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Any Means Necessary - Lila Herron

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Any Means Necessary

Lila Herron
Copyright © 2023 by Lila Herron

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author,
except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

1. Chapter 1
2. Prologue: Lexie
3. Chapter One: Lexie
4. Chapter Two: Lexie
5. Chapter Three: Callum
6. Chapter Four: Lexie
7. Chapter Five: Lexie
8. Chapter Six: Lexie
9. Chapter Seven: Lexie
10. Chapter Eight: Callum
11. Chapter Nine: Callum
12. Chapter Ten: Callum
13. Chapter Eleven: Lexie
14. Chapter Twelve: Lexie
15. Chapter Thirteen: Lexie
16. Chapter Fourteen: Callum
17. Chapter Fifteen: Callum
18. Chapter Sixteen: Lexie

19. Chapter Seventeen: Lexie

20. Chapter Eighteen: Lexie

21. Chapter Nineteen: Callum

22. Chapter Twenty: Lexie
23. Chapter Twenty-One: Lexie
24. Chapter Twenty-Two: Callum
25. Chapter Twenty-Three: Lexie
26. Chapter Twenty-Four: Callum
27. Chapter Twenty-Five: Callum
28. ChapterTwenty-Six: Lexie
29. Chapter Twenty-Seven: Callum
30. Chapter Twenty-Eight: Lexie

31. Chapter Twenty-Nine: Lexie

32. Chapter Thirty: Lexie

33. Chapter Thirty-One: Lexie

34. Chapter Thirty-Two: Callum
35. Chapter Thirty-Three: Callum

36. Chapter Thirty-Four: Callum

37. Chapter Thirty-Five: Lexie
38. Chapter Thirty-Six: Lexie

39. Chapter Thirty-Seven: Callum

40. Chapter Thirty-Eight: Lexie

41. Chapter Thirty-Nine: Callum

42. Chapter Forty: Lexie
43. Epilogue: Callum

44. About the Author

To my fellow fat babes who wish they could see themselves in the books they read.
You’re hot. This is your main character moment.
Prologue: Lexie

stare at my shaking hands, watching them tremble. These skilled, useless hands.
Even now, after taking the gloves off and scrubbing them twice, I can still feel the
blood coating them like a sickening second skin. The frigid night air whips around me,
carrying the shrill wail of the sirens and chaos of the incoming traumas. The cold
catches the blood on my scrubs, a chill reaching all the way to my bones. Huddled on
the bench, I struggle to suck in shallow breaths against my breaking heart. Once the
tears start, there’s no stopping them. The floodgates open and the first sob comes out.
Bringing my hands to my middle, I wrap my arms around myself for support. My
helpless, pointless hands. They’re no good to anyone, they can’t fix this. Nothing can.
What’s the point of them if they can’t help when I need them to the most? All I could do
was sit and watch helplessly. And now all that blood—sweet, innocent blood—is on my
My skilled, useless hands.
My eyes search the night air for a sign of hope, a distraction, anything. The blazing
ambulance lights bathe everything in flashes of blue and red. My eyes catch on an object
laying on the cracked concrete a few yards away, cast in the flashing light. Staring at it,
something inside me fractures as a devastating sadness settles so deeply in my chest I’m
not sure I’ll ever be without it again. It’s like the ground has opened into an abyss
beneath me and I’m slipping into the darkness.
The child’s lunch box is stained with blood until the light blue color is barely visible.
On it, the cartoon solar system sits in a cluster of stars with a tiny astronaut floating
blissfully near a small rocket. The name Jack is written clearly across the front in
sharpie. It sits there on the ground, trampled and forgotten—belonging to someone who
will never come looking for it. The sinking feeling drags me deeper into the abyss.
“Lexie?” The voice saying my name behind me barely registers, even as a hand
touches my shoulder. “Lexie, are you okay?”
“I can’t.” I shake my head with a sob. “I can’t do it. I can’t stay here.” I need to leave,
and I don’t know how I’ll ever come back. How will I ever come back from this?
“Come on, let’s get her inside and cleaned up.” Several pairs of hands support me
when I stand on unsteady legs, but I don’t recognize faces past my tears and despair. I
allow myself to be led away from the bench, away from the flashing lights and the noise
from the tragedy.
Away from the blood-stained lunchbox.
Chapter One: Lexie

nd when are you coming back, exactly? When you said the hospital accepted the
nurse you recommended instead of extending your contract, I thought that
meant I’d be getting my best friend back.” Mia’s attitude is broadcasted through the
kitchen, her irritation echoing on speakerphone. “It’s already been four months, how
long are you going to play hard to get? It’s rude to tease me like this.” I roll my eyes at
her dramatics, grinning only because she can’t see me.
“Oh please, it’s not like you’re just sitting at home all day without me,” I shoot back.
“You’re the busiest person I’ve ever met. I invited you to come visit me. But noooo,
you’re too important to take the time off to come to New York.” I let the sarcasm drip
from my voice. Now that the potatoes are sauteed and softened, I add the steak to the
skillet. The recipe calls for two steaks—so instead of halving the ingredients, I’ll just
have leftovers. The meat sizzles and sputters angrily in the hot pan, spitting grease and
butter onto the stovetop and counter. Damn, I hate having to wipe up grease.
“You know I have surgeries, I can’t just run around playing housekeeper for strangers
like you.” She's on the defensive now, but she has a point. That’s what I get for picking a
surgeon as a best friend. Her job is a lot more demanding than mine, but I’m not about
to admit that to her.
“Are you trying to say that surgeons are more important than nurses? Wow, tell me
how you really feel.” I’m laying it on thick and she knows it. But she has to deny it, she
can’t help herself.
“You know that’s not what I’m saying, Lexie.” she insists, but I continue to wind her
“It’s fine, whatever,” I miff. “I’m just not important enough to you. Just abandon me in
this big city all by myself.” Opening the spice cabinet, I need to reach on my tiptoes to
grab the seasoning I’m looking for. Fresh basil would taste a lot better, but that would’ve
required thinking ahead far enough for this meal to buy ingredients. Which I did not.
“Oh, shut up.” Despite her best efforts, I can hear the smile in her voice. I’m about to
laugh at her, but my teasing is cut short.
“Shit,” I mutter, looking down to see that I leaned into a puddle of grease.
“What?” Mia asks.
“I leaned on the counter and got grease on my new shirt.”
“That’s what you get for being mean to me. Karma used your own huge boobs against
“Your boobs are big too.” She also carries some weight that creates dangerous curves.
Hers less so than mine though.
“Not like yours.”
She’s right. My chest size borderlines ridiculous, making sense for my weight, but not
my height. Being a well-endowed fat girl is a blessing and a curse. Right now they’re
living up to the curse status—they tend to get in the way.
“They’re more trouble than they’re worth,” I grumble. “They better not have just
ruined my new top.”
“Oh stop, you love your boobs. You can have an incredible rack or cook without
ruining your shirt, but not both. It’s cosmic balance.”
There’s no arguing with her on that.
I pull off the shirt and take it over to the sink, treating it with a dose of grease-fighting
dish soap. I’ve done what I can to save it. Now all I can do is pray that my new top lives
to see another wear.
Standing in the middle of the large kitchen without a shirt on feels wrong, especially
since I’m not in my apartment. I walked around my place back in Oregon without a top
on all the time, but the unfamiliarity of being in someone else’s home creeps in and
takes giant bites out of my comfort-based confidence. The wall of floor-to-ceiling
windows that offers a magnificent view of the New York City skyline from this twenty-
second-floor penthouse, while usually impressive, now makes me feel like a goldfish in a
bowl. Each light illuminating the view like fireflies now feels like a pair of eyes staring
with an unobstructed view as I stand here in my bra.
I need to put a shirt on.
“I have to get a fresh shirt and finish cooking. So I’m going to hang up on you now.” I
announce, walking back over to where my phone sits by the stove, just barely out of the
meat’s spitting range. The steaks roar loudly as I flip them, before settling into the pool
of melted butter and herbs.
“Fine.” Mia’s voice brightens with excitement. “But video chat with me tomorrow so
we can watch The Bachelor together. I heard from one of the interns that Brandi slaps
someone, and I bet it’s Ashlyn.” Damn, that sounds awesome, I love petty drama.
“Are you serious? Yeah, we’re definitely watching that tomorrow. I’ll call you,” I
promise. “Bye, Mia. Love you.”
“Love you too, babe. Talk to you later.”
Ending the call, music resumes playing over the house bluetooth speakers. Cranking
down the burner to lower the heat on the skillet and praying that I’m not about to ruin
my dinner, I rush to my room in search of a clean shirt. The guest room I’m occupying is
on the first floor. I chose the one closest to the kitchen on purpose.
“Come on, where is it?” Muttering in frustration, I dig through the pile of laundry next
to my suitcase for my favorite lounge tee. This is what I get for letting this room get so
messy, even after only two weeks of staying here. I can’t find the right shirt and now my
steak is going to burn. Giving up, I pull on a t-shirt from the top of the pile and head
back to the kitchen. Walking down the hall, I can hear my steak sizzling on the stove
over the music playing. Humming along, I turn the corner and my breath catches in my
I freeze.
A man I’ve never seen before stands at the stove, spooning the butter over my steak
after turning off the burner. His giant frame fills the expansive kitchen, his presence
dominating the space. He’s definitely someone who can easily overpower me in a
Shit, what do I do?
I stand frozen, my heart racing as the surprise wears off. Time seems to slow as my
limited options run through my brain on a loop. I’m tempted to turn around and go lock
myself in the bathroom. But my phone is on the counter next to the stranger, and I’ll
have no way of contacting help. Staying to confront the man isn’t my favorite idea either
—dread has a painfully-tight knot forming in my stomach at just the thought of it. Either
way, I’m screwed.
I’m standing here too long, and I can see the moment he senses me. His head turns,
and our eyes lock—mine looking like a deer in headlights, I’m sure.
Intense hazel eyes move over me, reading and processing, as he runs a hand over a
dark, immaculately groomed beard. The sharp black suit covering his massive frame
seems both confining and fitting as he moves around the space—like it’s a custom-
tailored uniform he’s itching to be free of. He regards me for a moment while my brain
lags on something to say.
“Who are you?” That’s the genius question I come up with.
Confrontation it is.
“I can ask you the same thing.” His deep voice is calm and collected. He reaches into
the cabinet to the right of the stove to grab two plates, completely at ease.
“I don’t know what you want, but you need to leave. Right now.” There’s nothing I can
do about his presence, and we both know it.
“Oh, do I?” His voice is edged with a challenge. “And if I don’t?”
“I’ll call the police.” I’m bluffing. I have no way to call anyone, I’m just praying he
doesn’t realize that. But the way his eyes glance at the phone next to him tells me he
“That would be a lot more threatening if I didn’t have your phone over here with me.”
He leans his hip against the counter, crossing thick arms over a broad chest and tilting
his head at me. “And considering I own this apartment, I’m pretty interested in what the
police would say. But by all means, call them.” Moving my phone from the other side of
the stove, he puts it back down and sends it sliding across the counter. It stops just
inches from me, and I stare at the device blankly as I process what he just told me.
“You’re the owner of this apartment?” His crisp black suit does say money, so does the
gold watch on his wrist. He’s a lot younger than I pictured, nowhere near the balding
middle-aged man I figured lives here. Instead, he looks to be in his early thirties. And his
thick head of dark brown hair is far from balding. How easily he’s been navigating the
kitchen is also a clue, but that doesn’t mean he actually owns the place.
“I am. Which leaves the question; who are you?” His movements are relaxed and
controlled as he plates the steak, green beans, and potatoes. It’s like he’s preparing to
eat with an old friend instead of standing with a stranger in his own home—if he’s even
telling me the truth.
He pauses for a moment to shrug off his suit jacket and drape it over the back of one
of the island stools. Rolling the sleeves of his black dress shirt to his elbows reveals
muscular forearms completely inked in full tattoo sleeves, ending cleanly at his wrists.
Suddenly he doesn’t look like the same man I was just talking to a second ago. Like
Clark Kent’s glasses, by removing the expensive suit coat of a businessman, he
transforms. With his clean-cut professional facade gone, there’s an air of danger about
him, the intricate tattoos hinting at a darker story.
Who is this man?
“I’m a travel nurse. One of the other nurses set me up to watch this apartment so he
could take my place when I quit my contract,” I say, just stalling while I try to remember
the name of the guy Tony said owns this place. Something Russo. It started with a C, I
Collin? No.
“Do you have a name, travel nurse?” He’s pouring two glasses of red wine, placing
them with the plates on the island next to tall glasses of water. Next comes the
silverware—a fork and a steak knife at each setting.
This is looking more like a date than a home invasion. Which one of us is doing the
invading has yet to be determined. But it’s feeling more and more like it’s me by the
“Alexandra West,” I supply. “Lexie.” What was that name? Callum, that’s what it was.
Callum Russo.
“Can I see some sort of ID?”
He looks at me in consideration for a moment, his gaze moving over me as his lips lift
in amusement. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
It’s not an absurd request for him to ask the same of me.
“Deal,” I agree.
He reaches into his discarded suit coat pocket, and I walk to where I put my handbag
on the far end of the kitchen counter, giving him a wide radius as I pass. Pulling my ID
from my wallet, I’m suddenly wishing I had a better license picture.
“I’ll trade you.” I offer him my card, and he hands me his.
There it is, printed in black and white by the state of New York. Callum Russo, with
the penthouse as his listed address. I’ve never seen such an intense driver’s license
photo before, he’s staring down the camera like he’s daring every person who looks at it
to question him, something I doubt happens often. And that’s exactly what I did.
I glance up from his license to find him watching me curiously. Callum Russo stares
with the same analyzing intensity in real life as he does in his photo.
I guess that’s my answer, it's really him. Too bad this license can’t also tell me if
Callum is as dangerous as he looks—they don’t exactly have a background check printed
on the back.
“This doesn’t look like you, Lexie West.” He’s commenting on my photo that’s literally
a decade old. I know exactly what he’s looking at; the overly scrunched hair with curtain
bangs flat-ironed into submission, round cheeks, and closed-mouth smile hiding a mouth
full of metal braces. Overall, not my best look. My hair styling and skincare journey have
really come a long way since then—it’s just unfortunate that particular phase has been
immortalized in my identification photo. I’m not the type to get embarrassed, but I can
feel the blush warming my cheeks anyway.
“Hey, don’t judge. I’m sixteen in that photo, that was ten years ago,” I say in my
defense. “At least my photo doesn’t look like I’m threatening every person who asks for
my ID,” I shoot back, the words leaving my mouth too fast for me to think better of
them. Dammit, I’m teasing him like he’s the friend I was just on the phone with. I have a
bad habit of being too comfortable around people I don’t actually know.
Luckily he cracks a small smile, apparently not offended in the least. The man is as
devastating as he is intimidating, especially when he smiles. There’s a small scar on his
right cheekbone, and I can tell that his nose has been broken more than once, adding
character to otherwise perfectly masculine features. He’s tall, every bit the six-foot-four
listed on his license. I have to tilt my head to look up at him, he stands a good foot taller
than me since I’m only five-four. His presence matches his frame, filling the expansive
kitchen until I feel crowded.
“I have that effect on people,” he admits. “You’re right, your picture certainly isn’t
threatening.” The teasing edge in his tone laughs, whether at me or with me I’m not
sure. Walking back to the place settings at the kitchen island, he pulls out a stool and
motions for me to sit. Not sure that I’m comfortable sitting down to eat with this man,
but I comply anyway.
“I didn’t know you were going to be here,” I say in apology. I wait as he cuts into the
meat, admiring how it slices like butter, the center tender and bright red in the perfect
medium rare. That’s a beautiful steak if I do say so myself. As he chews he nods in what
looks like appreciation.
“You’re not who I was expecting either,” he states before continuing. “I wasn’t
supposed to be here, but there’s been a change of plans.”
“I’ll go pack, I can be gone in thirty minutes.”
“Don’t bother, you’re staying,” he states, the authority in his words leaving no room
for argument. “I have some business to take care of, I’m only in the city for a few days.”
Suddenly I’m curious what kind of business a man like this does. But the last thing I’m
going to do is ask. That’s none of my business and I know how to mind my own.
“Ok,” I agree, not sure what else I can say. Taking a bite, I chew slowly as silence
stretches between us.
Glancing over, my eyes catch his as he regards me. This man seems to stare a lot, but
in a way I’m not used to. He’s not gawking or ogling. His gaze is intentional, almost
analytical. It’s like there’s some sort of calculation going on in his brain and I’m part of
the equation. Those ever-seeing hazel eyes seem to look into my very soul, reading me
and tucking away that information for later use. He, however, shows very little of what
he’s thinking.
“What hospital do you work at, Doc?”
“I’m an ER nurse,” I correct. “I spent eighteen weeks working at New York
“But you don’t work there now?” I shake my head, washing down a bite of steak with a
sip of wine. This Cabernet Sauvignon is the perfect choice to pair with the meat.
“No, I took some time off.” I don’t need to mention that I’d planned to extend my
contract to stay at New York Presbyterian for another thirteen weeks but begged to be
let out of the obligation. Tony saved my ass from burning a few professional bridges
when I was able to recommend him to my recruiter as my replacement. And all I had to
do in return is stay in this penthouse for a few months? It was an easy deal.
“And another nurse set you up to stay here?” he’s more than just curious, he’s solving
a puzzle. “Tony.” He supplies the nurse's name, looking for confirmation.
“Yeah, Tony,” I nod. “He took a contract last minute, so he got everything set up for
me to watch your place instead.”
Callum stares at the contents of his wineglass, processing and contemplating. Then he
changes the subject.
“There will be people coming in and out while I’m here.” He takes a sip of his wine,
obviously not the least bit uncomfortable in the situation we’ve found ourselves in. And
why would he be? It’s his home, his wine, his say of what happens. I’m the one out of her
element here; in a strange apartment, in a strange city, with a complete stranger. He’s
got the power, and he knows it.
Something tells me this dynamic isn’t a one-off. Callum holds the power in most
“I’ll stay out of your way,” I assure him. I plan on being seen as little as possible. But
he shakes his head, hazel eyes meeting blue.
“Don’t worry about that. The place is still yours to use how you want.” Something
shifts behind his eyes and the air around us turns more serious. “But from this moment
on, you don’t answer the door. Not while I’m staying here. And my office is off limits.”
I blink at him a few times, absorbing his instructions and the ominous threats
simmering just below the surface. Then I nod, forcing back my nerves before I respond.
“I’ll let you answer the door and avoid your office like the plague, promise.” Great,
Lexie, now it sounds like you’re mocking him. My comment doesn’t seem to irritate him.
In fact, he barely registers that I spoke at all. He just stares at me, still solving a puzzle
only he can see.
Hopping down from the stool, I carry my dishes to the sink and give them a good rinse
before loading them into the dishwasher. I can feel Callum’s presence behind me while I
work, his tracking gaze giving me a complex. It’s too bad a stranger appeared
unannounced on a night that I’m not dressed for company.
“I didn’t touch your bedroom.” I address him over my shoulder as I clean up the mess
I made while cooking. This silence is killing me, I always compulsively need to fill it. “It
didn’t feel right to take the primary suite, so I’m staying in the downstairs guest room.”
“Perfect.” He sounds distracted, and when I turn around he’s typing on his phone.
“I’m going to my room, so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, Doc.”
“I’m a nurse.” There's definitely a dose of sass in my correction, and as I turn to leave
the kitchen, I swear the corners of his lips quirk in a smug smile. Rolling my eyes, I’m
heading to the guest room where I plan to read until my eyes close.
The clock tells me I’ve stalled as long as I can, it’s time to go to sleep. Lying in the
darkness, I will unconsciousness to come before my demons make their nightly
appearance. Anxiety washes over me, hot and itchy. The silence in the large bedroom is
deafening as my thoughts wrestle for dominance.
Just one night, I can survive just one night in the dark.
The first face appears behind my eyes; curly blonde hair, wide brown eyes lit with
pain, and two missing front teeth. She’s so little, with so much life left to experience.
But the light is dimming from her eyes.
Wrenching my eyes open, I sit up abruptly and try to regulate my breathing. Heart still
racing, I reach for the tv remote on the nightstand. I click on the same show I choose
every night, the familiar opening sequence playing. Comforting voices fill the room as I
lay back down and close my eyes.
“The best home bakers from across the country applied in the thousands. Just twelve
have made it to our bubble. Every aspect of their baking skills will be tested. Everything
they create will be judged.” Soothing English accents wrap around me, chasing away
the shadows in my mind that threaten to swallow me. “Welcome to the Great British
Baking Show.”
Chapter Two: Lexie

he music playing in my headphones flows through me as I shimmy up to the
cabinet, swaying my hips from one side to the other. Grabbing a glass from the
shelf, I sing along to the song softly—I know better than to belt with headphones on. I
save the Broadway-level theatrics for karaoke nights when I’m a few margaritas deep.
This fancy fridge dispenses the best pellet ice—the crunchy kind you find at gas
stations—and perfectly chilled water. A glass of cold water from this fridge just hits
different, especially after my morning workout. The first two gulps send a shiver
through me, the ice cold shocking my system. The third swallow washes over me like a
cool wave. I flip my high ponytail to the beat when the song changes, long blonde hair
whipping around me from one shoulder to the other. Needing another dance break, I
place my glass of water on the counter so I can spin around.
Turning, my gaze collides with a pair of hazel eyes and I freeze, letting out a breathy
laugh of surprise.
Callum stands leaning in the doorway of his office across the open living space, arms
crossed. His focus on me is intense, but the stoic look on his face gives away nothing
about the thoughts that are brewing. Pulling the earbuds from my ears, I pause the
music and offer him an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, I completely forgot you’re here,” I admit. His eyes flicker to my navy athletic
leggings, matching navy sports bra, and white mesh crop jacket. The sports bra is one of
my favorites with good coverage and decent support for my enormous chest, my jacket
left unzipped. Despite the amount of fabric on my body right now, my outfit makes no
effort to hide my extra weight—apron belly included. I look cute for the gym downstairs,
but Callum is seeing me when I’m not dressed to impress. Again.
“You’ve definitely made yourself at home.” His eyes break away to look at the
collection of houseplants I’ve added to the expansive windows in the living room, before
returning to me. “Something tells me it wouldn’t have made a difference if you had
remembered,” he says, raising dark brows in question.
I think about it for a brief moment. Going to walk on the treadmill, doing a few sets of
weights, then coming back up and drinking a giant glass of water is my routine. And I
always enjoy my music every step of the way, even in public. I’m not exactly shy.
“Honestly, probably not. Just let me know if I’m being too loud. I don’t want to disturb
your business.” It’s a sincere request, though probably unnecessary. Callum seems like
the kind of guy who would bring up an annoyance the second it became an issue.
“I’d never allow you to disturb my business,” he says simply, his face still giving no
indication of how he’s feeling. On one hand, I can’t feel his irritation. But that just
means he could be silently plotting my very slow and painful death and I won’t know
until it’s too late.
I open my mouth, planning on asking him to warn me before he gets annoyed to the
point of homicide, but I’m interrupted by the doorbell. Callum flashes me a look—a
reminder of his rule not to answer the door—and moves to get it himself. I stay back,
finishing my almost forgotten glass of water as he greets the newcomer.
“You look like hell,” Callum says instead of a hello. Kinda rude, but ok.
“Red-eyes from California will do that.” The responding voice is deep and gruff.
The door closes and Callum walks back into the open living space. He’s followed
closely by a man who looks like he stepped out of a mafia movie casting call for burly
Though a few inches shorter than Callum, he’s still tall and wide, sturdy as an ox. His
head is shaved bald, his broad face covered in salt and pepper stubble. If Mia was here,
I’d bet her twenty dollars that his name is Boris or Ivan—something like that. When his
eyes land on me, it's as if he’s assessing whether I’m a threat.
“This is the house-sitter.” I don’t miss the meaningful look Callum shares with the ox
at my introduction. “Roscoe works my security.” Roscoe is close enough, I definitely
would’ve won that twenty bucks.
“Hi, I’m Lexie. Nice to meet you.” I greet him like I would anyone else, offering him a
smile, which almost seems to throw him off for a split second. He gives me a solemn
nod, simply rasping a curt hello in return. Callum keeps his eyes on me during the
exchange, his computer brain no doubt filing away everything he observes.
“You brought what I asked for?” Callum turns his focus to Roscoe. The bald man nods.
“Harris is an ass, but he’s a well-connected, rich one,” Roscoe grunts, producing a
plain white envelope from his coat. Callum’s face remains unreadable when he nods.
“Let’s go to my office.” They’re both already walking, leaving me behind completely
I’m not put off by it in the least—they can go about their business. I need to go shower
and actually get ready for the day. Not to mention I have to break the news to Mia that I
might have to cancel our plans for tonight.


Wrapped in a towel fresh from the shower, I wipe the steam from the fogged vanity
mirror while the phone rings. I can’t help but smile when the other end picks up and my
best friend’s voice sounds in the bathroom on speakerphone.
“Hey, bitch.” The greeting is a term of endearment coming from Mia. “I’m just filling
out some paperwork, so I only have a few minutes. What’s up?”
“I might not be able to watch the Bachelor with you tonight.” Getting between Mia
and her weekly reality tv fix is asking for trouble. I wince, bracing for her wrath.
“You better be joking.” She’s pissed, her tone promising terrible things if I don’t take
it back. Hopefully, my reason will be enough to smooth her temper.
“The owner of the penthouse I’m watching is here.” I offer it like a golden nugget of
prime gossip—something Mia lives for. Just as I was hoping, her tone shifts instantly.
“Shut up, who is it? Is he some crusty old businessman?” I can’t help but laugh at the
absurdity of her question. If she met this man, she’d have a field day.
“His name is Callum Russo.” The wand of my mascara pauses mid-swipe, my mind
conjuring up the image of the man who owns the roof over my head. “Businessman? Yes.
But old and crusty are not words I’d use to describe him.”
“What words would you use to describe him?” She’s begging me to paint a picture for
her, so I oblige. Placing my lip oil on the vanity, I brace myself against the counter. What
words would I use to describe the unreadable man I ate dinner with last night?
“Giant, beard, tattoos.” Those are the physical descriptors she wants. But I can’t help
but add, “Intense. Complicated.”
“He sounds hot.” If only she knew.
“Hot? Yes. Someone I plan on spending any time with? Nope.”
“Damn. So Hot Tattoo Guy is there. Does that mean you’re coming home?” she asks
hopefully, her voice sugary sweet. Nice try, Mia.
“He says he’s only in the city for a few days on business, whatever that means. So I’m
staying, apparently. I just have a slightly terrifying roommate for a while.” And just like
that, I’ve deflated her balloon of hope in one fell swoop.
“So, not only are you not coming back, but you can’t watch the Bachelor with me
tonight? Hot Tattoo Guy sucks.” She’s pouting now, which I think is a step in the
grieving process—right after depression and before acceptance.
“His name is Callum,” I supply.
“Fine, Callum sucks,” she huffs indignantly. I let out a laugh, in total agreement.
“I might be able to watch, I just don’t know yet. So text me when you get home from
the hospital, maybe I’ll be free.”
“Okay, okay fine.” I can hear the switch in her tone, the added concern. “How are you,
really? Are you sleeping?”
“Technically.” My attempt at a joke brushes off her question. But I know her better than
to think that would actually work.
“Lexie—” I cut off her rant before it starts.
“I’m fine, I promise. It’s just going to take some time.”
“Is that what Julie says?” Julie is my therapist and my idol. She’s seriously one of the
best things that ever happened to me, after Mia and caffeine.
“Yes, Julie says taking some time away to refocus and heal is the best thing I can do
for myself. Which is why I’m not at the hospital on contract right now.”
“Instead, you’re shacking up with rich, hot, bearded men. Maybe Julie’s onto
“Yeah, I’m not sure this is exactly what Julie had in mind for me.” I laugh, leaning
forward to finish my makeup. A third voice sounds through the phone in the distance.
“Ok, I’m coming,” Mia says, addressing the other person. She needs to get back to
work. “I gotta go, Lexie. But I’ll call you later.”
“Ok, bye. Love ya.”
“Love you lots.” With that, the call ends. Letting out a deep breath slowly I brace my
hands on the vanity counter and stare into the mirror.
Eyes as blue as the summer sky gaze back at me over a delicate nose and glossed
bow-shaped lips. All wrapped in fair skin that’s never held a tan long enough to be
considered anything other than porcelain—at least not without a good fake tan. Tilting
my head to the side, light blonde hair tumbles over one shoulder and spills down to the
small of my back in long loose curls. Other than the dark circles under my eyes,
currently hidden beneath a little extra concealer, I look how I always look. But I don’t
feel the same.
Julie says taking time will help with the healing, and I trust her. She’s gotten me
through so much already. But so far all I’ve gotten is two weeks of sleepless nights and
an overwhelming sense of feeling completely lost.
I’m twenty-six years old, with what I thought was a career path set for the rest of my
life. But now I’m not so sure. After everything that’s happened, I can’t picture ever
going back to how things used to be. And I’m left teetering on the precipice of the
unknown, dangerously close to plummeting into what could be total ruin.
Sucking in a deep breath, I push my shoulders back and finger comb through my
curls. I won’t fall off the edge, my feet are firmly planted. There’s no fucking way I’m
going to lose myself—not with how hard I’ve worked to get here. I deserve so much
more than that.
Touching up my gloss, I head into the closet to pick out an outfit. A short, soft pink
sundress is the perfect choice for a day like today. Look good, feel good.
And, damn, do I look good.
I consider wearing heels, but that might be pushing it, especially with how much I’ll
be walking today. The weather is nice, the late spring days warming up as we head into
the east coast summer. But I grab a sweater to wear later, just in case. I haven’t quite
figured out New York weather.
Grabbing my purse off the kitchen counter, I head out the front door. Locking it behind
me, I turn and collide with a solid frame. Stumbling back a few steps, I blink up at
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you,” the man apologizes, taking his own step
back. His slender build stands at a modest height, but maybe I’ve just been standing
next to Callum too much. Honey blonde waves fall across his forehead over soft-green
eyes. Compared to the other two men I’ve met in the last twenty-four hours, this guy
looks friendly and relatively harmless.
“It’s ok, I wasn’t paying attention,” I assure him with a smile.
“I’m here for Callum. But I don’t think we’ve met.” His eyes scan me as if to confirm
before he makes his introduction. “I’m Enzo.”
“Lexie,” I offer. “I think Callum is in his office.” An awkwardness settles over me as I
struggle to figure out what to do next. Obviously, this introduction was an accident
created by timing and coincidence. Not answering the door is one of Callum’s rules, but
I don’t think literally bumping into someone outside the door counts. Should I just make
an excuse to leave? I open my mouth but my response is cut off when the door opens
behind me.
“Enzo, you’re late.” I turn to find Callum’s irritated expression pointed at the
newcomer. Enzo, however, doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by the glare he’s
“I was just meeting Lexie,” he replies breezily, making Callum’s focus cut to me. I can
practically feel the accusation in his eyes, berating me for breaking the rules.
“I bumped into him on my way out.” The need to explain the situation feels important,
though I’m not sure why—maybe so he doesn’t think I’m incapable of following simple
instructions. My reputation for not being a complete idiot is on the line here.
Callum’s gaze moves over me as if he just realized I’m dressed in something other
than pajamas or workout attire.
“Out where?”
“I’m going to brunch.” Glancing down at the time on my phone I realize I’m running
late. “I actually have someone waiting for me, but it was nice to meet you Enzo.” I flash
another friendly smile before stepping around him. His head turns to watch after me
along with the man in the doorway.
“You too, Lexie,” Enzo calls after me. He then turns to address Callum. “She seems
nice, way too nice for you. Who is she?” I press the button for the elevator and wait for it
to open.
“She’s the house-sitter,” Callum replies simply. “Now get in here, we have shit to talk
about.” The elevator doors slide open with a soft ding. I step in and turn around to press
the button in time to see Callum stepping aside to let his guest enter the penthouse. My
eyes meet his for a moment.
“Alright, alright,” Enzo complies. “Wait, the house sitter? What happened to Tony?”
Whatever answer Callum gives is cut off when the elevator doors slide shut, closing in
unison with the apartment door.


Walking up to the restaurant, my friend is unmistakable. Her toned, willowy figure is

accentuated by a colorful mini set, the sun kissing her rich, deep brown skin like an
umber goddess. The colorful woman looks more suited for the runways in L.A. or Miami
than the sidewalk in Manhattan.
“It’s so unfair that God has such clear favorites,” I speak up as I approach, making her
“Stop pretending like you’re not one of them,” Veronica grins, looking at me with a
light squeal of excitement as she pulls me in for a hug. I breathe a laugh as we embrace,
feeding off her energy.
“Hey girl, I missed you,” she announces, pulling back to look down at me. We make
quite the pair, physically complete opposites. Where I’m short, fair, and round, Veronica
Price is tall, dark, and slender. But we share a love of margaritas and karaoke-nights
Ebony and ivory, as we were called around the hospital. And Ronnie made New York
Presbyterian so much more fun. “I missed you too.”
It’s the truth, I miss her. Ronnie doesn’t take life too seriously, and her breezy attitude
makes heavy situations feel lighter. It’s the reason she works so well in the ER. When
she’s nursing everything remains on the surface, allowing her to leave work at the
hospital instead of carrying it home with her. She doesn’t let it weigh her down, not like
I do.
The hostess seats us outside at a table with a cute white umbrella, a beautiful floral
arrangement in the center of the circular wrought iron table. The whole restaurant is
aesthetically pleasing—with exposed brick, climbing ivy, and a charming macaroon
station. It’s the perfect place for brunch in the city, the kind of place where pretty
people take photos to post on social media.
Maybe I’ll take some photos myself.
The waitress is a friendly teenage girl on a mission, with a frizzy red ponytail and a
green apron. She takes our order and speed-walks away back inside, skirting around the
other servers. Sitting back in the chair, Ronnie’s dark brown eyes move over me in
“So tell me all about your life,” she says, crossing one long leg over the other. “You
know I love to be in everyone’s business. Just because you left doesn’t mean that saves
“Not much to tell,” I downplay, adjusting the neckline of my dress. “I’m house-sitting a
penthouse uptown for some rich businessman for the next few months. The internet is
supplying me with a bunch of recipes to try, and I’ve been getting back into drawing.”
“That sounds very relaxing, now I’m getting jealous.”
“It’s been nice, not gonna lie.” My fingers comb my hair back from my face. “So tell
me what I’ve missed. It’s only been a few weeks, but I’m sure Dr. Denton has done
something asinine.”
“Ugh, he has,” Ronnie says animatedly. “He hooked up with one of the peds nurses
then snubbed her. She had a complete meltdown and went psycho on him in the
cafeteria. It was crazy.”
“Damn, I can’t believe I missed that. Next time take a video for me.”
“You know I will. I almost called you right after it happened, but then I got paged by a
woman who came in barefoot and ended up peeing in a trashcan.” Ronnie rolls her eyes
while I cringe at the mental image she’s painted for me. “Damn girl, the unit isn’t the
same without you. Everyone is so boring and I have to deal with the crazies by myself.”
“We handled a lot of crazies together.” I laugh. The waitress walks up to deliver our
food, placing my iced matcha and croissant sandwich in front of me before placing the
spinach omelet, fruit salad, and latte in front of Ronnie. Next comes the pitcher for the
bottomless mimosas—the real brunch necessity.
“We need a night out.”
“Hell yeah, we do,” I agree readily. “We need a girl’s night out with karaoke and
Ronnie is a bit of a party girl, and she definitely knows how to go out and have a good
time. She might be a more surface-level friend but that’s exactly what I need right now
—light conversation, and distracting fun.
“Fuck, yeah! I’m so down.”
“Ok, yay!” Taking a sip of my iced matcha, the caffeine greets me like a warm hug.
“Where’s the apartment you’re staying in?”
“Columbus Circle.”
“Damn, girl! Central Park West? They don’t just have money, they have money.”
“It’s a really bougie place, definitely out of my price range. I’m getting way too
comfortable living in the penthouse, it’s gonna be a slap back to reality when I go back
to my regular place in a few months.”
“You should come see my place in Harlem. I’m sure my one-bedroom makes your place
in Oregon look like a palace.”
I can’t argue, I know what apartments are like in this city. The place I was renting
before Tony set me up at Callum’s was more like a closet than a studio apartment, and
cost an arm and a leg. My home in Oregon, a comfortable two-bedroom, is definitely
more spacious and lacks the company of cockroaches and mutant rats.
“So, who is this mystery businessman? Have you met the guy?” Ronnie asks, taking no
time to pour the mimosas.
“His name is Callum. He’s in the city for a few days for business, he showed up last
night.” I shrug, accepting the champagne glass and taking a generous sip. The bubbly
goes down smoothly. “But I don’t know what kind of businessman he is, so my plan is to
just stay out of the way.”
“Probably a good idea.” Ronnie drains her glass easily and reaches for a refill. “Leave
the stuffy old guys to their business. It gives us more time for champagne.” She lifts her
glass towards me with a grin. I chink my glass with her, my head tipping back in a
“Cheers to that.”
Spending three hours with Ronnie is the perfect little vacation from reality. Talking
pop culture, discussing drama from the hospital staff, and sharing dating stories, fueled
by carbs and mimosas—it’s exactly what I needed. And I’m bummed, even if I’m a little
buzzed, when it’s time to say goodbye and head back to the penthouse. But it’s time to
get back to real life. Unfortunately.
I didn’t mean to take the long way back to the apartment, but then the sunlight hit a
gold handbag in just the right way, making it sparkle and call to me from a store
window. I had to stop, I’m only human—one who can’t resist beautiful, shiny things.
The private elevator opens to the elegant corridor with black marble floors and cream
porcelain tiled walls that reach up to the vaulted ceiling adorned with a magnificent
crystal chandelier. Inside the oversized front door is an opulent entryway dressed in
modern art that leads to the expansive grand room that makes up most of the first floor.
A large waterfall island separates the impressive kitchen along the right wall from the
rest of the open-concept space.
To the left is a dining room, with the living room taking up the corner along a wall of
windows reaching up two stories that look out onto the terrace. A grand curved
staircase by the living room leads to the second floor.
Dramatic light fixtures, chic art, and expensive finishes in neutral color schemes
scream wealth and comfort. The entire space is dressed in a mix of modern luxury and
traditional elegance. One of the best features of the penthouse is the breathtaking
unobstructed view of the city and Central Park.
Callum is in the kitchen when I walk into the penthouse, and it seems like it’s just us.
My plan to ignore him and stay out of his way is proving to be impossible under the
constant weight of his stare. I don’t know why I thought I could pretend the man isn’t
staying here with me, he’s built like a bull with an even more dominant demeanor.
“I thought you said you were going to brunch,” his tone is calling me a liar, arms
crossing as his hip leans against the counter beside me.
Is he always so serious? Must be exhausting.
“I did. I met up with a friend at Flora’s on West 118th Street.”
“That’s basically in Harlem.”
“I know, Ronnie lives in Harlem. It was perfect.”
“So what’s that?” Callum points to my shopping bag. The one holding my newest gold
obsession. “I know restaurants have brunch promotions, but I didn’t realize they started
giving out gift bags with your meal.”
“They don’t… although they really should.” Now that I’m thinking about it, getting a
free purse with lunch would be too amazing for words. “I did some shopping on my way
back. I’m a sucker for a pretty window display.”
“What is it?” he nods towards the bag.
“You ask an awful lot of questions.” I tilt my head up and to one side. “Why so
curious?” He doesn’t acknowledge my question. Instead, he simply stands and waits for
me to answer his. Clearly, trying to get out of telling him what he wants to know is
“It’s a handbag. A pretty, mini, gold one. There was a purple one I almost got too, but I
couldn’t justify the price. Especially since I have nothing to wear it with.”
Stepping around Callum, I open the fridge to reach for the can that’s been calling to
me since I finished my matcha.
I’m the first person to admit that I’m attached, but calling it an addiction would mean
there’s something wrong with it. I prefer the term simple pleasure.
The can pops with a hiss when I press down the tab. The first sip feels so comforting,
the carbonation greeting me like an old friend. I know one sip isn’t enough to start
feeling the effects of the caffeine, but I swear some of the exhaustion weighing me down
eases from my shoulders. Twelve ounces can’t make up for the fact that I haven’t slept
more than a few hours a night for the last two weeks, but it definitely helps.
“Do you drink anything else?” Callum’s eyes move pointedly to the can of soda in my
hand. I shrug as I take a sip of my Mountain Dew.
“Energy drinks. Oh, and Margaritas.” I smile prettily when he scowls in disapproval.
“But it’s too early for that.”
“It eats you from the inside out,” he grates. I look down at my soft, curvy body.
“You’re right, I’m practically wasting away here.” There’s a healthy dose of sarcasm in
my voice accompanying the nonchalant smile. Hazel eyes narrow at me, unamused.
“That stuff will kill you.” Callum is glaring at the can I’m holding like it personally
insulted his family. I bite back a smile, doing my best not to laugh in his face. He’s so
“So I’ve heard.” I lift the can to my lips and take an exaggerated sip. “But until then,
it’ll keep me happy and caffeinated.”
The sound of the front door opening and closing cuts off whatever Callum has to say, a
male voice ringing through the entryway. “I hope you have coffee in here, I’ve got the
biggest fucking hangover of my life,” A new man announces as he appears in the
He’s tall, maybe a few inches shorter than Callum’s towering height. The term pretty
boy comes to mind with his tousled black hair and playful whiskey brown eyes. He’s
extremely good looking, he almost doesn’t look like a real person.
“You’re letting yourself into my apartment now?” Callum asks flatly.
“You get pissy whether or not I ring the bell, this way I get to see that look of
excitement on your face even faster.”
“We have work to do now that you’re finally here,” Callum says annoyed.
“It’s too fucking early for this.”
“It’s two o’clock in the afternoon,” Callum points out.
“Exactly, I woke up three hours early for you. You should be grateful.” The newcomer’s
attention catches on me, his eyes lighting in curiosity. “And who is this?”
His gaze on me is lacking the hint of disgust and judgment I’ve learned to expect from
a guy like this. The rakish player type who bed hops, using his looks and charms to get
whatever he wants, staying out all night and sleeping late into the afternoon.
“He’s about to tell you I’m the house-sitter, which is apparently all the introduction I
need nowadays,” I say, watching the look of intrigue flash across his almost too-pretty,
angular face. “Then you’ll both look at each other and have a silent conversation about
me like I’m not standing right here. It’s fascinating every time.” I laugh knowingly when
the new guy shares a look with Callum. “Just like that.”
“Ignore her, Liam.” Callum’s easy dismissal gets me fired up to piss the man off. Let’s
see if I can pick at his control enough to get it to crack.
“Ahh, Liam. He was talking a lot of shit about you earlier, maybe you two should have
a little heart-to-heart,” I mock a serious expression as I lie to stir the pot, raising my
eyebrows smugly at Callum’s annoyed expression.
“Lexie.” My name is a warning. Callum isn’t amused. But Liam is. He poorly disguises
his laugh as a cough, hiding his grin behind his hand when Callum’s glare cuts over to
him. I smile prettily and keep bold eye contact as I move around the men to the living
“I’ll leave you to it.” I raise my can of Mountain Dew to them, picking up my bottle of
glitter nail polish off the coffee table and shaking it in the other hand. Plopping down
onto the couch to resume the episode of Real Housewives I was watching earlier, I begin
to prep my toes for the polish. It’s a rerun since I’ve already watched every season, but
the petty drama never gets old.
There’s something about watching super rich people’s ridiculous problems that feeds
my soul. Like, can you believe Lisa didn’t invite Vicky to the fundraiser gala after Vicky
invited her to the birthday party on the super yacht? It’s unhinged, I love it.
Chapter Three: Callum

ou look like you just stumbled out of bed,” I remark, eyeing Liam’s wrinkled
shirt and unshaven face. Straight black hair falls over his forehead in disarray, a
five o’clock shadow covering his usually clean-shaven face. His lack of presentation
clearly not affecting his confidence, he smirks at me.
“Oh, I did just roll out of bed. It just wasn’t mine.” His dark eyebrows jump cockily. “It
was a long night, I didn’t get much sleep.” Liam Caldwell spreads his arms along the
back of the sofa, long legs stretched out in front of him. He looks like the cat lounging in
satisfaction after eating the canary. His toothy grin begs me to ask for more details like
a high school gossip. But I don’t have time to hear about his sexcapades at the moment.
“I hope you washed your hands. I don’t want your STDs getting on my couch.”
“What’s got your panties in a twist? Does it have something to do with Blondie out
there?” Liam asks, nodding his head toward the door that separates my office from
where Lexie sits in the living room. She can’t hear us, soundproofing each of the rooms
in my apartment was one of my top priorities when I moved in. I take my privacy
“Tony decided to test my patience and made a switch.” The bastard thought he was so
clever, sending Lexie in here like I wouldn’t notice. She’d rounded the kitchen corner
like a curvy, blonde complication.
I should’ve known when I walked in to find the steak sizzling on the stove that Tony
wasn’t the one living in my apartment, he can’t cook for shit. He doesn’t even try,
instead leaving mountains of takeout containers to pile up by the trash. Drives me
fucking insane, my place always smelled like day-old Kung Pao chicken when I got back
into town. But Lexie’s steak was cooked perfectly.
“He thinks that—what—dangling a juicy blonde in front of you will keep you from
caring?” Liam tsks in disappointment. “I never figured he was that big of a fucking idiot
to run out on a contract. Especially with you.”
“He didn’t. Technically.” My grip tightens on the desk as frustration builds inside me.
Tony is a coward for it, but he’s not stupid. He knew what he was doing when he set
Lexie up in his place. “There’s an exigent circumstance clause in his contract that allows
him to void the deal if he finds a suitable replacement who agrees to take over his
“Blondie agreed to work for you?” Liam asks.
“Lexie,” I correct. “Lexie signed the agreement to take over Tony’s placement as the
house-sitter.” I created the house-sitting position as a front, a ploy for tax and payment
purposes. But it still counts as a position under my employment. “By legal definitions, he
didn’t break the contract.”
Lexie is definitely a suitable replacement for watching my penthouse while I’m away.
The house plants that now line the windows in sun-dappled greenery, the scented
candles that make the whole place smell like a spa are always burning. She’s turned this
place into a home in a little over two weeks—something I haven’t done in two years. It
aligns with the contractual agreement exactly. And like the slimy snake he is, Tony
slithered right through the tiny loophole.
“You don’t go by legal definitions,” Liam points out with a sarcastic laugh. He’s right, I
don’t. I look at the details of every situation, identifying each one by weight of
importance and consequence. If I feel cheated, no law will stop me. I’m meticulous.
“No, I don’t. But Tony got away clean, even by my definitions.” Tony’s ability to
wriggle himself loose from my legal bonds was unexpected. I’ll never admit it, but I find
it slightly impressive. As twisted as it is, I almost respect Tony for his ability to screw me
over in his act of self-interest. It’s the only thing keeping him safe from my temper.
“So what does that mean for us? We’re out a medic on payroll.” Liam has a point,
fueling my agitation. This isn’t part of the plan, which is unacceptable. I never allow
loose ends. I need to find a skilled medical professional that I can shackle with a
contract and gag with an NDA.
“Lexie is a nurse. That’s where Tony found her, at New York Presbyterian.” I’ve
already considered my options, and she has potential. There’s just no telling how she
would work out. The type of medical care that comes with my line of work isn’t pretty
and usually comes with a certain level of violence. The pretty pink nurse on the couch in
my living room isn’t what I’d call an ideal candidate.
“You really think Blondie is someone who wants to work for you?” Liam asks
skeptically. “Or better yet, could you even work with her? She’s in there watching reality
tv, drinking a Mountain Dew, painting her toenails sparkly pink.”
“It’s not ideal, but it’s an option. She’s a nurse who worked in the ER of the best
hospital in the city. But there’s no way of knowing if our pretty pink nurse has the level
of skill I need,” I muse. Testing her seems more risky than worth it, there’s no telling
what would happen when she’s put under that type of pressure.
The memory of our introduction comes to mind. She’d been a deer in headlights when
she rounded that corner and found me standing in my kitchen. She hadn’t freaked out,
screamed, or cried. Her instincts were to threaten me with the authorities, even when
she had no way of contacting anyone. Her bravado was almost amusing when she
ordered me to leave when I clearly had the upper hand in the situation. She’d handled
herself calmly, blinking up at me while she processed everything before responding.
Then she demanded to see my ID.
The thought of how she criticized my license photo makes my lips twitch with
amusement. She’s a grown woman who’s easily distracted by sparkly objects and drinks
like a college student, but something in my gut tells me there’s more to Lexie than the
shiny exterior she flounces around with.
“So what’s this new problem that got you back into the city?” Liam changes the
subject, leaning forward to rest his arms on his thighs. I sit back in my chair and smooth
my hand over my beard.
“I don’t know yet, Senator Harris was tight-lipped on the phone and insisted we meet
in person. He’ll be here in an hour, I’ll have more information then.”
“Do you want me to stick around for the meeting? Or am I just here for you to look at
my pretty face for a while—though I have to say, you’re no longer lacking in that
department with your girl out there.” Liam and I don’t have a lot of things in common,
our personalities are almost in complete opposition of each other. His habit of blurting
out exactly what he’s thinking and wearing his emotions on his face like an accessory
goes against my every instinct for discretion and practiced control.
He’s always found pleasure in women with more to their figure than skin and bones,
one of the few things we have in common. I’m not surprised Lexie’s caught his eye, even
if it’s not something he plans to act on. He knows I won’t allow it anyway. Letting Liam
manwhore with people who work for me in any capacity has always been off limits,
Lexie’s no exception.
“Your face doesn’t even compete,” I say, reaching into my desk drawer for the large
manilla envelope. “I need you to take these contracts to Ash Walton’s residence, it’s a
brownstone on 5th Ave. He’s waiting there with his security. Have him sign both copies,
then deliver the one in the red file directly to Jeffrey Lindstein at the Black-Morre club
“Ash Walton, as in the hedge fund manager? Signing a confidential contract with
Lindstein, the President of American Capital Bank? Talk about juicy gossip.”
“You’re lucky you’re better at keeping your mouth closed than keeping it in your
pants, Caldwell.” I deadpan, earning a grin even as he feigns a wounded expression.
“Ouch, slut shaming is hurtful.” He stands, raking a hand through his tousled hair
vainly before taking the contracts. Jokes aside, I know I can trust Liam with even the
most confidential information. He’s an ass about it, but he’s been nothing but loyal. Not
to mention he’s the best wheelman in the country, which comes in handy in my line of
Opening the envelope, he thumbs through the files to familiarize himself with the
contents. There’s no need to double check what I give him, he knows that, but he does
anyway. It’s one of the reasons I hired him in the first place.
Following him out of my office, we step out right as Lexie is ending a phone call over
at the kitchen island. The room smells faintly like nail polish, and I can see her toenails
are now pink as she swings her feet absently from her perch on the stool.
“Bye, babe,” Lexie says, hanging up the phone as Liam and I walk out of my office.
She turns to catch me staring, my gaze remaining steady on her as I observe and
“You’re dating someone?” I ask. If she’s in a relationship, that might affect my
business. Liam strolls over to the coffeemaker and helps himself to a cup, chugging it
black like a frat boy at a kegger.
“Oh, no I’m single,” she replies, tucking a tendril of blonde hair behind her ear. “I was
talking to my best friend, Mia.”
“You call your friend babe?” My tone is skeptical with an edge of challenge.
“What, you don’t use terms of endearment with your friends?” she asks, her brows
raising with a teasing smile. Liam turns to face us, leaning against the counter as he
waits for the caffeine to counter the hangover he’s fighting.
“No,” I reply flatly. Liam’s shit-eating grin spells trouble.
“Of course we do,” Liam jumps in. “Right, bestie?”
My glare is withering.
“Fuck off.” My growl only makes his grin grow.
“You have such a way with words.” Seeing the urge to shoot him cross my mind, Liam
holds up his hands in surrender. “As much as I’d love to stick around for this brotherly
bonding, I’m leaving while I can still walk out on my own.”
“Good idea,” I state, watching him pick the envelope of contracts from the counter.
“It was nice meeting you, Lexie. Don’t let grumpy Cal here run you off.” He shoots her
a wink that makes my trigger finger twitch. Lexie’s laugh is light and easy, a cheerful
response that seems to be her natural reaction to most things.
“I’m not run off that easily,” she assures him, turning her dazzling smile on me. Her
attention radiates warmth and light, and I like being caught in those rays.
Liam downs one last gulp of coffee before taking a few steps backward toward the
front door.
“Alright, I’m gone. These papers aren’t going to sign themselves.” He lifts his hand to
salute me with the envelope, flashing Lexie his best playboy smile, before turning to
leave. The sound of the front door closing announces his exit, making Lexie turn to look
at me. The look on her expressive face is a mix of curiosity and humor—like we’re in on
a private joke together.
“What’s that look for?” I should be irritated that she’s practically laughing at me, but
I’m tempted to smile with her instead.
“Oh, nothing,” she teases. “You just have interesting friends, that’s all.”
“If you’re hoping to get Liam’s number, the answer’s no,” I inform her. “I don’t let the
people who work for me get involved with each other.”
“Why not?” she seems genuinely curious, but her question doesn’t confirm or deny my
“It’s not good for my business when things get messy. And getting involved with Liam
is always messy.”
“I guess that makes sense,” she comments thoughtfully, her head tilting to one side as
she regards me. “That’s fine though, he’s not my type. I don’t date anyone prettier than
The idea that Liam is more attractive than Lexie in any way is laughable. But there’s
no need to correct her. From what I’ve seen, Lexie is very comfortable in her generously
voluptuous body.
As she should.
“I have another meeting coming in half an hour.” I change the subject before I decide
to ask her what her type is. Walking over to the fridge, I pull out a chilled bottle of
“I’m leaving to get my nails done, so you’ll have the place to yourself for the next few
hours,” she assures me. Leaning my shoulder against the fridge, my eyes move down to
her freshly painted toes.
“You just did your nails. Or do you just like the fumes?”
“I’m going to get a manicure,” she says, wiggling her unpolished fingers at me. “So I
had to paint my toes or else the nail techs will judge me for having crusty feet.” Her
tone while explaining the impractical logic makes it sound like the most reasonable
thing in the world. I don’t argue.
Lexie hops down from the stool, smoothing her pretty little dress over dangerous
curves, and slips on a pair of sandals. When she steps around me to grab her purse from
the counter, I’m surrounded by a delicious scent. It’s light and citrus, and smells like
heaven. And, like a moth to a flame, I’m stepping closer.
She smells really fucking good.
Oblivious to the magnetism pulling me towards her, Lexie chirps a goodbye to me
before heading out the door. My eyes don’t leave her until she’s out the front door,
silently thanking whoever invented short pink sundresses.
My next meeting is due to arrive in less than twenty minutes, which gives me time to
change. Normally I don’t care to style myself for my clientele, but working with political
figures comes with a certain dress code. And right now I’m not dressed the part.
Stepping into my closet, I’m greeted by black and white. Black pants, suit coats, dress
shirts, shoes, socks. A small section holds the crisp white shirts in stark contrast to the
rest of my wardrobe. Black and white, the only colors I wear—save a stray pair of
charcoal gray lounge pants or workout shorts.
White is clear, unforgiving. It shows every flaw, every element that touches it—and in
some cases what resides beneath it. White is disarming honesty, authority. It’s a weapon
I carry when it suits me.
Black is the opposite side of the same coin. Black keeps your secrets, sharing nothing
but silence. The sharp darkness easily swallows the evidence of your wrongdoings—
disguising your weaknesses, hiding your intentions. Taking over all other colors, black is
domination and control. I usually wear black, it’s who I am.
But right now calls for white.
Stripping off the black dress shirt, I replace it with a crisp white one, buttoning the
front and the cuffs to hide my tattoos. If you look closely enough, you can see the dark
ink on my skin through the light material. The only people who can get close enough to
notice already know who I am. Everyone else gets to see who I show them.


“Senator’s here, boss,” Roscoe says from the doorway of my office. I nod to him, ready
for the men waiting to be allowed entrance.
“Bring them in,” I say. Roscoe steps aside to let three men enter before following them
in and closing the door. The two black suits are lackeys, glorified bodyguards who
remain standing along the wall on either side of the door. Roscoe moves to stand
diligently behind me as I rise from my office sofa to greet the man who brought me back
to the city.
“Russo.” The suit he’s wearing is flashy, designer, and far more expensive than any
elected official should be able to afford. US Senator of New York Richard Harris flaunts
his importance any way he can. He extends his hand, the gaudy Rolex on his wrist
catching the light—something I’m sure is intentional.
“Senator.” I accept his hand, shaking it firmly. “I hear you have a problem.” Walking
around my desk, I get comfortable in my chair. “It must be a pretty big one if we
couldn’t have this conversation over the phone. So here I am.”
Harris smoothly unbuttons his suit coat and sits opposite me, but I notice how his
hand trembles ever so slightly. Something has him rattled, no matter how hard he tries
to hide it. “I pulled a lot of strings to get your name, and I know your success rate. The
fact that no one talks about you tells me you’re exactly who I need.”
“Are you going to tell me this problem? Mind reading has never been my preferred
form of communication.”
“My daughter Lottie—Charlotte—was taken.” He clears his throat when his voice
breaks with emotion. “She’s eight years old.”
“When and where?” I ask.
“Yesterday morning. Every Saturday her nanny takes her to a violin lesson, and they
stop at an ice cream truck on their way home. An aggressive junkie looking for cash
harassed the nanny. When she turned around, Lottie was gone.”
“You’re sure she was taken? Sometimes kids wander off.”
“Not Lottie,” Richard snaps, his stress getting the better of him. He reigns in the
emotion, smoothing down his tie. “She knows better than to do something like that.
Someone has her.”
“Any contact? Ransom demands?”
“None. We haven’t heard a single word.”
“Why not go to the police? Why come to me?”
“There’s a chance that whoever took her doesn’t know they have the daughter of a US
Senator. I don’t need the press getting a hold of this and making things worse. We’re
keeping it quiet until we know who has her.”
“I don’t have to tell you how little girls usually end up when they’re snatched off the
“I don’t need a lecture about what happens in this city,” Richard snarls. “They call you
the Fixer because you do what you have to in order to solve impossible problems. And
judging by how much political capital I spent just to get your name, you must be the
man for the job. I need my daughter back, whatever the cost.”
I stare at the man across the desk, contemplating. Snatch-and-grabs off the street
come with a level of chaos that strategic kidnappings don’t have. But that also means
less red tape I have to avoid in my retrieval process. My methods work best when there
aren’t bureaucrats breathing down my neck. Men like this rarely approve of the lengths
I go to for answers or rather how it might make them look. It’s only behind closed doors
they’re the first to endorse extreme measures and quick to demand results.
Harris is notorious for cutting corners and padding pockets to get his own way, his
political career is a colorful one for people who know what they’re looking at. And
getting into bed with a self-serving official like the US Senator of New York is a double-
edged sword—his greedy arrogance both a tool and a hindrance. He’s not nearly the
most dangerous man I’ve dealt with, his status doesn’t phase me at all. But having a
Senator owe me a favor could come in handy. And it all comes down to if he can pay. My
results don’t come cheap.
“My methods aren’t up for discussion or negotiation,” I state. Harris nods, but his eyes
“Agreed.” I can hear the but coming before he continues.“But if I’m paying you, I
expect you to keep me in the loop.”
“Emotions make things messy, and you’re too close to this,” I say calmly. “I’ll keep you
informed of any progress, but you’re only as involved as I allow you to be. You don’t call
the shots here, Senator. I do.”
His jaw ticks tellingly, lips pressed in a straight line. A man like Harris doesn’t enjoy
being put in his place or told what to do. Power and influence means he’s used to being
in charge. It’s best he realizes right now—I’m the one in control.
“Fine,” he grits through clenched teeth. “You’ll do it?”
“I require half of my fee upfront and the rest upon delivery. Get me every piece of
information you have.”
Harris motions for his man by the door to step forward with a thick file.
“This is everything we have. Lottie’s photo, description, schedule, and medical history.
A background on the nanny, Caroline. And our initial sweep of the area she was taken
“Wire the funds, I’ll find your daughter.” I slide him the routing information, and he
accepts it readily. Taking the file, I flip through it. As I scan the information to formulate
a plan, Harris pulls out his phone.
“Don’t just find her, Russo. I need her back. Get her back for me, I don't care what it
takes.” As he’s speaking, my phone lights up with confirmation of his payment.
“I’ll be in touch, Senator.” I stand, holding out my hand. Richard Harris stands as well,
his hand trembling tellingly against mine as he shakes it. I can see the tortured look in
his somber eyes, even as he tries to present himself as calm and dignified.
He can make demands and throw his money and political weight around. But it won’t
allow him to be in control of this situation, and he knows it. We both do. Instead, he’s
forced to depend on a man like me to make everything better.
The moment the Senator’s gone, I’m memorizing every single detail listed in the file
Harris provided. Roscoe’s already on his way to the grab site, instructed to obtain
security footage from the businesses in the area of the abduction. He’s also carrying a
wad of cash to grease the necessary palms to get the information we need to identify
who took little Lottie.
The file reads like a scrapbook of Charlotte Harris’ life; grades in school,
extracurriculars, dietary restrictions, clothing size. She’s 4’2 and sixty-one pounds, with
long black hair that matches her mother’s and round green eyes. She has a heart-
shaped birthmark on her left shoulder, kiwi gives her hives, and she just lost her last
baby tooth on the bottom.
“It only took one camera to get a picture,” Roscoe announces when he returns, placing
the rest of the petty cash on the desk to be returned to the safe. “It was a quick grab,
but the man who took her’s no criminal mastermind. I’m betting it was a moment of
convenience, it didn’t look planned. The fucker didn’t even bother to cover his face, and
in broad daylight.”
“You got a name for me?” I accept the file Roscoe extends, flipping it open. A grainy
image stares at me, the screenshot from the security footage capturing the face of little
Lottie’s abductor. Wiry frame, receding hairline, and an unfortunate crooked nose. His
eyes are wild as he stands frozen in the photo, his hand clamped over the eight-year-
old’s mouth as he totes her the few feet from the ice cream truck to the delivery van
parked in the shadows of a nearby alley. He looks familiar, a common criminal lackey
hired to do the dirty jobs others don’t want their fingerprints getting on.
“Kellen Gatz,” Roscoe states, waiting for me to flip through the information he’s dug
up on our kidnapper.
Just as I suspected, the man’s jacket is full of petty crime; shoplifting, grand theft
auto, assault and battery. He’s been arrested a handful of times, but usually walks due
to ‘lack of evidence.’ Meaning he does the dirty work for people connected enough to
keep him out of trouble. Too bad for him, I have my own justice system. No one can keep
him safe from my due process.
“He’s got a few outstanding warrants. Plus, he has a bad habit of putting money down
on horses that don’t win. His long shots never pay off, and he can’t afford his losses.”
“You know where to find him?” I glance up to see Roscoe incline his head in
confirmation. “Bring him to the club. Felix is out of town, we’ll have the place to
ourselves to get answers. Take Enzo, I need this quick and clean.” I don’t need to
remind Roscoe about discretion, he’s the definition of tact. He could stab someone in a
crowded subway car and be gone before they even felt it.
“You got it, Boss.”


