Bauer 1991
Bauer 1991
Bauer 1991
The presence of genital human papillomavirus (HPV) was determined at cervical ficity. The accurate determination of
and vulvar sites using two methods, the Food and Drug Administration\p=m-\ap- HPV prevalence in different popula¬
proved ViraPap test and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) DNA amplification tions is key to studying the natural his¬
technology, in 467 women presenting to a university health service for a routine tory of HPV and its role in cervical
annual gynecologic examination. The PCR system afforded the sensitive detec-
tion of a broad spectrum of genital HPV types. Using PCR, we found that 46% of Many methods have been used to de¬
the study population was infected with HPV; the ViraPap test showed a preva-
tect HPV, including clinical observa¬
tion, cytology, electron microscopy, im-
lence of 11% infected. PCR analyses demonstrated that 69% of the HPV\x=req-\ munocytochemistry, and DNA hybridi¬
positive women were infected at both genital sites. Subsequent HPV-type zation.2 Although Southern blot hybrid¬
determination showed that 33% of the study population had HPV types 6, 11, 16, ization is currently considered the most
18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52, or other previously isolated types, and 13% had yet accurate, it requires large amounts of
unidentified types. Almost all (92%) of the women diagnosed by Papanicolaou DNA and is extremely laborious. Poly-
smear with condylomatous atypia or dysplasia (n 12) were HPV positive. The
= merase chain reaction (PCR) DNA am¬
PCR method proved to be an informative and rapid way to detect HPV in large plification,910 the most sensitive method
numbers of clinical samples. Our results demonstrate that genital HPV infection for nucleic acid detection currently
is common among sexually active young women. available, has yet to be widely used in
HPV studies, although its use in detect¬
(JAMA. 1991;265:472-477)
ing viral DNA in clinical specimens has
been demonstrated.11" The only com¬
mercially available Food and Drug Ad¬
RECOGNIZED as a sexually transmit¬ of infection in the progression to malig¬ ministration-approved genital HPV
ted agent, genital human papilloma¬ nancy has yet to be determined. Of the tests, ViraPap and ViraType, are re¬
virus (HPV) is also believed to be a con¬ more than 60 characterized HPV types, producible, relatively easy to perform,
tributing factor in cervical, vaginal, and about one third infect mucosal tissue. and have a sensitivity comparable to
vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia and car¬ Human papillomavirus types 6 and 11 Southern blot.15 This HPV DNA detec¬
cinoma.12 Human papillomavirus DNA are commonly associated with benign tion method is based on dot blot hybrid¬
has been detected in the majority of anogenital warts (condyloma acumina- ization and it detects seven HPV types.
primary and metastatic cervical carci¬ tum), while types 16 and 18 are found in Many HPV DNA detection systems
nomas and cervical intraepithelial neo- a majority of carcinomas. Other types are limited to the HPV types for which
plasias (CINs), although the exact role (eg, HPV types 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, they include viral genomic probes or
and 52) also are reported to be associat¬ type-specific oligonucleotide probes,
ed with CIN or carcinoma.1 Although thus excluding detection of some known
From the Department of Infectious Diseases, Cetus and all unidentified HPV types. Recent¬
Corp, Emeryville, Calif (Mss Bauer, Ting, and Greer and the epidemiology of cervical cancer has
Dr Manos); the University Health Service (Dr Chambers
and Ms Tashiro) and the Program of Epidemiology (Dr
been studied extensively, the preva¬ ly we described a highly sensitive PCR-
lence of subclinical HPV infection is dif¬ based method that uses degenerate con¬
Reingold), University of California, Berkeley; and the
Department of Molecular Biology, Roche Biomed- ficult to determine from recent studies3"8 sensus primers to amplify many un¬
ical Laboratories, Research Triangle Park, NC (Dr because of the different detection sys¬ identified HPV types in addition to the
Chimera). tems employed and the variation in known types.12ie" These consensus
Reprint requests and correspondence to Cetus
Corp, 1400 53rd St, Emeryville, CA94608 (Dr Manos). their sensitivities and virus type-speci- primers target the highly conserved
MY12 6
the generic probe. Approximately half
CATCCGTAACTACATCTTCCA Type Type-specific probe" of the samples that hybridized with the
MY13 TCTGTGTCTAAATCTGCTACA Type 11 Type-specific probe'*
MY14 CATACACCTCCAGCACCTAA Type 16 Type-specific probe'2 generic probe on dot blots did not yield
HPV amplification products that were
GGATGCTGCACCGGCTGA Type 18 Type-specific probe'2 visible on gels.
