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Machine learning enables noninvasive prediction of

atrial fibrillation driver location and acute pulmonary

vein ablation success using the 12-lead ECG
Giorgio Luongo, MSc,* Luca Azzolin, MSc,* Steffen Schuler, MSc,*
Massimo W. Rivolta, PhD,† Tiago P. Almeida, PhD,‡ Juan P. Martínez, PhD,x
Diogo C. Soriano, PhD,k Armin Luik, MD,{ Bj€
orn M€uller-Edenborn, MD,#
ossel, PhD,* Roberto Sassi, PhD,† Pablo Laguna, PhD,x
Amir Jadidi, MD,# Olaf D€
Axel Loewe, PhD*
From the *Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany,

a degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy, ‡Department of
Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit
Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom, xI3A, Universidad de
Zaragoza, and CIBER-BNN, Zaragoza, Spain, kEngineering, Modelling and Applied Social Sciences
Centre, ABC Federal University, S~ao Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, {Medizinische Klinik IV, St€adtisches
Klinikum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, and #Department of Electrophysiology,
University-Heart-Center Freiburg-Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen Campus, Bad Krozingen, Germany.

BACKGROUND Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common supra- classifier was tested on a clinical dataset (46 patients: 23 PV-
ventricular arrhythmia, characterized by disorganized atrial electri- dependent AF and 23 with additional extra-PV sources).
cal activity, maintained by localized arrhythmogenic atrial drivers.
Pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) allows to exclude PV-related drivers. RESULTS The classifier yielded 82.6% specificity and 73.9% sensi-
However, PVI is less effective in patients with additional extra-PV tivity for detecting PV drivers on the clinical data. Consistency analysis
arrhythmogenic drivers. on the 46 patients resulted in 93.5% results match. Applying PVI on the
simulated AF cases terminated AF in 100% of the cases in the PV class.
OBJECTIVES To discriminate whether AF drivers are located near
the PVs vs extra-PV regions using the noninvasive 12-lead electro- CONCLUSION Machine learning–based classification of 12-lead-
cardiogram (ECG) in a computational and clinical framework, and to ECG allows discrimination between patients with PV drivers vs those
computationally predict the acute success of PVI in these cohorts of with extra-PV drivers of AF. The novel algorithm may aid to identify
data. patients with high acute success rates to PVI.

METHODS AF drivers were induced in 2 computerized atrial models KEYWORDS Atrial fibrillation; Atrial ablation; Machine learning;
and combined with 8 torso models, resulting in 1128 12-lead ECGs Noninvasive; 12-lead electrocardiogram; Pulmonary vein isolation;
(80 ECGs with AF drivers located in the PVs and 1048 in extra-PV Cardiac simulations
areas). A total of 103 features were extracted from the signals. Bi- (Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal 2021;2:126–136) © 2021
nary decision tree classifier was trained on the simulated data and Heart Rhythm Society. This is an open access article under the CC
evaluated using hold-out cross-validation. The PVs were subse- BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-
quently isolated in the models to assess PVI success. Finally, the nd/4.0/).

Introduction Catheter ablation is a common nonpharmacological ther-

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained apy that aims to terminate AF, restoring sinus rhythm.9,10,1
arrhythmia in clinical practice and a leading cause of hospi- Typically, “triggers” that start AF and the “substrate” that
talization and death.1,2 Recent evidence from experimental supports perpetuation are targeted during ablation. Moreover,
and clinical studies suggests that AF may be maintained by Narayan and colleagues11 showed the importance of local-
localized AF drivers,3–5 which are organized reentrant izing and ablating rotors, focal source drivers, or organized
circuits (rotors)6,7 or focal sources8 that disorganize into AF. fibrillation sources to terminate the arrhythmia.11 However,
one of the major limitations of AF ablation is that the mech-
Address reprint requests and correspondence: Mr Giorgio Luongo, Fritz-
anisms that sustain AF are not easy to identify,1,12,13 in
Haber-Weg 1, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany. E-mail address: publications@ contrast to many other arrhythmias in which the perpetuating
ibt.kit.edu. mechanism is the primary target for ablation. The seminal

