Chapter 2 Sad
Chapter 2 Sad
Chapter 2 Sad
The manager of an Information Systems department may have a direct role in the systems
development process if the organization is small or that is the manager’s style. Information
Systems managers are more involved in allocating resources to and overseeing approved system
development projects rather than in the actual project development process.
– The manager of an entire IS department may have the title Chief Information Officer
and may report to the president or chairman of the firm.
– Each division of the IS department will also have a manager.
• Director of IS development, IS operation manger, IS programmer director, etc.
The customer, or the recipient of the Information system project's deliverables, expects a certain
level of functionality and quality from the IS project. These expectations can be self-imposed,
such as the specification of the project completion date, or customer-specified, such as producing
the sales report on a weekly basis.
Although the project manager treats the specifications as fixed, the reality of the situation is that
any number of factors can cause the specification to change. For example, the customer may not
have defined the requirements completely, or the business situation may have changed (happens
in long projects). It is unrealistic to expect the specification to remain fixed through the life of the
project. Systems specifications can and will change, thereby presenting special challenges to the
project manager to manage an information system project. Basically after selecting an IS project
one should be consider the project constraints. Five constraints operate on every project:
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These constraints are an interdependent set; a change in one can cause a change in another
constraint to restore the equilibrium of the project. In this context, the set of five limitations form
a system that must remain in balance for the project to be in balance. The Project Manager is a
system analyst with a divers set of skills – management, leadership, technical, conflict
management, and customer relationship – who is responsible for initiating, planning, executing,
and closing down the project.
The project manager should be care the project parameters and focus on the project management
Project: a planned undertaking of related activities to reach an objective that has a beginning and
an end. To successfully coordinate the construction of a complex information system, a project
manager must have interpersonal, leadership, and technical skills. Table 1 lists the project
manager’s common skills and activities.
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Technical Working closely with customers to assure Interpreting system requests and
Problem project deliverables meet expectations. specifications, site preparation and user
Solving training, contact point for customer.
Designing and sequencing activities to attain
project goals. Interpreting system requests and
specifications, defining activities and
their sequence, making trade-offs
Managing conflict with in a project team to between alternative solutions,
assure that conflict is not too high or too low. designing solutions to problems.
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During this activity a senior manager, a business group, an Information System manager or a
steering committee identifies and assess all possible systems development projects, which are all
may yield significant organizational benefits.
The requests for developing information system can come from three key sources
Managers and business units who want to replace or extend and existing system in order to
gain needed information or to provide a new service to customers.
Information Systems managers who want to make a system more efficient, less costly to
operate or want to move a system to a new operating environment.
Formal planning group that want to improve an existing system in order to help the
organization meet its corporate objectives, such as providing better customer service.
The factors must be considered when selecting a project are
Perceived needs of the organization
Existing systems and ongoing projects
Resource availability
Evaluation criteria
Current business conditions
Perspective of the decision makers
During project initiation, the project manger performs several activities that asses, the size, scope
and complexity of the project and establishes procedures to support subsequent activities.
Depending on the project, some initiation activities may be unnecessary and some may be very
involved. The following are the types of activities that you will perform when initiating the
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1. Establishing the project initiation team. This activity involves organizing an initial core of
project team members to assist in accomplishing the project initiation activities.
2. Establishing a relationship with the customer. A thorough understanding of your customer
builds stronger partnerships and a higher level of trust.
3. Establishing the project initiation plan. This step defines the activities required to organize
the initiation team while it is working to define the scope of the project. This step eventually will
lead to the creation of the System Service Request (SSR) form.
System Service Request: is a standard form used for requesting systems development work.
The second phase of the project management process, which focuses on defining clear, discrete
activities and the work needed to complete each activity within a single project. It often requires
you to make numerous assumptions about the availability of resources such as hardware,
software, and personnel. As with the project initiation process, varied and numerous activities
must be performed during project planning.
1. Describing project scope, alternatives, and feasibility. The purpose of this activity is to
understand the content and complexity of the project.
2. Dividing the project into manageable tasks. This is a critical activity during the project
planning process. Here you must divide the entire project into manageable tasks and then
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logically order them to ensure a smooth evaluation between tasks. The definition of tasks and
their sequence is referred to as the work break down structure.