WD126 CCAAAAGCCCAAGGAAGATC Type 31 Type-specific probe Two microliters of each generic-
WD128 TTGCAAACAGTGATACTACATT Type 31 Type-specific probe
M Y16 CACACAAGTAACTAGTG ACAG Type 33 Type-specific probe'2 probe-positive amplification was ap¬
MY59 AAAAACAGTACCTCCAAAGGA Type 33 Type-specific probe plied to replicate membranes and hy¬
bridized individually with probes for
MY115 CTGCTGTGTCTTCTAGTGACAG Type 35 Type-specific probe HPV types 6/11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39,
MY117 ATCATCTTTAGGTTTTGGTGC Type 35 Type-specific probe
MY89 TAGAGTCTTCCATACCTTCTAC Type 39_Type-specific probe_
45, 51, 52, W13A, PAP88, PAP155, and
PAP251 (Table 1). Probes for these "W"
MY90 CTGTAGCTCCTCCACCATCT Type 39 Type-specific probe and "PAP" specimens were designed
MY70 TAGTGGACACTACCCGCAG Type 45 Type-specific probe from the LI sequences amplified from
MY98 GCACAGGATTTTGTGTAGAGG Type 45 Type-specific probe
MY87 TATTAGCACTGCCACTGCTG Type 51 Type-specific probe previously isolated but yet unidentified
HPVs. The volume of amplification re¬
MY88 CCCAACATTTACTCCAAGTAAC Type 51 Type-specific probe action applied to the filters was doubled
MY81 CACTTCTACTGCTATAACTTGT Type 52 Type-specific probe for specimens that hybridized to the ge¬
MY82 ACACACCACCTAAAGGAAAGG Type 52 Type-specific probe neric probe with less than one-tenth the
MY102 TTCTACCTTACTGGAAGACTGG W13A_Clinical HPV probe_ intensity of control HPV DNAs. Type-
MY103 GGAGGTCAÄTTTGCAAAAC W13A_Clinical HPV probe_ specific oligonucleotide probes were la¬
beled with phosphorus 32 using a stan¬
MY83 ATTAATGCAGCTAAAAGCACATT PAP88_Clinical HPV probe_ dard kinase reaction.23 Membranes
MY84 GATGCCCGTGAAATCAATCAA PAP88_Clinical HPV probe_ were prehybridized and hybridized as
MY93 GCACTGAAGTAACTAAGGAAGG PAP251_Clinical HPV probe_ previously described, then washed at
57°C for the 6/11,31,33,35, and 52 type-
MY94 AGCACCCCCTAAAGAAAAGGA PAP251_Clinical HPV probe_ specific probes; 58°C for the 39, 51,
MY74 CATTTGTTGGGGTAACCAAC Type 16 Internal PCR primers
MY75 TAGGTCTGCAGAAAACTTTTC Type 16 for generic probe (
) W13A, PAP88, PAP155, and PAP251
MY76 TGTTTGCTGGCATAATCAAT Type 18 Internal PCR primers
MY48 CAGGTCTGCAGAAAAGCTGT PAP88 for generic probe (
Internal PCR primers
parable with the generic probe were an¬
MY50 CTAAATCTGCAGAAAACTTTT PAP238B_for generic probe ( ) alyzed using the same standards al¬
GH20 GAAGAGCCAAGGACAGGTAC ß-globin PCR primer ( + )
ready described.
PC04 CAACTTCATCCACGTTCACC ß-globin PCR primer ( )_ Samples hybridizing to a type-specif¬
PC03 ACACAACTGTGTTCACTAGC ß-globin Internal probe
pre- and post-PCR samples and re¬ miology of genital human papillomavirus infection. 82:1477-1484.
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We are indebted to the following people whose Broker TR, Wolinsky SM. Use of polymerase chain mark: a population-based study. Am J Epidemiol.
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ministration; Kenneth Lee and Robert Resnick for lar Diagnostics of Human Cancer. New York, NY: in female university students determined by a
assistance in the Cetus laboratory; Joy Miller and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 1989:209\x=req-\ PCR-based method. Presented at the Papilloma-
Harold Noell for conducting the ViraPap analyses 214. virus Workshop; May 16, 1990; Heidelberg,
at Roche Biomédical Laboratories; the DNA syn¬ 13. Pao CC, Lin C-Y, Maa J-S, Lai C-H, Wu S-Y, Germany.
thesis group at Cetus; John Sninsky, PhD, for his Soong Y-K. Detection of human papillomaviruses 31. de Villiers E-M. Heterogeneity of the human
support and encouragement; Jeff Waldman, MD, in cervicovaginal cells using polymerase chain reac- papillomavirus group. J Virol. 1989;63:4898-4903.