Background: Despite the increased rate of tuberculosis (TB) in the elderly, few publications have presented the clinical
characteristics of TB in this specific age group in our country. This study aimed to compare the clinical features, predisposing
factors and imaging findings of pulmonary TB in the elderly and in young adults, and to determine if any difference exists
between the two groups.
Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the records of all patients with the diagnosis of pulmonary TB at
Ghaem Hospital and outpatient clinics during a 6-year period. Ninety-five patients were studied and divided into two groups,
33 patients were in the young group (mean age, 29.3 yrs.) and 40 patients in the elderly group (mean age, 69.6 yrs.).
Patients aged 46-64 were excluded from the study.
Results: Predisposing factors were more prevalent in the elderly who had a significantly higher frequency of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, malignancy and diabetes mellitus.
Pregnancy and postpartum status were the predisposing conditions in young females. The classic symptoms and signs of TB
were noted in a higher proportion of the younger group. Fever (78% vs. 57.5%), and weight loss(94% vs. 80%) were
significantly higher (p<0.05),while night sweats(24% vs. 22.5%),cough (100% vs. 92.5%) and hemoptysis(30% vs. 15%),
were seen more in the younger group but with no significant differences .Lower lung infiltrates were higher in the elderly;
whereas, cavitation was seen significantly more in the young age group(63% vs. 25%, p<0.05).
Conclusion: To prevent delay in diagnosis and treatment, TB should be considered among the differential diagnosis of any
type of pulmonary infiltrates seen in the elderly, even when the clinical presentation is atypical. (Tanaffos 2008; 7(1): 52-57)
Key words: Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Young, Elderly
Today, tuberculosis (TB) remains one Mycobacterium tuberculosis and 7-8 million people
of the world's most lethal diseases. An estimated develop TB each year (1). Despite the steady decline
one-third of the world's population is infected with in the rate of TB cases resulting from the overall
Correspondence to: Towhidi M
implementation of effective TB control programs,
Address: Department of Internal Medicine, Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad, Iran. directly observed treatment short course (DOTs), and
Email address: dr_mtowhidi@yahoo.com efforts to control the human immunodeficiency virus
Received: 6 May 2007
/ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
Accepted: 26 Nov 2007
Towhidi M, et al. 53
epidemics, preventive and control strategies among and patients aged 65 or older. Patients aged 46 -64
other high-risk populations (such as the elderly) were excluded from the study. Thirty-three patients
remains a clinical and epidemiological challenge. were included in the younger group and 40 patients
Although infection with human immunodeficiency in the elderly group. Whenever sputum smear for
virus (HIV) is the greatest risk factor for acid fast bacilli (AFB) was negative or the patient
development of TB, the elderly are particularly at had no sputum, he or she underwent fiberoptic
risk for development of this disease (2). The geriatric bronchoscopy with bronchial washing and bronchial
population represents the largest reservoir of TB biopsy if an endobronchial lesion was seen.
infection particularly in developed countries (1). The collected data included demographic
Twenty-six percent of TB cases diagnosed were 65 characteristics, history of previous TB, symptoms,
years and older, but 60.3% of TB cases diagnosed at presence of conditions predisposing to pulmonary
death were in this age group (3). TB, bacteriologic status, and results of
It has been suggested that TB in the elderly may histopathologic examination.
differ from TB presenting in younger patients, and Statistical analysis: Statistical analysis was done
that it should be classified as a separate entity (4,5). using SPSS software; differences between the means
These differences might account for delay in were compared using one way analysis of variance.
diagnosis, which in turn leads to morbidity and To determine the significance of correlations
mortality in this age group (6,7). Few publications between the measurements, the Chi-square test was
have presented clinical and radiological used.
characteristics of pulmonary TB in the elderly in our
country (8,9). RESULTS
We aimed to study all patients with pulmonary TB The characteristics of the patients are summarized
diagnosed at Ghaem Hospital and outpatient clinics in Table 1.
and to compare clinical characteristics,
roentgenographic findings and predisposing factors Table 1. Pulmonary TB in the elderly: Patients’ characteristics.
54 Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Elderly
higher frequency of chronic obstructive pulmonary Upper lobe infiltrations were noted significantly
disease (COPD), ischemic heart disease (IHD), more in the younger group (54.5% vs. 15%)
congestive heart failure (CHF), malignancy (2 cases (p<0.05), whereas lower lung field infiltrations were
of bronchogenic carcinoma and 1 gastric carcinoma) seen more in the elderly group (35% vs. 24%), but
, and diabetes mellitus (Table 2); whereas, pregnancy differences were not statistically significant.
and postpartum state were the predisposing Cavitation was present significantly more in the
conditions in young females. Classic symptoms younger group compared to the elderly (63% vs.
described for TB such as fever (78%vs. 57.5%) and 25%, p<0.05) (Table 4).
weight loss (94% vs. 80%), were noted in a
significantly higher proportion among the younger Table 4. Pulmonary TB in the elderly : Radiological findings.