2666-6936/© 2021 Heart Rhythm Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cvdhj.2021.03.002
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Luongo et al AF Driver Localization Using the ECG 127

observations by Haissaguerre and colleagues10 revealed that atrial geometries were considered with and without fibrotic
AF triggers and sustaining mechanisms are often localized tissue. Transmural fibrotic tissue was modeled as 2 circular
around the pulmonary veins (PVs).10 Thus, pulmonary vein patches with a radius of 14 mm in which 50% of the elements
isolation (PVI) is established as the cornerstone of AF abla- were almost nonconductive (conductivity of 1027 S/m) to
tion,1 being highly effective in patients with triggers confined model the presence of scar tissue, and the other 50% included
to the PVs.10,9 Nevertheless, PVI results remain suboptimal ionic changes to represent the effect of cytokines (TGF-b1)
in the presence of extra-PV sources maintaining AF.1,14 Pre- as described by Roney and colleagues.24
procedural information regarding the confinement of the AF rotor episodes were induced using the phase singular-
driving mechanism to the PVs would be valuable for ity distribution method,25 which consists of placing phase
decision-making pro/contra ablation and procedure planning. singularities in the atria, estimating an activation time map
To date, the best available proxy to plan the ablation proced- by solving the Eikonal equation, and using this as an initial
ure is the classification of the arrhythmia into paroxysmal/ state for a monodomain simulation with openCARP.26,27 In
persistent AF.15 This classification, however, is based on addition, localized focal source episodes were induced by
observed AF episodes, and it might correlate poorly with 30 cm 2 current applied for 2 ms to a cubic region with edge

the actual AF burden—and, consequently, with the extension length of 3 mm centered around the stimulation point in
of substrate remodeling—in many patients.16 Moreover, in monodomain simulations. The focal source pacing cycle
the case of extra-PV drivers, a subsequent classification lengths were chosen in the 130–200 ms range following the
whether the left atrium (LA) or right atrium (RA) is respon- same distribution observed from the rotor cycle lengths.
sible could lead to prior planning regarding the need for trans- The phase singularities and the focal stimulation points
septal access or not. were placed in 300 uniformly distributed points in the atria,
Traditionally, invasive mapping approaches have been and 3 seconds of activation was computed (Figure 1A.1
applied to identify the location of AF drivers as targets for and 1B.1). The following cases were excluded for further
catheter ablation.17,18 In contrast, noninvasive methods (ie, analysis: (1) the single rotors were not maintained for the
the 12-lead electrocardiogram [ECG]) are mostly used for whole simulation time; and (2) the focal source episodes
the clinical and automatic detection of AF vs sinus rhythm19 induced reentry that led to the termination of the focal activ-
or other arrhythmia.20 The use of a noninvasive technique, ity. This led to a dataset of 141 biatrial simulations (10 sim-
such as the ECG, could help to guide ablation procedures ulations with the AF drivers located in the PVs; 131
by identifying the location of the AF drivers pre-procedure, simulations located in extra-PV areas, of which 106 were
and hence target more specific affected atrial regions for abla- in the RA and 25 in the LA). PV areas were defined as deter-
tion. mined by the semiautomatic algorithm used to compute the
In the present work, we sought to discriminate AF drivers fiber directions and anatomical labels22 (Figure 2A).
located near the PVs compared to extra-PV atrial sites based The monodomain simulations resulted in spatiotemporal
solely on the 12-lead ECG. Towards this end, we trained an transmembrane voltage distributions. The transmembrane
automatic machine learning classifier on data from computer voltage distributions were subsequently interpolated on a
simulations and evaluated its performance on clinical ECGs. coarser surface mesh with sufficient resolution for the calcu-
Moreover, we assessed the acute success of PVI in the in sil- lation of body surface potentials28 (z75,000 triangular ele-
ico cases to predict whether PVI in cases of AF drivers ments). Body surface potential maps (BSPMs) were
located near the PVs would be sufficient to terminate AF calculated for each AF episode using the boundary element
(ie, restoration of sinus rhythm, or AF conversion into atrial method.29 For each AF episode BSPMs were computed using
flutter). In this case, AF drivers identified in the PVs could be 8 different torso models (19,898 triangles on average) gener-
directly targeted for ablation without prior time-consuming ated from segmented magnetic resonance imaging data of
electroanatomic mapping. healthy male and female subjects (Figure 1A.2 and B.2).21
From the BSPM, the 12-lead ECG was extracted with 3-
second duration (Figure 1A.3 and 1B.3). The simulated
Methods 12-lead ECG signals contain only f-waves and no QRS-T
Simulation setup complexes, since the ventricles were not included in the sim-
A database of simulated AF scenarios driven by localized ro- ulations. A total of 1128 12-lead ECGs composed the final
tors and focal sources was computed on 2 volumetric biatrial dataset (80 ECGs with the AF drivers located in the PVs;
anatomies generated from segmented magnetic resonance 1048 ECGs located in extra-PV areas, of which 848 were
imaging data of healthy subjects (#3 and #5 from ref 21). in the RA and 200 in the LA).
The atrial geometries were modeled with z11 million tetra-
hedral elements with fiber direction computed by a semiauto-
matic rule-based algorithm.22 Cellular atrial Simulated ablation procedures
electrophysiology was represented by the Courtemanche- To assess the effect of PVI procedure on the mechanisms
Ramirez-Nattel model, including AF-induced remodeling23 driving AF, nonconducting scars were added circumferen-
in 5 regions with different conduction velocities21 to take tially around ipsilateral PVs in the simulations (Figure 3A).
into account heterogeneity and anisotropy in the atria. The PVI was applied after the initial 3 seconds of simulation.
128 Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, Vol 2, No 2, April 2021

