Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
8. Sketch the dual cycle on P-V and T-S diagram for a dual cycle.
Automotive Engines 1. 2
(Dec 2010)(May 2013)
9. Enumerate the assumption made in Otto cycle.
(Dec2006)(May 2009) (May 2011) (May 2013)
Assumptions made in Otto cycles:
1. The working medium is assumed to be perfect gas
2. There is no change in the mass of the medium.
3. All the processes that constitute the cycle are reversible.
4. It is assumed that there is no heat losses from the system to the
5. Some heat is assumed to be rejected to a constant volume low temperature
sink during the cycle.
10. The bore and stroke of a water cooled, vertical, single cylinder, four stroke
diesel engine are 80 mm and 110 mm respectively and the torque is 23.5 Nm.
Calculate the mean effective pressure of the engine. (Dec 2012)
11. What is air standard cycle? Why are such cycles conceived? (Dec 2012)
12. Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of internal combustion and
external combustion engines. (May 2012)
15. The efficiency of an Otto cycle is 60 % and ɣ = 1.5. What is the compression
ratio? (May 2012)
UNIT I Construction and Operation 1. 3
16. For a given compression ratio, the air standard Diesel cycle is less efficient than
air standard Otto cycle. Explain. (May 2012)
20. In an engine working on an ideal Otto cycle, the temperatures at the beginning
and end of compression are 27 ᴼC and 327 ᴼC respectively. Find the
compression ratio and the air standard efficiency of the engine.
(Dec 2011)
23. How do you compare diesel and petrol engines on compression ratio based?
(May 2011)
24. Which air standard cycle (Otto / Diesel / Dual) is more efficient for the same
heat input? Justify. (May 2011)
25. As a car gets older, will its compression ratio change? How about the mean
effective pressure? [May 2011]
26. Define cut off ratio for a diesel engine. (May 2011)
27. State the merits of a diesel engine over a petrol engine. (May 2011)
28. What is meant by scavenging? (May 2011)
Cleaning of the spent gases from the engine cylinder is called scavenging. It is
important in the case of two stroke SI engines.
29. What is the use of air standard cycle analysis? (Dec2010)
30. Draw the Valve timing diagram for a CI engine (Dec 2010)
31. Draw the cross section of the piston arrangement and mark the important parts.
(May 2010)
36. Compare actual and ideal PV diagram of a four stroke compression ignition
engine. [Dec 2009]
37. A diesel engine has a compression ratio of 20 and cut-off takes place at 5% of
the stroke. Find the air standard efficiency. Assume = 1.4. [May 2009]
39. In an Otto cycle, pressure ratio during compression is 11. Calculate the air
standard efficiency. (May 2009)
40. Define volumetric efficiency. (May 2009)
It is defined as the volume flow rate of air into the intake system divided by the
rate at which the volume is displaced by the system.
The average values of SI and CI engines are 80 to 85% and 85 to 90 %
41. What is meant by indicator diagram of an engine? What for is it used?
(Dec 2008)
42. Draw the actual valve timing diagram of a 4 stroke S.I Engine and indicate the
salient points. (Dec2008)
43. What is the difference between air- standard and actual cycles? (Dec 2008)
Sl Air standard Cycle Actual Cycle
1 Instantaneous combustion Progressive combustion
2 Air is the working medium Air- fuel charge is the working
3 High thermal efficiency Low thermal efficiency
4 No heat transfer between the Heat transfer takes place between
combustion chamber and the the combustion chamber and the
cylinder wall considered cylinder walls
5 Ratio of specific heat is Variable specific heat
considered constant
Automotive Engines 1. 6
44. Compare Otto, diesel and dual cycle for the same compression ratio and with
the same heat rejection. (May 2008)
45. Sketch the PV and TS diagram of a diesel cycle. (Dec 2004) (May 2008)
46. What is the function of the piston rings in I.C engines? (May 2008)
47. What is the function of push rod and rocker arm? (Dec 2007)
48. What is the function of camshaft and crankshaft? (May 2007)
49. Which basic thermodynamic cycle is involved in the practical diesel
engines? (May 2007)
Diesel or dual cycle is used.
50. State the necessity of reed valve in carbureted two stroke engines.
The reed valve acts as a one way valve. It will allow the charge during the
upwards moment of the piston due to the suction effect prevailing in the crank
case and will be closed during the downward stroke of the piston due to high
51. What are the reasons for early opening and late closing of inlet valves?
(May 2006)
Early opening and late closing of the inlet valve is to admit more charge
thereby to increase the volumetric efficiency of the engines.
