Leadership Assessment Scorecard2.0
Leadership Assessment Scorecard2.0
Leadership Assessment Scorecard2.0
Based on the popular leadership book 'Lead Beyond 2030, The Nine Skills You Need To Infensify
Your Leadership Impact' which was developed over the last three years researching and
interviewing hundreds of experts and leaders in the UK, USA, Australia and across the globe,
the Scorecard along with the book has become a trusted tool for shaping your competitive edge
to stand out and intensify your impact.
Let’s start right now with these 9 critical skill accelerators to help you leverage the skills required
to be future fit, become a master influencer, and increase your executive presence, so you can
create outstanding teams and organisations, attract more opportunities to advance your career,
have a more significant impact and earn more money.
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© Caroline Kennedy 2021 www.carolinekennedy.com.au 1300 88 53 94
People think it takes many years to become one; they think it’s about academic qualifications,
luck, or charisma; nothing could be further from the truth.
You’ll see in the report the 9 core skills you need to intensify your leadership infuence and
These skills and strengths can be learned and developed just like any other. With focus, you
can become an Transformational Leader much faster than you think.
We know this because we’ve worked with Leaders, Next Generation Leaders, C-Suite, and
Executives in many industries across the UK, USA, and Australia to accelerate their success.
Caroline specialises in working with individuals and organisations’ who are ambitious, already
very successful, and hungry to realise more of their potential. For example, Executive
management, Managing Directors, CEOs, Deloitte, Westpac, Engineering Directors, PWC,
Wesfarmers, Directors in the Education space, CBA, Tech & IT owners, Flight Centre, Medical
Executives, Rydges, Fortune 500 companies and more.
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© Caroline Kennedy 2021 www.carolinekennedy.com.au 1300 88 53 94
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Improve Your Score for Pillar #1: Embrace Emotional Intelligence
The Fourth Industrial Revolution might be taking humans out of the industry, but the fifth will
want to put them back in. The growth of AI makes your social skills more critical than ever
before because robots can’t automate these skills.
According to The World Economic Forum, Emotional Intelligence will be the most vital skill in
demand in 2020 and beyond. Along with complex problem solving, critical thinking, and
When you develop your emotional intelligence skills, you show up as your authentic self; you're
able to empower and inspire people to achieve their goals and objectives. Your courage,
passion, visionary thinking, and your powerfully persuasive skills will be more clearly evident to
those around you.
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© Caroline Kennedy 2021 www.carolinekennedy.com.au 1300 88 53 94
Improve Your Score for Pillar #2: Tapping into Self-Awareness
Many leadership problems are driven by low self-awareness
– Bill Hybels
To know yourself is the starting point for growth and the first step in effective leadership because it's the
foundation for emotional and social intelligence. If you don't build a house on strong foundations, the
house will collapse. The same principle applies here.
Self-awareness is the starting point for propelling your success. It isn't easy to become the best version
of yourself if you don't understand what drives you, your behaviours, and your actions. As you discover
your strengths, you'll also identify what may be holding you back, as well as the traits and behavioural
habits that transform you to intensify your influence and impact.
Knowing yourself is the precursor of authenticity. When you’re self-aware, you act and interact
authentically, and people can relate to you. A colleague described a client of mine as not authentic
because when people made mistakes, he would appear to be frustrated, but he would never
communicate the frustration. He behaved this way because he struggled with difficult conversations, but
his peers and colleagued didn’t trust him because he appeared inauthentic.
A large study by Tasha Eurich, which collected thousands of data points, found that leaders who sought
feedback on where they could improve were much more self-aware and capable compared to those who
sought out only positive feedback. I was only able to advance my career to the CEO level thanks to my
ability and willingness to be self-aware; it helped me discover and master the areas I needed to develop.
In summary, self-awareness is not a new concept, and most successful leaders will say that it’s one of
the keys to career success.
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© Caroline Kennedy 2021 www.carolinekennedy.com.au 1300 88 53 94
Improve Your Score for Pillar #3: Build Authority & Executive Presence
The most widely accepted definition of a thought leader is by Joel Kurtzman, editor-in-chief of
magazine Strategy & Business, who said. “A thought leader is recognised by peers, customers, and
industry experts as someone who deeply understands the business they are in, the needs of their
customers, and the broader marketplace in which they operate. They have distinctively original ideas,
unique points of view, and new insights.”
Have you got what it takes to become a thought leader?
Being recognised as a thought leader doesn’t happen overnight. It’s not the result of one great idea. To
become a thought leader, you need the combination of authority, executive presence, and originality,
and you need a strategy behind you.
Why you need authority and presence as an Unstoppable Leader?
Authority and presence are the factors that distinguish a thought leader from the pack, but what do
those factors look like, and how can you develop them? Before I move on, I want to dispel a couple of
myths that I hear all too often.
