Solución 5 - Carga de Liquidos
Solución 5 - Carga de Liquidos
Solución 5 - Carga de Liquidos
Eventually, gas wells will cease producing as the reservoir pressure • Increasing difference between the tubing and casing flowing pres-
depletes. The usual presence of some liquids can reduce production sures (i.e., Pcf −Ptf) with time, measurable without packers present.
even faster. This paper describes the problem of liquid accumulation • Sharp changes in gradient on a flowing-pressure survey.
in a gas well. Recognition of gas-well liquid-loading problems and
30 APRIL 2004
• The prediction of the onset of sharp liq-
uid loading at low rates varies tremendously
with different flow correlations.
• GLRs and IPR data often are unknown.
Liquid loading may be present, but what
solutions are best to alleviate the problem?
No universal solutions exist.
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Fig. 3—Intersection of TPC and IPR determine potential
operating rates. Fig. 4—Sensitivity of tubing performance to diameter.
• An electronic controller with logic to set cycles of production • Evaluate other methods of dewatering vs. plunger lift.
and shut-in time for best operation. Plunger lift works better with larger tubing size. A velocity string
Fig. 6 illustrates a plunger-lift cycle. Pressure builds in the cas- requires smaller tubing. Lower rates (only a few Mscf/D) probably
ing with the plunger at the bottom of the well. Next, the well trend toward plunger-lift use and not small tubing.
opens and annulus gas expands to lift the plunger and liquid to • Evaluate the well configuration.
the surface. Gas flows while the plunger remains at the surface. First run a gauge and scraper if needed. Use wireline to run a
Liquids accumulate in the well as gas flow decreases. The valve mockup or plunger to check downhole clearances.
closes and the plunger falls to the bumper spring. Repeating cycles Land the tubing, without a packer, such that some open perfora-
may be adjusted continuously by use of a plunger-lift controller. tions are below the tubing end.
The pressure that builds in the annulus during the shut-in The wellhead should be the same diameter as the tubing.
portion of the cycle is the major source of energy to bring the • Select and install necessary plunger controls and equipment.
plunger and liquid to surface along with some well inflow. Controllers vary with function and the degree of sophistication. A
Installations operate best with no packer in the well. Some typically accepted speed of arrival is approximately 750 ft/min. A
plunger wells operate with a packer, but greater well pressure and window of arrival would be (750 ± X) ft/min, where X is the incre-
GLR are needed. mental velocity of rise. Speed is plunger-travel length divided by
Plunger feasibility is evaluated as follows. travel time.
• Check industry guidelines to see if the well is a plunger candidate.
1. The GLR should be approximately 400 scf/bbl per 1,000 ft
of depth.
Given: GLR=800 scf/bbl and depth=5,000 ft.
400 scf/bbl×5,000/1,000=2,000 scf/bbl required. This well is
not a candidate by this rule, which does not consider pressure-
buildup effects.
2. The “slug-size” pressure should be less than 50% of the “net”
pressure. The “slug-size” indication is the operating static casing
pressure minus the tubing pressure, or Pcs−Pts. The “net pressure” is
Pcs−Ptf, where Ptf is the starting flowing-tubing pressure. If Pcs=600,
Pts=500, and Ptf =100 psi, then:
(600−500)/(600−100)=20%, which is less than 50%; therefore,
the well is ready to open.
3. See Fig. 7 for a 2-in. tubing-plunger feasibility chart.8 A chart
for 21/2-in. tubing-plunger operation also is available.8 The “net
operating pressure” is Pcs−Ptf when the well is opened initially.
Given: depth=8,000 ft, 23/8-in. tubing, Pcs=250 psi, and Ptf = 50
Then, the net operating pressure is 250−50=200 psi. Fig. 7
shows that the required GLR for plunger lift is 10,000 scf/bbl.
With larger 27/8-in. tubing, less GLR is needed.
Other methods9 include calculation of the average FBHP during a
plunger cycle, which shows results as a nodal plunger/tubing perfor-
mance curve. Another study10 incorporates the use of a reservoir Fig. 5—Typical plunger-lift installation.
model and a tubing-flow model.