52. What is the advantage of double overhead camshaft? (Dec2005)
Two inlet and outlets valves can be used for a single cylinder. This will allow
more charge and increase the volumetric efficiency of the engines.
53. Enumerate the advantages of piston being circular in cross section.
To avoid ovality and thereby reducing the blow –by losses.
54. State the parameters to be considered for designing a firing order of multi-
cylinder engines? (Dec 2005)
55. Define delivery ratio and trapping efficiency of a two stroke engine.
(Dec 2004) (May 2005)
56. What are the factors limiting port size? (May 2005)
57. What is the function of reed valve? (May 2005)
58. Draw the Sankey diagram of two stroke engine. (Dec 2004)
59. A diesel engine has a compression ratio of 20 and cut – off takes place at 5 %
of the stroke. Find the air standard efficiency. Assume γ = 1.4. (May 2014)
UNIT I Construction and Operation 1. 7
60. Explain the construction and working of crankcase scavenged 2S petrol engine.
State its advantages over 4S engines.
(Dec 2005) (May 2006) (May2011) (May 2014)
61. Derive the expression for the air standard efficiency of Otto cycle. Also
indicate the assumptions made. (Dec 2005)(May 2014)
62. Compare SI and CI engines with respect to
63. With neat diagrams, explain the construction and working of four strokes CI
engine. (May 2010) (Dec 2011) (Dec 2012) (Dec 2013) (May 2014)
64. An air standard Diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 18 and heat transferred
to air at constant pressure is equal to 1800 kJ/kg. At the beginning of the
compression stroke, the pressure is 1 bar and temperature is 300 K. Estimate
(i) The pressure and temperature at the cardinal points of the cycle.
(ii) The cycle efficiency and
(iii) The m.e.p of the cycle. (Dec 2013)
65. In an oil engine working on dual cycle, the heat supplied at constant pressure is
twice that of heat supplied at constant volume. The compression and expansion
ratios are8 and 5.3. The pressure and temperature at the beginning of cycle are
0.93 bar 27oC . Find the efficiency of the cycle and mean effective pressure.
Take . (May 2013)
66. Draw and explain the port timing diagram of two stroke cycle diesel engine.
(May 2013)
67. Sketch the PV and TS diagram for a diesel cycle and derive an expression for
the thermal efficiency and mean effective pressure.
Automotive Engines 1. 8
70. Air standard dual cycle has a compression ratio 9.5:1. The pressure and
temperature at the beginning of compression are 1 bar and 25ºC. The maximum
pressure reached is 38 bar and the maximum temperature is
1300ºC.Determinethe work done per kg of air and cycle efficiency. Take CP =
1.004 kJ/kg-K and CV = 0.717 kJ/kg-K for air. (May 2012)
71. Give a detailed comparison about two stroke and four stroke engines.
(May 2009)(May 2010) (May 2011) (Dec 2011) (May 2012)
72. Sketch the typical valve timing diagram of a high speed 4 stroke petrol engine.
(May 2011)(May 2012)
73. Compare Otto and diesel cycles. Draw p-V and T-S diagrams of both.
(May 2011) (May 2012)
74. In a compression ignition engine, working on a dual combustion cycle, pressure
and temperature at the start of compression are 1 bar and 300 K respectively. At
the end of – compression, pressure reaches 25 bar, 420 kJ of heat is supplied
per kg of air during constant volume heating and pressure becomes 2.8 bar at
the end of isentropic expansion. Estimate the ideal thermal efficiency. Take Cp
= 1 kJ / kg K and Cv = 0.712 kJ / kg K. (May 2012)
UNIT I Construction and Operation 1. 9
75. An ideal Otto cycle has a compression ratio of 7. At the beginning of the
compression process, p1 = 90 kPa, and T1 = 27°C and V1 = 0.004 m3. The
maximum cycle temperature is 1127°C. For each repetition of the cycle,
calculate heat rejection and net work output. Also calculate the thermal
efficiency and mean effective pressure for this cycle. Use constant specific heat
at room temperature. (May 2012)
76. In an engine working on dual cycle, the temperature and pressure at the
beginning of the cycle are 900 C and 1 bar respectively. The compression ratio
is 9. The maximum pressure is limited to 68 bar and the total heat supplied per
kg of air is 1750 kJ. Determine,
(i) Pressure and temperature at all salient points.
(ii) Air standard efficiency.
(iv) Mean effective pressure.
(Ans: 21.67 bar; 68 bar; 3.81 bar;874.1K; 2742.9 K; 3166 K; 1389.8 K;58.34
%; 11.04 bar)
(Dec 2009) (May 2012)
77. Name the components that constitute an internal combustion engine (Cross
section) with a neat sketch. Briefly explain the functioning of each component.