Firstly, when you read about authority and presence, it’s usually with terms like X-factor, star quality, or
charisma. While they undoubtedly apply, those descriptions really don’t help if you’re trying to build
your authority and executive presence. The myth turns ‘authority’ and ‘presence’ into magical traits that
appear to be out of reach of ordinary people. And you certainly don’t need to be a charismatic,
extrovert leader to develop authority and presence. Plenty of introvert leaders have established
authority and presence.
The second myth I often hear is that those who have it were born with it. That’s simply wrong. The truth
is, anyone can build authority and develop executive presence if they work at it.
People with a presence look confident, calm, and composed. When they speak, people listen, and
when they leave, the party is over.
John Baldoni describes presence like this. “Presence is the radiance of authenticity. That is, you
radiate sincerity, and you have what it takes to make good things happen. It is different from charisma;
charisma is a gift, but it’s the sheen on metal. Presence is the real deal – a person’s mettle.”
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© Caroline Kennedy 2021 www.carolinekennedy.com.au 1300 88 53 94
Improve Your Score for Pillar #4: Leverage Human Behaviour; Linking
Empathy Performance, Power and Action
Empathy and EQ are no longer the black sheep of leadership; they are the vital skills required
for leaders to thrive in the future.
Our work is based on the study and research of neuroscience, human behaviour, leadership,
and how to become an effective leader.
The lower parts of the brain is what researchers call the more primitive brain function because
it’s responsible for essential functions such as bodily function, for innate reactions and impulses
such as fight and flight, and intense emotions like fear or anger. So, when someone is triggered,
they are operating from the downstairs part of the brain, also known as the primal brain, lizard
brain, or reptilian brain, and they are unable to regulate rationally.
When a child is in full tantrum mode, you’re not dealing with a rational thinking or reasonably
sound mind. The same applies to adults. Most of us are just better equipped to regulate our
behaviour, so we don’t throw ourselves on the floor, screaming. However, when you’re up
against a lizard brain (the most primitive part of our brain), you’ll never be able to reason
effectively. If you're attempting to gain an outcome from this situation, it's not going to happen.
Once people are triggered, you're less likely to be effective.
Before any awkward conversation, it helps to disarm a person by acknowledging how they feel.
The trick is to use influencing techniques when the individual is calm, and most importantly,
engage the techniques early when the person is still functioning from their executive brain. It will
effectively prevent the lizard brain from rearing its ugly head.
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The Biological purpose for fight or flight – to protect ourselves:
Once the lizard brain has been triggered, you will not be able to rationalise with the individual.
In the Unstoppable Leadership Intensive, we teach you to consider the neuroscience of human
behaviour when leading individuals and consider individual’s characteristics to influence.
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© Caroline Kennedy 2021 www.carolinekennedy.com.au 1300 88 53 94
Improve Your Score for Pillar #5: Master Influence & Persuasion
When you think of influential people, you probably include people like Richard Branson, Steve
Jobs, and Oprah on the list. They seem to have a skill which we “lesser mortals” don’t. They are
high achievers with a grand vision, hordes of followers, and they know how to create empowered
accountable teams. They inspire the kind of loyalty most of us dream of, and they do it using a
specific set of skills that anyone can learn. That’s right. Influence and persuasion are skills, and
you can develop them, too.
These are skills that work together; two sides of the same coin. That might surprise you if you
see persuasion in terms of marketing or sleazy salespeople. Great leaders know persuasion
isn’t about talking people into something or forcing a decision. Instead, it’s a form of influence.
As a leader, your role is to gather your assorted collection of people, their values, experiences,
and wishes, and lead them as a united team to achieve team and organisational goals. You’re
not going to manage that by issuing orders.
The leader who uses influence instead of power triggers an entirely different type of brain called
the Executive Brain. Leaders who use influence and persuasion with their teams are working
with this high-level part of the brain. They tap into our need to belong and contribute, as well as
our need to have a purpose. It helps overcome resistance to change (quieting the Lizard) by
offering the security of support and encouragement and a compelling vision of a better future.
It’s evident that for long term results, influence defeats power. Mastering influence can help you
excel in leadership roles and encourage people to follow you willingly.
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How to increase your influence.
Over the years, I’ve worked with my clients, helping them to strengthen their leadership skills.
I’ve found three key components which are vital to developing influence. They are:
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Pillar #6: Empowering High-Performance Teams
If you want to lead your team in a different direction, the best way is to guide their thinking, so
they see the same goals you do and map their route to them. Now, this isn’t always a
straightforward process because you need to speak to their emotions before you can connect
with their logic. How do you do that? You talk about the consequences of not making the change
– you hit the pain points, knowing people will do almost anything to avoid the pain.
