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Prioritizing Problems

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Prioritizing Problems

Problem 1. Inadequate Food Supply Resources as Health Threat

Criteria Score Actual Justification


Nature of the 2/3 x 0.67 This problem was considered a health threat.
Problem 1

Modifiability 1/2 x 1.00 This problem was partially modifiable because the
of the 2 community people could easily get food in their
problem surroundings that could be cooked, like vegetables
and root crops. It also depends on the availability
of resources and the generosity of the community
people to each other.

Preventive 3/3 x 1.00 The preventive potential of this problem is high if

Potential 1 the community people have the will and
consistency to plant more vegetables and root
crops they can consume and rely on if there is no
other food to eat daily. As a result, most
community people are low-income earners and
don’t have permanent jobs. Most of them do not
have the required amount of food to balance their
nutritional needs.

Salience of 1/2 x 0.5 This problem or condition doesn’t need immediate

the Problem 1 attention.

Total: 3.17

Problem 2. Lack of Medication as Health Threat

Criteria Score Actual Justification


Nature of the 2/3 x 0.67 This problem was a health threat.

Problem 1

Modifiability 1/2 x 1.00 This problem was partially modifiable because the
of the 2 geographical isolation of the barangay may hinder
problem regular medication supply chains, making it
challenging to ensure consistent availability of
essential drugs. However, this challenge is
moderately modifiable as alternative delivery
methods, such as mobile clinics or community
health workers, can be implemented to bridge the
gap. Secondly, limited healthcare infrastructure
and resources may contribute to the problem, but
with proper planning and allocation of resources,
improvements can be made. Third, most of the
people in the community don’t have permanent
jobs to support them financially to buy medications.

Preventive 2/3 x 0.67 The preventive potential of this problem is

Potential 1 moderate if the community family can get
consistent financial support from the Barangay or
from acquiring other alternative remedies other
than pharmaceutical medicines such as herbal
medicines to be done.

Salience of 2/2 x 1 It is a problem that needs immediate attention and

the Problem 1 action because, as the community people stated
during the community assembly, it might lead to
the worsening of the health situation without proper
intervention and most of the children are prone to
common type of illnesses.

Total: 3.34

Problem 3. Insufficient resources for larger family sizes as Forseable


Criteria Score Actual Justification


Nature of the 1/3 x 0.33 The inadequate resource income for larger families
Problem 1 was considered a foreseeable crisis.

Modifiability 1/2 x 1.00 It is partially modifiable since the problem can only
of the 2 be solve if the each of the family in the community
problem with larger family size having inadequate
resources of obtaining daily need has other option
or substitute of their main income, such as planting
crops and vegetables, being a part of government
assistance to poor people in need and other
activities that can help them financially.

Preventive 3/3 x 1.00 The preventive potential of this problem is high if

Potential 1 the community members are eager and persistent
in finding other resources that can help them
financially cope with their daily needs.

Salience of 2/2 x 1.00 This problem or condition needs immediate

the Problem 1 attention because, during the community assembly
and survey, most of the community's families have
larger family sizes and don’t have enough
resources for their daily needs.

Total: 3.33

Problem 4. Lack of Educational Attainment as Foreseable Crisis

Criteria Score Actual Justification


Nature of the 1/3 x 0.33 The inadequate resource income for larger families
Problem 1 was considered a foreseeable crisis.

Modifiability 1/2 x 1.00 This problem was partially modifiable because

of the 2 some community attitudes towards education are
problem very expensive, educational resources are not
accessible, and infrastructure, such as schools and
transportation, can be addressed only when
sufficient interventions are made. Additionally,
most community people cannot support their
children in sustaining their financial need for higher
education because their Barangay is far away from
the schools and universities in the city, which is
more expensive to provide.

Preventive 3/3 x 1.00 The preventive potential of this problem is

Potential 1 moderate if the family can provide financial support
to their children, which they can only do if they
have enough income to support both education
and their daily needs.

Salience of 2/2 x 1.00 The community identified this problem as urgently

the Problem 1 needing attention because insufficient accessibility
to higher learning does not guarantee that people
will become more literate or find jobs that they can
focus on permanently.
Total: 3.33

Problem 5. Lack of Jobs

Criteria Score Actual Justification


Nature of the 1/3 x 0.33 Lack of Jobs as Foreseeable Crisis

Problem 1 1. Inability to provide a home environment
conducive to health maintenance and
personal development due to:
a. Inadequate family resources,
specifically financial constraints/limited
financial resources

Modifiability of 1/2 x 1 The problem can be partially modifiable because

the problem 2 the family may coordinate and ask for assistance
from their community.

Preventive 2/3 x 0.66 The family may ask for cash assistance from
Potential 1 their community that may help them to find
another job.

Salience of the 2/2 x 1 The community perceives it as a problem

Problem 1 needing immediate attention.

Total: 2.99

Problem 6. Poor Access to Healthcare due to lack of Transportation

Criteria Score Actual Justification


Nature of the 2/3 x 0.66 Poor Access to Healthcare due to lack of

Problem 1 Transportation as foreseeable crisis

1. Lack of /inadequate competencies in

relating to each other for mutual
growth and maturation.
a. Inaccessibility of required
care/service due to:
1. cost constraints for fare
2. physical inaccessibility, i.e.
location of facility

Modifiability of 0/2 x 0 The problem is lowly modified because the

the problem 2 community has a difficulty of prviding
themselves a vehicle.

Preventive 3/3 x 1 By coordinating to the municipality, the

Potential 1 community may be provided their own services
for emergency situations.

Salience of the 2/2 x 1 The community perceives it as aproblem

Problem 1 needing immediate attention.

Total: 2.66

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