SF Dump
SF Dump
SF Dump
Wide-Color information:
Device has wide color built-in display: 0
Device uses color management: 1
DisplayColorSetting: Managed
Display 0 color modes:
ColorMode::NATIVE (0)
Current color mode: ColorMode::NATIVE (0)
+ Touch timer: 300 ms
+ Content detection: on LayerHistory{size=129, active=1}
HFR Mode : 1
HRR : 1
{id=0, hwcId=0, resolution=720x1600, refreshRate=90.00 Hz, dpi=268.94x269.14,
{id=1, hwcId=1, resolution=720x1600, refreshRate=60.00 Hz, dpi=268.94x269.14,
displayManagerPolicy={defaultModeId=0, allowGroupSwitching=false,
primaryRange=[60.00 Hz, 90.00 Hz], appRequestRange=[60.00 Hz, 90.00 Hz]}
idleTimer=600 ms (platform)
5 Layers
- Output Layer
Region visibleRegion (this=0xb400007267348818, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
Region visibleNonTransparentRegion (this=0xb400007267348880, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
Region coveredRegion (this=0xb4000072673488e8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
Region output visibleRegion (this=0xb400007267348950, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
Region shadowRegion (this=0xb4000072673489b8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
Region outputSpaceBlockingRegionHint (this=0xb400007267348a50, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
forceClientComposition=false clearClientTarget=false displayFrame=[0 0 720
1600] sourceCrop=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 1600.000000] bufferTransform=0 (0)
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) whitePointNits=-1.000000 dimmingRatio=1.000000 override
buffer=0x0 override acquire fence=0x0 override display frame=[0 0 -1 -1] override
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) override display space=ProjectionSpace{bounds=Rect(0, 0, -1,
-1), content=Rect(0, 0, -1, -1), orientation=ROTATION_0} override damage region=
Region (this=0xb400007267348b00, count=1)
[ 0, 0, -1, -1]
override visible region= Region (this=0xb400007267348b68, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
override peekThroughLayer=0x0 override disableBackgroundBlur=false
hwc: layer=0x08b40000702f0c8d00 composition=DEVICE (2)
- Output Layer 0xb4000072936d0400(StatusBar$_1841#104)
Region visibleRegion (this=0xb4000072936d0418, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 45]
Region visibleNonTransparentRegion (this=0xb4000072936d0480, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 45]
Region coveredRegion (this=0xb4000072936d04e8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 45]
Region output visibleRegion (this=0xb4000072936d0550, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 45]
Region shadowRegion (this=0xb4000072936d05b8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
Region outputSpaceBlockingRegionHint (this=0xb4000072936d0650, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
forceClientComposition=false clearClientTarget=false displayFrame=[0 0 720
45] sourceCrop=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 45.000000] bufferTransform=0 (0)
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) whitePointNits=-1.000000 dimmingRatio=1.000000 override
buffer=0x0 override acquire fence=0x0 override display frame=[0 0 -1 -1] override
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) override display space=ProjectionSpace{bounds=Rect(0, 0, -1,
-1), content=Rect(0, 0, -1, -1), orientation=ROTATION_0} override damage region=
Region (this=0xb4000072936d0700, count=1)
[ 0, 0, -1, -1]
override visible region= Region (this=0xb4000072936d0768, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
override peekThroughLayer=0x0 override disableBackgroundBlur=false
hwc: layer=0x08b40000702f127000 composition=DEVICE (2)
- Output Layer
Region visibleRegion (this=0xb400007267347418, count=1)
[653, 205, 720, 422]
Region visibleNonTransparentRegion (this=0xb400007267347480, count=1)
[653, 205, 720, 422]
Region coveredRegion (this=0xb4000072673474e8, count=1)
[653, 205, 720, 422]
Region output visibleRegion (this=0xb400007267347550, count=1)
[653, 205, 720, 422]