(Dec 2006) (Dec 2011)
78. A 4S, four cylinder petrol engine of 250 mm bore and 375 mm stroke works on
Otto cycle. The clearance volume is 0.01052 m3. The initial pressure and
temperature are 1bar and 47C. If the maximum pressure is limited to 25 bar,
find the following:
(i) air standard efficiency of the cycle
(ii) mean effective pressure of the cycle.
(Dec 2011)
79. In an air standard dual cycle, the pressure and temperature at the beginning of
compression are 1 bar and 57 ᴼC, respectively. The heat supplied in the cycle is
1250 kJ/kg, two third of this being added at constant volume and rest at
constant at constant pressure. If the compression ratio is 16, determine the
maximum pressure and temperature in the cycle, thermal efficiency and mean
effective pressure.
Automotive Engines 1. 10
(Dec 2011)
(Ans: 106.53 bar; 2545.29 K; 66.59%; 9.67 bar)
80. Explain the construction of four stroke petrol engine with neat sketches.
(Dec 2006) (May 2009) (May 2010) (Dec 2010) (Dec 2011)
81. Give the classification of IC engines. (May 2011)
83. Draw the theoretical and actual PV diagram of a four stroke Otto cycle engine
and explain the reasons for the deviations. (May 2008) (May 2011)
84. For air standard diesel cycle, the following data is available.
Compression ratio = 16
Heat added / kg = 2500 kJ/kg
Lowest temperature in the cycle = 300 K
Lowest pressure in the cycle = 1 bar
(1) Pressure and temperature at each point in the cycle
UNIT I Construction and Operation 1. 11
(2) Thermal efficiency
(3) Mean effective pressure if air flow rate of 0.25 kg /sec.
Assume CP = 1 kJ/kg-K and CV = 0.714 kJ/kg –K.
(May 2011)
85. The compression ratio and expansion ratio of an oil engine working on the dual
cycle are 9 and 5 respectively. The initial pressure and temperature of the air
are 1.01325 bar and 300 K. The heat liberated at constant pressure is twice the
heat liberated at constant volume. The expansion and compression follows the
law pV1.25 = Constant. Determine:
(i) Pressure and temperature at all salient points
(ii) Mean effective pressure of the cycle
(iii) Efficiency of the cycle
(iv) Power of the engine if working cycles per second are 8.
Assume cylinder bore and stroke as 250 mm and 400 mm respectively.
(May 2011)
86. An air standard dual cycle has a compression ratio of 10. The pressure and
temperature at the beginning of compression are 1 bar and 270C. The maximum
pressure reached is 42 bar and the maximum temperature is 15000C. Determine
(i) The temperature at the end of constant volume heat addition.
(ii) Cut-off ratio
(iii) Work done per kg of air
(iv) The cycle efficiency
Assume CP = 1.004 kJ/kg-K and CP = 0.717 kJ/kg-K for air.
(Dec 2010)
87. The mean effective pressure of an ideal diesel engine cycle is 8 bar. If the initial
pressure is 1.03 bar and the compression ratio is 12. Determine the cut-off ratio
and air standard efficiency. Assume ratio of specific heat for air to be 1.4.
(Dec 2010)
88. A six cylinder four stroke petrol engine has a swept volume of 300 cubic cm
per cylinder, a compression ratio of 10 and operates at a speed of 3500 rpm. If
the engine is required to develop an output of 73.5 kW at this speed, calculate
the cycle efficiency, the necessary rate of heat addition, and the mean effective
pressure, maximum temperature of the cycle and efficiency ratio. The pressure
and temperature before isentropic compression are 1.0 bar and 15°C
respectively. Take Cv = 0.72 kJ/kg-K and γ = 1.4.
Automotive Engines 1. 12
[Dec 2010]
89. In a SI engine working on the ideal Otto cycle, the compression ratio is 5.5. The
pressure and temperature at the beginning of the compression are 1 bar and
27ºC respectively. The peak pressure is 30 bars. Determine the pressure and
temperatures at the salient points air –standard efficiency and the mean
effective pressure. Assume the ratio of specific heats to 1.4 for air. (May 2010)
90. An engine working on the Otto cycle uses hexane (C6H14) as fuel. The engine
works on chemically correct air – fuel ratio and the compression ratio is 8.
Pressure and temperature at the beginning of the compression are1 bar and 77ºC
respectively. If the calorific value of the fuel is 43000 kJ/kg and CV = 0.717
kJ/kg-K. Find the maximum temperature and pressure of the cycle. Assume the
compression follows the law pV1.3= constant. (May 2010)
96. A gas engine working on the Otto cycle has a cylinder of diameter 0.2 m and
stroke 0.25 m. The clearance volume is 1570 cc. Find the air standard
efficiency. Assume cp = 1.004 kJ/kg-K and cv = 0.717 kJ/kg K for air.