32 APRIL 2004
One example logic is as follows. This type of separator uses the principle of downward flow at a
If the plunger speed is greater than (750+X) ft/min, reduce the slower rate (approximately 0.5 ft/sec) than the bubbles rise. Higher
casing-pressure buildup time and/or lengthen the flow time. production rates (approximately 150 to 200 B/D) can gas lock this
If the plunger speed is (750 ± X) ft/min, make no adjustments. type of separator.
If the plunger speed is less than (750−X) ft/min, lengthen the • If landed above the perforations, consider separators such as a
buildup time and/or reduce the flow time. packer separator, filter element, or vortex.
After the flow period, the plunger should fall through some liq- • Ensure a good CR13 on the pump downstroke and a high flow
uid in the tubing. When the BHP is sufficient to raise the plunger area through the valves (Fig. 9). A high CR will prevent gas lock.
and liquid, the well is opened to begin the cycle. A more-productive • Use specialty pumps. Some pump designs open the traveling
cycle involves lifting a small slug of liquid on each cycle. valve (TV) mechanically. Others take the fluid load of the TV with
A new two-piece plunger, consisting of a ball and cylinder, a top sliding valve (SV).
demonstrates increased production in some cases. It seals on the Other pumps1 use a top TV to hold the hydrostatic pressure in
upstroke when the ball and cylinder are together, and components the tubing at the beginning of the downstroke. This method allows
cycle to the bottom of the well when apart.11 the bottom TV to open, allowing liquid and gas to enter the upper
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Fig. 8—Pump card with gas interference.
Gas Lift. Gas lift18 introduces additional gas into the tubing to light-
en the flowing gradient and can increase the fluid velocity above crit-
ical. A compressor or a high-pressure gas well must supply the lift gas.
The usual process is to inject gas down the casing and through a gas
lift valve into the tubing. The gas in the tubing lightens the gradient,
and the well produces at a higher rate. Gas can be injected below the
Fig. 7—Plunger-lift feasibility for 23/8-in. tubing.8 tubing end or injected through only one valve or port if gas pressure
is available to unload. A series of unloading valves can be used to help
inject near the bottom of the well with limited gas pressure.
because they are inexpensive. Foaming may not be the most eco- Gas lift guidelines are as follows.
nomical solution if large quantities of expensive surfactants are • Compare costs with other methods.18
needed. The foam produces a less-dense mixture by increasing the • Be sure that compressors and additional gas are available.
surface area of the liquid with bubbles. The result is less gas/liquid • Model the wells, and possibly the entire field, with gas lift, com-
slippage. The gas can more easily carry the foamed liquids to paring with other methods.
the surface. Actually, plunger lift is an intermittent method of lift, sometimes
One test procedure to determine which surfactants work best augmented by gas injection down the casing. Intermittent gas lift for
in wellbore fluids is shown in Fig. 10. Well liquids are placed low-rate wells is used in wells with no plunger. “Stopcocking” is a
into a tube, and a specified amount of the foaming agent to be method of opening and closing wells so that gas pressure in the shut-
tested is added. A specified gas rate is injected at the bottom of in period can expand and intermittently gas lift liquids from the well.
the tube through a fritted disk, and liquid carryover into the
beaker vs. time is measured. This test15,16 is simple, quick, and
inexpensive. It allows evaluation of foaming agents before expen-
sive field trials. Recent methods17 test for surface tension and lower
effective liquid-phase density to calculate a lower required critical
velocity as a method of predicting foam performance.
There are various methods of introducing surfactants into the
well. The simplest method is to batch or continuously inject chem-
icals down the annulus of a well with no packer. Also, soap sticks
can be dropped down the tubing, manually or with an automatic
dispenser. Guidelines include the following.
• Screen foaming agents with lab tests.
• Water is easiest to foam. Condensates are more difficult and
require more-expensive chemicals. Water loading is most common.
• If a packer is present, systems1 exist that allow the lubrication of
a /4-in. capillary tube down the tubing to inject chemicals at depth.
• With no packer, agents can be introduced down the annulus,
either batched or injected. Consider automated measurements and
controls to schedule treatments.