Region shadowRegion (this=0xb4000072673475b8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
Region outputSpaceBlockingRegionHint (this=0xb400007267347650, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
forceClientComposition=false clearClientTarget=false displayFrame=[653 205
720 422] sourceCrop=[0.000000 0.000000 67.000000 217.000000] bufferTransform=0 (0)
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) whitePointNits=-1.000000 dimmingRatio=1.000000 override
buffer=0x0 override acquire fence=0x0 override display frame=[0 0 -1 -1] override
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) override display space=ProjectionSpace{bounds=Rect(0, 0, -1,
-1), content=Rect(0, 0, -1, -1), orientation=ROTATION_0} override damage region=
Region (this=0xb400007267347700, count=1)
[ 0, 0, -1, -1]
override visible region= Region (this=0xb400007267347768, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
override peekThroughLayer=0x0 override disableBackgroundBlur=false
hwc: layer=0x08b40000702f127a00 composition=DEVICE (2)
- Output Layer 0xb400007267636200(NavigationBar0$_1841#98)
Region visibleRegion (this=0xb400007267636218, count=1)
[ 0, 1504, 720, 1600]
Region visibleNonTransparentRegion (this=0xb400007267636280, count=1)
[ 0, 1504, 720, 1600]
Region coveredRegion (this=0xb4000072676362e8, count=1)
[ 0, 1504, 720, 1600]
Region output visibleRegion (this=0xb400007267636350, count=1)
[ 0, 1504, 720, 1600]
Region shadowRegion (this=0xb4000072676363b8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
Region outputSpaceBlockingRegionHint (this=0xb400007267636450, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
forceClientComposition=false clearClientTarget=false displayFrame=[0 1504 720
1600] sourceCrop=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 96.000000] bufferTransform=0 (0)
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) whitePointNits=-1.000000 dimmingRatio=1.000000 override
buffer=0x0 override acquire fence=0x0 override display frame=[0 0 -1 -1] override
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) override display space=ProjectionSpace{bounds=Rect(0, 0, -1,
-1), content=Rect(0, 0, -1, -1), orientation=ROTATION_0} override damage region=
Region (this=0xb400007267636500, count=1)
[ 0, 0, -1, -1]
override visible region= Region (this=0xb400007267636568, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
override peekThroughLayer=0x0 override disableBackgroundBlur=false
hwc: layer=0x08b40000702f0ca100 composition=DEVICE (2)
- Output Layer 0xb4000072936cf000($_1841#100)
Region visibleRegion (this=0xb4000072936cf018, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
Region visibleNonTransparentRegion (this=0xb4000072936cf080, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
Region coveredRegion (this=0xb4000072936cf0e8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
Region output visibleRegion (this=0xb4000072936cf150, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
Region shadowRegion (this=0xb4000072936cf1b8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
Region outputSpaceBlockingRegionHint (this=0xb4000072936cf250, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
forceClientComposition=false clearClientTarget=false displayFrame=[0 0 720
1600] sourceCrop=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 1600.000000] bufferTransform=0 (0)
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) whitePointNits=-1.000000 dimmingRatio=1.000000 override
buffer=0x0 override acquire fence=0x0 override display frame=[0 0 -1 -1] override
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) override display space=ProjectionSpace{bounds=Rect(0, 0, -1,
-1), content=Rect(0, 0, -1, -1), orientation=ROTATION_0} override damage region=
Region (this=0xb4000072936cf300, count=1)
[ 0, 0, -1, -1]
override visible region= Region (this=0xb4000072936cf368, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
override peekThroughLayer=0x0 override disableBackgroundBlur=false
hwc: layer=0x08b40000702f0c8800 composition=DEVICE (2)
Skia's GPU Protected Caches: 0 bytes, 0.00 bytes (0.00 bytes is purgeable)