Figure 1 A.1: Example of simulated atrial fibrillation (AF) driver located near the pulmonary veins (PVs). B.1: Example of simulated AF driver located in an
extra-PV region (right atrial appendage in this case). The red arrows show the AF driver position and propagation direction. A.2, B.2: Body surface potential maps
(BSPMs) on 1 magnetic resonance imaging–derived torso model. The torso potentials were obtained by solving the forward problem of electrocardiography from
the simulated transmembrane voltages on the atria. A.3, B.3: f-waves for leads I, II, and V1 from the 12-lead electrocardiogram signals extracted from the BSPMs.

After PVI, simulations were continued for another 1 second Feature extraction
to check for arrhythmia termination or a change on the One hundred and three features were extracted from the sig-
driving mechanisms (eg, conversion to atrial flutter). In the nals using several biosignal processing methods, such as
cases where PVI did not terminate AF, a roofline (RL) was Hjorth descriptors to analyze the spectral moments from
applied (Figure 3B). If the RL did not terminate the AF either, the time-domain signals30,31; recurrence quantification anal-
an additional ablation scar was applied between the mitral ysis (RQA) on the vectorcardiogram,32 spatial reduced
valve and the left PVI line (mitral isthmus [MI], RQA, and individual component RQA33 to analyze the topo-
Figure 3C). Prior to applying subsequent ablation lines, the logical structure of multidimensional dynamical systems;
simulations were always computed for 1 second to capture principal component analysis (PCA) eigenvalues to observe
any change of the arrhythmia dynamics. the variability shown by the principal components (PCs)

Figure 2 Example of the atrial regions used to define the classes in which the atrial fibrillation drivers are located. A: Pulmonary veins (PVs) (pink) and extra-
PV areas (blue) for binary classification. B: PVs (pink), extra-PV left atrium areas (blue), and right atrium (green) for 3-class classification.
Luongo et al AF Driver Localization Using the ECG 129

Figure 3 Scar lines were applied on the atrial models to simulate several ablation procedures. In the atrial model, the right endocardium is shown in white, the
left endocardium in red, both epicardia in blue, and the scar lines in cyan. A: Pulmonary vein isolation (PVI): Scars added circumferentially around ipsilateral PVs.
B: PVI1RL: Roofline scar added between the left PVI and the right PVI. C: PVI1RL1MI: Scar added between the left PVI and the mitral valve (mitral isthmus

