MS For 2023 MJ v22
MS For 2023 MJ v22
MS For 2023 MJ v22
Question Answer Marks
Data Structures required names shown underlined must be used as given in the scenario
Arrays or lists Account, AccDetails
Variable Size, AccountNumber
Requirements (techniques)
R1 Check account number and password (iteration and validation, selection, input, output)
R2 Display menu and make a selection (output, input and selection)
R3 Perform actions selected (use of arrays and procedures with parameters)
12 Valid True
IF Valid
OUTPUT "1. display balance"
OUTPUT "2. withdraw money"
OUTPUT "3. deposit money"
OUTPUT "4. exit"
OUTPUT "please choose 1, 2, 3 or 4"
INPUT Choice
CASE OF Choice
1 : Balance(AccountNumber)
2 : Withdrawal(AccountNumber)
3 : Deposit(AccountNumber)
4 : Exit TRUE
OTHERWISE OUTPUT "Invalid choice"
UNTIL Choice = 4
OUTPUT "Invalid account number "
AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding of the principles and concepts of computer science to a given context, including the
analysis and design of computational or programming problems
At least one programming technique Some programming techniques used The range of programming techniques
has been used. are appropriate to the problem. used is appropriate to the problem.
Any use of selection, iteration, More than one technique seen applied All criteria stated for the scenario have
counting, totalling, input and output. to the scenario, check the list of been covered by the use of
techniques needed. appropriate programming techniques,
No creditable check the list of techniques needed.
Some data has been stored but not Some of the data structures chosen The data structures chosen are
appropriately. are appropriate and store some of the appropriate and store all the data
data required. required.
Any use of variables or arrays or other
language dependent data structures More than one data structure used to The data structures used store all the
e.g. Python lists. store data required by the scenario. data required by the scenario.
Program seen without relevant Program seen with some relevant The program has been fully
comments. comment(s). commented.
Some identifier names used are The majority of identifiers used are Suitable identifiers with names
appropriate. appropriately named. meaningful to their purpose have been
used throughout.
Some of the data structures used have Most of the data structures used have
meaningful names. meaningful names. All of the data structures used have
meaningful names.
The solution is illogical. The solution contains parts that may The program is in a logical order.
be illogical.
No creditable The solution is inaccurate in many The solution contains parts that are The solution is accurate.
response. places. inaccurate.
Solution logically performs all the tasks
Solution contains few lines of code Solution contains lines of code with given in the scenario. Ignore minor
with errors that attempt to perform a some errors that logically perform syntax errors.
task given in the scenario. tasks given in the scenario. Ignore
minor syntax errors.
The solution attempts at least one of The solution meets most of the The solution meets all the
the requirements. requirements. requirements given in the question.
Solution contains lines of code that Solution contains lines of code that Solution performs all the tasks given in
attempt at least one task given in the perform most tasks given in the the scenario.
scenario. scenario.