Skia's Protected Wrapped Objects:
ClientCache state:
Cache owner: 0xb400007267531100
Cache owner: 0xb4000072675970e0
Cache owner: 0xb400007267b52da0
ID: 7907034958719, size: 720x144
ID: 7907034958720, size: 720x144
ID: 7907034958721, size: 720x144
ID: 7907034958753, size: 720x45
ID: 7907034958752, size: 720x45
ID: 7907034958736, size: 720x45
ID: 7907034958735, size: 720x96
ID: 7907034958734, size: 720x96
ID: 7907034958733, size: 720x96
ID: 7907034958732, size: 720x1600
ID: 7907034958731, size: 720x1600
ID: 7907034958730, size: 720x45
ID: 7907034958728, size: 720x96
ID: 7907034958718, size: 720x144
ID: 7907034894820, size: 827x1600
Cache owner: 0xb400007267c61480
ID: 25825638350877, size: 720x1600
ID: 25825638350878, size: 720x1600
ID: 25825638350879, size: 720x1600
ID: 25825638350880, size: 720x1600
Cache owner: 0xb400007267c62d80
ID: 101236674148041, size: 67x217
ID: 101236674148042, size: 67x217
ID: 101236674148043, size: 67x217
ID: 101236674148040, size: 67x217
Cache owner: 0xb400007278711500
Cache owner: 0xb400007278712400
Cache owner: 0xb400007278712fe0
Cache owner: 0xb400007291a7c860
Cache owner: 0xb400007293622ee0
Region undefinedRegion (this=0xb4000072936c45b8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
orientation=ROTATION_0, isPoweredOn=1
transaction-flags : 00000010
gpu_to_cpu_unsupported : 0
refresh-rate : 60.00 Hz
x-dpi : 268.94
y-dpi : 269.14
transaction time: 0.000000 us
Tracing state: disabled
number of entries: 0 (0.00MB / 0.00MB) duration: 0ms
Planner is disabled
h/w composer state:
h/w composer enabled
lastUeventTime(20:00:00.000) lastTimestamp(0)
[PrimaryDisplay] display information size: 720 x 1600, vsyncState: 2, colorMode: 0,
colorTransformHint: 0
CompositionInfo (1)
firstIndex: 2, lastIndex: 3, dataSpace: 0x 0, compressionType:
8000000, windowIndex: 2
handle: 0xb40000702f144000, acquireFence: -1, releaseFence: -1, skipFlag: 1,
SRAM amunt : 0 assignedOtfMPP: DPP_G1
internal_format: 0x1, compressionType: 8000000
CompositionInfo (2)
| handle | fd | tr | COMP_TYPE | dataSpace | format | blend
| planeAlpha | zOrder | color | fps | priority | windowIndex
| 0xb40000702f0ce980 | 79, 86, -1 | 0x 0 | 8000000 | 0x 0 | RGBA_8888 |
0x 1 | 1.000 | 0 | 0x 0, 0x 0, 0x 0, 0x 0 | 0 | 1 | 0
| colorTr | sourceCrop | dispFrame | type
| exynosType | validateType | overlayInfo | supportedMPPFlag | SRAM amount |
| 0 | 0.0, 0.0, 720.0, 1600.0 | 0, 0, 720, 1600 | 2
| 2 | 2 | 0x 0 | 0x 105 | 0 |
Unsupported MPP flags
[MSC_COMBO: 0x80]
acquireFence: -1
assignedMPP: DPP_G2
dump midImg
bufferHandle: 0x0, fullWidth: 720, fullHeight: 1600, x: 0, y: 0, w: 720, h:
1600, format: RGBA_8888
usageFlags: 0x40000000000b00, layerFlags: 0x 0, acquireFenceFd: -1,
releaseFenceFd: -1
dataSpace(0), blending(1), transform(0x 0), compressionType( 8000000)
| handle | fd | tr | COMP_TYPE | dataSpace | format | blend
| planeAlpha | zOrder | color | fps | priority | windowIndex
| 0xb40000702f0ce380 | 45, 46, -1 | 0x 0 | 8000000 | 0x 0 | RGBA_8888 |
0x 2 | 1.000 | 1 | 0x 0, 0x 0, 0x 0, 0x 0 | 0 | 1 | 1
| colorTr | sourceCrop | dispFrame | type
| exynosType | validateType | overlayInfo | supportedMPPFlag | SRAM amount |
| 0 | 0.0, 0.0, 720.0, 45.0 | 0, 0, 720, 45 | 2
| 2 | 2 | 0x 0 | 0x 105 | 0 |
Unsupported MPP flags
[MSC_COMBO: 0x100]
acquireFence: -1
assignedMPP: DPP_VG0
dump midImg
bufferHandle: 0x0, fullWidth: 720, fullHeight: 1600, x: 0, y: 0, w: 720, h:
45, format: RGBA_8888
usageFlags: 0x40000000000b00, layerFlags: 0x 0, acquireFenceFd: -1,
releaseFenceFd: -1
dataSpace(0), blending(2), transform(0x 0), compressionType( 8000000)
| handle | fd | tr | COMP_TYPE | dataSpace | format | blend
| planeAlpha | zOrder | color | fps | priority | windowIndex
| 0xb40000702f0cd900 | 41, 44, -1 | 0x 0 | 8000000 | 0x 0 | RGBA_8888 |
0x 2 | 1.000 | 2 | 0x 0, 0x 0, 0x 0, 0x 0 | 0 | 1 | -1
| colorTr | sourceCrop | dispFrame | type
| exynosType | validateType | overlayInfo | supportedMPPFlag | SRAM amount |
| 0 | 0.0, 0.0, 67.0, 217.0 | 653, 205, 720, 422 | 2
| 1 | 1 | 0x40000400 | 0x 105 | 0 |
Unsupported MPP flags
[MSC_COMBO: 0x100]
acquireFence: -1
resource is not assigned.
