Lec 6
Lec 6
Lec 6
Prepared by
Five Reservoir Fluids
Classification based on p-T diagrams
Classification based on laboratory data
Classification based on production data
Review: p-T diagram of multicomponent
• Saturation envelope
• Cricondenbar
• Cricondentherm
Reservoir fluid classification
• Classification is based on the position of the phase envelope relative to the
production path (reservoir – pipes – separator)
Production paths
Why do we need to classify reservoir fluids?
• Determine sampling method
• Determine surface equipment types and sizes
• Depletion strategy
• Selection of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods
• Determine material balance calculations
Reservoir classification
• Dry gas reservoirs
(single phase) p
• Dew-point reservoirs
• Wet gas
• Retrograde gas
• Bubble-point reservoirs
• Volatile oil
• Black oil
Dry gas reservoir
• Simplest reservoir fluid – remains single-phase all the time
• Dominated by methane, p
low in heavier molecules
• Shale gas is usually very
dry (there are exceptions)
• Dry gas well also produces
Dry gas reservoir
• Newark East field, Barnett
Shale, Texas
• Daily production 1.97 bcf gas
and 6000 bbl condensate
Wet gas reservoir
• Production path crosses dew point line
• Reservoir temperature > cricondentherm
• Condensation in pipes and separators
• No condensation in the
reservoir p cricondentherm
• Characteristics
• Richer in heavier alkanes
• Surface liquid – condensate
• Surface gas – condensate-gas
• Wet or dry has nothing to
do with moisture T
Wet gas reservoir
• Wattenberg field, Denver
-Julesburg (DJ) basin
• Production gas-oil ratio in
average 40-50 Mscf/STB
Retrograde reservoir
• Fluid starts as all gas but crosses dew-point line during
• Reservoir temperature
is between critical point p
and cricondentherm
• Condensation occurs in
the reservoir
• Produced gas is called
retrograde gas
Retrograde reservoir
• Characteristics
• Richer in heavier alkanes than wet / dry gas
• Composition of (surface gas + surface condensate) DOES NOT EQUAL original composition of
reservoir fluid
• Hydrocarbons condensed in the reservoir generally cannot be recovered –
besides, condensation hinders gas production
• Wetting / interfacial tension
• Remedies – injection of dry gas
Retrograde reservoir
• Wharton field, Texas
Black oil
• When fluid is depressurized, the path crosses bubble-point line; the point of
crossing is well below the critical point.
• Iso-vols: lines of constant
liquid volume – nearly
evenly spaced. p
• Above the bubble point line: Critical
• Below the bubble point line:
Separator T
Black oil
• Example:
• Ghawar, Saudi Arabia – largest oil field in the world
• Since 1948, Ghawar has
produced 65 billion bbl
of oil (2010 data)
• Initial solution gas-oil
ratio = 550 scf/bbl
Black oil
• Characteristics
• Production above the bubble point – vaporization occurs in pipes and
• Production below the bubble point – vaporization also occurs in the reservoir
• As gas comes out of solution, oil shrinks in volume and viscosities increase.
• Gas associated with black oil is dry (nearly all methane)
Volatile oil
• Volatile oil contains more intermediates (ethane ~ hexane) and less heavy
molecules than black oil
• Volatile oil, when
depressurized, crosses p
the bubble point line point
near the critical point
(near-critical oil)
Separator T
Volatile oil
• Characteristics
• Iso-vols are not evenly distributed – slight decrease in pressure may lead to
large volume of gas emitted from solution
• Gas associated with volatile oil is very rich (wet), releasing large quantity of
liquid in separators
• Shrinkage of volatile oil is very high
Volatile oil
• Karachaganak field, Kazakhstan
• One of the largest condensate fields in the world
• Top: 1450 meter-thick
retrograde condensate
• Bottom: 200 meter-thick
volatile oil
Eagle Ford
Laboratory analysis
• In addition to phase diagram, the following laboratory analysis is also used to
classify reservoir fluids
McCain WD Jr. Heavy components control reservoir fluid behavior, Journal of Petroleum Technology, 746-750, September 1994.
McCain WD Jr. Heavy components control reservoir fluid behavior, Journal of Petroleum Technology, 746-750, September 1994.