It takes Roscoe and Enzo less than six hours to bag Gatz. They said it was easy; he
was stumbling around in the dark after losing another race. Probably trying to sneak out
on his commitments before anyone came to collect.
I enter the building through the back door, avoiding the crowds of drunk partiers
raving in the nightclub. Pulse is one of the top nightclubs in New York, owned by Felix
Rivera. Our arrangement is mutually beneficial; I keep his reckless sons from being
arrested and ending up in the tabloids for their drunken, drug-fuelled rampages, and he
gives me free rein over his clubs and their discreet backrooms.
“Our man of the hour,” I say, stepping into the storage room. The pulsing sounds of the
busy nightclub quiet as I close the door behind me and flip the lock. The beautiful
silence that falls over the room speaks to the quality of the soundproofing that’s gone
into this building. Something I plan to take full advantage of. “Do you know why you’re
“I’m gonna pay it back, I swear. I have a big payday coming, you’ll get your money,”
Kellen grovels, pulling at the restraints keeping him secured to the chair. His eyes are
just as wild in person as they were in the photo, the overhead light casting dramatic
shadows over his ugly features.
“I’m not some bookie, Kellen,” I say. “I am a debt collector, just not the kind you’re
used to. You took something I’m looking for. A girl.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t take any girls.”
“Even if I didn’t have video evidence proving otherwise, you’re a terrible liar. For
someone who gambles so much, you really need to work on your poker face.”
“I’m telling you, you got the wrong guy.”
“Should I refresh your memory?” I hold up the picture. “You took little Charlotte while
she was getting ice cream with her nanny.”
“Fuck you, I’m not saying anything.”
“If she’s not your big payday, that means you took her for another reason. For yourself.
Do you like little girls, Kellen? Is that it? Couldn’t resist her pink bow and sparkly
sneakers?” I lace my taunting with malice and disgust. “Maybe I should rid the world of
a sick bastard who gets off on snatching little girls from the street.”
“No, hey, I’m not into that!”
“Why did you take her?” His silence stretches until I lose my patience.
With a sigh, I take a step back and nod to Roscoe. He knows what to do, his fist
landing a powerful hit to Kellan’s temple, the force of it teetering the chair. I’m not
going to lie, Kellen’s cry of pain is satisfying. The second punch splits his lip nicely. If
Roscoe wasn’t holding back, our guest would be spitting out a few teeth right now. But
Kellen is soft. I can already see he’s ready to fold, two punches are all it takes for him to
crumble. Roscoe can see it too, but he gears up to take another hit for good measure.
“She fit the list,” Kellen grits out between clenched teeth. “White girl between the age
of seven and nine, black hair, green eyes.” I nod to Roscoe and he steps back, lowering
his fist. Stepping closer, I tower over my captive.
“Who’s list?” I ask, running a steady hand over my beard. My stare drills into him, but
he struggles to glare with his battered eye already beginning to swell. He presses his
lips together like that’ll keep me from getting my answers. I let out a heavy breath of
disappointment. “You know I’m going to get the answer, Kellan. It’s just a matter of
whether or not you get to walk out of here once I do. Don’t make me deal with killing
you and just tell me who has the girl.”
“She—” he stammers. “She’s already gone.” My expression darkens.
“Who has her?” Repeating the question, my voice cuts with the fury pushing against
my control. The mask is slipping, and if Kellen doesn’t give me a fucking name, he’s
going to feel my full wrath.
“It was just a job, good money. They gave me a list.” The excuses are flooding from
Kellen’s mouth, his self-preservation kicking in. Fucking finally. “I got debts.” His head
falls forward in defeat. Roscoe walks behind him, grabbing a fistful of greasy hair, and
yanks Kellen’s head up to look at me.
“Your debts just got worse. You took from the wrong family, and now you owe
reparations.” My tone is ice cold. “A name. Who has the girl?” When he doesn’t answer
me, I nod to Roscoe who brings a knife up to his throat.
“The Russians,” he chokes out, “Anton Kozlov.” I recognize the name. Bratva. The
Russians are huge on the alcohol and sex trades. As head of the Russian Mafia, it’s
Viktor Mikhailov’s territory. I’ve built a tenuous working relationship with Mikhailov
over the years. This isn’t the best news, but definitely something I can work with.
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it Kellen?” Nodding to Roscoe, he reaches for the black
bag—the bag that comes into play when a job requires some fucker to pay for their sins.
“I gave you the name,” Kellen stammers, tugging against his restraints. “So you’ll let
me go now, right? You got what you wanted.”
“Not quite.” Those two words cut him off at the knees. “It’s time you pay your debts.”
“I don’t have any money to give you.”
“Oh, I know you don’t,” I reply evenly. “So we’ll be taking something else.”
Roscoe steps forward, the light glinting off the shiny metal hedge clippers in his hand.
Kellen’s eyes latch onto the tool of torture, bugging almost out of his head. Something
inside him snaps, like a rat caught in a trap. His body heaves and wrenches against his
binds, the chair rocking beneath him.
“Wait, I’ll get you money! If you just give me some time, I can get you whatever you
want,” he sputters, seizing when Roscoe’s approach doesn’t falter.
There’s no delaying his punishment, my mind is made up. He’ll get what he deserves,
my justice carried out by Roscoe without so much as a blink.
“Trusting you would make me an idiot. You’re not leaving until you pay in full.”
Roscoe cuts the red tape securing his left wrist to the chair. Kellen yanks against the
other man’s grip on his arm—eyes wild, yelping and begging.
“What the fuck are you doing? No, stop!” Kellen shouts, struggling violently.
Growing irritated with handling our guest’s panicked flailing, Roscoe slams his fist
into our rodent’s stomach. Caving against the power of the punch, Kellen folds in on
himself like a rag-doll. Suddenly, there’s no fight when Roscoe lifts the hand to his
Slotting the pinky between the sharp blades, my enforcer looks back at me for the go-
ahead. I hold up a hand for him to pause, stepping closer to bend over the man in the
“Every time you miss your precious finger, you’ll think about how much of a goddamn
coward you are for taking children.”
With that, I give the signal.
The wet crunch of slicing flesh and severing bone sounds distinctly in the silent room,
punctuated by Kellen’s scream of agony. Cut down to a nub, the pinky falls to the floor in
a spray of blood. The yelling only lasts a few minutes before fading into mournful
moaning and settles on catatonic silence. Job done, Roscoe steps back to wipe the blood
from the clippers and tucks them back into the black bag.
My head tilts, feeling not an ounce of remorse as I gaze down at the subdued form
dripping blood on my crisp plastic sheeting. I’m sure he’s committed acts that deserve
far worse, but Lottie is the only job I’m here for. Letting my repulsion motivate me
would only cause unnecessary problems, it’s a lesson I’ve learned a hundred times over.
Something my father and the rest of The Family have yet to realize. Violence has its
place, but there are better ways of getting what you want—and they usually require a lot
less sacrifice.
“They say confession sets you free. Do you feel any lighter now?” My taunting tone
barely earns a slow blink against his swollen eye. The lights are on, but no one’s home.
Standing to stare at the display of retribution sends a wave of satisfaction through me.
I came here for answers and I’ll be walking out with results. Watching Kellen Gatz the
kiddie-snatcher bleed was a bonus. A pretty fucking good one.
After a few minutes of silence, I turn on my heel to head to the door. I got my name,
it’s time to keep moving forward. As much as I enjoyed watching the mutilation, I can’t
let Kellen leave with his bone exposed. Blood trails tend to bring unwanted public
attention and questions from authorities I don’t intend to answer.
“Where you going, boss?” Roscoe calls after me. I pause in the doorway.
“Without Tony, we need a new medic. Our pretty pink nurse is about to try out for the
Chapter Four: Lexie

he knocking turns into pounding as I shuffle my way through the darkness toward
the bedroom door. When I open it, the light that spills in from the hallway
practically blinds me. I can’t help but squint up at the man standing on the other side in
“Callum?” He stares down at me, dressed and alert like it isn’t the middle of the night.
There’s no reason for someone to look so hot at this hour, it’s almost as blinding as the
hall light. “What’s going on?”
He scans me head to toe, from my long messy braid to my pajama shorts and bare
feet, before his focus moves past me. A voice sounds softly behind me. “Who’s in here
with you?”
My eyes follow his gaze, brain lagging. “Oh, that’s just the tv.” The response is sleep-
addled and delayed, but it’s the truth.
“You’re watching tv?” Those piercing hazel eyes are pinned back on me now.
“I fell asleep watching something.” Again, technically the truth. He doesn’t need to
know that I can’t sleep without something playing, like a toddler needing a nightlight.
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I change the subject. “Do you need something? Why
are you knocking on my door at three-thirty in the morning?”
“I need you to come with me.”
No idea what I was expecting Callum to say, but that’s not it. I blink a few more times
—once, twice—processing. He waits calmly, observing and assessing while I absorb.
“What?” I need more information. It’s too damn late for this. Or is it too early?
“Someone needs medical attention and I’m borrowing those skilled hands of yours.”
Again, not what I was expecting to hear. Someone needs medical attention? The
questions are already forming.
“Is someone hurt?” I ask. His eyes roam from my face, looking pointedly at my silky
powder blue pajama set. I follow his gaze, barely registering my attire before bringing
my eyes back to his.
“Put on your scrubs, Doc. We’re leaving in five.”
My brain still fighting through the fog, I leave Callum in the doorway and shuffle into
the walk-in closet. Digging through my nightmare of a suitcase, the first pair of scrubs I
find are pastel pink. Whatever, scrubs are scrubs. My braid is too messy to save, so a
finger-brushed ponytail will have to do. Tugging on mismatched socks and shoving my
feet into my ASICS, I’m still securing my hair into an elastic when I emerge from the
Callum’s large frame fills the doorway, muscled tattooed arms crossed. The sleeves of
his crisp white dress shirt are rolled up to his elbows, something he seems to do often
out of habit. As soon as his suit coat comes off, his sleeves are being rolled up. The
intricate ink covering his muscled arms are in stark contrast to the crisp color of his
shirt. I can see the shadow of where the ink continues up his skin beneath the fabric. Do
his tattoos cover more than just his arms?
“Pink, huh?” There he goes with those eyes of his again, taking in every single detail.
I simply shrug, looking up at him expectantly. For someone who was in such a hurry
three minutes ago, he doesn’t seem too rushed to move out of my room now. The look I
flash him is full of expectation.
“Are we going, or did you make me get out of bed for nothing?”
He looks at me for a while longer, almost as if just to prove that he can. Finally, he
steps back into the hallway and sweeps his arm out in a gesture for me to walk ahead of
“After you, Doc,” he murmurs, the nickname making me sigh in annoyance. But I
relent and step out into the hallway anyway.
He walks closely behind me, almost too close. His tall frame towers over me, looming
and crowding. Hyper aware of his proximity, I glance up at him in the elevator, my
shoulder to his chest. There’s no way he means to stand so close to me, but something in
his eyes when he looks down at me says he knows exactly what he’s doing. Nothing he
does is by accident.
The private elevator opens up to the parking garage and I follow him to a car I’ve
never seen before. This must be Callum’s car, a vintage number that looks like a classic
muscle car from the 1970s. I fail to recognize the symbol on the back as he holds the
passenger door open for me.
The engine rumbles, the only sound in the car as Callum navigates the city streets.
This silence is giving my mind too much opportunity to form questions I don’t have
answers to. Finally, I can’t help myself, not knowing is driving me crazy.
“Where are we going?” I look over at him, the passing city lights flashing across his
strong features. The white of his shirt catches the light, emphasizing his broad solid
frame filling the seat to capacity. He stares straight ahead at the road, not sparing me a
glance when he responds.
“Not far.” He gives me nothing to work with.
“What kind of medical attention do they need?” I try again. The more time I have to
prepare myself mentally, the better.
“You’ll see when we get there.” It’s a non-answer, really.
“Really? That’s all I get?” My tone tells him just how fed up I’m getting with all this.
He seems completely unbothered by my growing annoyance.
“Your medical expertise is needed,” Callum says simply. “That’s all you need to know.”
Yeah, that’s not how it works. If he thinks this conversation is over, he’s dead wrong. I
wish I knew what he was thinking, but I doubt it’ll do any good to ask him. His lack of
response almost keeps me from asking more questions. Honestly, I wouldn’t be
surprised if that’s his goal.
“If someone is sick, I’ll need specific medication. If they’re injured, I might need to
stop for supplies.” I’m going to keep insisting until I get something out of the vault that
is Callum Russo. But he doesn’t even flinch, simply tilting his head to look over at me
lazily. Here we are, driving through the city in the dark of the very early morning
because someone needs a nurse for a mysterious reason, and he’s acting like we’re
running an errand.
“You’ll have what you need,” his assurance does nothing to convince me. But instead
of bombarding him with the other million questions on the tip of my tongue, I simply
close my mouth instead. There’s no point in wasting my energy trying to get answers
he’s clearly not going to give me. The only sign that Callum notices my resignation is
another half glance in my direction.
He wasn’t lying when he said we aren’t going far, the drive takes less than twenty
minutes. Out of all the places my brain imagined we would end up, a nightclub wasn’t
even on the list. Pulling up, the club lights are still on, but there’s no line in front of the
door. Most clubs I know close around 3 am, which explains the lack of drunk partiers
stumbling around the sidewalk.
“A club?” I ask, confused. “Why are we at a closed nightclub?” Parking right out front
like a VIP, Callum shuts off the ignition and reaches for the door handle. Alarm bells ring
in my head, anxiety clawing at me. Who could need medical attention in a nightclub that
can’t go to the hospital?
“I’m not going in,” I say, my voice dripping with anxiety.
“Yes, you are.” It’s a statement, not a question. “Nothing’s going to happen to you,
Doc. It’d be too much of a waste.”
The promise does little to soothe the dread pooling in my stomach like a ball of lead.
Clearly, I’m not being taken seriously. Instead, he’s climbing out of the car and leaving
me alone in the terrifying silence. He circles behind the car, popping open the trunk
momentarily, before slamming it shut. The passenger door swings open, and Callum
stands expectantly, a large case in his left hand.
I look up at him from my place in the seat, every instinct in my body telling me not to
step out of the safety of the vehicle. I highly doubt Callum would drive me all the way to
a club to kill me. And seeing as he holds the literal keys to my only escape, I don’t really
have a choice here.
“No one is going to hurt you, you have my word.” The conviction in his words matches
the promise in Callum’s eyes, his right hand extending to me. I stare at it for a minute,
warring with my anxiety, my gaze sliding up to meet his. I’m here now, there’s no way
around it. So I accept his hand and allow him to help me out of the car. His hand
releases mine to close the door behind me with a resounding click and moves to the
small of my back.
“Here you go, Doc.” The case in his left hand lands heavily on the hood of the car. I lift
my eyes to his face briefly, my tongue wetting my bottom lip in apprehension as I reach
for the mystery case. His brows raise in a challenge, not offering any explanation. With
hesitant hands, I unclip the top of the case and pull it open slowly. My jaw drops.
Calling this a medical kit is a gross understatement. This case contains everything I
could ever need to provide proper medical care—gauze, suture kits, IV bags, sterile
needles, local anesthetic, antibiotics, stimulants—it’s a damn hospital in a box. All that’s
missing is the MRI machine.
My wide eyes search for his.
“Where did all of this come from?” There’s stuff in here that I can’t even find at the
hospital. How did this man get vials of adrenaline? I’m at a loss here.
“I told you, you’ll have everything you need.” Reaching around me, he closes the case
and locks it with a snap. “The man you’re here to see is inside.” With that, I’m being led
through the front entrance of the quiet club.
The hazy, dimly lit interior is exactly how I expect it to be. A few stray workers are
moving to clean up the leftovers of the patron’s poor decisions. The heavy aromas of
sweat, alcohol, and smoke cling to the air as a reminder of the night’s lack of inhibition.
I can see the door that leads out of the main room and back towards a more private area
as we get closer. A sign reading ‘Private, no public access’ warns me that I’m about to
leave any witnesses behind.
I’ve always scoffed at the dumb blonde sorority girls in horror movies when they hear
a noise in the basement and decide to venture into the darkness in their underwear with
nothing but a dim flashlight yelling ‘who’s there?’ Yet, here I am, allowing myself to be
led into the dark with nothing but my scrubs and sarcasm to protect me. As good as a
lamb to the slaughter, I might as well be wearing my underwear.
Either unaware of my reservations, or completely ignoring them, Callum presses his
hand to the small of my back and propels me through the doorway. Once we’re in the
open and there’s enough space, he steps beside me and grabs my wrist—his strong
fingers leading me firmly. Then we’re walking.
Moving down the long, dark hallway trimmed in blood-red LED lights, we pause at the
very last door.
“Breathe,” Callum murmurs beside me.
I suck in a breath I’m all too aware I was holding. He reaches around me to turn the
knob. I haven’t exactly been trying to picture what’s behind the ominous door, but it
definitely wasn’t a storage room. Roscoe stands along the far wall, his aggressive stance
stiff. It’s not the shelves of liquor and extra rags that has shock settling over me.
A chair sits in the center of the shadowy room, a man secured by one of his wrists to
the chair’s arm with red tape, his ankles secured to the legs. Spatters of blood spread
across the plastic covering the floor beneath him, filling the air with the heavy copper
scent of violence. His left hand dangles awkwardly, his pinky missing after the first
knuckle. It’s been cut off, I can spot the rest of the finger discarded on the ground next
to his foot in a pool of blood.
“What is this?” My question comes out barely more than a whisper. Callum’s hand on
my back pushes me into the room, the door closing behind us.
“Do your thing, Doc. Get to work and fix him up,” Callum says.
The injured man’s head lolls as his eyes try to look up at me. He looks so defeated, so
“You’re a doctor?” he asks, barely able to get the words out.
“I’m a nurse,” I correct again, standing and assessing the situation. Callum walks
around me, moving to watch from the other side of the room facing the door. His giant
stature fills the corner of the room, making the space feel so much smaller.
Judging by the amount of blood, enough time has passed between now and the injury
to allow some clotting. If the finger is still bleeding too much, I’ll have to do a wet-to-dry.
But hopefully, I can just stitch the wound closed and bandage it. That all depends on the
instrument used and the state of the remaining finger. My eyes lock with Callum's as my
assessment fully processes. Then I’m moving.
“How long ago did this happen?” I ask no one in particular. I don’t actually know
who’s responsible, so the answer could come from either of them.
“Forty-seven minutes,” Roscoe supplies gruffly.
When I lower, I do my best to avoid the blood splatters. I’ll kneel in the gore if I have
to, but not if I can avoid it.
“What did you use?” I ask, placing my kit on the floor. When I move to get a closer
look at the wound, the bloodied man jerks nervously. I can see Roscoe enter my
peripheral vision, his muscles tensed and ready as if he perceives the wounded man’s
movement as a threat against me. But I don’t flinch. “How was it cut off?”
“Don’t ask that,” Callum says, warning me off. “You don’t want to know the answers to
any of your questions.”
He thinks I’m just curious—that I’m entertained by this display of brutality. Throwing
him a look of agitation, I lift the mangled hand to inspect it.
“What you used to remove the finger might affect how I have to treat it,” I say, pulling
out the syringe of local anesthetic. No matter what they used, whether it was a surgical
scalpel or a rusty kitchen knife, I have to touch it to patch him up.
And that’s going to hurt like hell.
“I used these,” Roscoe supplies a pair of hand-held pruning shears. Taking the tool
from his hand, my eyes catch with his momentarily. I’m struck with the sinking
realization that the man of few words just used these landscaping scissors to remove
someone’s finger. But as quickly as the thought hits me, it’s gone and I’m moving on.
“These don’t look new,” I comment, taking in the scratches and knicks on the sharp
blades. Glancing at Roscoe, I can see the hesitance before he answers.
“Not new, but they were clean,” he says.
There’s no rust, which is a good sign, but they’re not sterile. I’ll need to make sure the
laceration is cleaned thoroughly so there’s no infection.
They cut the pinky off at a slight angle, so there’s enough skin to fold over and close
the wound. Just barely, and there will be lots of scarred tissue, but it will work.
“He’s going to need stitches. But it’s going to be tricky,” I announce, sifting through
the kit for the supplies to properly clean the wound.
“Can you do that, Doc?” The look of annoyance I throw at Callum just feeds the man’s
“I’m a nurse,” I say, for what feels like the millionth time. “So I shouldn’t be able to,
not for something like this. But luckily for you, my best friend is a trauma surgeon and
I’ve perfected my sutures on bananas over a couple glasses of wine.”
Organizing the supplies I’ll need and laying them out on the lid of the kit, I’m ready to
get to work. Pulling the cap off the sterile needle, I flick the air bubbles out and give it a
tiny squirt. Eyeing me warily, the man pulls at his restraints.
“No, what is that? Get that away from me,” he rasps, yanking at his hand that’s now
bleeding profusely. Roscoe takes a threatening step forward, but I raise my hand to stop
him. Instead, I look the imprisoned man straight in the eye.
“I know you think you don’t want me to touch you with this needle but, trust me, you
want what’s in this syringe,” I inform him calmly. Beaten captive tied to a chair or not,
he’s still just another patient who needs to be treated properly. “If you refuse, I’ll have
to clean you up without numbing it. It’s your choice.” I stare at him expectantly. It only
takes three seconds for him to realize my syringe is his friend, and he nods his consent.
After numbing the area, I set to cleaning it thoroughly. The next step is trying to stop
the bleeding enough to get a good grip for the sutures. It takes some time, and a lot of
gauze, but I’m able to get the skin where I need it to stitch it together. Once the wound
is finally closed, I disinfect the area again and cover it with a sterile bandage.
“There.” Finally sitting back on my heels, I realize how long I’ve been kneeling on the
floor. Just like when I’m at the hospital, my focus kept me from feeling the discomfort in
my knees. Not to mention the fact that I really have to pee. My legs complain when I
move to stand and I struggle. Callum is at my side in an instant, lifting me off the floor.
Damn, I definitely wasn’t this tired a few seconds ago.
“You’re finished?” Callum’s question is said deeply at my side. I look up at him, my
mind racing as I look at the man I clearly don’t know at all. Pulling my eyes away, I
simply nod.
“He’s going to need to follow up with a doctor as soon as possible, and there’s an
enormous risk of infection. But he should be fine.” I glance at Roscoe briefly before
looking back at the man. If he didn’t blink at me with half-lidded eyes, I would think he
was unconscious or dead—remaining limp in the chair. What else did they do to him?
There’s no missing the black eye forming and his swollen lip. “Are there any other
injuries I need to look at?”
“No,” Callum says firmly. “I’ll take you home.”
The exhaustion and shock from the events of the night allow Callum to pack up the
medical kit and tote me back to the car without complaint. He practically buckles me
into the passenger seat, stowing the medical case back in the trunk before climbing
behind the wheel. My eyes can’t seem to look at anything else but the terrifying man
next to me.
Gazing at his profile, the distinct nose, sharp cheekbones, immaculate beard. When
he’s in a suit, he looks as distinguished as any high-power businessman roaming this
city. But as soon as the suit coat comes off and the shirt sleeves are rolled up, you catch
a glimpse at what he really is. A man with an edge that you don’t mess with. I’d felt it,
even that first time meeting him—the danger just below the surface. But I never thought
it was anything like this. Who is he? Am I in danger right now?
“Are you just gonna keep staring, or are you gonna ask me the question you want to
ask me?” Coming to a complete stop at a red light, Callum meets my stare straight on. I
refuse to avert my gaze. After what I just witnessed, I deserve to stare a hole right
through his head if I want to.
“Why did Roscoe cut off that man’s finger?” I’ve wrestled between asking and
deciding I’m better off not knowing. But I’d be stupid not to ask just because I’m scared
of what the answer might be.
“Because I told him to.” Said so calmly, the answer is deliberately cagey, his eyes
daring me to ask the next question he’s leading me to. And I need to know more, need to
know what kind of man I’m living with. So I bite.
“Why did you tell him to?”
“Kellan took something that didn’t belong to him. Now his debt is paid.” He’s watching
me, taking in every blink and breath, reading me like a book. He’s a lot harder to read,
making my anxiety spike despite my best efforts.
“So, you’re an enforcer?” I’ve pieced together a few things, like the fact that his
‘business’ doesn’t discriminate between crooked politicians or career criminals. But
there are still some pretty huge gaps I need to fill in here. Because, after tonight, those
gaps are starting to seem more like a black hole that’ll devour me before anyone can
stop it—and no one will ever hear my screams.
“I fix problems.” Again, his response leaves me with nothing but more questions.
“What kinds of problems?” I ask. Callum leans back in his seat, flexing his shoulders
to get more comfortable as we wait for the light to turn green. His eyes don’t leave
mine; observing, analyzing, calculating.
“That depends on who’s asking.” His focus momentarily moves from my face to roam
down my body; taking in my messy blonde ponytail, wrinkled pink scrubs, and
supportive footwear. Any sleepiness had fled the moment I walked into that back room.
For better or for worse, I’m the picture of messy practicality tied up in a crumpled pink
“I’m asking.”
I’m not letting this go, not when I can get answers from him. The silence in the car
stretches, making seconds feel like hours, the only sound coming from the engine. The
light flashes green, but Callum takes his time pressing the accelerator. He’s in no hurry
to get home.
“Let’s just say I fix problems that powerful people pay lots of money for me not to talk
about.” This bit of information is a step in the right direction but it still doesn’t tell me
what I need to know.
“Fix them how?” I press, my voice shaking slightly. His grip shifts on the wheel to take
a more casual hold with one hand.
“By any means necessary.”
That tells me a lot and nothing at all. That could mean he skirts around the law by
doing deals under the table, or he could be a psychotic serial killer. There’s so much
room for interpretation, which is probably exactly how he likes it. The black hole is
slowly morphing into an endless gray area.
“Am I in danger?” The question leaves my mouth before I can think better of it.
“Not from me.” It’s a plain statement. Even with his nonchalance, I believe him.
Maybe that makes me an idiot, but I do.
“So I don’t need to be afraid of you?” It’s a reach for clarification and, maybe if I’m
being honest with myself, a little comfort. But I don’t get it.
“I never said that.” His eyes slide over to find mine again. “Are you scared of me,
A knot forms in my stomach, heat spreading through me under his gaze.
“After tonight I would be stupid not to be,” I shoot back. “I’m not stupid.”
The car turns and we’re entering the parking garage that belongs to the penthouse.
Pulling smoothly into one of the private spots, Callum cuts the engine.
“You’re a lot of things, but you certainly aren’t stupid,” he says. “And I know you’re
smart enough to realize that telling anyone about what you witnessed tonight is a very
bad idea.”
“I won’t say anything,” I assure him. I have enough self-preservation to keep my damn
mouth shut. Besides, I don’t even know what happened. Not really.
“Good. Because if you are stupid enough to tell someone, that might put you in
danger. And I’ll always know.”
“I’m just gonna go shower and pretend like tonight never happened.” When did my life
turn into a suspense movie? I prefer my drama petty and through a tv screen.
“That’s a good idea, Doc.” Stepping into the elevator, he’s watching me again. This
time feels more intentional—like he’s looking for something. I’ll bet he’s waiting for a
meltdown or psychotic break with tears and trembling. Like the events of tonight might
somehow break me. But he can wait all he wants, the breakdown isn’t coming.
The demons I’m currently fighting off are much more traumatizing than giving some
creep a few stitches in a dark room. Tonight, as weird and confusing as it was, is just a
drop in the bucket. I’m already keeping my head above water while much darker forces
try to drag me under.
I don’t wait for him when the elevator doors open, instead walking straight into the
penthouse. Callum’s only a step or two behind me.
“Good night, Callum,” I say over my shoulder, not hesitating before walking through
the kitchen towards the hallway that leads to my shower. And my bed.
“Sweet dreams, Doc,” Callum’s deep voice sounds behind me.
I wish.
Chapter Five: Lexie

o dancing in the kitchen this morning?” Callum’s voice has me glancing over
my shoulder from my place at the stove.
It’s been a day since he brought me to the nightclub. I thought it would change things
but surprisingly it hasn’t. I’m not shaken or traumatized, my life feels pretty much the
same. And even as I stand here with the man who turned out to be even more dangerous
than I suspected, I feel at ease. Maybe not completely, but close enough.
Callum looks immaculate, per usual, with his black dress shirt, slacks, and leather
belt. I’ve never seen the man with a single hair out of place. Does he even own a pair of
sweatpants? Or does he just wear his dress clothes to bed?
“I reserve dancing for mornings I have enough energy to pull myself out of bed
without a caffeine drip,” I inform him. “Today is not one of those days.”
“Whatever you say, Dewdrop,” his response has me pausing to actually look at him.
“Dewdrop,” I repeat. “Isn’t that a flower?”
Callum’s broad shoulders shrug as if it’s the most natural thing in the world to
compare me to a plant.
“Seems fitting. Dewdrops are toxic when ingested, just like that poison you’re so
addicted to.” He’s referring to Mountain Dew.
“Do you have a thing for nicknames or something?” The flick of my wrist turns off the
“I know how much you love your other nickname. What’s one more?” He’s winding me
up on purpose, and it’s working. “Right, Doc?”
"There are a few choice words I’d like to call you right now.” If I’m not mistaken, I
swear the man laughs at that. My eyes roll dramatically to the ceiling as I turn away
from him to focus on things more worthy of my attention. Like my food.
Adding a drizzle of hot sauce and a sprinkle of salt and pepper, the plate is finished—
and it’s a beautiful thing. Maybe I’m just hangry, because my agitation melts away with
each bite of food. It only takes five spoonfuls of cereal before I’m ready to do my happy
dance—something I’m sure the man standing only a few feet away notices.
“What’s for breakfast, Doc?” Callum eyes my spread like he doesn’t know what to
make of it. It’s an unusual combination, but I like it.
“Oh, this is avocado, red onion, and a poached egg with some sriracha on a slice of
toasted French bread.” My finger points to all the different components on my plate.
“And that?” He asks, nodding to the bowl. I flash him a smile and a small shrug.
“Cocoa Puffs.”
“Isn’t that a children’s cereal?”
“What can I say, I go coo-coo for cocoa puffs.” Swallowing the last spoonful, I reach for
the box to refill my bowl.
“Are you at least going to put some fresh milk in there?” With the look I give him, the
man might as well have sprouted a second head.
“That’s the best part. Do you seriously not know how satisfying it is to finish the
second bowl and drink the chocolatey milk? Here, have some of mine.” I extend the box
towards him, but he just eyes the cereal like it’s going to bite him.
“I don’t eat that stuff.”
“Oh, you’re one of those people.” I can’t say I’m surprised. “Let me guess, you’re a
Raisin Bran and granola kinda guy.”
Callum straightens to his full height, rolling back his broad shoulders and stretching
his neck.
“Cereal doesn’t cut it for me. I need protein and complex carbs. Sausage, eggs, beans,
potatoes.” Circling the island, he opens the fridge and starts pulling out ingredients.
Looking at the machine of a man across from me, it makes sense. I bet a guy his size
needs to consume a lot of food for his body to keep running. He probably burns like a
million calories a day just by existing, let alone working out. For me food is fun, and for
him it’s fuel.
“I’m surprised you don’t have a cook.” The thought’s occurred to me a few times since
he showed up. Watching a man as busy and formidable as Callum scramble eggs in the
morning always seems a little out of place. I mean, I know even dangerous people need
to eat, but the task seems too commonplace and almost silly when he does it.
“Typically, when I’m in the city I have a chef that provides me with weekly meals;
breakfast and lunch. This trip was last minute, I didn’t get to some of the usual details.”
He flashes me a meaningful look, case in point. I’m one of those details.
“No dinners?”
“Dinner is usually for business. I cook when I can.”
“Do you like cooking?”
“I’m good at it.”
“Ok, but do you like doing it?” He turns to look at me as if I’m speaking an unfamiliar
language, jaw clenched tightly beneath his immaculate beard. “You do know what liking
something means, right? Finding enjoyment, having fun.” I speak slowly, like an adult
trying to explain something to a child with a soft smile on my face and a teasing tone in
my voice. The serious expression I receive in return simply stares at me intensely.
Why is it so damn hard to get to know this guy? What’s a straightforward question for
most people turns into a complicated equation with him. And I’m left sitting here with
an incomplete answer trying to decipher all of the different variables. Math was never
my strongest subject.
The portion of food he piles on his plate could feed a small family, his fuel for the
morning. I sit patiently waiting for an answer, and after a long moment, he finally
“Having fun isn’t something I spend energy on.” Stepping over to the coffeemaker, he
pours himself a cup. No sugar, no cream.
“That explains a lot,” I comment, taking a bite of my toast. Next comes a spoonful of
cereal, the perfect combo of savory and sweet.
“Meaning?” The man certainly has a mean stare, one I’m sure intimidates most people
—it makes my pulse jump. My eyes trail down to how his expensive black shirt stretches
taut across his broad shoulders. The sleeves rolled up to his elbows show off his strong
forearms decorated in dark ink. There’s no denying he has good hands—the kind every
woman wants to grab her by the throat and work her into a frenzy. Those hands can be
my undoing, and I’ll gladly beg for more.
I haven’t decided if I need to be afraid of Callum yet. The evidence is circumstantial at
best and the jury’s still out on this one. I know that people capable of violence aren’t
always dangerous, and he’s never shown an ounce of aggression towards me. My high
school best friend’s dad was in a motorcycle gang—he liked to crack skulls and he had a
habit of pulling out a switchblade, but he treated his wife and daughters like
Callum’s grip on the coffee pot shifts and his brows raise marginally, his expression
knowing. I’m staring, blatantly ogling him. And he noticed.
I avert my eyes quickly to focus on the food in front of me. “Just that you’re all
“Speaking of business,” he pauses to catch my full attention again. I drag my eyes
from my plate to land on him again—this time focusing as I fight back a blush. “Come
into my office when you’re done eating. There’s something we need to discuss.” With
that, he’s scooping up his plate and coffee and striding towards his office. I guess that
means he doesn’t plan to eat with me.
“Sure thing, boss.”
“Don’t call me that,” he calls over his shoulder.
I smile to myself, bringing my bowl to my lips. I’m right, as usual—this chocolatey milk
hits different. So good. Callum really doesn’t know what he’s missing. What’s the point
in living longer if it means you can’t enjoy a bowl of sugary chocolate cereal once in a
After taking my time finishing my food, I take a deep breath before walking into
Callum’s office. There’s something ominous about this room. It feels like I might
accidentally trigger a boobytrap if I make one wrong move. Maybe it’s the man sitting
behind his desk, inked arms on full display, who seems to always be watching and
waiting. Or maybe it’s the idea that anything can be lurking between these four walls,
like a man missing his finger dripping blood onto a tarp.
“Alright, what’s this business we need to talk about?” I ask, sitting in a chair across
from Callum’s desk. His eyes leave the computer screen to look at me, lowering briefly
to my outfit.
“You changed.”
I look down at the green sundress that replaced my pajama set after breakfast.
“I got dressed. I don’t want to be fired while I’m in my pajamas,” I say crossing one
ankle over the other. Callum sits back in his chair, spreading his legs out in front of him
while his eyes sweep over me in consideration.
“You’re not being fired, Lexie,” he replies, easing some of the worry gnawing at my
stomach. “I was impressed the other night. The way you handled yourself at the
nightclub surprised me, and I’m not surprised easily.”
“Right, the other night when I sewed up some random guy’s hand after his finger was
cut off. You’re surprised I did a good job?” I take a second to absorb what he’s saying.
“There’s a compliment in there somewhere.”
“There is,” he concedes, his hand running down his beard. “I won’t lie to you and say
last night was a one-off. But the person I used to call is no longer an option.”
“Lucky me,” I can’t help but joke.
“In my line of work, I like to have a medical professional available to me at all times.
Now that my previous arrangement is over, I’m looking for a replacement.”
“You’re talking about Tony,” I guess, the pieces suddenly clicking together until it
makes sense. Callum nods, the weight of his focus never leaving me.
“Tony did more for me than just watch the apartment while I was out of town. And
now there’s a position to fill. I want you to fill it, Doc.”
“You want me to work for you long term… as a private nurse?”
“Not specifically my nurse, but essentially yes.”
“So this would mean, what?” I need to know exactly what he’s proposing before I give
him a response. Obviously having foreseen this, as a businessman, Callum slides a
contract across the desk to rest in front of me. I thumb through it, it’s a few pages long.
Colored tabs mark the different spots to sign—blue for signatures and yellow for
“You’d live here in the city permanently. I’d require you to be available to me at all
times, but you won’t always be working. You’ll basically be on-call, and act as a medical
professional on my behalf. You’d accompany me to certain meetings, and travel
occasionally.” He flips to the last few pages and taps on the paper. “And I require all of
my employees to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement.”
The NDA isn’t shocking, I already signed something similar when I signed the house-
sitting agreement. Wealthy people, especially super private ones like Callum, don’t like
people knowing their business. I’m betting his actual business has something to do with
it too.
“So if someone gets sick or injured, I’d treat them for you? Like a concierge doctor.”
It’s not uncommon for people to hire medical care out privately. I know a few girls who
got sick of dealing with the randoms in the emergency room and decided to work for
wealthy, old people who need a nurse to wheel them around and keep track of their
many pills.
“Something like that.”
“And the incident at the nightclub. Something like that could happen again?”
“It’s possible.” Callum’s casual response is too vague. So I press.
“But is it probable?” The silent stare is answer enough. Damn, that’s a yes. But is that
something I can handle? Or even something I can live with?
Dealing with the aftermath of violence isn’t a new concept to me, I see gore walk
through the ER doors all the time. You’d be surprised how many idiots think they know
how to operate a chainsaw and end up detaching whole limbs. Not to mention the
number of muggings and shootings that leave their victims riddled with gaping holes
like bloody swiss cheese. A missing finger is just the tip of the iceberg, small fish really.
But there’s a big difference between seeing the result of violence and knowing the
people creating it. I know myself well enough to realize that I’m cool enough under
pressure to handle any trauma, no matter how shocking. When I snap into gear, there’s
nothing I can’t handle. My work ethic isn’t the question here, it’s my conscience.
“How long is the contract for?”
“Three years to start,” Callum says, sliding a check across the desk to sit next to the
contract. “You’ll receive this first payment upfront with a decent signing bonus.”
There’s no helping how my eyes widen at the absurd number written at the bottom
next to my name.
Damn, that’s a lot of zeros.
“And if I decide not to sign, I have to leave?” The initial rush of excitement is slowly
fading as reality slides back in. This isn’t just another few months exploring a new city,
I’d be moving here permanently. Taking this job means leaving my apartment, my
friends, my younger sister Samantha, and the job waiting for me back home. It means
leaving Mia. I’d be abandoning the west coast to become a New York resident.
“Not right away, I won’t kick you out on the street tonight. But you could only stay
until I fill the position.”
“I’ll need to read through this,” I say, picking up the contract and leaving the check
where it sits on the desk. It’s calling my name, but the uncertainty spinning muffles the
sound in my head.
“Of course, take it,” Callum agrees deeply. “I want you to think about it. But I need
your answer by tomorrow morning.”
I nod, holding the contract gingerly as I stand.
The walk back to my room has my heart thundering in apprehension. This is a big
decision, one that dramatically changes my life. My first thought is to call Mia, my
instincts are to talk it out with my best friend. But this is something I have to decide for
myself, with no one else's opinions or judgment.
Plus, I know how Mia’s going to feel about this. She’ll do her best to be objective and
supportive, but anything she advises is going to be tainted by her bias. And if there’s
anyone who can influence my decision-making, it’s her.
Reading through every line of the legal document, it looks like a fairly straightforward
contract, but it’s air-tight. There’s no wiggle room. Once I sign it that’s it. There’s no
changing my mind. The job sounds easy enough, definitely easier than what I do daily at
the hospital. Plus the pay is so much more than I thought I would ever make in my
And the thought of having to leave, so much sooner than I thought I would, and having
to go back to my regular life in Oregon has dread clawing at my stomach. I love my
home, but the idea of having to walk back into an emergency room makes me want to
curl into a fetal position. It’s too soon, way too fucking soon—I need more time.
I can’t go back to the hospital, to the emergency room. I can’t go back to my regular
schedule of twelve-hour shifts with patient after patient. Trauma after trauma. Just the
thought has my heart rate picking up with anxiety.
Even after leaving the contract on my bed, my mind strays back to it throughout the
day. The choice I have to make weighs on my mind for the majority of the day. Even as I
bury myself in a new chicken recipe, my mind keeps falling back into the decision I have
to make.
Ignoring Mia’s texts all day has me feeling guilty, but I can’t talk to her before I’ve
decided for sure. She won’t hear from me until I’ve either signed the contract or started
making travel arrangements back to the west coast.
Laying in bed to fall asleep, my mind is almost racing too fast for my demons to make
their nightly visit. But it turns out the job offer isn’t enough to keep the horrifying
images from flashing behind my eyes. Crimson blood trailing down the side of the
gurney until it pools on the worn linoleum floor, mangled metal, and a child’s lunchbox
covered in blood.
Bolting upright in bed, I gulp for air as my heart pounds. Anxiety grips my chest
tightly as a cold sweat breaks across my skin. Switching on the lamp beside the bed,
light floods the room as I reach for the contract and the pen I keep in the nightstand.
It might be complicated, but this is a good job offer. The work is less tedious, the pay
is incredible. And I can’t go back to the hospital.
There’s really only one choice.
Going through each page, my pen swoops across the tabbed lines in sparkly black ink.
It might not be the standard practice to sign a legal document with a glittery gel pen,
but it’s what I have. And, let’s be honest, it’s who I am. At least it’s black and not the hot
pink one I keep in my handbag.
And just like that, I’ve sealed my fate and changed my future.
Chapter Six: Lexie

pause in the open doorway of Callum’s office, my knuckles knocking on the door
softly as I announce my presence. “Knock, knock.”
“Come on in, Doc.” Callum gestures to me from his place behind the desk. Roscoe sits
on the sofa along the wall to the left, silently observing.
Walking in, I place the signed contract in the center of the desk. “I signed it.”
His eyes move from the stack of papers to gaze at me, read me. He seems surprised,
but I can’t be sure if it’s because I actually signed the contract or the fact that I took so
long to make a decision. Maybe both.
Picking the contract off the desk, Callum flips through each page to double-check that
nothing’s missing. I don’t blame him, I triple-checked every signature line myself before
walking in here.
“You signed it,” he confirms. “I’ll make you a copy.”
“Now what? When do I start, today?” I ask, glancing over at Roscoe. He’s so hard to
read. If I was a less confident woman, I’d probably assume he can’t stand me. Between
him and Callum, they’re gonna give my self-esteem a workout. Unreadable stares like
theirs can give a woman a complex.
“Tomorrow we can go over the parameters of the job, and figure out scheduling,”
Callum responds thoughtfully, standing to place the contract into the large safe set into
the wall behind his desk. “I don’t expect to need you today, and I have meetings that
can’t be rescheduled.”
“Ok.” Sounds like I get the day off, which is fine by me. “Perfect, I was hoping to soak
up some sun and use the pool today. The weather is beautiful.”
Callum’s eyes move down my body, most likely taking in how pale I am. He probably
thinks I just need a few hours in the sun to get some color, most people do. But my skin
is always this fair, the only color I’ll be getting from the sun is bright red—not that it’ll
stop me. I can’t wait to load up on SPF and roast like a sun-dried tomato.
“Go ahead, Dewdrop.” With that, he’s dismissing me. Hopping up from the chair, I can
feel two sets of eyes on me as I leave the room. Leaving them behind, and any worry
about work or the new life I just signed up for, I head to my room. I’m so ready to lounge
and relax by the pool.
Looking in the full-length mirror, I pose to show myself the best angle in this swimsuit.
The light pink structured top is the best I think I’ve ever found for my body type. With
panels of mesh and a full underwire, it looks more like lingerie than swimwear. That’s
what I need for my boobs—full support. My girls need to be hoisted up and strapped in.
Though, like almost everything else with structured cups, my boobs are just a bit too big
to be considered ‘the perfect fit.’
The periwinkle bottoms are high-waisted, with enough coverage for my
stomach and thigh brows. But they’re also high cut on the sides, sitting high on my hips
and creating a cheeky fit on my ass—and I’ve got a decently sized ass. My boobs look
fantastic, large and propped up in this top. The bottoms make my defined waist look
snatched, my thighs look thick, my legs look long, and my ass voluptuous. The pastel
colors perfectly complement the rosy hue of my fair skin and long blonde hair.
I look hot.
Giving my best angles and face, I snap a few pics in the mirror with my cellphone.
These might not end up being posted anywhere on social media, but I want them for
myself either way. It’s important for me to capture this moment when I’m feeling sexy.
An assignment from my therapist, Julie, to destigmatize embracing anything that brings
me joy. I’ll decide later what I want to do with them.
Damn, I look good.
Until I turn and catch the reflection of my side profile. Then I see how my soft stomach
slightly overhangs a fupa, and the back of my thick thighs are decorated in cellulite and
the faint silver silhouettes of stretch marks. I have more curves than I know what to do
with; cellulite, stretch marks, and all. But to hell if I’m not going to wear what I want to
Stay straight on, Lexie. How you look from the side is something to think about
another day. You look good from any angle.
The terrace of the penthouse probably costs a fortune on its own; with manicured
landscaping, a large rectangular infinity pool and jacuzzi, and an outdoor dining area
complete with a full bar, grill, and fire pit. Stepping into the ridiculously large pool, the
water is heated to perfection.
Nothing beats swimming in a private pool. I could get used to this.
Soaking up the sunshine beneath the heated water, the time passes quickly as I swim
laps, float, and breathe. When my fingers have turned into little prunes I know it’s time
to get out. I make a mental note to buy a house with a pool someday soon, one with lots
of privacy so I can lounge in my bikini, or even topless, without stray eyes.
Slowly walking up the steps out of the pool, water runs off my body. The sun is warm,
but the wind sends a shiver through me as I reach for my towel. Dripping a trail of pool
water across the apartment isn’t my favorite idea, so I do my best to dry my body.
Wrapping the towel around me, I glance through the windows leading into the living
room and pause. A group of four important-looking men in suits stand just inside the
glass door with Enzo, deep in conversation. And judging by their expressions, the topic
of discussion is a very serious one.
As comfortable as I am lounging by a private pool in a bikini, I have no desire to walk
through a heated business meeting full of complete strangers, half naked and dripping
wet. I’m not conceited enough to think I’d pull too much focus otherwise, but in this
situation, every set of male eyes would be on me.
Yeah, no thanks.
Instead, I pad over to the door on the opposite side of the terrace—the one that leads
into the primary suite. I breathe a sigh of relief when the door’s unlocked and opens
easily. Slipping inside, I close the door softly behind me.
Just like the rest of the penthouse, Callum’s bedroom is impressive. The wall of floor-
to-ceiling windows extending up two stories floods the room with natural light. Modern
furniture and fixtures decorate the space in darker neutral colors. A sitting area is on
my left facing a chic black fireplace, a beige sofa, and cognac leather sitting chairs
paired with a coffee table made of lighter natural wood. The color palette matches the
rest of the apartment and I can’t help wondering if it was selected by Callum or some
interior designer—black, natural light woods, beige, and cognac leather accents.
His bed is the biggest bed I’ve ever seen in my life, it must be a California king. It sits
on my right against the wall opposite the door that leads into the hallway, night stands
with lamps on both sides. The black bedding covering the giant mattress on the sturdy
wood bedframe looks oddly inviting and comfortable. The two doors on the far back wall
open into a spacious walk-in closet and ensuite bathroom. The other door must lead to
the bathroom.
The air in here feels expensive.
I stop at the foot of the bed, my eyes scanning over the details of the room. I’m the
first to admit that I’m nosey—not nosey enough to actually go around digging through
drawers or poking around bookshelves—but definitely enough to take a good look when
given the opportunity.
The room is beautifully decorated, each item adding to the masculine luxury of the
space. But it’s a little impersonal. From what I know about Callum, I wasn’t expecting to
find shelves of little league trophies from when he was a kid. But there’s nothing
sentimental I can see at all, no personality. Or maybe this whole room is Callum’s
personality—masculine, expensive, clean, and devoid of emotion. The entire space is…
“Do you need something?” The deep voice makes me jump, ripping me out of my
observations and forcing my head to whip around. Callum’s large form fills the doorway
that leads into the spacious primary bathroom, a black suit coat in his hands to match
the black pants he’s already wearing. The cuffs of his black dress shirt are buttoned at
his wrists, his tattoos completely hidden like they don’t exist at all.
“Oh, you’re in here.” Just like the first time we met, I’m a deer in headlights. But this
time, my recovery is much faster. The towel shifts around me as I sweep my wet hair
over one shoulder to minimize the amount of water dripping on the nice wood floors.
“That shouldn’t be such a big surprise since this is my bedroom,” he counters, sliding
one of his arms into the suit coat, then the other. Shrugging the coat onto his shoulders,
he straightens the lapels until his businessman camouflage is firmly in place.
“Right,” I concede easily. “I’m not trying to invade your privacy, I just saw all the men
in suits.”
“So you snuck in here thinking no one would notice?” His brows raise in question, and
I’m suddenly starting to rethink my reasoning. It made sense in the moment.
“Sorry, there were too many people out in the living room and I didn’t want to be seen,
so I came in through the balcony,” I say, letting the towel fall away from my body to start
drying my hair.
“And you thought you’d be safer in here with me?” His tone taunts the very idea of it. I
didn’t realize he was in here, but I don’t think that would’ve changed my mind to walk
through the crowd of strangers. At least with Callum, I know where I stand.
“Well, yeah. There are just too many male eyes out there. And, you’re not gonna look,
so,” I shrug, tilting my head to scrunch some of the pool water out of my hair with the
“I’m not looking?” My hands halt at his question, eyes snapping to his.
“Are you?” I ask, blinking at him.
“I am.” His eyes pierce through me, proving a point. His gaze settles over my skin like
static electricity.
“Wait, what?” I’m gaping at him now, my jaw might as well be on the damn floor.
Callum’s eyes run over me from head to toe slowly, deliberately. His heated gaze takes
in every inch of me in my bikini, and I can’t help but wonder how the same eyes that
have been watching me from the moment we met can suddenly make me feel so hot and
“I have, I am, and I will.” He takes three deliberate steps toward me, punctuating each
phrase. My eyes widen up at him, not missing how his focus catches on where my
breasts practically spill from my bikini top.
“I’m confused, you never—” He regards me like I’m a character in a children’s tv show
—something barely tolerable, maybe a potential source of mild entertainment, but
altogether too bright and shiny to be taken seriously.
Or at least I thought he did.
Now he’s looking at me like a man starved, and I’m a meal he wants to devour.
A wave of heat washes through me, my heart damn near doing backflips.
“Sometimes it’s better to observe quietly. Don’t mistake my silence for disinterest.”
There’s no missing his interest in me now. “But now that you know, there’s no reason to
keep it quiet anymore. Is there, Dewdrop?”
“I—” The man has made my brain glitch, and I’m at a loss for what to say. “I thought
you didn’t like me.”
“Wanting to fuck you has nothing to do with whether or not I like you.”
“True.” Heat pools between my legs. “You want to fuck me?”
“I want to bury myself in those gorgeous tits of yours while I pound into your pussy
until I’m balls deep and you’re screaming my name.” He’s inching closer. “Yes, I want to
fuck you.”
Suddenly there’s no air in the room. His dirty words have stolen the breath right out
of my lungs and doused me in flammable lust.
The man is so unbelievably hot. Callum Russo could eat me alive and I’d offer him
seconds. But he’s officially my employer now—not to mention he’s only supposed to be
in town for a few more days. So instead of responding how my throbbing pussy is
begging me to, I say “Sex would probably complicate things.”
The hunger in his eyes remains, but he doesn’t make any attempt to argue with me.
So that settles it, there will be no sex with my extremely attractive, giant, bearded
employer who’s covered in tattoos and looks like he could shatter me into a million
It’s the right decision, we both know it. But that doesn’t stop the regret from clawing
at me while I stand here staring at the man with promises of complete devastation in his
hazel eyes.
“I should go shower before the chlorine turns my hair green.” Changing the subject, I
wrap the large towel around my body. It’s cold now, my lack of body heat allowing the
dampness to cool from the air conditioning. Callum doesn’t miss the goose bumps that
raise across my skin, even when he tilts his head towards his bathroom.
“Use mine,” he says, surprising me. “I’m leaving, and I’ll be taking the male eyes in
the living room with me. There’s a robe on the hook.”
“I’ll think about it.” We both know I’m about to go poking around his bathroom. “Have
fun at your meeting.” The look he flashes me says he noticed my choice of words. I give
him a bright smile in return.
The towel slips around me slightly when I reach up to tuck a strand of wet hair behind
my ear, allowing Callum’s diligent eyes to catch another glimpse of my chest. I’m not in
a hurry to pull it back up and ruin his view.
“We’ll talk tomorrow morning,” he says, running a hand over his perfect beard—he
has some seriously good hair genes. “Meet me in my office at eight.”
I nod in acknowledgment. “I’ll be there.”
Callum stands there for a beat, gazing at me like usual. Only, now that I know how he
feels when he looks at me, it’s not like usual. It’s hot and unnerving at the same time.
When he turns to stride out of the room, I’m left trying to make sense of what just
happened between us. There’s so much to process, especially from the last few days. My
mind is still scrambling when I walk into Callum’s bathroom.
It matches his bedroom; large, modern, and luxurious. And freakishly neat. There’s no
shortage of hygiene products between his facewash, beard oil, and masculine soap—
which is no surprise. Callum is a very well-groomed man. Each item is lined up perfectly
in place, keeping the counters clean and organized. The entire room is an odd
combination of lived-in and pristine. It looks like a well-staged photo from a luxury
interior design magazine.
To give some semblance of privacy, I don’t rifle through his cabinets. Turning on the
rain shower, I wrestle myself out of the damp swimsuit. When I step under the steaming
water and look out the floor-to-ceiling window with the spectacular cityscape view, I’m
sure this is going to be the best shower of my life.
Chapter Seven: Lexie

itting in the back seat with Callum while Roscoe drives us through the city is a
foreign feeling. In my mind, only celebrities and ‘important people’ get driven
around by a bodyguard chauffeur. Apparently, Callum is one of those important people,
and I now have certain privileges simply by proximity.
The luxury black SUV was definitely custom-made for Callum’s large frame, with extra
wide seats and more legroom than I thought was possible in the backseat of a car. The
limo tint on the windows offers as much privacy as possible, and I have a sneaking
suspicion that the vehicle is armored.
Callum’s focused on his phone, probably typing three emails at once. We went over
the expectations of the job earlier this morning, which basically boils down to three
things—be available, be reachable, and follow instructions. Simple enough. He didn’t
exactly sync our calendars, and I get the feeling I’ll never actually know what Callum is
up to until we’re already on the way. I’ll just have to be ready for plans to change.
Leaning back against the cognac suede seat, a notification sounds in the car as a
vibration buzzes over my skin. Callum looks over in time to see me reach into the v-neck
of my scrub top and pull out my cellphone. A text notification from Mia lights my screen.
“Did you just pull that out from…?” Callum’s deep voice sounds beside me.
“My bra? Yeah.” I shrug, unlocking my phone. Feeling his eyes on me, I turn my head
to meet his gaze. Hazel eyes glance down at my breasts without discretion.
“You keep your phone in your bra?”
“All the time.” It’s really no big deal. “It’s like having two giant built-in pockets and
women’s clothes never have them so, why not?” His eyes on me are processing data. Or
maybe he’s just taking this opportunity to check out my tits.
“People don’t notice you reaching into your top all the time?” he asks, unconvinced.
“You couldn’t tell it was there. Mission accomplished.”
Callum eyes my chest curiously. “What else do you have in there?”
I suppress a smile, turning my attention back to my phone to read my text. “Wouldn’t
you like to know.” Mia’s telling me about a patient who tried to steal an entire IV stand,
fluid bags and all. “Where are we headed?”
“I have a meeting with a Russian.” His answer is short, as if that bit of information is
everything I need to know. I’m still confused.
“What do you need me for?”
“The Russians aren’t known for being friendly,” Callum responds vaguely. “Some of
them have a problem with my history with the Italians. You’re here in case things get
“Your history with the Italians,” I repeat, trying to make sense of what he’s saying. “I
thought you were Italian. Isn’t Russo an Italian last name?”
“It’s Sicilian.”
“So, the problem is with your family?”
“It’s complicated.” The steel edge in his voice ends the line of questioning.
The car pulls to a stop in front of a bar. It’s only ten o’clock in the morning, and the
place looks appropriately deserted for such an early hour. I’m not even sure they’re
open yet.
Roscoe and Callum both exit the vehicle, and my door is opened for me. Callum holds
out his hand to help me down from the tall car. I leave the medical kit in the back seat as
instructed. Apparently walking into a tense situation looking like you’re ready to start
cleaning up blood isn’t the best move.
Ignoring the closed sign on the door, Callum enters the building like he owns the
place. The vintage feel of the dark interior seems like something out of a burlesque
movie, with dark woods, red velvet-topped stools, and backlit counters. Pausing just
inside the door, Callum scans the space until his eyes land on the booth in the far back
corner. A man, who appears to be in his mid-thirties, sits at the table with a phone
pressed to his ear. The large man that’s standing guard next to the booth steps away to
approach Callum at our entrance.
“Wait for me here,” Callum says, looking first at me, then having a silent conversation
with Roscoe. The bald man gives a short nod, but widens his stance and folds his hands
in front of him like he’s ready for war. For all I know, I should be gearing up for battle
too. Instead, I lower to sit on a bench against the wall near the door—I’m not in the
mood for war right now.
The bodyguard watches as Callum lifts his arms out at his sides and spins, patting him
down visually to make sure he’s not armed. I didn’t notice the paper bag in Callum’s
hand until he’s opening it to show the bodyguard the contents before following him back
to the booth and greeting who I’m assuming is the Russian that Callum mentioned in the
I can’t quite hear what they’re saying from across the room, but I watch the two men
greet each other with a handshake that’s all business. Since there’s nothing else to do, I
follow Roscoe’s example and just watch and absorb.
The Russian man is clean-shaven with a very square jaw and a cleft chin. His wavy
hair could be either light brown or a very dark blonde, but there’s so much product
slicking it back that it’s impossible to tell. When Callum pulls two bottles of liquor from
the paper bag and presents them to the other man, I can catch a glimpse of the tattoos
on the back of the Russian’s hands that creep down to his fingernails. The ink makes
them look like he has skeletal fingers.
Kinda creepy.
It’s impossible to decide which man is more terrifying, I wouldn’t want to meet either
of them in a dark alleyway at night. But there’s something about the way Callum’s
danger is so expertly camouflaged under a suit coat that makes him seem far more
threatening. With the Russian, you know exactly who you’re looking at when you meet
him. Callum’s true nature isn’t revealed until his sleeves are rolled up and his
metaphorical fangs are out. Between the two men at that table, my guess is that Callum
Russo is the bigger threat.
“What’s his name?” I ask, glancing at Roscoe. He pulls his eyes from his boss long
enough to look down at me. “The Russian.”
“Levi,” he answers after a moment of consideration, having weighed the pros and cons
of telling me and deciding there’s no harm in me having this information. Maybe I
should take what I’m given and be grateful I got any answer. But I’ve never been good at
stopping when I’m ahead.
“Am I allowed to know his last name?” I ask, following his gaze back to the men.
“Mikhailov,” Roscoe answers this time without looking at me.
Levi Mikhailov. Definitely Russian alright.
It’s like he could hear me thinking his name because dark brown eyes meet mine, and
I can see him say something and nod towards me. Callum turns his head to look at me,
our eyes locking as he says something in response. I’m tempted to sit up straighter
under the weight of their focus, but their eyes are leaving me as quickly as they settled.
The meeting doesn’t last too long, and it’s only a few more minutes before they’re
standing from the booth and walking over to us. Levi’s bodyguard falls into step behind
him and Roscoe steps forward to meet them. Callum’s eyes find me briefly when I stand
from my seat, but I don’t bother to speak or walk any closer. My plan is to just stand
here quietly until it’s time to leave.
“You won’t be needing your nurse when you meet with Viktor either,” Levi’s saying
when they stop in front of us, his eyes catching on me momentarily. He doesn’t look very
impressed with me, I’m betting a man like him surrounds himself with equally scary
people. That’s definitely not me. “Just make sure you bring more of that vodka and Irish
“That can be arranged.” Callum nods, signaling to Roscoe it’s time to go. “I’ll see you
then.” Roscoe and Levi’s man are staring each other down like two cowboys having a
showdown in a western film. But the tension breaks when Levi turns to walk back to his
place at the table.
Callum motions for me to walk ahead of him as we exit and walk back to the car. He
opens the door for me and his hand on my lower back helps me climb in fairly gracefully.
Roscoe doesn’t seem to relax until he’s pulling into traffic and we’re driving away—well,
as relaxed as Roscoe gets.
“You get the meeting?” he asks, looking at the man beside me in the rearview mirror.
Callum nods, rolling his shoulders back before settling into the seat.
“Tomorrow night, eight o’clock at The Dining Room.” A muffled buzzing sound next to
me has Callum reaching into his pocket to pull out his vibrating phone.
The phone only buzzes in Callum’s hand once before he’s pressing it to his ear.
“Marcus…Yes, we’re close by. What happened?” The way he glances over at me confirms
I’m part of the we he’s referring to. “We’re on our way.” He hangs up the phone, making
eye contact with Roscoe in the rearview mirror.
“Where we headed?” Roscoe asks the question we’re both wondering.
“Brooklyn,” Callum responds, apparently giving enough information for Roscoe to
“Who’s Marcus?” I ask curiously. Callum glances at me before continuing to type on
his phone.
“My older brother,” he replies.
He has an older brother. A small piece to the giant puzzle that is Callum Russo.
“What’s in Brooklyn?”
He rolls his shoulders, jaw tightening ever so slightly under my gaze. He’s not exactly
looking forward to wherever we’re going, and my interest is piqued. What could possibly
make the unshakable Fixer uncomfortable?
“Family business,” is the only answer he gives me during the rest of the car ride the
few blocks to our destination.
Pulling up to a business in Brooklyn, Roscoe stops in front of a butcher shop. It’s
unassuming, looking like any other family owned business in the city, something you see
around every corner next to the bodega. It sits between a flower shop and a small Italian
restaurant. The dark red signage that reads Russo & Sons Butcher Shop over a
traditional beige awning is dated but well-maintained.
Callum opens the car door for me, and I let him lead me by a hand on the small of my
back to the front door of the shop, medical kit in hand. The bell over the door rings
when it’s opened.
“Ahh, there he is!” A large older man greets us enthusiastically when we walk through
the door, his heavy Brooklyn accent mixed thickly with Italian. His once dark hair is now
more silver than brown, his cheeks ruddy and smile wide. He looks like the friendly
neighborhood Italian butcher, but the kind you don’t want to owe money to. “The man of
the hour.”
The interior is as traditional as I was expecting. Shelves of sauces and spirits stand
inside the door. The entire back wall is made up of a refrigerated display counter filled
with different cuts of meats and cheeses with so much variety I don’t fully recognize the
majority of them. Giant hams, racks of ribs, and other bulky cuts hang from hooks
lowered from the ceiling. The walls are decorated with vintage signs and generational
family paraphernalia.
“Father,” Callum says, simply giving him a nod.
“Is that any way to greet your papà?” The older man’s voice turns stern, switching to
another language. “Rispetta la tua famiglia.” He pulls Callum into a hug, patting his
back firmly. And Surprisingly, Callum hugs him back.
A door behind the counter in the back of the store groans as it opens and two more
men walk through it. One looks almost identical to Callum, just as tall and dark. Only, he
sports stubble instead of a full beard. And he looks like the rough way he’s lived his life
is starting to catch up to him. The second man has jet-black hair, a severe, angular face,
and wears all black—like he’s using it to hide his sins. They both greet Callum like
“And who is this?” Callum’s dad turns, bringing all eyes to focus on me. “Giovanni
Russo, you can call me Gio.” His hand reaches for mine, shaking it firmly with a strong
calloused palm. Looking between him and Callum, I can see the family resemblance.
He’s not as tall, but Gio is a large man—sturdy and broad. He carries the extra weight of
a middle aged man, but he looks solid. His energy is loud and a little harsh—rough
around the edges. And like his son, the friendliness only stays on his face with his
“Lexie.” I introduce myself with a smile. “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Marcus, Callum’s brother. But don’t hold it against me.” I could’ve guessed he
was the other Russo brother. “This is Lucciano Grasso.” He nods to the intense Italian
man next to him. Both men look tempted to reach out and shake my hand, but Callum
steps between us.
“Lexie is the medic you asked for.”
Gio addresses Callum with a question, the switch is so smooth it takes me a second to
realize he’s no longer speaking English. I don’t hide my surprise when Callum also
responds in what I’m assuming is Italian, my gaze meeting his.
I don’t understand his words, but his tone hints that it’s a response.
Marcus chimes in, speaking the same language. I do recognize the words Barbie and
Tony, his eyes regarding me almost as intently as the way his brother does. His face is
far more expressive, and he’s clearly very curious about me. And more than a little
skeptical. All of the men are looking at me like a fairy princess who just walked into a
boy’s birthday party when they were expecting Batman instead.
Whatever Callum says in response doesn’t make any of the men stop staring. When
the stoic Lucciano speaks up, his words make Callum’s eyes flash with annoyance.
Callum’s voice grows irritated, the beautiful language coming from his mouth turning
harsh and unforgiving. It sounds like a threat.
That seems to shut everyone up. I think now is as good a time as any to speak up.
“Who am I here to help?” I ask, looking around at the men expectantly. None of them
look injured.
Finally, Gio steps forward.
“Scuse,” he says largely. “He’s back here.” He gestures for me to follow him through
the door behind the counter and into the hallway that leads to the back rooms. Callum is
right at my back, walking closely behind me with Marcus and Lucciano taking up the
rear. And I’m being led through the plastic slats past the cool room into a refrigerated
storage room. “Ricky’s been shot in the left arm, seems like a through n’ through. No
“Internal damage?”
“Not that we can tell. He can move everything just fine. We just need you to clean him
up and stitch him closed until we can get our usual doctor to look at him.”
“Usual doctor?”
“Yeah, ya know. Family guy. Usually, he’d be here to deal with this, but he’s stuck
uptown.” The way they keep saying family sounds a lot more like a crime syndicate than
mom-and-pop. I simply nod in response. “He’s over there.”
Ricky sits on a metal chair against one of the walls of the industrial processing room.
Whole pigs and slabs of cow lay in various levels of dismemberment across metal tables
scattered with knives and cleavers. Just like the other men, he looks to be Italian too,
with dark hair slicked back with too much gel. His olive skin is pale as he holds a wad of
blood-soaked rags against his left arm. As we walk closer, his eyes move over me like
I’m an animal in the wrong zoo exhibit—not what he was hoping to see, but better than
“Ricky, this is Lexie. Cal brought her to fix you up,” Gio introduces, pulling a second
chair over beside him so I have a place to sit.
When Ricky speaks it’s in Italian, the words coming out sounding slimy and unsettling.
I’d bet money that whatever he’s saying is a combination of derogatory and explicit. His
gaze moves over me again, making my skin crawl. Even his eyes are handsy.
In three long strides, Callum’s in front of him. His large hand clamps around Ricky’s
throat, forcing the injured man to look him in the eye. Callum’s expression is dark—
murderous—as he leans in to speak.
Responding in the same language, Callum’s words are spoken with a tone of violence.
I wish I had a translator right about now, I’d love to know what he’s saying. Giving the
injured man’s throat an extra squeeze, Callum switches to english before continuing.
“Now shut your fucking mouth and sit still so the Doc can stitch you up.”
I’m tempted to clarify that I’m a nurse instead of a doctor, but a sharp look from
Callum has the correction dying on the tip of my tongue.
Ricky’s jaw tightens, but he nods against the hand on his throat. Callum releases the
mobster roughly with a shove, forcing him to stagger back against the chair. Still staring
him down, Callum reaches his hand out for me. When I walk closer, he barely steps back
—instead standing over the patient.
Over me.
Sitting on the empty chair, I place the medical kit on the floor. Ricky watches as I roll
up his sleeve, peeling the blood-slick fabric from his skin. Unfortunately, the material
only goes so high and my view is still obstructed.
“I need you to take off your shirt,” I inform him.
“You want a better look at the goods?” Ricky asks with a smirk, despite the giant man
looming over him with promises of violence.
“Do you want me to close the holes in your arm or not? If you prefer to bleed out, it
makes no difference to me.” I meet his stare evenly, waiting patiently like he’s a child
who can’t follow simple instructions. I don’t miss how Ricky’s lips twitch in contempt
before he gives me a cocky grin as he moves to comply. He doesn’t like women talking
back. Or maybe it’s just the fat ones.
Reaching forward to assist him, my arm bumps Callum who seems to have inched
“Can you give us some space?” Easing the wounded arm from the sleeve, I pause to
meet the gaze I can feel burning a hole through my skull. Callum’s eyes connect with
mine heavily, his laser focus intent on me. “I’m fine, Callum. I need more room to stitch
him up.” When he doesn’t budge I flash a sugary sweet smile. “Pretty please.”
“Nobody’s gonna hurt your nurse, Cal,” Gio says behind us. Callum stares me down
for another minute, his serious expression set in stone as his eyes search mine. Finally,
he backs away until I feel like I can breathe again.
Turning my focus back to the task at hand, I inspect the gunshot wound. The bullet
entered the front of his left bicep and exited through the back. By the placement, it
looks like his arm was extended outward when the bullet passed through, only affecting
the flashiest part of his underarm.
“Do you know what kind of bullet it was?” I ask, glancing up at Ricky as I set up my
“What does someone like you know about bullets?” Ricky’s tone is mocking.
“Twenty-two? Forty-five, Nine millimeter?” I ask, listing a few calibers like I’m making
a list to help him out. “Semi-jacketed, hollow point?”
The laughs that sound behind me match the surprise on Ricky’s face. “What are you,
some sort of undercover cop?” Marcus asks behind me.
“I’ve spent the last four years working in emergency rooms all over the country.
Including Manhattan.” Ricky hisses against the alcohol swab, but my eyes remain
focused on cleaning the wound. “Plus, I dated a guy who worked in private security
when I was in nursing school. I know a lot more about gunshot wounds than you’d
I learned a lot of life lessons from Jared. Like the different types of bullets, how to
escape a car trunk, and not to trust a guy when he tells you not to worry about the
bitchy client he’s spending all his time with.
“It was a forty-five,” Ricky says. “Lead round nose.” He grits his teeth against my
probing. That’s a relief, the wound is pretty clear, and the bullet went clean through. A
hollow point would’ve been another story—a bigger exit wound with fragments
embedded in the tissue. Not pretty to clean up, and far more damaging.
“Do you want local anesthetic?” I ask, collecting the supplies for his sutures.
“Save it.” Ricky’s response is dripping with bravado. “I don’t need it.”
“Let’s go to the office, we have things to discuss,” Gio announces. “We’ll leave your
nurse to her work,”
“Are you good with that, Doc?” Callum asks.
“Go ahead.” I wave him off over my shoulder, not bothering to glance in his direction.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be real nice to her,” Ricky says smugly, stirring the pot.
“Lexie.” The steel edge in Callum’s voice forces me to pull my eyes away from my
work. I look up at him, his eyes moving over my face intently. Like usual, he’s reading
my every thought.
“I’m fine. This shouldn’t take too long,” I assure him, letting him read the truth
written all over my face. Seemingly satisfied with my answer, if not reluctant, Callum
turns to Roscoe.
“Stay here.” Roscoe nods and remains diligently in place behind me as Gio leads
Callum, Marcus, and Lucciano back into an office along the far wall. I can see them
glancing at me through the window that looks into the larger room, but I don’t bother to
wonder what they’re talking about. Instead, I focus on what I’m here for.
As soon as we’re alone, Ricky shifts back in the chair, his stance cocky and dominant.
There’s no doubt in my mind that Callum’s absence in the vicinity has everything to do
with his change in attitude. Chin tilting up, his eyes run me up and down as a string of
Italian leaves his mouth.
“Watch it.” Roscoe’s warning rolls right off Ricky’s back, making his lips twitch
“You know I don’t speak Italian,” I say. “But whatever you just said was obviously an
insult if you waited for Callum to leave before you said it.”
“Was it?” It’s not a denial.
“I would hope not. It’s never a good idea to offend the person in charge of making
sure you don’t die from infection.” I add a little more pressure against his wound than
necessary to make a point, making him wince. His jaw sets, but he regards me with
interest and a hint of respect.
“Where did Cal find you, anyway? You two fucking?” Ricky seems to flip between
being a cocky insulting asshole and curiously amused by my mere existence. He doesn’t
find me pleasing, I’m clearly not what he prefers to look at. But he’s enjoying the fact
that I don’t make sense. I’m an unknown variable in Callum’s equation, written in
sparkly pink gel pen amongst all the gray area.
“You can ask him that when we’re finished here if you’re feeling brave enough.”
“Ah, you’re no fun,” he grumbles, making me smile.
“Not for you.”
“So you are fucking.”
“I didn’t say that. I can’t imagine Callum has a habit of mixing business with
“Never,” Ricky confirms with a snort. “He used to be so much more fun before
everything happened with his Mama. Now he’s a fucking machine.” He looks at me
thoughtfully. “Although, none of his employees have looked like you, and he’s not gonna
fuck someone like Tony. But you? You’re just his type.”
“Oh really? And what’s that?” I ask, bracing myself against the potential emotional
scarring from whatever crude answer he’s about to give me.
“Fat, blonde, big tits.” The way he purses his lips while his eyes move over me says he
doesn’t get what Callum finds attractive about fat bodies. “Even before, he’s always had
a thing for the big bitches.”
“Hmm,” I hum in a simple response, completely unoffended. Ricky not finding me
attractive is almost laughable, especially considering I wouldn’t let him touch me with a
ten-foot pole.
“What did he threaten to do to you when we first walked in?” Curiosity has the
question leaving my tongue before common sense can reign it back in. I guess I can
relate to the cat who died of curiosity because it turns out I have just as little self-
“To put a bullet through my head if I don’t play nice.” Even as Ricky shrugs against my
hands, his tongue runs over his teeth in contempt. He doesn’t take that threat as lightly
as he’s letting on. Probably a good idea on his part. It’s oddly flattering that Callum
cares about my well-being enough to threaten someone’s life. And horrifying.
“You get shot a lot?”
“Once or twice.” Ricky’s shrug is causal, but the scars over his torso say it’s happened
more than that. This guy is riddled with marks, both from knives and bullets. He gets
into quite a bit of trouble, I’m sure.
Chapter Eight: Callum

