The first element of the marke ng mix is Product and it depicts the tangible or
intangible goods offered by organisa ons to customers to sa sfy their needs
and wants. In simple terms, it is a bundle of u li es. Product Mix means the
important decisions related to a product like the design of the product, quality
of the product, the quan ty of the product, packaging of the product, etc.
Besides these decisions, product assortment is also an essen al part of the
product mix. In simple terms, it means the number or volume of products and
items a specific producer offers to the market. For example, ITC is an FMCG
company and is dealing with different food products.
When an organisa on begins its marke ng opera ons, it usually starts with
one product and then later on expands and diversifies its marke ng ac vi es
by launching new products and varie es to its product line. For example,
ini ally, ITC used to sell tobacco and cigare es. But now it has a huge range of
different product lines of chocolates, biscuits, a a, etc.
The essen al components of the product mix are Branding, Packaging, and
Branding: It is one of the most important components of product mix as a
marketer has to make an important decision on whether the product of the
firm will be marketed under its generic name or brand name. Here, the Generic
name means the name of the whole class of the firm’s product. For example,
laptop is a generic name but Dell, Acer, and Lenovo are brand names. Now, if a
marketer sells its products under a generic name say, laptop then it will be
difficult for the firm to sell the product and customers to differen ate between
different companies and buy the product. Therefore, it is essen al to provide a
brand name to the product, so that it can be differen ated from its
compe tors.
Packaging: The act of designing and producing the container and wrapper of a
product is known as packaging. It plays a very important role in today’s world
as packaging can be a reason for the success or failure of many products.
Appropriate containers and wrappers provide protec on and convenience in
handling the products. For example, juices, so drinks, etc., are packed in
containers, milk, oil, etc., are packed in tetra packs; heavy goods like electronic
appliances are packed in boxes, etc. Usually, three different levels of packaging
are found in products; viz., Primary Package, Secondary Package, and
Transporta on Packaging.
Labelling: Labelling is a component of the product mix in marke ng that
involves designing and preparing labels for the outermost part of the product
package which displays informa on and/or essen al characteris cs about the
Three func ons of labelling are as follows :
(i) Labelling iden fies the product : A label helps in popularising the
product and its brand name by specifying it in a unique design and
(ii) (ii) Labelling grades the product : Labelling suggests the quality of the
product and grades, in terms of the performance and u lity.
(iii) (iii) Labelling describes the product : A label introduces the product
by describing its name/brand, composi on/ingredients, features,
usage, approaches, expiry date, warnings, manufactured/registered
date, instruc ons on how product should be used etc.
Price is a very important component of the marketing mix
definition. The price of the product is basically the amount that
a customer pays for to enjoy it. Price is the most critical element
of a marketing plan because it dictates a company’s survival
and profit. Adjusting the price of the product, even a little bit has
a big impact on the entire marketing strategy as well as greatly
affecting the sales and demand of the product in the market.
Things to keep on mind while determining the cost of the
product are, the competitor’s price, list price, customer location,
discount, terms of sale, etc.
Place decision or distribution decisions are concerned with
decisions relating to the smooth flow of goods from the
producer to consumer and thereby create time, place and
possession utilities. Place decision include channel of
distribution decision and physical distribution decisions.
ii. Warehousing:
Since inventory has a cost and can affect the whole business,
decisions regarding it should be taken very carefully.
Inventory decisions are taken in light of various factors such
as mode of transportation, location of warehouse,
communication facilities available etc.
iv. Channel Level and Intermediaries:
Promotion is the fourth important element of marketing mix and
hence a part of marketing mix strategy. Promotion is that activity
which deals with the responsibility of informing and persuading
the customers about the product and creating an image about the
product in the minds of the customers.
i. Advertising: