folders, VMs, applications, and entire sites from any
point in time within the journal, removing the extended data loss traditionally Index & Search - Supported
associated with backups. File Systems
Application Consistency Grouping – Protect applications regardless of
underlying infrastructure. Consistency is guaranteed across multiple virtual
machines allowing you to protect and recover entire application stacks in
addition to individual VMs as needed.
Orchestration and Automation – Remove the complexity of manual processes with Runbook automation.
Applications will recover using pre-defined recovery settings, which include boot order, network configuration, and
optional re-IP if needed.
Continuous Stream of Recovery points – The Elastic Journal combines the granular journal technology with long-
term repositories, providing a continuous stream of recovery points. Search and recover across data, files, or VMs from
any point in time going back seconds, hours, months, or years.
About Zerto
Zerto helps customers accelerate IT transformation by eliminating the risk and complexity of modernization and cloud
adoption. By replacing multiple legacy solutions with a single IT Resilience Platform, Zerto is changing the way disaster
recovery, data protection and cloud are managed. With enterprise scale, Zerto’s software platform delivers continuous
availability for an always-on customer experience while simplifying workload mobility to protect, recover and move