ou think she can handle it?” Marcus asks, looking at Lexie through the window.
“She’s got the skills. She’ll probably stitch him up faster than Dr. Morelli. And
it’ll be cleaner too.” Morelli’s gotten sloppy, and his handiwork has started slipping with
his age. The Family will need a new physician on payroll before too long.
“Lots of people can stitch up a little bullet hole.” Lucciano dismisses with a wave of his
hand. “It takes a lot more to deal with a business like this. She seems sweet. Soft.”
“You’d be surprised.” Hell, I have been. I left Roscoe in there with her for both Lexie’s
protection and mine. Leaving her alone with Ricky is dangerous, and not just because he
tends to have wandering hands and doesn’t like hearing the word no. I wouldn’t put it
past Lexie to get a few too many answers from the flashy idiot—things I don’t want her
to know.
“Tony’s a cocky asshole, but he’s good. And his family ties make him reliable,” my
father points out, crossing his arms. He’s speaking like he has any say in my business,
like any of them do.
I was over this topic of conversation when they expressed their unwanted opinions the
moment we arrived. Introducing Lexie was as irritating as I anticipated—Marcus called
her ‘nurse Barbie’ for fuck’s sake. Even after knowing me for thirty-one years, they
question my decision-making. Assuming that I would ever hire someone less than
capable is insulting, and it pisses me the fuck off.
They’re questioning my decision as if they get a vote. That’s not how it works. Not
anymore. This whole conversation is really starting to chip at my control.
“She’s better than Tony.” My tone darkens, but Marcus breezes right past my warning
with his typical shit-eating grin.
“Better than Tony at what, exactly?”
“I didn’t have to bring her here. But you called and I came. Lexie’s staying, it’s not up
for discussion.”
“I’m sure her giant tits have nothing to do with your decision either.” Marcus’ grin
widens, the fucker. “You always did like ’em big and blonde.”
My jaw tightens, shoulders tensing slightly. I don’t like him looking at Lexie’s tits, let
alone talking about them. “I don’t let my dick make my decisions. That already happens
enough in our family, I’ll leave that tradition to you.”
“Enough.” Our father cuts off Marcus’ retort before he can say whatever insulting
bullshit is about to come spewing out of his mouth. He turns to Lucciano. “Are the
authorities clued in to Ricky’s little firework show today? I’d like to know if I need to be
worried about the police raiding my shop looking for him.”
“Don Rafael already spoke to the Chief personally, they’re not going to bother us
about this. No one witnessed anything, so we don’t need to worry about exposure or
taking care of loose ends.” Marcus replies, pulling out a cigarette. He lifts the lighter,
but my father snatches it from his mouth before he has a chance to light it.
“Keep this shit outside and away from my office,” he demands in disgust, tossing it in
the trashcan next to him.
“Whatever you say, Pop.” Marcus isn’t the least bit put off, having heard that exact
phrase leave our father’s mouth a hundred times over.
My brother never learns.
“There you are, il mio amore,” my father greets, looking past me.
“Who’s in there with Ricky? I heard he got shot.” My mother’s voice speaks behind
me, her words lilting with her soft Irish accent. I turn to face her in the doorway. She
looks up at me from her wheelchair and smiles warmly. The woman who raised me was
strong, and lovely. Now, she’s still as lovely, the white strands of age highlighting the red
hues in her dark hair. Her deep green eyes are still as astute and all-knowing. But
fragility has crept up on her over the years, leaving her thin and tired. “Callum, come
give your Mam a hug.”
“Hi, Mom.” I step closer, stooping down to hug her and press a kiss to her cheek.
“That’s Lexie. She works for me.”
“Tony’s gone?” she asks, her auburn eyebrows raising. “I would say that’s a shame,
but then I’d be lying.” My mom never did like Tony. ‘An arrogant asshole who’s only out
for himself,’ as she called him. She wasn’t wrong, she rarely is.
“Blondie’s plugging the bullet holes until Dr. Morelli can get here,” Marcus answers.
“Is she a doctor?”
“She’s a nurse.”
“If he hadn’t barged into the Russian territory like a bull in a china shop, he wouldn’t
have gotten shot in the first place,” she says, frowning in disapproval. Her energy
matches my father’s—loud, unfiltered, and very opinionated.
But where my father is harsh and unforgiving, my mother is the picture of warmth.
Despite her caring disposition, she’s not someone you want to cross. She might not hold
onto grudges like some, but she never forgets and her temper surpasses even my
father’s Italian blood. Tara Walsh Russo is tough as nails.
“Are you surprised?” I ask, earning a warning look from my father. I ignore it. “Ricky
always acts first and thinks later. If at all.” Every member of the Cosa Nostra does,
something I’ve seen firsthand. Hell, I used to be that way too. Leading with emotions in
the moment, consequences be damned.
It’s the way the Outfit operates. Putting the Family above all else—including ration
and reason.
“He was doing what needed to be done.” My father’s voice has a familiar hard edge to
it. The same one it gets every time this subject is broached in my presence.
“And did he? Did he put an end to it?” I remain calm, my expression giving him
nothing—something that infuriates my father to no end. Not when his face gives away
everything he’s thinking like a flashing neon sign.
Like how the muscle’s ticking in his jaw right now as his eyes narrow at me.
“We’ll get them,” Lucciano speaks up. “We’ll figure out a way to repay them for what
they’ve done.”
“You always do.” The cycle is exhausting and fucking stupid. Hundred-year-old feuds
fuel rivalries that cost lives and money. All a never-ending domino effect of action and
violent retaliation.
I’ve seen my fair share of family business. I’ve carried out enough of that retaliation to
know exactly what happens. My undying loyalty to the Outfit is what used to drive me
and my trigger finger to act first, and let the Family think for me later. Until that same
loyalty almost got my Mother killed and put her to a wheelchair for the rest of her life.
That day, the day of what my parents only ever refer to as the incident, was the day I
realized that there’s a better way to get what you want than charging around with guns
blazing. Emotions cloud judgment and get in the way of rational thought, leading to
stupid decisions that cause nothing but more problems.
My brother went the other way, becoming a hothead who acts on impulse in a way that
Papà considers loyalty to the Family. Something my father likes to berate me for every
time I refuse to engage in any crisis regarding Family business.
I don’t give a fuck.
My willingness to act with blind loyalty disappeared with my mother’s ability to walk.
“Where are you going?” my father asks, watching my mother maneuver her wheels to
swivel her wheelchair back towards the door.
“I want to meet her,” she announces, rolling herself swiftly out of the office. No doubt
on her way to pass judgment on whether or not Lexie gets her stamp of approval. Tony
didn’t make that cut, not after the first words out of his mouth at their introduction were
insulting the Irish.
There are no second chances after the first impression with my mother.
I move to follow her, relieved to have this excuse to get away from the conversation in
the office. It’s getting a little too personal in here for my liking, I’d rather get back to my
own business. And back to the pretty pink nurse I left with the trigger-happy mobster.
“Got shot again, aye Ricky? Why am I not surprised, always making a mess,” Mom
scolds as she wheels her way across the industrial space to where the Italian is being
tended to.
“A small price to pay to set those Russian bastards straight.” Ricky’s not the least bit
repentant. Lexie pulls her eyes from Ricky’s arm to look over her shoulder at my mother,
long blonde ponytail swinging like a shampoo commercial in the process. The stunning
smile that graces her face at my mom’s approach is impossible not to be drawn to.
“Hello,” Mom says, rolling to a stop beside Ricky’s chair. “Tell me who you are and
what makes you qualified to work for my son.” In typical Tara Walsh fashion, my mom
comes out guns blazing. It’s her way of seeing who someone truly is, by catching them
off guard. Her Irish accent is heaviest when she’s demanding something, or angry,
making her sound sterner.
Lexie blinks at her a few times before responding but remains otherwise unfazed.
“This is my mom,” I say. “Tara.”
“I’m Lexie, I’ve worked as a traveling ER nurse for over four years. I just finished an
eighteen–week contract at New York Presbyterian. Between that, and the fact that my
best friend is a trauma surgeon, I’ve basically seen it all.” Lexie lists her qualifications
easily, like it’s just friendly conversation instead of an interrogation. “I’m really good at
what I do. But honestly, I think Callum only hired me because he needed someone after
Tony left and I was convenient.”
I can already see on my mom’s face that Lexie’s response was exactly the right
answer. She hates bullshit, and can’t stand cowards. The way Lexie carries herself, self-
assured and unbothered by the opinion of others, is exactly the right kind of personality
to get along with my mother.
Mom looks Lexie over, sizing her up, before turning to look at me. I give away nothing,
even when Lexie’s questioning eyes look to me with brows raised. When Tara’s lips
twitch in a smile, she might as well have pressed her stamp of approval on the pretty
pink nurse’s forehead.
She likes her.
“Alright,” Mom nods, keeping a straight face when she turns back to Lexie and the
man she’s been tasked with fixing up. “Let’s see this work of yours.”
Lexie backs away from Ricky, allowing everyone in the room to examine her
needlework. My father, Marcus, and Lucciano, who followed my mother and me from the
office and have been commenting between themselves in Italian, step forward to get a
good look too.
Just like with Kellen’s hand, Lexie’s work is clean and tight. I’ve seen a lot of gunshot
wounds, and there’s no doubt Ricky’s arm will heal quickly and with barely a scar. The
caliber of work on this wound makes the other scars marking his body look crude and
Lucciano remains silent, but the look in his eyes when his gaze cuts to me
acknowledges he was wrong to doubt my judgment. My father starts sputtering in
Italian, his voice dripping praise. Marcus, however, admires her work openly, boldly.
Too fucking boldly.
“Damn, that’s impressive,” Marcus says. “What’s your number? I might need you to
stitch me up one of these days.” I’m about to tell my brother to shut his fucking mouth
and stay away from her—that he doesn’t get her phone number because she’s not his to
talk to or think about. But Lexie’s response beats me to it.
“I work for Callum, you know how to reach him.” Her answer soothes some of the
hostility raging inside me, and my shoulders relax slightly when she glances up at me.
That one look calms me considerably. “Can I finish bandaging him up now?”
“Go ahead, Doc,” I say, nodding towards the Made Man.
Ricky’s been surprisingly silent since I walked into the room. He can keep glaring at
me as long as he keeps his mouth shut. I’ll be talking to Roscoe to see how well the
trigger-happy idiot behaved himself when I left.
Lexie looks at me for another second as she takes a deep breath, a flicker of
vulnerability crossing her face. The way her eyes pull away from me to glance around at
the other people filling the space is the only sign she’s given that she might feel
overwhelmed. But it’s gone as quickly as it came, and she’s back to work wrapping
Ricky’s arm in sterile gauze.
As soon as Lexie’s finished cleaning up and giving Ricky care instructions—that go in
one ear and out the other without penetrating his thick skull—I have Roscoe take her
back out front to the car. My mother takes the opportunity to get me alone.
“Come with me,” she demands, rolling ahead of me to the front of the shop. “I cooked
It’s all she has to say to get me to follow her. She leads me to one of the coolers where
she starts pulling out a stack of food containers, four in total.
“Lexie does good work.” I already see where this conversation is going, but I humor
her anyway. “She’s way fuckin’ better than that asshat Tony.”
“I agree.” She bats my hands away when I reach to help, forever the independent
woman, and stacks the containers into a large paper bag.
“Be careful with her though. She’s still got that light in her, I’m not sure she’s cut out
for the life you’re leading her into.”
“I know the risks,” I state simply. I weighed the risks and benefits before writing up
the contract, I know what I’m getting myself into. Even if Lexie hasn’t seen the full
picture yet. Mom places the bag on her lap and forces me to look her in the eye.
“I don’t get to see you much anymore unless someone gets a hole blown through ‘em,
so I’m gonna take my opportunity now that I have it.” I brace myself for the lecture
coming my way. Mom’s not going to pass on this moment to speak her mind. “You might
not be involved with the Family business anymore, but I know enough about what you
get up to. You’ve got it in your head that emotions get in the way of every decision, and
you’re almost right. But sometimes acting on your feelings is the difference between
staying alive and actually living.”
Holding back my frustration, I pull in a deep breath as I formulate a response. Telling
her to keep her opinions to herself like I would my father or brother isn’t an option. But
I have no interest in having a one-on-one therapy session with my mother about
following my heart. So instead I give her a response that ends the conversation without
being harsh. “I hear you.”
Mom lets out a humorless laugh. “I don’t think you do, but I’ll let you leave anyway,”
she scoffs, holding out the bag of food for me to take. I accept it with thanks, leaning
down to press a kiss to her cheek before heading to the exit.
Settling back against the seat in the moving car, my mind refuses to focus on the email
displayed on my phone when my eyes keep straying to the woman sitting next to me.
Feeling my eyes, she turns from the window to meet my stare head on—something she
does a lot.
She doesn’t get flustered or cower under my gaze. Instead, she stares right back.
“What?” Her brows knit together slightly in confusion.
“What are you thinking?” The need to know what’s running through her mind is too
strong to resist. Reading the emotions as they cross her face isn’t enough.
“That I usually make a guy at least take me to dinner before I meet his parents,” she
teases good-naturedly, making me suppress a smile.
“You’re handling this really well.”
“You know, you have a habit of sounding surprised when you compliment me, Callum.
Someone with a smaller ego might find that offensive.” She’s not offended.
“I would never want to offend you, Dewdrop,” I assure her. “One of these days I might
need you to stitch me up.”
“You’re right, it’s never a good idea to insult the person with the scalpel,” she agrees.
“Smart man, always one step ahead.”
“You have no idea.”
She doesn’t, but she will soon.
Chapter Nine: Callum

“I want the docks locked down. I don’t want anything coming in or going out without
my knowing about it.” I stalk across my office from one wall to the other before turning
around and striding back.
“You know I don’t have control of that, Russo.” The cavalier air in Sal’s voice makes
me want to strangle the cockiness right out of the fucker. “I told you, I’ll talk to the
higher-ups and do what I can.”
“If you let what I’m looking for out of the country, no one you love is safe from me.”
Venom drips from every syllable that leaves my mouth, each word deadly serious. If
Lottie Harris is shipped out of the country because Sal’s twiddling his damn thumbs, I
will personally skin him alive. And I’ll enjoy it.
When a girl is taken to be trafficked, the window of ever being able to find them again
is usually very short. Maybe ninety-six hours, if you’re lucky. But with children, that
window extends for transit conditions. Smaller bodies don’t last as long without food
and water, or being in extreme temperatures whether it’s hot or cold. That means timing
and weather conditions are huge factors in when a container of little girls can be
shipped overseas. Which adds days instead of hours.
The Russians aren’t taking just any little girls, they’re shopping from a list. They won’t
move any of them until the full shipment is fulfilled. That extends my window to weeks.
If they have a buyer already set upon delivery, that changes the security factor
considerably. Having someone waiting turns the girls from livestock up for auction to
curated goods, driving up the price. Where there’s more money, there’s more security.
And security means firepower and strategy.
“That won’t happen.” His assurances mean shit. “Look, I gotta go. I’ll call you.” My
phone beeps softly in my ear to announce that that call has ended.
The son-of-a-bitch hung up on me.
My fingers curl tightly into fists, muscles bunching against the urge to smash
everything in sight. The pressure from how tightly my jaw is clenched threatens to crack
my teeth. My legs carry me from one end of the room to the other, each breath coming
out harsh and ragged. It’s taking every ounce of my restraint to contain the fury raging
through me. My arms twitch and swing with the desire to cause destruction and
It’s several minutes before I’ve reigned in the fury enough to walk past my safe
without pulling out a few magazines and going to pay Sal a visit. He’s not safe from me,
especially if he can’t do what he’s told, but that will have to wait until later.
Striding out of my office, I’m looking for Roscoe. I find him in the kitchen with a
blonde Suzy-fucking-homemaker.
The entire apartment smells deliciously like sugar and cinnamon, the scent as enticing
as it is infuriating. Lexie stands at the counter in a cute little apron with a pan of baked
goods. Roscoe’s behind her, lifting the heavy mixer back up onto the top shelf of the tall
cabinet by the fridge.
“When you’re done playing baker,” the bite in my voice has my enforcer standing at
attention, “Enzo is waiting for you at the warehouse for my cut of the Ortega
“I’ll leave now, boss.” Roscoe nods, but Lexie stops him.
“Oh, here,” she lifts a plate carrying a large cinnamon roll in front of his face. “Take
one with you.”
I refrain from rolling my eyes when the grizzly man’s face lights up, his lips twitching
with a smile, as he takes the plate before heading towards the door. The look I flash him
is more than irritated, swiping the ridiculous mushy expression off his face on his way
Either unaware or unfazed by my mood, Lexie turns to me with another dessert on a
plate. With her blonde hair spilling over her shoulders, girly apron cinched in at her
waist, and a big smile as she presents the baked good—she’s the picture of sweet
perfection. And it’s aggravatingly arousing.
“Do you want a cinnamon roll? Roscoe said they’re his favorite, so I made a bunch.”
“No, I don’t want a cinnamon roll,” I grate, frustration brewing inside me. Sal’s
incompetence has me grasping at straws, getting in the way of my meticulous work. I
can’t do my job if people can’t follow through on their end, and it’s my results that
“What’s your problem? I was just being nice.” Lexie’s tone turns assertive, her arms
crossing under her breasts.
She wants to be friends. We’re not fucking friends. With Lexie, it’s either more or
nothing. And we can’t be more.
There’s something about this woman that irks me to my very core. Every instinct in my
body is roaring for me to lean in closer when my rational brain tells me I should get as
far away from her as possible. And the warring urges fuel a resentment inside me,
sparked by irritation and frustration.
“The problem is that we’re not friends, Lexie. You work for me, that’s it. I’ll let you
know when I need you, all you have to do is follow orders.” My words come out coldly,
betraying the anger simmering inside me. “I don’t need baked goods with frosting and
A full range of emotions crosses Lexie’s open face—shock, outrage, confusion,
defiance—before settling on hostile acceptance. She lets out a short humorless laugh,
completely devoid of her usual warmth.
I hate it.
“Fine, if that’s how you want it to be.” She matches my coldness, plopping a cinnamon
roll heavily onto a plate. “I won’t bother you with any more baked goods.”
With that, she swipes the plate from the counter and stalks out of the kitchen towards
her room. I watch her go, frustration warring with a sinking feeling starting to claw at
me that feels almost like regret.

My head hurts. Every gritty detail of the Harris job—every question, strategy, and
possible outcome—races through my mind in a thundering roar that pounds against my
temples. I’ve been sitting for too long, focusing too hard. Shoving away from my desk
with a harsh breath, I stand to stride across my office. Standing in the doorway, I fight
to quiet my brain as my eyes wander across the penthouse. My gaze doesn’t stop
moving until it lands heavily on Lexie’s blonde head in the living room. The Harris job
fades away as my laser focus zeroes in on the captivating woman.
Sweet fucking silence.
She’s barely looked at me since our confrontation in the kitchen yesterday. And true to
her word, she hasn’t offered me another cinnamon roll, or a slice of the banana bread
she baked early this morning. I should feel relieved, but all I feel is irritation. Turns out,
being on the receiving end of Lexie’s cold shoulder bothers me more than I thought it
And it’s only been one damn day.
I can’t seem to keep my eyes off of her. Since we’ve met, Lexie’s drawn me in like a
moth to a fucking flame. Her energy is unapologetic and irresistible. With the way she
collects admirers wherever she goes, I know I’m not the only one who feels it.
Half of me—the twisted selfish half—feels the primal urge to snuff out that beautiful
light of hers when she’s sharing it with other people. I want to be the only one who gets
to bask in her rays. That smile should only ever appear for me. If I can’t harness it and
own it, it shouldn’t exist at all. It’s a possessive and sick way of thinking, but it’s always
a temptation residing just below the surface.
Luckily the other half, the one I tend to listen to—to act on—doesn’t have it in him to
steal that glow from her. Her lovely, addicting glow that radiates with everything she is.
I’m self-aware enough to know this part of me is selfish too. If her light’s gone, my life
dims with it. Her ability to scatter the shadows lurking with my demons vanishes. And
I’m not willing to give that up. Not willing to give her up.
Lexie’s laughter rings through the penthouse, filling the living space even from her
corner of the couch. Christ, I can’t stop looking at her.
She’s playing with the sleeve of her ridiculously cute matching loungewear set, the
sky blue color exactly matching her eyes, her focus trained on the usually unfeeling bald
man sitting on the opposite side of the couch. But even Roscoe cracks a smile for Lexie.
When I walk into the living room and her eyes meet mine, her smile falters.
I don’t fucking like it.
“Go get dressed, Lexie. We’re leaving,” I say before I fully think it through. This dinner
with Viktor is just an excuse to go back to his office for a drink afterward and talk about
his territory, I hadn’t decided to take Lexie along. But now that I’m standing in front of
her, I want her with me.
“Am I putting on my scrubs?” she asks with a sigh. The fact that she assumes I only
want her to come patch someone up chips at the wall around my heart. Because it
couldn’t be further from the truth. But I should just say nevermind and have her stay
home. She’ll just be a distraction anyway.
Instead, I hear myself say “Put on a dress, we’re going to dinner.” The words slip
through the cracks in my self-control far too easily. Her face floods with surprise and
confusion, but she stands to go change anyway.
Telling her to put on a dress was a mistake, one I regret as soon as she emerges in a
little black number that leaves so much but very little to the imagination. Thin straps,
open square neckline draping across showstopping breasts, accentuated fleshy waist.
The hemline that stops just above her knees is made less modest by the slit on one side
that flashes creamy thigh. Her glittery black heels click on the floor as she walks
towards me, sleek ponytail tossed to one side while she struggles to clasp a gold
Fucking hell.
Not a distraction, she’s a devastation. A tornado of beautiful chaos determined to
leave my life in ruins. And I’m nothing short of a storm chaser praying for disaster.
Once the necklace is secured, she centers the pendant on her chest and looks at me—
for what— approval? Running a hand over my beard, I’m staring at her. Dumbfounded,
the woman has stolen all words. My breathing is uneven as I desperately grasp onto the
mask of calm that’s splintering under her expectant gaze.
It’s all I can do to give her a short nod.
Stepping into the elevator, I avoid looking at her reflection as the doors close. The last
thing I need is to take this meeting with a raging erection, and one glance at her like
this will have me rock hard. Roscoe catches my eyes, his brows lifting to communicate
that he notices my discomfort. My glower in return only feeds his amusement.
“Who are we going to dinner with?” Lexie asks, oblivious to our silent exchange. She
fiddles with the ring she always wears on the middle finger of her left hand, twisting it
in a sign of what I recognize as anxiety. She’s nervous.
“Viktor and Levi Mikhailov will be there with their wives, along with Enzo.”
The elevator stops.
The car ride is spent in silence. Lexie taps on her phone, most likely texting her best
friend, Mia. I do my best not to stare at the way her dress rides up when she crosses her
legs. My eyes keep catching on thick thighs despite my best efforts.
Get it together, Russo.
I can’t show up to meet Mikhailov tripping over my hormones like some horny
teenager. This dinner, despite its casual front, is crucial to the Harris job. If I can’t get
Viktor’s blessing to enter his territory, it could result in a turf war I have no interest in
getting involved with.
My ties to the Cosa Nostra already have Mikhailov and his Bratva roots on the fence
about me. Old family feuds run deep, even now. This dinner is an active minefield. One
misstep and this whole situation detonates.
Tugging at the shirt cuffs clasped at my wrists, I roll my shoulders to ease the tension
settling there. The restaurant comes into view and my resolve is set firmly back into
place. I’ll get what I need from Mikhailov tonight, there’s no other option.
My hand finds its way to the small of Lexie’s back when we enter The Dining Room,
the heat of her body radiating through her little black dress. Enzo stands waiting at the
host stand, giving Lexie an enthusiastic greeting.
“Reporting for duty, Boss,” he says to me, exaggerating his dutiful tone with a nod
before his focus turns to the blonde. “And here I thought it would be a stuffy business
dinner. But if you’re here, there’s hope for a good time. What a pleasant surprise.”
“Hi Enzo, it’s nice to see you again,” she replies. The fact that Enzo’s happily married
doesn’t stop my fingers from flexing against Lexie’s back. Her head lifts to look up at me
curiously, but I keep my eyes straight ahead.
“Mr. Russo,” The hostess steps forward to address me. “Your party is already seated
and waiting for you. If you’ll just follow me.” As we follow the young woman through the
restaurant, my gaze takes note of each exit, every member of staff on the floor, and each
set of male eyes that follow the woman on my arm.
Viktor and Levi are seated towards the back of the restaurant, the best table in the
place that seats eight with a view of the city. The Dining Room is one of the more
upscale restaurants in the city, with marble floors, floor-to-ceiling windows looking over
the city skyline, and a six-month reservation waitlist. This place couldn’t be more
different from the seedy outdated bar Levi owns—which is exactly the point. When
authorities are looking for Russian thugs, Levi’s bar is the first place they look. No one
expects Viktor, the head of the Russian Bratva, to frequent a ritzy place like this, let
alone own it.
“Russo,” Viktor greets with a nod to the other two men. “Who is this?” he indicates
towards the woman on my arm.
“This is Lexie, she’s with me,” I state simply. “Lexie, this is Viktor and his wife Vera.
And you remember Levi, with his wife Alina.” Vera is a striking woman with severe
features, like her piercing dark blue eyes that can cut you with a glance. Her black hair
is cut cleanly at the shoulders and curled inwards in a sleek bob. The darkness of her
hair stands in stark contrast to the fairness of her alabaster skin.
Alina has a much softer look with long dark brown hair and wide brown eyes. Her
default expression seems to be a stoic pout as she watches quietly. Despite her docile
appearance, I know Levi’s wife is anything but passive.
Lexie greets the two women in her usual fashion, complimenting them with a smile.
Levi and Alina sit next to Vera then Viktor at the large circular table. Roscoe takes the
seat next to Viktor while Enzo sits next to his son. I place myself next to Enzo, with
Lexie on my right beside Roscoe.
Conversation starts off mildly with politeness and pleasantries. Lexie comments on
Alina’s earrings, which starts a small debate about natural diamonds versus lab-grown. I
think a diamond is just a sparkly rock, natural or not. The pretty pink nurse seems to
agree with me. What we talk about here at the table is inconsequential—the only
conversation that matters to me tonight is the one I’ll have with Viktor later. Alone.
Everything seems to be going smoothly until the waiter comes around to take our
dinner orders.
“And what would you like to eat, Miss?” The waiter addresses Lexie with a little too
much interest. My eyes narrow at the man, but he’s too focused on the blonde at my
side to notice.
“I’ve never eaten here before. What’s your favorite dish on the menu…” Lexie looks up
at his name tag. “Blake.” The smile she offers him is far too warm and inviting. And I
don’t miss the way Blake eyes her chest. More than once.
“I would recommend the center cut filet. It’s so tender, it melts in your mouth.” My
grip on my fork tightens. Could he be any more brazen with his come-on?
“Oh, that sounds delicious.” There’s no reason to smile so much while ordering food.
“I’ll do that in the six-ounce, with the loaded mashed potatoes and mixed greens salad.”
“Excellent choice, you have good taste.”
I swear, if this fucker looks down her dress one more time. Of course, Lexie doesn’t
care enough to notice.
“And to drink, perhaps the house red?”
My arm stretches across the back of her chair, fed up. I’m done listening to frivolous
conversation—done letting him stare at her like she’s the real meal. He doesn’t get to
taste her, no one does. Leaning across her, I force the server’s attention to me while I
stare down the pathetic man trying to toy with something that doesn’t belong to him.
She’s not his, and she never will be.
“We’ll take a bottle of the Brunello di Montalcino Riserva.” My expression speaks the
threats that my words don’t. His face pales at the murder in my eyes. Looking from
Lexie to me, the waiter seems to finally register that he's made an error. Luckily for
Blake, he’s smart enough to take a step back. His posture shifts with a polite nod.
“Right away, sir. My apologies.” With that, he excuses himself and scurries away like
the roach that he is. Lexie watches him go, flashing me a look of irritation that tells me
she knows exactly what just happened. Her annoyance grates against my nerves.
She wants to keep talking to him.
Keeping my arm across the back of her chair, I bring my lips to her ear. “Try to be a
little less shameless,” I growl.
Her gaze flickers to me before her eyes roll briefly to the ceiling.
“I was just having a conversation. Waiters are people too, they deserve to be treated
like it,” she says as if she blatantly flirts with every waiter she comes across. The mental
image only works to darken my mood.
“Why do you insist on talking to everyone who gives you the time of day? Are you
really that desperate for attention?” I snap. A breath in only fills my lungs with her
delicious scent.
“Probably because I’m starved of good conversation at home.” Her barb hits me dead
center. “I’ve got to take every opportunity I can when I’m out.”
“It’s childish. You’re just begging for people to take advantage of you.”
“Maybe I am. Maybe I want someone to take full advantage, Callum.”
Arousal floods through me with her innuendo, seeping into my anger and fueling my
agitation. She’s looking for someone to fuck, and she’s making sure I know it’ll be
anyone but me.
“No one respects ridiculous women who try so hard to be the center of attention.” She
blinks at me, taking a sip of her water as she holds onto her unaffected facade for dear
life. I can see her shiny confidence slipping. I’m conflicted as to whether or not that’s
my goal; break her down, take away any ability to replace me, so I’m her only refuge.
Sick bastard.
“What people think about me is none of my business. I’m not gonna try to take up less
space just because other people feel small.” Something flashes in her eyes, something
deeper and more fierce than I’ve ever seen in her. I’ve struck a nerve, one I wasn’t
looking for. One I’m starting to regret poking at. “How you’re feeling right now is your
problem, it has nothing to do with me.”
My eyes hold hers, pinning her where she sits. The conversations coming from the
other side of the table barely register, my attention laser-focused on the woman next to
Each breath I take is filled with the addicting scent of her perfume. She’s everywhere;
in my head, under my skin, in the air I breathe. Everywhere but where she belongs—in
my bed.
She couldn’t be more wrong. What I’m feeling right now has everything to do with


As good as the food was, I was relieved when dinner ended. Now I can get to the real
reason for this meeting tonight. And a few minutes without Lexie clouding my every
thought means I have a much better chance of focusing.
Viktor and I stare at each other across his desk, drinks in hand. Our casual posture
belies the tension radiating between us, a tension that always exists between a Vor and
a Made Man—even if it’s been a lifetime since I’ve been in the Outfit. Family ties run
deep, something I’ve learned to work in my favor, but tends to complicate matters.
People tend to let their emotions run hot and things get messy. From our past
encounters, Viktor is more level-headed than that, something I’m banking on being the
rule instead of the exception.
“So what’s this about you wanting into my territory?” he rasps. Aged leather and wood
groans under me when I lean back in the traditional winged chair.
“Anton shit the bed, I’ve been called in for housekeeping.” That’s as much information
as I plan on giving. With jobs like this, the less you reveal the better.
“Kozlov?” he doesn’t sound the least bit surprised. I nod a confirmation. “What do the
Grassos want with Anton?”
I spot the lure easily. He’s fishing. I’m not about to take the bait. Running a hand over
my beard, I take a sip of the whiskey. It’s a top-shelf single malt, one of the best. I
expect nothing less from Viktor.
“If this had to do with the Outfit, I wouldn’t be here talking to you right now. There
wouldn’t be a conversation, just a bunch of body bags and bribed cops.” Lucciano
Grassos and his trigger-happy men tend to shoot first and ask questions later, if at all.
Fucking hotheads like them are what keep people like me and funeral homes in business
—always leaving messes to clean up.
“Khorosho,” Viktor acknowledges, turning the tumbler of whiskey absently on the
desk. Cold dark eyes regard me without blinking. “What do you want with Anton?”
“You know better than to ask me that, Viktor.” Considering the work I’ve done for him
and the syndicate, he knows I don’t mess with discretion. It’s what keeps me alive and
my bank account growing.
“If you won’t tell me what you want with him, then you can tell me what he’s worth to
There it is, an opening for negotiations. Exactly what I’m here for. I lean forward,
resting my arms on my knees. Like most chairs with arms, this one is too small for me to
sit comfortably. My mask of control remains firmly in place, not even hinting at my
discomfort, my gaze remaining unflinching on the Russian.
Someone less seasoned would offer up something in exchange for what I’m asking.
But I know how the Mikhailovs operate. I can see on his face that he came in here
already knowing what he wants from me. He always comes prepared, it’s something we
have in common.
One of the only things.
“Knowing you, Viktor, you already have a price in mind. What do you want?”
The old Russian smiles knowingly, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. It never does.
“Turns out both the Kozlov brothers have been more trouble than they’re worth. Alek’s
been skimming from the arms shipments and doing side deals.” Anger edges Viktor’s
tone sharply.
Ah, there it is.
“He’s stealing from you.”
The biggest problem with organized crime is all the criminals. They get it in their
heads that they can get away with anything. That they’re untouchable. It’s not just
stupid to steal from a man like Viktor Mikhailov, it’s practically a death sentence if
they’re caught. They’re always caught. And I’ve been the executioner on more than one
“He dug his own grave, all you need to do is pick out a casket.” Disdain drips from his
voice. Dealing with Alek is a small price to pay in exchange for the answers his brother
can give me.
“You sending a message to make him an example, or are you looking for a more
permanent solution?” I ask. There are a lot of ways this problem with Alek can be
solved, and I have no problem pulling the trigger on any of them, metaphorically or
literally. Viktor takes a minute to contemplate, clearly not a hundred percent on his
decision. When dealing with rats in your own ranks, it’s a complicated situation. You
might be able to take care of the rodent, but each extermination comes with its own set
of issues.
“His blood runs too deep, he won’t disappear quietly. Maybe some hard time will teach
him some respect.”
I can feel the regret radiating through his anger. Dealing with family matters has to
make the most sense in the long run, not just what feels good in the moment. And with
the murder in Viktor’s eyes, he wants nothing more than for Alek to suffer a long and
painful death. But when murder isn’t on the table, a nice hard prison sentence can have
the desired effect.
“Are we talking all day?” I offer, a life sentence. The option is definitely tempting, but
Viktor shakes his head.
“A dime should do the trick. I have some friends waiting to welcome him in Sing Sing.
You fix my Kozlov problem, you can have yours.” I can get a ten year sentence, easy.
“Consider it done,” I state.
I down what’s left in my glass, the liquor burning smoothly as it goes down. Rising
from the chair, I place the empty tumbler on the desk heavily and pull my suit coat
together to button it closed smoothly. “I’ll be in touch,” I say, agreeing to his terms and
sealing the verbal contract. Viktor remains sitting, simply nodding before I turn to
Lexie isn’t where I left her. Instead, I find her at the bar with a young female
bartender. The medical kit sits open on the counter, gauze wrappers scattered across
the surface. Getting closer, I can see she’s got the young woman’s hand spread flat in
front of her while she sutures a gash across the palm.
“What happened?” My voice doesn’t pull Lexie’s laser focus from her meticulous work.
The bartender swallows loudly, clearly nervous in my presence.
“One of the bottles broke,” Lexie answers, tying off the last stitch. Peeling open one of
the iodine swabs, she applies the disinfectant liberally before covering it with a sterile
bandage. “There you go. Try not to use that hand, and keep it clean. Usually, stitches
can come out after a few days, but hands are tricky—healing might take a little longer.
I’ll come back to check on you in a week, and we’ll go from there.” Lexie leans back,
giving the other woman a reassuring smile as she pulls off the disposable latex-free
“Thank you,” the bartender says earnestly, withdrawing her hand and cradling it to
her chest. She casts a nervous glance over her shoulder. “I better get back to work or
else Michael’s gonna kill me. But seriously, thank you.”
“It’s no problem, really.”
My pretty pink nurse, always so gracious.
Finally, she turns those bright blue eyes on me. “Are we leaving?”
“We are.”
“Ok, just let me pack up and say goodbye to Vera and Alina.” Of course she wants to
say goodbye to her new friends, like this is some social event.
I watch in silence as Lexie makes her goodbyes, hugging both of the women. Seeing
her embrace the Russian mob wives looks oddly similar to watching someone tame
attack dogs. Both Vera and Alina are well-versed in the Bratva culture of blood and
money. And yet, adding Lexie to the trio turns them back into playful puppies on a
The silence in the car on the ride home holds a noticeable tension. Lexie’s acting like
I’m not even here, refusing to say a single word or even glance in my direction. I let my
temper get the better of me at dinner, and I hurt her. She won’t admit it, she even tried
to brush it off. But I saw the moment the verbal blow landed. Now her confidence is
bruised, because I’m a jealous idiot.
Turns out, getting the silent treatment from her bothers me more than I ever thought
possible. I have to fix this, make things right. Make it up to her.
“What I said at dinner was wrong.” Some of the tension eases when she finally turns
from the window to look at me. “I’m sorry.” As a man in my position, I don’t often find
myself having to apologize. But with Lexie, it doesn’t just feel necessary, it feels right.
“Thank you,” she replies, her eyes steady on mine. “Don’t ever talk to me like that
again.” Even as she says it, in the deepest most visceral part of me, I know I never will. I
Chapter Ten: Callum

here’s Lexie?” Roscoe asks when I climb into the car alone.
“She’s staying here. I don’t need her to be there for this,” I state, grabbing
the briefcase off the floor of the vehicle near my feet.
Clicking open the latches, I lift the top to check the contents. Four bricks of cocaine
lay stacked in the case, ready to serve as payment. It’s more than enough coke to bribe
a truck driver to give up his employer, even if it means betraying the Bratva.
“You like her,” Roscoe states, navigating the car onto the crowded city streets.
“I’m doing my best to see her naked.” My agreement isn’t enough for him.
“More than just trying to bed her,” he insists. “The pretty pink nurse has gotten under
your skin.”
“She’s made her way into my blood. I just need to get her out of my system.” I’m not
sure if I’m trying to convince him or myself.
“Sometimes the only difference between poison and medicine is a matter of dosage.”
Roscoe knows me too well, despite my best efforts. I understand exactly what he’s
saying—and he’s right.
I’ll never admit it.
“What, are you waxing poetic now?” I growl, irritated at the knowing look in his eyes
then they cut over to me. “Just drive and focus on what we need to do.”
“Whatever you say, boss.” His comment carries a smugness that pisses me off. Forcing
my focus back to the plan, I mentally walk through each step with their potential
Getting someone to turn on Alek Kozlov was easy. He surrounds himself with greedy,
disloyal men—like birds of a feather.
And how fitting for Joey Finch to be that bird. As the driver of Alek’s delivery truck, he
knows the different routes and schedules. Just the mention of Colombian cocaine had
him blabbing on about the time and location of his next drop. Information I’ll be giving
to the police to set up Kozlov’s arrest.
Technically I have the information I want, so there’s really no reason to pay Finch at
all. Not too smart on his part, but I don’t expect much from lowlifes like him. But I’m a
man of my word, so Roscoe and I are on our way to deliver the payment. Half now, half
after his information proves useful. Joey Finch might be dumb enough to give everything
away without guarantees, but I’m not.

If there was a better alternative than attending a charity gala, I would do it. Hell, I’d
pull my own molars out if it meant I didn’t have to stuff myself into the confines of a
tuxedo and play nice all night. Unfortunately, this event has everyone I’m looking for
under one roof, and my name is on the guest list. I’ll just have to grin and bear it.
A charming smile settles over my face as I step into the ballroom. Tugging on my
cufflinks, my eyes scan the event’s attendees—crowds of people dressed to the nines in
order to flaunt their importance. A room full of city officials, each one sure their political
reach extends farther than it does. They flock together, schmoozing and greasing palms
as they scramble to lift themselves up higher than the person next to them.
People like this, in the political arena, are all driven by the deep seeded desire for one
or more of three things; money, power, and influence. Greed. Getting what you want
from each of these bureaucrats is simple once you’ve identified their driving force.
When you give them what they want—what they really want in the deepest parts of
them, what they’ll do anything for—they become useful tools. They might deny it to
themselves, but I see it.
My eyes connect with the man I’m here to see on the opposite side of the ballroom.
Entering the crowds, a robust frame steps into my path.
“You clean up good, Russo.” Russell Moore greets loudly, his veneers flashing as a grin
spreads across his ruddy face. His tuxedo looks cheap and wrinkled, probably rented.
No doubt a result of being kicked out by his third wife six weeks ago after she found him
in bed with the co-ed dog walker.
Keeping an easy smile on my face, I don’t miss how Moore pushes back his shoulders
and stretches his spine to compete with the seven-inch height difference between us.
His need to feel large in stature and importance has always been Moore’s biggest
weakness, one I use in my favor.
“First Deputy Mayor Moore,” I use his full title, feeding into his need for recognition.
His shoulders relax slightly, his grin broadening. “I hear your municipal budget hearing
went well.” It’s light conversation, exactly something you hear at a function like this.
Unless you know what I know. What Moore knows.
He laughs, eyes lighting like we’re in on a private joke together.
“It did. Our funding was approved, we got everything we wanted,” he boasts.
Including the point one percent being funneled right into his offshore account. Point one
percent of the hundred billion dollars per year city budget adds up. A hundred million
dollars a year going straight into his fat pockets, and my ten percent is what makes it
possible. Which is nothing to say for the full one percent going to the Mayor’s account in
the Caymans. My ten percent of that is what keeps me on retainer.
And they wonder why there’s never any funding for arts programs in public schools.
“Who’s your date?” My eyes move to the redhead on Moore’s arm who looks barely
legal. I wouldn’t be surprised if she isn’t. Russell looks over at his date, his eyes
flickering in irritation that they’re almost the same height in her sky-high heels.
“Nina is an undergrad at Columbia. She’s writing a paper on the Mayor’s office, I’m
giving her an inside look.”
“I’m sure you are,” I say, making eye contact with Robert Crenshaw over the Deputy
Mayor’s head. Excusing myself, I get intercepted three more times before I’m able to
successfully cross the room to be face to face with the Commissioner of Police.
“Good evening ladies, looking lovely as always.” I greet the two women he’s standing
with, his wife, Mallory, and her best friend Trisha. I’ve met both on several occasions.
“Callum, you’re such a charmer.” Trisha is flirting with me, a common occurrence.
“Flattery will get you everywhere.” I flash her a non-committal smile, my eyes moving to
the man I’m after.
“Commissioner Crenshaw,” I nod, my eyes holding his meaningfully. “I’m on my way to
the bar, I need a refill. Join me.”
“I could use another too,” he affirms, turning to kiss his wife on the cheek. “I’ll be
Crenshaw follows me through the throngs of people, to a darkened back hallway
meant for service staff. We both know why I’m pulling him aside, but I say it anyway.
“I need you to make an arrest.”
“Name?” Crenshaw’s eyes scan the corridor for other party goers, but there are none.
I scouted the location beforehand, Roscoe locked the door leading out of the ballroom to
this hallway. We’re alone. I note the way his jaw clenches, the muscle ticking tellingly.
Crenshaw’s quick to ask for my services whenever there’s something in need of fixing,
in exchange for favors of my own. His hesitation is only ever when it’s time for him to
hold up his end of our arrangement. His nerves grate against my calm control.
“Alek Kozlov.” I hand him the envelope of information. “The drop is Thursday
afternoon at two fifteen over in the canning district. The evidence log is in there, you’ll
have what you need to convict at the scene.” He knows the drill. Unsealing the
envelope, he takes a peek at the documents inside.
“Kozlov? That’s Russian,” Crenshaw comments, glancing up at me for my reaction. I
give him none, and he knows better than to press the issue. “Fuck, arms dealing? You
gonna give me the big fish in this minnow’s pond too?”
“No. Kozlov’s alone.” Viktor is off limits, Alek is a means to my end. A stepping stone
to Anton and the girls. All of which Crenshaw doesn’t need to know.
“Who’s he going to?” he asks, putting the papers back in and resealing the envelope
before it disappears into his coat.
“Just take care of processing. Judge Mitchell will handle the sentencing.” His Honor
Judge Henry Mitchell already has his instructions—delivered to him by his favorite call
girl, Cherry. “I shouldn’t need to say it, but Russian weapons dealers don’t show up
unarmed. Make sure your men are prepared, I’m not paying for casualties.”
“Of course.” Crenshaw scowls at the implication, but I don’t miss the realization that
flashes in his eyes. “Anything else?”
“I need this one alive. You lose a black and white before you lose Kozlov, understand?”
“Got it,” Crenshaw affirms tensely. “You’ll get your guy. I’ll call you when we have
him.” My phone beeps in my pocket. Glancing down, I see a text that reads ‘Meet me
outside the south entrance.’
“Good.” I don’t bother to offer Crenshaw any type of pleasantness in consolation,
instead giving him a dismissing glance. There’s no need to pretend, I dropped the mask
with him a long time ago. “Always a pleasure, Commissioner.” With that, I’m striding
down the hallway.
Roscoe steps out from one of the darkened doorways, emerging from the shadows to
fall into step beside me. “Turns out my dance card is full tonight.”
“Mayor?” Roscoe guesses as I shoot off a quick text in reply as we navigate to the
back entrance of the venue.
It’s perfect really, the District Attorney is just who I needed to speak to next, he’s
saved me the trouble of tracking him down. Although, if he’s the one reaching out, that
usually means he needs something from me. Not the most convenient timing, but I’ll do
what needs to be done.
District Attorney Ford Barlow is leaning casually against the back of the building when
we exit through the south door, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Glancing over at us
through black frame glasses, he takes a long drag and holds the smoke in his mouth
before releasing it in a slow breath.
“I can hardly stand these indoor events. It’s illegal to smoke almost everywhere
nowadays,” he comments, reaching into his tux pocket to pull out a box of cigarettes. He
holds it out to me in offering, and I take one. I’m not in the habit, but a good smoke hits
just right every once in a while. Roscoe positions himself in front of the door, and with a
quick look around I can see Barlow’s security stationed not too far away.
“You just get lonely out here smoking by yourself?” I ask, taking a puff of smoke. I
pinch the cigarette between my thumb and index finger, watching the end spark in the
darkness. The security lights hanging over the exit doors cast long shadows across the
back alley, our smoke clouding the beams until they’re hazy. “Your timing is
“Sounds intriguing. Knowing you, this’ll be good,” Barlow responds easily, one of his
hands going into his pocket. “What’ve you got?”
“There’s a case coming your way. Alek Kozlov, Russian arms dealer.”
“You want him to walk?”
“I want a conviction. Ten years in Sing Sing.”
“Who’s on it?”
“Mitchell,” I respond. “Crenshaw’s on delivery.”
Taking another drag, a buzz of energy settles over my skin as the nicotine amps my
system. The sounds of the city echo from the street—white noise to my native ears as we
stand in the cool night air. I feel at ease here in the darkness, the shadows stealing the
need for me to put on a mask to appease an audience. My fingers itch to remove my tux
coat and roll up my sleeves, but the urge is ignored with practiced control.
“You won’t have any interference from my office.”
“That’s good to hear.” Taking this moment for the constant racing of my mind to settle
is a small reprieve. When my companion’s eyes cut to me, I know it’s a fleeting one.
Back to business. “Either you really like my company, or you’ve got something for me.”
My tone informs him I’m very aware it’s not the former. Barlow doesn’t bother with
pandering, instead giving me a nod.
“Someone’s looking for you. He’s using a lot of capital to get your name.”
“Who is he?”
“His name is Preston Wells, he’s the President of Welling Industries.”
“Electronics manufacturing, I’ve heard of him.” I run a hand over my beard
thoughtfully. “What does he want?”
“His company is competing with Moda Manufacturing for a merger with PlexiTech. He
wants the competition fixed. You’re the best Fixer.”
“Give him my name. If he can pay, we’ll see if it’s worth my time.”
“Oh, Wells can pay alright,” Barlow says with a laugh.
Good, my price for corporate espionage is ungodly steep by design. The amount of red
tape that needs to be skirted to gain results while remaining discreet is a real pain in
the ass. While violence has its time and place, fixing mergers requires a level of finesse
that takes more strategy than anything else—with schmoozing and palm greasing that
makes me miss the old days when pulling the trigger was the solution to every
“Send him my way,” I say. Barlow nods with a grin, dropping the cigarette butt on the
ground and stamping it out with the grind of his shoe. I don’t bother to put out my light,
instead just flicking it across the alley.
“Pleasure doing business with you, Russo.” With that, he’s turning to re-enter the
building to get back to the party. I don’t follow him. Now that my business here is done,
I’m leaving. The sooner I can get out of this fucking tux, the better.
Chapter Eleven: Lexie

tepping out of the apartment lobby, I see Roscoe standing at the street with the car
door already open for me with the engine running. His lips twitch with a smile as
he greets me with a nod.
It’s been a few days since I’ve been summoned for the job. Things have been pretty
quiet around the penthouse with the men off dealing with business. But after receiving a
text to be ready to go when Roscoe pulls up, I’ve got my game-face on.
The air is tense when I climb into the SUV where Callum is already waiting. He’s
focused on his phone, furiously typing either a text or an email. As soon as I’m in the
car, Roscoe climbs behind the wheel and we’re peeling away from the curb. Looking
between the two men, I feel like I’ve missed something.
“I feel like something’s wrong…” I let my voice trail off, meeting Roscoe’s eyes in the
rearview mirror before turning my attention back to Callum.
“Things didn’t go how I planned, so it’s time to switch tactics.” The darkness beneath
Callum’s words makes me pity whoever screwed him over. Feeling my eyes, he glances
in my direction.
“You’re bleeding,” I say, startled, causing Callum to reach for his temple. His
fingertips come away covered in blood. I scooch closer in concern, trying to get a better
look. “Let me see.”
“I’m fine,” he argues.
“Let me see, Callum.” I’m not taking no for an answer. When he finally relents, I lean
in closer to get a good look. It’s not life-threatening, but it’s deep. “You need stitches.”
“Alright, go ahead.”
“You want me to do it here? Right now?” I look around the back seat, at a loss.
“Yes.” Not seeing another choice, I lift the medical kit from its place on the floor with
a sigh.
“How did this happen?” I ask, riffling through the supplies for what I’ll need to sew
him up.
“We raided a safehouse.” He’s back to typing on his phone. “The Russians didn’t go
down without a fight.”
I’ve overheard him talking about his deal with Viktor Mikhailov. Callum arranged for
one of Viktor’s men to be arrested and sentenced—which all went down without a hitch
—in exchange for a location. I’m guessing that location was for the safehouse. Callum’s
been a busy boy the last three days.
“I can’t get the right angle sitting like this.” I’m expecting him to realize the backseat
of a car isn’t the ideal place for medical procedures. What I’m not expecting is for him to
put his phone down before pulling me onto his lap. I gasp, quickly shifting to make sure
the majority of my weight is supported by my knees.
“Is this angle better, Doc?” he asks as I stare at him wide-eyed. My eyes move over his
face, and I give a small nod.
Hot damn.
Sucking in a breath, I focus on the task at hand. Or at least I try to.
“I need you to hold still,” I huff in frustration when a bump in the road has the needle
I’m trying to aim at the deep cut on his left temple gets dangerously close to Callum’s
eye. Straddling his lap in a moving car is getting harder by the second as the burning
starts in my thighs from my attempt to remain hovering. “Can we pull over and stop the
“We have somewhere to be,” Callum responds evenly.
“If you want me to sew you up, I need to be able to use this needle without giving you
a nose piercing.” My frustration level is rising. If I could just remain steady and hover
while we drive, that would be great.
With the gash on his forehead, I have a sneaking suspicion there are bruises and other
injuries hidden under his suit. There’s no doubt in my mind that the man who did this to
him is no longer breathing.
“Sit on my lap, Dewdrop. All the way.” Callum's gaze on me means business, his grip
on my waist tightening.
“I’m heavy, I don’t want to hurt you.” My attempt to brush him off isn’t successful, and
his hands take my hips firmly.
“I can take you. All of you.”
Still shaking my head, I fight to remain raised. “You’re injured, I’ll crush you.”
One of Callum's hands moves from my waist to guide my chin until my eyes meet his.
The intent in his gaze leaves no room for argument when he speaks.
“So crush me.” The hand on my hip adds pressure to lower me as I finally relent. He
wants my full two hundred and thirty-two pounds on his lap? Fine, I’ll give the man what
he wants. Releasing my legs, I sit on his lap without any support. A noise of satisfaction
sounds deep in Callum's throat as I situate my body on his lap.
“That’s my girl.” Strong hands grip my hips, locking me in place against him. His
words, spoken so deeply, send a wave of heat through me. My eyes lock with his, the
pools of hazel pulling me in and threatening to drown me.
The sight of crimson blood trailing down his left eyelid is a startling reminder of what
I’m doing here. My heart skips a beat as I force a slow deep breath I hadn’t realized I
was holding. I have to get this man stitched up before he bleeds everywhere. Taking his
chin in one hand, I tilt his head down for the best angle to address his wound.
“Now stay still,” I order, dabbing the gash with an iodine swab. I’m not about to let
this get infected, especially an area so close to his eye.
“Whatever you say, Doc.” There’s something in his voice, something primal and self-
satisfied, that has me glancing down. In this position, my breasts are barely a few short
inches from his face and he has a very clear view of my chest down the v-neck of my
I can practically feel his eyes devouring every inch of exposed skin, and I struggle to
ignore the sensations his hot breath against my chest elicit. With steady hands, I get to
“There,” I say, dabbing the blood from his face delicately. “You’re all fixed up.” The
wound took four stitches and two butterfly bandages to properly close.
“Are you sure? Maybe you need to do a few more,” he says, making me bite back a
smile as I roll my eyes.
“These will stay in for five days. Just make sure to keep them clean. A scar might add
character to your pretty face, but guys who lose their eyes to infection have a harder
time getting laid. Or so I’ve heard.”
“I plan on keeping my eyes exactly where they are.”
The double meaning in his statement is clear when I lean back on his lap and his eyes
rake over me. Every inch of me burns under his intense gaze, stoking the spark deep in
my core. I can feel him hardening against my thigh, and I know if I don’t move now
things are going to change between us.
Reading my mind, Callum's grip on me tightens, one hand remaining solidly on my hip,
while the other trails up to the small of my back to play with the ends of my hair.
“Callum, you’re hurt.” I remind him. His hungry eyes move over my face and land on
my lips as I speak.
“Then it’s a good thing I have you here to nurse me back to health.” His arms flex,
pulling me in closer until my mouth is just a breath from his. My eyes flicker to his
mouth, so close and tempting. “Go ahead, Doc. Kiss it better.”
It’s a challenge, and I’ve never been one to shy away from a dare. I lean in ever so
slightly and Callum takes my invitation without hesitation. His hand on my back closes
the gap between us to take my lips in an all-consuming kiss. Our mouths mold together,
passion taking over. The way Callum kisses is devastating, all hunger and need.
God, so much need.
A deep growl rumbles in his chest, vibrating against my hands, and then I’m being
crushed against him until I’m not sure where my body ends and his begins. His hand
slides from my waist to palm one of my ass cheeks greedily as he all but eats at my
mouth. I let out a soft sigh, and I’m drunk on him.
“Fuck, you’re delicious.” His groan is primal, and he drinks me in like he’s a man
dying of thirst. I’ve never been kissed like this before.
Callum’s everywhere; his hands on my body, his growls sending pulses of heat
between my thighs, his breath mixing with mine as our lips work into a frenzy. It’s like
Callum's only purpose in life is to be there with me, like his entire existence depends on
invading every one of my senses.
“We’re here.” Roscoe’s voice pulls me from our little cloud of bliss and yanks me
roughly back down to earth. Callum lets out a disgruntled grunt, reluctant as he leans
back to look at me.
I’m sure I look a mess, all kiss-swollen and disheveled. I can see it in his eyes before
he speaks a “go around the block” and pulls me back in. He isn’t done with me yet.
The feeling is mutual.
“Yes sir.” Roscoe’s verbal confirmation reminds me that I’m straddling a man’s lap. I’m
suddenly aware that I’m having a heavy makeout session in a moving car. And we aren’t
alone. Reading my mind, Callum's hold on me tightens, his lips persuading me back to
focus on only him. And fuck if it doesn’t work.
A soft moan escapes me when his teeth catch my bottom lip and gives it a sharp nip
before his tongue eases the tender pain. The heat building inside me liquifies, my hips
rocking against the hot erection I can feel hardening beneath me. An overwhelming
need to unzip him and feel what’s hiding under his pants—what’s promising to
completely unravel me—is almost too much to handle.
When Callum’s fingers slip down inside the back of my pants, it’s a slap back to reality.
Callum wants in my pants, right here, right now. And I want more than anything to let
him in.
We’re in a moving car. And we’re not alone.
Palms flattening on his chest, I push away from him to create space between us. His
lips leave mine abruptly, leaving an unsettling cold where there used to be heat. My eyes
open slowly, breathless, finding Callum gazing at me. The naked desire in his eyes is the
only thing I recognize in his otherwise unreadable expression.
“We shouldn’t,” I breathe.
This is not the time or the place. If I really think about it—without the need and
arousal taking over my brain—there might never be a time or place. Realistically, Callum
and I don’t work and sex isn’t a good idea.
The way he’s looking at me says he knows it too. He just wasn’t going to admit it.
Callum takes his time pulling his hand from my pants, his fingers skimming over every
inch of skin along the way—ass cheek, lower back, side. His eyes keeping mine hostage,
he tugs my shirt back into place but doesn’t let go immediately. We stay there for a long
moment, just staring at each other while his hand on my shirt keeps me on his lap as we
fight to catch our breath.
The wheels are turning in his head, I can practically hear his thoughts warring while
he stares me down. If only I could know what he’s thinking. He’s watching every
thought cross my face as I think it, reading every emotion. I’m sure of it. And all I get in
return is indecipherable intensity and a rock-hard erection pressing hot and heady
against my ass.
When his grip on my shirt finally falls away, I’m climbing off his lap and sliding across
the back seat to put as much space between us as possible. Callum’s eyes stare straight
ahead as Roscoe rounds a corner, his hands working to roll his shirt sleeves back down.
The tension settles back into his broad shoulders as he buttons each cuff into place. And
just like that, he’s back to calm and controlled Callum, devoid of any warmth.
When he does shoot a glance in my direction, it’s one that looks an awful lot like


Callum’s on a mission as he strides through the weathered brick building, and I’m a
step behind him. With the distraction in the car, I have no idea where we are—and the
man in front of me isn’t giving any hints either.
His large frame fills the narrow hallway, broad shoulders nearly touching each wall
with only a few inches of clearance from the ceiling. With the giant man ahead of me
blocking my view, I’m basically stumbling along blindly with Roscoe walking steadily
behind me.
We take a left at the end of the claustrophobic hallway. The doors that dot the space
are as dated as the rest of the building, with small windows of frosted glass yellowed
with age.
Callum doesn’t hesitate to open one of the doors roughly, and I’m barely able to read
the word ‘Freight’ across the window in peeling vinyl before Roscoe is crowding me into
the room behind him and closing the door.
The stench of cigarette smoke and stale coffee hangs in the air. The small industrial
office is drab with stained brown carpet, metal filing cabinets, and fluorescent lighting.
The room is messy and cluttered until it’s claustrophobic—binders and stacks of paper
taking over.
A middle-aged man behind the desk looks up, startled, when we enter, his eyes going
straight to the bull charging right at him. His gray-streaked brown hair looks crunchy
with gel, matching the patchy goatee on his chin. The gut from a few too many beers is
obvious on his lanky body as he slumps in his chair.
Callum stops short at the desk, staring him down.
“Hello, Sal. You haven’t been answering my calls.” The steel edge in Callum’s voice
has the man behind the desk glancing at the door in hopes of finding someone to save
him. Instead, all he finds is a blonde in pastel scrubs and the enforcer blocking the only
“Russo.” Sal’s false friendliness falls flat in his attempt to put on a brave face. “I was
just about to call you back.”
“Were you.” It’s not a question. “And what were you calling to say?”
“I—uh—I went up the ladder. There’s really nothing I can do for you.”
I can’t help but wince at the arrogance tinting his voice. The tension that settles over
Callum’s shoulders has a dark cloud falling over the room. This isn’t gonna be pretty.
“That’s the wrong answer.”
Uneasiness creeps up my spine when Callum’s hands move to unbutton the cuffs of his
dress shirt—the same ones he rebuttoned in the car.
“I told you, my hands are tied,” Sal stammers.
“You know, Sal, the easiest way to free tied hands is to simply cut them off.”
The threat’s not directed at me, but my stomach drops just the same. My entire body
stiffens at the violence in Callum’s words, spoken so casually. This is definitely not the
first time he’s delivered a warning like that.
“Woah, hey. Wait, there’s no need for that—” Sal’s puttering doesn’t register as Callum
continues, rolling one of his shirt sleeves up past his elbow.
“We won’t start there, of course, we’ll work our way up.” Callum’s tone darkens, his
head nodding to where Roscoe stands behind him. “My friend here likes to start with the
fingers, he’s actually quite good at it. The knuckles sever nicely. Then maybe, if you’ve
decided to be a little more cooperative, I’ll have my nurse stitch you back up.”
Sal’s wide eyes dart to the door frantically. He’s gonna make a run for it, it’s obvious
to everyone in the room. When he scrambles from his chair with the grace of a rhino to
dash towards the only exit, his feet don’t make it three strides before he’s being lifted
off the ground. Callum’s large hand catches him easily by the collar and yanks him
roughly backward.
The man goes flying, slamming against the corner of a filing cabinet with a groan. The
air isn’t even back in his lungs before Callum’s hauling him up and slamming a fist into
his face—once, twice, three times. Blood spurts from his nose, coating his teeth when he
howls. The strong hand that Callum clamps around his throat violently drags him to the
wall next to the desk, causing stacks of papers and folders to scatter to the floor
A gasp escapes me at the sound of Sal’s skull cracking against the wall with the force
of the powerful grip, hard enough to fracture bone. Callum’s eyes cut to me, his dark
gaze cold and unfeeling.
“That was the last stupid decision I’ll tolerate, Sal.” His deadly focus returns to the
man he’s choking out. “Do you understand?”
Sal’s desperate nodding is restricted against the vice grip beneath his jaw.
“When I call, you answer it. When I ask you a question, you what?”
“Answer it.”
“Very good.” Callum’s powerful grip bleaches his knuckles as it tightens on the man’s
throat. “Don’t make me come here again, Sal. Or I’ll be paying your family a visit
covered in your blood.”
“I won’t.”
“Now.” Yanking him from the wall, Callum tosses the older man into the desk chair
like a ragdoll. Sal grips the armrests for dear life when the chair threatens to tip over
from the force of the impact, blood running from his bashed nose and battered mouth
and coating his chin where it dribbles down the front of his shirt. “Because I’m feeling
generous, I’ll let my nurse clean you up before you start making more calls.”
When the other eyes in the room turn to focus on me, I’m caught off guard. I stand
frozen, at a complete loss.
“This is why you’re here, Doc. Fix him up.” Those are the same damn words he used
the night he led me into that storage room to sew up a finger and ripped me from my
My feet have already carried me halfway across the room before I register that I’m
moving. When I kneel down in front of the bloodied man in the chair, our eyes connect
briefly. For a split second, we share a moment of shocked horror, both trapped in the
violence brought by the hands of the Fixer standing behind me.
Ok, you can do this, Lexie. You can handle this, he’s just another patient.
Yanking my eyes away, it takes everything in me to keep breathing—in, then out—as I
go about the task of tending to my patient. He needs three stitches, and his nose is very
broken. There’s nothing I can do about the concussion or the fractures I’m sure now
decorate the back of his skull.
There’s a heaviness in my chest that seems to grow with every beat of my heart until
it’s crushing me under its weight. Whatever conversation happens between the three
men in the room as I work doesn’t register past the blood pounding in my ears.
Even as I numbly follow Callum through the hallway back to the car, I feel like a
zombie. I’m no longer residing in my body when the back door of the car is held open for
me to climb in. Is this what shock feels like?
Closing my car door, Callum walks around to get in on the other side. My mind is
racing, the world doesn’t feel like it makes sense anymore. The oxygen seems to have
been sucked out of the car, and the thought of sitting in a confined space with Callum
threatens to suffocate me. I can feel the vehicle shift with his weight as he sits down,
the sound of his door closing behind him igniting my flight response. Without thinking, I
open the car door and hop out.
“Lexie, shit. ” I don’t register Roscoe’s call as I walk. My feet move, carrying me down
the sidewalk, as I force in deep breaths. I just need air, what happened to all the air? My
brain is trying so hard to make sense of everything, but nothing is processing as my
mind glitches.
Callum and Roscoe are violent men; ruthless and cruel. Callum does whatever it takes
to get something he wants, and he uses Roscoe to do it.
And now he uses me too.
What have I gotten myself into? I signed the contract and NDA, an unsuspecting
mouse walking straight into a trap. And like an idiot, I read the fine print wearing rose-
colored glasses that made the boatload of red flags seem pink and harmless instead.
And the trap snapped closed without sympathy. Now I’m stuck, completely at Callum’s
What have I done?
The question echoes through my mind as nausea churns in my stomach. My feet carry
me one step at a time, my body on autopilot. The SUV pulls up beside me, slowing to
match my pace. The back window rolls down and Callum’s dark expression acts as a
reminder of exactly what kind of hell I’m living in now. I glance at him, but looking at his
face proves to be too much. Averting my gaze, I look straight ahead as I walk.
“Lexie, stop.” The authority in Callum’s voice rolls over me without effect. My heart is
racing too fast, my thoughts becoming too panicked—and I don’t panic.
“I can’t do this,” I say, my voice breaking on the last word. I feel breathless, why can’t
I breathe? I round a corner, and the car follows. Roscoe says something to Callum,
making him curse under his breath.
“Get in, Lexie,” Callum orders. I simply shake my head, staring straight ahead. I
barely see the people I pass on the sidewalk, barely register the eyes on me. Glancing
down, I realize I’m still splattered in blood, my blue scrubs stained by the crimson color.
His blood, the man Callum made me patch up after threatening his entire family—all for
illegal dock access for some shipment.
“Get in the car, Lexie. Or I swear to God, I’ll pick you up like a toddler and buckle you
in myself.”
Something in Callum’s voice makes me stop in my tracks. I finally turn to look at him,
still struggling to catch my breath. I feel a little faint, like the blood has drained out of
Meeting Callum’s eyes, I can see he means every word. He’ll physically pick me up
and place me into the car right now. And the idea of him touching me with the same
hands that just held a man by the throat is enough to crack through my panic.
We stare at each other for a moment, I can practically see the wheels turning in his
head as he reads me. And when I finally take a step towards the car and reach for the
handle, I swear his face softens slightly in what looks like relief.
Climbing into the car, Roscoe locks the door the instant it’s closed behind me. With
shaky hands, I slowly reach back and grab my seatbelt. I can feel both men’s eyes on me
as I slowly pull the belt around me, but I keep my eyes trained out the window. As soon
as my seatbelt clicks, Roscoe is pulling out into traffic.
Callum’s eyes never leave me, burning a hole in my already crumbling psyche. I’m
exhausted, physically and mentally, as I stare out the window without really seeing the
cityscape pass by. When the first tear rolls down my cheek, Callum’s voice is barely
audible next to me as he rasps out another curse under his breath.
Chapter Twelve: Lexie