over time and between them; ratio of the PCA eigenvalues to parameters, while the validation set was used for the greedy
increase and highlight the differences between the PCA ei- feature selection optimization. To reduce the random divi-
genvalues; and organization index and spectral entropy to sion’s influence, the process was repeated 100 times (training
study the variability and stability of these mechanisms in and validation sets were recalculated at each loop, while the
time and frequency domains.30,34,35 No features were derived test set was saved and kept the same for all experiments). The
for any single ECG leads to avoid an undesirable influence of classes have been balanced by setting the Prior model param-
atria orientation on the resulting calculated ECGs.36 Hence, eter in the MATLAB fitctree function to uniform. Sensitivity,
all features were averaged over the 12 leads or calculated specificity, and positive predictive value (PPV) were calcu-
over the PCs. A summary of the features and more informa- lated considering the PV class as positive and the extra-PV
tion regarding the feature extraction methods are provided in class as negative. Lastly, the classifier trained again with all
the Supplemental Material. the simulated data and the resulting feature set from the pre-
vious analysis was tested on the clinical dataset, which was
Feature selection not used during algorithm development.
Features were selected with a greedy forward selection tech- Second, binary classification using the same feature set
nique to implement a feature set. This algorithm started with extracted from the first approach was performed with
an empty feature set and added, in each iteration, the feature different cross-validation strategies: leave-one-atrium-out
that led to the highest classification performance increase as- (LOAO) and leave-one-torso-out (LOTO). These strategies
sessed using the geometric mean (G-mean) between sensi- were applied to verify that the atrial geometries did not
tivity and specificity of a decision tree classifier (more have a significant influence on the features extracted from
details about the implemented classifier are discussed in the the simulated signals.36 For LOAO, 1 atrial geometry was
following section). The algorithm stopped when performance used in the training set and the other atrial geometry was
based on the validation set could not be further increased. used in both the validation and the test set (50% of the
Candidate features with a correlation coefficient .0.6 with ECGs from this geometry in each set). This procedure was
any of the features already included in the set were not repeated twice to cover all permutations of validation and
considered. This correlation threshold was chosen as a test atrial geometry. The average G-mean of the 2 iterations
compromise between avoiding redundant information and al- was used as performance parameter. The same process was
lowing physiological explanation. applied for LOTO with 8 repetitions, since 8 torso geometries
were used in this study.
Finally, thanks to the ground truth given by the simula-
Machine learning classification tions, and to estimate how feasibly a machine learning
In this study, a decision tree classifier was implemented for
approach can discriminate the position of AF drivers, a clas-
binary classification (AF drivers located at the PVs vs
sifier was implemented for a 3-class classification. The 3 clas-
extra-PV drivers) owing to its simplicity and explainability
ses were defined as AF drivers located in the PVs, extra-PV
(similar results obtained with other machine learning algo-
LA areas, and RA areas. A new feature set was selected with
rithms for the binary classification are provided in the
the greedy technique similar to the first approach described in
Supplemental Material). The decision tree was trained and
this section, and hold-out cross-validation was used on the
applied using the MATLAB functions fitctree and predict,
simulated dataset. The classes have been balanced in a similar
manner to the binary classification.
First, a multifeature classification was performed with the
feature set selected as described in the paragraph on feature
selection. Hold-out cross-validation was performed
randomly, dividing the simulated dataset into a training set, Statistical analysis
validation set, and test set with a ratio of 70%, 15%, and Classifier performance was evaluated using the G-mean be-
15%, respectively. The training set was used to tune classifier tween sensitivity and specificity metric:
130 Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, Vol 2, No 2, April 2021

