English Part 9 21
English Part 9 21
English Part 9 21
11. Direction: Study the following data 16. Direction: Study the following data
carefully and answer the questions carefully and answer the questions
accordingly. accordingly.
Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are Six people A, B, C, D, E, and F are sitting
sitting in a row. Some of them are facing in a row facing south. They like different
south and some of them are facing north. flowers i.e. Aster, Canna, Celosia, Dahlia,
E sits immediate right of G. E and A are Gaura, and Hebe but not necessarily in
not immediate neighbors and both face the same order. The one, who likes
the direction opposite to B. Four people Dahlia, sits third to the right of the one,
are sitting between A and C. Three people who likes Hebe. B, who likes Celosia, is
are sitting between F and D. G and F face not sitting at an end. Three people sit
the same direction. F is sitting at an end between D and the one, who likes Canna.
facing south. B and C are immediate D likes Gaura and sits second from the
neighbors and both face the direction right end. C and E are not immediate
opposite to D. A is sitting third to the right neighbors. A is not an immediate
of D neighbor of D and sits immediate right of
How many of them are facing south E, who is not sitting at an end.
direction? How many of them are sitting to the right
A. One B. Three of the one, who likes Aster?
C. Four D. Two A. Five B. Four
E. None of these C. One D. Two
Ans. C E. None of these
Ans. B
12. Who among the following sits third to
the left of B? 17. Who among the following likes Dahlia
A. G B. E flower?
C. F D. A A. C B. A
E. Can’t be determined C. D D. F
Ans. A E. Can’t be determined
Ans. A
13. Who among the following are sitting
at the ends? 18.Who among the following is sitting at
A. B, A B. A, C the left end?
C. C, F D. F, B A. E B. B
E. None of these C. F D. A
Ans. C E. None of these
Ans. C
14. How many of them are sitting to the
right of G? 19. Which of the following flowers is liked
A. Six B. Three by A?
C. Five D. Four A. Gaura B. Canna
E. None of these C. Aster D. Hebe
Ans. D E. None of these
Ans. D
15. Who among the following are the
immediate neighbors of D? 20. Who is sitting second to the right of
A. A, B B. C, B F?
C. B, E D. E, G A. E B. C
E. None of these C. A D. D
Ans. C E. None of these
Ans. C