RtEmbSysSurvey Stankovic
RtEmbSysSurvey Stankovic
RtEmbSysSurvey Stankovic
University of Massachusetts, Amherst ^stankovic@cs.umass.edu&
also seen the development of scheduling over the network. This is known as end-
results for imprecise computation—a to-end scheduling.
situation where tasks obtain a greater The Mars project [Kopetz 1989], the
value the longer they execute up to Spring project [Stankovic 1991], and a
some maximum value. project at the University of Michigan
[Shin 1991] are all attempting to solve
Real-time kernels. Operating systems distributed end-to-end scheduling. The
must provide basic support for predict- Mars project uses an a priori analysis
ably satisfying real-time constraints, for and then statically schedules and re-
fault tolerance and distribution, and for serves resources so that distributed exe-
integrating time-constrained resource al- cution can be guaranteed to make its
locations and scheduling across a spec- deadline. The Spring approach supports
trum of resource types, including sensor dynamic requests for real-time virtual
processing, communications, CPU, mem- circuits (guaranteed delivery time) and
ory, and other forms of I/O. At least three real-time datagrams (best-effort deliv-
issues need to be addressed: ery) integrated with CPU scheduling so
—The time dimension must be elevated as to guarantee application-level end-to-
to a central principle of the system, end timing requirements. Spring uses a
not simply left as an afterthought. distributed reflective memory based on
a fiber optic ring to achieve the lower-
—The basic paradigms found in today’s level predictable communication proper-
general-purpose distributed operating ties. The Michigan work also supports
systems must change. Currently, they dynamic real-time virtual circuits and
are based on the notion that applica- datagrams, but is based on a general
tion tasks request resources as if they multi-hop communication subnet.
were random processes; operating Regarding the portability of applica-
systems are designed to expect ran- tions, many real-time UNIX operating
dom inputs and to display good aver- systems are appearing [Furht 1991],
age-case behavior. The new paradigm and a standard for real-time operating
must be based on the delicate balance systems, RT POSIX, is being developed
of flexibility and predictability: the [Gallmeister 1995]. While such stan-
system must remain flexible enough dards facilitate porting the code, how to
to allow a highly dynamic and adap- assess the timing properties of the
tive environment, but at the same ported application is still an open issue.
time be able to predict and possibly
avoid resource conflicts so that timing Distributed multimedia. Many real-
constraints can be met. time control applications, such as agile
—A highly integrated and time-con- manufacturing and process control, op-
strained resource allocation approach erate in highly nondeterministic envi-
is necessary to address timing con- ronments under timing constraints of
straints, predictability, adaptability, many types. Significant improvements
correctness, safety, and fault toler- can be made by embedding continuous
ance. and multimedia support in these appli-
cations. For example, in agile manufac-
Real-time kernels are also being ex- turing, remote factories, each consisting
tended to operate in highly cooperative of many automated workcells, must co-
multiprocessor and distributed system ordinate to handle new strategies for
environments. In such systems, sets of incoming product orders, to design new
communicating tasks (possibly located products, to schedule just-in-time deliv-
across a network) must be scheduled to eries of manufactured components, to
complete before a deadline, accounting monitor the plant operations, and to
for all system overheads, such as mes- solve difficult manufacturing floor prob-
sage copying and message transmission lems collaboratively.