Table 1 Patient characteristics with univariate t test analysis between groups

All patients n546 Acute AF termination by PVI n523 No acute AF termination by PVI n523 P
Age (years) 64 (10.5) 64 (10.5) 64 (10.8) .966
Female sex 29 (63.0) 14 (60.9) 15 (65.2) .680
Body mass index (kg/m2) 28.1 (3.8) 28.1 (4.2) 28.3 (3.5) .907
Arterial hypertension 25 (54.3) 11 (47.8) 14 (60.9) .475
Prior stroke or TIA 7 (15.2) 5 (21.7) 2 (8.7) .203
Structural CMP 10 (21.7) 5 (21.7) 5 (21.7) .938
Coronary artery disease 9 (19.6) 3 (13.0) 6 (26.0) .307
Persistent atrial fibrillation 33 (71.7) 15 (65.2) 18 (78.3) .456
CHADS2-VASc score 2.0 (1.6) 2.3 (1.7) 1.7 (1.4) .217
Prior AA therapy 19 (41.3) 11 (47.83) 8 (34.8) .312
AA therapy on admission 23 (50.0) 11 (47.8) 12 (52.2) .887
Amiodarone 19 (41.3) 9 (39.1) 10 (43.5) .843
Flecainide 2 (4.3) 1 (4.3) 1 (4.3) .952
Sotalol 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) -
Dronedarione 1 (2.2) 0 (0.0) 1 (4.3) .334
Propafenone 1 (2.2) 0 (0.0) 1 (4.3) .334
LVEF (%) 57 (9) 59 (6) 54 (10) .062
LVEDD (mm) 50.1 (4.7) 49.2 (4.4) 52.7 (5.1) .127
LAD (mm) 44 (6) 52 (5) 46 (6) .052
Renal dysfunction 20 (43.5) 13 (59.1) 7 (30.4) .062
Values are given as mean (6 standard deviation) or number (%).
Multivariate analysis is detailed in Supplemental Material.
AA 5 antiarrhythmic; CMP 5 cardiomyopathies; LAD 5 left atrium dilatation; LVEDD 5 left ventricular end-diastolic diameter; LVEF 5 left ventricular ejec-
tion fraction; TIA 5 transient ischemic attack.

G 2 Mean5OSensitivity,Specificity (1) rhythm restoration or conversion to atrial flutter) during or

within 1 minute after completion of PVI (case group/PV
The G-mean metric strikes a balance for binary classifica- class, n 5 23). Patients meeting the above-mentioned criteria
tion performance on both the majority and minority classes.37 but without termination of AF during/immediately following
A low G-mean indicates a poor performance in the classifica- PVI were included as controls (control group/extra-PV class,
tion of the positive cases even if the negative cases are n 5 23).
correctly classified as such. As such, it can avoid overfitting A dataset of 46 clinical AF 12-lead ECGs was used to vali-
the negative class and underfitting the positive class and vice date the classifier, which was trained solely on synthetic data
versa. generated using the computational framework described
For the third classification approach, the G-mean metric above. Three-second clinical ECGs were collected intrapro-
was modified to make it suitable for 3-class classification: cedurally prior to PVI during ongoing AF. The signals
were notch filtered at 50 Hz and bandpass-filtered between
2 XK
G 2 Mean5 OSensitivityij ,Specificityij (2) 0.05 Hz and 100 Hz (examples of the 12-lead ECGs can be
K,ðK21Þ isj found in the Supplemental Material). The QRS-T complexes
were automatically removed and replaced by a sigmoid func-
with K being the number of classes, and i and j the classes tion to connect the remaining f-wave segments using an inter-
considered as positive and negative, respectively.38 polation method explained in Pilia and colleagues.39 All the
Patient characteristics were evaluated with the t test be- features extracted and selected from the simulated signals by
tween case and control groups (P values , .01 considered the feature selection algorithm were extracted from the clin-
significant; Table 1). Multivariate regression analysis was ical signals too. A second set of 3-second clinical 12-lead
performed on variables that differed between groups with a ECGs was collected from the same 46 patients during the
P value , .1 (Table 1) and our classifier. Age and sex were same procedure prior to PVI during ongoing AF. This ECG
included in the multivariate model for their clinical relevance. set was also provided to the classifier to check the consis-
tency of the classification.
Clinical data Patient information was de-identified and the study was
We retrospectively included a total of 46 consecutive patients exempt from Institutional Review Board approval.
(72% persistent AF, 70% male; Table 1) who presented be-
tween 2019 and 2020 with spontaneous AF (as baseline
rhythm) on admission day and during electrophysiology Results
study and who met the following criteria: first ablation for Patient characteristics
AF without any prior LA ablations (eg, Wolff-Parkinson- Patient characteristics with associated P values between case
White patients, etc were excluded) and AF termination (sinus and control groups are provided in Table 1.
Luongo et al AF Driver Localization Using the ECG 131