’m barely in my bedroom before I’m yanking the bloody scrubs off my body with
shaking hands. My heart beats unevenly in my chest, making me feel unsettled in my
skin. Stepping into the shower, I run the water as hot as I can, hoping and praying that
the scalding liquid will wash away the guilt that’s mingling with the man’s blood.
The urge to pick up my phone to call Mia and tell her everything is almost unbearable,
so I keep them busy instead. I towel dry my body, moisturize, and pull on a random gray
loungewear set. I’ve just finished taking my makeup off and washing my face when I feel
his presence.
“The food’s ready, come eat.”
“No thanks.” Turning on my heel, I move to exit the bathroom. He blocks my path.
“It’s not a fucking request, Lexie.”
Standing in my bathroom doorway, Callum’s giant figure fills the frame, blocking me
in completely. This time when he looks down at me, I don’t look away. His expression is
one of domination and intimidation, but I’m not having any of it.
“You’re going to sit down and eat a full meal,” he states—like it’s a fact.
“I’m not hungry.” It’s not a lie, my appetite disappeared the moment Callum slammed
that poor man against the wall by the throat.
“I don’t give a shit if you’re hungry or not. You haven’t eaten yet today, you’re going to
“What, are you watching me?”
“I always have eyes on you. Don’t doubt for a second that I know everything you do.”
“I’m not eating with you.”
“Either you walk into the kitchen, sit that beautiful ass of yours in a chair, and eat
every bite on the plate I set in front of you,” he leans forward, getting closer to my level
without breaking eye contact. The corners of his mouth lift into a taunting smile, “or I’ll
put you in the chair myself and personally feed you every single bite. And you’ll have
He sounds almost excited about this possibility—like he’s hoping I choose to defy him.
Like he wants to manhandle me and hand feed me every bite, be in complete control of
me. He’s getting off on this, the perverted control freak.
A chill runs down my spine, goosebumps raising on my arms. I bite my bottom lip as I
consider my options. His gaze catches on my mouth, growing heated, and the air in the
bathroom shifts around us. Suddenly the tension between us feels more sexual than
“Fine,” I grit through clenched teeth.
Callum’s eyes move back to my mouth once more before he finally steps aside so I can
pass. But he doesn’t move nearly enough, forcing me to press my body against his to
squeeze through the gap. He flashes a satisfied smirk at my glare as I shove past him
and walk to the dining room. He’s following closely behind me and I don’t even care that
it makes me look petulant, I stomp a little before I fall heavily into a chair with a huff.
The table is set for two, the plates filled with seasoned chicken, mashed potatoes, and
green beans. A tall glass of water sits next to my plate, laughing at me. Callum takes the
seat adjacent to mine, sitting down casually and getting comfortable like he doesn’t
have a care in the world. He digs into his plate without hesitation. When I don’t even
reach for the silverware, he leans forward and rests his muscled forearms on the table.
His eyes latch onto mine and dare me to challenge him.
“Don’t test me, Dewdrop. You’re an investment now, and I take care of what’s mine.”
His deep voice sends a wave of lust curling through me, but I ignore it and throw him a
withering glare. “You’re going to eat everything on the plate and drink everything in
that glass.” There’s no way out of this other than to obey. I’d rather die than give this
man the satisfaction of feeding me each bite.
Triumph lights his eyes when I relent, reaching for the fork and taking a scoop of the
creamy mashed potatoes. He watches intently as I eat the first two bites and cut a piece
of the chicken. It’s perfectly seasoned, the son of a bitch. He relaxes back into his chair
while I chew, his eyes only leaving me once I swallow.
There are a lot of things I can say about Callum, but the bastard can cook. Reaching
for the glass of water, I take a sip.
“Good girl,” he murmurs deeply.
My eyes snap to his over the glass, his piercing gaze pinning me in place. The heat in
his eyes sparks something inside me, warming my blood. His focus flickers to my pursed
lips, expression as unreadable as ever. I slowly put the cup back on the table, shaking off
the desire and forcing myself to keep eating as if the room doesn’t suddenly feel ten
degrees hotter.
After dinner, Callum disappears and leaves me to stew in my emotional chaos. There’s
nothing to distract me anymore; not food, and not a sexy, controlling asshole watching
my every move. No matter what I try to focus on, my brain loops back to the image of
Callum slamming that man against the wall. Something snaps in my mind that has me
on a fucking mission.
His office is off-limits, but I don’t give a damn. I stride in there with a purpose, making
no attempts to hide my anger. Callum looks up from his computer and watches as I take
a seat in one of the chairs across from him. His passive expression just pisses me off
further. Callum doesn’t think he needs to concern himself with me and my feelings. He
thinks that my emotions are just ridiculous and inconsequential.
He’s very wrong.
“I want out,” I state, sitting tall as I glare at him across the desk. He leans back in his
chair, black dress shirt pulled taut across broad shoulders, sleeves rolled up to inked
“There is no out, Lexie. If you read what you were agreeing to before you signed it,
you’d know that.” His condescension is like a slap to the face, sparking my temper.
“You think I’m dumb, Callum, is that it? That I’m some clueless girl who just didn’t
read the fine print? I did. I read every line of that contract. I just didn’t know the kind of
man you are when I was reading it. So when I signed my name, agreeing to be the
medical party that acts on your behalf, I didn’t know that meant doing your bidding—
even if it means hurting people.”
As always, his eyes remain fixed on me in an unrelenting stare. I feel like a bug being
examined under a magnifying glass. The way his eyes touch every detail about me and
seem to climb right into my head to read my thoughts is unnerving.
His expression in return is calm as still water, his shoulders rigidly set in stone. “The
contract is binding,” he says, making me scoff.
“Not legally,” I argue. I’ve done my research, I know my rights. “You gave it to me in
bad faith. No judge would uphold it.” His expression darkens, the look in his eyes
“You think we’re talking about lawyers and judges here, Lexie? I thought you knew
better by now. I don’t waste my time with red tape and paperwork. A broken contract
means resorting to more personal measures. Family, friends.” He speaks slowly,
deliberately enunciating each word to punctuate them with menace.
Dread settles in my stomach, heavy as a ball of lead. I shake my head in denial, images
of Mia, Samantha, and the rest of my loved ones flashing through my mind.
“You wouldn’t hurt them. You’re not that petty.” My words come out too quickly,
betraying my uncertainty. Callum sits forward in his chair, arms resting on his desk, his
eyes sending the message; try me and see what happens.
“Aren’t I? You just told me this contract showed you just what kind of a man I am. So
tell me, Lexie, what do you think I’m capable of?” His question hangs in the air between
us like a hanger’s noose. He stands and braces his arms on the desk to loom over me,
eyes sucking my soul straight out of my body until there’s no life left, no fight. “It’s
binding. I suggest you get cozy, this is your life now.”
Chapter Thirteen: Lexie

s much as I love my therapist Julie, some days retail therapy is the best kind. The
instant serotonin I feel when I receive a package or open a shopping bag—it can’t
be beat. Especially now that I can’t actually talk to her about what’s really going on in
my life outside vague expressions about my current emotions. I think she’s starting to
notice, so my time with her is probably running out. I’ve decided to put our sessions on
hold until I can untangle some of the giant complications that have recently twisted up
my life.
At least I have a box waiting for me at the front desk for today’s dose of excitement.
Taking the sharp edge of the scissors to slice through the tape, I pull one of the box
flaps to peek at what’s inside. “It’s here,” I announce to no one in particular as I open
the box. I lift the oversized panda from the package, hoisting its considerable weight.
“What is that?” Callum's voice speaks over my shoulder, closer than I expected him to
He’s always standing so damn close.
“It’s a weighted stuffie.” Pulling the bear to my chest, I give it a test hug. The weight
of it feels satisfying in my arms. Hopefully it’s heavy enough to crush the anxiety out of
me long enough to fall asleep at night.
“I didn’t figure a girl like you would try to replace a man with a pillow when you’re
lonely at night.” Callum’s comment has a wave of heat washing over me, a mix of
arousal and embarrassment.
“I’m not,” I say defensively, frowning up at him over my shoulder. Despite my protest,
he remains unconvinced. Hazel eyes take their time looking me up and down, his lips
twitching smugly under his beard.
“That poor panda doesn’t stand a chance when you need satisfaction, Dewdrop.”
There’s a patronizing edge to his voice. His taunting pisses me off.
“It’s not for that, Callum,” I insist, growing exasperated. The smirk on his lips spreads
into a self-satisfied smile.
“Then what’s it for?” His brows raise, waiting for another explanation. He’s not
expecting there to be one.
“It’s so I can actually sleep when—” Realizing I’ve said too much, my voice trails off
and I press my lips together. All humor drops from Callum’s face, growing intensely
serious in the blink of an eye. His eyes narrow.
“When what?” he asks slowly, distinctly. There’s no way out of this, I’ve dug myself too
big of a hole. I let out a sigh and avert my eyes.
“When I have nightmares,” I admit. A line forms between Callum’s dark brows, his
shoulders tensing.
“Nightmares about what?” He’s demanding answers that I’m not going to give him.
Callum’s compulsive need to know everything I’m thinking until he’s in my head is an
exhausting game I’m not in the mood to play. All teasing aside, there are some things he
doesn’t get to know.
“That’s none of your business.” Toting my new stuffed friend, I skirt around his
demanding stare and head to my room.
Placing the oversized panda on the bed next to my pillow, I mull over what to name
her. If we’re going to be cuddling every night, she deserves to have a name. And a cute
one to match how adorable she is.
Buttercup. It’s perfect.
My phone chimes as a notification from one of my dating apps lights the screen—Eric
C. matched with you! Opening the app, I click on Eric’s profile. He’s cute with a full
head of dark curls, and dimples decorating his wide smile. His entire profile screams
‘golden retriever’ energy.
I’m in the bathroom getting ready to go out for the night when my phone chimes
again, this time with a message from the golden retriever. My makeup sponge pauses
mid-beat to open the message.
Eric: You are stunning
Lexie: Aww stop, you’re making me blush. Thank you! You’re not so bad yourself.
Eric: Oregon, huh? What brings you all the way to NYC?
Lexie: I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to get bitten by someone on the
subway. This was my chance
Eric: And were your dreams fulfilled? I’d hate for you to miss out on the real NY
experience haha
Lexie: Absolutely, and I have the teeth marks to prove it. On another note, my tetanus
shots are up to date in case you were wondering.
Eric: Good, I was worried about that. If you’re planning on eating anywhere in
Brooklyn, you’ll probably want to get a rabies shot too.
Lexie: I have yet to eat in Brooklyn, but I’ll keep that in mind.
Eric: We’ll have to change that, won’t we?
Lexie: I guess that depends on what you have in mind…


My chunky heels click on the floor as I walk into the kitchen. Tossing my curled hair to
one side to put my small gold hoop earring in, my fingers struggle with the backing.
Callum sits facing the tv on the other side of the living space, a newscaster displayed on
the screen.
“I’m leaving,” I announce, finally securing my jewelry.
“Where are you going?” Callum’s deep voice carries from the living room. I look over
as he stands from the couch. When he turns and his eyes settle on me, his entire body
turns to stone. The man could be a statue if it weren’t for his searing gaze moving over
me from head to toe.
“Girls' night out.” My brows come together in confusion. What’s his problem?
“That’s what you’re wearing? It’s a fucking napkin.” The accusation in his voice has
me looking down at my outfit.
My emerald green top has an open corset front, the strings connecting the two halves
stretching over a large gap that doesn’t cover much past my nipples and ends right
above my high-waisted wide-legged black pleather pants. This top cuts down the globes
of my breasts and puts them on full display.
Too open to wear even the lowest of plunge bras, I’m taped to high heaven. This
industrial-strength boob tape is a miracle worker, and it’s definitely fighting for its life
against gravity. Somehow, it’s winning—because my giant boobs are currently defying
the laws of physics. Best fifty-five bucks I ever spent.
“This napkin is gonna get me lots of free drinks tonight.” There’s not an ounce of
apology in my voice. I have nothing to be sorry for, I look great.
“Drinks? Looking like that, they’ll think they can buy you.” Coming closer his eyes
keep finding their way back to my cleavage, expression darkening considerably.
Grabbing my handbag from the counter, I saunter over to the door. Pausing with my
hand on the doorknob, I throw him a taunting smile over my shoulder. “In that case,
don’t wait up.”


“Are you serious?” Ronnie cries the instant I step out of the car. “Girl, your boobs! You
look so hot, I can’t even stand it.”
“I was just going to say the same thing to you. You look so good.” I mean it. The
vibrant orange of Ronnie’s monochromatic look pairs incredibly with her rich, dark skin.
And she knows how to pull off a look, her mini dress matching both her bold orange
lipstick and the shoulder-length, wavy orange wig completing the ensemble.
“You know I gotta show up and show out,” Ronnie laughs, doing a little spin to show
off the full effect. She then turns to gesture to the beautiful woman standing next to her.
“This is my girl, Maya. She’s my best drinking buddy, she definitely knows how to have
“I’m Lexie, so nice to meet you.” I introduce myself with an excited smile. “I’m always
looking for fun drinking buddies.”
Maya is simply stunning. With thick straight, black hair hanging to the small of her
back. Her tan complexion and dark features hint at a Hispanic heritage, with a curvy
hourglass figure to die for. “I’ve heard so much about you, I’m very excited to see you
get on stage,” Maya laughs.
“Oh, you better believe I’m getting on that stage.” I grin, excitement buzzing through
me. “Let’s go in, I’m ready for a drink.”
The bar is large, colorful, and packed with people in various stages of inebriation. A
stage that stands along the back wall is lit by colorful spotlights that change with the
music. The music playing over the buzz of the crowd has a pulsing beat that vibrates
through the floor and makes me want to dance. This is the perfect place to get drunk, let
loose, and forget about my problems.
“Lexie, I can’t get over your boobs. How did I not know you have a body like this?
You’re doing the world a huge disservice by ever wearing a shirt.”
“I mean, scrubs aren’t exactly the most form flattering.” I laugh, as we make our way
over to the bar. “Besides, I try not to show off for the crazies in the ER.”
“So true,” Ronnie agrees readily. “Look at us, the blonde, brunette, and redhead.” And
between my top, Ronnie’s dress, and Maya’s skirt, we’ve got tits, legs, and ass covered
tonight. We’re a hot group of ladies. This is already gearing up for a fun night.
The first round of drinks has us loosening up nicely. We dance, clap, and cheer for the
drunken karaoke performers, and just laugh together. Maya is hilarious, and she’s
definitely as fun as Ronnie described. She’s ordering shots and matching my energy on
the dance floor.
Lots of male eyes are on our trio from the moment we walk in, and it’s not too long
before men are trying to join us on the dance floor. They think they’re so slick, slipping
behind us like we won’t notice they’re trying to grind on us. Each one is pushed away,
but that doesn’t stop them from trying.
If men have one thing, it’s the audacity. Cue the drunken asshole who looks like he has
at least one photo of himself holding a fish on his dating profiles. The type who thinks
he’s God’s gift to women, but can never actually land one. Including me.
“My boys like your friends.” He jerks his head to where two other incels stand at the
other end of the bar, both leering at where Ronnie and Maya stand a few feet away.
“Oh, really?” My tone clearly says I don’t give a single fuck. Apparently, he can’t take
a hint.
“Yeah, so guess I’ll take one for the team.” He leans closer, glassy eyes staring
straight at my tits. “I hear big girls give the best head. Why don’t you give the twinkies a
night off and put those pretty lips to good use.”
I look him up and down, utterly unimpressed. There’s definitely something he’s hiding
under his backwards hat and his blonde facial hair is pathetically patchy. The way he
stands stiffly, looking down his nose at me, makes it obvious he’s trying his very best to
look taller than he is. Which isn’t much taller than me in my heels. He’s a mess and
needs to be put in his place.
I’m not about to let this piece of shit treat me like shit.
“If your dick is too small to get past my ass, that’s all you had to say.” It takes a good
few seconds before my words register in his tiny brain. He looks taken aback.
“What did you just say to me?” His voice is tinted with outrage, but I’m just getting
“The only companionship you deserve is in the blowup section of your favorite sex
shop, plastic women are the only ones that’ll put up with your shit personality.” It’s not
just the alcohol talking, but it’s definitely loosening my tongue. “It’s perfect too, because
the dolls are great listeners since you like the sound of your own voice so much. I’m sure
they have ones you’ll be able to get it up for, I hear they can customize them to look like
your mother. That’s what you’re into, right? I mean, she’s the only woman who will ever
love you.”
“Shut your fucking mouth, you fat, ugly bitch.”
“Even if I did want you, with your low IQ and receding hairline, I’m obviously too
much woman for you. So take your short, balding ass, and cherub chub and go find
less.” I deliver the final blow with a sticky sweet smile.
He stands, mouth gaping open like a floundering fish. And I leave him there, walking
away before he has a chance to stammer some bullshit response of unoriginal insults
and weak threats.
Leaving behind the jerk, completely forgotten, I join Ronnie and Maya for the first
round of shots and chasers. It takes less than two full drinks before I’m adding my name
to the karaoke list, choosing the best song in the history of music, let alone karaoke.
“That really hot guy over there is staring at you,” Ronnie says over the music. “I can’t
tell if he's obsessed with you or planning to kill you,” she laughs a little too loudly in my
ear. My hips don’t stop swaying as I sip my drink, following her gaze to the other side of
the bar. Towering over the crowd by at least several inches, the broad figure is
impossible to miss—the beard and piercing hazel stare unmistakable.
Meeting Callum’s eyes, I’m tempted to inform Ronnie that both of her theories are
right. You gotta be kidding me. As soon as I lay eyes on him, he’s moving closer. The
crowds part for him, like they can sense the danger that resides just below his stoic
“Do you know him?” Maya asks, her brows knitting in confusion. She’s steady in her
heels and ready to down another shot. Her ability to handle her alcohol is something to
be admired.
“That’s Callum,” I say simply.
“Callum, as in your boss, Callum?” Ronnie pipes up. I nod with a shrug, tossing my
hair to the side. A man over at the bar makes eye contact, but I pretend not to notice.
“He looks pissed,” Ronnie says, her eyes on Callum as he approaches. My focus lands on
him again and I shake my head with a carefree grin.
“He always looks like that.”
As always, Callum looks so serious. But I can’t find it in me to care. I’m having way too
much fun, my inhibitions having flown out the window with my second drink. He stops
right in front of me, standing so close I can smell the musk of his cologne.
Mmm, he smells good.
I don’t bother tilting my head up, opting instead to peer up at him through my false
lashes. Even in my heels, the top of my head only reaches the top button on his dress
Damn, he’s so tall and his shoulders are so broad. He’s a man who could ruin me and
I’m sure I’d enjoy every second of it.
I wanna climb that tree.
“I’ve been trying to call you.” He pulls his eyes away from me to look around, throwing
a deadly glare at someone behind me. Probably the man at the bar who was just making
eyes at me.
“I’m sure you have. I put it on silent.” I take a sip of my fruity drink, dancing along to
the music. His eyes roam over me as I move, fixating on how my breasts bounce in this
top. My drink warms me from the inside out, the music buzzing over my skin.
“It’s time to go home,” he says, but I simply laugh and shake my head. His eyes
“You can go home, I’m having fun with my friends.” The music lowers as the song
ends. The emcee of the karaoke night hops on stage to address the crowd.
“Alright, alright people! It’s karaoke night, and you know what that means. Next up
we’ve got Lexie West working her best blonde bombshell with the queen Dolly.” I perk
up at my name, raring to go. Defiance flares inside me when Callum steps into my path.
“I’m not leaving here without you, Lexie,” he states, but I’m already moving. Putting
my drink in his hand as I pass, I lean in.
“Then here.” A grin spreads across my face. “Have a drink and enjoy the show.”
Whoops of excitement erupt as I take the stage, accepting the bedazzled microphone
from the emcee with a playful wink. The cheers of the crowd wash over me, hyping me
up as Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 starts blaring through the speakers. My body moves in time
with the music, feeling it flow through me and back down into the stage, the bass
thumping with my moving hips. This crowd is the best audience, eating up everything I
give them. And if there’s one thing I know, it’s how to put on a good show.
The first verse comes to an end and the chorus approaches, I take a deep breath and
put my whole chest into it, the rest of the bar dancing and singing along with me. I
channel Dolly with my entire being, feeling the power of her lyrics. My focus lands on
Callum, singing to him with all I have when the chorus plays.
Chapter Fourteen: Callum

he crowd pulses around me, following Lexie’s lead as she enjoys the music. I stand
rigidly, not moving a single muscle. I’m frozen in place, unable to take my eyes off
the woman on stage for even a second. She might not win any of those talent reality
shows she loves so much, but she’s got a good singing voice—never straining to hit the
right note with a tone thats as bright and alluring as she is.
Her stage presence matches the rest of her personality, pulling focus and shining
brightly on everyone who lays eyes on her without even trying. Magnetic. Every pair of
eyes in this entire bar are glued to her, as helpless as I am against her charisma.
The way her body moves, not missing a single beat in the pulsing music is hypnotic,
her generous curves accentuated with every sway of her hips or shake of her shoulders.
I know every man in this bar is staring straight at how her full breasts bounce and sway
in that fucking scrap of a top, each movement erotically charged. She pays them no
mind, but I do.
Her confidence is so damn sexy, the way she’s comfortable in her own skin makes me
want to get comfortable in her skin along with her. Jealousy surges through me at the
thought of any other man looking at her the way I am right now, wanting what they can’t
Her attention returns to me every time she sings the chorus, her serenading switches
between teasing and flirting, to powerful and heartfelt. When the song ends, she draws
out the last note dramatically, the crowded bar cheering wildly. My eyes track her
movements as she hands the mic back to the man acting as host, narrowing slightly at
the way he grins at her.
Any anger melts away when she bounds straight over to me, my chest tightening at
the look of pure joy on her face. Her cheeks are flushed, eyes sparkling beneath
dramatic lashes. She’s absolutely beaming, dousing me in blazing warmth until I’m
nothing but ash.
Fuck, I want to be the reason she smiles like this.
“Didn’t you like my song choice? You didn’t dance.” She doesn’t actually care, she’s
still coming off the high from being under the spotlight.
“I don’t dance, Dewdrop.” I can’t take my eyes off her, not even to make sure no other
fuckers are eyeing her. Lexie gives a small shrug.
“If you’re boring, just say that,” she replies breezily, taking back the untouched drink
she gave me. “Dolly is a queen.”
She hasn’t stopped moving since I arrived, her body constantly feeling the music in
some small way. Hearing her words start to run together, I know she’s passed the point
of buzzed into tipsy. She looks up at me curiously, sipping through her straw.
“You’re really not leaving without me? It’s gonna be a while, because my night just
“I’ll wait.” And watch.
“Can you at least stop glowering at people? You’re scaring my friends.”
My eyes move over her head to find her party-happy friends eyeing me curiously. I
offer them a practiced smile before turning it on Lexie. Her brows jump in amusement,
eyes laughing at me.
“Wow, that smile is almost believable,” she teases, her straw slurping against the ice
in her now empty glass. The adorable frown she gives the cup is one of disapproval—like
it’s personally offended her by running out of alcohol. “Well, time to put this top to good
use for a free drink.”
I catch her by the arm before she can turn away, making her stumble into me. She
leans against my chest in that damn outfit that gives her so much cleavage it should be
illegal. “I’ll open a tab.”
I don’t know what possessed me to fund the drinks for her and her friends for the rest
of the night. But the idea of her flaunting around to other men, letting them think they
get to take advantage of her voluptuous body, makes me want to start snapping necks.
She lets out a delighted laugh, and steps over to her friends for another round of
shots. I can hear her tell them that I’m covering the tab and they lift their glasses to
cheers me before downing the tequila. I step back to lean against the bar counter,
settling in to watch the whirlwind that is girls night out.
If I thought sober Lexie was a handful, drunk Lexie is in a league of her own. Her
already confident demeanor is amplified by the alcohol and her inhibitions are almost
completely gone. Dancing on the bar with her girlfriends, becoming friendly with the
bartenders, and helping the emcee announce the karaoke line-up.
She even talked a guy into giving her his jacket because she got cold. She doesn’t
realize who he was and the significance of his jacket, but I recognized the NFL
linebacker instantly. Despite the number of people in the crowded bar, she’s the life of
the party. And she never stops laughing.
When her shoes come off, it’s time to go home. Ordering a car for her friends who live
in Harlem, I help them into their ride before toting Lexie to where I parked. But not
before she returns the jacket to the “nice, friendly, giant man with the cool ring.”
Revving the gran torino engine, I pull into traffic. You’d think at two in the morning
there wouldn’t be so many other cars on the road. One of the many charms of living in
the city that never sleeps.
“This car is so loud,” Lexie giggles to herself. I can feel her eyes on me. “You know
what they say about men with obnoxious cars.”
“No,” I lie. “What do they say?” There’s no telling what’ll come out of her mouth next,
but I want to hear it. I can’t help myself.
“That they’re overcompensating for their small dick.” She falls back against the seat,
tilting her head against the headrest.
“You think I have a small dick, Dewdrop?” My brows raise at her.
She remains unbothered, smile turning lazy as she eyes me knowingly.
“Not from what I’ve felt. You’ve probably got a big dick to match the rest of you.
You’re a very big boy, Callum.” Her words shoot straight to my cock.
“Maybe I’m compensating for something else.”
She doesn’t hesitate to voice her opinion and offer up a suggestion. “Like your
compulsive need for control and complete inability to express your feelings?”
“Maybe.” She’s too astute, even when she’s drunk. I run a hand over my beard,
turning right on red. She doesn’t notice my attitude shift.
“It’s ok, what you lack in the warm and fuzzies you make up for in badassery,” she
states. “Plus, you’re rich and super hot. That tends to make up for a lot of sins.”
“You think I’m hot?” My lips twitch in amusement.
Her animated face moves and I can see her eyes roll in my peripheral vision.
“I’m not blind. Of course I think you’re fucking hot. I thought we already had this
conversation.” She’s right, we did. Doesn’t mean I don’t like hearing her say it.
Driving another block, the engine echoes off concrete walls as I turn into our parking
“I think you’re hot.” Understatement of the fucking year.
“I am really hot. Not everyone likes fat babes, but some people also don’t like
chocolate. It’s really their loss. Like, do you see my boobs? Ridiculous.” I don’t get the
chance to agree on how fucking amazing her tits are before she’s changing the subject.
“Mmm, chocolate sounds good. Can we stop to get some? Oh, and garlic bread. I would
kill for some garlic bread right now.” She asks like we’re still driving and not already
parked in the Penthouse garage.
Climbing out, I circle around to lift her from the passenger seat. She smells like girlie
pink cocktails and tequila shots as she clings to me, unsteady on her heels. “I’m getting
you to bed.”
She laughs against me, her hands fisting my shirt. “Sounds good to me. Who knew it
would take a girls' night out for us to finally end up in bed together.”
“We’re not having sex tonight, Dewdrop.” She has no idea the amount of willpower I’m
using not to take her against the hood of the car right now. Instead, I’m guiding her
toward the elevator. Or at least attempting to.
“Jesus, it’s like trying to herd a cat,” I mutter the second time we have to turn around
to find her phone on the car floor, after already having gone back for her purse. Of
course, Lexie and her smart mouth has something to say about that.
“What, you can’t handle a little pussy? That explains a lot.” She feigns a sympathetic
look, her bottom lip sticking out in an exaggerated pout.
“That’s funny, considering you were just offering yours to me a minute ago.” When she
inches closer, my jaw tightens. She’s tempting fate, and the amount of power she holds
over me is maddening. I punch in the key code for the penthouse and the elevator doors
slide closed. Then we’re ascending.
Fucking finally.
“What’s the matter, you don’t want me anymore?” Her hands slide down my chest,
glassy eyes spark with salacious intent. I catch them in a firm grip before she can reach
my belt. Any lower and she’ll feel exactly how much I want her.
“You have no idea what I want from you, Lexie. But not like this,” I growl, irritation
warring with the lust chiseling away at my restraint. I’ve never been one to fold to
temptation simply because it was convenient. But fucking hell, I want Lexie and she’s
standing here literally begging me to take her.
“Oh, suddenly you’re so noble. Won’t kiss me because I’ve had a drink,” she scoffs, her
tone mocking.
She leans in, her generous breasts pressing to my chest and giving me an
unobstructed view down her already revealing top. I can feel my control start to slip, my
restraint fraying against her lush body. Fuck. Focusing on the potent anger that surges
through me, I use my hold on her wrists to put some distance between us.
“You didn’t just have a drink, you’re wasted. I’m not interested in a sloppy makeout
session in an elevator when you can’t even stand up straight, just because you’re a
horny drunk.” I use a little too much force when I push her to the other side of the
elevator. She stumbles, grabbing at the walls to steady herself. When she slumps against
the corner for support, she reaches into her bag and pulls out her phone.
“Fine, have it your way.” Her tone has my eyes narrowing.
“What are you doing?” I demand. The smile she gives me when her gaze flickers up to
mine is nothing short of sinful.
“Getting on Tinder. This horny drunk is getting laid tonight. If you’re not gonna do it,
then I’ll find someone who will.” Her answer has me seeing red. “Ooo, hello Rafael.”
“Give me the fucking phone, Lexie.” Before I know what I’m doing, her phone is in one
of my hands and the other takes a possessive hold of her throat, pinning her against the
wall. “Get on a dating app again, and I’ll leave a trail of asshats with their throats slit
across the city leading to your door.” I tower over her, fury radiating from every tensed
muscle. Her breath hitches against my hand on her neck, eyes glittering with
“You’re really hot when you’re angry.” She’s not the least bit intimidated. Instead,
she’s turned on by my show of dominance.
“You’re even more infuriating when you’re drunk,” I grate.
“You love it.”
I hate that she’s not wrong.
By the time we reach the top floor, Lexie’s legs are no longer supporting her. She
stumbles, reaching and grabbing for anything close enough to offer her support. Instead
of watching her topple around like a newborn giraffe, I decide it’s better to just carry
her inside.
Scooping her into my arms with her legs wrapped around my waist, the considerable
weight of her feels satisfying against me. My hands sink into the flesh of her ass through
the thin material of her pants, and it’s all I can do not to grope her. The way her arms
wrap around my neck as her head lays on my shoulder is foreignly intimate. I like the
way she trusts me to take care of her, to keep her safe.
Laying Lexie on her bed, her breasts bounce on impact, practically spilling out over
her top. They’re enticing—promising to be soft and supple. And fucking delicious. I want
to get lost in them, drown in them. A better man wouldn’t look at her like this;
inebriated and vulnerable. But I’ve never claimed to be chivalrous. And to hell if I’m not
going to look.
“It’s okay, you can look at my boobs. Everyone does, there’s no hiding them,” she says,
rising up to rest on her elbows. “I know you want to. You want a nice, long, hard look.”
Her eyes slide down my body and look pointedly at where my erection strains against
my pants. I’m fucking hard as a rock right now, all for her. “You do want me. I knew it.”
She falls back onto the pillows in a halo of blond waves. One step closer and I’m
standing over her.
“I do want you, Dewdrop.” Taking her chin in my hand, I turn her head until she’s
looking up at me with half-lidded eyes. She’ll pass out any minute now. “But when I have
you, you’re not going to be too drunk to remember it in the morning. You’re going to feel
every hard inch of me pounding into your pussy while I enjoy every inch of you.”
She smiles against my hand like I’ve said something amusing, her eyes closing.
“Promises, promises,” she murmurs, her voice trailing off as she gives in and lets
sleep drag her under. Out like a light.
I stand, looking at her while she sleeps. Trailing my hand from her face to her chest,
my fingertips tracing the dramatic swells of her large breasts above her neckline.
So fucking soft. Everything about her is soft, warm, and inviting.
She looks so peaceful like this, her chaos finally tamed by unconsciousness—when she
can’t challenge me with one of her witty retorts, or by doing something ridiculous like
twirling around a stage with a sparkly microphone.
But as infuriating as her chaos is, I almost miss it. I hate the emptiness that creeps
into the gap her missing presence has left in the room. What used to be peaceful for me
is now feeling an awful lot like loneliness. Standing here with her in the silence is almost
Lexie lay, dead to the world, completely at my mercy. I can do whatever I want with
her, there’s nothing to stop me. Brushing a tendril of hair from her face, I let my hand
My fingers itch to wander and explore, but I keep my hand where it is modestly on her
waist as I pull her until she’s laying on her side. I can’t let her choke on her own vomit
while she sleeps, we have unfinished business.
Chapter Fifteen: Callum

he sound of my phone ringing on the desk next to me pulls my eyes away from my
computer screen. Seeing the name on the device, I lean back in my chair to answer
“Matteo Manici,” I greet. “It’s been a while, your family has been a little too quiet
lately.” Like a toddler in another room with a pair of scissors. The Manici family has
been awful quiet over in Chicago. Quiet with mafia families like theirs always adds up to
something. Usually trouble.
“We’ve been keeping our heads down while we get a few things up and running.
Obtaining and renovating a hotel means we gotta keep our noses clean while we work
through the approval process.” The approval process he’s referring to undoubtedly
includes cutting through red tape, back room handshakes, and bribes.
“A hotel? What, did you steal it?” I’m only half joking.
“I considered it, but that would just give me more paperwork than I have the patience
for,” he chuckles. I believe that.
“What’s making you call? Business or pleasure?” I ask.
“A little bit of both,” Matteo admits. “We’re hosting a soft opening of the new place
and my father would like you to come. I wouldn’t mind either.”
I’ve known Frederico Manici, the Don of Chicago, since I was a teenager. Of course
back then he was enemy number one to the Grassos family here in New York. And with
my loyalties tied tightly to the Family, he was my enemy too. It took several attempts
over a few years for us to be able to work together. Now I’m indispensable.
“What am I coming for? You want me to fluff some pillows for you?”
“We’ll have you set up in a suite here to enjoy our beautiful new establishment. Plus,
there are a few players here my father wants you to keep an eye on at the opening.”
Ahh, there it is. The Manici’s might have been able to work their way through the
process, but they’re not home-free yet. I’m their contingency plan in case there’s trouble
with the opening. A safety net.
“How could I refuse an offer like that,” I reply, accepting the invitation. “Send me the
details and I’ll be there.”
“It’s already sent,” Matteo says. Ending the call, I check for his message and confirm
the dates and time for my schedule. The Raven in downtown Chicago is a five star
luxury hotel with a three michelin star restaurant and separate bar.
I can see why the Manici’s wanted the place, it’s a prime legal cover for money
laundering and their many other less-than-legal businesses. That’s good news for me,
because when their business grows so does my retainer check.
Stepping out of my office, I pause to quietly observe the scene laid out in the living
room. Lexie is sitting on the floor, a three course meal set up on the coffee table with a
glass of wine, a reality show playing on the tv.
Her meal consists of a plate with three types of bruschetta, sauteed asparagus, and a
plate of curly fries. A can of Mountain Dew sits next to a glass of what I’m assuming is
her favorite red wine. There’s something oddly sweet about the sight of her like this, a
total mix of elegant and casual. Her eyes stay on the screen as she takes a sip of her
wine, puts the glass back down, then leans forward to grab her phone from the floor a
few feet away when it chimes with a notification.
I knew kissing her would only make things worse for me, and I was right. I’ve gotten a
taste, and now I need all of her. A taste wasn’t nearly enough—I need to consume her,
devour every part of her.
Lexie’s laugh pulls my focus. But she’s not laughing at the show playing on the screen,
she’s laughing at something on her phone. Another chime sounds and she smiles before
tapping away. She’s texting someone. Who is making her smile like that? A man? The
thought churns dark in my stomach and my eyes narrow on her.
“The dining room table is behind you.” Her bright eyes pull away from the small
screen in her hand to glance at the formal dining room less than twenty feet behind her,
before lowering back to her phone. My jaw tightens; she didn’t even look at me.
Who the fuck is stealing her attention? My fists clench with the urge to rip the device
right out of her fingers and force her to focus on me.
“I know. I like the floor,” she says passively, tapping on the screen. Another laugh at
her phone has me turning on my heel to stalk back into my office. The door closes
soundly behind me and I sit behind my computer.
I know exactly what’s possessing me to dig into Lexie’s phone records, and I don’t
fight it. I need to know who’s making her blush and giggle like a school-girl with a
fucking crush. I’ll find the man who thinks he can have what’s mine. By the end of the
night, I’ll know everything about the fucker. There’s no hiding from me.
Chapter Sixteen: Lexie

hy am I going tonight?” I ask, walking into the living room. I was surprised
when Callum mentioned the party for New York’s elite, even more surprised
when he extended an invitation. Or rather, demanded my attendance “Are you expecting
trouble at the Governor’s mansion?”
“I always expect trouble.” Callum turns at the sound of my voice, his eyes running
over me from head to toe. Disapproval flashes across his face, making my stomach drop.
He reaches for the jacket I discarded onto the back of a kitchen stool after having pulled
it out of the closet.
“What are you planning on doing with that?” I can’t help but feel offended by his dirty
look, the indignation coming out in my dry tone.
“It’s cold, and that dress barely covers you,” Callum states, like I’m not already
“Are you saying I should change?” I challenge. I’m way past covering my body when a
man takes me in public, no matter who he is. The next words out of his mouth will tell
me a lot about what kind of a man he is. Callum’s eyes move over me, taking in every
inch of my appearance—navy blue cocktail dress, strappy gold heels, gold mini bag.
“I’m saying you need to wear a coat.” The demanding edge in his tone grates on my
nerves, making my defiance flare. The ever-in-control Callum asserts his dominance
every chance he gets. But having him tell me what to do simply makes me want to do
the complete opposite.
“I don’t need to do anything, Callum. But thanks for your concern.” Even if I was
planning on wearing a coat, there’s no way in hell I’m putting it on now.
“So fucking stubborn.” Jaw clenched, he stares me down, his gaze meant to intimidate
me into submission. Instead, I remain unaffected just to spite him.
“You do know you can’t actually pierce me with your stares, right?” I deadpan as he
peers down at me expectantly. Hazel eyes don’t falter as he waits, holding my coat open
for arms that will not be cooperating. He can keep waiting.
“I’m sure if you could really cut me with that sharp wit of yours, I would’ve bled out a
long time ago,” he replies evenly. The mask of calm is set firmly in place, but I can hear
the tension in his voice. His annoyance only fuels my need to poke at him.
“Oh, you wouldn’t die. I’d stitch you up.” I offer him a smile that’s sugar and spice and
everything nice, batting my eyelashes. “But only once you said please.”
Callum’s shoulders set in determination, and I don’t miss how his eyes run over me.
The man is the definition of ‘tightly wound’. And I’d like nothing more than to tug at the
strings of his resolve and watch him unravel.
“Lexie, the only begging that’s going to happen between us will have nothing to do
with pain.” He leans closer. “Now put on your fucking coat.”
Liquid heat pools inside me, desire pulsing through my veins. The air in the room
thickens, the tension crackling between us like static electricity. My breathing changes,
I know he can see it. Just like how I can see the raw hunger in his eyes. But if he thinks
that he can control me by simply turning me on, he’s got another thing coming.
Pulling my eyes away, I look down and make a show of adjusting my breasts in my
dress. My cleavage is unbelievable with this neckline, I don’t have to draw attention to it
to know he’s looking.
He’s always looking.
“I don’t want to ruin my outfit. But if you’re so bothered by the cold, you can wear it.”
I flip my hair over my shoulder before I step past him, and the coat, with a saucy smile.
“I’ll meet you in the car.”
When I step into the elevator Callum is right on my heels, my coat still in his hands.
Looks like he’s determined to bring the damn thing with us, probably to try and force
me into it later. Roscoe steps in after us. “Wow, you clean up nice, Roscoe,” I say, taking
in his custom black suit. “Very dapper, you’re giving James Bond a run for his money.”
“I hate monkey suits.” He’s incapable of taking a compliment, but I can see the smile
twitch on his lips. I’m slowly wearing him down. “You look nice, as always.”
“Thanks.” I beam at him, using the praise to disguise my triumph over the small
victory. I’ll win him over yet. “I love any excuse to dress up.”
Something tells me tonight’s going to be very interesting.


Calling it the Governor’s mansion isn’t an understatement. Every intricate detail

screams luxury born from old money. Stepping past the threshold feels like entering an
alternate reality.
Everything about this atmosphere is too perfect to be real; the people more beautiful,
the live music flawless, the unnaturally white smiles too appeasing. Everywhere you
look polished people dressed in designer float around and converse in dulcet tones. The
diamonds are real and no smaller than my fist, and Rolex is the most affordable
timepiece adorning any man’s wrist.
I’m definitely not in Harlem anymore.
Following Callum’s lead, we move through the grand entryway into what can only be
described as a ballroom. Ornate cream walls hold decorative paneling and detailed
crown molding give the space a decadent feeling. An impressive crystal chandelier
hangs from the medallion in the center of the vaulted coffered ceiling, combining with
the wall sconces to bathe the room in romantic light. Aggressively pretty people mingle
around the room in clusters while uniformed waitstaff pass around trays of appetizers
and flutes of champagne.
“Mr. Russo,” A man calls as he approaches, a woman by his side.
“Jack Stanza, CEO of Capitol Energy.” Callum leans down to murmur into my ear,
giving me a cheatsheet to who is walking up. “Margot Primm, Governor’s Aide.”
“Welcome, so glad you could come.” Jack’s silver hair is quaffed with gel until it’s
visibly stiff. The poised woman, Margot, stands next to him with a sharp brown bob and
a smile that doesn’t reach her dull brown eyes.
“I never miss one of the Governor’s events when I’m in town,” Callum comments, his
voice taking on a light tone that sounds foreign coming from his mouth. I glance up at
him, surprised by the amiable expression on his face. I’ve never seen him look so
friendly before, it’s intriguing.
“Peter Wilcox and I were just discussing those pony bets from last quarter. He was so
sure that long shot was going to pay off,” Jack says, nodding to a tall, thin man standing
not too far away. “I believe we both owe you quite a bit of money.”
“Oh, I remember,” Callum says easily with a laugh. Who is this carefree man beside
me? “I always remember my wins, that’s the real reason I’m here. I came to collect
before Wilcox tries to leave the country again.” Jack chuckles deeply at Callum’s joke,
nodding largely.
“I don’t blame you, I wouldn’t trust us with our losses either.” Jack gestures towards
the human stringbean named Peter Wilcox. “It’s time we paid the piper.”
“I’ll find you later,” Callum murmurs into my ear, meeting my eyes. I look up at him
and nod casually. Turning to address the older gentleman he says “Lead the way.”
I watch the two men walk away, leaving me with Margot. The Governor’s Aide is rail
thin, with a haughty air about her that oozes judgment and condescension. Her black
chiffon dress definitely cost three figures, easy. “I love your dress. Is it Ralph Lauren?”
“Thank you, it’s Badgley Mischka.” Something about the way Margot accepts my
compliment doesn’t feel anywhere as gracious as it should. Her eyes move over me in a
way that makes my stomach knot. “Your dress is very bold of you. Such a brave choice, I
applaud your confidence.”
The underhanded insult is more aggressive than passive, hidden only under a fake
smile. My kind smile turns knowing, making a show of smoothing my hands down my
waist and over my hips.
“Wow, that means a lot coming from someone like you.” I let my gaze move pointedly
over her. “If you’ll excuse me.” With that, I’m walking past her, grabbing a flute of
champagne off a tray as it passes.
I consider finding a quiet corner to hide from any more snotty comments about my
body in this dress. But then a woman named Christine asks me where I get my nails
done and I decide to mingle for a while instead. Every once in a while, I catch sight of
Callum making his way around the room.
Even standing in a crowd of other important men dressed in expensive custom suits,
Callum stands out. His size draws focus, standing a head above everyone around him.
But it’s his dominating presence that makes it nearly impossible to look away.
Callum commands respect, knowing exactly how to engage with each person in order
to get it. Watching him charm his way through a room is fascinating, a box jellyfish
easily navigating deep sea waters. Deceptively elegant and captivating to distract from
the potent deadliness of his sting.
When Callum smiles, his whole face transforms. The storm clouds dissipate, leaving
nothing but clear skies over a sea of charm. The edges of his angular, bearded face
soften, any sign of danger melting into charisma. But when I really look at him, I can tell
there’s something missing—warmth, humor, enjoyment. It’s a fake smile, a mask
perfected with time to appeal to this intended audience. A tool to disarm and engage.
And it’s fucking working. The people around him are falling for it hook, line, and sinker.
Meeting my eyes over Christine’s head, I offer him a very fake smile of my own. One
equally as bright and full of sugary-sweet false promises. His eyes narrow slightly, and I
know he can read exactly what I’m saying.
I see you, Callum. They don’t, but I do.
Our eye contact is severed when a figure steps in front of me, filling my view. My eyes
lift to the blonde hair, blue eyed man smiling at me. The royal blue of his suit is a pop of
color amongst the sea of black and gray covering the other men in attendance. His grin
is friendly, if not a little cocky, flashing straight white teeth that belong in a toothpaste
commercial. There’s something about him, a cheesiness to his charm, that feels almost
“I don’t think we’ve met, I’m Daniel Taylor,” he says, his eyes flickering to my
generous cleavage none too discreetly. “I couldn’t go the entire night without learning
your name.” He’s not exactly my usual type, but Daniel’s a good-looking man. So I give
him a bright smile.
“We wouldn’t have met, I’m new to New York.” Taking a sip of my champagne, I peer
up at him through my lashes. “I’m Lexie.”
“Well, New York is lucky to have you, Lexie.” He knows how to play the game, and he’s
decent at it. “Where are you from?”
“Astoria, Oregon. It’s a coastal town.”
“From one coast to the other, that’s a big change. What brings you all the way across
the country to our fair city?”
“I’m a travel nurse, I came for a contract,” I answer. “Although, from my experience,
concrete jungle is a more accurate description than our fair city.” Daniel’s blinding
smile widens and his head tilts back in a hearty laugh. If he was a cartoon, he’d
definitely be cast as the charming prince who galiantly comes charging in on his white
horse to save the day whether you want his rescue or not.
“I can’t disagree with that description,” Daniel laughs. “Who do you know in the
Governor’s office? Did you come alone?” His tone is asking if I plan on leaving alone. His
eyes flicker over my shoulder, a look of recognition flashing across his face. I can feel
Callum’s presence behind me even before he speaks.
“Taylor, I see you’ve met Lexie.”
“Russo,” Daniel’s eyes move between me and the giant now pressing to my back. The
heat of his body mixes with mine from our proximity. “I suppose I can’t be surprised that
this is your date.”
I’m tempted to argue that I’m not Callum’s date, but I guess it’s technically true. I did
come as his plus one. And with the competitive air between the two men, a statement
like that seems like striking a match while soaked in gasoline.
Not a good idea.
“How do you two know each other?” I ask, changing the subject. Or at least trying to.
My question fails to ease the tension. Instead it supplies Callum with more ammo.
“Taylor is legal counsel for the Governor.” There’s something taunting in Callum’s
voice when he explains. “He deals with the less complicated matters.”
I nod in understanding when realization hits me, making Daniel’s eyes narrow ever so
slightly. Callum fixes the messes Daniel can’t, he’s the one burying the skeletons that
pile in their closets to keep their noses clean. Their relationship is based on respect built
around fear and power. Callum’s power. It seems like every relationship Callum has is
very complex—a balancing act of nuance and intimidation. They need him, but they
resent him for it.
Daniel looks like he’s biting his tongue. He catches the eye of another man not too far
away, gesturing to him in greeting. “Pleasure as always, Russo.” The flat, sarcastic edge
in his voice melts into warmth when his focus shifts to me. His hand reaches for mine,
lifting it to his lips. “It was so lovely to meet you, Lexie. I hope our paths cross again
soon.” His lips are a whisper over my knuckles before he lets go, but not before Callum
steps out from behind me to stand at my side.
“You too, Daniel,” I say simply with a soft smile. With that he’s moving on, his
energetic charm reviving as he greets another man enthusiastically. Even as the blonde
man is walking away, Callum’s presence doesn’t ease up.
“You go to one party and you’re already getting cozy with one of the biggest tools in
the state,” Callum states roughly. “One with heavy baggage he’s never able to carry for
himself. Maybe I should cut him loose and see if he drowns.” There’s destruction in his
voice, a desire to cause ruin.
“Are you jealous?” I ask, baiting him. Surprisingly, this time he bites.
“What if I am?” he counters gruffly, his mouth at my ear sends a shiver down my spine
and liquid fire pooling between my legs. Looking up at him, I meet his eyes and take a
sip of my champagne. He’s so sexy I have a hard time pulling my eyes away.
“I’d be shocked half to death. Jealousy is an emotion.” My tone is half teasing as I
feign a concerned expression through the desire building inside me. “Careful, Callum,
your humanity is showing.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet.”
“Haven’t I?” I counter, plastering on a fake smile so bright that it burns straight
through his mask of calm. Callum’s jaw clenches, his expression darkening until he’s
glaring at me. The thunder is back, his dark cloud dominating the space until it feels
“Stop.” His low demand is all bite and no bark, sending a shiver down my spine and
drenching my panties.
“Stop what?” My brows raise in feigned innocence.
“You don’t want to play this game with me, Dewdrop. I don’t lose.” He steps closer
until we’re practically chest to chest. I look up at him, meeting his gaze evenly.
“I would never play games with you, Callum.” I tilt my head slightly to one side.
“You’re far too serious to waste your time on something ridiculous like having fun.”
“I’d like to pull you into the other room and have some fun. I can think of a few
activities I’d enjoy doing with you and those gorgeous tits of yours.”
“Wow, do you really only ever think with your dick?” My voice comes out more breathy
than confident, the sass draining out as desire hits me fast and hard. He’s so close, and
my eyes can’t help but catch on his lips.
“Two heads are better than one.” Callum’s voice is deep, his eyes hungry.
“Mmm, so far I’m not impressed with either of them.” My gaze slowly slides from his
lips back to his hazel eyes in invitation. “I guess you’ll just have to take me into the
other room and prove it.”
The moment my words register, we’re moving. Callum’s strong grip on my waist
doesn’t falter as he leads us out of the ballroom. We pause briefly in the doorway for
Callum to find someone in the crowd. I follow his gaze in time to see his silent
conversation with Roscoe, before I’m being pulled into the hallway.
Anticipation thrums inside me as we move through the house, his pace purposeful. He
clearly knows where we’re going, leading me down a darkened hallway meant to be off
limits for the party. Stopping at the end of the corridor, Callum opens a door and pulls
me inside.
It’s a home office, most likely belonging to the Governor. I’m briefly able to see the
built-in bookshelves that line the walls, completely filled with uniform books with
decorative spines. The ornate furniture matches the rest of the historic house; wing
chairs facing a brick fireplace, a carved coffee table, heavy drapes. A large desk sits
opposite the door, framed by two tall, arched windows trimmed in crown molding.
As soon as I’m in the room, Callum’s closing the door and pressing me against it. His
hand reaches over to flick on the lights as his lips descend on mine. There’s no
preamble, the time for teasing is over. All that’s left is domination and desire, his thick
frame taking over mine.
Large hands are on me, fisting in my hair and sinking into the ample flesh of my ass. A
sigh escapes my lips, lighting a fire to Callum’s short fuse. The hand in my hair
untangles to reach down and grab hold of my thighs, forcing my legs to wrap around
him as I’m being lifted.
My sound of surprise as Callum pulls me off the door and carries me across the office
is met by a grunt of approval, his mouth never leaving mine. He places me down on the
edge of the desk, pulling back to remove his suit coat and toss it over the back of a
Like a predator stalking its prey, his eyes never leave me as he unbuttons each cuff of
his crisp white shirt and impatiently rolls the sleeves up to his elbows, revealing the
intricate artwork decorating his strong forearms. Just the sight of him like this is almost
enough to unravel me; beard, tattoos, and the consuming desire in his piercing gaze. His
dangerous intensity is like a pheromone, leaving me intoxicated.
I watch with bated breath, the hunger growing inside me with each beat of my racing
heart until it’s almost unbearable. The separation only lasts seconds, but it’s far too long
and does nothing to dampen the potent chemistry charged between us. And then he’s
kissing me again, touching me.
Strong hands are pulling my dress straps down my arms. His lips on mine are
demanding, tasting and exploring in long, deep pulls. It’s all fire, hunger, and need. As
soon as the dress is down far enough, my bra cups are being pulled down next.
Callum’s large hands touch every inch of my skin as soon as it’s exposed, groaning
against my lips. Electricity spreads through me under his touch, and I gasp as his
fingers explore. His lips leave mine when he leans back to look at me, ravenous eyes
taking in my bare breasts—rosy, giant, and heavy. My skin flushes under his gaze, lust
licking through my veins as my heart hammers with anticipation.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he murmurs deeply, his hands returning to my breasts
like he can’t help himself. I sigh as his lips join his hands in worshiping my chest,
arching into his touch. The scrape of his beard against my delicate flesh heightens every
sensation. His breath is hot against my skin. “I’ve thought about getting my hands on
these incredible tits so many fucking times. They’re even better than I dreamed they’d
“You know me, I aim to please.” My head falls back and I catch my bottom lip between
my teeth to bite back a moan. His lips are sinful.
“Don’t do that.” Callum nips at my skin, sending a bolt of pleasure through me until I
“Don’t do what?” I ask, breathless. His mouth moves over the sensitive skin of my left
breast, tasting and appreciating every inch while his greedy hand kneads the other.
“Don’t hold back.” His voice vibrates against my skin, sending a shiver through every
nerve ending in my body. “I want to hear everything—every moan, every gasp, every
sound of pleasure. I want fucking all of it. It’s mine. I earned it.” His mouth latches onto
my nipple and a long moan falls from my lips. My hands reach for his head to thread my
fingers through his hair and pull him closer. A hum of gratification ripples through him,
his mouth sending sparks over my skin.
I’m so hot, so wet.
“I need more,” I pant, overwhelmed by need. Callum doesn’t hesitate to grant my
request. His lips don’t falter in their attentions on my breast, but his hand is trailing up
my thigh under my dress. I lift my hips to allow my hem to be pushed up around my
waist. He tugs my panties down my legs and over my heels, allowing my thick thighs to
spread open wide enough to bare myself to him. The breath hitches in my chest when
his skilled fingers press to my exposed pussy, his thumb strumming over my swollen clit
in maddening circles.
“Oh, God,” I pant, pleasure spreading through every part of my body. His fingers
plunge inside me, stealing my breath.
“You’re so wet for me, Dewdrop,” he growls against my breast, his head lifting to meet
my eyes. His fingers pump into me, hitting my g-spot until stars dance across my vision,
his circling thumb driving me into delirium. “So damn responsive. Fuck.” When he
catches my nipple in his mouth and tugs it with his teeth, I shatter into a million pieces.
“Yes!” The word tumbles out of my mouth over and over as I ride the wave of pleasure
carrying me away. “Oh, Callum.”
“That’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever heard,” Callum groans, withdrawing his
hands to lower to his knees. “You’re such a good girl for me, Dewdrop. Look at this
pretty pussy. I bet you taste as good as you look.”
The first flick of his tongue makes my hips jerk, a soft cry escaping me. “Just what I
thought,” he murmurs, voice rough with primal gratification. My body is teetering on a
cliff, climbing higher and higher with each touch. My hands fist in his hair passionately,
holding him against me.
“What do I taste like?”
“You taste…” his tongue flattens over my slit in a long, smooth stroke. Savoring,
torturing. “Addicting.” Strong hands grip my thighs as they try to clamp around his head
on their own accord, holding me in place to allow his mouth to devour without
interruption. The roughness of his facial hair contrasts with the heat of his mouth,
pushing me closer to the edge of bliss.
“Oh god, yes. Callum.” I chant his name, tugging on his hair. He growls against me
hungrily, the vibrations making my nerve endings fire all at once. His tongue enters me
over and over, the heat searing me from the inside out.
“When we leave here, I’m going to shake the Governor’s hand with you on my fingers,
and my tongue.” His thumb joins to rub my clit in slow, steady circles while he fucks me
with his tongue, the stimulation is too much. It’s all I can do not to scream as I fall over
the edge, tumbling and freefalling into a sea of euphoria.
My thighs shake beneath his hands as I come. The orgasm lasts minutes instead of
seconds, Callum lapping up every last drop like I’m his favorite delicacy. “My pretty pink
nurse, such a dirty girl.” He stands, using my hands in his hair to pull me closer. There’s
a look of primal satisfaction in his eyes, his beard glistening with the evidence of my
Our lips meet sensually, panting for breath, and I can taste myself on his lips. It’s
surprisingly erotic and wildly arousing—something I’m sure Callum would agree with by
the impressive erection pressing against my thigh through his pants. It would be so easy
for him to step between my thighs, unzip his pants, and take me right here on the edge
of the desk. And it seems like he plans to do exactly that, his lips urgent against mine.
Until his phone goes off.
Turning to pull it out of his discarded suit coat pocket, he curses when he reads it.
“It’s Roscoe,” he says, less than pleased. “Apparently the Governor’s looking for me.”
“We should get back to the party.” I’m still struggling to catch my breath, but my
hands are already moving to pull my bra back into place. “They’ll see more than they
bargained for if they send out a search party, and I’m not in the mood to give them a
When I move to fix the top of my dress, Callum beats me to it. His fingers trail up the
skin of my arms with the straps, dragging them back where they belong on my
Taking a step back, he holds out a hand to help me down from my perch. Hopping
down onto unsteady legs, I can’t help but lean against him for support as I regain my
composure. Callum catches me readily, his expression one of frustrated satisfaction.
“I’m going to speak to the Governor and say our goodbyes,” he says, watching intently
as I step back into my panties, navigating my heels, then shimmy them back up my legs
and under my dress. Tugging the skirt back down, I smooth my hands over my dress to
make sure I’m back to looking presentable. “Then I’m taking you home, Dewdrop.”
Whatever Callum has planned for us is promptly shut down when we re-enter the
ballroom. Roscoe stands waiting, leaning in to whisper something into his boss’ ear the
moment he’s close enough. And whatever he says isn’t good news, judging by the set of
Callum’s jaw. His eyes cut to me in consideration, hand running over his beard as he
makes a decision about something.
After a long moment, he finally gives Roscoe a short nod, his expression deeply
irritated when he leans in to murmur something to him. The enforcer’s focus lands on
me briefly, making me wonder if I’m their topic of discussion or simply a component of
it. I’m half tempted to open my mouth and ask what they’re whispering about, but I
don’t get the chance.
“There you are, Callum.” Governor McCann approaches with his arms wide. There’s
an unsteadiness to him, which probably has something to do with the empty bourbon
glass in his hand. “I was beginning to think you snuck out on me.” Callum’s easy smile is
instant as he seamlessly slips into character.
“You know I’d never do that to you, Harrison,” Callum insists, “But I do need to be
going, I have some business that apparently can’t wait until morning.”
“Ah, well business comes first.” If I wasn’t watching so closely, I would’ve easily
missed the conspiratorial wink the Governor shoots at the man beside me. Callum
chuckles with a nod, the rich sound vibrating through me. “Keep in touch. And I expect
to see you at the club next month for a rematch.”
“I wouldn’t miss it.” With Callum’s confirmation, Harrison McCann’s glassy gaze
moves to me.
“It was an absolute pleasure to meet you, Lexie. I hope to see you at another function
very soon.” Even buzzed, his charisma is smooth and eloquent. Spoken like a true
politician. My smile in return is friendly.
“It was great meeting you, Governor.” Is my gracious reply.
“Duty calls, I won’t keep you.” Governor McCann extends his arm towards Callum. My
eyes meet Callum’s when he reaches out to clasp hands in a firm shake. The same hand
that was just inside me less than five minutes ago. His words from the office echo
through my head, turning my insides into molten lava.
When we leave here, I’m going to shake the Governor’s hand with you on my fingers,
and my tongue.
With one last round of goodbyes, Callum leads me outside to the town car waiting in
the circular drive. The heat coursing through me has my heart pounding in my chest
until I’m practically breathless. The feeling of the firm hand on the small of my back
burns straight to the throbbing between my thighs. When the car door is opened for me
and I slide in alone, the only thing keeping my protest from being spoken like a horny,
needy, sex addict is my pride.
Callum remains just a few inches away, hand clamped firmly on the top of the door as
he stands staring down at me. The man is as rigid as a statue, he may as well be carved
from marble.
He nods to the driver at the wheel, “Corbin will take you back to the penthouse. I have
to put out a few fires for business.” The regret in his voice is almost tangible, easing a
sliver of my irritation.
He needs to put out the fire he started between my legs.
Biting the smart remark on the tip of my tongue, I simply nod in response. Pressing
my thighs together in an attempt to ease some of the pressure there, it does nothing to
dampen my needs. It takes another long moment of passionate staring before Callum
finally steps back and closes the door firmly.
The drive back to the penthouse is spent in silence. I can feel the driver’s eyes on me
in the rearview mirror periodically, but I ignore his curiosity. By the time I’m back in the
elevator, the desire pumping through my veins is too much to ignore.
I’m home alone, but I switch the lock on my bedroom door anyway. The last thing I
need is to be interrupted. Reaching for the top drawer of my night stand, a comforting
hum fills the air. My eyes close as I lay back on the pile of pillows, a sigh escaping me as
some of the pent up tension is replaced with vibrations and sensation. As I’m carried
away, images play behind my eyelids—hazel eyes devouring me, impeccable beard
building delicious friction, and strong fingers coaxing and demanding pleasure.
Chapter Seventeen: Lexie

y teeth catch on my bottom lip to stifle a yawn, half-heartedly singing along to
the music under my breath as I sprinkle flour to prepare my surface to knead.
The sound of the front door unlocking and opening must have been drowned out by the
music playing over the speakers, because suddenly there’s a giant figure looming
behind me.
Turning, my heart stops at the man standing just a foot away, my hands flying to my
chest in a cloud of flour and startled curses. “Fuck, Callum!” I breathe when my heart
finally restarts. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“What are you still doing up?” His question has me looking at the clock on my phone
that’s laying on the counter next to me. Since when is it three-thirteen in the morning?
“I’m baking and must’ve lost track of time,” I say with a shrug. It’s technically the
truth, but a strategic one so he can’t read the lie on my face with those all-seeing eyes of
his. The hazel gaze pins me where I stand, narrowing slightly as he reads me.
“Baking what?”
“Oh,” I pull in a deep breath of excitement that promises to overshare and go into
painful amounts of detail. “I found a recipe for strawberry cake on Pinterest. The picture
caught my attention, because it’s pink cake—and who wouldn’t stop to look at pink
cake? I’m a sucker for it every single time. Plus it looked light and refreshing, kinda like
strawberry shortcake but a little different since the strawberries are baked right in
instead of just put on top. And I knew we had that carton of strawberries in the fridge
that was about to go bad. So I had to try it before it was too late.”
“That’s strawberry cake?” Callum asks skeptically, nodding to my covered bowl on the
counter next to the floured surface.
“Of course not,” The look I flash at him says duh. “The cake is in the oven.” I point to
the timer counting down the last few minutes on the fancy convection oven.
“This,” I announce, pulling the cloth off the bowl with a flourish. “Is bread dough that
I found on the same page as the cake. It was the pin right under it, so I just had to look
at the recipe to see if we even had all of the ingredients—which we do by the way. It’s
for artisan bread, which is apparently supposed to be super crusty and perfect for
bruschetta. And you know how I feel about bruschetta.”
“Yes, I do,” the deep rasp in Callum’s voice has my train of thought flying off the rails
as my eyes meet his. Despite the ingredients scattered around the kitchen, Callum’s
ravenous perusal remains solely focused on me. He’s looking at me like I’m the cake
that he wants to savor on his tongue then fully ravage. A tongue I can still feel seering
through me until I’m weak at the knees.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what? How am I looking at you, Dewdrop?”
“Like you want to eat me alive,” I deadpan.
“I’d like to devour every edible inch of you. I remember exactly how good you taste.”
Dammit, if that isn’t the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. My insides are quickly liquifying,
despite my best efforts to reason with my own hormones. How can I feel like this from
just a few words and a look from Callum? I need to shut this down.
Luckily my battery operated boyfriend took the edge off just enough for me to remain
skeptical instead of swoon like I’m tempted to.
“Really, this does it for you?” I look down at my pajama shorts and matching top, pink
with a pattern of cartoon ice cream cones. The eyeful he’s getting from me is probably a
complete mess—curled blonde hair piled high on the top of my head in a messy bun, my
full glam from the party still covering my face, and all with an uneven dusting of white
bread flour. Yet Callum’s gazing at me like an addict looking longingly at his drug of
“I thought I made myself clear.” His voice is rough and hungry. “You do it for me.”
“Well, if you haven’t noticed, I'm used to taking care of myself. Which is exactly what I
did tonight. I don’t need you.” My eyes slide down his body to look pointedly at where
his erection is pressing against his pants.
“Time to end that habit, starting now.”
“Move on, Callum. We had a moment on that desk.” His eyes darken lustfully at the
mention of what happened between us earlier tonight. “The moment’s over.”
“You’re lying to yourself if you think tonight was a fluke or a fleeting moment. What
happened on that desk wasn’t the end for us, Dewdrop. It was only the beginning.” He
steps closer, his hand surprisingly gentle as his thumb brushes a smudge of flour from
my cheek. Eyes caught passionately, my breath hitches in my throat making his gaze
flicker to my lips.
He wants to kiss me, I can read it in every tensed muscle in his body. And god, do I
want him to do it. If I was thinking clearly, I’d probably have a little alarm bell ringing in
my head right about now.
Callum is danger. But right now I’m feeling reckless without a cause.
If I tilt my head even a fraction, he’ll take the invitation without hesitating. He’ll
swoop in like a predator pouncing on his prey. And just when I’m about to give him the
green light, the oven timer goes off to announce that it’s time to take the cake out.
Shamed by the bell.
“And just like that, another moment gone,” I murmur, stepping away from his caress.
“I should get the cake out of the oven before it burns.”
“This conversation isn’t over, Dewdrop.” Even facing away from him I can feel the
determination pouring from the man behind me.
I can’t argue with him, because I can feel the truth of his words. So instead I simply
say “Good night, Callum.”
Chapter Eighteen: Lexie