Young (n = 33) Elderly (n = 40)
sweats (24% vs. 22.5%), cough (100% vs. 92.5%) Radiological findings P value *
Number (%) Number (%)
and hemoptysis (30% vs. 15%) were seen more in the Upper lobe infiltration 18 (54.5) 6 (15) 0.001
younger age group, the differences were not Lower lung field
8 (24) 14 (35) 0.1
statistically significant (Table 3). infiltration
Cavitation 21 (63) 10 (25) 0.001
Miliary - 1 (2.5) -
Table 2. Pulmonary TB in the elderly: Underlying diseases.
* p<0.05 was considered as significant.
Young (n = 33) Elderly (n = 40)
Underlying disease Sputum was the most common source for the
Number (%) Number (%)
COPD (chronic bronchitis) - 3 (7.5) diagnosis of pulmonary TB in both groups. Nine
IHD, CHF - 2 (5) patients in the elderly and one patient in the younger
Towhidi M, et al. 55
among those of 65 years and older, but 60.3% of TB related to the fact that it was a registry -based series
cases diagnosed at death were in this age group. and therefore, a number of cases would have been
These data indicate that TB often remains diagnosed in the process of contact evaluation.
unrecognized and to prevent continuing deaths due to In contrast to others, in a study from Strasbourg
this curable disease, a high index of suspicion of TB (19) comparison of the clinical and radiological
remains important particularly among the elderly and features of TB showed no significant difference
those with extrapulmonary sites of disease (3). Delay between the young and elderly patients. In another
in diagnosis of TB causing avoidable morbidity and study from Tehran (8), the authors reached the same
mortality has often been assumed (particularly in the conclusion.
elderly) to be associated with atypical clinical and Our study confirmed the findings of Alvarez (14),
radiological features (13). One feature of TB among Rizvi (16), Zamarron (17), Chan(18), Khan(20) and
the elderly was the frequent association of other Leung(29) that the elderly patients had higher
comorbid conditions such as malignancy, diabetes number of underlying disease than young patients
mellitus, ischemic heart disease and chronic and had less fever, hemoptysis and more non-specific
bronchitis (14,15). In our patients , the elderly group complaints. Chest radiograph in the elderly patients
had higher number of underlying diseases than the with TB had atypical appearance and these patients
younger group( 35% vs. 24%). Concurrent diagnosis were less likely to have upper lobe infiltration and
of TB and malignancy was seen in 3 out of 40 elderly more commonly had extensive infiltration of both
patients (7.5%). Two patients had bronchogenic lung fields and lower lobes infiltration.
carcinoma and one had gastric carcinoma who Our data confirmed the previous reports that a
underwent gastrectomy. relatively high proportion of patients with pulmonary
In Alvarez series, 3 out of 29 (10.3%) young TB in all age groups had atypical radiological
patients and 11 out of 35 (31%) elderly patients had findings (20,21). In our series, the only exception
an underlying malignancy (14). In our patients, regarding radiological features was that the
pregnancy and postpartum state were seen in 5 out of frequency of cavitation was significantly lower in the
33 (15%) of the young group as the underlying risk elderly patients (63% vs. 25%, p<0.05). This was
factors. Our data suggested that younger patients similar to the radiological findings of Perez-Guzman
were more likely to have fever, night sweats, weight (22, 23), Yamaguchi (24) and Lee (27).
loss and hemoptysis than the elderly. Similar to our In another study done by Liaw et al. (28),
patients, these differences in symptoms have been radiographic presentation as mass lesions was more
reported previously in hospital-based retrospective frequently encountered in elderly patients (10.5% vs.
series (14), which consisted only of male subjects 2.1%, p< 0.05).
selected among the hospitalized patients. It has been stated that Mantoux skin testing with 5
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younger patients were more likely to have fever, study by Korzeniewska-Kosela (11) skin test
night sweats and hemoptysis, there was no significant responses to 5 TU PPD were positive in 86.2% of
difference in most symptoms between the two young adults and 67.6% of elderly patients.
groups. In their study, small but significant minority In our patients, diagnosis of pulmonary TB was
of patients were asymptomatic, probably in part confirmed by fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) in 9
56 Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Elderly
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