The multivariate regression analysis performed between can be seen in Figure 4A. All the selected features showed
the variables left ventricular ejection fraction, LA dilatation, a significant difference between the 2 classes. Extra informa-
renal dysfunction, sex, age, and our classifier showed that the tion regarding the extracted features and a feature importance
classifier is the only significant variable (P 5 .049, hazard ra- analysis are provided in the Supplemental Material.
tio 5 11.8), indicating that the classifier has added value The binary classifier achieved a G-mean of 85.3% 6 9.4%
beyond the routine clinical parameters for detecting patients on the in silico test set with a sensitivity of 95.5% 6 1.4% and
who require more than a “PVI-only” approach (the whole a specificity of 76.3% 6 13.1% on the simulated dataset (PV
multivariate regression analysis table is provided in the considered as the positive class). Classifiers trained using
Supplemental Material). the LOAO and LOTO strategies yielded test G-means of
84.3% 6 2.9% and 85.3% 6 3.7%, respectively.
Acute ablation outcome
The following results are summarized in Table 2. Virtual PVI
Three class localization: PV vs extra-PV LA vs RA
was applied in all 141 atrial simulated scenarios (Figure 3A).
The 3-class decision tree achieved 75.1% 6 9.9% test G-
In 13 cases, PVI had a consequence on the ongoing
mean with a feature set comprising, on average, 13 features.
arrhythmia; in 6 cases, the arrhythmia was terminated and si-
The most often selected features are shown in Figure 4B.
nus rhythm restored, whereas the remaining 7 cases con-
verted to different types of atrial flutter. These 13 cases
consisted of 10 simulations belonging to the PV class Performance on clinical ECGs
(100% of all scenarios in the PV class, including all 6 simu- The 11 features shown in Figure 4A were used to train the bi-
lations where PVI restored sinus rhythm) and 3 simulations nary classifier solely on the simulated data. The resulting
belonging to the extra-PV class LA (12.5% of the total classifier was subsequently evaluated on the 46 clinical
extra-PV LA simulations). ECGs acquired from 46 patients. On this unseen clinical data-
RL ablation was applied to the 135 simulations where PVI set, the classifier achieved 78.1% G-mean with a sensitivity
did not lead to sinus rhythm restoration (Figure 3B). The of 73.9%, a specificity of 82.6%, and PPV of 80.9%. On
additional RL terminated the arrhythmia in 2 cases that had the clinical dataset extracted for the consistency analysis,
converted to atrial flutter after PVI (1 case in PV class and the classifier achieved 71.7% G-mean with a sensitivity of
1 case in extra-PV LA). MI ablation was then applied to 69.6%, a specificity of 73.9%, and PPV of 72.7%. Only 3
the 133 simulations where PVI1RL did not restore sinus cases were classified differently compared to the test per-
rhythm (Figure 3C). PVI1RL1MI terminated the formed with the first set, reaching a matching rate of
arrhythmia in another 3 cases, all of which had become atrial 93.5%. Table 3 shows the confusion matrix obtained from
flutter after PVI (1 case in PV class, 2 cases in extra-PV LA). the decision tree classifier on the clinical ECGs (the confu-
sion matrix obtained on the “consistency” ECG dataset is
Binary classification on synthetic data provided in the Supplemental Material).
The decision tree for binary classification (AF drivers located
in the PVs vs extra-PV drivers) was repeated 100 times to
reduce the random division’s influence on the classifier per- Discussion
formance. Eleven is the number of features to which the Our results suggest that a noninvasive machine learning
greedy forward selection technique has reached the approach can discriminate the source area of the mechanisms
maximum G-mean, and therefore, it was used as the number sustaining AF, which could improve protocols for clinical
of features in the feature set. The 11 most frequently selected therapeutic decision-making and ablation procedure plan-
features in the 100 iterations were as follows: the recurrence ning.
rate extracted with individual component RQA from the sec- The 12-lead ECG is broadly used for cardiac diagnostics
ond and third PC of the 12-lead ECGs; the variance of the and to discriminate AF from other cardiac rhythms.20 How-
mobility; l7, l5, l12, sl5, and sl6; RPC; the recurrence rate ever, to the best of our knowledge, they have never been
extracted from the vectorcardiogram, and the organization in- used so far to infer AF driver positions, as opposed to inva-
dex averaged over the 12-lead ECG. The selected features sive intracardiac mapping, which is the most commonly
used approach.17,18
In the present work, we implemented a decision tree clas-
Table 2 Simulated atrial fibrillation episodes converted to sinus
sifier to discriminate the location of AF drivers by using only
rhythm or atrial flutter after stepwise ablation
the noninvasive ECG signals (similar results obtained with
Sinus rhythm/atrial flutter PVs Extra-PV LA RA other machine learning algorithms are provided in the
PVI 6/4 -/3 - Supplemental Material). An inside-out computational simu-
PVI success (%) 100% 12.5% 0% lation generated 12-lead ECGs from spatially distributed ro-
RL 1/- 1/- - tors and focal sources sustaining AF with different
MI 1/- 2/- - combinations of atrial and torso geometries. This provided
LA 5 left atrium; MI 5 mitral isthmus; PV 5 pulmonary vein; PVI 5 pul- an ideal and controlled environment to generate a consistent
monary vein isolation; RA 5 right atrium; RL 5 roofline. ground truth dataset of AF perpetuation mechanisms without
132 Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, Vol 2, No 2, April 2021