have a date. A first date.
Take deep, slow breaths.
This will be good. I’ll meet up with him, get a few drinks, have some flirty
conversation. Maybe make-out a little if the mood is right. It’ll be fun… right?
At the very least I’ll meet someone new and check out a cool bar in the city. Not to
mention it’s a few hours not spent fantasizing about the sexy man back at the penthouse
that I’m trying desperately to maintain a professional relationship with—I could cut the
sexual tension between us with a knife.
Agreeing to go on a date with the golden retriever boy from the dating app has me
more nervous than I’d like to admit. I know I look good in my pretty periwinkle dress
with a corset top and puff sleeves. I feel pretty and confident. The word shy has never
been used to describe me. But I am a little jittery, just like I am before every first date.
It’s only natural.
My phone chimes with a location pin and a message from Eric. ‘Waiting for you in
the alley near the south entrance.’ Why would he want me to meet him in the
alleyway behind the parking garage? Parking is ridiculously expensive in the city,
especially in this neighborhood. I assumed we’d be taking the subway.
My hand tightens on the taser in my purse as I round the corner.
Eric stands a few feet down the alleyway, I recognize his mop of black curls from his
photos. He stands stiffly, dwarfed by the bulky frame of the man standing right behind
him. I stare at the man, the air leaving my lungs. Hazel eyes stare at me over my date’s
“Callum.” His name is ripped out of me by the shock, my heart rate picking up speed.
One large tattooed arm is wrapped firmly across Eric’s chest, pinning him in place. The
glint of gleaming metal catches the light, making me feel like I’m going to vomit.
“I’m surprised you’d meet us back here. I thought you’d be smarter than to meet a
man off the internet in a back alleyway. People are found dead in places like this all the
time.” Callum’s condescending tone is laced with something terrifying—a deadly intent
that matches the darkness in his eyes as he presses the large knife to his captive’s
“Why are you doing this? Let him go.” I inch closer, unable to focus on anything other
than the sharp blade pressing angrily against delicate skin. Eric’s eyes on me are a
silent cry for help, his breaths coming out in harsh bursts through his nose. I stare back
at him, just as powerless to the man holding us both hostage.
“I don’t like to repeat myself, Lexie. But you were drunk, so I’ll make an exception just
this once,” Callum says. “I will slit the throat of any man who thinks they can have you.”
He means it, and even worse—he intends to carry out this threat while we’re standing
“Don’t.” I choke on the word, the air leaving my lungs doesn’t seem to be returning as
I try to suck in. “Please, don’t.”
“You didn’t take me seriously the first time. I’m sure you won’t make that mistake
again.” He drags the knife across Eric’s neck in an agonizingly slow, controlled
movement. The skin slices easily under the sharp edge. “Get on a dating app again, I’ll
kill every man who thinks they have a chance with you. You’ll watch as I split them open
from ear to ear.”
Eric’s eyes widen in agony as blood ribbons from the clean sever. The choking sound
that’s ripped from him echoes between the buildings, a sound that will haunt my dreams
until the day I die.
“Stop,” I plead, tears pricking behind my eyes. “I won’t even look at another man.
Please, just stop.” It’s a promise.
Callum’s blade pauses its movement, leaving the job half finished. His dark eyes drill
into me, a harbinger of death and destruction. Completely unrepentant for the carnage
he leaves in his wake, demanding more when it fits his needs.
Any relief I feel when he removes the knife and steps back is squashed when Roscoe
steps forward in Callum’s place. In three long strides, Callum is in front of me, towering
like the grim reaper. One of his hands is at my waist, the other gripping my skull,
spearing through my hair roughly at the nape of my neck. I crane to look him in the eye
like his hold demands.
“I don’t know how I can make this any more clear to you. You’re mine, Lexie. No one
else gets to have you.” His fury ripples in waves beneath his cold, calm exterior.
“Yes.” My response comes out defeated.
“Good.” Callum gives a quick nod and Roscoe allows Eric to slump to the ground like a
bag of rocks, gasping and sputtering. He gapes like a trout floundering on land,
clutching at his throat in an attempt to stop the bleeding. It’s no use. Callum stopped
slicing half way, but the cut is deep—definitely hitting the carotid artery.
The blood is gushing too fast, spurting in the rhythm of his erratic heartbeat, and Eric
is already fading. I move to help him, every instinct in my body screaming at me to save
him. But Callum’s punishing grip yanks me back, forcing me to watch helplessly as the
man slowly expires.
“We’re leaving,” Callum announces, pulling me a step towards the garage. I dig in my
heels, pushing against his hold in an attempt to resist. His hand in my hair tightens
painfully, keeping me on a very short leash.
“I can’t let him die. Let me help him.” He leverages his hold on me until I’m looking up
at him, his gaze demanding to be my sole focus. “Please, Cal.”
“Once you’re in the car I’ll let you call for help and maybe they get to him in time.” His
hand in my hair turns my head to look at the man bleeding out on the pavement, the
man who will die. Because of me. “Or we can both stand here and watch as he bleeds
In the close proximity, my chest presses against Callum with each shallow breath. His
domineering presence engulfs me. I’m so overwhelmed with emotion, an eerie
numbness settles over my body. I don’t want to leave Eric like this, he’s nice. But I don’t
really have any other choice, not if leaving with Callum gives Eric a chance to survive. I
can’t stand here and watch him die, I’ll never get over it.
“Okay, what? Use your words, Lexie.” The words are said in both taunt and triumph.
“Okay, I’ll get in the fucking car.”
“Good girl,” he murmurs, his eyes lighting with victory. My loathing for this man
swells, anger leaving a bitter taste in my mouth as I allow Callum to pull me away.
Unable to help myself, I twist to cast a glance over my shoulder, trying to get one last
look at Eric before we turn the corner. Roscoe’s crouching over him, probably promising
to finish the job if Eric breathes a word to the authorities when the ambulance arrives.
True to his word, Callum pulls out his cell phone once I’m buckled in the car and
allows me to call 911. Keeping it short and vague, I inform the operator that a man is
bleeding out and provide her with the location before hanging up.
“Do you think they’ll make it in time?” I ask. Pulling out into traffic Callum holds out a
hand for his phone, his expression telling me he doesn’t give a shit. Guilt gnaws at me,
making me nauseous. My arms wrap around my middle, hugging myself in an attempt to
stop feeling so sick to my stomach. Sirens sound around the corner and I pray that’s
Eric’s rescue.
“Probably. If not, I’m sure his wife will make good use of his life insurance.”
“Wife?” I couldn’t have heard him right.
“Yes, wife.” Callum over enunciates the word. “Eric and Jenna have been married for
three years now. He never mentioned that?”
“No, of course not.” Married? I’m gonna be sick.
“Then he probably didn’t mention their one year old daughter, Stevie.” My stomach
rolls. “Seems like you both have a thing for wanting what already belongs to someone
“Pull over. I’m going to be sick.” He has a daughter and a wife. Cheating bastard. Oh
god, I’m not just a homewrecker. I probably just made some poor woman a widow and a
baby girl fatherless.
“No, you’re not,” he says, weaving through traffic. “You’re going to breathe slowly. In
through your nose, out through your mouth.”
“You’re a sick bastard. The fact that you probably just killed someone in broad
daylight doesn’t bother you at all.”
“No, it doesn’t. His decisions led him there, just like yours led you here,” he states,
swinging the car into the parking garage.
“Going on a date with someone you met online doesn’t mean you deserve to die.
Cheater or not.”
“That fucker deserves worse that what I did to him. I would say that you should really
try to pick better next time, but there isn’t going to be a next time,” Callum says darkly.
As soon as the car is in park, I’m wrenching the car door open. Callum’s getting out
right behind me, slamming his door shut behind him. When his hand grasps my elbow to
stop me, I whirl on him.
“There was no way for me to know he’s married.” I’m practically shouting, my voice
echoing off the walls of the parking garage. “Eric isn’t a monster, he’s not like you. He
was fun to talk to. It’s next to impossible to find guys on dating apps that aren’t total
creeps, let alone ones who can carry a conversation. And he was nice.”
“Nice.” He snarls the word like it disgusts him.
“Yes, nice,” I repeat, seething. “You wouldn’t understand that, Callum. You’ve never
done anything for anyone that wasn’t directly profitable to you in some way. But some
people actually care about others without wanting something from them.”
“Oh really? Here.” Reaching into his pocket, Callum pulls out something and tosses it
at me. I catch it, confused. It’s a tiny ziplock about the size of my palm holding about
half a dozen small white tablets.
“What is this?” I ask, agitated. He’s trying to distract me from the point.
“That’s Rohypnol. I found it in that asshole’s wallet,” Callum says. “I wasn’t going to
show you this, but since you seem to think he’s so nice.”
“Rohypnol?” I stare at the tablets, my mind racing.
“Apparently your date had a lot more planned for you than just dinner and drinks. He
definitely wanted something from you, whether you were willing to give it to him or not.
Still think he’s not a monster?” he rumbles darkly. I shake my head, Eric’s friendly smile
flashing through my mind. There’s no way. Callum could’ve gotten these anywhere.
“I don’t believe you.” I can’t. But even as I deny it, my stomach begins to sink. A dark
luxury SUV pulls into the parking garage, rounding the corner and turning expertly into
a parking space. My hand closes around the bag, crumpling it tightly in my fist.
“You think I’m lying?” Callum challenges angrily. “Roscoe was there. Ask him.” His
words are punctuated by the sound of a car door closing. Roscoe steps out from around
the driver’s side, his eyes darting between us as he gauges the situation he’s walking in
on. He stops to stand warily a few feet from me and Callum, the third point in a triangle.
“Roscoe, what did you find in Eric’s wallet?” I ask, my voice shaking. Roscoe looks at
me for a moment before turning to his boss. Callum nods to him.
“Tell her.” With permission, Roscoe’s eyes cut to me again hesitantly.
“Date rape drugs,” he states finally. “Roofies.” The air leaves my lungs harshly, my
brows coming together as I stare first at Roscoe then at Callum. Meeting his hazel gaze,
I blink—once, twice, three times—as I process the realization of what might have
happened to me tonight.
Eric had seemed so kind, the conversation was fun and flirty. In the years I’ve been on
dating apps, I thought I’d mastered how to weed out the crazies and predators. How
could I have gotten him so wrong? The man was married with a child, for god’s sake.
Sleeping with him wasn’t the goal for tonight, the plan was to meet him and see where
the night would take me. Apparently it would’ve taken me to be drugged. Roofied.
Taking the few steps to close the gap between us, I slap the bag of roofies against
Callum’s chest. “You’re right, I sure know how to pick ’em.” Stepping back, he catches
the baggie before it falls to the ground. A line appears between Callum’s brows as I turn
to Roscoe.
“I don’t want to be here. Can you please take me to Harlem?” I ask him, struggling to
remain calm.
“Lexie…” I ignore Callum’s warning, gazing at Roscoe expectantly. Roscoe looks
between me and his employer, the muscle ticking in his jaw.
“If you don’t drive me, I’ll take an uber.” My tone makes it very clear that I’m not
asking permission to leave, just looking for a ride. One way or another, I’m getting the
fuck out of here. Keeping my eyes on Roscoe, I watch him have a silent conversation
with his boss. After a long moment, I get tired of waiting and turn on my heel to start
walking towards the exit.
“Come back, Lexie. I’ll drive you,” Roscoe calls, making me stop half away to the
street entrance. I turn to look at him, ignoring the other pair of eyes fixed on me as I try
to decide if I believe it. He jerks his head towards the car, his expression serious. If he’s
lying to get me back over there, I’m gonna lose my shit.
Relenting, I walk back towards the men, giving them a wide radius as I head straight
to the car. Callum and Roscoe exchange a few more hushed words before Roscoe meets
me at the car.
Climbing into the passenger seat, I sit stiffly while I wait for the car to start. Even
when the engine is started, we don’t move. A large figure approaches my side and the
window is being rolled down without permission. Callum stands on the other side of the
door staring me down, tension coming off him in waves. I meet his gaze head on, not
even trying to hide my anger and contempt. He runs a hand over his beard, leaning into
the open window to speak through clenched teeth.
“If you’re not back by morning, I’m coming to get you,” he states tersely.
“You got it, boss,” I say coldly, pulling my eyes from his to sit back in my seat and
stare straight ahead. Callum doesn’t budge for what feels like an hour, then finally
pushes off the window and takes a step back. Roscoe backs the car out of the spot and
navigates us out into the city traffic.
“He admitted it, you know. Eric.” Roscoe speaks up after twenty minutes of silence.
“He told us what he was going to do to you.” His announcement has my head turning to
look at him. I knit my brows, my gut wrenching at the mere thought of it. His knuckles
turn white with his death grip on the steering wheel, jaw clenched tight.
“Was that before or after Callum started torturing him?” We both know the answer,
Roscoe’s silence only confirms it. Callum might have stopped me from getting raped, but
he’s no hero. “That’s what I thought.”
Chapter Nineteen: Callum

fucked up. I let Eric live. I’ve never let a loose end go unfinished before. It goes
against everything I am and how I’ve built my reputation. Callum Russo never had so
much as a wrinkle in his plans. I was the Fixer who never has loose ends.
Until now, because I fucked up.
Letting that date-rapist go isn’t the problem. It’s her. I’m not an assassin or a serial
killer, but there’s plenty of blood on my hands. I don’t hesitate to eliminate threats when
the situation calls for it. It’s the cost of doing business, a necessary step to effective
problem solving. And my work is impeccable.
How many times have I been begged for mercy when my gun was pointed at
someone’s head or my knife pressed against their neck? And I never batted a fucking
eye. I pulled the trigger without hesitation or remorse.
Until she asked me not to.
Lexie looked up at me with those bright blue eyes pleading, and I broke my own
goddam rules like I would do anything to please her. I’m fucking pissed. Because in that
moment, while lowering the knife and seeing the relief on her pretty face, I realized it’s
true. I will do anything to please her, give her anything that makes her happy.
Going after the son-of-a-bitch from the dating app was bad enough. He wasn’t part of
a job, I’d found him for personal reasons. Finding out he’d been flirting with my pretty
pink nurse, that he thought she could ever be his, sent me into a jealous rage. Tracking
him down was an action born solely from an emotional impulse—something I thought I’d
gotten a handle of a long time ago. I wasn’t planning on hurting Eric, the idea was to
threaten the cheating bastard and make an example of him for Lexie. But then I found
the little baggie of pills in his wallet—pills meant for Lexie—and I’d seen red. When he
admitted what he wanted to do to her, my knife was suddenly pressing against his
I won’t lie, it felt good to slice him open for what he planned for Lexie. My Lexie. Even
now I’d do it all over again. But this time I’d finish the fucking job, instead of letting him
live to see another day. Allowing him to survive is a threat to everything I’ve built.
But I did it for her.
Hurling my tumbler, it shatters in an explosion of glass and whiskey. Lexie. Just the
thought of her name has my head spinning with messy emotions, my body buzzing with
hormones. She is good, and decent, and simple. She’s also stubborn, judgmental, and
guarded. She thanks me for protecting her, and lectures me about violence against her
attackers in the same breath. She’s beautiful, and fun, and emotionally unavailable.
She’s complicated and wrong for me, and I’m completely obsessed.
The anger surging in me shifts towards panic, the realization unsettling every part of
me. Lexie has me, and she has no idea. She’s taken me without even trying, without
meaning to. But she doesn’t want me, doesn’t need me. That’s going to change, it has to.
Because I need her to need me.
I’m going to own her; mind, body and soul. I’ll possess every part of her, the way she
holds me in her sparkly manicured hand. It’s not a matter of if, just a matter of when
and how.
I’m not delusional enough to think it’ll be easy, but that’s never stopped me. I just
need a plan—and if there’s one thing you can say about me, it’s that my plans always get


Awareness settles over me at the sound of the front door opening. I can feel Lexie’s
presence before she walks into the kitchen. Glancing over my shoulder, we make eye
contact. She holds my gaze almost hesitantly, pausing in the doorway like a skittish doe
at the edge of a clearing. I keep my movements small, not wanting to scare her off. After
squaring her shoulders and taking a silent deep breath, she steps into the kitchen.
“Good morning.” The greeting is simple and short but without hostility. A good sign.
Flexing my control, I resist the urge to reach out and grab her. She places her purse in
its usual spot before her hand moves for the fridge, but her eyes snag in the counter
where I’ve already set out what she’s reaching for.
A chilled can of Mountain Dew sits waiting, next to a tall glass of ice water. Her eyes
flicker to me as she rounds the island.
“You came back.” My voice is low as I lean back against the counter a few feet from
“I had to.” Those three words, so simple, carry so much meaning. She did have to.
Because of her contract, and because of me. She was coming back, whether she decided
to on her own or not. We both know it.
I say nothing as she reaches out, satisfaction coursing through me when her hand
closes around the glass of water first. Her gaze catches on mine, the tension growing
thick between us as my eyes say those two words echoing through my mind.
Good girl.
Tilting her head back, I watch as she drains the tall glass until there’s nothing but ice.
“Where did you go?” I know exactly where she’s been, down to the floor plan of the
small one-bedroom in Harlem. Lexie’s hands scoop her hair up, combing through
yesterday’s curls with her fingers before securing it in a high ponytail. My hands itch to
wrap that silky ponytail around my fist and give it a good yank.
“I stayed at Ronnie’s place,” Lexie says, turning to face me. She braces herself against
the counter, meeting my gaze steadily. The mix of emotions expressed through her eyes
is too muddled to decipher. When she opens her mouth next, she takes me by surprise.
“Thank you, Callum.” Her voice is soft. “With everything that happened last night, I
never said it. But thank you for stopping what could have happened to me yesterday.”
There’s a vulnerability in her tone, a hint that she’s surprising herself with every
emotion as she feels it. She’s not condoning how I handled Eric yesterday, but there’s a
recognition in her soft tone that settles between us. Acceptance.
“No one will ever hurt you, Lexie.” My words vibrate through my bones. I’ll kill anyone
that tries, and they’ll suffer.
Stepping forward, my hands grip her hips to lift her until she’s seated on the kitchen
island counter. The island that’s bare of the baked goods and mess of ingredients that
occupy it most mornings. There hadn’t been any dialogue coming from the tv or music
playing over the speakers in the kitchen this morning when I made my morning coffee,
instead it was empty. The silence felt uncomfortable, wrong.
I missed her.
“Don’t get any ideas, Callum,” she scolds, even as her breathing changes. “This
doesn’t change what you did yesterday, and I don’t want you thinking I’m okay with it.”
My hands go to her thighs, taking my time to feel her soft warm skin, before pushing
them open wider until I can stand between them.
“You made yourself perfectly clear,” I assure her. Standing over her, she looks up at
me in consideration. Her thoughts are warring with each other, but I see the moment I
win out. Her shoulders relax in a small sigh. My hand finds its way to her ponytail,
wrapping the blonde strands around my fist once, then twice. Giving it a firm tug,
Lexie’s head falls back to bring her lips to mine.
So damn sweet.
My mouth moves with hers, searing and sensual. Lust itches through my veins when
her hands move up my shoulders, those pretty little nails scraping at the nape of my
neck. Goddamn, this woman has a way of making me want her like I’ll never get
More. I need more.
A sigh escapes her when our mouths separate, so soft it settles deep into my skin.
Leveraging my grip on her hair, I angle her head until her neck is bare to my lips.
Trailing kisses down the column of her throat, I take my time to taste as much skin as I
can. One hand still wrapped in her blonde locks, my other hand reaches into the
emptied water glass.
Pressing the ice cube to her neck, she startles at the extreme temperature. My hand in
her hair holds her in place when she tries to avoid the ice sliding across her skin.
“Cal.” Her protest melts into a moan that shoots straight to my cock when I replace
the ice with my lips, the heat of my tongue blazing against her chilled skin. Placing the
ice cube back onto her throat, my eyes watch as it slides down the smooth skin, drops of
water trailing down her chest between her breasts. She squirms against the cold as I
drag the ice across the exposed tops of her breasts above her neckline, my tongue
following the same path, licking away the cool water left behind.
With each drop that disappears past her neckline, the temptation to pull down her
dress to follow it with my mouth grows unbearable. She’s not wearing a bra, she can’t
be since the one she left in yesterday is sitting on the counter next to her purse. I want
to bury myself in her gorgeous tits, drown in them. But first I plan to melt every ice cube
in the glass across her heated flesh and use my mouth to ease the discomfort.
Pulling back, my gaze moves over her. Lexie’s face shows me every sensation, she’s so
damn responsive. I’m a pyromaniac soaking in every moan and sigh, adding fuel to the
fire. Even the way her delectable tits move with each panting breath is thrilling. I’ve
never met a woman so goddamn enticing in my life. She’s like a piece of art perched on
my kitchen counter—one I intend to study until I’m an expert. And those eyes—fucking
hell. I’m going to stare into those eyes as she comes all over my cock.
A buzzing vibrates on the counter next to us as my phone starts to ring, something I
ignore. Whatever it is can wait, and if it’s important they’ll call back.
“Are you gonna get that?” Lexie's question is breathless, and I can’t help myself from
reclaiming her lips.
“No.” My voice is hoarse with hunger. “I’m busy.” Drinking her in, I bite back a curse
when my phone starts ringing again. Letting go of her hair, I snatch the fucking device
off the counter to see Roscoe is calling.
“What.” The word holds a threat against his life.
“We’ve got a problem, boss.”
“You’re interrupting, so it better be a fucking big one.”
“Joey Finch is coked up and making threats to start a war with the Russians.” Roscoe’s
response has cold contempt creeping into my veins.
“Where is he?” My eyes meet Lexie’s and I’m forced to take a step back to regain my
focus well enough to hear Roscoe’s response.
“We have him in the warehouse on the docks,” Roscoe informs me, his voice grave.
“He’s rabid and demanding more supply.”
“Keep him contained until I get there.”
“On it, boss,” Roscoe confirms. “He didn’t go down easy. He’s bleeding.”
“We’re on our way.” Ending the call, I toss my phone onto the counter with a clatter
and lean forward to capture Lexie’s lips, kissing her deeply until she’s panting against
me. When I finally relent, I gaze down at her with so much fucking regret I’m sure she
can feel it.
“Let me guess,” Lexie breathes. “The moment’s over.” I hate those words coming out
of her pretty mouth. This isn’t just a moment, and it’s not over.
Silently staring down at her for a moment, I force myself to focus on the new
Joey fucking Finch.
Chapter Twenty: Lexie

don’t do well when I’m being rushed. It’s not my best quality, but there’s no getting
around it. And Callum has a bad habit of announcing that we need to leave the
penthouse with little to no warning. And I’m completely at his mercy. So here we are—in
the passenger seat of Callum’s car where I’m tucking the dress I slept in into a pair of
scrubs because I didn’t have enough time to actually change. I was lucky to put my bra
back on before I was being herded into the elevator.
We crossed over into Brooklyn at some point a while back, and the buildings passing
outside the car window are becoming less descript and more industrial. Turning onto
side streets, we move further and further from civilization, instead driving through
alleys and remote driveways until we slow in front of a large rectangular building.
“Are you really going to make me go in there?” I ask, taking in the monstrosity that
looms as our car circles around back. By the size of it, I would guess this used to be a
manufacturing plant of some sort. The old concrete structure with broken, boarded up
windows really paints the picture of neglect and decay. I’ve seen enough true crime
documentaries to know that nothing good happens in abandoned-looking warehouses
like this one. And by the state of this building, I wouldn't surprised if it’s haunted too.
“Yes, I am.” He’s clearly not giving me a choice. He taps something into his phone and
suddenly there’s movement. One of the old loading bay garage doors starts to roll
upwards, and Callum inches closer. .
Once the garage door is lifted high enough to clear the car, we’re pulling forward. Two
lights cast a dim glow over the small section where we park, the rest of the building
disappearing in ominous shadows. My heart plummets when Callum shifts gears into
park and turns off the ignition.
“I hate this place. No one should ever come in here without a death wish,” I inform
him, my eyes scanning the darkness like something might jump out at me if I look too
“That’s the point,” Callum responds simply. He’s barely glanced at me since our little
makeout session in the kitchen. Okay, little isn’t exactly the word for it—not with the
heavy petting and whole ice cube thing. I’m trying not to overthink it.
Callum’s shoulders are tense when he exits the car, his expression menacing. The man
I was with in the penthouse an hour ago is long gone, leaving me with the Fixer. I can
practically see the wheels turning in his head behind those intense hazel eyes of his. He
looks formidable.
“What is this place?” My eyes are darting around the ominous building riddled with
shadows. The industrial structure and use of steel tells me that this building was once a
factory of some kind. But looking at the corrosion and disrepair, it’s definitely no longer
in use. At least for the building’s original purpose. Despite the drab depreciation of the
original structure; the chipped somber paint, scuffed metal bars, and worn concrete
floors, we’re here.
I pause too long near a doorway and a strong hand grasps my arm to lead me forward.
Judging by the fact that Callum seems to know his way around, he’s been here before.
More than once. There’s a chill in the air that adds to the seriously sinister vibes this
place is giving off.
“This building is definitely haunted,” I say looking into an empty office as we pass,
fully expecting to see a demon’s face peering back at me.
“Come on, Dewdrop.” Callum’s hold on my wrist tightens ever so slightly as he leads
me through the shadowy halls. The fluorescent lighting is only so effective, especially
since only every third light is on, allowing darkness to creep in between where the
illumination of one light ends and the next begins. I inch closer to his side, doing my
best to keep up with his brisque pace. Right now I’m not a big fan of Callum’s habit for
secrecy. If this man doesn’t kill me, the suspence definitely will.
“I just want to go on the record and say that I don’t like this part of the job. Walking
around in places like this is how you end up the subject in a true crime documentary,” I
say. Callum glances down at me, this time actually looking as his lips twitch in
“Noted.” Is the only response I get.
I was right, nothing good happens in a building like this. The long foreboding hallway
opens up into an expansive room with ceilings over two stories high. Old industrial
shelving sits empty and forgotten at one end of the space. But that’s not what catches
my attention.
I can hear them before I see them, the sound echoing through the warehouse.
Shouting, incoherent and angry, spewing nonsense and profanities. Just like the night in
the storage room that started all of this, a man sits tied to a metal chair. Only this one
isn’t comatose, though he’s definitely broken. His eyes are crazed as he gnashes his
teeth, his mouth practically foaming with his screaming. Roscoe stands in front of him,
knife in hand. The blade looks clean, so the blood dripping from the psycho man’s face
must be from something else.
Three men I’ve never seen before create a radius around the captive, looking like real
goons. There’s a small table set up a few feet from the chair the man is secured to,
waiting for me to set up camp. It’s a visual reminder that I have to get close to the
deranged stranger, and the idea of having to touch him has dread settling over me
“I have a bad feeling about this.” I’m fighting against the sinking feeling in my
stomach as we get closer to the crazed man. He’s absolutely seething, his glassy eyes
manic. Callum pulls me closer and leans down to speak into my ear as he propels me
towards the sinister scene.
“Roscoe has him secure, and that door leads outside,” he says, nodding his head to a
metal door along the back wall. “You’re safe, Dewdrop. You’re not going to end up in any
true crime documentaries.” I believe that. A man like Callum knows how to get rid of
any and all traces of evidence. If something does happen, no one will ever know that I
was here.
Approaching the group, I stop a safe distance away and focus on setting up the small
table for treatment. I’ll have to get a better look to know exactly what I need to treat
him, but I start off by laying out the basics; gauze, suture kit, local anesthetic,
disinfectant. Callum doesn’t hesitate to get closer until he’s towering over the captive.
“Well if it isn’t the bastard we’ve been waiting for.” The man sneers, glassy eyes
gleaming. “You’re a dead man walking.”
“Big words for someone who doesn’t even know my name.” Callum’s hand clamps
under the man’s jaw, forcing his mouth shut and his head up to examine his eyes. His
pupils are blown out, and a thin line of blood trails down from his inflamed nose to his
top lip.
“Is he high on cocaine?” I ask, staring at the captive man from my safe distance.
“Among other things,” Callum says. “Fucking idiot, sampling your own product.”
“That was some good shit you gave me. Columbian, right? You’re gonna give me more
or I’ll destroy you. I might be a Finch but I’ll sing like a canary.” His tone switches from
taunting to raging in a single breath, spit flying from his mouth on the last words.
“And who are you planning on telling, Finch? Mikhailov is the one who gave me the
green light.” Callum replies calmly, seemingly unfazed. He shoves the man’s head back
before taking a step, turning his back to the man without a care in the world. He walks
over to Roscoe, who leans in to mutter something to his boss I can’t hear.
“Mikhailov might know, but what about the rest of them? I know enough about how
this works. One right word and it’s war. Once the Russians find out Alek’s arrest was a
set up, you’re fucked.” his maniacal laugh sends a shiver down my spine and his eyes
land on me, pupils dilated. “Your fat bitch is fucked too. They’ll have fun raping and
torturing her after they kill you. Maybe I’ll even take a turn, make you choke on my
cock. I can’t wait to hear you scream while I tear open your fat ass and watch you
The man’s profanities are silenced when his head jerks violently to one side, blood and
brain-matter spraying out the opposite side of his skull. Cold shock settles into my
bloodstream, my eyes wide on the now lifeless man staring through me. Tearing my eyes
away, I slowly turn my head to see the gun Callum holds aimed at the dead mobster, a
silencer extending the barrel towards me.
He killed him, he fucking killed him. Callum shot him in the head, and now he’s dead.
Dread churns my iron stomach, threatening to make me sick.
We both know it’s pointless when I reach down to check for a pulse. Glancing up at
Callum's unapologetic eyes, he knows I won’t find one.
“He’s dead,” I state the obvious to everyone in the room. Looking down at the body, I
can feel Callum's gaze on me, burning. The feeling of his eyes on me doesn’t leave as he
barks orders to the other men. I watch numbly as two goons step forward to untie the
bloodied body from the chair and haul it away.
Struggling to breathe through my pounding heart, I lean down to start collecting the
medical supplies laid out on the short table. There’s no use for any of this now. A dead
man doesn’t need stitches.
I’ve seen death before, I work in a hospital. I’m a fucking ER nurse for crying out loud.
But this, this is different.
Callum is a killer. I've never seen that look in his eyes before, the emptiness. His look
of blank calculation lacked any empathy or remorse. He pulled that trigger and ended a
man’s life like it was an item on his to-do list, like it was the next step in an equation
where death was the clear and simple solution.
A cold calm settles over me as I close the kit and snap the latches closed. The panic
and fear have twisted into something far more troubling—numbness. Acceptance. I turn
on my heel and walk towards the door. Passing Callum where he stands overseeing the
cleanup process, I can barely meet his eyes. I don’t think I can stomach ever seeing that
emptiness again.
“I’m done,” I state coldly, my declaration landing heavily in the air between us. I say it
knowing I’m tempting fate. But instead of waiting to see what my announcement ignites,
I continue walking quickly towards the exit.
I barely make it out of the building when a strong hand grabs my wrist and I’m being
backed against the rough brick wall. The medical kit clatters to the ground, ignored and
forgotten. Trying to catch my breath, I stare up at Callum, who has me pinned between
his large frame and the building. Our eyes lock, and I can’t help the relief that I’m not
staring into the gaze of a calculated killer. Callum's heated expression emulates fury and
passion, threatening to swallow me whole.
“What did you just say to me?” It’s a challenge, a warning to change my answer
instead of repeating myself. It doesn’t work.
“I’m done.” This time I say it slowly, purposefully enunciating each word.
“You’re not done.”
“You killed him. Shot him in cold blood.”
“He was a threat, so I fixed it,” he says simply with no remorse. Like it’s just that easy.
“You fixed it,” I repeat with a bitter laugh.
“That’s what I do, Dewdrop.”
“And at what point are you going to fix me?”
“I only fix problems. There’s no running from it, you’re in this now.” Suddenly it feels
like he’s talking about a lot more than just a job. Something much heavier and more
terrifying. “You’re not done.”
“Let go of me.” The feeling of his solid body against mine should be sickening. The
same hand that pulled a trigger to end a life not five minutes ago touching my skin
should repulse me. Instead I’m fucking turned on. Our chemistry is buzzing between us
as sparks fly and it’s infuriating. Because I shouldn’t want this man to be touching me at
But I do.
“Go back to the car and wait for me,” Callum orders before taking a step back, making
my burning blood boil. He turns his head to address the man I hadn’t realized had joined
us in the alley, his eyes never leaving me. “Roscoe, go with her.”
“I don’t need a chaperone,” I snap, reaching down to snag the medical kit off the dirty
ground. With the rage that’s powering through me at the moment not even Satan
himself could challenge me and win. Whatever’s waiting for me in the shadows can do
their worst.
Callum’s struggling against his restraint, his expression flickering between cold
indifference and fierce intensity. His hands starts twitching at his sides, moving to reach
out to me once or twice before he thinks better of it and pulls them back. I can
practically see him wrestling with the urge to throw me over his shoulder like a
caveman. The man’s computer brain is glitching. I’d probably find it amusing it I wasn’t
so damn pissed.
“Have fun dealing with the body,” I say bitterly as I step around him to stalk back into
the wretched building. Walking straight past Roscoe, I shoot a glare at him when he
attempts to open the door for me. He’s not innocent in this either.
The inside of the warehouse passes in front of my eyes unseen as I stomp back to
where Callum parked the car. I’ll admit I slammed the car door shut behind me a little
harder than I should have. There’s no calming me down, even sitting alone in the
silence. Wrestling out of my scrubs until it’s just my dress, I whip the balled up fabric
into the back seat.
It’s a good thirty minutes before Callum climbs into the driver’s seat beside me. The
car ride is spent in an uncomfortable silence and the tension grows thicker by the
second. The elevator ride up to the penthouse is even worse. I feel like I’m in a room
with a ticking timebomb. I’m not sure which one of us will explode first, but it will be
catastrophic either way.
Turns out the sound of the elevator ding when we reach the top floor is the last straw.
Something shifts in the air that feels final and unforgiving—the point of no return.
As soon as the doors slide open I’m making my escape—rushing into the apartment
and heading to the nearest door to close. I end up in the guest bathroom in the
entryway. Callum is right on my heels before I slam the door shut in his face and flip the
“Open the fucking door, Lexie. Don’t make me break it down to come get you.” My
heart hammers in my chest at the dark threat in his voice. He means it, he’ll come in
after me. Anger flares in me, my defiance mixing with dread. I have two options here;
open the door myself, or let him break it down. Both end the same—with me face to face
dealing with the wrath of a furious Callum.
Hand trembling slightly, I flip the lock and slowly open the door. There’s no way I’m
gonna show him how rattled I really am, so I square my shoulders to face him. Callum’s
storming the door the second it’s open, stalking towards me until I’m backed against the
wall. He doesn’t stop until we’re chest to chest and I’m forced to tilt my head back to
look up at him.
“You’re a sociopath.” My barb hits him without inflicting any damage. His eyes move
across my face in dark possession, sending potent lust pooling between my legs as my
heart rate jumps.
“What pisses you off more, hmm? The fact that I’m a killer? Or that it doesn’t stop you
from getting wet for me?”
“I hate you,” I snap angrily, shoving against his chest to put some space between us.
It’s pointless, the man is as moveable as a mountain. He catches my wrists and pins
them to the wall above my head, taking a step closer just to make a point. He’s bigger
than me, stronger than me, and a sadistic control freak who needs to assert his
dominance. My pulse jumps, breasts heaving with each dramatic breath.
“You’re a terrible liar, Dewdrop,” he states, his observant gaze on me is full of heated
“I wish I never met you.” This time it’s not a lie. This man has completely taken over
my life and turned it inside out. He’s turned me inside out.
“Regret is a waste of time, there’s no going back. You’re mine now.” His deep voice
rolls over me as he presses closer, his knee pushing between my legs to spread them
open and rub against me where heat is already starting to pool. Anger and frustration
radiates from him, mixed with something in his eyes that I can’t quite decipher. He’s so
close, leaning over me with his face just inches from mine. “There’s no pretending. You
want me as much as I want you.”
“Don’t.” There’s no conviction in my voice as it trails off, my eyes latched on his lips.
“Don’t, what? Touch you?” Callum challenges, pressing closer. The intent in his gaze
dares me to end this. “Tell me to stop.” He leaves one hand to keep my wrists pinned
against the wall above my head, the other slipping under my jaw to take hold of my
throat possessively. Desire pulses through me from the pressure of him as my head tilts
up just a fraction, bringing my lips a breath away from his.
“Would you even listen?” I ask, not even bothering to hide how aroused I am right
now. I need him, every inch of my body is screaming to feel every inch of his.
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” he says without hesitation. “I don’t want a woman who doesn’t
want me.” His meaning is clear, and if that doesn’t make him even hotter. His eyes are
roaming over my face like I’m a meal he’s about to devour.
“Good.” I’m practically breathless. “I don’t want a man who doesn’t take what they
want.” This man is going to take me, rough, and hard, and without mercy. And god, do I
want him to.
“I’m going to do so much more than take you, Dewdrop.” His voice vibrates through
me, tickling every nerve ending in my body. “I’m going to own you.” When his mouth
lowers to mine, he doesn’t kiss me—he devours me. His lips take mine in an all
consuming kiss that doesn’t allow me to catch my breath.
The hand on my throat wanders downwards until he’s palming my left breast greedily.
Even through my dress and bra, his rough hands seem to burn straight to my skin. A
moan escapes me when he squeezes my aching breast almost painfully. The discomfort
just adds to my bliss with his assault on my senses.
After toying with my chest, Callum's grip lowers. He’s running his hand up the back of
my thigh, over my ass, then around to my center. His fingertips brush along the
waistline of my panties, giving the elastic a little snap, before cupping my pussy firmly.
“Fuck.” The exclamation is pulled out of me. I’m not ready when his fingers push past
the sheer fabric and straight into my folds. Arching against him, I’m breathless. “Oh
“Don’t move.” The order is muttered right into my ear as his fingers move against me,
exploring for a torturous moment before plunging into me, hard and fast. My gasp is
involuntary, and it takes everything in me not to arch into his touch. But I keep still as
his fingers invade me in the most powerful and delicious way.
“Good girl.” Those two words, said deeply into my ear, have me teetering on the edge
of euphoria. Another moan escapes me, and my restrained hands push against his as I
fight my body to remain still instead of giving in to the pleasure. “Fuck, you’re so wet
and responsive. If I had any patience left, I’d take my time sucking every last drop from
you, Dewdrop.”
“I’m so close,” I pant, teetering on the brink as his fingers drive me to insanity. “Oh,
“Not yet.” The command is accompanied by a relentless pace as his fingers work
inside me. My eyes latch to his, the piercing gaze as unrelenting as his masterful hands.
The wave building inside me intensifies, and I’m on the brink. I know he can see it in my
eyes, can feel it. “Not yet.”
“I don’t think I can stop it,” I gasp, overwhelmed by the sensations threatening to
drown me.
“You’ll wait.” His authoritative tone leaves no room to argue. My body shivers as I
fight against the orgasm looming, my breathing becoming erratic against the sensual
torture. “Ask me nicely to let you come. Beg me.”
The shivers turn into shakes, and I’m delirious against his hands. The agony is so
delicious, I can hardly stand it. I need to come. “Callum.”
“Beg me,” he repeats, his rhythm never faltering. If I don’t come soon, I might die. My
breathless pants turn into moans as I hold on for dear life. His hand moves from my
wrists to lift my chin. The moment our eyes meet, I know I’ll say anything.
“Please, Callum. Let me come,” I beg, without shame. The raw hunger in his eyes only
intensifies, if that’s even possible.
“Come for me, Dewdrop.” His hand on my chin keeps our eyes locked as I shatter into
a million pieces. Wave after wave of pleasure crashes through me, until I’m seeing stars.
And his fingers never stop moving, drawing out my orgasm until I’m breathless. “Fuck,
you’re such a beautiful, dirty girl for me.”
“I am, oh god. Yes,” I breathe. I barely have time to catch my breath before the intent
in Callum's eye forces him into action. It’s like he can’t stand and watch for another
minute without being inside me.
“Turn around.” Even as he says it, he’s moving me and I’m being bent over the sink,
my ass in the air. I don’t have time for questions as he flips up my dress and tugs down
my underwear.
I stand in delicious agony, chest braced against the vanity and my hand gripping the
counter, as I wait. My level of anticipation rises with the sound of his belt buckle, then
his zipper. I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear the condom until I hear the
crinkling of the wrapper ripping.
Just like his fingers, his cock gives no warning before he’s plunging inside me, deep
and hard. There’s no finessing or teasing, just need and domination. My back bows with
the strength of my gasp, my hands keeping me steady as his cock drives into me.
“Fuck, your pussy is made for me.” His grunts turn into growls as he slams into me.
His cock is as harsh and unforgiving as the rest of him. He’s stretching me, filling me so
completely I feel like I’m in danger of bursting. My moans are a mix of pleasure and
“You're so big,” I all but sob. It’s almost too much, his power is almost painful. I’m
sure his grip on my hips will leave bruises as I hold onto the sink base for dear life.
“You’ll take it. All of it.” His pace is punishing, both brutal and delicious. My nerve
endings fire, the pleasure almost blinding as it builds quickly inside me. “Fuck, you feel
so good. You like that, my dirty girl?”
“Yes, god yes.” The words are ripped out of me as he relentlessly pounds us both into
oblivion. Still sensitive from my first orgasm, this stimulation is almost too much to
handle. The edges of my vision blur as a new orgasm builds inside me. “I’m going to
“Not until I say so.” I could cry at his demand, my body wrecked from the pleasure
and screaming for release. Holding back this climax is the hardest thing I think I’ve ever
“Callum, please,” I plead, his cock plundering so deeply I’m pretty sure I can feel him
in my throat. He’s so powerful, it’s all too much. “Please.”
“Fuck, I love hearing you say my name. You’re such a greedy girl, scream as you come
on my cock.” He barely finishes his words before I’m falling. This orgasm is even more
powerful than the first, lifting me to heights I’ve never known before. Fuck.
“You’re like a vice, gripping me so tightly with your perfect pussy.” Callum grunts in
my ear. “You feel so fucking good.” I’ve barely come down from my climax before
another is building. His angle changes, and I let out a cry as he hits a wonderful spot
deep inside me.
“Oh Callum, yes. Right there, shit.” He growls in satisfaction, his strokes possessive as
he takes a fistful of my hair. He tugs my head back until I’m looking into his eyes over
my shoulder while he slams in and out of me. He doesn’t slow as his lips capture mine. It
almost seems like his strokes become more intense as he kisses me.
“Who does this perfect pussy belong to?” He growls against my lips.
“You.” I reply eagerly, desperate for the orgasm that’s building between us, growing
and looming bigger than anything else I’ve ever felt. Bigger than even the two life
altering ones I’ve already had tonight.
“Say it.” His teeth catch my bottom lip, tugging roughly.
“It’s yours, Callum.”
“Mine. Only mine.” He pulls back, his hand in my hair keeping my head in place. His
eyes hold mine, refusing to let me look away. His breathing changes, and I can see he’s
on the edge of his own release. “Come for me, Dewdrop.”
The release is immediate, a fire licking through me burning so hot and bright that I’m
completely consumed. My back arches, lips parting when my breath hitches with the
force of it. Hazel eyes are all I see, stars floating across my vision. The pleasure pounds
against me like the sea clashing against a cliff, wave after wave of euphoria hitting me
until I’m spent.
“Oh, Cal. Yes, yes.” His name tumbles from my mouth over and over, my pussy
clenched tightly around his cock.
Callum’s movements become more ragged, feral. He has me right where he wants me,
where he needs me. His grip on my hair tightens sharply, his eyes never leaving my face
as he explodes inside me, pumping roughly through the power of his own release. His
arms shake against me, growls turning into guttural groans.
“Fuck, Lexie,” he groans, a deep primal rasp edging his voice. He slows and my head
is being pulled back again until my lips meet his in a languid kiss, his giant frame all but
collapsing onto mine. Pulling my lips away, I struggle to catch my breath. Even being
crushed beneath a tattooed giant, I’m floating. My body is in a cloud of bliss that I may
never come down from. And I never want to.
“Damn.” Callum’s nose presses into my hair with a deep inhale, nipping lightly at the
sensitive spot where my neck meets my shoulder, then soothing it with his lips. “You’re
gonna be the death of me, Dewdrop,” he mutters deeply. My mouth opens, but no sound
comes out as I lay in a daze. The man has fucked me into a stupor. Callum smiles against
my skin.
“What, nothing to say?” he taunts, sucking on a pulse point that sends electricity
rushing through me. “I’ve finally found a way to leave you speechless. I’ll have to
remember this.” His chuckle washes over me, and it’s comforting. More than
comforting, it’s strangely endearing.
I don’t have too long to toy with the Pandora's box that is my tangled mess of feelings.
Callum’s using his powerful arms to lift himself and he’s pulling out of me. I don’t move,
allowing him to discard the condom. He grabs one of the hand towels from the rack and
gently wipes the mess from my thighs. He takes his time, giving special care in a way
that surprises me. His hands now are in complete contrast of how roughly he just took
me in this exact position.
Even after he’s cleaned us both up, my legs are jello as I lay limp across the vanity
counter. I’m still shaking with the aftershocks, and I know my legs won’t support me
right now. Exhaustion is clawing at the backs of my eyes. Maybe I’ll just take a nap right
here and recover for a few hours before I attempt to walk. I doubt I’d even make it to my
bed as it is right now. The man has thoroughly fucked me into a simmering puddle of
satiated pleasure.
Strong arms scoop me from the counter, and I’m being lifted into the air. Callum
cradles me against his giant muscled frame, carrying me out of the bathroom like I
weigh next to nothing. Where is he getting this strength? I weigh over two-hundred
pounds, and with that pounding he just put us both through, I don’t know how he has
any energy left.
My eyes are half closed as he walks, the swaying lulling me closer to unconsciousness.
When he lowers me onto a bed, something feels off. These sheets don’t feel right.
Opening my eyes, I realized weren’t not where I expected to be. This isn’t my bed, it’s
his. I’m in Callum's room.
While I’m looking around in confusion, Callum's kicking off his shoes and tugging off
his shirt before climbing into the bed next to me. What is happening right now? Why
would he bring me to his bed, and expect me to lay in it with him? I open my mouth to
ask him, but he rolls over to lay on me before I get a word out.
His arms circle my waist, his head on my chest, face burying into my breasts. I can’t
tell if he’s trying to suffocate himself with my tits, or use me as a pillow. But either way
I’m stuck. My weighted panda has nothing on the solid weight of Callum’s giant body. I
can’t remember the last time I felt so secure, being pressed into the plush mattress like
this. I can already feel the tension and anxiety melting away.
“Fuck, I love how soft you are.” He mutters against me, so quietly I can barely
understand his muffled words. The edges of my vision blur as sleep starts to claim me. I
can’t fight it anymore, my body is completely spent. As my eyes close, I can’t help the
racing thoughts spinning in my head until I’m dizzy. But none catch before I’m being
pulled under.
Chapter Twenty-One: Lexie

Opening my eyes to an unfamiliar dark room, I’m confused. Looking around in the
darkness, my eyes land on the large man in the bed next to me. Staring at him, my
brain slowly pieces things together and the memory of Callum fucking me roughly
against the bathroom sink come rushing back to me. I can’t believe that really
My mind is racing, questions spinning in my head as one thing registers. I have
to pee. And, shit, I forgot to pee after the sex—I was too exhausted to even walk after
that. But I really have to pee now, and I gotta try and avoid a UTI as much as I can.
Slipping out from under Callum's arm, I sit on the edge of the bed. My body
aches, and I’m definitely sore between my legs. Standing slowly, my legs tremble slightly
under my weight. Shit, it feels like I did a million squats. I take slow, quiet steps,
glancing over my shoulder to make sure I don’t wake Callum as I walk to the door. I
consider just using his bathroom, but I need to wash my face and do my skincare, so I
decide to go to my room instead.
Washing my hands after peeing in my bathroom, I look up and catch my own
eyes in the mirror. Standing in front of the mirror, I stare at my reflection. My blonde
hair is a mess, the long locks in disarray without my usual middle part. My makeup is
smudged, my mascara running under my eyes and my lip color smeared around my
mouth. But despite the mess, there’s a shine in my eyes, and a flush to my cheeks. I’m
glowing like a person that’s been thoroughly fucked, because boy was I. It was by far
the best sex I’ve ever had.
After removing my makeup, I realize it’ll just be easier to take a shower and
wash everything. I smell like sweat, and sex. As the water washes over me, I try to make
sense of what just happened between me and Callum. He’s infuriating, demanding, and
dark. He’s ruthless and dangerous. Someone I shouldn’t ever have gotten involved with.
But he’s also smart, strong, and he sees me. He’s the most captivating and all-
consuming man I’ve ever met. Not to mention that he’s so hot he can melt my bones
with a single look.
Looking down at my hips, I can see the bruises from his vice grip forming on my skin
where I knew they’d be. Callum is a man true to his word—he hadn’t just taken me, he
owned every inch of me. Even my mind. I’d submitted to him, surrendered to his will.
And the reward was so much more than worth it. I’d never felt such blinding pleasure in
my life.
This could cause so many problems.
Because I have no intention of submitting to Callum in any way outside of that little
episode in the bathroom. He doesn’t get to own me. I’ve already gotten myself in way
over my head with this damn contract, I don’t need to let Callum's controlling ass think
he has a claim on me.
I’ve lived a life under someone else’s crushing control, I’m not going back. I can’t. My
parents did everything in their power to break me down into an obedient drone. It’s
taken me years to release, relearn and rebuild. Hours and hours of therapy to find
myself and create the life I want to live. I can’t give that up, I won’t.
Not for Callum, not for anyone.
Stepping out of the shower, I towel dry off, slather on some body cream, and slip on a
pair of panties before tugging on my cozy robe and going through my hair routine.
Standing in my bathroom, I look around and realize I’m done.
Still in my robe, I walk barefoot to the kitchen. The only light in the expansive room is
the under cabinet lights glowing softly along the length of the counterspace. Instead of
turning on the overhead light, I opt for the pendant lights hanging over the island.
Grabbing a glass from the cabinet, I fill it to the brim with crushed ice before adding the
purified water.
Three refreshing gulps in, there’s a pounding at the front door. I glance down the
hallway toward Callum's room, but it’s all silent. I’m not really supposed to answer the
door, not since Callum started staying in the Penthouse again. But it can’t hurt to at
least check who it is.
Placing my glass down on the island counter, I walk as silently as possible over to the
door. Another round of knocks sound as I press the screen to check the security camera
on the other side of the door.
Roscoe stands in the hallway near the private elevator, holding what looks like a large
manilla envelope. Seeing Callum's right hand man, I unlock the door and open it. Roscoe
looks at me in surprise for a moment. Probably not expecting me to be awake. Glancing
at the clock on the security screen, I see that it’s close to 2am.
“Hi, Roscoe,” I say simply. I’m not really sure how to go about this. The whole
bodyguard-enforcer thing is new to me. What do you usually say to greet someone like
Roscoe at two in the morning?
“Lexie,” he greets with a nod as I step aside to let him in. “I’ve got something for
Callum that can’t wait until morning.” His explanation is as vague as it is telling. Closing
the door behind him, I slide the lock back into place out of habit.
“I think Callum's sleeping,” I say. It’s the truth, but I’m not about to tell Roscoe I just
left Callum asleep in his bed. Just when I’m going to suggest he go to Callum's room and
wake him up, Callum himself emerges from the dark hallway.
His eyes search until they find me, taking in my robe and wet hair. He’s still shirtless,
but he’s changed into a pair of lounge pants. The look he gives me says that we’re going
to talk later, before he’s focusing on the other man standing in the kitchen with me.
“Roscoe.” His tone is both a greeting and a question. I step over to the island to grab
my glass of water while the men talk.
Chapter Twenty-Two: Callum

hat do you have for me?” I ask Roscoe, crossing my arms over my chest and
widening my stance when we step into the entryway to speak privately.
“Enzo traced the money Anton was paid for his last shipment of girls through back
channels to find the source. The trafficking ring is based in Colombia, they use several
shell companies to cover their tracks.”
“That could complicate things.” I’m listening, absorbing every detail of what he’s
telling me. Yet, my eyes can’t help but wander over to my pretty pink nurse in the
“Their encryption was too tight to find anything. But the freighter company was a lot
easier to hack. He traced the money to the port authority.”
“What did he find?”
“He got the container number that the girls will be in. We can’t be sure which
freighter they’ll be put on, but we know which container it will be.”
“Good, we can work with that.” My hand runs over my beard in thought. Another piece
to the puzzle. I need to make sure my timeline doesn’t waste any opportunities with this
job. “I’ll have Liam dig into the freighter workers to find us an inside man. One of them
will lead us to the cargo ship for a payday.”
Roscoe nods, waiting patiently while my mind catalogs the info he gave me and files it
away for later.
“Lexie and I head to Chicago in a couple days. Will the plane be ready?”
“Yeah, Paul and Michael filed the flight plans this morning,” Roscoe replies with a nod.
“Your takeoff is scheduled for eight Friday morning.”
“Great,” I say. “Thanks, Roscoe.”
“You got it, boss. Have a good trip.” With that, he leaves me alone with Lexie once
more. As soon as the door is locked behind him, I’m moving to be closer to her. Like a
magnet, she draws me in with ease until there’s no more than an inch of space between
“I don’t remember saying you could leave my bed,” I murmur into her ear, placing my
hands on the counter to cage her in on both sides. Lexie’s head turns to look up at me
with those bright blue eyes of hers. It brings me back to how she looked over her
shoulder at me while she came around my cock in the bathroom only a few hours ago. I
want her again, and this time I want her spread out for me, completely naked, to devour
and dominate.
“Don’t think a round of angry sex in the bathroom means you can tell me what to do.”
Her sass only works at turning me on even more. I wanna fuck that attitude right out of
her until she’s submitting to me over and over again.
She thinks our time in the bathroom was a one-time thing, and she can’t be more
wrong. When I said I’m going to own her, I meant it. And more than just her body, I want
her mind and soul too.
Pulling her eyes from mine, she turns back to resume smoothing the fig spread on her
toasted French bread. Who makes bruschetta with fig, goat cheese, and honey as a
snack at two in the morning? It’s fucking adorable.
Taking my hands from the counter, I wrap them around Lexie’s waist. Her hands pause
as I move to untie her little fluffy robe, but she makes no move to stop me. I take that as
an invitation to slip my hands beneath the fuzzy fabric to find her soft warm skin
beneath it.
Fuck, she’s not wearing a bra—my hand finding nothing between me and the hot
weight of her giant breast. Even my very large hand is filled to overflowing with the ripe
weight of her chest. And shit if that isn’t hot. I can’t wait to devour these huge tits when
I have her again. My other hand trails down to feel her frilly little panties, only slightly
annoyed to feel the lace covering her perfect little pussy. I like lace.
The soft gasp I elicit when my hand slides under the lace to stroke her has me hard as
a rock, making me squeeze her breast a fraction harder than I should. I know the bite of
pain turns her on, I can feel her getting wet for me against my fingers. I insert one
finger inside her, giving a few teasing pumps as she falls back against me for support.
I would do anything to have her laid out for me on this kitchen counter as I suck every
last drop from her pretty pink pussy. The things I would do to her, making her come
against my tongue until she can’t remember her own name. But that will have to wait.
“I have some business to attend to, and you’re coming with me. Pack a bag, we’ll be
gone for two nights. We leave at the end of the week.” I inhale one last time, enjoying
the delicious scent of her hair products—it’s something citrus and smells delectable—
before withdrawing my hands and retying her robe.
Taking Lexie’s idea, I head to the shower. Running my hands down my face, I can
smell her on my fingers. Goddammit she’s perfect. Soft, strong willed, intelligent. She
works impressively well under pressure, she remains calm in times of crisis. And her
pussy is fucking Nirvana. I’ve dug myself into an insanely deep hole here, and I only
plan to keep on digging.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Lexie

It feels like my life is just one giant question mark right now, there’s always something
pressing on my mind. I can’t seem to focus on the social media posts scrolling across my
phone screen, my brain won’t stop insisting.
My eyes stray from the device in my hand back to the man sitting next to me on the
couch. He’s not working for once, there’s a book in his hands instead.
Just looking at him, the man makes me want to jump his bones. Callum’s so sexy,
strong, and thick all over. I’d like to lick every substantial inch of him. I’m sure he’d
enjoy every second of it too—before returning the favor. As hard as he is to read, there’s
never a single moment he’s not charged up and ready for any opportunity to have me.
Callum is an enigma with more complexities than I thought possible in one person. His
family is part of the New York Mafia, obviously very close to the head family. With his
connections and involvement, it’s obvious that he was a member of the Cosa Nostra at
some point too. But that doesn’t seem right.
To be fair, my knowledge of the mafia comes from true crime documentaries and
romance novels—so it’s more than possible that I’m wrong—but leaving the mafia isn’t
something you can do alive.
Live by the blood, die by the blood and all that jazz.
“It’s hard to read while you’re staring so hard,” Callum says, turning his head to meet
my eyes. I don’t shy away from his gaze, staring at him in consideration. “Ask me,
“You’re a Made man.” I wait, and he lifts one shoulder in vague confirmation. “Tell me
how you left the Outfit with your life.” His brows jump in surprise, and he pauses to look
me over thoughtfully.
“Knowing that information is dangerous,” he informs me.
“Apparently so is knowing you,” I point out mildly with a shrug. “What have you been
looking for? Levi, Viktor, the guy with the finger. You’re obviously hunting something.”
“Not what, who. I’ve been hired to track down an eight year old girl.” His answer
knots my stomach. Eight? She’s so young, just a baby really. I open my mouth to ask a
follow up question, but think better of it. It’s a rare occasion that Callum is open to
questions. There’s a bigger mystery that I want answers to. I can finesse more answers
about the girl later.
“How did you get into the Fixing business? And how long have you been doing it?”
“So many questions, Dewdrop. But I have some of my own. I’ll make you a deal—truth
for a truth.” Of course he’s bargaining. It’s just like him to turn a conversation into a
transaction. He can’t simply give something away without receiving something in
return, that wouldn’t benefit him. Callum is an expert at spinning every situation for his
gain. But this request seems fair, so I agree.
He leans forward to place his book on the coffee table, before settling back on the
couch. I shift in my place in the corner of the plush sectional, crossing my legs
underneath me to get comfy.
“Even before Marcus and I were born, my father was part of the Cosa Nostra with
Rafael Grassos’ father Don Salvator. He was a loyal soldier, working closely with Rafael
doing Family business. At one of the street fairs, he met an Irish girl whose father was
part of the Irish Mob. One thing lead to another and—despite all of the reasons not to—
they fell in love.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet.” I can’t help myself, it’s a regular star-crossed lovers story.
Callum’s lips twitch with a smile, and he continues.
“They wanted to get married, so they made a plan. The Italians and the Irish were at
war over alcohol trades and territory on the docks, and they knew the only way they
could be together was to get pregnant and force their families’ hands. They got married,
and my brother was born three months later. The wedding was more than tense, a few
members from both sides even came to blows.”
“That’s crazy.”
“It’s not uncommon,” he shrugs. “I grew up loyal to the Grassos family. I became a
Made Man when I was fourteen. My initiation into the New York mafia was taking care
of a supplier who was stealing from Don Rafael. That was the first man I ever killed.” My
stomach drops at the mention of murder, so I change the subject.
“What about your mom’s family?” Callum flashes me a concerned glance that says he
notices the shift in conversation, but he answers.
“The Irish and the Italians made attempts to get along, but turns out even being civil
proved to be impossible.” He shakes his head.“I was twenty-one and my mother insisted
we should get both sides of the family together for a Christmas party. My father thought
it was a terrible idea, but trying to stop Tara Walsh from doing something is like trying
to stop a hurricane—completely pointless. My father was right.”
“What happened?” I ask.
“Exactly what you’d expect would happen when you put members of rival mafias
together in the same room. Old feuds sparked and things turned explosive. A fight broke
out, and one of my Mom’s brothers pulled out his gun.”
“Someone got shot.” My eyes widen, and Callum nods.
“The bullet went through my mom’s spine, almost killing her. Because those fuckers
lost their temper, my mom will never walk again.” His hand runs over his beard as he
thinks back. “That’s when I realized blindly acting on emotions was dangerous. There
are much better ways to get what you want.
“I slowly started to separate myself from the Outfit. I knew leaving outright would be
a death sentence, so my moves started out small. I made myself indispensable to the
Grassos family as a ‘cleaner’ of sorts, taking care of messes. I kept all the dusty
skeletons from falling out of their closet. That’s how I met the Manici family who run the
Chicago Syndicate, along with politicians, officials, celebrities, and CEO’s. Eventually I
was valuable enough to step away from the Family business relatively unscathed.”
“Relatively unscathed? I repeat.
“The Grassos felt possessive at first. They didn’t like when I started working with
outsiders.” Callum explains. “The shift in power caused some growing pains, but
ultimately Rafael learned his place.”
“So what about your brother? He’s still in the Outfit, right?”
“That’s a different question. It’s my turn.” I open my mouth to protest, but the look he
gives me is a reminder that I promised, so I relent.
“Alright,” I agree, scooching forward on the cushion. “Shoot.”
“Tell me about the nightmares.” Callum doesn’t bother with small talk, there’s no
beating around the bush. Instead, he plows straight to the point. This isn’t something I
wasn’t planning on sharing with him—or anyone outside my therapists office.
I narrow my eyes as I mull it over. Callum sits patiently, watching and waiting. Taking
a deep breath, I steel myself for the story.
“It was two weeks before my contract at New York Presbyterian ended, I was
scheduled for a three day stretch of twelve hour shifts. A trauma came into the ER, a
bus was hit by a semi truck. The wreck was so bad, they were carting some of the
victims in several pieces.” I can’t help the tears that mist in my eyes, so I pull my gaze
away. Tilting my head back to look up at the ceiling, I will the waterworks to recede.
When the first tear falls down my cheek despite my best efforts, I close my eyes instead.
“I’ve seen a lot of carnage in my job, a lot of car accidents. But not like that.”
A shaky breath escapes me, anxiety dragging at my stomach at the memories. Biting
my lip, I force out a calming breath before opening my eyes and lowering my chin.
Callum sits silently, patiently. His eyes never leave my face, and a line forms between his
“There were eighteen patients; seventeen from the bus, and the truck driver. Fifteen
of them were between six and seven years old. It was a school bus.” I can’t help the sob
that escapes me. Closing my eyes again, strong arms wrap around me and I’m being
pulled onto Callum’s lap. His body envelopes mine, his solid frame settling some of the
panic inside me as I’m tucked under his chin.
“A class of first graders were going on a field trip to the Museum of Natural History. It
was their first real trip away from the school as full-day students.” My voice trembles,
shoulders shaking as I suck in shallow breaths. Callum doesn’t say a word, somehow
knowing that I need to get this out. “One of the little girls, Andie Brentwood, was
crushed from the neck down. Every one of her organs was affected, and she was
bleeding out internally.
“She kept asking me when she could see the dinosaurs, she said she sold cupcakes for
the money to buy her ticket. All of the operating rooms were filled with other children
who had better chances of survival. Andie Brentwood bled out forty-three minutes after
the crash, holding my hand. Her parents weren’t there yet, they couldn’t get to the
hospital because of the traffic caused by the accident.”
Andie’s face flashes behind my closed eyes; curly blonde hair, wide brown eyes lit with
pain, and two missing front teeth. I have to open my eyes before the image breaks me.
“Three kids out of fifteen survived. Two of them are expected to fully recover, one will
be in a wheelchair the rest of his life. The bus driver and the teacher died at the scene.”
“And the truck driver?” Callum’s voice is gentle, his nose pressing into my hair. I can’t
help the small huff of disgust at the memory of the man who caused the horrific
“He walked out of the ER that same day with just a few cracked ribs from the seatbelt
and a broken nose from the airbag.” Hatred burns in my stomach at the thought. “He
was high on opiates. He never tried to slow down, didn’t even touch the brakes before
“Was he arrested?” Callum asks. I nod against his chest.
“He was walked out in cuffs. But he shouldn’t have been able to walk at all.” I’d never
considered murdering someone until I saw the balding man shuffled out of the ER with
barely a scratch. “People like Carl Suco don’t deserve to live after taking away so much
life from this world.”
“He’ll get what’s coming to him. They always do.” There’s something in Callum’s
voice, a dark promise, that settles the animosity growing inside me. “When you get
nightmares, what do you see?”
Curly blonde hair, wide brown eyes lit with pain, and two missing front teeth.
“Every time I close my eyes, I see the life drain from Andie Brentwood’s eyes. I see
Tess Webb’s body severed in half at the spine. I see Adnan Fasil impaled by a bus seat. I
see so many bright young lives destroyed and ripped away too soon, and there’s nothing
I can do to save them. I can’t help them.”
I suck in deep shaky breaths to regulate my breathing and calm my erratic heart rate.
Callum remains silent as I sit in his arms, trying to calm down before my panic attack
can fully form. It takes several long minutes before I’ve pulled myself together enough
to speak again.
“Sorry,” I breathe, pulling away from his chest to sit up straight. Forcing in a deep
breath, I let it out slowly in an attempt to regain my composure. “I’m fine.”
Callum’s hand takes my chin and turns my face to look him in the eye. “You don’t have
anything to apologize for, Dewdrop. You never have to apologize to me for how you feel.”
His thumbs brush away my tears tenderly. Gazing into his eyes, I’m being drawn into
him. Our mouths are a breath away, and my heart rate stutters.
He’s being so unbelievably sweet, it’s overwhelming. The urge to kiss him is too
strong, and when he glances at my lips I don’t hold back. Leaning in, I brush my lips
against his.
Callum takes the invitation like I knew he would, using his hand on my face to pull me
into him. He doesn’t rationalize that I’m emotional and vulnerable, he doesn’t care. This
greedy, demanding man will take everything I freely give him without question or pause,
just as long as I’m sober and willing.
And god, am I willing.
His lips capture mine in a kiss so deep that I feel it all the way to my toes. Fire licks
through me as our mouths move together, and I want more. I always want more with
Callum, it’s like we can never get enough of each other. I shift on his lap, sliding one of
my legs across until I’m straddling him. Without hesitation his hand slides up my thigh
to palm my ass.
He keeps it slow, drinking me in like he could kiss me like this forever. There’s no
hurry, no frenzy. Even when I feel him harden against my ass, there’s no attempt to
deepen things. He takes his time, exploring my mouth; nipping, licking, sucking. And I’m
lost in him. Just as I’m getting dizzy, he releases me.
Pressing one last lingering kiss to his lips, I sit back on his lap. He brushes the hair
from my face, cupping my cheeks in his large hands. “Is that why you’re always in the
kitchen in the middle of the night?” he asks. I nod against his hands.
“I’ve only gotten a few good hours of sleep in the last few weeks.” The night I spent in
Callum’s bed after having sex in the bathroom comes to my mind—the only hours of
restful sleep I’ve had since the trauma. Callum catches it before I avert my eyes.
“Tell me,” he insists, lowering his head to catch my gaze. I might as well, I’m in too
deep now anyway. With what I’ve shared tonight, so raw and deep, it’s just a drop in the
bucket at this point.
“When I was in your bed, and you laid on top of me,” I admit. Warmth floods his eyes,
the edges of his face softening. And there’s something else that flashes across his
expression, something primal that looks a lot like satisfaction.
“I wore you out,” he rasps.
“I felt safe.” It’s the truth, the realization hitting us both at the same time. He brings
my mouth back to his, kissing me soundly. I speak against his lips, “You owe me at least
five truths after all this.”
“Deal,” he replies without contest. “But not tonight.” With that, he’s standing from the
couch and taking me with him. My arms clasp around his neck, clinging to him, legs
wrapping around his hips. He cups my ass, supporting my weight without faltering.
“What are you doing?” I breathe in surprise.
“Taking you to bed.”
“You need a good night’s sleep.” His deep voice vibrates in his chest against me. “I’ll
keep you safe from the nightmares.” He carries me into his bedroom, leaning down to
pull back the covers before gently laying me in the center of the california king.
He steps away, his hands moving to unbutton his shirt and walking into the closet. I
take the opportunity to get more comfortable and unclasp my bra under my top, pulling
my arms out of the sleeves to tug the straps down my shoulders and out the bottom of
my shirt. Leaning over to the side of the bed, I drop my bra on the floor.
Callum emerges from his closet wearing a pair of pajama pants hung low on his hips
and nothing else. Callum is a very impressive man. He’s not a body builder with muscles
just for show. His strong frame is thick and solid, built for power—a Viking ready for
Flipping the switch next to the bed, the room is doused in darkness save the soft glow
coming from his closet. The mattress dips under Callum’s weight, and I’m being pulled
back to the center of the bed by a strong arm wrapped around my waist. I let out a
breathless laugh looking up at Callum kneeling over me. Being back in this bed, sinking
into the lavish sheets surrounded by the scent of Callum’s musk, I can already feel the
peace settling over me.
Without a word Callum takes his place laying on top of me, strong arms circling my
waist with his head tucked between my breasts. The considerable weight of him
sandwiches me between his body and the mattress. I feel so small with him, a foreign
feeling in my fat body. There’s something about being dwarfed against a viking of a man
that makes me feel so delicate and petite.
When did Callum become my safe place? The thought terrifies me.
“This doesn’t change anything,” I yawn, feeling the need to clarify. “Between us, I
mean.” I’m lying to myself, we both know it. Because despite my declaration, it sure
does feel like something is shifting between us.
Callum settles against me, letting out a heavy breath of gratification from his place
between my breasts. “Go to sleep, Dewdrop. You can go back to wishing you never met
me in the morning.”
Chapter Twenty-Four: Callum