Foaming is a cheap-initial-cost solution for gas-well dewatering,
but can be expensive if large volumes of surfactants are required. It
has been used successfully in many applications. Fig. 9—Compression in beam pump with gassy flow.13
34 APRIL 2004
Injection Systems. An injection test should be run on a suitable underlying injection
Instead of produc- zone before considering this method.
ing the water from
a gas well, it may be Other Methods. Many other methods exist. A resistance cable to
possible to inject it heat and prevent condensation was shown to approximately triple
into a zone below production.21 Various controllers exist to prevent annulus heading
the gas zone. There and to control casing-to-tubing flow for best production.22 Inserts at
are several methods each joint to keep liquids dispersed have proved beneficial.23 Many
of injecting the other methods have been demonstrated over the years, although it
water in a gas is hoped that the major concepts have been identified here.
• Bypass seating Summary
nipple:20 Pressure • Recognize liquid loading from well symptoms, critical velocity,
from water and/or Nodal analysis.
A = cross-sectional area of flow, ft2
C = coefficient of reduced critical velocity, (ft/sec).(lbm/ft3)0.25
k = coefficient of basic critical velocity,
P = pressure, psia
Pcf = casing pressure, flowing, psia
Pcs = casing pressure, shut-in, psia
Ptf = tubing pressure, flowing, psia
Pts = tubing pressure, shut-in, psia
Qgc = critical gas flow rate, MMscf/D
T = temperature, ºF
vgc = critical velocity of gas, ft/sec
X = increment of velocity of rise, ft/min
z = gas compressibility factor
ρg = density of gas, lbm/ft3
ρl = density of liquid, lbm/ft3
σ = surface tension of liquid to gas, dynes/cm
APRIL 2004 35
15. Dunning, H.N. et al.: “Foaming Agents for Removal of Liquids from Gas
References Wells,” Bull. 06-59-1, American Gas Assn., New York City.
11. Lea, J.F., Nickens, H.V., and Wells, M.: Gas Well Deliquification, Elsevier 16. Libson, T.N., and Henry, J.R.: “Case Histories: Identification of and
Press, first edition (2003). Remedial Action for Liquid Loading in Gas Wells, Intermediate Shelf Gas
12. Turner, R.G., Hubbard, M.G., and Dukler, A.E.: “Analysis and Play,” paper SPE 7467, JPT (April 1980) 685; Trans., AIME, 269..
Prediction of Minimum Flow Rate for the Continuous Removal of 17. Campbell, S., Ramachandran, S. and Bartrip, K.: “Corrosion
Liquids From Gas Wells,” paper SPE 2198, JPT (November 1969) 1475; Inhibition/Foamer Combination Treatment to Enhance Gas Production,”
Trans., AIME, 246. paper SPE 67325, presented at the 2001 SPE Production and Operations
13. Coleman, S.B et al.: “A New Look at Predicting Gas-Well Load Up,” Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 24-27 March.
paper SPE 20280, JPT (March 1991) 329; Trans., AIME, 291. 18. Stephenson, G.B., Rouen, B., and Rosenzweig, M.H.: “Gas-Well Dewatering:
14. Wesson, H.R.: “Coiled-Tubing Velocity/Siphon String Design and A Coordinated Approach,” paper SPE 58984 presented at the 2000 SPE Intl.
Installation,” 1st Annual Conference on Coiled-Tubing Operations and Petroleum Conference, Villahermosa, Mexico, 1–3 February.
Slimhole Drilling Practices, Houston, 1–4 March 1993. 19. Williams, R., Vahedian, S., and Lea, J.F.: “Gas Well Liquids Injection
15. Campbell, J.A. and Bayes, K.: “Installation of 27/8-in. Coiled-Tubing Using Beam-Lift Systems,” presented at the 1997 Southwestern
Tailpipes in Live Gas Wells,” paper OTC 7324, 1993 Offshore Petroleum Short Course, Lubbock, Texas, 2–3 April.
Technology Conference, Houston, 3–6 May. 20. Grubb, A.D. and Duvall, D.K.: “Disposal Tool Technology Extends Gas Well
36 APRIL 2004