(May 2009)
97. A four stroke diesel engine runs at 1000 rpm. The bore and stroke of each
cylinder are 100 mm and 160 mm respectively. The cu-off is 6.62 % of the
stroke. Assuming that the initial condition of the air inside the cylinder are 1 bar
and20ºC, mechanical efficiency of 75%, calculate the air standard efficiency
and brake power developed in the engine. (May 2009)
98. Fuel supplied to an SI engine has a calorific value 42,000 kJ/kg. The pressure
in the cylinder at 30% and 70% of the compression stroke are 1.3 bar and 2.6
bar respectively. Assuming that the compression follows the law pV1.3 =
Constant. Find the compression ratio, if the relative efficiency of the engine
compared with the air-standard efficiency is 50%. Calculate the fuel
consumption in kg/kW-hr. [May 2009]
99. In an engine working on the diesel cycle the ratios of the weights of air and fuel
supplied is 50: 1. The temperature of air at the beginning of the compression is
333 K and the compression ratio used is 14: 1. What is the ideal efficiency of
the engine? Calorific value of fuel used is 4200 kJ/kg. Assume cp = 1004
kJ/kg-K and cv = 0.717 kJ/kg-K for air. (May 2009)
Automotive Engines 1. 14
100. The initial parameters at the beginning of the cycle of an internal
combustion engine with isobaric heat supply are 0.1 MPa and 80ºC. The
compression ratio is 16 and the heat supplied is 850 kJ/kg. Calculate the
parameters at the characteristic points of the cycle and the thermal efficiency, if
the working medium is air.
(Dec 2008)
101. Air standard diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 20, and the heat
transferred to the working fluid per cycle is 1800 kJ/kg. At the beginning of the
compression process, the pressure is 0.1 MPa and the temperature is 15ºC.
(i) The pressure and temperature at each point of the cycle.
(ii) The thermal efficiency
(iii) The mean effective pressure. (May 2008)
102. Calculate the ideal air standard cycle efficiency based on the Otto cycle for a
petrol engine with a cylinder bore of 50 mm, a stroke of 75 mm and a clearance
volume of 21.3 cm3. [May 2008]
103. What is meant by fuel- air cycle and actual cycle? Draw them for a
diesel engine. Explain the salient features of it with respect to combustion and
performance. (May 2008)
104. Air at 1.01 bar, 200C is admitted into an oil engine, which is working on the
dual combustion cycle. The maximum cycle pressure is 69 bar. The
compression ratio is 18. Assuming that the heat added at constant volume is
equal to the heat added at constant pressure, calculate the following:
(i) Temperature at all salient points
(ii) Total heat supplied
(iii) Heat rejected
(iv) Air standard efficiency. (May 2008)
105. Explain the parameters involved in deciding the firing order of a six cylinder
engine and their significance in the performance of engine. (Dec 2006)
106. An ideal diesel engine operates on 1 kg of air with suction at 1 bar and
37ºC. The pressure at the end of compression is 33 bar and the cut – off takes
place at 6 % of the stroke from the TDC position. Treating the working
substance as air, determine
(i) Compression ratio
UNIT I Construction and Operation 1. 15
(ii) Percentage clearance
(iii) The heat supplied
(iv) Heat rejected
(v) Thermal efficiency and
(vi) m.e.p (May 2007)
107. An engine working on Otto cycle has a volume of 0.45 m3, pressure 1 bar and
temperature 300C at the beginning of the compression stroke. At the end of the
compression stroke, the pressure is 11 bar and 210 kJ of heat is added at
constant volume. Determine the (i) pressures, temperatures and volumes at
salient points in the cycle. (ii) Efficiency. (May 2007)
108. Compare the air standard, Fuel- air and actual cycles for diesel engines in
detail. (May 2007)
109. Sketch valve timing diagram of a four stroke CI engine and explain its
significance. (May 2006)
110. Briefly discuss the charging process of two stroke engine. (May 2005)
111. Sketch and explain the Shankey diagram of two stroke cycle engine. Define
various scavenging parameters. (May 2005)
112. Discuss the various losses in two stroke engine intake system. (May 2005)
113. Discuss three theoretical scavenging processes. (May 2005)
114. Write short notes on Kadenacy system. (Dec 2004)(May 2005)
115. What do you mean by muffler back pressure? What is its effect? (Dec 2004)