pening the car door for Lexie, she’s staring in awe as she accepts my hand to help
her out. She barely notices when her feet touch down onto the tarmac where the
driver parked, her eyes pulling away from the private plane to search for mine.
“This is yours?” She points to the jet. “You own a private jet.”
“Of course,” I respond easily, nodding thanks to the driver as he moves to unload our
bags for my waiting staff.
“Of course?” she repeats like I’m crazy. “People don’t just have private jets.”
“I do.” My hand finds its way to the small of her back. “Are you planning to just stand
here and stare at it? We have a schedule to stick to.” The teasing in my voice is softened
by the smile I can’t help at the look of amazement lighting up her face. Her excitement
feeds my soul.
“I guess we can board. I’ll allow it,” she concedes, making me chuckle.
“That’s very generous of you,” I comment, propelling her toward the aircraft.
Walking up the steps and ducking through the door, my pilots Paul and Michael greet
us from the cockpit. Lexie walks slowly in front of me, marveling at the cream couch and
club seats that lead toward the small four person conference table towards the back of
the main cabin. A sleek black galley kitchen leads to the full bathroom connected to the
bedroom complete with a king sized bed.
Finding a plane with everything I need when I travel for work was difficult, especially
one that had fixtures big enough for me to fit comfortably. So when I wasn’t able to find
one, just like my SUV, I had it made to my exact specifications. Money well spent.
Lexie sits in one of the forward club seats, and I take my place across from her. My
flight attendant, Melissa, appears to take our drink order and offer us the breakfast I
had prepared of steak, potato, and egg bowls paired with chocolate croissants.
I sit back and watch Lexie chat with Melissa like they’re old friends, even after
takeoff. Eventually the flight attendant disappears into the back again, bringing Lexie’s
attention back to me. “You employ some really nice people.”
“Is that a surprise?” I ask, raising my brows in question. I push her bottle of water
closer to her when she reaches for her mimosa. The woman seems to have something
against staying properly hydrated, drinking everything except for what’s actually good
for her.
“Yeah, sometimes,” she responds unfazed. “You’re not exactly friendly.”
“What am I then?” I lift my cup to take a sip of my coffee. Lexie gazes at me for a
moment in thoughtful consideration. She looks torn at whether or not she’s going to
answer the question at all.
“You are,” she starts slowly, searching for the right words. “Omniscient.”
Her description seems fitting, I am all-seeing. Especially when it comes to her.
“Not to mention ridiculously good looking and a little terrifying,” she adds lightly,
ignoring the water and taking another sip from the champagne flute. My grip flexes
against my cup when she bats those blue eyes at me in a way that makes my pants
The two and a half hour flight feels closer to twenty minutes, and the landing goes
smoothly. Matteo arranged for a car to pick us up on the private tarmac—with one of his
soldiers, Dino, driving the SUV. I catch the Italian mobster eyeing Lexie in the rearview
mirror skeptically. I’m expecting to see that expression a lot during this trip—the look
that questions who she is to me and why she’s here. I plan on making it perfectly clear.
They’ll learn soon enough.
Lexie doesn’t notice the Made man’s extra attention. She sits beside me, quietly
admiring the new cityscape as it passes out the car window. I can see her eyes moving
to absorb every detail in the architecture and landmarks, and I make a mental note to
take her sightseeing before we leave if time permits.
She’s not wearing one of her cute dresses, and her pink scrubs are keeping my hand
on her thigh from touching skin. My hand inches up her leg, moving closer to the pussy I
crave to be inside again. She squirms under my touch, her hand covering mine to stop
my movement.
Her eyes leave the window to meet mine, gazing at me intently for a silent
conversation. Then her hand slips under mine to interlock our fingers. And with that,
she turns back to the window with our hands still entwined.
“Here we are, Mr. Russo,” Dino announces, pulling my attention from the text I’m
writing to Roscoe. He stayed back in New York with Liam and Enzo to keep the Harris
ball rolling while I’m away for the weekend.
The Raven, making a statement right in the heart of downtown Chicago, could rival
any major hotel in New York. Set back from the busy city street through a gate, a
circular drive leads to the grand front entrance. It looks expensive, exclusive, and far
removed from the crime syndicate that now owns it.
“Wow, this place is beautiful. I feel like we just walked into the Great Gatsby,” Lexie
comments beside me when we walk inside, and she’s right. The interior is decorated in
the art deco style, made up of dark, rich tones with detailed line work and bold gold
fixtures. Geometric chandeliers hang from the high ceilings, symmetrical woodwork
adding a modern feel. The front desk sits in the center of the lobby with the hotel bar to
the right. A grand staircase leads to a landing with three elevators before splitting to
either side and wrapping around the massive chandelier.
“Mr. Russo,” The woman behind the front desk greets without introduction. “Welcome
to The Raven. The Executive Suite is ready for your arrival,” She says with a wide smile,
holding out the pamphlet with the room keys and hotel map. I accept it with thanks.
“Callum Russo, back in my city.” Matteo’s voice announces his arrival. I turn to see
him striding across the lobby in one of his signature pinstripe suits in the classic 1920’s
gangster style—all he’s missing is the homburg hat and black and white shoes. It’s his
attempt at irony.
“I never miss a chance to raid a free minibar,” I joke with a grin. The banter is for our
audience, we both know that. To everyone around us, we’re just two old friends visiting
for a special occasion. No one would ever suspect that I’ve literally buried more than
one body for this man.
“Nothing but the best here at the Raven. I’ll even let you take home your robe.”
Matteo’s eyes move past me and I know he’s clocked Lexie. “And you brought someone
with you.”
“This is Lexie.” I inform him, my hand going to the small of her back as they shake
hands. I don’t particularly enjoy watching Lexie smile at other guys, not when I know
exactly what kind of man they are.
“Matteo Manici,” he introduces, blatantly looking her up and down. “Welcome to The
“Hi—” Whatever Lexie is about to say is cut off when her phone starts to ring. She
looks down at it before glancing up at me. “Sorry.”
“Go ahead.” I nod, giving her permission. I know that she’s been waiting for a call
from Mia about one of her old nurse friends. She flashes me a grateful smile before
stepping away to answer it. My eyes follow her movements as she finds a quiet spot to
talk by one of the rectangular pillars a few yards away.
“So it’s true,” Matteo comments with amusement. “When Liam mentioned your new
nurse was different than Tony, he wasn’t joking. She’s definitely not what I was
expecting, especially for you.”
“Her work is impeccable and she’s loyal. That’s what I needed.”
“She’s blonde.” He laughs at the absurdity of it. “And pink.”
“Yes, she is,” I agree, my gaze catching on Lexie across the lobby once more. “You
have a list for me?”
“This is the information for the soft opening.” Matteo hands me a leather folder with
the hotel name embossed across the front. “Itinerary for the weekend’s events, guest list
—all of it. Go get settled in your room, we’ll meet later. My father will be here tonight to
discuss business.”
“Perfect,” I confirm. Matteo’s hands clasp my upper arms with an enthusiastic nod.
“Good to have you back in Chicago.”
“Good to be here.”
Chapter Twenty-Five: Callum

hen I first hired Lexie, I was all too aware when she was with me. But at some
point I’ve gotten used to having her by my side—she’s become a constant, an
extension of me. And I’m realizing now that having her with me is the only things that
feels right. So when it’s time to go pick up my suit from my tailor here in Chicago, I
bring Lexie with me.
She’s changed out of her scrubs into a girly outfit. She called it a romper, which is
apparently something that looks exactly like one of her sundresses but isn’t. This one
has pockets, something she gets very excited about every time she remembers. Even
now as we stand in the store where I buy my custom suits, Lexie’s hands keep finding
her pockets as she looks around.
My phone beeps in my hand with a text from Liam. He’s found a lead on who’s behind
the shell companies in Columbia. If we can find that person, we can get answers about
which freighter the shipment of girls will be on.
The sound of dress shoes clicking on the floor announces my tailor’s arrival, pulling
my focus back to my current surroundings.
“Your suit, Mr. Russo.” Walter presents the sleek black garment bag. “To your exact
specifications, as usual.” He insists on addressing me so formally, even after all these
years—and my periodic reminders to call me by my first name.
Walter is a true gentleman, one of the last of his kind. Walter takes his profession
seriously, a master at his craft. Anyone coming into this store simply sees him as a
distinguished sales clerk at a designer clothing store, but he’s the best in the business.
The only man I trust to clothe me, both for my reputation and my comfort. There’s
nothing more powerful than a properly fitted suit to make an impression.
“Thank you, Walter,” I say, without accepting the garment bag. We came for more than
just my suit. “Just leave it up front for me.”
“Would you like to try it on?” He asks me this question every time, and my answer
remains the same with each visit.
“No need, I’m sure your work is as impeccable as ever.” Walter’s measurements are
unmatched, his ability to custom fit a suit with only one consultation is impressive even
by my standards. Finding suits that fit properly as a man my size is practically
impossible without several rounds of tailoring, and Walter’s attention to detail is what
makes for the perfect fit.
“Is there something else I can help you with?” Walter’s eyebrows raise. He’s got a
good poker face with the practiced amiable smile of a salesman. But I can see the
surprise on his face, this isn’t protocol for me—I’m usually in and out, taking as little
time to run this errand as possible. But not today.
“We’re going to do some shopping,” I say. Walter’s eyes light with understanding when
his focus moves to where Lexie stands admiring the silk tie selection, clearly not paying
attention to our conversation. His gaze cuts to me briefly in curiosity, far too
professional to say what’s on his mind, and written all over his face. I’ve never brought
anyone with me on my many trips to see him before, even after all these years. So who
is she? Feeling our eyes, Lexie turns to look between us expectantly.
“Lexie, this is Walter. He makes the best suits in the country.”
“Nice to meet you, Walter.” The smile Lexie offers is full of her usual warmth.
“The pleasure is mine, Miss.” Walter smiles back politely, his eyes scanning Lexie
thoughtfully. The way he’s looking at her body, taking in every inch intently, would make
me want to snap anyone else’s neck. Fortunately for him, I know exactly what Walter’s
really looking at—it’s one of the reasons I come to him, why I brought her here. He’s
looking at her proportions, measurement, and body type. His gaze is analytical,
calculating in inches and centimeters.
“Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with,” Walter says, nodding before
turning to bring my suit back to the checkout counter. Lexie follows me away from the
men’s clothes to the women’s section. Rows and rows of designer dresses, skirts, and
tops. Lexie’s eyes never stop moving, fascinated at the array of pretty things
surrounding her. But her focus never lands on anything in particular, missing the point
of why I brought her here. Stepping behind her, the light scent of her perfume wafts
towards me when I lean closer.
She always smells so good.
“Take a look around.”
“For what?” She doesn’t get it, something I wasn’t expecting. For someone who loves
all things pretty and girly, she seems to be having a hard time grasping a simple concept
like shopping. For some reason, it never even occurred to Lexie that we’re here to find
something for her.
“We’re going to a party, you need a dress.” The statement is simple, but she frowns at
“A place like this won’t have my size. I can just wear one of the dresses I already
have.” She’s so certain. I guess that explains her lack of interest—she never expected to
walk out of here with something that fits her deliciously full body. She’s wrong.
“Take a look around, Dewdrop,” I repeat.
“What size are we looking for?” Walter asks brightly as he approaches.
“I’m usually an 18/20 or a 2XL, sometimes bigger. Way too big for these brands,” she
says, sifting through the hangers of a rack and letting her hand fall in defeat. Her eyes
look around, but I can tell that each dress she looks at she’s not really seeing. She’s
given up before even trying, just assuming I would take her somewhere she can’t shop.
It makes me angry.
Little does she know, I chose this place because I know they can provide just what she
“I’ll pull a few options for you,” Walter says, excusing himself. Lexie watches him go,
her usual enthusiasm missing.
“I’m too big. Nothing here is going to fit me, nothing ever really fits me,” she
grumbles, toying with a dress as she walks by a display. “Fat bodies don’t work for
designer and high fashion. There’s really no point in trying. I mean, look at these rolls.
They’re not gonna fit into anything sold here.”
Fed up, I grab her arm and pull her until my chest is pressed up against her back, my
mouth to her ear. “Keep talking like that, and I’ll take you into the dressing room and
show you exactly what fits with this beautiful body of yours.”
“Cal.” My name on her lips comes out breathless, sending pure lust rippling through
me. It’s taking everything in me not to make good on my word and drag her into the
fitting room.
“I always know exactly what you need, Dewdrop.” Her breath hitches in her chest. If I
don’t step back right now, I’ll end up fucking her right here against the display window.
“We’re not leaving here until you’ve tried on a dress. Stop putting yourself down and
start looking. Really looking.”
When I back away Lexie acquiesces, even if it’s reluctantly. Her energy is still lacking,
but at least now when she slides a hanger on a rack she’s actually looking at what’s
hanging from it.
Going through a few of the racks, Lexie pulls out a light blue dress. Even just holding
it up, I can tell the color would be perfect against her skin. The urge to see it on her hits
me in the chest, making me insist that it’s the first dress to bring to the fitting room.
Walter approaches with a rolling rack full of options in various styles, fabrics, and
colors. I stand and watch as he holds up two dresses at a time for Lexie to approve or
veto while he gets a sense of her taste. When they reach the last dress on the rack,
there are multiple options selected for the dressing room to be tried on.
Even with a selection in her size, Lexie eyes the collection of garments with
skepticism. Like she can’t allow herself to get her hopes up, despite her options. Each
half smile cements my determination to provide for her, earn back the radiant smile she
usually gives readily.
“Fitting rooms are right this way.” My hand on the small of Lexie’s back firmly leads
her to follow Walter through the store to the luxury fitting area. The row of smaller
rooms curtained off with heavy cream curtains looks out to a deluxe seating area with
sofas, arm chairs and glasses with the option of champagne or wine.
Even in her gloom, Lexie’s focus latches onto each detail around her as she takes in
every part of the first-class treatment I’ve grown accustomed to. Something I plan for
her to grow accustomed to from today on.
“I’ll just leave these in here for you,” Walter says, hanging the haul carefully on the
hooks in the largest of the dressing rooms. “Is there anything else I can bring you?
Champagne, wine?” He stands diligently by the door, hands folded in front of him.
“Actually, do you have moun—” I cut off Lexie’s request for mountain dew before she
has a chance to finish the thought, speaking over her instead.
“We’ll both take some ice water.” Turning to give the attendant a nod. “Thank you,
“Of course, Mr. Russo.” Walter bows courteously. “I’ll bring that right away.
“That was rude,” she mumbles, her delivery lacking its usual sting. Eyes catching on
the clothes waiting for her, she begins twisting the ring on her middle finger.
“They don’t have that shit here.” What’s meant to be teasing, an attempt to wind her
up, comes out sounding irritated and condescending instead. I take a step closer to her.
“How do you know, have you asked them?”
“You’re stalling.”
“You’re bossy.” When she turns away from me, I can’t help but grasp her neck to pull
her back in. And she lets me, without bothering to resist. Never in a million years did I
think I’d miss her defiance, but I fucking do.
“You bet I am.” I use my hand on her neck to tilt her head back, bringing her lips
closer to mine. She gazes up at me, her breasts pressing against my chest with each
breath. Those big blue eyes flicker to my mouth, sending a wave of lust straight to my
dick. Lowering my head, I take her mouth in a kiss, drinking her in. She tastes so sweet,
and lush.
Peaches and cream.
Her hands slide up my chest to clasp around my neck.
She’s been disturbingly subdued this whole trip, this smart mouth of hers too quiet
and polite. The unease of shopping in a bigger body has dampened her spark, and I
can’t help but miss it. Each comment I make that goes without one of her witty remarks
or a one-liner paired with a saucy smile, digs under my skin and weighs heavy on my
chest like a stack of bricks. This isn’t the Lexie that’s blazed into my life and chipped
away at my control with her pretty pink nails until she’s wedged herself permanently in
my head. I want her smile to go back to its blinding megawatt status.
“Take off your clothes,” I order against her lips. She lets out a breathy laugh, and one
of the bricks falls from my chest.
“Nice try, Russo,” she says between kisses. “I’m sure a place like this frowns upon
fucking in the dressing rooms. I’d hate to get you kicked out of your favorite store,
Walter would be so disappointed.”
There she is.
I can’t help but laugh, amusement flooding through me. “I’m going to be inside that
perfect pussy of yours again soon, Dewdrop.” My hand slides down to palm her round
ass greedily, making her gasp softly against my lips. “But right now you have dresses to
try on.”
“You can’t be serious.” She leans back to look up at me, her expression questioning
my sanity.
“I’m always serious,” I state, pressing one last lingering kiss to her lips. Untangling
my hand from her hair, I step back. The defiance that flashes across her face tells me
she’s about to protest, so I cut her off as I back out of the room. “Start with the blue
Closing the curtain behind me, I take a seat on the sofa facing her fitting room.
There's no doubt in my mind that she’s glaring at the closed curtain wrestling between
the idea of telling me to go to hell or just trying on the dresses to get this over with. I’ll
gladly take either option. One way or another, she’s putting each of those dresses on her
body before we leave here.
It takes a few minutes before I can hear Lexie moving around, and fabric rustling. Her
voice carries out to me, only a few of her words meant for me as she speaks.
“It’s so pretty, this color is stunning,” she gushes, making me grin. Her appreciation
for anything pretty or sparkly never gets old, it fuels my enjoyment more than I could
enjoy something on my own. “Ugh, it doesn’t fit. These damn boobs,” she grumbles.
“Come out and show me.”
“It won’t zip, my boobs are too big.”
“Let me see, Lexie.” I can hear her disgruntled exhale, but the heavy curtain is being
pulled aside. The powder blue silk dress fits her like a second skin, accentuating her
dramatic curves. The elegant hem ends just above her knee with a generous slit up one
thigh, webbed with delicate chains dotted with pearls. She holds the top to her chest,
her breasts on full display with the open sweetheart neckline that leads to the off the
shoulder sleeves made of tulle, dotted with the same tiny pearls. The soft blue color
matches her eyes, enhancing luxurious long blonde hair and that peaches and cream
skin that always smells incredible. She looks absolutely stunning, even without the dress
zipping all the way.
“I’m buying you that dress.” I can’t take my eyes off her. Fucking angelic.
“What part of ‘it doesn’t fit, my boobs are too big’ are you not understanding?” she
asks, exasperation tinting her tone with attitude. I ignore her, waving Walter over
instead. The attendant places the tray of ice water down on the table beside my chair,
turning attentively.
“Walter, we want this dress altered. It needs to be ready by tomorrow afternoon.”
“Callum,” Neither of us acknowledge Lexie’s protest. Walter simply nods to me.
“Of course, sir. I’ll send our seamstress, Lauren, in to take her measurements. Are
there any other dresses you’d like custom fitted?”
I look over at Lexie, imagining the possibilities. “Not yet, but we’ll have our selection
ready for alteration before we leave.” Lexie looks at me curiously.
“What do you mean?”
“Go try on the next dress, I want to see it.”
“You want a fashion show?” Lexie jokes, laughing skeptically. I grin at her, my brows
“Absolutely. And this time give me a little twirl while you’re at it.” She just shakes her
head at me, disappearing behind the curtain. The shuffling inside the dressing room is
accompanied by mumbling as Lexie talks to herself.
“This one doesn’t fit right either,” she calls.
“I want to see,” I insist. She steps out, unable to maintain her frown despite her sigh.
My eyes run over her, taking my time to admire the emerald green color against her
“It zips, but the top doesn’t fit right.” She gestures to how her breasts spill out of the
molded cups of the structured bodice. My gaze roams past her beautiful chest to how
the fabric nips in at her waist and skims over the fullness of her hips then flows almost
to the floor. I lift a finger and motion for her to spin.
“Where’s my twirl?” She rolls her eyes, but spins for me anyway. I don’t miss how she
bites back a smile, and I make no attempt to hide my own. My grin grows as she turns in
a circle, giving me a three hundred and sixty degree view of her lush body. “Add that for
alterations,” I instruct. “Next dress.”
Five more dresses, five more times she emerges to show me with a twirl. Four of the
dresses fit, while one of them is definitely a hard no between design and color. Despite
herself, she’s having fun—but not more fun than I’m having. Watching her step out in
each dress, getting to see her full figure in different silhouettes, is one of the best times
I’ve ever had shopping.
She thrills and gushes over the smallest details, whether it’s the fabric quality or
intricate bead work, and her joy is infectious. Making Lexie happy makes me happy.
Lauren, the inhouse seamstress, takes Lexie’s measurements and we hand off two
dresses for alterations. Four dresses are boxed up to carry out with us, six dresses total.
Walking out of the store, my hand finds its way around her waist, and I realize I’m
nowhere near ready for our shopping trip to be over. I want to see more.
So next comes shoes. Lexie, of course, picks the pairs with the most added details—
glitter, rhinestones, bows. Beaming at me over glittery pink stilettos, she says “They’re
not really impractical if they make you feel pretty.” A statement I have no intention of
arguing with. And damn, does she look pretty in sparkly shoes.
Each pair is the definition of sensual femininity as she puts them on and struts up and
down like the aisle is a catwalk. Her little poses and bouts of laughter when she tries on
a ridiculous pair just for the hell of it feed my ever growing addiction. I could watch her
like this all day, everyday and never get bored. And looking at how many hours have
passed, I’ve already started.
Jewelry, handbags, perfume, cosmetics, I try everything I can think of to extend our
day together, to keep her laughing. She protests everytime I swipe my credit card, but
her frown of disapproval vanishes the instant she’s adding a shopping bag to the
growing collection.
Helping her back into the car to head back to the hotel is oddly disappointing. I’ve
never liked shopping before, and I still don’t. But shopping for Lexie, is different. I like
“I had fun today,” Lexie says. “Thank you, Callum.” The smile on her face is
exhilarating, and I want more. She beams and I’m hungry to feel that warmth like an
addict jonesing for a hit. If I can keep her smiling like this for the rest of my life, I’ll die
a happy man.
“You can thank me properly when we get back to the hotel.”
“Is that why you did all this? So I’ll let you fuck me again, maybe get your cock sucked
this time?” She’s curious instead of accusatory. My grip shifts on the steering wheel,
tension settling across my shoulders. Her question is simple enough, it’s the answer
that’s complicated.
“No.” I don’t bother lying, there’s no point.
“Then why? You hate wasting time and money. Why did you spend so much on me
“For you, it’s never a waste.” The truth is heavy on my chest. I pull my eyes from the
road to look at her. There they are again, those messy emotions slowly unraveling my
tightly wound control. “I’ll always give you what you need, Dewdrop.”
ChapterTwenty-Six: Lexie

still can’t get over this room,” I say, looking at my reflection as I clasp the dainty
pear-studded necklace around my neck. It’s one of the pieces Callum purchased
during our shopping spree. Something about the fact that he bought it for me, just
because I like it, makes it feel special. Everything I’m wearing tonight was purchased by
him—from my perfume to the silk platform heels on my feet.
The suite is absolutely incredible, equally as impressive as the lobby. With rich jewel
tones, Art Deco details, and gold accents. I could never afford to stay at a place like this,
it’s the definition of luxury.
“I expected nothing less from the Manici family,” Callum says walking out of the
primary bedroom. My eyes catch on him in the reflection and the breath stutters in my
chest. Callum’s tall, broad frame looks incredible in his rich black suit. Walter is a
genius, because it fits him like a damn glove. His full beard has been recently trimmed
and shaped to perfection, his thick dark brown hair styled in tamed waves. Those
smoldering hazel eyes meet mine as he straightens the cufflinks on his white dress
Hot damn, he’s handsome.
Even as I’m checking him out, his gaze sweeps over me in appreciation—taking in my
big, loose curls, full glam makeup, and the light blue dress he had altered for me. My
tits also look incredible in this dress, the off the shoulder sleeves with the open
sweetheart neckline putting my chest on full display with the help of my industrial-
strength strapless bra. My high-waisted shapewear underwear is currently holding me
in and smoothing me out.
I’m not sure what to expect at this party for the Raven’s soft opening. Callum will be
the only person I know there, and I’ll admit I’m a little apprehensive. I’m not sure
whether Callum is attending this party for business or pleasure, but I’m guessing it’s a
little bit of both.
Turning to face him, the air between us grows heavy with sexual tension. I can feel his
desire to rip this dress right off my body as his eyes move over me—a feeling I know is
reflected on my own face looking at his sexy suit. “Speaking of the Manici’s,” I say,
forcing a cleansing breath. “They don’t seem like the kind of people who like to be kept
“They’re not,” he agrees, though his tone implies he couldn’t care less. His shoulders
roll back and I watch him shift into Fixer mode. “You ready?”
Back to business.
“As I’ll ever be.”

Just one more hour.

It’s still pretty early, but I’m ready to call it a night. I usually love a good party. But,
considering the only person I know here has been actively ignoring me to work the
room, I’ve resigned myself to a stool at the bar while sipping a cosmopolitan. I spent the
first two and a half hours at Callum’s side, but I got tired of playing the silent observer.
Not to mention my feet are killing me in these new heels. I know better than to wear
them straight out of the box, but they were just too pretty to resist.
The only good part about following Callum around like a shadow was being able to
listen to him talk to the Manicis when they think no one can hear them. I’ve learned a
lot about Callum’s past with the mafia tonight.
Frederico Manici is the head of the syndicate here in Chicago, I heard Callum refer to
him as the Don. He bought this hotel to launder money, as well as what he calls
“streamline supply and demand” which I think either refers to sex work or drug
distribution. Possibly both.
Callum’s worked with the Family a long time hiding their indiscretions, and he’s here
to make sure the big wigs in attendance don’t try to mess with the hotel opening.
Apparently the types of people who accept bribes to cut corners are also the type you
can expect to get greedy when they see the opportunity.
It’s a good thing Callum knows how to tame the vultures to keep them from circling.
Matteo owns this hotel with his Father, keeping everything above board running
smoothly. I’m not really sure what to make of him.
As if my thoughts conjured him, the man himself appears at the bar beside me.
“It’s not a good look for our guests to go thirsty.” Matteo indicates the emptied
cosmopolitan glass in front of me. He waves to the bartender. “Let’s get the lovely lady a
fresh drink.”
“Thank you.” I accept the new glass and take a sip, holding his gaze boldly. He’s not
subtle when he gives me an evaluating look, scanning me from head to toe. I’m not
surprised when he gives my tits a second look.
“I can’t decide what I like more, this dress or your pink scrubs.” What Matteo lacks in
height, he makes up for in confidence and authority. Looking at the Rolex on his wrist
and the air around him that screams untouchable, he’s someone important in Callum's
world. It makes sense if his dad is the head of the Chicago Outfit.
“The scrubs are more comfortable, but things tend to get more violent when I’m
wearing them.” He smiles, flashing a row of pearly white teeth that reminds me of a
shark. Something about his toothy smile says predator.
“Sounds very thoughtful to me. We wouldn’t want our pretty nurse to feel left out.” It’s
my turn to laugh.
“Oh yeah, very thoughtful. I would hate for my skills to go to waste.” It’s a joke, but
something I say has Matteo’s eyes roaming over me again. I feel like I’m being eyed by a
wild animal, one that might snap at any moment—one wrong move and I’m dead. So I
stay still, forcing my body to remain calm and relaxed.
“Something tells me you have skills I need to see in action for myself.” Matteo’s
demeanor shifts, and just like that—I know we’re not talking about my medical training
anymore. Our flirtation has taken a turn, and now he’s propositioning me.
Alarm bells start going off in my head, and my instinct is to recoil. But rejecting him
isn’t an option here. This man isn’t someone you say no to without losing something very
important to you—like a hand or someone you love.
Shit, what do I say?
Taking a small sip of my drink, I casually glance around to give myself a second to
think. Maybe someone will come to my rescue. But the only eyes I seem to catch are
Callum’s, and he’s glaring at me from across the room. He looks pissed, for whatever
reason, so he’ll be no help. I’m on my own here, I guess.
“Maybe someday you will,” I say vaguely. “But I’m sure a man like you is too good at
what he does to need my skills.”
Matteo looks over his shoulder to make sure no one is paying attention before leaning
closer. That one action tells me he’s the type of guy who fucks fat girls in private, but
he’s ashamed to be seen with them in public. I don’t mess with shitty guys like that.
“Perhaps I’ll see you later for a private demonstration. I’ve always been good at
handling large assets,” he says. A couple is approaching to speak with him so he flashes
those pearly whites at me one last time before stepping away.
The breath of relief that leaves me once I’m alone again isn’t long lived. I feel like I
just survived a close encounter with a shark, but unfortunately I don’t get the chance to
finish my drink before a dominating presence is over my shoulder.
“We’re leaving,” Callum asserts, making me look up at him in confusion.
“Aren’t you working?”
“I have it handled. Let’s go.” There’s a commanding edge in his voice as he helps me
down from the stool. He’s pissed, his expression thunderous as he pulls me through the
crowds toward the elevator. I pretend not to notice his mood, playing it cool when he
drags me by the arm into our suite. He’s lost his damn mind if he thinks he can get what
he wants just by manhandling me. If he wants something from me, he can talk about it
like a normal person.
I stop just inside the door that’s slammed shut and deadbolted behind us.
He’s right behind me, crowding me. His broad chest is practically pressing to my
back, and I can all but feel his eyes staring a hole through the top of my head. “Can I
help you?” I ask, unbothered as I look through my purse for my lip balm.
“Matteo Manici?” His deep voice is harsh, and actually quite intimidating. But not
scary enough to rattle me. He can have this tantrum right now if he wants to, but that
doesn’t make it my problem. “What the fuck was that?”
Finally, I find the small tube of lip balm I’m looking for, of course it was at the very
bottom of my whole bag. Figures. “We were talking,” I reply calmly, leaning closer to the
mirror. Swiping the balm across my lips, I blot with the pad of my finger.
“That wasn’t talking,” he states.
“I was being friendly.” I press my lips closed and rub them together.
“He’s not your friend.”
“None of these people are my friends.” I brush off his comment with a shrug.
“He wants to fuck you.”
“What does that matter?”
“He doesn’t get to have you.”
“Why wouldn’t he?”
“Because I don’t share.” His statement has me turning to face him. He’s got me
cornered against the entryway table, and my chest is just a breath away from his torso.
Damn my big boobs, I can’t breathe deeply without rubbing against him. He’d probably
think it was an invitation—and he’d probably be right.
“I didn’t sleep with him, there’s no harm in flirting,” I say, looking up at him like my
blood isn’t roaring in my ears.
“The hell there isn’t.” His deep voice is so low, I can feel it resonating in my chest.
God, his voice is hot. But that doesn’t make his entitled ass any less annoying. He
doesn’t get to stake his claim on me because he’s made me come a few times. Fuck
“I have nothing to apologize for,” I respond to his silence. “The sex is good, and it
might even happen again. But that’s all it is between us. Sex.”
I care about him, more than I ever thought I could. He’s become my rock, a steadying
constant in the whirlwind my life has turned into. Callum doesn’t just watch, he pays
attention. He knows what dress size I wear, he makes sure I’ve eaten, that I drink
enough water. Callum sees me, he makes me a priority. He makes sure I’m catered to
like no one has ever cared for me before. With him, I never feel like I’m asking too
much, or that I even have to ask at all. He’s always there to give me exactly what I need
the moment I realize I need it.
But he’s also a domineering, possessive ass who feels entitled to me. That same
attention that makes me feel cherished turns crushing in an instant. And I refuse to give
myself up to a man who can’t even tell me how he feels. A man who can’t communicate
outside of brutal acts born from his jealousy. So unless there’s a drastic change in his
choice of communication, my body is all he gets from me.
I take a small step to the side in an attempt to move around him, but he turns with me.
His arms go to the wall on either side of my head, and his massive frame is looming over
me again as he cages me in—this time even closer. His head lowers, asserting his
dominance, but he doesn’t touch me. He wants me to make the first move, to submit to
him—like he knows I can.
“I’ve been staring at this damn dress all night, imagining every way I can get you out
of it. I get so fucking hard just looking at you.” A wave of desire washes over me at the
raw hunger in his voice. I hate how attracted I am to this dark, twisted, brilliant man.
“That sounds like a personal problem,” I say, doing my best to ignore the way my heart
is racing and the heat is pooling between my thighs. And failing miserably.
“You are my personal problem, Dewdrop. One I know exactly how to fix.” Breathing in
his cologne is like inhaling pheromones that cloud my mind until I’m dizzy. Something
shifts between us as our eyes lock, and I know what’s going to happen next. My chin lifts
as I lean in, and the man pounces like a predator taking his prey.
His lips on mine are angry and heated, demanding everything from me as his hands
yank my body against his. The fabric of my dress loosens as the zipper is lowered
roughly. His pent up frustration is being inflicted on me with every rough press of his
fingers and nip of his teeth, and my body responds eagerly to all of it. With each article
of clothing being taken off me, I’m pulling away the fabric covering him until there’s
nothing left between us. Our movements are frantic and desperate, trailing clothing
across the front room.
We don’t make it to the bedroom, Callum’s too impatient. His erection presses against
my stomach, hot, heady, and hungry for me. Our lips are pulled apart when Callum
pushes me down onto the couch. The condom wrapper he pulls from the pocket of his
discarded pants is hastily ripped open by his teeth, his eyes never leaving me for a
second as the latex is being rolled down the length of his impressive cock. He lowers to
join me, kneeling with one knee on the couch between my legs, the other stabilized on
the floor. The potent desire on his face is really fucking hot; handsome and ruthless.
His large hands grip my hips, pulling my open legs around his waist to line himself up
at my entrance. The first stroke is deep and hard, stealing my breath as we moan
together. Then he pulls out and pushes back in, building a punishing pace. His piercing
eyes drill into me as intensely as his big, hard cock.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me, Dewdrop? Do you?” he demands, an edge in
his voice that’s punctuated with the rough pounding of his hips.
“Callum,” I moan loudly at the feeling of him filling me, stretching me so completely.
“You’ve gotten so deep under my skin I will never get enough. You’ve fucking branded
me. Every second of every day, it’s you. Your wit, your laugh, how fucking good you
smell. I can’t have a single thought without you being right there in the center of it. It’s
“Cal—” His name is ripped from me with a gasp. His pelvis rubs my clit roughly with
each powerful thrust, sending sharp bolts of pleasure racing through me. His beard
scrapes over my skin as his lips move across my throat, shoulders, breasts. He nips,
licks, and sucks, marking my fair skin—branding me.
“You drive me crazy,” he rasps. “With this smart mouth of yours, this gorgeous body,
and that addicting smile.”
“Oh, shit.” He’s railing me so deeply, it’s all I can do to ride it out and let him take me.
“Everytime you defy me, all I can think about is fucking the attitude right out of you.
Just like this.” He hooks his arms under my thighs and lifts my hips to push in deeper,
making me cry in pleasure. “Tell me you’re sorry.”
“No. I’m not.” I shake my head, biting my lip against the sensations rippling through
“Say it, Lexie.”
“No,” I insist. “Oh fuck. Right there.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t let you come. Maybe that will be your punishment.”
“No, Cal. Please. Please, I need it.”
“I know what you need, Dewdrop,” he growls. “And you’re going to give me what I
“I’m not apologizing—” My back bows beneath him as his angle changes and he
strokes something so deep inside me that my lungs malfunction. He drills into me,
relentlessly, his hard panes hitting my soft flesh over and over again as I’m dragged into
“Come,” he demands roughly, the order opening the floodgates. The waves of bliss
overwhelm me until I’m nearly drowning. I come hard and fast, eyes latched to his as
I’m overtaken. Callum’s rhythm never changes from punishing, my body being pushed
closer and closer to the edge of delicious agony as another climax builds inside me. “I
want four more.”
“What?” My eyes widen, back arching when he lifts one of my breast to roughly suck
my nipple.
“Orgasms. You’re going to come for me four more times.” It’s a demand, not a request.
A moan falls from me as his other hand moves to circle my clit. His thumb strokes
smooth, slow circles, the sensation in total contrast to how harshly his cock is slamming
into me with each demanding stroke. Callum is everywhere, the stimulation is almost
too much. I’m already on the crest, we both feel it. “But not until I say so.”
“I—” I pant, my eyes closing as my head falls back against the couch. “I’m so close.”
“Eyes on me.” His order rumbles against my chest, and I obey. My eyes open to look at
him, his gaze locking possessively with mine. His body is so powerful, I’m being taken so
completely there’s nothing I can do but hold on for dear life. “Say my name when you
come for me.”
And I do. Callum’s name tumbles from my mouth over and over as I shatter into a
million pieces, my pussy squeezing his cock as he pistons in and out. He doesn’t slow,
even as the sweat begins to drip from his forehead. His eyes hold me there and he
curses under his breath.
“You’re fucking perfection. Every inch of you,” he growls, jaw clenched. I’m not even
put back together after my last orgasm before Callum’s body is demanding another one
from me. “Look at how good you take every inch of me. My beautiful, dirty girl.”
My eyes break from his to look down at my lifted hips to where he enters me, his big,
hard, cock pulling in and out vigorously. The sight of how fully and deeply he’s filling me
almost makes me come again on the spot. I’ve never seen anything so erotic. I gasp, the
sensations overtaking me. “Fuck, Callum. You’re so big.”
He is so big; his body, his presence, his authority. He’s overwhelming and all
consuming, since the moment he entered my life. Callum’s there—in my mind, inside me
—demanding things from me I never knew I could give. Things I never realized I want,
things I need. He thinks I’ve invaded his life, but he’s completely conquered mine.
“I’m coming. Please.” I don’t want to hold this orgasm back, I can’t.
“Since you asked so nicely.” Callum leans down to nip at my jaw, his facial hair
scraping against my sensitive skin. “Kiss me when you come all over my cock.”
The climax rolls through my body, every nerve ending firing at once. Callum’s lips
capture mine, swallowing my moans as his mouth explores. My hands claw against his
back, wanting him closer, deeper. His breathing changes, becoming more feral and
ragged. He’s trying to hold back, but I know he’s close. And I want him to finish inside
me, want to bring him over the edge. I need to make him lose control, knowing I’m the
one doing it to him. That it’s me who’s unraveling him, overwhelming him. I tighten my
inner muscles to squeeze him as he moves inside me, and he grunts wildly, his eyes
snapping to mine.
“We’re not done yet, Dewdrop. You owe me two more.”
“I can’t, I need you.” I’m breathless. I scrape my nails up his neck into his hair,
squeezing him again. A fierceness flashes in his eyes as something snaps inside him. His
control dissolves right before my eyes, the restraint falling away to reveal the passionate
beast inside. A thrill runs through me at the primal expression on his handsome face,
elated with the knowledge that I put it there. That I’m his undoing.
Callum’s rhythm changes, growing desperate. He’s not driving, now he’s chasing
something. Chasing his own release. “Fuck, you have no idea how incredible you feel,”
he mutters, and I can only moan in response. His hands are everywhere, ravaging and
worshiping. The light inside me is building again. “No. Fucking. Idea.”
Callum’s release hits him like a freight train, ripping a groan from deep inside his
chest. The muscles of his powerful body ripple with the force of his climax, his arms
shaking above me. Looking into his eyes as he falls apart with my name on his lips sends
me over the edge. I shout his name, the light exploding inside me until I’m blinded.
My chest heaves as I gasp for breath, Callum’s breathing as erratic as mine. Lowering
his head, his lips taste the skin of my throat as I bask in the glow of satiated bliss. His
arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer as he pulls out of me, his lips never
leaving my skin.
“Mmm,” I hum.
“Did I mention you always smell so fucking good?” he asks, his facial hair scraping
with each press of his lips.
“It’s all that ‘shit’ in my bathroom that seems to bother you so much.” I tilt my head to
give him better access. “Body washes, lotions, and perfumes.” He pulls away to look
down at me.
“I’ll have to remember that.” Callum’s arms harden around my waist and he’s flipping
us over so he’s laying on the couch and I’m draped across him. My breath hitches.
“Take it easy, I’m already sore,” I admonish. It’s not a lie, there’s already a dull ache
settling over my body with the sated exhaustion. The tenderness growing between my
thighs is definitely going to make sitting difficult tomorrow, and the next day.
“Good.” Gentle fingers brush sweaty hair from my forehead. “I want you to feel me for
the rest of the week,” he murmurs. My hand starts wandering over his chest, tracing the
indents of his muscled torso. He feels so solid beneath me, his large arms enveloping me
“After that, I’m going to feel you for the rest of my life.” It’s meant to be a one-liner,
but there’s a moment of silence as the joke misses its mark and settles like a pandora’s
box between us. Neither of us are brave enough to venture a look inside, opting to
ignore it instead.
“You owe me another orgasm.”
“Not right now, I need a nap,” I yawn. His laugh rolls over me, vibrating in his chest
against my cheek. His hand runs through my hair in lazy strokes.
“Don’t think I’ll forget, Dewdrop. I won’t.”
“Don’t think that wearing me out like this means you’re the boss of me,” I counter.
This time his laugh is different, deeper—the way an adult laughs when they’re dealing
with a child. Like I’m simply in denial of the truth.
Maybe I am.
We lay in silence, just enjoying each other’s company for a while—dozing in and out as
we recover in our satisfied state—until I hear my phone chime with a calendar reminder.
It’s time to get up. Shifting against him, strong arms tighten to halt my movement.
“Where are you going?” he asks deeply, pulling me back down as if laying on top of
him is where I belong. I lift up to look at him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“To put my clothes back on,” I say, gently brushing a lock of hair back from his
forehead. Callum’s gaze tracks me like a heat seeking missile.
“That’s a waste of time. I’ll just have to rip off anything you put on.” I can’t help my
laugh, even though I know he’s serious. His hands roam across my skin, caressing and
massaging every inch he can get his greedy hands on.
“Oh really,” I counter. “Sounds a little counterproductive since we’re supposed to start
packing. Our plane leaves early tomorrow.”
“The plane leaves when I say.” His tone is final, not in any hurry to let me climb off of
him. His body is substantial and firm beneath me, it’s actually really nice. I’m a little
surprised he doesn’t feel crushed by my weight on top of him, especially after getting all
hot and sweaty. My hair definitely needs a good scrub after being so properly and
thoroughly fucked.
“It’s your schedule,” I concede without a fight this time, letting him pull me back down
to capture my lips. His mouth moves against mine passionately, our tongues dancing
“But if you ever ruin a bra by ripping it off, I’ll have to kill you.” I mean it. “Good bras
are hard to find in my size, and they don’t come cheap.”
“I’ll buy you a million bras, as long as I get to see you in them. I’ll unwrap you like a
present.” He trails a hand up my side to palm my breast. His mouth turns possessive
against mine as he gives my flesh a rough squeeze, eliciting a soft moan from me.
“I can’t argue with that.”
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Callum

alking through the halls, none of Manici’s soldiers perceived me as a threat. They
should. I left a gorgeous blonde bombshell naked in bed to come down here. I
could be upstairs using those incredible tits of hers as a fucking pillow, but instead I’m
down here dealing with this. Matteo should know exactly who he’s messing with, but it
seems like he needs a little reminder.
“Open your computer, I want you to see something.” I say, standing in Matteo’s office.
Matteo takes his time following my request. It’s a power play, trying to show who’s
really in charge here. But he’s about to see. “I saw you talking to Lexie at the party.”
“I might’ve had a moment with—what did Liam call her again? Ah yes, the pretty pink
nurse.” Matteo’s grin has my trigger finger itching to reach for my gun. I have a
suppressor just for such an occasion.
“Lexie’s mine,” I state darkly. Either Matteo doesn’t hear me, or he’s too stupid to
“She must come in handy a lot. Forget about being able to stitch people up, she’s got
the most fuckable tits I’ve ever seen.” At his words, the edges of my vision blur with
rage as I see red. Clenching my jaw, I take a slow controlled breath in an attempt to
reign in my fury. I could put a bullet right between his eyes right now before anyone
realizes my gun is drawn. If killing Matteo isn’t basically an act of suicide, he’d have
sucked in his last breath.
My anger ebbs when he finally logs into his computer and the first image I sent pops
up. It’s a photo of Matteo standing over a dead police captain with his smoking gun still
aimed at the cop’s head. Matteo stares at the image, a flurry of emotions crossing his
face before he has time to cover them. Surprise, confusion, anger.
Then the next wave of images pop up on his screen—raping a beaten prostitute, a
drug deal, the list goes on. The next batch of photos never seems to end, his computer
dinging over and over as image after image pops onto his computer screen. Each one a
different indiscretion he or his family has committed. Each one something I fixed. Over
eighty of them, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
“What the fuck is this, Russo?” Matteo demands, the confusion quickly shifting into
intimidation and rage. Both are wasted on me.
“You want to share what’s mine, it’s only fair that I share something of yours.” I can
see his tantrum rising, he doesn’t like being challenged. “If you or anyone else in your
family goes near my pretty pink nurse again, I’ll bury you and the Manici name.”
“You think you can walk in here and threaten me?” His voice is rising as he stands
from his chair, and slams his hands on his desk angrily. “Have you forgotten who you’re
talking to?”
“Careful, Matteo. Don’t say something you’ll regret.” My voice comes out calm and
cold, the underlying threat clear. “I’d hate to get angry, that’s when things start to get
Having heard Matteo’s shouting, the door to the office opens and Sal enters looking
ready for a fight. “Everything ok, boss?” he addresses Matteo with his eyes on me. He
puts on a brave face, posturing to be tough and dangerous. But I know the truth about
him, like how he prefers his cars stolen and his women carrying leather whips.
“I was just leaving.”

The plane sways slightly as it turns to redirect us away from Chicago back to the east
coast. When I’d left Matteo’s office and gone back to my room, Lexie had already
showered and gotten dressed—another mark against Matteo. We took off back to New
York City less than an hour later.
A comfortable silence fell over the plane after takeoff, allowing me to get some clerical
work done. My records are meticulous, each job logged in detail before being heavily
encrypted onto a private server that’s backed up in three separate locations. I know
exactly who’s calling when my phone rings. I’m almost looking forward to this call.
“Don Manici,” I say, pressing the phone to my ear.
“You threatened Matteo and my family. You have a death wish?” Fredrico’s dark tone
is much more practiced than his son’s, having been perfected over decades of delivering
threats and other intimidation tactics. It’s pointless with me though, I’ve already seen
the man behind the curtain. It’s proved impossible to fear a man once you’ve slain the
demons that keep him up at night.
I glance across the aisle at Lexie where she’s curled up in the lounge chair, a blanket
tucked under her chin. Her eyes are closed, she’d drifted off listening to something—
either her gruesome murder podcast or a raunchy romance audio book.
“He forgot his place and went after something that belongs to me. I was simply
reminding him where he stands. Maybe Matteo needs to be put on a shorter leash.”
“You forget that everything you have on us also incriminates you.” He has a point.
“I’m not considering taking the shell company I use to hide my illegal empire public,
Frederico. Your five year plan could turn into twenty-five to life with one phone call.”
“You’ve been a valuable asset for many years, Callum. My son can be reckless, you
know that.”
“You should teach Matteo to respect the man who scares away the monsters under his
bed and buries the bodies. It’s not very smart to test me when I’m keeping the demons
from haunting your family.” Lexie stirs and her eyes open slowly—blinking the sleep
away once, then twice—before her gaze connects with mine. “This isn’t a conversation
I’ll be having again.”
“You won’t,” he assures me before I end the call. Lexie stares at me, far too observant
for her own good. Even as she pulls the headphones from her ears, I know she heard
“You’re having a problem with Matteo.” She doesn’t ask a question, but I still answer.
“Yes,” I say simply, watching as she lets the blanket fall to her lap. Her tank top is
stretched so tautly across each of her ample curves, it leaves very little yet so much to
the imagination.
“Because of me.” Smart girl.
“Because he’s an entitled prick.” My response is met with a put-off expression as she
rolls those beautiful eyes at me.
“Oh please, you’re mad because he hit on me and now you two are in a pissing contest
trying to prove who has the bigger dick.”
“You know exactly how big my dick is. Or do you need a reminder?” I offer her a
salacious grin, my eyes heated with intent. Lexie laughs and rolls her eyes again, but not
before I’ve seen the desire flash in them as the heat of need flushes her cheeks.
“You’re such a horn dog,” she scolds, making me want to lick the sass right out of her
“When it comes to you, Dewdrop, always.” I’m tempted to invite her to join the mile
high club with me. But the next time I have Lexie, I want her laid out for me on a bed
where I can take all of her.
“Matteo is repulsive. He’s not a threat to you, he never was.” Lexie’s assurance rushes
through me, untying a knot in my chest before traveling straight down to my cock.
“I know that. Now he knows that too.”
The bed in the back of the plane calls to me, but there’s not enough time left in this
flight to fuck her the way she deserves to be fucked—so thoroughly and deeply that
she’s branded by me and I’ve ruined all other men for her. And after having her in my
bed, I’m going to devour her perfect pink pussy like the feast it is on my pristine white
countertops. I plan on having her everywhere I can get her, I’ll figure out where the
plane fits on that list later.

If there’s one think you can bet on with low-lifes, it’s that they’ll be greedy
motherfuckers who don’t know when to stop while they’re ahead. These freight workers
should have taken their payday and done their fucking job. But they didn’t. So now I
have to send Liam out to pay a few home visits with envelops full of photos that could
make a grown man cry.
If I’d never left the Outfit, Liam would be armed with more than a few pieces of paper.
And he wouldn’t be alone. It’d be easy to beat the fear of God into these leeches, but
that’s not the smart play here. I need something more reliable, we can’t afford to take
any more chances.
The thing about fear is that it’s unpredictable. Its power is only relative to proximity.
The further you get away from the thing you fear, the less it controls you. Leverage, on
the other hand, never fades. Paired perfectly with fear, leverage is the key to power and
control. What they should really fear is me, and I’m everywhere.
Call me when it’s done.
Pressing send on the message to Liam, I tuck the phone into my pocket and focus on
the scene in front of me. Lexie’s set the table for two, one of her signature steaks plated
between green beans and roasted potatoes. It’s the same meal she made the first night
we met. She’d walked around the corner and changed everything.
A force of nature.
“Dinner is served,” she announces, drawing me from my spot leaning in my office
doorway. I join her at the table, pulling her chair out for her before taking my own seat.
The first bite melts in my mouth, just like the first time.
Just like her.
The phone in my pocket buzzes audibly against my chair, amplified by the silence of
our chewing. Whatever Liam said can wait, I’m too busy enjoying this sirloin.
“Who’s got you glued to your phone tonight? Roscoe?” Lexie asks.
“I’m waiting for Liam to report back on a job.”
“The Harris job?” Her voice is curious.
“Yes.” I don’t lie to her, but I don’t expand. She doesn’t need to know the nitty gritty
“If I’m coming with you, we’re saving every single little girl in that container. We can’t
let them be sold,” she says looking across the table at me, her expression determined.
Her bleeding heart is written all over her pretty face, and I know exactly how this
conversation is about to go.
“I’ve been paid for Lottie, not any of the other girls,” I state, taking a gulp of my
water, looking pointedly at her glass that’s still half-full. She rolls her eyes, but picks up
her cup anyway. I track the way her lips caress the glass as she sips, more than pleased
with her obedience.
“I’ll pay you,” she says naively. So sweet and considerate, my Lexie thinks that saving
this shipping container full of little girls fixes the whole problem. Like there aren’t fifty
shipments of girls for every one little girl saved. Like girls aren’t being stolen from their
beds everyday, never to be seen or heard from again. This little girl just happens to have
parents rich and powerful enough to make a ripple. One that led to me.
“You can’t afford me, Dewdrop.” I lean back in my chair, arms crossed over my chest
as I gaze at her. Her pretty white top has little pink flowers on it that bring out the
rosieness in her cheeks. The wide neckline displays her creamy decolletage and frames
her gorgeous breasts.
My pretty pink nurse.
I can see her question before she asks it, and I know just what my response will be.
I’ve led her exactly where I want her. And that look in her eyes tells me she knows too.
“Name your price. What do you want?” She leans forward, her breasts pressing together
and enhancing my view of her already distracting cleavage. She knows exactly what
she’s doing and she’s good at it.
“You, Dewdrop.” My eyes roam over her as the possibilities flash through my mind.
The many ways I can have this woman. “Spread out for me wearing nothing but lace and
a pair of heels.”
“Give me your word that you’ll save them all, and that can be arranged.” She
negotiates. I can pretend to mull it over, but there’s no point. Lexie’s won, there’s no
way I can deny her this. .
I’ll give this woman the world.
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Lexie

’m gonna have to start wearing pants more. Or at least longer dresses,” I
mumble, mostly to myself, shifting against the car seat. The leather sticks to
every inch of the exposed skin of my thick thighs, making each movement
uncomfortable. Not to mention a little sweaty.
Callum pulls his eyes away from the road to flash me a look of disapproval. “Why?” he
asks, like the idea is offensive.
“My legs stick to the leather in my short skirts.” Lifting one of my legs to cross it over
the other, the seat clings to the surface of my skin like it’s proving my point. So
annoying. A line forms between his brows, but his cellphone starts to ring before he has
a chance to respond.
“Yeah,” he answers mildly, listening to the person on the other end of the phone. “I’m
pulling up to the gallery now. Meet me here in twenty minutes.” As he hangs up we’re
pulling up to an elegant white brick building with tall arched windows accented in gold,
turning into a parking spot right out front. How this man always manages to get VIP
parking, I’ll never know.
I wait for Callum to climb out of the car to open my door to help me get out—
something I’m grateful for with my dress. I’m not sure when I got used to having men
drive me around and open the door for me. Between Callum and Roscoe my hands
haven’t touched a car door in weeks.
Callum’s hand presses to the small of my back as he leads me through the door into
the high-end art gallery. We don’t stop to admire any of the displays or art pieces,
instead navigating towards the back of the gallery. A series of hallways and frosted glass
doors take us into a private room.
The room is both modern and serene; with cream walls, black velvet furniture, and
gold and glass accents. The luxurious simplicity of this environment screams money,
which I’m assuming is intentional. Nothing loosens purse strings like feeling the desire
to belong.
“Mr. Russo, good to see you.” A slender woman greets him, her red hair swept back
into a classy French twist, professional dress perfectly tailored. I don’t miss how her
eyes move over Callum, sparking irritation inside me. That’s not how a salesperson looks
at a client.
“Genevieve.” Callum’s greeting is all business, but that doesn’t seem to deter her in
the slightest. The smile she flashes him holds something more than friendliness, turning
sour when her eyes move to me.
“And who’s this?” If Callum notices the condescension in her voice, he doesn’t show it.
But I notice, not even bothering to give her my friendly smile when her judgmental gaze
moves over me. Instead I hold her gaze boldly, lifting my brows in question. This bitch
isn’t going to make me feel badly about myself.
“She’s with me.” Callum makes the statement with an authority that leaves no room
for questions. There’s no denying the butterflies in my stomach when I look up at him to
find his eyes already focused on me, his hand never leaving my back when Genevieve
clears her throat.
“I have the piece you’re here for.” She motions to the doorway with the heavy black
velvet curtain. The hand on my back has me stepping into the adjoining room with
Callum only a half-step behind. Genevieve follows closely behind, closing the curtain to
give us even more privacy.
An ornately framed piece of artwork sits displayed on a stand in the center of the
viewing room, multiple lights illuminating the piece from all angles. I recognize the
painting instantly with its unmistakable composition. The romantic painting of dancers
on pointe with full tulle tutus and floral headpieces, with visibly intricate brush strokes
in the rich tones, softening any harsh lines and creating elegant movement.
“This is a Degas.” My surprised eyes turn to find Callum’s. “I thought this piece was
on display in the Met.” The Metropolitan Museum of Art was one of my first stops when
I got to NYC, and this painting had stuck out to me. And here it is.
“It was.” Those ever-seeing eyes are scanning every single detail of the painting on
the stand, expression serious as he analyzes. I’m looking at a piece of art, and he’s
inspecting a valuable piece of merchandise.
“All of the paperwork is taken care of.” Genevieve extends a leather folder towards
Callum, waiting a moment for him to reach out and accept it. “Congratulations on your
new acquisition, Mr. Russo.”
“Thank you.” Callum’s smile is charming, if a little cold and distant. It’s his fake smile.
“I want it packed for transit.”
“Of course,” Genevieve agrees amiably, trying again to flash him a demure smile with
what I’m assuming are supposed to be her idea of bedroom eyes.
So unprofessional.
When we walk back through the curtain, someone’s waiting for us. “Reporting for
duty, boss.” Liam mocks standing at attention, a cocky grin on his face. “Lexie, you’re
always a sight for sore eyes.”
“I didn’t know you were going to be here Liam.” I’m not mad about it either, he always
brings the entertainment. Getting Callum and Liam together is always fun to watch—
Callum tries to remain serious while Liam annoys the shit out of him. It usually ends
with Callum threatening violence of some sort, something that never seems to keep
Liam from coming back for more.
“I would’ve gotten here a lot sooner if I knew you’d be here too. Traffic is a real
bitch.” The way his eyes move over me makes me think he’s not entirely joking. His
appraisal is cut short when Callum’s large frame steps between us, partially blocking me
from view. Liam’s smirk turns knowing and he shoots me a wink. I don’t hide my laugh
of amusement, irritating Callum even further.
“Once the painting is packed, I want it brought to the vault. Send confirmation when
it’s secured.” Callum’s tone carries the edge of violence that seems almost exclusively
meant for Liam.
“You know I live to serve,” Liam replies, unfazed. Ignoring the giant standing between
us, he leans towards me as if we’re conspiring together and his eyebrows jump
mischievously. “Lexie, now that you’re here I can tell you all of my favorite embarrassing
Callum stories.”
“You have stories? I’d love to hear them, especially the embarrassing ones.” I could
use a few humiliating stories about Callum right about now.
“Oh, I have plenty. Remind me later to tell you about the time he accidentally called a
mobster’s daughter a frog in Russian and almost had New York City going to war.”
My laugh has Callum’s arm reaching behind his back to grasp my wrist, keeping me
tucked behind him as he walks us towards the door. “That’s enough, Liam. Just do your
fucking job.” The warning in Callum’s voice only has the playboy’s smile widening.
“Bye Lexie, we’ll have to do this again soon,” he calls after me. I turn to flash him an
amused smile over my shoulder, even as Callum tugs me out of the room.
“Bye Liam,” I laugh. As soon as there’s enough space, Callum pulls me against his
side, his hand sliding around my waist as we walk back through the gallery. It’s funny,
but now that he’s gotten me out of the same room as Liam we don’t seem to be in such a
hurry anymore.
“You shouldn’t encourage him,” he grates, his mouth so close to me ear it sends a
shiver down my spine.
“I think he’s funny. Plus, he always seems to make that vein in your neck pop out, it’s
kinda hot,” I tease, reaching up to poke him in the neck. Callum’s lips twitch in what I
assume is amusement before he squashes it. When he looks down at me thoughtfully, his
expression sobers instantly, his eyes intense as they search mine.
“Is that really all it is, you think he’s funny? He would have you in a heartbeat if you
let him.”
“Oh come on, he was joking. We were just talking, and he was trying to get a rise out
of you. Clearly it worked.” The charming bachelor has been playful and flirtatious, but I
don’t take him seriously for a second. Giving me a little extra attention is obviously just
a way for Liam to poke a little fun at his friend. “It’s just harmless flirting.”
“It pisses me off.”
“I know, that’s what makes it fun.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“And yet, here you are. Suffering,” I shoot back sweetly, batting my eyelashes. My eyes
snag on a painting we’re about to pass, the vibrant colors and detailed brushwork
making my step slow. “That’s beautiful. Do we have time to look around?”
“Not today, Dewdrop.” After toting me back outside, he helps me into the car before
climbing behind the wheel. The engine roars to life, and I can’t help but watch his
strong hand grip the steering wheel. I never thought I’d find the way someone drives
arousing, but the way he handles the classic car is unbelievably sexy. “We’ll come back
another time when I can arrange it to be just the two of us.”
“Just the two of us?” I repeat, blinking at him as I process what he’s saying.
“There are a lot of things I want to do with you, just the two of us. Starting with going
to dinner.”
“Are you…” I say, my brows raising. “Asking me on a date?”
“Yes,” Callum responds simply, calmly watching me.
“You do know that we already live together, right? And we’ve had sex. More than
“Is that your final answer?”
“No,” That’s not the word he wants to hear, so I quickly clarify. “My final answer is
“Good.” Leaning closer to grip my chin, he draws me in to capture my lips with his.
“Be ready tomorrow night at six.”
“Do I get to know where we’re going?”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“You don’t do fun,” I point out.
“No, but you do.” There’s no hiding his self-satisfied smile now. He’s enjoying this.
“At least tell me what to wear.” I’m basically begging at this point, but I have no
choice. The man is giving me nothing to work with.
“Wear something impractical.” With that, he’s pulling out into traffic and zooming
through the city back towards Columbus Circle.
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Lexie

have a date with Callum tonight—our first date. How is it that we’ve had sex and live
together before even going on an actual date?
Following Callum’s instructions, I pick out one of the dresses we bought on our trip to
Chicago. It’s tight, low cut, and completely impractical. The moss green, velvet corset
top fits my chest like a dream—a miracle in itself. The velvet skirt falls right above my
knee, the ruching on the front gathering the hem up higher on my left thigh and pulling
the fabric to hug my curves.
The shoes I pick are strappy and black, with an open toe and beautiful monarch
butterfly appliques across the toes and scattered up the straps that wrap around my
calves. They feel whimsical, even though they’re not the most wearable with the four
and a half inch stiletto heel. But they’re so pretty, and I feel like I’m wearing little works
of art.
Armed with a gorgeous outfit like this would usually make me feel unstoppable. But of
course today would be a bad body day. The dress feels too clingy and unflattering, and I
can’t stop picturing a hippo on stilts while wearing these heels. I feel too fat to wear
this, and overall unattractive.
But I get ready anyway.
Callum knows what I look like, I remind myself, from every angle imaginable. And he
very clearly likes what he sees, brazenly and obsessively. And when I step into the living
room where Callum is waiting, he proves it again.
He turns at the sound of my heels clicking on the floor, and whatever he was looking
at on his phone is completely forgotten.
“Fuck, Dewdrop.” There’s a rasp in his voice, his eyes touching every part of me.
“You’re absolutely stunning.” A blush warms my cheeks and I offer him a sweet smile.
“Thank you.” My eyes take him in, a vision in his all black attire. He’s not wearing a
suit coat tonight, he’s in his true form. Dress shirt, no tie, strong tattooed forearms on
display with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He’s not wearing his camouflage that’s
usually paired with his fake smile, and I like it. “And you look,” My eyes move over him
in open appreciation. “Damn.”
Something colorful catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. A large white
vase sits on the kitchen island holding the most beautiful bouquet of flowers I’ve ever
seen. Pink peonies, soft blue hydrangeas, yellow ranunculus, and white poppies. “Where
did these come from?”
“They’re for you.”
“No way.” I’m getting excited. “You got me flowers?” I look back at the arrangement in
disbelief. “These are all of my favorites.”
“I know.” I can’t help but squeal in excitement, bouncing over to hug him.
“I love them so much. Thank you,” I announce enthusiastically. Pressing my lips to his
in a soft peck, careful not to smear my lip gloss. “Wow, you’re really pulling out all the
stops tonight, huh?”
“Just you wait.” Callum gazes down at me, his eyes as passionate as ever. “If we don’t
leave now, we won’t be making it out of this apartment tonight. Not with how you look in
this dress.”
“Lead the way.” My eyes flirt with him, even when my tone shift to taunting. “I
wouldn’t want you ruining all of the special plans you made for tonight because you’re
too distracted staring at my ass while I walk.”
“Don’t tempt me.” Callum’s large hand skims up my side before sliding into place at
the small of my back. “Our night is just getting started.”
We use the elevator to ride down into the parking garage, where Callum helps me into
the passenger seat of his vintage muscle car. He says it’s a 1972 gran torino. All I know
is that it’s loud, powerful, and sexy as hell. Maybe a little obnoxious too, but who am I to
judge someone for being a little extra?
Riding through the city, I accept the fact that I have no idea where we’re going and
settle it for the ride. We’re seventeen minutes into the drive when I notice it. Something
is different, but I can’t quite put my finger on what. But then I cross my legs, and it hits
me. My thighs aren’t sticking like they usually do. Looking down at the seat, I’m
surprised to see it’s made up of smooth black suede instead of leather. Am I going crazy,
or is this different now?
“Is this a new car?” I ask, looking around at the dashboard and into the back seat. I
feel like I’m missing something. Callum shakes his head and glances over at me.
“No, why?”
“The seats are different. I thought they were leather.” My fingers run over the fabric
covering the seats. It’s smooth as butter and feels expensive.
“They were. I had them reupholstered.”
“You did? Why?” I ask, surprised.
Callum’s eyes look pointedly at my bare thighs. “Do you like your little dresses?”
“Yes, I love them.”
“So do I. Now you don’t have to stop wearing your short skirts.” He places a hand on
my exposed thigh, giving it a telling squeeze. I stare at him, shocked and touched by this
gesture. I’m honestly at a loss for words. But when I finally open my mouth to say
something, we’re turning into what looks like an airfield. My eyes widen when we pull to
a stop.
That’s a fucking helicopter.
“Is that for us?” I’m in disbelief. Callum flashes me a grin that I feel all the way to my
“Like I said, our night is only getting started.” With that, he’s climbing out of the car
and walking around to open my door. I accept his hand and step out, my eyes glued to
the sleek, black, aircraft perched on the landing pad, the rotor blades already starting to
spin while it waits.
For us.
Walking towards the helicopter, our fingers intertwine to lock our connection. My
other hand wraps around his thick bicep, squinting against the wind caused by the
propellor. Callum only releases my hand to grip my hips in support while I step up into
the back door he opens for me.
The soft gray interior is really nice with two individual seats behind the pilot seats that
face backwards across from the connected seats that face the front. I move in to sit on
the forward-facing seat, making room for Callum to climb in behind me. The door is
closed behind us and I can hear the propellers picking up speed as the pilots prepare for
take off.
Callum’s insistent on helping me with my seatbelt, making sure it’s securely fastened
before we lift off the ground. The flight is smoother than I would’ve expected as we fly
over the city, weaving through skyscrapers and monuments. The view is spectacular of
picturesque New York City in the golden hour of the sun getting ready to set.
I’m absolutely giddy, my eyes never stop moving. Callum points out landmarks and
specific buildings that we pass over, after reclaiming my hand in his. When we touch
down, I’m surprised that we’re not back where we came from.
“That wasn’t the date?” I ask, stunned. Callum looks down at me, his grip on my hand
flexing on our way to the waiting car.
“No, Dewdrop. That was our ride.”
“Then where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”