dump midImg
bufferHandle: 0x0, fullWidth: 720, fullHeight: 1600, x: 653, y: 205, w: 67,
h: 217, format: RGBA_8888
usageFlags: 0x40000000000b00, layerFlags: 0x 0, acquireFenceFd: -1,
releaseFenceFd: -1
dataSpace(0), blending(2), transform(0x 0), compressionType( 8000000)
| handle | fd | tr | COMP_TYPE | dataSpace | format | blend
| planeAlpha | zOrder | color | fps | priority | windowIndex
| 0xb40000702f0cf100 | 62, 63, -1 | 0x 0 | 8000000 | 0x 0 | RGBA_8888 |
0x 2 | 1.000 | 3 | 0x 0, 0x 0, 0x 0, 0x 0 | 0 | 1 | -1
| colorTr | sourceCrop | dispFrame | type
| exynosType | validateType | overlayInfo | supportedMPPFlag | SRAM amount |
| 0 | 0.0, 0.0, 720.0, 96.0 | 0, 1504, 720, 1600 | 2
| 1 | 1 | 0x40000400 | 0x 105 | 0 |
Unsupported MPP flags
[MSC_COMBO: 0x80]
acquireFence: -1
resource is not assigned.
dump midImg
bufferHandle: 0x0, fullWidth: 720, fullHeight: 1600, x: 0, y: 1504, w: 720,
h: 96, format: RGBA_8888
usageFlags: 0x40000000000b00, layerFlags: 0x 0, acquireFenceFd: -1,
releaseFenceFd: -1
dataSpace(0), blending(2), transform(0x 0), compressionType( 8000000)
| handle | fd | tr | COMP_TYPE | dataSpace | format | blend
| planeAlpha | zOrder | color | fps | priority | windowIndex
| 0xb40000702f0cd180 | 49, 50, -1 | 0x 0 | 8000000 | 0x 0 | RGBA_8888 |
0x 2 | 1.000 | 4 | 0x 0, 0x 0, 0x 0, 0x 0 | 0 | 1 | 3
| colorTr | sourceCrop | dispFrame | type
| exynosType | validateType | overlayInfo | supportedMPPFlag | SRAM amount |
| 0 | 0.0, 0.0, 720.0, 1600.0 | 0, 0, 720, 1600 | 2
| 2 | 2 | 0x 0 | 0x 105 | 0 |
Unsupported MPP flags
[MSC_COMBO: 0x80]
acquireFence: -1
assignedMPP: DPP_G0
dump midImg
bufferHandle: 0x0, fullWidth: 720, fullHeight: 1600, x: 0, y: 0, w: 720, h:
1600, format: RGBA_8888
usageFlags: 0x40000000000b00, layerFlags: 0x 0, acquireFenceFd: -1,
releaseFenceFd: -1
dataSpace(0), blending(2), transform(0x 0), compressionType( 8000000)
GraphicBufferAllocator buffers:
Handle | Size | W (Stride) x H | Layers | Format | Usage |
0xb400007267b7e200 | 30.00 KiB | 256 ( 256) x 30 | 1 | 1 | 0x
303 | RegionSamplingThread
0xb400007293628180 | 4500.00 KiB | 720 ( 720) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0x
1b00 | FramebufferSurface
0xb400007293628300 | 4500.00 KiB | 720 ( 720) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0x
1b00 | FramebufferSurface
0xb400007293628480 | 4500.00 KiB | 720 ( 720) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0x
1b00 | FramebufferSurface
Total allocated by GraphicBufferAllocator (estimate): 13530.00 KB
Imported gralloc buffers:
+ name:ViewRootImpl@61736e3[CocktailBarService]#3215(BLAST Consumer)3215,
id:3745212414763, size:70.75KiB, w/h:67x217, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:80x224, stride:320 bytes, size:72448
+ name:ViewRootImpl@e06faf7[ModalActivity]#4(BLAST Consumer)4, id:3745212414787,
size:4500.75KiB, w/h:720x1600, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x1600, stride:2880 bytes, size:4608768
+ name:ViewRootImpl@e06faf7[ModalActivity]#4(BLAST Consumer)4, id:3745212414788,
size:4500.75KiB, w/h:720x1600, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x1600, stride:2880 bytes, size:4608768
+ name:ViewRootImpl@e06faf7[ModalActivity]#4(BLAST Consumer)4, id:3745212414789,
size:4500.75KiB, w/h:720x1600, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x1600, stride:2880 bytes, size:4608768