3. Estimating resources and creating a resource plan. The goal of this activity is to estimate
resource requirements for each project activity and use this information to create a project
resource plan. This resource plan helps assemble and deploy resources in the most effective
4. Developing preliminary schedule. During this activity, you use the information on tasks
and resource availability to assign time estimates to each activity in the work break down
structure. The schedule may be represented as a Gantt chart or as a Network Diagram.
Gantt Chart: is a graphical representation of a project that shows each task as a horizontal bar
whose length is proportional to its time for completion.
Network Diagram: is a diagram that depicts project tasks and their interrelationship.
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The third phase of the project management process, in which the plans created in the prior phase
(project initiation and planning) are put into action. Within the context of the SDLC, project
execution occurs primarily during the analysis, design, and implementation phase. The following
are list of activities performed during project execution.
1. Executing the baseline project plan. As project manager, you oversee the execution of the
baseline plan. This means that you initiate the execution of project activities, acquire and assign
resources; orient and train new team members, keep the project on schedule, and assure the
quality of project deliverables.
2. Monitoring the baseline project plan. While you execute the baseline project plan, you
should monitor your progress. If the project gets ahead of (or behind) schedule, you may have to
adjust resources, activities, and budgets.
3. Managing changes to the baseline project plan. You will encounter pressure to make
changes to the baseline plan. In addition to changes occurring through formal request, changes
may also occur from events outside your control.
4. Maintaining the project workbook. As in all project phases, maintaining complete
records of all project events is necessary. The workbook provides the documentation, new team
members require to assimilate project tasks quickly.
5. Communicating the project status. The project manger is responsible for keeping all team
members – system developers, managers, and customers – a breast of the project status.
Closing down the Project
This is the final phase of the project management process which focuses on bringing a project to
an end. Project can conclude with a natural or unnatural termination. A natural termination occurs
when the requirements of the project have been met – the project has been completed and is
success. An unnatural termination occurs when the project is stopped before completion. The
following are the activities performed during project close down.
1. Close down the project. During close down, you perform several diverse activities. For
example, if you have several team members working with you, project completion may signify
job and assignment changes for some members.
2. Conducting post project reviews. Once you closed down the project, final reviews of the
project should be conducted with management and customers. The objective this reviews is to
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determine the strengths and weaknesses of project deliverables, the processes used to create them
and the project management process.
3. Close the customer contract. The focus of this final activity is to insure that all
contractual terms of the project have been met.
Close down is a very important activity. A project is not complete until it is closed, and it is at
close down that projects are deemed a success or failure.
In this phase, it is not possible to produce a detailed project plan – because there is not yet enough
detailed information about requirements. However, it is possible to produce a plan that shows the
estimated timings for each phase of the project. The ability to accurately estimate the times for
each activity is a skill that is acquired with experience of systems development projects. It is
difficult to estimate the times required if you have not got experience of carrying out each
- where possible, the responsible person or team should also be assigned to each task
- Dates for starting each activity can be assigned, to show when the project is likely to be
completed – note that some activities must finish before the next one begins, while others can
begin before the previous one has finished. This is because there are dependencies between
Task Estimated Begin Date Responsible
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2. Analysis
Describe current system 4 days
Define Business Rules 2 days
Detailed Requirements for new system 4 days
Initial design 3 days
3. Design
4 days
Logical Design
2 days
Physical Design
4. Implementation& Operation
5 days
Build database
20 days
Write Code
2 days
10 days
3 days
Total 69 Days
Table 2: sample project schedule or plan
The name of the document and the format and content of it vary from one organization to another.
In an organization where the IT/IS department carries out systems development for other
departments, the document acts as an agreement as to what the problem is, what the proposed
solution is and what are the scope and constraints for the proposed system.
In the case where an outside supplier is providing the systems development service, this
document acts as an agreement between the supplier of the system/project and the customer. In
this case, the document may need to be more detailed – as it forms the basis of a legal agreement
between the two parties, and a contract may also be signed.
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The document may also be called a Baseline Project Plan or a Statement of Work or a
Statement of Requirements. The exact content and amount of detail in the document depends on
the organization and the participating parties.
Schedule, at a high level (approximate timings for each of the subsequent phases)
Estimated time of completion
Resources required (people and equipment)
The Proposal document will usually have sections for the following:
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