Jane’s Carousel—a classic antique carousel with horses carved with incredible detail,
encased in a sleek glass structure. When the driver had parked at the end of a private
road between brick buildings, and I saw it, the excitement was absolutely overwhelming.
I’ve always wanted to experience Jane’s carousel, but what I got is so much more.
My eyes roam across what I can only describe as the most romantic setting I’ve ever
seen. An incredible sunset surrounds the glass box in breathtaking colors, the
approaching twilight allowing the lights of the carousel to illuminate every intricate
detail. It’s nothing short of magical.
My gaze moves to the table in front of me, taking in how picture perfect it is from the
flickering white tapered candle sticks to the cloth napkin by my cutlery folded in the
shape of a butterfly. If Callum had climbed into my head and pulled out the perfect date,
I couldn’t have come up with something half this incredible.
Callum sits across from me, patient as usual as I gape in awe. Like a parent watching
their child experience the magic of Disneyland for the first time. When my focus moves
back to him, our eyes collide and I’m struck by the intensity of our connection. While
I’ve been taking in every detail around us, he’s only been watching me.
When he starts to speak, I know the question before it even leaves his mouth. “What
are you thinking?”
“I don’t think there’s ever been anything more beautiful than this.” I indicate to our
“Oh, I can think of a few things.” His eyes move over me slowly, stopping where my
body disappears below the table, before lifting back up to my eyes. My teeth catch my
bottom lip when I smile, drawing his attention to my mouth. The air around us buzzes
with chemistry.
“You like it?” Callum leans forward in his chair, his eyes never leaving me. I tell him
what I’m sure he can already read all over my face.
“It’s… perfect.”
“I had no idea you were such a romantic,” I tease, lifting my wine glass.
“There’s a lot about me you don’t know yet.”
“Well, since this is a first date, that means I get to ask first date questions.” I say,
taking a sip of my wine. It’s perfect, just like everything else tonight.
“I’ll answer yours if you answer mine.”
“Of course, truth for truth.” I agree easily, it’s only fair. I pause to look at Callum
across the table, admiring the way he looks under candlelight and in the glow of the
carousel. Damn, he’s attractive. “What did you want to be when you grew up?”
“A butcher. I was going to work at the shop with my father.” He takes a sip of whiskey,
speaking over the rim of his glass. “That’s the official answer.”
“What’s the real answer?”
“A power ranger.” My laugh of surprise is immediate.
“That is really cute.” Super adorable. “You wore a costume around too, didn’t you?”
Callum doesn’t lie to me, so his silence says it all. “You did! I hope your mom has
pictures, because I need to see those.” I laugh, delighted. The image of a little Callum
running around in a power ranger costume is just too good.
“Remind me not to let you anywhere near my mother,” he says, making me laugh
again. His gaze on me is intense, smoldering. I can almost feel his eyes on my skin as he
takes in every centimeter of my face, as if to memorize it in this moment.
“Have you ever been in love?” His question throws me for a loop, but I recover quickly.
This is a question I’ve been asked on a first date before, so it’s not too surprising.
“I thought I was.”
“You weren’t?”
“I was young, naive, and just happy not to be alone.” I admit. “But in love? I don’t
think so.”
“Who were they?”
“That’s another question, and it’s my turn. Besides, you don’t talk about exes on a first
date—major red flag.” I take a bite of bread while I think up my next question. “What
were you like when you were younger?”
“I was a loose cannon.” Callum’s answer is not what I was expecting.
“You?” The skepticism is dripping from my voice. “I don’t believe it.” Callum’s brows
jump in challenge.
“I was. I ran around without any sense of self-control or consequence.” His expression
sobers visibly and he leans in like he’s sharing a secret. “I even drank soda.”
“Shut up, no you didn’t.” I grin and lean forward in excitement, soaking up this juicy
piece of information. “What changed?”
“That’s another question, Dewdrop. My turn.” Callum responds, and I don’t bother
hiding my disappointment. He looks at me in consideration for a moment before asking
his question. “What’s a deal-breaker for you?”
“Cheating,” There’s no hesitation with my answer. “The moment someone is
unfaithful, they lose my trust. That’s the best way to lose me forever.”
“Cheaters don’t deserve to be trusted,” Callum says deeply, the conviction in his voice
settling something inside me that I didn’t realize was restless. There’s no question in my
mind that this man is fiercely loyal to a fault—he’ll kill and die for the people who are
important to him.
And I’m important to him.
“So is this what you do on dates?” I gesture to the candles and the beautifully lit up
carousel. “Lay on the charm and manufacture a little magic?”
“You’re the only one I want to make magic with, Lexie.” The hunger in his voice has
pure lust simmering deep inside me. Letting those words linger, I pull my eyes away and
smile down at my plate. We sit in silence for a while while we eat. It’s some of the best
lasagna I’ve ever had, paired with fresh baked bread, caesar salad, and roasted
A middle-aged man appears as if out of thin air at exactly the right moment to clear
our plates, catching me by surprise. I wait for him to place our dessert on the table and
disappear before I ask any questions.
“Who is that?” Dipping my spoon into the small ceramic bowl in front of me, I scoop
out the most flawless chocolate mousse I’ve seen.
“He runs this place and agreed to help make tonight happen.” Able to see I’m about to
ask more questions, Callum continues with more information. “He’s associated with
someone I’ve done work with in the past.”
Ok, so someone Callum’s done a job for hooked him up for our date, that’s nice. As
connected as he is, I’m sure Callum knows someone for most places in the city—
probably in every major city in the country. My eyes drift to the glowing structure
behind Callum, so beautiful and inviting. My date notices my attention shift, yet again.
“You want to ride the carousel?” Callum’s tone tells me he already knows my answer. I
light up like a kid on Christmas morning at the suggestion, beaming at him.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
“Go pick your favorite horse, I’ll be right back,” he says with a laugh. Standing from
the table, my eyes start to scan the horses. I have to know all my options before I can
pick a favorite. It only takes a few minutes for me to find the right one—but as soon as
my eyes land on it, I know she’s the one. She’s a white horse with a gray mane and a
gold saddle adorned with green ribbon and medallions in the shape of flowers.
Climbing up isn’t too difficult because the horse I chose is stationary. Between the
wine, my heels, and the hemline of my dress, climbing onto a wooden horse suspended
from the ceiling that moves up and down while also spinning in a giant circle isn’t the
best idea. My horse is perfect.
I’m just getting situated when Callum reappears. As soon as he steps onto the
carousel, things start happening. The bulbs blink three times overhead and the sound of
the engine whirring to life is closely followed by the classic organ music playing over the
speakers. Rows of light bulbs twinkle and flash in time with the playful tune as the
carousel begins to turn.
And the magic begins.
I tilt my head back and let out a laugh of excitement when we start to move. Callum
stands beside me, holding steady to the pole securing my horse to the spinning
structure above my head. I can feel his eyes on me as I soak in the nostalgia and whimsy
of the lights and music. I can’t stop smiling, and when I look up at him, he’s smiling too.
But his eyes remain only on me, making butterflies tumble around in my stomach.
After a while the carousel starts to slow, the music fading as we drift to a stop.
“You haven’t stopped smiling all night,” Callum observes. “You’re enjoying yourself.”
“Thanks for stating the obvious.” Even as I say it the grin never leaves my face.
“I like it,” he informs me. It’s a simple statement that says so much. This time, when
our eyes meet, it feels weighted—heavy with meaning. I’m the first one to look away
after a long moment, averting my eyes when his gaze proves too intense. I can feel the
blush warming my cheeks as I change subjects.
“What’s your favorite color?” I swing my leg around to be sitting side-saddle facing
him. Callum’s hands move to grip my hips, anchoring me to the horse.
“You look really good in black,” I inform him. “And white.”
“That’s everything I wear,” he points out.
“I know.” My response earns a laugh. Callum’s fingers grasp my jaw to pull me in for a
slow, sensual kiss.
“I look even better in you.” His deep voice is rough with desire, flooding me with lust
and making my breath hitch. Callum smiles against my lips before deepening the kiss.
Our mouths move together seamlessly, heat pulsing through me as our tongues dance in
a passionate tango until my head is swimming in an inebriating mix of pleasure and
arousal. His hand on my jaw moves to fist in my hair, the other wrapping around my
waist to pull me against him from my perch on the horse. “Come here.”
He tugs me until I’m slipping from the wooden saddle back onto my feet, his grip
never leaving me as he takes the three steps backwards to one of the two-person
benches decorated to look like an elegant chariot.
“Callum, your friend,” I remind him, but he remains unbothered. Lowering onto the
seat, his hands move in sync with his eyes down my body.
“I had him leave after he set up the ride for us. It’s just you and me, Dewdrop.”
“I don’t usually have sex on the first date.” There’s no conviction in my voice as it
trails off, something I know he hears.
“There’s nothing usual about us,” Callum says, widening his legs and pulling me to
stand between them. “You owe me an orgasm and I’m ready to collect. Right here, right
Gazing down at him, I’m overwhelmed by the desire and longing flowing through me.
Callum’s looking at me like a man starved. He’s the only man who’s ever made me feel
like I could burst into flames at any moment.
“You want an orgasm? I’ll give you an orgasm.” Leaning forward to press my lips to
his, my hand palms his dick through his pants. He hardens instantly beneath my touch,
making me feel bold. Powerful.
Callum grunts against my lips as I undo his belt, then the button and zipper on his
pants. My hand slips into his boxers to grip him. Big, hot, and heavy.
Fuck, everything about this man is impressive.
My hand moves in unison with my lips to tease him, stroking and caressing. The
tortured sound that comes from Callum’s chest is beyond satisfying.
“Christ, Dewdrop.”
“You’re so hard for me, I want your big cock in my wet pussy,” I breathe, my tone
shifting. “But not until you say please.”
I press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth, nipping lightly at his earlobe before
whispering. “Go on, Callum. I want to hear you beg.”
Placing one knee on the bench on either side of his legs, I straddle his lap in a hover
as I continue to pump his rock-hard erection. His mouth on mine grows more desperate
with each pull. Strong hands grip my hips to pull me closer as Callum moves to deepen
the kiss. But I pull back, evading his lips to build the friction.
“Lexie, let me have you. I need to have you.” Callum groans deeply when my fingers
tease the sensitive tip of his cock.
“What’s the magic word, Callum?” I trail soft kisses to his ear. Leaning back, I take
one of his large hands and place it on my breast. I’m growing breathless as the desire
builds inside me. I’m just as turned on right now as he is. “Say it, and I’m all yours.”
I bite back a moan when he gives my boob a firm squeeze—something I know will
drive him mad. He can’t stand when I hold back the responses he elicits from my body.
It’s the final straw, I can see it in his eyes.
“Please.” The word leaves his mouth like a Hail Mary at gunpoint, and I can’t help but
“Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” I tease, pulling his erection free from the confines of
his boxers. His cock strains up towards me, desperate and hard as steel. A harsh breath
releases through his nose as I slowly roll the condom he provides down his length. “How
did that word taste coming out of your mouth?”
“All I’m thinking about is how you taste,” he growls, jaw clenched tightly as I pull my
panties to the side. Lowering slightly, I run the tip of his cock along my slit. I’m already
so wet for him, the arousal is overwhelming.
“You know what I think?” My voice is soft as I slide back and forth along the length of
his cock, agonizingly slowly. His muscles bunch as he fights against his need for control,
allowing me to take the lead.
“What?” He barely gets the word out. The breath hitches in my chest when I line him
with my entrance and lower myself down until I’m completely situated on him. We moan
together—mine breathless and overwhelmed, his deep and primal. He’s so hard as he
stretches me, filling me to capacity. “Fuck.”
“I think you like me.” I lift myself until only the tip is inside me, then lower until I’m
completely seated once more. My voice grows more breathless with each slow stroke.
“Now who’s stating the obvious?” he counters. I gasp sharply when Callum jerks his
hips upwards, powering into me once because he can’t help myself.
“I think you care about me. Even if you don’t want to.” His only response is a clenched
jaw and a gaze searing through my bones, bringing a small triumphant smile to my face.
“You think feelings are messy.” Leaning closer, I press a soft kiss to his cheekbone and
bring my lips to his ear. “So let’s get messy.”
Taking my words as a green light, Callum’s groan vibrates over my skin as he takes
the reigns. His hands grab my hips, firm fingers sinking into the soft flesh. A cry escapes
me when I’m lifted and slammed back down, pushing him so deep he bottoms out. My
head swims as he repeats the action, filling me to capacity until I’m delirious.
“I will never get enough of this perfect pussy, Dewdrop,” he grunts through clenched
teeth as he lifts me and pulls me back down swiftly over and over again. Each time his
hips jerk to meet mine I gasp, the complete fullness shooting stars behind my eyes. I roll
my hips against him, making his pelvis rub against my clit and setting every nerve
ending in my body haywire. I reach up for his lips, kissing him deeply as I ride him into
“You’re so deep,” I breathe against his lips. He swallows my moans, pounding up into
me as the friction builds between us. “Yes, Callum. Oh shit.”
“Who do you come for?” Callum growls, his lips trailing across my jaw and down my
neck. I tilt my head with a sigh when he grazes the sensitive pulse point that makes my
head spin. Our movements are relentless, chasing our release in a frenzy of need and
“You, Callum. Only you,” I pant. I’m so close, teetering on the edge of delicious
oblivion. My orgasm is building inside me, drawing heat from every touch, every stroke.
It swells inside me, threatening to drown me in unimaginable bliss when the floodgates
open. And I’m on the brink.
“Me, only me.” His lips graze my ear. “Come all over my cock.” At his words, I shatter
into a million pieces. The floodgates open.
The pleasure pounds against me like the sea clashing against a cliff, wave after wave
of euphoria hitting me until I’m spent. “Oh, Callum. Yes, yes.” His name tumbles from
my mouth over and over, my pussy clenched tightly around his cock until he’s
completely undone.
Callum’s release hits him like a freight train, ripping a groan from deep inside his
chest as he empties into me. The muscles of his powerful body ripple with the force of
his orgasm, his arms shaking against me. Looking into his eyes as he falls apart with my
name on his lips, I don’t stop moving until he’s completely wrung out.
My body collapses against his, my head tucking into his neck as we both struggle to
catch our breath. We stay there for a moment, just our pounding hearts beating against
each other as we pant. Callum presses a kiss to the top of my head. “You are perfection,
“Why, because I have dirty sex with you in public places?” I ask, only half joking. I’ve
never done anything like this before, it’s exhilarating. I’m not new to dirty sex, or even
sex with Callum. But never on a public carousel encased in transparent glass. Even now,
anyone could walk past and see us, while he’s still inside me. The risk factor makes it
even hotter.
“Because we fit,” Callum clarifies. He’s right—we shouldn’t, but we do. “And you have
dirty sex with me in public places,” he adds with a smirk. I laugh against him, pushing
back to look at his face. The smolder in his eyes feels a lot like adoration, drawing me in
for another sweet kiss.
“This is probably the best first date I’ve ever been on,” I say, shifting off him and
sliding my panties back into place. I’ll have to spend the rest of the night with my
arousal dripping down my thighs, but it’s a small price to pay for such a bone-melting
“Probably?” he counters in challenge, removing the condom and tucking himself back
into his pants. My eyes wander around the magic surrounding us before returning to
“I would tell you this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, but I wouldn't
want your head to get too big to fit in the helicopter for the ride home.”
“You're the only one my head grows for,” he teases, a breathtaking grin spreading
across his face as he stands up and straightens the dress shirt I rumpled.
“You’re such a flirt,” I laugh, letting him help me up and shimmying my dress back
into place. Callum draws me against his chest, his hands gripping my hips.
“This is only the beginning,” he states, pressing a kiss to my forehead. We stand in our
embrace for a nice long moment. I can’t remember ever enjoying someone’s company
like this. After several minutes, he finally speaks, his deep voice vibrating over me.
“Let’s get home, we have an early morning tomorrow.”
The helicopter ride back across the city feels much shorter than the first one, but
maybe that’s only because I’m more focused on making out with Callum than I am
watching the night skyline passing outside the window.
Damn, I feel giddy like a teenager with a crush.
When we fall into bed together, the flirting and teasing for the evening is over. This
time is slow, sensual, and feels exactly how I imagine making love should feel. I fall
asleep with one thought on my mind.
Could this possibly be love?
Chapter Thirty: Lexie

nticipation flutters through me as we make our ascent. Take off goes smoothly, but
my anxiety has nothing to do with our flight. It’s our destination that has my
nerves in knots.
Callum says they tracked the girls to a shipping container headed to Columbia. I
overheard him talking to Roscoe about making a deal with the freight worker to have
them reroute the shipment, but they got greedy and switched up the loading records.
Three freighters are currently on their way to Columbia, but he’s not sure which ship
Lottie is on. And the ship determines which port we go to. By the determination on
Callum’s face, he has a plan to get the information he needs.
As soon as the seatbelt light turns off, I connect my phone to the plane’s wifi. The
moment my phone is connected to the internet, messages are flooding in. They’re from
Ronnie, telling me to call her as soon as possible. Pressing the phone to my ear, it only
rings once.
“Oh my god, Lexie! I’ve been trying to call you for the last hour,” Ronnie gushes.
“My phone was on airplane mode,” I explain, sitting forward in my seat. “What’s going
“I have a friend who’s hooking up with a guy that works at Rikers,” she starts, her
mention of the prison making me perk up. “She says that Carl Suco was attacked on his
way to the showers. It was brutal.”
“How brutal?” Hearing the name of the truck driver responsible for the busload of
first graders has white hot rage flashing through me all over again.
“He was stabbed with a shiv at the base of his spine, and one of his eyesockets was
shattered. He’s never going to walk again and he’s permanently blind in his right eye.”
Adrenaline floods through me with a wave of satisfaction. Good, a man like him
doesn’t deserve death—that’s too easy. He’ll live the rest of his miserable life in pain and
suffering like he’s inflicted on so many others. I hope he never knows a minute of peace
or comfort again.
“Do they know who did it?” The violent gratification barely registers in my mind as it’s
welcomed openly by my thirst for vengeance. My gaze flickers across the plane, and
gets caught in Callum’s passionate stare. He’s looking at me intently, and something
tells me he knows who I’m talking about right now.
“No, they said it was in a blind corner. Whoever did it got away clean, and I can’t say
I’m mad about that.”
“Me neither,” I admit. “It’s crazy how that happened though.”
Is it?
“I know.” There’s movement on the other end of the call. “Hey, I gotta go. But I just
had to tell you.”
“I’m glad you did. I’ll talk to you later.” Ending the call, my eyes meet Callum’s again.
“Carl Suco was attacked in prison. He’s going to live the rest of his life in pain.” There’s
something in the air between us that makes me feel like I’m not telling Callum
something he doesn’t already know.
“Sounds like he got what was coming to him.” Callum’s statement is vague and telling
at the same time. “People in places like Rikers don’t take too kindly to someone who
hurt kids. I have a feeling that’s not the only time he’s going to run into problems.”
He did this.
I don’t know how, and I’ll probably never know exactly who, but somehow Callum
exacted a ruthless justice on the monster behind my nightmares. He’s not the one I see
when I close my eyes, but he’s the cause of it all.
“Good.” The word sounds an awful lot like thanks coming out of my mouth. “He
deserves everything he gets.”


I vaguely remember my life before back rooms and men tied to chairs were common
occurrences. When we’d stepped off the plane in Colombia and drove through the
colorful streets it almost felt like a vacation for a short moment. The house Roscoe drove
us to was large, nice, and almost completely empty—a foreclosure I’m guessing. It’s
pretty secluded, tucked away in the jungle by a long, private drive.
I’d been sitting at the kitchen counter for a few hours by myself when Callum
reappeared to collect me. He lead me across the house to the back door, through the
overgrown backyard with the half-empty green pool, to a detached two-car garage.
Walking into the garage feels a lot like deja vu. Just like walking into that night club,
the scene that greets me is shocking. Roscoe and Callum aren’t the only men in the
room, now there’s one more. But he’s not a guest, he’s a prisoner.
And he’s bleeding.
“Please help me, this man is a maniac.” The bleeding man’s eyes on me are pleading,
and a wave of guilt washes over me. He looks so nice, so normal. Still in a shirt and tie,
the older man looks like he was snatched on his way home from his office job as an
accountant. A pair of wire rim glasses lay broken on the floor near his feet.
Blood stains the man’s dress pants where long metal nails have been brutally
hammered into his thighs. A metal clamp clipped to each nail leads wires connected to
something that resembles a car battery covered in dials on the table where Roscoe
stands a few feet away. Bloody fingernails that have been truly removed neatly line a
metal tray with the other instruments of torture, making me cringe.
“Again.” At Callum’s command, Roscoe cranks the dial on the battery. The man
convulses as electricity shoots through him, his jaw clenching so tightly I swear I hear
his teeth crack. The veins in his neck protrude and his back arches against the chair like
he’s being yanked backwards. No sound comes out of him, instead it seems like the life
is being sucked from his body.
Roscoe lets up after an excruciating long moment, and his eyes begin to roll back into
his head. As soon as the electricity is no longer coursing through him, he slumps like a
puppet with cut strings. His head falls forward as he loses consciousness and I step
forward to feel for a pulse.
“His heart stopped,” I announce.
“Give him what’s in that syringe,” Callum instructs, motioning for Roscoe to step back
so I can get to the small table. Avoiding the fingernails and other assorted cartilage
scattered on the different trays, I lift the predosed syringe to read the label.
“This is undiluted adrenaline.” It’ll get the man’s heart beating again, but at what
“I’m aware.” Callum’s not in any mood to coddle me. “You’re here to do a job, Lexie.”
Holding the syringe at a 90 degree angle, I push the long needle straight down into
the man’s thigh until I hit muscle, and press down the plunger until the full dose of
adrenaline has been injected from the barrel. After several seconds that feel like forever,
the man’s head lifts with a pained gasp of air. His chest heaves, skins so pale he looks
like death warmed over.
“Good job, Doc.” Callum’s praise falls flat. “Now step back so Roscoe can get back to
“Is that really necessary?” Callum’s eyes move to me at the soft words, a ruthless
unfeeling glint in his gaze. The eyes of a killer. Apprehension washes over me,
goosebumps raising along my arms. He turns back to the man, his voice cold.
“My nurse here doesn’t think you deserve to be in so much pain. But you and I both
know exactly what you deserve.”
“Fuck you.”
“Why don’t we tell her who you really are under that cheap suit. What’s in the
container, Jimmy?” Callum asks, his voice laced with venom.
“Just merchandise.”
“What kind of merchandise?” Another zap, more teeth cracking and groaning. “Say
“Girls.” The answer makes my stomach drop like a ball of lead.
“What kind of girls, Jimmy? Be specific.”
“You know what kind.”
“I want to hear you say it out loud. Come on, tell me what kind of a man you are. What
kind of girls are in that container?”
“Underage girls.”
“Little girls.” Callum's tone turns absolutely lethal. “I have no problem with the sex
trade, Jimmy. If women want to be paid for sex, that’s none of my business. But little
girls, stolen from their families and forced into sex slavery? That is my business. And
this time you took the wrong little girl. Because this little girl has parents, parents with
money who hired me. And that mistake is going to cost you your life.”
“Fuck you, Russo.”
“You’re a worthless, scum sucking rat, Jimmy. The lowest form of roach that crawls on
this earth. People who mess with kids—depraved, sick men like you—aren’t men at all.
And even though you don’t deserve it, I’m going to let you choose how you die. If you tell
me where the container is, I’ll consider ending you right here, right now. A bullet right
between the eyes, quick and easy. But if you decide not to tell me, or worse lie to me,
Roscoe’s going to have a field day extracting each organ from your body until your heart
gives out. And then we’ll give your daughter the same fate you’ve chosen for Lottie
Harris. What’s your daughter’s name again?”
“Lindsay,” Roscoe offers easily.
“Ah yes, little Lindsay. Sweet kid, though a little too friendly. You really should teach
her more about stranger danger, especially in your line of work. Does she know what
kind of a man you are?”
“Don’t you fucking go near Lindsay,” Jimmy spits.
“Tell me what I want to know and maybe I’ll spare her.” Any other day I’d be sure that
Callum is making an empty threat—he wouldn’t hurt a little girl like that. But looking at
him right now, I’m suddenly not so sure. Jimmy sees that same brutality residing just
beneath the surface too.
“Port of Cartagena.” The words fall from Jimmy’s mouth like he can’t physically hold
them in anymore. “The Scorpius. They don’t tell me the container number, but it’s
expected in today at 3pm.”
“Three on the ship, four on the ground who move the girls. Semi-automatic weapons
and vests.”
“What aren’t you telling me?”
“Nothing, that’s it. I swear on my life.”
“That doesn’t mean much, Jimmy.” The light is fading from Jimmy’s eyes as his
breathing becomes more labored. More than likely, the electricity is causing organ
failure from internal tissue burns. Callum’s piercing eyes turn to land on me, his hand
running over his impeccable beard.
“I’ll let you decide what happens now, Dewdrop.” My breath gets caught in my chest
in surprise. Reaching into his pants pocket, he pulls out his phone to extend to me. “Let
Jimmy meet his fate, or call for help.”
This isn’t the type of decision I’ve ever had to make. The weight of someone’s life in
my hands is heavier than I ever thought possible. A few months ago my hand would’ve
reached for that phone in a heartbeat—do no harm and all that. But since being in New
York I’ve seen some shit, and my eyes have been opened to the truth people keep hidden
behind business suits and closed doors. Nothing is as black and white as it seems.
This is a human life, but not everyone deserves to be saved.
My gaze travels from the phone, up Callum’s arm to meet his eyes. I’m sure he can see
my thoughts warring with each other. He’s probably expecting me to grab the phone
and call for help. It’s what I should do. Finally, I step forward.
Stepping past the offered phone, I walk the few steps to stand in front of the vile man
responsible for so much pain and suffering. The pleading on his face is long gone,
replaced by dark contempt. His eyes are empty, even as he fights to keep them open.
“You fucking bitch.” He struggles to get the words out, and there’s no mistaking the
disdain in his feeble voice. His breaths are becoming shorter and heavier, a look of
agony permanently etched on his face. The organs in his body are shutting down one by
one after being burnt to a crisp. It’s an excruciating process, but not a hard one to
watch. Not with him.
“This is for every little girl who had their life ruined because of you,” I say. “You don’t
deserve peace, and the world will be much better off without you. Including your
It doesn’t take long for Jimmy to lose the ability to speak, his mouth gaping open and
shut like he’s drowning. Seconds stretch into minutes. I stand over him, watching as the
world is rid of a monster. Andie Brentwood’s face flashes through my mind with her
curly blonde hair, wide brown eyes lit with pain, and two missing front teeth. This is for
her, and every other innocent life destroyed by monsters like Jimmy and Carl Suco. They
were worth saving.
I’ve been witness to so much violence and devastation at the hands of selfishness, and
all I could do was clean up the aftermath. I’ve had to patch up women and children, only
to send them home to their abusers. Back then my hands were tied by protocol and
medical laws—this time I can do something about it. I’m no one’s savior, but I can be
this man’s karma.
I have no delusions that I’m fighting for the greater good or some bullshit like that. I
know how twisted it is to hold a man’s life in my hands and choose to let him die. Just
the idea should make me sick. Honestly, I’m expecting the guilt and devastation to hit
any minute, to suddenly have a ‘what have I done?’ moment. But the remorse never
When Jimmy’s breathing finally stops and his head falls forward, his half-lidded eyes
lifeless, an overwhelming sense of satisfaction washes over me. It settles deep into my
bones until it’s part of who I am. Pressing my fingers against his neck, I double check
that there’s no pulse. “He’s dead.”
Good fucking riddance.
“Lexie.” At some point Callum moved to stand beside me, so close my arm brushes his
when I turn to look up at him. He’s staring at me like I might break—something I can’t
blame him for. I wasn’t exactly sure how I would handle it either. So far all I feel is
relieved. Jimmy brought this upon himself.
“Do you need help disposing of the body?” The words leave my lips before I can think
twice about them, and a flicker of concern crosses Callum’s face. Or was it confusion?
Both are justified, I guess.
“No.” It’s Roscoe who responds first. “You don’t need to touch any of this.”
“Okay,” I say, pulling my eyes from Callum to glance at the enforcer. His expression is
grave as he regards me. It’s for the best, honestly. The idea of getting rid of a body is
gross, I don’t know why I even offered. I got caught in the moment.
“Come on, Dewdrop. Let’s get you out of here,” Callum says deeply, reaching for my
hand—his strong fingers linking with mine. I can feel the weight of his eyes on me as I
walk out the door without a glance back at the body.
At the man I let die.
Chapter Thirty-One: Lexie

’m fine, Callum,” I say finally after feeling his eyes on me for the millionth time
since we left the the garage. I turn to face him, and sure enough, I find his eyes
trained on me. “I’m not going to break down.”
“You watched a man die,” he states like I wasn’t there too. “I’d be an idiot not to keep
an eye on you after something like that.”
“I’ve watched a lot of people die. And you’re not just keeping an eye on me, you’re
staring,” I point out.
“This is different.” As unnecessary as it is, his concern warms my heart. With the way
he’s been looking at me, I can’t tell if it’s just concern he’s feeling. Does he regret
leaving the choice up to me? Maybe he thinks I made the wrong decision. Either way,
there’s no turning back.
What’s done is done.
“His decisions led him there, he got what he deserved. We have other things to worry
about,” I say, quoting his own words back at him. The intensity in his gaze doesn’t
relent, and I feel myself softening. “Seriously, Callum. I’m okay, and I’ll tell you if that
changes. I promise.” I’m being sincere. Besides, if I do start to have a meltdown he’ll be
able to read it all over my face the moment it happens.
He looks like he’s about to say something, but the sound of his phone ringing cuts him
off. He’s been on the phone from the moment we stepped out of the garage,
coordinating what he refers to as the ‘Harris retrieval’. Answering the call, he walks
over to the other side of the kitchen to where his laptop sits on the counter. I can still
feel his eyes stray over to me every so often while I preoccupy myself with my
When Roscoe comes in from the garage a while later, he’s changed into different
clothes and he looks scrubbed clean. Pulling out the island stool, he quietly takes a seat
next to me at the counter. He’s not usually the talkative type to begin with, but this
silence is more cautious than usual. He’s worried about me too.
Taking a cracker from the small tray of meats and cheeses Callum placed in front of
me the moment I sat down in the kitchen, I pop it into my mouth before sliding the
platter over to Roscoe in offering. He reaches over and selects a green olive, making me
scrunch my nose in exaggerated disgust when he tosses it in his mouth. He’s not a huge
fan of olives, he’s only eating it because he knows I won’t. He makes a show of licking
his fingers, making me laugh. I shake my head and turn back to my sketchbook. We sit
in a comfortable silence to the sound of Callum’s deep voice carrying across the
Chapter Thirty-Two: Callum

“When we arrive at the shipyard, don’t leave this car. Roscoe will stay with you.” I
say, checking the magazine before slamming it back into place and pulling back the
slide to chamber a round with a resounding chink.
“What? Why?” Lexie looks from the gun in my hand to me. She’s eager to get there,
eager to come to the little girls’ rescue. And she will, I’ll make sure of it. But shipments
like this come with some pretty grizzly reinforcement to ensure the cargo makes it to
the destination, there’s too much money on the line to leave it up to chance. And I’ll be
damned if I let Lexie step into harms way, little girls or not. Lottie Harris might be the
job, but Lexie is my priority.
“This shipment will come with some kind of security,” I explain, deciding that honesty
is the best approach in this situation. “We don’t know what kind of situation we’re about
to walk into. I need you to stay safely in the car until it’s cleared.” Lexie nods in
understanding. She’s smart, I know she realizes the reality of these circumstances. Her
eyes latch to mine, insistent.
“Those girls have already been through so much, they’re gonna be traumatized.
They’re probably terrified out of their minds, especially of men. I should be there when
you open the container, not a bunch of goons with guns.” She has a point, something
I’ve already considered. Lexie is a big part of the plan, mostly to find Lottie and get her
safely into the car before the others arrive.
“I’ll come get you once it’s safe. You don’t leave this car until I come for you.” My eyes
drill into hers. The gravity of my words hit her, I can see when they register. She blinks
at me once, processing, then she nods in agreement. A small weight lifts from my chest.
“Ok, I’ll wait for you.”
Thank fucking Christ.
She knows exactly what’s at stake, not letting her emotions towards the young victims
cloud her judgment. My instructions aren’t a power trip, they’re what’s best for
everyone involved. She doesn’t realize just how much her safety matters. The last thing I
need is Lexie going rogue on me and putting herself in danger. If anything happens to
this woman, there’s no contract or job that will keep the world safe from my wrath.
“That’s my girl.” There’s a soft edge of praise in my voice, warming her eyes. My
pretty pink nurse, with her soft curves wrapped in pastel pink scrubs, and long blonde
hair pulled into a ponytail. She’s a ray of light, exactly what we need.
Climbing out of the car, I walk around the corner of the metal hangar to where the
rest of the team parked. Enzo stands with the hired guns, seven of them total. I’ve
worked with The Ghost Ops team on numerous occasions. Their team leader, Rio
Castillo, is the best at what they do—it’s something we have in common. And I need the
best. I’m leaving nothing to chance.
Greeting the team, I update them on the new details we extracted from Jimmy while
getting our intercoms set up. Rio instructs his men on our approach, taking this new
info into account. We’ll be treating this freight yard like a grid, each Ghost taking a
section. Enzo and I will take the perimeter and work our way towards the center. Once
the right container is found and secured, I’ll collect Lexie before we open it.
Unholstering their weapons, the team splits up into their assignments. I slowly make
my way along the outside of the shipyard, hugging the stacked containers with my gun
drawn. My earpiece beeps as one of the other men reports to the group.
“We have a sighting in sector two, lower west corner. Armed with automatic.” The
voice reports. Gunshots ring out, echoing through the metal maze, followed by male
shouts. Turning the corner, I see movement out of the corner of my eye.
Enzo walks around from the other side to meet me in the middle. I slow my steps,
allowing him to reach the center aisle before me. Rounding the corner slowly, he visually
clears the area before stepping into the opening. Waiting for him to pass the first
intersection, I follow behind him. After Enzo passes the opening between rows of
containers, an armed man emerges from the shadows behind him. His casual clothing,
unmarked bullet-proof vest, and the automatic weapon slung on across his chest tell me
that he’s one of the traffickers we’re here to take care of.
His sweaty arms lift the semi-automatic weapon, aiming at Enzo’s retreating form with
intent in his beady eyes. He’s going to shoot, but I don’t give him the chance. Raising
my own gun, I beat him to the trigger. The bullet explodes from the chamber and enters
the side of his skull cleanly, the life leaving him instantly as his body falls like a puppet
with cut strings. The sound of my gun echoes through the alley of metal walls, making
Enzo turn. He watches as I lower my gun, looking at the dead man. There’s no hesitation
when he pivots to stride back towards me.
“I guess I owe you one,” he comments knowingly, eyeing his would-be executioner.
“I’ll think of a way for you to repay me. You can start by getting rid of him.” The last
thing I want is Lexie to see the dead body. The body of a man I just pulled the trigger on
without even blinking. The sight would break her heart, I need to protect her from it.
Plus, we can’t have dead bodies scattered around when we bring the girls out of the
container. Hysterics aren’t part of today’s plan.
“I’m on it.” Enzo holsters his weapon to unarm the corpse, slinging the machine gun
over his shoulder, before dragging the dead man away by his ankles.
“We’re clear. Freight container ACMU 2834661.” Tarik’s voice sounds in my ear.
Perfect. I’m already making my way back to where I left Lexie in the car, my legs moving
with a purpose.
“Stand by, don’t open it until I give the order.”
Relief floods Lexie’s face when I open the car door, her expressive eyes searching me
for signs of injury. “I heard the gunshots.”
“I’m ok, Dewdrop,” I assure her. “It’s safe for you to come out now.” I hold my hand
out to her, and she accepts it without pause. Helping her out of the car, I make eye
contact with Roscoe over her head where he sits in the driver’s seat, gun ready. I nod
my thanks, and he’s moving to open the door and join us.
Keeping her hand in mine, Lexie’s other arm wraps around my bicep. I can feel her
nerves, and I can’t help but revel in how she clings to me for comfort. She trusts me to
keep her safe, an honor I don’t plan on failing.
The men back away from the container as soon as the doors are open, taking their
large firearms and stepping out of sight. Lexie’s grip on my arm shifts with anxiety, and
I look down at the top of her blonde head. Giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, she
glances up at me before her shoulders straighten with determination. Letting go of my
arm, I let her step away to approach the container. It’s almost completely dark inside
the metal box, making it an adjustment to see what’s inside.
Huddled closely together in the farthest corner, the girls cling together in terror. No
less than fifty dirty little heads cower, eyes casting alarmed glances at the open doors,
squinting against the harsh sunlight. Their whimpers and cries echo and drift out into
the open afternoon.
Lexie takes slow, careful steps towards the opening. When she speaks, her tone is soft
and gentle. Nurturing. “My name is Lexie, I’m a nurse. No one is going to hurt you
anymore. We’re here to help you, take you home.” She looks over her shoulder at me,
our eyes connecting briefly. “I know you’re scared. These men look scary, but they’re not
going to hurt you. I promise, you’re safe now.”
She takes a few steps farther into the container, stopping to give the girls plenty of
space. They shift as a group, clearly unsure as they cling together and eye Lexie
uncertainly. Sensing their hesitation, Lexie crouches to put herself closer to their eye
level. She keeps her body language open and honest—just a warm woman in her pink
“Is one of you named Lottie? Lottie, your dad sent us to find you.” Her eyes scan the
group, but its difficult to distinguish features between the darkness and the unkempt
state of the girls. But I notice the dark haired head that lifts at the mention of the name.
Lexie sees her too, but she remains calm.
“It’s ok, Lottie.” She makes eye contact with the dark haired girl in the center of the
group. Lexie inches closer, holding out her hand. “Your dad told me to tell you he’s
waiting for you with Winston. We’re here to take you home. We’re going to take you all
At the mention of her bulldog, the little girl steps closer. Lottie looks at her hand for a
split second, the rest of the group watching for her lead. Charlotte Harris reaches out
for Lexie’s hand, a sob of relief escaping her as she stumbles into Lexie’s open arms.
She hugs her tightly, sobs wracking her little body. Like the tap of the first domino, the
rest of the group follows suit. Several girls reach for Lexie’s embrace.
Taking her time, Lexie stays in place for several minutes just holding Lottie and
consoling the other girls. Her voice softly asks them questions; if anyone needs medical
attention, what their names are. She tells them that me and my men are here to help
them, that they don’t need to be afraid of us even though we look ‘big and scary’.
When she finally stands, Lottie in her arms, she leads the girls out into the light. The
sight of each girl—dirty, exhausted, looking half starved, and so young—the anger and
disgust grows inside me. The sick fucks that find pleasure in taking them, in using them.
They all deserve a slow and painful death. I wish I could kill Jimmy all over again, this
time without holding back. He didn’t deserve the mercy he was shown, his end was far
too quick.
My eyes latch onto Lexie, tracking her every move as she slowly walks the girls out. I
pull out my phone and make the call. The answer is immediate, they’ve been waiting for
my contact. “We’re clear. Send them in.”
I nod to Roscoe, signaling that’s it’s time to move. Leaning down, I speak close to
Lexie’s ear. “Take Lottie and go with Roscoe,” I instruct her, pulling her from the flock of
little girls.
“Why? What are you gonna do?” she asks, looking up at me.
“I’m going to get these girls home safely,” I explain briefly. “No one can know Lottie
was ever here, so I need you to take her with you.” She blinks up at me three times as
she nods in understanding.
Lowering back into a crouch to speak with the girls eye to eye is a balancing act with
Lottie still in her arms. Lexie gathers all the girls together and tells them to stay here.
She assures them that all the men here are going to help them get home safely. Despite
Lexie’s assurances, the girls start to cry and protest when Lexie pulls herself away to
follow Roscoe to the car with Lottie in tow.
The sound of the approaching chopper announces their arrival. My team keeps the
girls contained as the US Navy SEAL team arrives on the scene. I step forward to greet
the six man military team.
“Welcome to the party, Ace,” I call to the man leading the pack. Commander Anthony
“Ace” Jacobs, the team leader of SEAL team four, walks over to me looking every bit the
clean-cut boy scout he is. His eyes scan the scene.
“You’ve got quite the turnout,” he comments. “I’m counting fifty-seven girls.”
“From our intel they range from six to eleven years old. We don’t have names or home
addresses, so getting them back to their parents might be difficult.”
“Don’t worry, we have ways to get that information,” Ace assures me. He runs a hand
over his blonde buzz cut as a plan forms behind his brown eyes. “The people who did
“They’ll be dealt with,” I state, earning a nod of approval.
“Alright,” he says, straightening his shoulders and signaling to his team. “Let’s get
these girls home.”

“Do you have her?” Richard Harris’ desperation barks into my ear before the end of
the first ring. My eyes land on the little girl across from me.
“We have her,” I answer. “She’s neglected but uninjured. We’re administering medical
care as we speak. We touch down in five hours and forty seven minutes. Meet us on the
tarmac, and have the rest of my payment for delivery.”
“Thank god,” Harris mutters, his wife’s cry of elated relief ringing through the phone.
“I’ll have your payment.”
“I’ll text you during our descent.”
“We’ll be there.”
My gaze only drifts to the child briefly before returning to the beautiful woman
cradling her. It’s impossible to take my eyes off her. Lexie sits on the sofa, Lottie’s dirty
head in her lap. Tender fingers stroke the little girl’s dark knotted locks, gently
untangling and comforting as the rocking of the plane lulls the girl to sleep. Her
attention moves diligently to the IV drip hanging beside them, monitoring the line
flowing into the back of the child’s hand.
Lexie’s eyes meet mine, catching me staring. Unashamed, I don’t look away. I can’t.
The small smile she gives me—filled with so much relief, hope, and joy—pierces my
chest and runs through my veins like a drug.
“How is she?” I ask, keeping my voice low so I don’t disturb the sleeping child. Lexie
takes a moment to look at the little girl in her lap before answering.
“She’s dehydrated, malnourished, and she’ll need therapy for PTSD.” Her eyes lift to
mine. “But she’s resilient, and the IV is already helping. Until she gets a full physical
exam, there’s no way to tell exactly what she’s been through. But from what I’ve seen,
that’s the extent of it. God, I hope that’s the extent of it.”
The chances that Lottie’s been sexually violated are slim, but it’s not impossible. Men
like Jimmy and his guys are exactly the type to sample the merchandise before the sale,
including women. But with this particular type of transaction, the value relies on the
girls remaining unharmed. And more often then not, their condition is verified before
payment. Virginity sells, and underage virgins sell for even more.
Sick fucks.
“The girls are worth more untouched. It’s all about the money.” It’s not much of a
consolation, but it’s something. The disgust and contempt that crosses Lexie’s face
expresses exactly how I feel right now. But she nods in understanding, looking back
down at the girl.
“I was going to examine her, but I don’t want to traumatize her any more than she
already is. When we land, it’s important for her parents to have her properly checked.
And by a woman. The last thing she needs is to get home and have a man poke at her
while she’s undressed.”
Peering at Lexie, the conviction is rolling off her in waves. “You can tell Harris exactly
what she needs when we land,” I inform her. Her focus moves to me briefly before
returning to the IV drip.
“Ok, I will,” she states confidently. My lips twitch with a smile, and I’m suddenly
looking forward to seeing Richard Harris again. Just so I can watch Lexie give him
The landing goes smoothly. True to his word, Richard Harris and his wife, Alyssa, are
anxiously waiting on the tarmac. The moment the stairs are lowered, Lexie exits the
plane with little Lottie’s hand in hers. I follow them down the stairs, my eyes meeting
Harris’ before he and his wife are rushing towards their daughter.
“Mom! Dad!” The instant she spots her parents, Lottie is running. Alyssa crouches
down to scoop her daughter into her waiting arms, sobbing as she hugs her tightly. The
Senator wraps his arms around both his wife and daughter in a family embrace, kissing
his daughter’s head.
Making eye contact with me over his wife’s head, the Senator murmurs something
into Alyssa’s ear before nodding for me to follow him. We take a few steps away from the
little family reunion to speak privately.
“Any problems?” he asks, making me shake my head.
“Everything went according to plan.”
“The wire’s complete,” Harris says. Pressing the button on my screen, the long
number after the dollar sign doesn’t match our agreement.
“This is too much. You know the agreement.” I set my prices with a purpose. Sticking
to the number we agreed on keeps things clean and simple. I’m not going to owe
someone or leave a loose end untied just for another comma in a bank statement. That’s
unnecessarily messy.
My eyes cut to him, his focus latched on his daughter and wife’s embrace. Lexie is
speaking with Alyssa softly as she cradles the sad child, informing her of the medical
care she received before arrival.
“I know,” Harris says, his eyes not leaving his family. “I have something else I want
you to do.”
“Harris, you know how this works. If you want another job, that means another
“It’s for this job,” Harris clarifies. “I want you to take out the men who did this. And I
want them to suffer.”
“Consider it done.” After seeing those little girls walk out of the container, I was ready
to exact my own wrath on the sick fucks who were responsible. The additional payment
is just a bonus. He nods shortly, his expression grave. With our business done, we rejoin
the women.
“How is she?” Harris asks, stroking Lottie’s hair while his daughter’s head is tucked
into her mom’s shoulder.
“She’ll need to have a full medical exam as soon as possible.” Lexie informs the
Senator. Harris nods, his hand stroking his daughter’s hair.
“Of course,” he acknowledges. “Our private physician, Tanya Redding, is on standby.”
“Great.” Lexie’s tone remains calm. “I’ve seen trafficking victims before in my line of
work. It’s going to take some time for her to feel comfortable around men again.
Including you, Senator. It’s important to keep an eye on her, but with female staff
instead of your armed men in suits. And routine will help her feel safe again.”
“I understand,” Harris confirms.
“I know you’re trying to keep this as quiet as possible, but she should see someone to
work through this trauma. The sooner the better.”
“My wife has a therapist we can trust.” The Senator assures her. Lexie nods, I can see
the relief cross her face.
“I knew you were the man I needed,” Harris states, holding out his hand to shake
mine. He then moves to Lexie, shaking her hand in thanks as well.
“Thank you so much.” Alyssa’s voice is thick with emotion, her eyes moving between
the two of us as she caresses her daughter. “You have no idea. Just, thank you.”
“Of course,” Lexie says with a nod, gazing at the little girl earnestly. “Take care of
her.” When she looks up at me, her expressive eyes are misting with unshed tears.
Placing my hand on the small of her back, we turn to walk to our waiting car.
“Bye Nurse Lexie.” Lottie’s soft voice has Lexie pausing. She offers the little girl a soft
smile and a wave before allowing me to lead her away. Tucking her into my side on the
drive home, tears stream down Lexie’s face. I’m not sure if they’re happy or sad tears—
I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know either.
Chapter Thirty-Three: Callum

ossing my suit coat onto the bed, my fingers make quick work of the buttons down
my shirt until I’m able to pull it off. Getting out of my stuffy suit is always a relief—
especially after a work trip.
It’s still early but I want nothing more than to climb into bed with Lexie. It didn’t take
much persuading to convince her to join me after dinner when we got back to the
penthouse not too long ago. Columbia was a short but productive trip. I still have some
loose ends to tie up for the Harris job, but that can wait until tomorrow. Now that I’m
home, I’m ready to indulge in some peace.
Lexie sits cross legged on the bed, playing with the buttons down her silky pajama
top. Her eyes move over me, a thoughtful look on her freshly-washed face.
“What do your tattoos mean? Why are only some of them in color when the rest are
black and white?” Her curious question catches me off guard, though I don’t show it. No
one’s ever noticed the difference of the images on my skin before.
My pretty pink nurse, so smart.
“Truth?” I ask, raising my eyebrows in question. Lexie pauses to consider for a split
second before she nods, her eyes taking their time to look at each image woven together
up both of my arms and spread out over my chest before scattering down my ribs and
torso. Every inch of my skin that her eyes touch burns under her gaze.
“Truth,” she repeats. Unbuckling my belt, my fingers work to unbutton my pants.
“What are you doing?” Lexie asks, eyes following the movement of my hands. I shove my
pants to the floor and kick them to the side, leaving just my black boxer briefs.
“If I’m going to tell you about my tattoos, you need to see all of them,” I say, indicating
the tattoos on my thighs ending several inches above my knees. It’s not a lie, but I also
want those lovely eyes on all of me. Her fair skin can’t hide her blush, but she makes no
attempt to look away.
“None of them are visible under your everyday clothes,” she points out. Clever girl.
“You like staring at my body, Dewdrop?”
“Am I wrong?”
“I do that on purpose.” My body tenses when Lexie slides off the bed and steps closer
to inspect my ink more closely.
“You do everything on purpose,” she murmurs to herself. “Clark Kent’s glasses.”
“Clark Kent?”
“Yeah, you know, like in Superman. It’s just something I thought the night we first
met. When you’re wearing a suit, you could be almost anyone on wall street. Well,
maybe not just anyone.” Her eyes flicker up to mine. “It’s always felt like your
camouflage or a disguise. As soon as the suit coat comes off and your sleeves are rolled
up you catch a glimpse of who you really are.”
“I’m no hero, Dewdrop.”
“I know,” she says it so certainly. And she does, she knows me.
Standing here, I suddenly feel naked. Exposed. I’ve never felt such vulnerability
before, and I’m suddenly fighting the intense urge to end this. Lexie knows me, she sees
me like I’ve never been seen before. It opens me to weakness. I should see her as a
liability, but I can’t help but long for her attention. I fucking yearn for her.
Her eyes move across my skin, the admiration for the artwork written across her face.
My tattoo artist, Gage, is a master at his craft.
I stand completely still, a statue she’s admiring in great detail as I stare down at the
top of her pretty blonde head. Her hand lifts to brush gentle fingertips over the Celtic
knot colored in red in the center of my chest. My muscles jump under her touch, lust
Lexie doesn’t even realize what she’s doing to me right now, her attention solely
focused on the story my skin tells. She looks to me to translate it. My eyes track her as I
stand in place, barely breathing. Each breath I take is filled with the sweet citrus scent
that’s grown to be a part of her. “What’s this one? It’s beautiful.”
Nothing about me has ever been referred to as beautiful before, it fills me with a
foreign warmth. Her eyes flicker up to mine and it takes my brain a second to remember
her question.
“The triquetra is a Celtic symbol for family. I’m Irish on my mom’s side. The roots of
her culture run deep.”
She nods in understanding, her observant eyes taking in the details on my chest. Her
gaze moves from the triquetra to the Phoenix on my ribs. I can see her clever mind
connecting the dots.
“The tattoos in color are significant.”
“How many do you have?”
“Too many to bother counting.”
“Do you have a favorite?”
“Not yet.”
“Why is the space over your heart empty?”
“I haven’t found the right one yet.”
“Your tattoos make you look dangerous,” she comments, the pad of her index finger
running over the cross on my right peck. “They’re works of art.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you want me,” I say, tracing her cheekbone and
tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Breath catching slightly, her eyelids
flutter at the contact.
“Then I’m glad you know better.” She just can’t help herself. Her quick wit sends a
rush of arousal straight to my already stiffening cock. I’m going to own this pretty, smart
mouth of hers.
“Oh, I do know better, Dewdrop. You can’t hide from me.” It’s the truth. Her
expressive face displays her every thought and emotion for me to read like a book. Like
the desire warming her gaze as her focus flickers to my lips. And there’s no corner of
the earth she can run to that I won’t find her. She’s mine to have and never let go.
“Who’s hiding? You know I’m a sucker for pretty things.” Her hand on my chest says
I’m the pretty thing.
“I’m not an impulse buy, Dewdrop. Or a pair of shoes you want to try on for a night
before taking them back to the store. Once I have you, that’s it. No returns.” My teeth
graze her earlobe and she shivers against me. My hand in her hair gives a sharp tug,
earning a soft gasp. I take her lips with mine, kissing her so thoroughly that I can feel
her heart beat quicken against me. “You’re mine, Dewdrop. I want you to say it.”
“I signed my name on your dotted line.” Her response makes me want to fuck her into
submission. There’s nothing I want more than to pound into her until she has no choice
but to admit, both to me and herself, that she feels the connection between us. I know
exactly how good that feels, having her begging for me while I’m balls deep inside her.
But I don’t want a hasty surrender in the throes of passion with her simply agreeing to
chase an orgasm.
I want Lexie to be mine in every sense of the word. She needs to come to me without
persuasion. That just means I have to work harder to get past these commitment issue
of hers.
My pretty pink nurse, so fucking stubborn.
“I want you,” I state. Lexie’s hand lowers to palm my erection through my boxer
briefs, squeezing my length. A grunt escapes me at the contact, my hips rocking into her
touch involuntarily.
“I know you do. I’m right here, Callum.” She can play dumb all she wants, she knows
exactly what I mean.
“I want all of you.” She can’t wriggle out of this, I’m not letting it go. But she’s clever,
and I can see the spark in her gaze as she unbuttons her top until it falls away from her
lush body.
“Like this?” she asks, the innocence in her voice belying the intent in her eyes. Soft
blue lace cups her generous breasts, the rosy pink of her nipples peeking through the
sheer fabric. The dramatic swell of her breasts with each breath is hypnotizing. My
mouth waters at the sight, the urge to unwrap her gorgeous tits and take her pretty
nipple in my mouth undeniable. She’s trying to distract me, and fuck it’s working.
“It’s a start.” My voice is deep with hunger, earning me a knowing smile that goes
straight to my already rock hard cock. Shit, she’s too pretty, too alluring. Too damn sexy.
My eyes remain glued to Lexie as she reaches behind her back to unclasp her bra,
watching as it springs open to let her breasts fall free. Bringing the bra to dangle from
her finger, she lets it fall to the floor—those gorgeous, giant tits bouncing and swaying
with her every move.
“Better? Or do you need more?” she asks, looking up at me through her lashes with
her blue vixen eyes.
Trouble. This woman is nothing but trouble.
“More.” The word is ripped out of me before I can even think it, making her smile
widen. Next, her shorts are being slid over the generous curve of her hips and down her
legs. Her matching blue lace panties are the last to go. Stepping out of them, she stands
in front of me completely naked.
My eyes start from her pretty pink toenails, moving upwards slowly. I don’t want to
miss a single inch. Thick thighs, soft full stomach, defined fleshy waist, beautiful heavy
breasts. Blonde hair spills around her shoulders and down her back, bright blue eyes
shining at me with a desire that makes me feel like the most powerful man in the world.
“You are—” I rasp, at a loss. Fuck, Lexie. Always leaving me without words. “Fuck
me.” She lets out a soft laugh, taking a step towards me. Her hands go to my briefs,
pulling me in by my waist band, her gaze hot on mine.
“Yeah, that’s kind of the idea here, Cal,” she teases. The laugh I let out is primal,
guttural. While her hands tug at my briefs, mine are sliding into her hair and pulling her
in for another kiss. Our lips move together so perfectly. She fits so perfectly, she’s
completely unraveled me. My underwear is swiftly yanked down my legs. Stepping out
of thems, I’m backing her to the bed. I can’t wait another second. I need her, all of her.
Inside her.
Lexie falls back onto the bed and my body covers hers. Scooting her further up the
mattress, I’m right there—refusing to stop touching her for even a second. Nails scrape
my back, her thick thigh hitching around me as I wedge a pillow under her hips. I’m so
fucking hot and hard against her, it’s almost painful. Her mouth against mine is growing
more desperate.
“Please, Cal. I need you,” she pleads against my lips, her hand gripping my erection
and giving it a pump. I buck against her with a hiss. If she does that again, it’s all over.
“Condom,” I mutter. But her grasp pulls me back in, guiding me to her entrance.
“I have an IUD,” she says, arching against me. “Please.” That's all I need to hear.
Sinking into her, my jaw clenches as her breath catches in her throat.
Fuuuck, she’s perfection.
I move inside her, nothing between us, and we moan together. Using the pillow
beneath her for leverage, I push in deeper, harder. Every one of my senses are
heightened—every touch, every movement is amplified. Her gasps and sighs send
electricity licking through my veins, urging me on. She meets me with each thrust,
driving me wild until I’m completely feral.
“Oh my god,” she moans, her legs around my hips pulling me closer. Bracing against
my arms on either side of her head, I gaze down at the gorgeous woman beneath me as I
pound into her. Her breasts bounce wildly with each stroke, plush curves against my
hard panes.
“I know, Dewdrop, I know,” I murmur as her eyes drift shut. “Eyes on me.” The
command has her blue eyes opening to gaze up at me, her obedience more than
gratifying. Our eyes connected, I power into her as the electricity builds between us.
Each sound of pleasure, each moan and sigh, fuels the primal hunger coursing through
“I’m going to come.” Lexie’s breathless words ask for permission.
“Not yet.” I’m not ready for her to come around my cock just yet, I want to draw this
out as long as possible and my control can only last so long with her.
“Callum,” she pleads, her pussy quivering around me as she fights to keep her orgasm
at bay.
“Such a good girl for me, Dewdrop,” I mutter, her submission plucking at my last
strands of control. “Just like that. You’re so beautiful while you take my cock.”
“I—I can’t,” she pants, arching against me. “Please.”
“Tell me who you belong to.” The demand slips past my control before I can think
better of it. My need to hear her say it is too strong, I don’t care that I’m playing dirty.
The way her eyes on me flash tells me she knows exactly what I’m doing. But the
defiance is only a flicker between the pleasure and delicious torture.
Shifting my weight to be supported on one hand, my right arm going under her left leg
and lifting it towards my shoulder to push in deeper.
“No—” Her protest morphs into a breathless moan when my angle changes, hitting
her g-spot. She writhes against me, eyes accusing. But I remain firm, gaze unwavering
as I piston in and out of her.
“Tell me, Lexie.” My voice is deep with hunger. Electricity is prickling at the base of
my spine, my climax starting to spark inside me. Gripping her hips I drive into her with
a fury, making her cry out. She can’t last much longer, I can feel her pussy fluttering as
the orgasm threatens to overtake her. “Say it.”
“You, Callum.” The admission is ripped from her like she can’t help herself. “I’m
yours.” Her words wash over me, dousing me in flames. Hooking my arms under her
thighs to lift her hips off the bed, I push into her so hard and deep that I bottom out. Her
eyes roll back in her head, hands fisting in the bedsheets.
“Come for me, Lexie,” I growl. “Come while I claim what’s mine.” Lexie’s release is
immediate, her body bowing with the pleasure that pulls the breath from her lungs.
Nothing is more beautiful than Lexie when she orgasms. Nothing. The light in her
eyes and flush of her cheeks, her lips parted in ecstasy. There are no witty remarks or
denials. The moment she comes around my cock, fingers or tongue, she’s mine. Every
sensation, every beat of her racing heart, every gasp of breath—they belong to me. Her
eyes, connected with mine, tell me she knows it too.
Her perfect pussy clenches my cock and my own climax strikes like lightning. The
sparks collecting in my balls explode, pleasure whipping through me like a live wire. I
move through my release, powering into Lexie as I empty into my pretty pink pussy. The
groan is ripped from my chest, her inner muscles wringing every last drop of cum from
my cock.
“Oh my god, Cal.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, her body trembling against me
with the aftershocks. She gazes up at me through half lidded eyes, a soft sated smile on
her lips. Our chests heave in unison, fighting for breath. My hand lifts to brush a strand
of her hair from her luminous face.
I love her.
Staring down at Lexie, I’m hit over the head with the revelation. It’s undeniable,
settling so deeply in my chest that it’s a part of me. I don’t just care about her, she’s the
only thing I care about. She’s become my first priority and my last tether to sanity.
I lean down to kiss her, my tongue sliding in to taste her. She tastes like sweetness,
satisfaction, and mine. I could lay here, drinking her in, for the rest of my life and never
get tired of her.
“You’re an asshole,” she mutters, calling me out even as she’s still catching her
breath. I grin against her lips, a self satisfied laugh rumbling through my chest. She’s
right, but that doesn’t change the outcome. Catching her lip between my teeth, I give a
sharp tug.
“We both got what we wanted.”
“That was a power play, Callum. Not a compromise,” she argues, her lips moving
passionately with mine, even as I pull out of her.
“I always get results, Dewdrop. You know that.” My arms start to shake over her, the
exhaustion creeping in. I’ve never come harder in my fucking life—each time with this
woman just gets better and better.
Lowering onto my elbows, I make sure to keep the majority of my weight off her.
“It doesn’t mean anything.” I can hear the uncertainty in her voice. There’s really no
point in denying us anymore.
“Keep telling yourself that,” I murmur, pressing a kiss to her jaw. Rolling to the side, I
land heavily on the bed beside her. Staring up at the ceiling, my mind processes the
realization I’ve been hit with. Surprisingly, I feel relieved instead of panicked. I’m not
shocked—my obsession with my pretty pink nurse has been growing since the moment
we met.
“I can’t give you what you want from me.” Her tone is soft, resigned. She doesn’t want
to keep fighting what’s between us. One step closer.
“What do I want from you?”
“Control,” she replies easily. “You’re the biggest control freak I’ve ever met.”
“You didn’t mind me controlling you a few seconds ago.”
“I’m serious, Callum. I’m not a problem for you to handle.” What’s happened to Lexie
that makes her so terrified of being tied to someone else? An abusive ex?
Who hurt her?
The thought makes me want to start demanding names. I’ll drown them in gasoline,
light a match, and watch their entire world burn with a smile on my face.
When I reach for her, she sits up to look me in the eye. I turn my head to meet her
gaze head on. I’m not hiding from this conversation, there can’t be anything left up for
interpretation between us. The sooner we get this cleared up, the better.
“I’d never smother your spark, Lexie. I like your fire. I don’t want to control you,
you’re perfect just the way you are.” Like the fucking sun that gives life to everything
under its rays. And I’m a selfish bastard addicted to her warmth.
Chapter Thirty-Four: Callum

aying in our bed, my head lays nestled in my favorite spot between Lexie’s breasts.
Her hand absentmindedly strokes through my hair and down the bare skin of my
The last week has been spent eating, talking, and fucking. Lexie and I haven’t left the
penthouse, barely making it out of the bedroom. I make her beg to come, then I make
her come until she begs me to stop.
If I’m not sitting with Lexie on the livingroom couch while she watches reality tv with
my laptop, she’s on the sofa in my office sketching while I work at my desk. We cook
together, eat together, sleep together. There’s been a shift towards a romantic
relationship. The words haven’t been said, but I can feel the difference.
I think about telling Lexie the truth, that I’m in love with her. The feeling grows every
second I’m with her. But I don’t want to risk scaring her off, and I’m not about to ruin
what we currently have. I know we’ll get there, I’ll tell her when she’s ready to hear it.
“Tell me about your family,” I say, relaxing against the warmth of her. Lexie’s body
shifts beneath me, tensing slightly. I’ve gotten so attune with her body it’s obvious my
question has struck a nerve.
“I have a sister, Samantha. She’s two years younger than me,” she says. There’s
something she’s not saying, a subject she doesn’t want to talk about. But I want it,
whatever that secret is. I need to know every part of her.
“And your parents?” I prompt. She clears her throat softly, resituating on the pillow. A
lock of her hair falls over my face, I can’t help but press my nose into her and inhale
deeply. Her hair, her skin.
She always smells so fucking good.
“We don’t talk.” Despite her effort to sound casual, I can sense there’s far more to the
story. If Lexie’s not in contact with her family, something happened to make her cut ties.
Anger ripples through me at the thought.
“What did they do?” There’s darkness beneath my question, a short temper
threatening to be set loose. I know she hears it.
“What makes you think they did something to me?” She tries her best to deny it, to
talk her way around having this conversation. I’m not having any of that.
“Because I know you, Dewdrop. You’re far too forgiving. You wouldn’t cut someone out
of your life unless they did something really fucked up to deserve it. You haven’t stopped
talking to me.”
“I probably should,” she says softly. There’s no conviction in her voice, and I know I
don’t have to worry. “You’ve done some pretty fucked up things of your own.”
She’s right, I have.
“You’ll never be rid of me. What did they do?” The question is met by silence. “Either
you tell me, or I’ll track them down and get the answers myself.”
“My parents are very… strict.” She struggles to find the right word, not sounding
satisfied with the description she came up with.
“Religious?” She shakes her head at my question, letting out a humorless laugh.
“No, they don’t believe in God. They don’t believe in anything—except maybe the
“But you do.” I’ve noticed the way she prays for little things, the way she speaks to God
like he’s listening at every moment.
“I do believe in God,” she agrees easily. “I’ve seen enough people die and brought
back to life to believe there’s something after this life.” We’re getting off track, so I steer
the conversation back to the answers I want.
“What were they strict about?”
Lexie takes a deep breath, holding it in for a second before letting it out slowly.
“Absolutely everything. They hated wasting things on me and my sister.”
“What do you mean waste?” I ask deeply, my jaw tightening. My temper is already
flaring, and she hasn’t even begun her story yet.
“Food, money, time, attention. Affection.” Her voice lacks the bitterness I’m expecting.
“Basically anything other than fulfilling their legal obligation to provide the bare
minimum requirements to house, clothe, and feed us were a waste. They kept
everything locked down, never spent an extra penny on us that they could save for
something else. Something for themselves.”
“Padlocked. The cabinets in the kitchen, the fridge, the thermostat. Only my parents
had the keys and asking for any of them was pointless.” I can’t help the string of curses
that leave my mouth. She doesn’t seem surprised by them, or bothered, so she
continues. “Lights out every night was at nine-thirty or else we were ‘wasting
electricity’. All of my clothes were hand-me-downs or pulled from church donation
boxes, none of them actually fit me. I didn’t even know my real bra size until I moved
out and went to get measured at a store for the first time.”
Her bra size is 42H, and she’s absolutely glorious. I’m taking her shopping tomorrow.
“We got one shower a week, two if we were menstruating. But only for ten minutes or
else my mom would shut the water off. She used a timer in the kitchen to keep track. It’s
funny though, because whatever money was saved by taking cold showers went straight
to my dad’s bets at the race track and my mom’s weekly lotto scratch-offs.”
“That’s abuse, Lexie.” What she’s describing is neglect and all types of child abuse—
and just the thought of it makes me want to go put my suppressor to good use. She nods
unemotionally, staring up at the ceiling in the darkness.
“I know,” she says with a sigh. “I felt so ugly for the longest time, so unloveable. I
smelled terrible, my hair was always a greasy mess. My clothes never fit. I felt like I had
to be funny for anyone to like me, like if I wasn’t the life of the party I’d never hold
anyone’s attention long enough to be my friend. My jokes became my way to distract
from the undesirable parts of me.” The way she acknowledges it without getting
emotional, it’s like it doesn’t have any power over her anymore. Like she’s already
moved past it. I never would’ve guessed any of this about her, so maybe she has.
“What happened after you moved out?”
“I got a job at a plant nursery and worked my way through nursing school. For a while
everything my mom said to me was ingrained in my every move. I heard her voice
everywhere I went—only bought basic foods at the grocery store, never went shopping
for fun. Even though my clothes finally fit, they were plain and simple. I looked in the
mirror one morning and something clicked. I was out of that house, but I was living like
I was still trapped inside. And if that’s how I chose to treat myself after all that time, I
was admitting that I thought I deserved it. But I didn’t. I knew that it wasn’t the life I
wanted, I deserve so much more. So I made changes.”
“That’s when you met Julie.”
“Yes, Julie completely transformed my life. And little by little, I created the life I’ve
always dreamed of. Pretty dresses, skincare, karaoke nights, houseplants. As long as I’m
financially responsible, I can have whatever brings me joy. I can be as colorful and extra
as I want to be, and no one can ever tell me it’s a waste ever again.” There’s not an
ounce of apology in her voice. “I worked really hard on my self image too. Hours and
hours of therapy sessions healing the fractured part of me that saw myself as unlovable.
I still have good days and bad days, like everyone else. But I’m fucking hot.”
“So fucking hot.” My agreement rumbles low in my chest, a primal growl that makes
her laugh softly. Turning my head into her chest I nip at her breast through the thin silk
of her pajama top, eliciting a moan. Her hands thread through my hair, tugging me
“I used to wonder if maybe I’d never find someone. That maybe the way I was raised
was too damaging, something I’d just have to learn to live with.” Her tone carries an
unspoken but.
“But?” I press, unashamed in my prying. I want to know all of it, it’s basically
compulsive at this point. I’m so far gone for her.
“But then I met you.” Her words makes me grin, so stupidly happy I can hardly stand
it. Pulling away, I sit up on the bed to look down at her. Even in the darkness I can make
out each of her delicate features, facial features I’ve committed to memory and never
tire of looking at.
I want to see her. All of her.
The mattress dips beneath my weight when I reach over to the night stand and snap
the lamp on. Her eyes blink up at me as light floods the room, and I can’t help myself
from leaning down to kiss her. Our mouths spark, her lips sweet against mine. The
hunger growing inside me demands more, pulling and teasing until she’s moaning
against me.
She spent so much of her life deprived of happiness and love, it enrages me. Lexie is
the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever met. Her personality shines through, she fucking
glows from the inside out. She’s too smart for her own good, and more fun than most
people deserve to experience. The way she cares about people, so deeply—purely—
never ceases to amaze me.
Lexie West is a brilliant star blazing through any darkness, capturing anyone that she
comes across until they’re drawn into her orbit with undying loyalty. I gave into her
magnetic pull a long time ago, it wasn’t too long before I realized any resistance was as
useless as fighting gravity. Now my every thought is destined to orbit around her, the
center of my universe.
“You will never have to settle for anything less than everything.” And I’m determined
to give her just that. There’s nothing I won’t do for this woman. “Tell me what you want,
what you need. I won’t stop until the whole world is at your feet.”
“Right now all I want is you, Cal. Inside me. Now.”