+ name:ViewRootImpl@e06faf7[ModalActivity]#4(BLAST Consumer)4, id:3745212414786,
size:4500.75KiB, w/h:720x1600, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x1600, stride:2880 bytes, size:4608768
+ name:ViewRootImpl@61736e3[CocktailBarService]#3215(BLAST Consumer)3215,
id:3745212414764, size:70.75KiB, w/h:67x217, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:80x224, stride:320 bytes, size:72448
+ name:ViewRootImpl@61736e3[CocktailBarService]#3215(BLAST Consumer)3215,
id:3745212414761, size:70.75KiB, w/h:67x217, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:80x224, stride:320 bytes, size:72448
+ name:RegionSamplingThread, id:3745212414735, size:32.25KiB, w/h:256x30, usage:
0x303, req fmt:1, fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:256x32, stride:1024 bytes, size:33024
+ name:ViewRootImpl@7e10aa1[StageCoordinatorSplitDivider]#23848(BLAST
Consumer)23848, id:3745212396647, size:405.75KiB, w/h:720x144, usage:
0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1, fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed:
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x144, stride:2880 bytes, size:415488
+ name:ViewRootImpl@7e10aa1[StageCoordinatorSplitDivider]#23848(BLAST
Consumer)23848, id:3745212396648, size:405.75KiB, w/h:720x144, usage:
0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1, fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed:
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x144, stride:2880 bytes, size:415488
+ name:ViewRootImpl@7e10aa1[StageCoordinatorSplitDivider]#23848(BLAST
Consumer)23848, id:3745212396649, size:405.75KiB, w/h:720x144, usage:
0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1, fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed:
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x144, stride:2880 bytes, size:415488
+ name:ViewRootImpl@45e2abd[StatusBar]#6(BLAST Consumer)6, id:3745212396719,
size:135.75KiB, w/h:720x45, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x48, stride:2880 bytes, size:139008
+ name:ViewRootImpl@45e2abd[StatusBar]#6(BLAST Consumer)6, id:3745212396718,
size:135.75KiB, w/h:720x45, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x48, stride:2880 bytes, size:139008
+ name:ViewRootImpl@45e2abd[StatusBar]#6(BLAST Consumer)6, id:3745212396674,
size:135.75KiB, w/h:720x45, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x48, stride:2880 bytes, size:139008
+ name:ViewRootImpl@272e8d1[NavigationBar0]#2(BLAST Consumer)2, id:3745212396668,
size:270.75KiB, w/h:720x96, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x96, stride:2880 bytes, size:277248
+ name:ViewRootImpl@272e8d1[NavigationBar0]#2(BLAST Consumer)2, id:3745212396667,
size:270.75KiB, w/h:720x96, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x96, stride:2880 bytes, size:277248
+ name:ViewRootImpl@272e8d1[NavigationBar0]#2(BLAST Consumer)2, id:3745212396666,
size:270.75KiB, w/h:720x96, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x96, stride:2880 bytes, size:277248
+ name:ViewRootImpl@7cb3c13[]#4(BLAST Consumer)4, id:3745212396665,
size:4500.75KiB, w/h:720x1600, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x1600, stride:2880 bytes, size:4608768
+ name:ViewRootImpl@7cb3c13[]#4(BLAST Consumer)4, id:3745212396664,