You could stand in front of the team and do all the talking, but then it looks like you’re instructing
them on what to do. We already know that it can make people resistant to change. Instead,
tactical leadership means you help people identify for themselves what the problem is, what they
want to change, and the best course of action to take. You do this with carefully planned
questions that lead people to the conclusion themselves.
• Be attentive.
• Ask open questions.
• Ask probing questions.
• Ask questions to build their thinking and accountability.
• Request clarification & paraphrase.
• Be attending to and reflect feelings.
• Request a summary.
• What’s your communication style – strengths areas of improvement?
• Their needs, not yours motivate people.
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© Caroline Kennedy 2021 www.carolinekennedy.com.au 1300 88 53 94
Pillar #7: Looking at Things Differently - Creative Problem Solving
One of the most common misconceptions I hear is that leaders only manage the creative
problem-solving efforts, as opposed to participating and leading the way. Nothing could be
further from the truth, and leaders play a crucial role in the creative problem-solving process.
The need for leadership development in this area has never been more urgent, as the workplace
is changing fast, the skills in demand are changing. Leaders must develop those skills;
otherwise, they'll get left behind. In today's rapidly changing, uncertain, and complex market,
leadership skills and capabilities are very different from what them to succeed in the past. And
the future of leadership will demand more creative problem-solving skills.
What's worrying is the traditional old school training programs no longer prepare leaders for the
challenges of today, never mind the challenges of tomorrow. There is also a need for leadership
development to be widely available beyond the few at the c-suite level. There is a need for
everyone in a business to step up and become a natural problem solver.
• Use divergent followed by convergent thinking process to help avoid jumping too quickly
to conclusions.
• When leading people, don't jump into solving the problem for them, help them find the
solutions themselves.
• When brainstorming, clarify the problem that you want to address.
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© Caroline Kennedy 2021 www.carolinekennedy.com.au 1300 88 53 94
Pillar #8: Capitalise on Tomorrow - Critical Thinking
Do you remember a time before smartphones? What about your life before Facebook or the
internet? Possibly not. By the year 2030, we'll have lost millions of jobs to automation and
Artificial Intelligence. The new world will look very different than it does today, and over the next
decade, the future of employment will look tremendously different, too. So different we're unable
to imagine it. The future workforce and leadership will rely on knowledge creation and
innovation. Machines and Artificial Intelligence will provide freedom to experiment, explore, and
find solutions to complex problems.
Critical thinking skills, including problem-solving and adaptability, will be essential to leadership
success. As will clear, rational, logical, and independent thinking. The old school management
way of doing things will no longer exist, and leaders who can’t adapt will be left behind. It's about
improving your thinking by analysing, assessing, and rebuilding how you think, and how your
team feels. It also means thinking beyond your autopilot mode in a self-aware and self-corrective
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Pillar #9: Adaptability Quotient - Your Silver Bullet to Remaining Relevant!
You've heard of IQ & EQ, but have you heard of AQ? It's becoming the X-factor for career
success. Adaptability Quotient has been recognised as "the future of work" by Fast Company
magazine. A PwC study Adapt to Survive says that companies will require adaptable employees
and leaders, many of whom are not currently in the right roles, to safeguard against future threats
to their business.
Adaptability emergence is because of rapidly changing trends that are radically reshaping the
modern workplace.
Your Adaptability Quotient, AQ, matters more than any other metric when disruption surrounds
you when the pressure is on, and the stakes are high. The future is a tomorrow where the skills
of today are archaic in years and months, not decades — our tomorrow is so profoundly different
that we can't begin to imagine. So, let me ask you this, are you ready? Is your team ready? Is
your organisation ready? How will you choose to adapt your leadership?
1. Be a role model.
2. Empower your team to act.
3. Let them be hands-on.
4. Foster the attitude that mistakes are learning experiences.
5. Protect your team.
6. Find new ways to share ideas.
7. Don’t take over.
8. Acknowledge and praise every idea.
9. Consider your environment.
10. Practice!
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Are you ready to go something about this now? Are you hungry for more?
We work with individuals who want to level-up, who are ambitious for success. They decided to
take action; they’ve delivered results such as;
Imagine what your life would be like when you’ve achieved all of this? What are you going to do
What happens if you don’t take any action, where will you be in 12 months time? What does that
look like for you? Are you okay to accept the status quo?
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When you’re ready, we’re here to help you become an Influential Leader who’s future fit.
Just some results include, leaders advancing their career, earning more money, creating
outstanding teams and organisations delivering tremendous revenue growth and improved
How to get your copy of Lead Beyond 2030. All you need to do is email
info@carolinekennedy.com.au and ask the team to send you a copy – it’s that simple, and it
won’t cost you anything.
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© Caroline Kennedy 2021 www.carolinekennedy.com.au 1300 88 53 94