The familiar buzzing sounds in the studio. I barely feel the bite of the needle as Gage
pricks ink into the skin of my chest. Keeping my left side rigidly still under the tattoo
artist’s hands, I use my right hand to press my phone to my ear. The other line picks up
after two rings.
“Boss,” Roscoe greets. “We have a confirmed sighting.” Roscoe and Enzo have been
tasked with tracking down the men responsible for Lottie’s abduction.
Kellen might have snatched her off the street, and Anton Kozlov held and transported
the girls. But they’re small fish, cogs in the machine. The five men responsible for the
sale of little girls in this part of New York are all business men who hide behind their
desks while they ruin children’s lives. I won’t lose any sleep over their deaths.
“Make sure they’re all there, then take them out.” I give him the green light. “Take
photo evidence when it’s done. Harris wants them to suffer.”
“Got it. Photos will be uploaded to the server,” Roscoe confirms. I can hear Enzo
giving updates on movement and location logistics.
“Meet me at my place after you’ve scrubbed the scene,” I say, glancing down at Gage’s
work in progress. “I want a full report.”
“Consider it done.” With that, I end the call.
Gage adjusts the light stand to get a better look at his shading, glancing up at me.
He’s been biting his tongue since I got here, but he knows better than to ask questions.
And I definitely don’t need his opinion.
“Finally found the right one, huh?” Gage’s question is about my choice in tattoo
design, but my answer isn’t.
“Definitely the right one.”
Chapter Thirty-Five: Lexie

y hands are too full, so when I reach for the door to Callum’s office, my
sketchbook falls to the floor. I sigh, putting down my can of Mountain Dew on the
side table nearby and tucking my phone into my bra, before crouching down to start
scooping up the loose pages that fluttered across the floor. The sound of Callum and
Roscoe’s conversation drifts through the crack in the door.
“—everything’s been handled and cleaned,” Roscoe states. Shoving the papers back
into my sketchbook, I can’t help but listen.
“Good,” Callum says. “I won’t pretend that killing those fuckers was for the job.
Harris’ check was a bonus. People who sell little girls like that deserve to suffer, they
got what was coming to them.”
“It’s too bad there were complications.” Roscoe says gravely, making me pause.
“You think the casualties could have been avoided?”
“No.” Roscoe’s answer has my stomach dropping. “But they were innocent, it could
have been different.”
Innocents, as in innocent deaths? Callum went after the men who took Lottie and
ended up with casualties. And Senator Harris paid him to do it.
Anger and disbelief bubble up inside me. The hammering in my chest has my fight of
flight instincts kicking in. I have to get moving, I can’t stand here and listen to this
Leaving my sketchbook where it sits on the floor, I straighten my shoulders before
pushing through the door.
“How many?” I demand answers. Both men turn to look at me in surprise, but it
doesn’t last long. My challenging gaze tells them I heard their conversation.
“Lexie—” I completely ignore Callum, instead turning my demanding gaze to Roscoe.
“How many casualties?” I want answers, my heart hammering in my chest.
“Just two.” Roscoe’s gruff answer isn’t nearly enough, I need details.
“Lexie,” This time it’s Roscoe trying to dissuade me from the topic, making my
stomach churn. The fact that he doesn’t want to say it makes me imagine the worst.
“Who?” My voice rises. “Women? Children?” Roscoe’s eyes cut to Callum, asking his
boss for permission. Callum gives no indication, simply staring at me with his jaw
clenched, hands gripping his desk tightly. The tension in his body has my anxiety rising.
“The girlfriend to one of the men we hit caught a stray bullet.” The knot in my
stomach tightens. His voice tells me there’s something else, something he’s not saying.
“And?” I’m already getting emotional, but I’m not letting this go.
“She was seven months pregnant.” Callum’s words hit me like a punch to the stomach,
my heart stopping in my chest. I turn my horrified eyes to land on him heavily. Callum
gazes back, rigid as a statue.
“The baby?” Despite the nausea clawing at me I have to ask. When he doesn’t answer,
the tears prick behind my eyes. “Tell me.”
“He didn’t make it,” Callum replies heavily. The crushing sadness forces the air from
my lungs. “They had to deliver him too soon. He only lived for three hours, there was no
way he could survive without his mother.”
“You did this?” I ask him.
“It wasn’t part of the plan.”
“You knew it was a possibility, Callum. You never do anything without knowing every
single possible outcome.”
“Casualties are always a risk. It’s a cost of doing business. Collateral damage.”
“Are you really trying to justify this to me right now? This wasn’t business.” I spit
back. “It was murder. Callous, reckless murder.”
“I don’t have to justify anything to you.” Callum’s voice darkens at the implication. His
need for control is twisting into anger and it’s just stoking my own rage. “It’s the reality
of the situation. Her boyfriend made some bad decisions, and his family is the price he
paid for them. That woman knew who she was sleeping with, and she chose to have a
child with him anyway. She decided to take that risk with both of their lives, and it
ended up getting her and her baby killed.”
I still, my body shifting from fiery hostility into cold contempt. He can’t possibly think
that. Callum, the man who holds me at night so I can sleep—who makes sure I drink
enough water and watches over me so diligently—can’t possibly have just said that.
Because if this is how he truly feels, then I don’t know him at all. This complete
disregard for the wellbeing of others is staggering.
“Is that what you’d say if it was me?” I ask, despair weighing heavily on my chest. “I
know who I’m sleeping with, or at least I thought I did. Am I going to pay for your sins
with my life?”
“Of course not,” Callum replies tursely, bracing his hands on his desk like he needs the
support. “I’d never let that happen.”
“I’m sure the man who just lost everything told the mother of his child the same
“It’s different for us and you know it.”
“Do I? You clearly don’t value human life, I’ve seen it firsthand. So why am I trusting
you to protect mine? That woman had a name. Do you even know it? Did you even
bother to find out?”
“Of course not. Why would you bother with details like that, they’re irrelevant to you.
You’re just a machine—a cold, calculating computer only weighing risks for profit and
nothing else.”
“Not with you, Dewdrop.” He steps around the desk, but I take a responding step
“I can’t even look at you.” I shake my head, a tear falling down my cheek and landing
on my chest. The second tear slides down more slowly, dramatically, making Callum
“Wait, come back,” he says, voice strained as I turn on my heel to walk out the door.
I think I love him, but how can I love a man like this? I believe so strongly in the
importance of innocent human life and what they can bring to the world. It’s why I
chose to work in medicine—to help people. How can I possibly love a man who destroys
lives without so much as a second thought? A pregnant woman and her unborn child
used as a fuse to blow up a man’s life. Callum’s not just a killer, he’s a robot—devoid of
any capacity for human emotion. So how can I love him? And how can he possibly care
about me?
He hasn’t told me that he loves me, but it’s there—between every word he speaks, in
every look. It’s implied with every bottle of water and stroke of my hair at night. But
he’s never said it, and I’m an idiot for thinking he does. That he even can. Maybe this
whole time I’ve been looking for signs of something that doesn’t exist.
“Where are you going?” He’s right behind me, towering over me with each step as I
move through the penthouse in search of an escape. I can’t deal with him right now. Or
maybe ever again after what he’s done. Right now it feels impossible to ever get past
“Anywhere but here.” I just want to curl up in my bed and cry. Alone.
“Stop, we can talk about this.” There’s an edge to his voice, one I haven’t heard
before. It’s panic.
“We did talk, and there’s nothing left to say. What’s done is done, you can’t take it
back. No returns.” My anger has his own words coming at him like bullets in a loaded
gun. The ammo hits him right where I aimed, dead center.
Kill shots.
“Don’t fucking say that.” The dark edge in his husky voice is raw with conviction.
When I reach my room, his hand on my arm catches me. I shake off his touch, batting
his hand away. It’s a small relief when he takes the hint and steps back.
“Leave me alone.”
“Let me in, Lexie,” Callum insists, stepping into the doorway so I can’t close the door.
So I can’t shut him out. He’s radiating concern, his passionate eyes on me silently
“You said you’ll always give me what I need,” I remind him, the tears now streaming
down my face freely. “Right now I need to be alone, and away from you.” The tremble in
my voice is unmistakable.
A line appears between his brows as he reaches out and swipes a tear from my top lip,
his fingers surprisingly gentle compared to how rigidly his body is crowding the
doorway. Each muscle is tightly coiled, no doubt fighting the urge to force his way into
the room and throw me over his shoulder.
“I’ll give you anything. Anything but that,” he rasps. I inch away from him, putting
space between us. When he reaches for me again, I avoid his touch.
If he doesn’t leave, if he keeps insisting, I’m going to cave and let him in. My
desperation for him to leave wars with my need for him to wrap me in his strong arms
and hold me. Callum is the reason I’m so devastated, but he’s also the one person who
can take all the pain away.
“I need you to go. Are you going back on your word?” A sob escapes me, and I need to
wrap my arms around my middle to keep myself together. I’m about to crumble, and
seeing the pained look in Callum’s hazel eyes only pushes me closer to the edge.
“No,” he grounds out through clenched teeth, his eyes searching my face intently.
“Then walk away.” I stare him down, even when tears blur my vision. Callum’s arms
move to reach for me again, but he thinks better of it and pulls them back—instead
crossing them over his chest, like it’s the only way to keep them to himself.
“I’ll let you close this door, but I’m not walking away from you.” His tone is low, and
rough with something that sounds a lot like emotion.
“Please, go.” This time my voice is barely above a whisper, hitting him straight in the
chest. He begrudgingly takes a step back to clear the doorway, his arms bracing himself
on either side of the doorframe. When I close the door and turn the lock, the sound of
his deep voice carries with the string of curses uttered violently under his breath.
Falling onto the bed, I kick my shoes off before crawling under the covers. No longer
trying to hold back, I sob freely into my pillow.
I need to call Mia, or Julie, to talk through the devastating weight dangerously close
to crushing me in this moment. I need someone to comfort me, tell me that everything
will work out. I need advice on where to go from here, and what steps I need to take to
heal from all of this. I need a voice of reason to talk me down from the emotional ledge
I’m teetering on right now, dangerously close to freefalling into the knowledge that my
life is over. I need understanding and logic against the irrational thoughts dragging me
towards a spiral away from the person I’ve worked so hard to become, and back to the
broken person I was before.
But I can’t.
I can’t tell anyone any of this. Legally, and morally, I can’t say a fucking word. Even if
the NDA I signed wasn’t gagging me, there’s no way I could ever drag the people I love
into this hell. The only person I can turn to for refuge is the man who caused all of this.
Instead I cry myself to sleep.


The sound of my phone ringing yanks me out of a restless sleep. My eyes are
exhausted and tear swollen when I force them open to reach for the device. A photo of
me and Mia on a wild night out lights the screen, my best friend’s name written across
the top. Taking a deep breath, I press the button to answer.
“Hey Mia.” I force a cheerful tone despite my wrecked voice. Turns out spending the
whole night sobbing uncontrollably really does a number on the vocal cords. “What’s
“Lexie.” The way she says my name has me sitting up.
“What’s wrong?”
“Your sister’s here at the hospital.” There’s something in her tone that has a new knot
forming in my stomach. Trying not to assume the worst, I ask for clarification.
“Samantha’s there, like, to visit?”
“She’s going into surgery, I wanted to call you before I scrub in. You’re still her
emergency contact.” Mia’s voice is more serious than I’ve ever heard it before. This is
real, the knot tightening painfully.
“What happened?”
“Looks like a hit and run. Her car rolled, she never regained consciousness.” I’m
already up and moving. Woah, I’m kinda dizzy—last night’s episode really did a number
on me. It feels like an emotional hangover.
“How is she?” Stumbling into the closet, I’m shoving clothes into my carryon suitcase
before I can have a chance to look at what I’m grabbing. Anxiety is starting to build in
my chest, pressing against my ribcage like a corset several sizes too small.
“She has pretty severe concussion, we won’t know the extent until she wakes up. The
imaging showed massive internal bleeding. She’s at risk of paralysis and organ failure.
We’ll know more after we open her up, but she’s stable.” Mia’s professionalism is
impressive as she delivers the update of such an emotional personal topic. I can hear the
sounds of hospital chaos around her, and I try not to picture my little sister part of the
The corset strings tighten painfully.
“I’m coming. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Bras and panties are being hastily tossed
into the bag without consideration.
“I have to get into the O.R.” Mia’s voice is soft and riddled with restrained concern.
“I’ll see you when you get here.”
“Ok,” I breathe. “Thank you for calling, I’ll let you go. Bye.”
“Of course,” Mia responds sincerely. “Bye.” Standing in the center of the closet—that
looks like it was hit by a tornado—I look around feeling lost. Tugging on a clean pair of
leggings and an oversized crewneck sweatshirt, I stuff my sock clad feet into my white
tennis shoes.
Stepping over the piles of strewn clothing, I move to the bathroom to collect my
toiletries before adding them to my bag. Zipping the carryon closed, I rush to the
kitchen, trailing the suitcase behind me.
My phone is already open looking for flights from NYC to Oregon. Last minute flights
are so expensive and have multiple hour long layovers. Overwhelmed and already
emotionally raw from last night, the phone is shaking in my hand. Deciding just to pick
the best of the shitty flights, and the most expensive, I struggle to fill out the ticket
I need my damn credit card.
Grabbing my handbag from the far edge of the counter, I’m digging through it
frantically when I hear Callum enter the kitchen behind me. “What’s going on?”
Shoving things aside, my wallet is still nowhere to be found. “Where the fuck is it? It
has to be in here.” I force out a shaky breath, my frustration level rising.
“What are you looking for?” he asks, getting closer.
“My wallet. I can’t buy a plane ticket without my fucking credit card.” Fed up, I take
the bag and turn it upside down to empty the damn thing out on the counter. All of my
shit comes tumbling out, scattering across the counter top and falling onto the floor.
“Plane ticket?” His voice is confused, but there’s an undertone of trepidation in his
question. “Where are you going? Tell me what’s happening.”
“I need to get back to Oregon.” Sifting through my makeup bags, crumpled receipts
and packets of tissues. “Mia called, my sister is in the hospital. She was in an accident.”
It’s not here. Why isn’t my wallet here? I take a step back to look around me.
“What’s her condition?” Callum’s question barely registers when my eyes catch on the
pink leather peeking out from under the cabinet near the toe-kick.
“Here it is,” I hiss, grabbing the wallet. My fingers are trembling as I unsnap it. When
I struggle to pull my credit card loose from its place in the card holder, a strong hand is
covering mine to stop me.
“Hey, take a breath and talk to me.”
“Samantha’s car rolled, she’s going into surgery,” I stammer. “I have to get there.”
“You’ll get there.” Callum presses his phone to his ear, stealing my wallet from my
hands as he waits for whoever he’s calling to pick up. “I need the plane fuelled and
ready to go. How soon can it be ready?”
“What are you doing?”
“Good, get it done.” He ends the call to answer me. “My jet is the fastest way to get
there. It’ll be ready in an hour.”
“Give me my wallet back, I need it.”
“No. I’ll give it back once I’m packed.”
“I’m coming with you,” he announces.
“No you’re not.”
“Yes, I am.”
“It’s my sister, Callum. This is my family business.”
“I know,” he states firmly. “I’m coming with you.” Holding up my wallet tellingly, he
backs out of the room to go pack. There’s no going anywhere without my ID and credit
cards, he knows that. He’s effectively clipped my wings.
Son of a bitch.
My feet can’t stop moving, the anxiety making me restless. If I stop long enough to sit,
then the what ifs start to take over. And I can’t bear the thought of what might be
happening with Samantha on the operating table right now. She’s the only family I have,
I can’t lose her.
I end up in my bathroom, standing in front of the sink. Looking in the mirror is a
mistake, my reflection is pitiful. Disturbing. My face is puffy from crying under the
crusty remnants of yesterday’s makeup. Looking at myself, it’s a wonder I didn’t feel as
gross as I look.
Turning on the sink, I cup my hands to splash my face with water. The cold liquid feels
refreshing against my skin. As each thought about what’s happening comes, both with
my sister and with Callum, it’s forced out of my head. I focus solely on my task as I
scrub the last twenty four hours from my skin.
“There you are.” Callum’s deep voice sounds as he steps into the doorway. “I thought
you’d left for a minute there.”
“I can’t go anywhere, you made sure of that,” I reply flatly, my words heavy with
meaning. Reaching for a towel, I pat the moisture from my face before letting it drop
back on the counter. My hands are on autopilot carrying out the next few steps of my
skincare regimen. Keeping my eyes averted, I turn around to leave the room. But he’s
right there, standing in my way.
He’s alway right fucking there.
“You need to eat something.” Callum’s tone is firm. I try to step around him, refusing
to meet his eyes. But he’s following my movements, his giant frame blocking my path. I
can practically feel his eyes on me, burning a hole into the top of my head.
“Leave me alone. I’m not hungry.” Lifting my eyes, my gaze lands to focus on the top
button of his dress shirt. I don’t have it in me to look at his face right now.
“You haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon,” he points out. Of course he knows that,
leave it to Callum to track my eating habits even when I’m furious with him.
Control freak.
“I said I’m not hungry. You don’t get to control everything about me,” I snap, the
frustration in my voice more than obvious. When I move to turn away, he catches me.
One of his large hands clasps my shoulder, the other lifting my chin until I’m forced to
look up and meet his eyes. Callum’s expression is one of unwavering determination.
“You’re angry at me, I get that. You’re allowed to be.” His gaze drills into me. “But
what’s not allowed is for you to stop taking care of yourself because you’re upset.” The
message hits home, landing heavily in my chest. It’s exactly what my therapist would
say— “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” This tends to be a pattern when I’m
emotional about something. Self isolation and restriction—it’s how I self sabotage.
He’s right, and I fucking hate it.
“Fine. I’ll make myself a damn sandwich,” I grit out, and I don’t miss how the harsh
edges of his face soften in concern. I look pointedly at his hands, and he very reluctantly
lets go of me. Taking a step back, he doesn’t go too far. His eyes are watching diligently
as I walk to the kitchen and assemble a simple turkey sandwich.
Chapter Thirty-Six: Lexie

ray is the ugliest color. I can’t believe I’ve never noticed before. Gray is drab,
bleak, and depressing. Gray means questions that may never get answers. And I
need answers.
I’ve walked these exact halls too many times to count, and I never once noticed. That
gray is ugly. Gray chairs, gray fixtures, and a dingy gray linoleum floor. It does nothing
to console, comfort, or create hope. It seems like I’m doomed to drown in a never ending
sea of gray for the rest of my life.
Here I am, stuck in this dull, gloomy waiting room at Columbia Memorial Hospital,
where I used to call home. The thought that Samantha is somewhere in this ugly gray
building all alone is absolutely maddening.
I’ve given up on sitting. Instead my feet are wandering aimlessly along the row of
hideous chairs, but I never stray very far. Callum sits in a chair silently, his attention
only ever leaving me to very briefly respond to an email or a text. Roscoe had been on
the plane too, but somehow he didn’t end up in this unbearable waiting room with us.
“Lexie.” Mia’s voice reaches me only seconds before she does. I barely have time to
open my arms before she’s in them, pulling me into a giant hug. We embrace each other
tightly, just her presence already helping to ease some of the weight off my chest. She
lets out a harsh breath of relief heavily, causing tears to prick behind my eyes.
“Damn, one hug and I’m getting emotional.” My words are muffled by her hair, the
tight, brown curls tickling my face. The sound she makes is half laugh, half sob. It’s a
good two minutes before she’s finally pulling back to look at me. “Hi, bitch.”
“Hi bitch,” she repeats with a smile, brushing away a stray tear from fluttery lash
extensions. “It’s been way too fucking long.” I’ve missed her gorgeous face, with her
alert mocha brown eyes that see more than I want her to, and her full lips that deliver
brutal honesty and always make me laugh. Her navy blue scrubs do nothing to hide her
full hourglass figure, and her curls are pulled away from her heart-shaped face by a clip
in a half updo.
“I know,” I agree. “I almost forgot how much prettier you are than me.”
“You’re such a liar. Damn, I miss you.” she grins. Her eyes look over my shoulder,
focusing on something behind me. Lowering her voice so I’m the only one who can hear
her, her tone shifts to approval. “Hot tattoo guy is right.”
Following her gaze over my shoulder, I turn to look at Callum. Our eyes collide, his
gaze fixed solely on me. Even now, when I’m so angry that I can barely stand to look at
him, the passion in his eyes sends warmth flooding through my veins.
Our six hour flight was spent in silence, the tension between us growing with every
passing moment. Sitting in the waiting room wasn’t much better. The constant feeling of
Callum’s eyes on me every waking minute just added fuel to the fire, causing friction
dangerously close to bringing us to the point of destruction. Mia’s presence has only
dampened the flame temporarily. But no matter how long it lasts, it’s a nice little
vacation from the complicated whirlwind my life has become since moving to New York.
“This is Callum. I work for him in New York.” My matter-of-fact introduction has
disapproval flashing in Callum’s eyes. His expression is unreadable, but I can still hear
the question his eyes are practically spearing me with. How much longer do you think
you can deny what’s between us? “This is my best friend, Mia.”
“Nice to meet you, Callum.”
“I wish it was under better circumstances.” He’s turned on the charm, his mask of
calm back in place. His comment brings us back to why we’re here.
“How’s Samantha?” The words tumble out of my mouth a little too fast. Mia’s face
grows serious with the expression I’ve seen her use for the families of patients. I have
one of those looks of my own as a nurse. It’s fucking awful being on the receiving end of
Mia lowers to one of the chairs, motioning for me to sit next to her. Callum takes a
seat across from me. “She’s in post-op. Her spleen ruptured, causing severe internal
bleeding that we were able to catch. Her left femur is broken, she’s going to need
surgery to get plates and screws. But she should recover fully without risk of paralysis.
There was minimal swelling in her brain, but there’s no way to know the extent of her
head injuries until she wakes up.” I nod, absorbing and processing the information
that’s coming at me.
“So she’s going to be okay.” I don’t realize how much I need to hear her say it until
she’s nodding.
“She’s going to be okay,” Mia confirms with a small smile. The breath that leaves me
in a sigh of relief, happy tears pricking behind my eyes and a little bit of the weight
lifting from my chest. I glance at Callum, getting caught in his gaze for a few long
seconds. He sits silently, running a hand over his beard while he watches me carefully.
“When can I see her?” Pulling my focus from him, I look back at my best friend. Mia
glances between me and the man across from us like she noticed our little moment—it’s
something I’ll be hearing about later.
“As soon as she’s set up in her room you can go sit with her until she wakes up.”
“Oh thank god,” I sigh, the corset strings loosening around my chest ever so slightly.
Samantha’s not out of the woods yet, there’s still so much up in the air until she wakes
up. But she’s stable, and not paralyzed.
The sound of a phone ringing pulls my attention to Callum. He glances at his phone
and stands up to excuse himself. When his eyes meet mine, the air between us is
charged with everything going unsaid. “I have to take this.”
I nod to him, barely maintaining eye contact before turing back to my best friend. I
can vaguely hear Callum’s deep voice answer the call while he walks down the hall in
the search of some privacy.
“How long do you think it’ll be before Samantha wakes up?” I ask Mia.
“I really wish I had an answer to that, but there’s no way to be sure. It could be a few
hours or a few days. We just have to wait and see.” Mia’s not telling me new
information, I know that’s how brain injuries work. But somehow being on the patient
side of it feels different—like maybe the rules don’t apply to this case. To my case.
“I’m so glad you’re here. You got here a lot faster than I was expecting. I thought it
would take you at least a day to get tickets.”
“Callum has a private jet,” I explain, knowing exactly how wide I’m cracking open this
can of worms. Some things just can’t be explained away, and this subject is something
we’ll have to bring up eventually.
“Of course he does. Hot tattoo guy would have his own plane.” She reaches up to
reclip her mess of curls back from her face. Her hair has gotten longer since I’ve last
seen her, the tight ringlets reaching past her collarbone.
“Yeah, I guess I’m lucky he was willing to bring me,” I reply vaguely.
“Speaking of Callum, what’s going on between you two?” Mia asks intuitively. She has
no idea how loaded that question is. There are so many different ways to answer, but all
of them result in more questions that I can’t answer. Not honestly, anyway.
“It’s nothing.” I hate to lie, especially to Mia, but the truth isn’t an option. She flashes
me a dirty look, the one telling me she’s about to call me out on my bullshit.
“Did you really just lie to me like that? Even a blind idiot could see the way you two
look at each other. Not to mention the fact that he can’t seem to take his eyes off you.”
“He’s just like that.” I’m cherry picking now, and Mia knows it. Shit, she’s known me
too long.
“So you’re seriously trying to tell me nothing has happened between you and Callum?”
It’s basically impossible to lie convincingly to someone who knows you better than you
know yourself. There’s really no point in trying to keep this up. I’ve got to give her
“We’ve had sex,” I admit. Her face lights up like a child on christmas at the nugget of
info, before her brown eyes narrow at me.
“I knew it! How many times, more than once?” I knew she wouldn’t be satisfied with
that one vague bit of info. The girl is addicted to gossip and finding out all the juicy
details. Details I would usually tell her before I met Callum and signed that damn NDA.
“More than once.” I really can’t get into this with her right now, if ever.
“Damn, girl. I knew there’s something with you and him. He hangs on your every
word. It must’ve been a good more than once. And he’s hot too.” Mia’s both scolding me
and giving me props. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you?”
“It’s complicated.” Tip of the fucking iceburg.
“You haven’t been telling me a lot of things lately,” she says, getting worked up.
“Look, I’m not enough of a bitch to try and have this conversation right now. But we are
going to talk before you leave—starting with why you never came back from New York.”
Mia wants answers, and she does deserve some sort of explanation. I just need to figure
out what I’m going to tell her.
What I can tell her.
“Okay.” I agree. “We’ll talk.”


My sister looks completely different. Outside of the bruises and swelling, she cut her
hair to her shoulders and dyed it black. Samantha has always kept her golden brown
hair long and wavy. As surprising as this new hairstyle is, it’s good to see her making
Since she’s a few years younger than me, she was stuck in my parents’ house alone for
a while after I moved out. It’s been a long process for her, but she’s slowly getting past
the trauma from our upbringing. This haircut is one step closer to her finding herself.
They had to remove all of her jewelry before surgery, but there are multiple gold hoop
earrings in various sizes in the bag of personal items Mia gave me when I sat down at
Samantha’s bedside. I also recognize a dainty gold septum piercing in the same bag. It
hasn’t been that long since we last talked, but she’s turned into a bad bitch since the
last time I had her on video chat.
It’s almost five hours of waiting before Samantha’s eyes flutter open. I straighten in
my chair, pressing the nurse call button. “Hi,” I say gently, allowing her to absorb her
Samantha’s eyes dart around the room, taking in her IV and the hospital equipment
surrounding her. Her gaze drifts from her hospital gown up to me. “Hi,” she rasps.
“What happened?”
“You were in a car accident,” I tell her, easing her back against the pillows when she
tries to sit forward. “Don't try to move, you just got out of surgery.”
“What’s wrong with me?” Samantha’s voice is just barely above a whisper, her eyelids
heavy as she fights off the anesthesia.
“You lost your spleen, your femur is broken, and you have a concussion that caused
some brain swelling. Mia is your doctor, she’ll be in here to talk to you later,” I say,
reaching for her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Do you remember
“I remember… my car rolling. That van came out of nowhere,” Samantha responds
slowly, waiting for the memories to come back to her. It’s a relief that she remembers
anything at all, head injuries are terrifying. I was half expecting her to open her eyes
with no idea who I am. “Was anyone else hurt?”
“It was a hit and run carjacking. The other driver fled the scene after the crash. The
police should be coming by later to get your statement.”
A petite Filipino nurse enters the room to answer my page, her ID badge says her
name is Tala. I remember having seen her around the hospital when I worked here, but I
don’t know her personally. She seems sweet, if a little shy, while she checks up on
After checking her pupils, vitals, and adjusting her meds, Tala talks Samantha through
a few tests; asking her name, what day it is and if she knows where she is. Samantha
passes with flying colors and Tala assures us she’ll be back around later to check on her
again, before leaving me alone with my sister once more.
“Your hair is so different,” I comment. “It looks really good.”
“Thanks, I decided it was time for a change. I got my nose pierced too,” Samantha
“I bet it looks hot,” I announce, making her smile. The sparkle is slowly returning to
her eyes—they’re blue, just like mine.
We don’t have a lot of similar features—I’m short and round, with huge tits, a stomach,
and a big ass. My sister is all willowy and streamlined with legs for days and a long
graceful neck. Plus, she’s taller than me by several inches, which seems to be the
universal rule for younger sisters. Her new hair makes us look even less related than
before, but we have the same eyes.
“Damn, I’m so glad you’re okay. You have no idea how scared I was when Mia called
and said you were being rushed into surgery.” My words have her perking up with a look
of urgency.
“Wait, how long have I been here?” she asks. I check the clock.
“Almost twenty-four hours. You were brought in yesterday morning.”
“Did they find my phone?” she asks, looking around. I look in the bag of her personal
belongings and pull out her cell phone. The screen is cracked and it’s covered in
scratches, but the screen still lights up when I press the power button.
“It’s a little banged up, but it looks like it’s fine.” I hold up the device.
“I need you to call someone for me.”
“My boyfriend.” Her answer shocks the hell out of me. “I was on my way to see him
when I got hit. He must be freaking out that I never showed up.”
“Wow, you have been making some changes,” I add. “I’ll call him, what’s his name?”
“His name is Noah, but his contact in my phone is under ‘Sparky’.” I flash her a
questioning look. “I’ll tell you later.”
Taking a step out into the hallway, I press Sparky’s contact. My heart warms at the
kissy face and heart emojis after his name. The phone only rings once before it’s picked
“Baby, where are you? I’ve been going out of my mind.” Concern is Noah’s immediate
response when he answers the call.
“Hi, this is Samantha’s sister, Lexie.”
“What happened?” Panic is creeping into his voice like he can sense something is
“She’s going to be okay,” I start. “Samantha was in a bad car accident. She just woke
up after surgery.”
“Samantha’s going to make a full recovery, but we’re at Columbia Memorial Hospital
and she’s going to be here for a while.”
“Fuck,” he mutters, and there’s movement on his end of the line. “I’m ninety minutes
away, but I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Drive safely, we’ll see you when you get here.”
“Thanks for calling.”
When I hang up, I step back through the doorway to see Samantha drifting off to
sleep. Lowering myself into the seat by her bed silently, I place the phone on the
adjustable bedside table.
“Were you able to reach him?” Her eyes peek open, fighting the drowsiness.
“Yeah, he’s on his way,” I assure her, scooping my hair into a high ponytail. She seems
determined not to give in to sleep, so I ask my question. “How long have you been
“I’ve known him for a while, we’ve been friends since last year. We've been dating for
six months, and he started trying to make it official after three. We finally became
boyfriend and girlfriend last month.” That sounds just like her. She and I have matching
commitment issues.
“He sounded nice on the phone.”
“Noah is nice, he’s the best guy I’ve ever met.” The smile that appears on her face
when she’s talking about him is really sweet. Her eyes drift past me. “Who’s that?”
I follow her gaze over my shoulder. “That’s Callum.” As if feeling my eyes, Callum
looks up from his phone from where he stands in the doorway. I avert my eyes and turn
back to my sister before we get caught in another staring contest. “He came with me
from New York.”
“Is he your Noah?”
“I don’t know.”
“Looks like we both have a lot to talk about.”
“I’m not going anywhere. Get some rest, we can talk later.”
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Callum

exie hasn’t left her sister’s bedside since she was brought in from post-op. Other
nurses have poked their heads in to say hello to her, the excitement buzzing around
the halls makes her seem like a local celebrity. That’s my Lexie, beloved by all.
About an hour and a half after Samantha woke up, a man had dashed into the room
with a look of pure panic. After frantically checking on Samantha, he introduced himself
as her boyfriend, Noah.
Standing in the corner observing, I overheard Lexie’s sister tell her the story of how
they got together. Samantha said they met at work, and I’m assuming she meant her job
in customer service at the realtor’s office.
It was what Lexie called a “meet cute” when Samantha rounded the corner without
paying attention and bumped into Noah, spilling her tea on his shoe in the process. They
had become friends, but it’s clear to me Noah never had any intention of remaining in
the friendzone. From the way he looks at Samantha I can see that he was desperate to
win her over, and now he’s determined to keep her.
I know the feeling.
As much as I’d like to stay with Lexie at Samantha’s bedside, my work doesn’t stop
rolling in. So here I am, standing in the hallway, ending another call.
Stassi Monroe, a socialite from the Upper East Side, is having an issue with a
paparazzo stalking her and sabotaging her charity work. Stassi’s parents are loyal
clients who own half the real estate in New York City, so this isn’t a job I can ignore. But
it is something I can delegate, so Liam is on his way over to her apartment to gather
more information.
When I turn around to see another doctor coming out of the private hospital room,
sent off with a brilliant smile from the same woman who refuses to even look at me, I
see red. I’m going out of my fucking mind.
I recognize just how short my fuse is right now, but that doesn’t change the outcome.
A man could get frost bite from the arctic breeze coming from Lexie’s shoulder. It’s a
slow, cruel torture to watch her light shine on everyone but me, and an exercise for my
restrain not to destroy the people who do get to be on the receiving end of her smile.
I need to calm the fuck down.
Air enters and exits my lungs harshly to force a deep breath before I walk back into
Samantha’s room. Lexie is where I left her at her sister’s bedside, catching up on the
last seven months they’ve been separated on opposite coasts. Noah’s perched on the
edge of the bed while they all chat, chiming in to add details to whatever story
Samantha’s telling.
Shrugging out of my suit coat, I toss it over the back of the chair in the corner.
Sensing movement over my shoulder, I turn to see Mia standing a few steps away. She
tucks the chart she was looking at under her arm and walks closer.
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” I say mildly, rolling my sleeve up to my elbow. Critical
brown eyes move over me in consideration.
“Really? I don’t hear much about you. Or anything else for that matter, since you came
into the picture.” It’s difficult to decide if I need to put on a mask with Mia. It’s my
initial instinct with anyone new I meet. But she’s standing here trying to read me—like
I’m a tabloid and she trying to determine if the headline is a ploy or not.
“It’s probably better that way.”
“Is it?” she counters. Before I get a chance to respond she’s continuing. “Look, I know
you’re a business man—what kind of business, I have no clue—and you’re clearly a very
successful one. I realize there are things I can’t know. Lexie would never tell me if she
signed an NDA, she’s smarter than that, but I’m guessing there is one. And I’m sure a
man like you keeps his business very private. So I really only have one question for
“Do I need to worry about you hurting her?” The question has multiple meanings with
various degrees of depth. But the answer is the same for all of them.
“No, never.” My eyes move to where Lexie is sitting next to the hospital bed with her
sister, holding her hand as they chat softly. Looking at them, the picture of sisterly love,
is a reminder that I have a few things to do.
There’s a problem that needs to be fixed.
Mia’s gaze follows mine, her face softening visibly at the sight of her best friend’s
familial moment. She then turns her gaze back to me thoughtfully. “You’re in love with
her.” It’s not a question.
“Yes, I am.”
“You haven’t told her.” Another astute summation instead of a question.
“No, I haven’t.” There’s a brief silence that settles between us as she observes me.
“Lexie is the best person I’ve ever met. She’s the best person most people will ever
meet. But in the back of her mind she’s always expecting everyone to get bored of her
and toss her aside. But she deserves a forever with someone who’s absolutely obsessed
with her. So don’t tell her unless you’re going to be that forever.” Her eyes move
between me and Lexie again. “Judging by the way you haven’t been able to keep your
eyes off her, you just might be.”
Standing with Lexie’s best friend, her words sink in as we watch over them. My phone
buzzes in my hand as I receive a message I’ve been expecting.
“Keep an eye on her for me. I have some business that can’t wait.” I consider telling
Lexie that I’m leaving. But there’s still a lot of tension between us and I don’t want to
interrupt her time with her sister. She probably won’t notice I’m gone.
“I will.” With Mia’s assurance, I silently step out of the hospital room and make my
way outside. Roscoe is waiting for me out front, his expression grave as I climb in the
passenger seat.
“Let’s go get this fucker.”
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Lexie

he quiet is nice. Leaning my head back up against the wall, I let my eyes drift shut
to focus on breathing. The last few days have been a lot, and it’s not over yet.
If anything good has come out of this horrible accident, it’s the fact that I get to see
my sister. She and Noah seem really cute together. He’s energetic and earnest, while my
sister is more mellow and easy going. It’s a good balance. And with the way they look at
each other, I can tell they’re really in love. That’s important to me.
“Aww, look at you. Back in our usual spot, I could just cry. What a kodak moment.” I
look up at Mia’s voice as she ascends the stairs to the landing. This top floor alcove in
the back stairwell has always been our spot. “I knew I’d find you here.”
“Where else would I be?” I tease. “I wanted to give Samantha and Noah some time
alone. And I could use a few minutes of peace and quiet.” Not to mention a break from
the certain pair of hazel eyes that have followed me since I left New York. Callum
disappeared a while ago, but I know it won’t be too long before he’s back to watch me.
“Here,” Mia says, holding out a large paper bag. My brows come together in
confusion, but I accept it anyway.
“What is this?” I ask, ripping open the sticker securing it shut to see what’s inside.
“A bunch of food was delivered to Samantha’s room, this one has your name on it.”
Mia explains, taking a seat on the cushion next to me. “I’m not even sure how it got past
the lobby, they’re so strict about outside food after surgery.”
Opening the bag I pull out a bottle of Mountain Dew, a large bottle of water, and a
food container holding a thick turkey club sandwich, a cup of Mac and cheese, and some
Caesar salad. A triple fudge brownie sits wrapped in the bottom of the bag with a set of
plastic utensils.
I know exactly where this came from, and I can’t even say I’m surprised he got it past
security. “Callum.”
Even when he’s not in the same building he’s taking care of me. Something that’s both
touching and painful. I still haven’t decided if I’ll ever speak to him again, but I could
really kiss that man right now. I was dreading another meal from the cafeteria.
“Callum is the reason you’re still in New York, isn’t he?” Mia asks, the can in her hand
fizzing loudly when she pops the tab open to take a sip of the energy drink. Sitting here
with her in our old hangout spot on the padded bench in the secluded corner of a back
stairwell feels like I’m in an alternate reality—a reality where I never left Oregon.
“Yeah, he is.” Taking a bite of the sandwich, I’m tempted to throw it across the
landing. Of course it’s fucking delicious, Mr. Control Freak bought it. How could I have
expected anything less than perfection?
“I figured,” she says, snagging a crouton from my salad. “Do you love him?”
“I don’t know.” It’s a lie and we both know it.
“Yes you do. You know,” she counters. “Just because you deny it out loud doesn’t
change how you really feel, Lexie. Pushing him away doesn’t stop you from caring about
“He scares me.” I’m not talking about the man, I’m terrified of the feelings I have for
him. They make me vulnerable, and there’s a huge potential for ruin.
He could break me.
“Could you walk away? If you decided to end it right now, are you ready to live your
life without him?”
The answer in my mind is immediate and final. I can’t picture my life without Callum
in it, and I hope I never have to.
Callum Russo is the most attentive, patient, and generous man I’ve ever met. He gives
with both hands without expecting anything from me in return. With Callum, I know that
when his eyes are on me he’s not just looking. He sees me like no one ever has. He’s
completely changed my life past the point of no return—just like he wanted. Callum
Russo is a man of his word.
He’s also calculated, controlling, and lethal. He always finds a way to get what he
wants, even if it means playing dirty. And I love him anyway.
When I turn my head to look at my best friend, I know she can read the answer clearly
on my face.
“Damn.” The word comes out of me in both relief and disappointment. I’ve never told
a guy I love him before, not when I actually meant it. Not like this. “I’m in love with
The words feel heavy on my tongue as I say it out loud for the first time. It’s weird
admitting it to someone else, I can barely admit it to myself.
“I mean, he’s not exactly who I pictured you ending up with. Callum is slightly
terrifying,” Mia admits, and I can’t disagree. “But if anyone deserves to be doted on by a
super rich, hot, bearded guy with tattoos and a private jet—it’s you.”
Meeting her eyes I can see that she means it, her words warming my heart. Damn, I
miss this woman. How can I go back to New York without her?
Giving her a grateful smile, we settle into a comfortable silence. I lift one half of the
hearty sandwich and nudge the container over for her to eat the other half. And just like
that, we’re simply two best friends sharing a meal in our quiet place.
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Callum

The voice of the newscaster is the only sound in the apartment, and the silence itches
under my skin. Lexie sits on the other end of the couch, absentmindedly scrolling
through her phone. She’s too damn far away from me, physically and emotionally. Since
our fight she’s barely glanced in my direction, and it’s driving me insane. The stress of
her sister’s health only adds distance between us. When I want to pull her in closer,
she’s pushing me away.
We’ve spent the last three days at the hospital so Lexie could spend time with her
sister and best friend. And I just watched Lexie. I watched her get to know her sister’s
new boyfriend, Noah. I watched her talk and laugh with her long distance best friend—
seeing them together has me deciding that there are more trips to Oregan in the future.
And I watch the tormented look in her eyes when she looks at me and remembers what I
did—and who I am.
The only moment of intimacy we’ve had since coming to Astoria was the first night we
spent in her apartment. Standing in the kitchen of her cozy two-bedroom, the emotional
exhaustion of the last few days had overwhelmed her. When she started to cry, she
turned into my arms and let me hold her while she sobbed into my chest.
I can’t deny that I felt relieved—because in that moment, I knew it’s not over. Not for
either of us.
Not much can scare me, it takes a lot to get me rattled. But fear had crept through
me, bitter and cold, when Lexie had closed that bedroom door on me. The knot of dread
that formed in my chest that day never really left, and I have a sinking feeling it won’t
be gone until she’s forgiven me.
But it didn’t last long. After a few minutes, when the tears slowed and reality set back
in, Lexie had removed herself from my arms and shoved me back into no-man’s land
where all I can do is wait and watch. Every minute that passes is an exercise for my
control as I fight my compulsive need to be close to her, to know what she’s thinking.
Respecting her need for space is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.
A familiar name scrolls across the tv screen, pulling my focus from the woman I love,
back to the news. “The Astoria Police Department were stunned when a person of
interest was dumped on their doorstep in what they’re calling a vigilante style justice.”
The weasel’s face spears below his name when they display his mugshot. If it wasn’t
important to Lexie that asshole would be dead, or worse, not in police custody.
Tracking down the man responsible for putting Samantha in the hospital was only a
matter of finding the right surveillance cameras. The police report had listed an
apartment complex parking lot as the location of the theft where Terence forced a
woman out of her parked car. Gaining access to the security footage was as easy as
yanking that weasel-faced lowlife out of that dingy dive bar after tracking the stolen
credit card he’d taken from the same car.
Terence Bexler was given to the authorities without a few of his teeth, but with all of
his organs still intact—something Roscoe is still pouting about. Stopping my enforcer
from taking off a few of the asshole’s fingers was also a hard sell, but he restrained
For Lexie.
The female newscaster continues, broadcasting the story in her over-enunciated tone.
“Terence Bexler, thought to be responsible for a carjacking turned hit-and-run that
resulted in a local young woman being hospitalized, was found cuffed in a holding cell at
the Astoria police department when the building was being opened for the morning.”
There’s movement on the couch next to me when Lexie perks up and puts down her
phone to listen.
“Wait, that’s Samantha’s car,” Lexie comments when a video of the crash site plays on
the screen beside the news anchor's head.
“Along with the suspected car-jacker were boxes of information and what the police
believe is evidence of Bexler’s alleged crimes.” The brunette woman on the screen
continues. “The department cannot comment on the case, as it is ongoing.”
“That’s him?” she says in disbelief, glancing in my direction without really seeing me.
“It’s done, someone caught the carjacker that hit my sister.”
“You don’t have to worry, Dewdrop. There’s enough evidence in those boxes to put him
away for several lifetimes,” I assure her. It takes a few seconds for my words to sink in
and drag her eyes away from the tv.
“Wait, how do you know?” Lexie turns to face me. I look at her, gazing meaningfully
into her eyes, and I see the moment it clicks for her. “You found him. What did you do?”
“What I’m good at,” I reply simply. “I fixed it.” The surprise that lights her pretty face
quickly shifts to wariness.
“How did you fix it?” She’s smart to worry. But, luckily for my pretty pink nurse, I
didn’t use my usual tactics to get Terence. Lexie hates violence on her behalf, so I
practiced a little restraint… this time.
“The bastard will be charged for his crimes and given the maximum sentence.” It’s all
been arranged. If the explicitly incriminating evidence I provided isn’t enough, I’ve
ensured that the local justice system is rigged in our favor. Bexler’s not getting away
from this.
“So…he’s going to prison?”
“He’s going to prison for a long time, Dewdrop.” Seeing that she’s still unconvinced, I
concede to her expectant stare. “He’s missing a few teeth, but he’ll be walking into the
courtroom on his own two feet. All limbs still attached.”
“What’s in the boxes?”
“Everything except a confession. But with the mountain of evidence, I’m sure the
Astoria police won’t have any trouble getting it,” I reply.
“Why?” The way Lexie’s looking at me, tells me that her question has nothing to do
with the confession.
“Why, what?”
“Why did you fix this?” Her question throws me off. Because the answer couldn’t be
more obvious.
“He hurt your family,” I answer easily. There’s something stirring behind those
gorgeous eyes of hers, and internal dialogue as her gaze searches my own.
Then she’s kissing me.
Despite the surprise, I don’t hesitate to devour her. Fuck, she tastes so sweet. She
moves closer, her chest pressing to mine as she climbs on my lap. Her mouth moves
desperately with mine, fueling the hunger growing inside me.
A growl resonates in my chest when those perfect tits of hers rub against me. She’s so
soft, responsive, and pliable. I want to feel every part of her, see every ounce of her,
feast on every soft inch of her. The soft breathy moans I’m pulling from her as I devour
her mouth are the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. I need more, I need all of her.
“Are you wet for me, Dewdrop?” I murmur.
“Yes, I’m so wet. All for you.” Her words send arousal straight to my cock.
“Fuck, I want to taste you again.”
“Come with me.” She climbs off my lap and holds her hand out for me to follow her. I
let her lead me into her bedroom, my entire body aching for her. Every muscle is tensed
with desire when she starts to undress me. My hands work with hers to remove my
clothes, I want nothing more than to feel her skin against mine.
I stand proudly naked, my cock thickening under Lexie’s lustful gaze. She’s wearing
too many clothes and it’s time to change that. My hands move to open the buttons down
the front of her little pink romper until I’m able to tug it down her shoulders. The fabric
falls to the floor and pools at her feet.
These fucking pajama sets ruin me.
“Come here, Dewdrop.” Backing up a few steps, I lower myself to sit on the bed.
Taking her hands, I draw her in to stand between my legs. Her hand reaches for my
cock, giving me a few firm pumps that has my core tightening. Fuck.
Those gorgeous tits of hers sway tantalizingly right in front of my face, and my control
doesn’t try to stop me from reaching for them. I lift one breast to catch her nipple in my
mouth. Her moan vibrates over my skin, her hand stroking me.
“Mmm, damn I miss you,” I murmur deeply against her skin.
“I’m sure you do. Especially while you have my tit in your mouth,” she teases
breathlessly, making me smile. “I miss you too.”
“I’m right here.”
“Of course you are. You’re always right there. Always so close.” If her hand keeps
gripping me like that, this isn’t going to last nearly as long as I intend it too.
“Not nearly close enough,” I growl, releasing her breasts. Moving back towards the
headboard, I pull Lexie onto the bed with me. “Come sit on me, Dewdrop.”
A look of surprise and skepticism crosses Lexie’s face, but she obeys anyway. She tries
to be delicate about it, attempting to perch some weight on me while still supporting
herself, but I pull her all the way down. I want to feel all of her.
Laying on the pillows, I move Lexie until she’s sitting on me, that gorgeous ass of hers
on my torso. She leans down to kiss me, her hand reaching between her own thighs to
relieve some of the pressure I’ve built there. My hand pulls hers away to replace her
fingers with mine. Her moans against my mouth feed my hopeless addiction. My fingers
don’t relent until she comes all over my stomach.
“Oh my god.” She struggles for breath, but I’m just getting started. When I said I
missed her, I meant it. And now I’m about to show her just how much. “You’re so good at
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” My arms hook under her thighs, my muscles flexing to
lift her hips towards my head. My mouth is greedy to bite and lick every inch of her
generous thighs. Lexie’s hands grip the headboard to keep her balance, long blonde hair
flowing freely as she tosses her head back.
“I haven’t decided yet,” Lexie sighs.
“Then let me convince you.” Pulling her back up until her full weight is on me, I revel
in her lavish body. Thick thighs envelope my head, smothering me in warmth. She’s so
goddam hot, I could suffocate under her a million times over and die the happiest man
on earth. My mouth reaches her pretty pink pussy hungrily, my tongue taking time to
savor her.
“Callum.” I’ll never get tired of hearing her say my name. Even muffled in my spot
between her legs, it’s the sexiest sound in the fucking world. I relax my arms and lower
her enough to speak. I can feel her dripping from my beard already.
“Consider this me groveling, Dewdrop.” My voice rumbles deeply in my chest, sending
goosebumps across her fair skin. “Take me back. I’m begging.” Then I’m pulling her
back into place to enjoy her.
Her pants and moans sustain me. Each time she comes on my tongue is a fucking gift,
one I don’t plan to take for granted. She shifts against me when the stimulation grows to
be too much, struggling against my grasp. But I hold firm until she completely shatters
on top of me, clinging to the headboard breathlessly.
Using my grip on her hips, I lower her enough until I can flip us over. Lexie falls onto
the pillows beneath me, still gasping for breath. Leaning over her, my fingertips brush
the hair from her face to see her clearly. Her blue eyes are bright as they look up at me,
and I can’t help myself from leaning down to kiss her.
“Please, Dewdrop,” I murmur against her lips, letting my mouth wander across her
skin. “Please take me back.” Begging isn’t something I do, but I will for her. There’s no
way I can go back to giving her space now—or ever again.
Lexie’s hands thread through my hair, pulling my lips back to hers. “There really is no
getting rid of you. Is there?” The teasing edge in her tone gives me hope.
“Never.” My voice resonates deeply. “You can’t run away from this.” My lips capture
hers possessively to make my point. She responds eagerly, giving me everything in
“Good,” she breathes, flooding me with pure happiness. “I never liked running
anyways.” Only Lexie can make me laugh like this; naked, vulnerable, and stupidly
I’m so fucking in love.
“Running is overrated.” My lips recapture hers, my throbbing cock lining up with her
soaking pussy. She’s so swollen and needy for me. “Fuck, I missed you.”
Sinking into her with a shared moan, I move inside her incredible pussy like I’m on a
mission. We fucking belong together, something I intend to prove to her every day for
the rest of my life. But right now all I plan to focus on is worshiping her body with mine.
Chapter Forty: Lexie

can breathe again. Laying with Callum in my bed, in my apartment in Oregon,
knowing that my sister is okay—I can breathe again. There are still so many things
that need to be worked out, so much that still needs to be said. But right now I can just
Callum shifts in the bed beside me, his giant frame dwarfing my queen sized mattress.
What used to be plenty of space just for me feels cramped now that it’s the two of us.
I’m suddenly missing the California king waiting for us back in New York.
Turning onto his side, Callum places his elbow on the bed and props his head on his
hand to look down at me.
Last night was amazing. So was this morning. But every moment that passes just
brings us closer to some harsh realities—realities I’m not looking forward to talking
about. Like going back to NYC, and the death of that poor woman and her baby.
Unfortunately our night, and morning, of mind blowing sex didn’t erase all of that.
Per usual, those all-seeing eyes are reading me intently. He can see the wheels turning
in my head, can sense my mood shifting. “Tell me.”
“Some people deserve what’s coming to them, I understand that. But I’ll never be ok
with innocent people getting hurt,” I start. Callum’s expression remains pensive.
“I know.” His response is an acknowledgement, but not a promise. That’s not good
enough for me. Holding the sheet to my breasts, I sit up and turn to meet his gaze
straight on.
“Significant others and children are off limits, Callum. I mean it.” Callum’s free hand
runs down his beard, taking a moment to look at me in consideration.
“There are no guarantees in my business, Dewdrop. But I can promise that I’ll make
sparing innocent lives more of a priority.” It’s not exactly what I was hoping for, but I’m
realistic enough to know it's the best he can do. Callum doesn’t lie to me—he might keep
information from me, but his words are always honest. As a man of his word, he means
what he says. I know I can trust him to follow through, whether he actually wants to or
“Do you really care, or are you just doing this for me?” I ask softly. Strong fingers
reach up to gently tuck a tendril of my hair behind my ear.
“You are what I care about, Lexie. I’ll do anything for you.” Tugging on my sheet, I let
him pull me in to meet his lips sensually. My hand lifts to caress his cheek and play with
his beard.
“Anything?” My tone turns teasing. “Even watch reality tv?”
“If that’s what you really want.”
“What about drinking Mountain Dew?”
“Don’t push it,” he growls against my lips, making me laugh. I squeal out a laugh of
surprise when he rolls us over until I’m beneath him against the pillows.
Such a control freak, I love him.
“Okay, okay, fine,” I concede. “Margaritas then.” Callum lifts his head to look down at
me, strong fingers tenderly brushing the hair from my face.
“Two margaritas and one episode of Real Housewives,” he negotiates. The smile I give
him is nothing short of beaming. “But if Vicky causes a scene at the movie premier after
her meltdown at Lisa’s birthday dinner, we’re turning it off.”
“Deal.” He can pretend to hate reality tv all he wants, but I know he’s into it. Every
time he says one episode, it easily turns into three without any protest.


The shower turns off in the next room, followed by the sound of the glass shower door.
I drop the sweater I’ve folded into my suitcase to bring back to New York and walk the
few steps to the en-suite bathroom doorway in time to see Callum securing the towel on
his waist. Droplets of water cling to him from his shower, running down the ink covering
his powerful body.
He’s so damn hot.
“Okay, look,” I say, leaning against my bathroom door frame and letting out a deep
breath dramatically to gear up for my little speech. “I know we have to go back to New
York. And I’m guessing with your business it will have to be sooner, rather than later. I
signed the contract, so I’ll go with you. But I really need a few more days with my
Callum’s eyes meet mine in the vanity mirror. He’s pulling what looks like a square of
cling-wrap from his chest. It’s something I didn’t notice earlier—I was probably too
preoccupied with the how thoroughly I was being railed.
“And it might take me an extra day or two to get my apartment packed up and put into
storage. I have a lot of stuff, if you haven’t noticed. Mia can help me sort through
everything. I might also have to force Roscoe to do some of the heavy lifting,” I add.
Callum waits patiently for me to get through the monologue before he speaks, the
corners of his mouth lifting in amusement. “You done?”
“For now,” I respond, watching him lather some soap in his hands and rub the suds on
the area of his chest he just uncovered.
“We can stay as long as you need, Dewdrop. Any business I can’t do from here can
wait.” Turning on the faucet, Callum leans forward to scoop water onto his chest and
rinse away the soap. “If you love this apartment, you should keep it. If you don’t, we’ll
find one that you do love so we have a place to stay when we come to visit. We can pack
up anything you want in New York and have it shipped to the penthouse. No matter
what you decide, we’ll need a bigger bed.”
His words warm my heart, and I swear I fall in love with him all over again. “You want
to get a place in Astoria?”
“It’s where your family is,” he says, as if it’s already a done deal. “I have a lot of places
across the country, and a few overseas. I’ll take you to all of them.”
My eyes follow his movements, watching him take the hand towel from the hook to pat
his chest dry. I know enough about tattoo care to realize what he’s doing.
“You got a new tattoo?” I ask, stepping closer. The towel pauses mid pat and Callum
pulls his hand away with the cloth to reveal the fresh ink coloring his skin. Turning
towards me, the image comes into view—with clean lines and beautiful shading filling
the once empty space right over his heart. Even with the redness and slight swelling, it’s
beautifully done. A work of art to match the rest of the masterpieces decorating his
And it’s pink.
My eyes flash to his in surprise. He’s watching me carefully, his eyes intent on my face
as I step closer. “It’s beautiful. What kind of flower is it?” I ask curiously.
Lifting my hand to trace gentle fingertips around the delicate petals inked in vibrant
pink, I’m careful not to touch the irritated skin. Callum’s hand covers mine, pressing my
palm flat against his chest over the flower. His heart beats against me, the rhythm
steady to match my own. Warmth radiates from him, burning through my hand and
heating my blood until I’m on fire.
“It’s a dewdrop.” His words wash over me, vibrating through my bones. The breath
hitches in my chest, eyes lifting to clash with his. The gravity of his meaning is
overwhelming. “You’ve been mine since you signed the contract. But I’ve been yours
from the moment you demanded to see my ID. That ink sealed your fate and now this ink
seals mine.”
Callum is as powerful as the sea, complicated and unforgiving in his vastness. And I’m
completely swept into his undertow. “You got a tattoo for me?” My tone is one of
disbelief as I blink up at him. As always, he’s patient while I process.
“You’re it for me, Lexie. You’re permanently etched into my heart, and onto my skin.
Piece by piece, you’ve stripped away my control and tore through every one of my walls.
There are no masks with you, there never have been. You’re my everything, and I’ll stop
at nothing to give you the world.” Brushing a tendril of hair behind my ear, his hand
cups my cheek in a caress. I blink up at him through the tears misting my eyes, emotion
swelling inside me. “I love you, Dewdrop.”
I’m completely at a loss. What do you say to something like that? I’ve never been so
overtaken by such adoration and devotion before. I didn’t even know I could feel like
this, like if he wasn’t keeping me firmly in gravity’s pull I could soar through the clouds.
It’s funny how polarizing Callum’s presence can be. His touch is what’s holding me
together, the only bond keeping my body from bursting into a puff of particles. But he’s
the only one who makes my heart soar.
Keeping my palm over his heart, my other arm goes around his neck to pull his mouth
to meet mine. When our lips meet, I kiss him as deeply as his words have affected me.
Passion and longing flare between us, but there’s something more—the connection of
two souls anchoring to one another.
Strong arms wrap around me and I’m being lifted onto the bathroom counter to make
up for some of our height difference. Pulling my legs to wrap around his hips, Callum
presses impossibly close until our bodies are molded together like two puzzle pieces
finding their home and slotting into place. A perfect fit.
Pulling back, I gaze up at him in wonder. My hand on his chest trails up to caress his
cheek. Hazel eyes trace over my face as I marvel at the man in my arms. The big, scary
Fixer who terrifies even the most dangerous men. Who finds emotions messy, and hates
losing control.
Until he met me.
And now, here he is, openly professing the biggest emotion there is. Love.
His tattoos—that used to warn me away from him and the hint at the danger that
resides inside him—now carry his deepest devotion to me. There’s no denying how I
feel, not anymore.
“I see you, Callum. All of you. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and you’re all I’ll
ever need. My safe place.” He’s waiting to hear the words. “I love you, Callum Russo.”
He kisses me so deeply I can feel it in my toes.
“Say it again.”
“I love you.”
“Wouldn’t you rather have my mouth doing other things?” My teasing is met with an
insistent stare, so I relent. “I’m yours, Callum. I love you.”
“Fuck, you have no idea how long I’ve needed to hear you say that.”
“Well, now I have. Do you want to keep talking or…?”
Epilogue: Callum
Three Years Later

s soon as the heels sound in my office doorway, the words coming from the other
end of the phone call become of no interest to me. I pull my eyes from the
computer to look at the blonde bombshell entering my office. Lexie gives me a beautiful
smile, lighting up the room with her presence.
“I’ll call you back tomorrow.” Cutting off Enzo mid sentence, I end the call without
waiting for a response. I drink her in; a vision in her dark pink gown that displays her
incredible cleavage with the open scoop neckline and flashes smooth thigh with the
generous slit on one side. Glittery silver heels sparkle when they catch the light with
each step. “You look fucking incredible, Dewdrop.”
“You look pretty good yourself, handsome,” she says, walking around the desk to press
a light kiss against my lips. If she wasn’t so beautifully made up, I’d kiss her properly
and have a real taste. But she’ll kill me for ruining her lipstick if I ravage her the way I
want to right now. Standing from my chair, I look down at her as she toys with the lapels
of my tux. Black as night.
“Are you ready to go?” Blue eyes peer up at me through dark lashes.
“If I say no, does that mean I get to drag you into the bedroom to enjoy you in this
dress?” I ask, tracing a finger across the swells of her breasts over the neckline of her
pretty pink dress. Lexie rolls her eyes at me, but she doesn’t hide her smile.
“Well, I’m going and this dress is coming with me,” she retorts. “The car leaves in five
minutes, and your hot ass better be in it.”
“Why isn’t this back on your finger?” I ask, toying with the diamond ring hanging
around her neck. I bought her the gold necklace to keep her ring safe when she’s
working. The stone is too large for her to wear under the disposable gloves during
medical procedures.
“Oh,” she says, touching the ring like she completely forgot it was there. She
definitely did. “It’s not like I even need to wear this for people to know we’re married.
The first thing you do is introduce me as your wife. I’m sure the whole city knows,” she
teases. Even as she talks, she’s maneuvering the ring from the rhombus pendant that
keeps the ring secure and slipping it onto her left ring finger. Back where it belongs.
The five carat emerald cut diamond winks on her finger, sitting on the simple gold
band. I would’ve gone even bigger, but Lexie insisted that anything above five carats
would put her off balance and make her fall over. I fucking love seeing her wear my ring,
even after two years. It declares to the whole world that she’s mine. This incredible
woman chose me, and to hell if I’m not going to show her off.
“Better?” she asks, raising her sassy eyebrows at me in challenge. I take her left hand
and bring it to my mouth, brushing my lips across her knuckles.
“Much better,” I murmur deeply. Desire flashes across her expressive face, but it
doesn’t last long before the attitude I love so much is back.
“Don’t try to distract me so you can lure me into bed,” she chides, making me grin.
Caught red handed. “We’re going right now, our ride is waiting.” Pulling the hand from
my lips, she links our fingers and tugs me towards the door. I allow her to lead me into
the elevator, happily walking a step behind to watch her round ass sway in her heels.
“And you better behave yourself in the car. I’m not redoing my makeup because you
can’t keep your lips to yourself,” she demands as she presses the button to the garage. I
pull her against me, my hands sliding their way down to palm her ass. Lowering my
head, I let my nose brush along her neck, breathing in the delicious scent of her. My
beard scrapes against her delicate skin, sending a shiver down her spine. She lets out a
soft sigh when my lips press to the sensitive pulsepoint that drives her wild.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Dewdrop.”
The private car is waiting for us in the parking garage, a uniformed chauffeur waiting
patiently to assist us into the luxury SUV by opening the door. I help Lexie in first,
waiting for her to slide across the back seat in her gown, before climbing in behind her.
As soon as the car door is closed behind us, I’m pulling Lexie closer. She leans back
against me, carefully resting to not disturb her curls. My hands move down to caress her
stomach, a primal sense of pride coursing through me at the knowledge that what’s
growing inside—what we made together. We haven’t announced it publically, outside our
close family and friends, and she’s not showing yet at only twelve weeks.
“How are you feeling, Dewdrop?” I murmur against her hair. The morning sickness
has been brutal, making it difficult for her to be around certain foods and smells. Things
that she usually loves now makes her nauseous. It’s driving her a little bit insane.
“I’m fine, just exhausted,” she sighs against me. “I don’t think I’m gonna make it eight
more months without caffeine,” she huffs. My chuckle vibrates against her. Being
without her mountain dew has been the hardest part for her so far, even harder than
giving up margaritas. “She’s gonna be worth it, though.”
“She?” It’s too early to know the gender of the baby, but my wife is eager to know
what we’re having—complete with a countdown calendar to the gender reveal
appointment at eighteen weeks. As excited as I am to be a dad—and I’m really fucking
excited—nothing beats the joy of watching Lexie’s over-the-moon elation about our
Every tiny pair of infant socks she buys and vitamin she takes is bursting with joy that
spreads to everyone around her. Even Roscoe’s started bringing her a special tea to help
with the nausea. Only my wife can make such a hardened man go soft, it’s one of her
many talents. I have no shame in being completely wrapped around this woman’s
“It’s a girl, I can feel it,” she states confidently. “Only I would have a daughter so high
maintenance before she’s even born. We’re gonna have our hands full.”
“Speaking of hands being full.” My hands slide up her body to cover her breasts,
already beginning to swell with the pregnancy hormones. “Your boobs are going to be so
fucking big.”
“Not just my boobs. Everything is going to get bigger.”
“I can’t wait.”
“I’ll feel better once I’m actually showing. Right now I just look like I’m really
“You’re stunning.” My lips move to press a kiss to the top of her head before lowering
to brush against the shell of her ear. “As soon as the ceremony’s over, I’m taking you to
the bathroom and getting under this dress. I’m going to fuck you so hard and deep, the
other guests will hear us over the reception music. You better wipe off your lipstick
before the vows, because as soon as they say ‘I do’, you’re mine.”
Her chest rises with a soft gasp beneath my hands, her arm reaching back to hold the
side of my face as I trail slow, sensual kisses down the side of her neck. If I can’t have
her lips, I’ll taste any part of her I can get my mouth on.
“Mmmm, it’s a good thing I’m already pregnant. It’s tacky to conceive a baby at
someone else’s wedding.” I laugh against her skin.
“We’re here.” Roscoe’s voice cuts over the intercom from his place in the passenger
seat on the other side of the petition. He knows how I get, too wrapped up in my wife to
notice that we’ve pulled up to the wedding venue.
Of course Lucciano would choose the Plaza Hotel, he’s rented out the whole building
no doubt. I expect nothing less from the Grasso family.
The uniformed doorman opens the car door and I exit first to help my wife out of the
vehicle in her dress and heels. Hotel staff stand outside the entrance assisting the
incoming wedding guests, most of whom I recognize. CEO’s, models, socialites—the
crowd in attendance is full of power and influence.
Smoothing down her dress as we enter the lavish hotel lobby, Lexie’s eyes move over
the throngs of people in search of familiar faces. Over the last few years she’s become
acquainted with most of the people I know in this city, growing closer with some of them
than even I am. I’ve never been so popular, I definitely married up.
“Just so you know.” Lexie leans in to speak softly, her words for my ears only. “I’m so
wet for you right now, Cal. And I’m not wearing panties.” Her words shoot straight to my
cock, the desire hitting me like a mack truck.
Fuck me.
Before I get a chance to respond, she’s smiling at Enzo’s wife, Gwen, and stepping
away to greet other guests in attendance. Leaving me with my raging hard-on. It takes
every last ounce of my self-control not to toss my pretty pink wife over my shoulder and
find a vacant room to have my way with her. Forcing my mask of calm firmly back into
place, I square my shoulders.
I can make it through the ceremony, even if it means holding one of the frilly
personalized cocktail menus over my erection. As soon as Lucciano and his bride are
announced as man and wife, I’m claiming what’s mine.
About the Author

ila Herron is a writer and avid reader of romance. As a plus size woman, she
realized there’s a lack of big body representation across all genres, especially in
dark romance. Lila is intent on showing up for the plus size community with confident,
vibrant, fat main characters who know their worth and feel comfortable in their skin.
When she’s not writing, you can find Lila in Chandler, Arizona watching trashy reality
tv shows surrounded by house plants and drinking a blue icee. She always has a her
phone open to a graphic she’s designing or social media app she’s exploring for her
work in digital marketing.
With her debut novel, Any Means Necessary, Lila has stepped out of her comfort zone
to publish the kind of story she wants to see on her bookshelf. Her writing combines
tension and incredible banter in a dark romance where a fat babe gets the adoration and
spicy ravaging she deserves.
You can find more about Lila and her writing on Tiktok and Instagram

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