size:4500.75KiB, w/h:720x1600, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x1600, stride:2880 bytes, size:4608768
+ name:ViewRootImpl@45e2abd[StatusBar]#6(BLAST Consumer)6, id:3745212396663,
size:135.75KiB, w/h:720x45, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x48, stride:2880 bytes, size:139008
+ name:ViewRootImpl@272e8d1[NavigationBar0]#2(BLAST Consumer)2, id:3745212396660,
size:270.75KiB, w/h:720x96, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x96, stride:2880 bytes, size:277248
+ name:ViewRootImpl@7e10aa1[StageCoordinatorSplitDivider]#23848(BLAST
Consumer)23848, id:3745212396646, size:405.75KiB, w/h:720x144, usage:
0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1, fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed:
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x144, stride:2880 bytes, size:415488
+ name:bbq-adapter#7(BLAST Consumer)7, id:3745212213875, size:168.75KiB,
w/h:448x96, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1, fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace:
0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:448x96, stride:1792 bytes, size:172800
+ name:Wallpaper#1(BLAST Consumer)1, id:3745212074646, size:5200.75KiB,
w/h:827x1600, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:2, fourcc/mod:875709016/0,
dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B: w/h:832x1600, stride:3328 bytes, size:5325568
+ name:Wallpaper#1(BLAST Consumer)1, id:3745211996450, size:5200.75KiB,
w/h:827x1600, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:2, fourcc/mod:875709016/0,
dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B: w/h:832x1600, stride:3328 bytes, size:5325568
+ name:FramebufferSurface, id:3745211482112, size:4500.75KiB, w/h:720x1600, usage:
0x1b00, req fmt:1, fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x1600, stride:2880 bytes, size:4608768
+ name:FramebufferSurface, id:3745211482113, size:4500.75KiB, w/h:720x1600, usage:
0x1b00, req fmt:1, fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x1600, stride:2880 bytes, size:4608768
+ name:ViewRootImpl@61736e3[CocktailBarService]#3215(BLAST Consumer)3215,
id:3745212414762, size:70.75KiB, w/h:67x217, usage: 0x40000000000b00, req fmt:1,
fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:80x224, stride:320 bytes, size:72448
+ name:FramebufferSurface, id:3745211482114, size:4500.75KiB, w/h:720x1600, usage:
0x1b00, req fmt:1, fourcc/mod:875708993/0, dataspace: 0x0, compressed: false
planes: R/G/B/A: w/h:720x1600, stride:2880 bytes, size:4608768
Total imported by gralloc: 54641.25KiB
FlagManager values:
demo_flag: -1
use_adpf_cpu_hint: false
use_skia_tracing: false
TimeStats miniDump:
Number of layers currently being tracked is 3
Number of layers in the stats pool is 2
BQ state:
+ com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$_1841#89 uid=10105 id=89
+ Wallpaper BBQ wrapper#90 uid=10105 id=90
+ StageCoordinatorSplitDivider#217708 uid=10105 id=217708
+ com.instagram.android/com.instagram.modal.ModalActivity$_6013#224758 uid=10266
+ StatusBar$_1841#104 uid=10105 id=104
ce.CocktailBarService$_23571#224746 uid=10115 id=224746
+ NavigationBar0$_1841#98 uid=10105 id=98
+ ScreenshotAnimation$_7233#224771 uid=10105 id=224771
+ $_1841#100 uid=10105 id=100