• p-T diagrams of five reservoir fluids
• Other classification criteria
• C7+ mole %
• Oil formation volume factor
• Initial producing gas-liquid ratio
• Initial API gravity of stock-tank fluid
Properties of Dry Gas
Formation volume factor
Isothermal compressibility
Heating value
Joule-Thomson effects
McCain Chapter 6
No standard for “standard condition”
• Standard temperature – 60 F° (15.56 °C)
• “Standard” pressure (Table 6-1)
• We will follow the textbook and use 14.65 psia as standard pressure
Gas FVF and compressibility
• Formation volume factor of gas
1 V
cg = −
V p T
v vm m
= = −cg p = = cg p
v vm m
Pseudoreduced compressibility
• Definition
c pr = cg p pc ppc: pseudocritical pressure of gas
• Advantage
z-factor as a function of pseudoreduced
1 1 z
c pr = − pressure and temperature can be found in
p pr z p pr Chart Fig. 3-7, 3-8, and 3-9 (Lecture 7)
Isothermal Pseudoreduced
compressibility compressibility
Viscosity / kinematic viscosity
• Viscosity describes the ability of the fluid to resist flow
• Unit: centipoise = gram/100 sec cm
• Kinematic viscosity
• Defined as
• Unit: centistokes = centipoise
= /(gram/cc)
= cm / 100 sec
Dependence of viscosity on p/T
• Fig. 6-6: ethane
g =
y M j
• The viscosities of j
individual components
can be found in Fig. 6-7.
Viscosity of gas mixtures
• Low pressure
Specific gravity known
• Viscosity at 1 atm (μg1)
can be looked up
from Fig. 6-8
• Corrections due to other
Viscosity of gas mixtures
• High pressure
• We apply laws of corresponding states and find the viscosity ratio
g g1
as functions of pseudoreduced temperature and pressure (Tpr and ppr)
• Important charts: Fig. 6-7, 6-8, 6-9, 6-10.
Density, compressibility & Viscosity
• Combined chart for reservoir gas properties
Viscosity at high
Viscosity at 1 atm μg1
pressure and
temperature μg
• One must combine separator gas (SPG), separator liquid (SPO), stock-tank gas
(STG), and stock-tank oil (STO) to obtain the original properties
Stock Stock-tank oil
Separator liquid
tank (STO)
Reservoir fluid (all Reduction in pressure and Further reduction in pressure and
gas) temperature – dew-point line temperature to standard
crossed condition
Types of recombination calculations
Composition-based: Reservoir gas composition
• Case I: SPG + STO + STG
• Case II: SPO + SPG
Stock Stock-tank oil
Separator liquid
tank (STO)
# of moles of j in STO Total # of moles in STO
• Oil (1 STB)
# of moles of j in STO
(1 STB)
Separator 1
Separator 2
Stock Stock-tank oil
tank (STO)
Stock Stock-tank oil
Separator liquid
tank (STO)
Stock Stock-tank oil
Separator liquid
tank (STO)
Mass in SPG
Surface volume of STG
Mass in STG
Gas equivalent surface volume
Mass in STO of STO
+ +
• Two-stage
Mass of SPG + STG Mass of STO
Separator 1
Separator 2
Stock Stock-tank oil
tank (STO)
gg = 0.7243
Formation volume factor
• Definition
Volume of reservoir gas at reservoir pressure and temperature
Bwg =
Volume of stock - tank liquid at standard conditions
• Composition known
Composition of Pseudocritical properties of
reservoir gas reservoir gas
Reservoir conditions
(Example 7-1) Pseudoreduced properties of
reservoir gas
• Composition unknown
Specific gravity of Pseudocritical properties of
reservoir gas reservoir gas
Reservoir conditions
(Example 7-3)
Pseudoreduced properties of
Total surface volume reservoir gas
(including gaseous
equivalent of STO)
Volume of reservoir
gas per STB of STO
Total # of moles per
Volume of STO (1 Formation volume
STB) factor
Example (7.6) (con’t Ex. 7.1)
• Additional Data Calculation
Res. Temp. = 204 ºF z = 0.85 ~ chapter 3
Res. Pres. = 2360 psig Vm = zRT/p
Vm = 2.55 ft3/lb mol - res-gas
Vm = MWa/
Vm = 2.14 ft3/lb mol - STO
Condensate Blockage
Gas Cycling
Retrograde characteristics