Precision Control of Single-Phase PWM Inverter Using M68HC11E Microcontroller
Precision Control of Single-Phase PWM Inverter Using M68HC11E Microcontroller
Precision Control of Single-Phase PWM Inverter Using M68HC11E Microcontroller
it becomes possible to use it to generate the variable frequency AC result of those efforts, AC motor drives are today a very
voltage to control the speed of the induction motor. interesting as an alternative to DC motor based systems.
This study investigates the microcontroller based variable
With the increasing demands for high-quality power
frequency power inverter. the microcontroller is provide the variable
frequency pulse width modulation (PWM) signal that control the sources, and reduction of harmonic distortion a PWM inverter
applied voltage on the gate drive, which is provides the required has been used as a key element for a high-performance power
PWM frequency with less harmonics at the output of the power conversion system for critical loads such as computers,
inverter. medical equipment and communication systems [2].
The fully controlled bridge voltage source inverter has been Microcontrollers and digital signal processors (DSP) have
implemented with semiconductors power devices isolated gate
been available in recent years; applications of advanced
bipolar transistor (IGBT), and the PWM technique has been
employed in this inverter to supply the motor with AC voltage. control techniques have been reported, many researchers
The proposed drive system for three & single phase power inverter developed the software for the control system, which
is simulated using Matlab/Simulink. The Matlab Simulation Results confirmed the high quality of the control based on
for the proposed system were achieved with different SPWM. From microcontroller techniques [3] and to provide additional real
the result a stable variable frequency inverter over wide range has time processing throughput in an inverter operation, these
been obtained and a good agreement has been found between the
features minimize the CPU's overhead in an interrupt intensive
simulation and hardware of a microcontroller based single phase
inverter. application [4].
Motorola MC68HC11 microcontroller has been chosen for
Keywords—Power, inverter, PWM, microcontroller. this implementation because it is easy to development,
instantly response, high performance, high speed and low-
I. INTRODUCTION power chip with multiplexed capable of running at up to 2
T HE variable frequency inverters are used in wide
applications especially three phase induction motor drive
traction and it is has a popular in many high power industrial
Traditionally, variable speed operation of a single phase
induction motor is suffer from large harmonic and limited
applications, such as speed and torque control. Single phase speed, therefore the system has been built using voltage
induction motor (SPIM), which has a common using in control method with semiconductors power devices IGBT and
residential applications, domestic such as dishwashers, cloth to avoid the large harmonics PWM techniques has been
dryers, fans, pumps, etc. ,when the SPIMs are preferred due implemented.
to the greater availability of single phase power supply. Also Simulation of a single phase and three phase variable
this system can be used in other application such as: electric frequency inverter, which has been constructed on
vehicle, variable speed equipment, and AC variable frequency matlab/simulink software to examine its capability to a chive
power source used in the laboratory, where there are many sinusoidal waveform with variable frequency to use as single
experiments require the use of different AC sources in terms phase and three phase variable frequency power supply.
of the voltage amplitude and frequency. Thus, it can be very The Matlab Simulation Results for the proposed system
useful in the laboratory for testing appliances, products, and were achieved with different PWM frequencies this system
equipment. It may also be helpful in an automated production can be considered as high power variable frequency voltage
line for checking the Device Under Test (DUT) in a specified source inverter, with fewer harmonics. From the result, a
operating range of voltage and frequency [1]. stable AC voltage with variable amplitude and variable
frequency over wide range has been obtained and a good
agreement has been found between the simulation and
hardware of a single phase inverter.
Khaled A. Madi is with Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Academy Tajoura, Tajoura, Tripoli, Libya (
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(4) 2013 486
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical and Information Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013
II. PAST WORKS to AC voltage with variable frequency to feed the motor under
Various convert topologies have been compared by Ba- control.
thunya et al [5], and he concluded that, among the converter The microcontroller has been programmed to vary the
topologies, the adjusted frequency PWM inverter is the best frequency of the PWM signal that controls the frequency of
choice for single phase induction motor drives. the voltage applied at the gate drives, and as a result of this;
Chomat and Lipo [6], considered a system connected to a we can control the frequency of the inverter.
single-phase supply, the output portion of the converter
consisting of two IGBT switches, generates a PWM output
supplying one or both stator windings of a single-phase
machine. The variable speed operation is characterized by the
fact that the both stator windings are fed from the inverter.
The phase shift between the currents in the main and auxiliary
windings of the machine is maintained by means of an AC
capacitor connected in series with the auxiliary winding. The
generation of the triggering pulses for the solid-state switches
and the state of the output relay are controlled by a single-chip
International Science Index, Electrical and Information Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical and Information Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013
B. Experimental Setup
In this study the full bridge rectifier has been used to
convert the AC supply to a DC voltage. A capacitor and an
inductor are connected to form a smoothing filter. The output
International Science Index, Electrical and Information Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013
0 .5 μ s
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical and Information Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013
The single phase and three phase variable frequency
inverter is simulated using Matlab/Simulink software. The
stable AC power source with variable amplitude and variable
frequency over wide range has been obtained.
The M68HC11E-9 microcontroller based single phase
variable frequency power inverter has been introduced and it
can be successfully achieved. The experiment results have
been obtained for the microcontroller, which offers reliable
and low-cost solutions for single phase variable frequency
inverter and good agreement was found between simulation
and hardware results.
In general, the AC-DC-AC conversion was successful, on
the other side, some overshoot were found due to suspected
Fig. 6 Firing signal for the single phase inverter causes such as the control algorithm used in the
microcontroller and harmonic content at the inverter output.
International Science Index, Electrical and Information Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013
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