Figure 4 A: Histogram of the 11 most selected features in the 100 iterations of the binary hold-out cross-validation classification for atrial fibrillation (AF)
driver localization (pulmonary vein [PV] vs extra-PV). These 11 features were used as a feature set for the clinical test. B: Histogram of the 13 most selected
features in the 100 iterations of the 3-class hold-out cross-validation classification: PV vs extra-PV left atrial vs right atrial AF drivers.

the influence of secondary, or unknown, interfering phenom- proximity of the AF driving mechanisms to the PVs even if
ena. not labeled as belonging to the PV class. Therefore, the pro-
This study builds on our previous work30,40 and expands posed classifier could assist on clinical decision-making for
to different atrial geometries and different AF driving mech- the delineation of the optimum mapping and ablation strategy
anisms adding focal sources, and presents a first application according to patient-specific characteristics. For instance, if a
of the resulting classifier on clinical data. Moreover, an acute new case is identified as belonging to the PV class by our
ablation procedure outcome analysis was implemented in the classifier, the suggested procedure to treat the fibrillation
in silico cases. would be PVI. It could also be considered to use cryoabla-
tion, skipping the use of the time-consuming and costly elec-
troanatomical mapping step prior to PVI in these cases, as
Acute PVI success prediction identified by our novel ECG-based machine learning classi-
PVI is the most common AF ablation therapy1 owing to the fier. On the contrary, for the cases identified as extra-PV
often localized AF drivers in the PVs.10 Hence, we aimed class, PVI showed to be not effective to acute sinus rhythm
to identify the PV driving mechanisms using the 12-lead restoration or to atrial flutter conversion. Nevertheless, there
ECG. We also wanted to verify whether AF would be termi- are many studies that have certified the benevolent effects of
nated following PVI, or at least converted into more orga- performing PVI,41,42 even if it does not lead to an acute AF
nized rhythms that are often easier to treat, such as atrial termination. However, based on the indications of our classi-
flutter. fier, electrophysiologists would know a priori the need for
The results of applying PVI in silico (Table 2) help to subsequent ablation procedures in addition to PVI (thus a
illustrate the efficacy of this ablation procedure in cases patient-specific preparation of surgical instrumentation) to
where AF is driven by mechanisms located in the PVs. achieve acute AF termination.
Accordingly, 100% of the cases labeled as PV showed AF or- Finally, the clinical dataset was labeled using the acute
ganization: 6 terminated and 4 converted to atrial flutter. PVI success as decision parameter (ie, PVI-terminated AF
Interestingly, the extra-PV cases were not affected by the leads to PV class). The results regarding the PVI procedure
PVI, as expected: only 3 arrhythmias driven by extra-PV on our simulations support the perspective that the labeling
LA areas converted into atrial flutter, probably owing to the on the clinical dataset was properly performed, owing to
the obvious link between PV mechanisms and the success
Table 3 Clinical test set confusion matrix for pulmonary vein vs of PVI.
extra-pulmonary vein atrial fibrillation driver location classification
True class Acute RL and MI outcome prediction
In addition to PVI, 2 common post-PVI ablation lines were
PV Extra-PV
investigated: RL and MI (Figure 3B and 3C and Table 2).
Predicted class RL and MI led to the termination of atrial flutter resulting
PV 17 4 from PVI. However, the additional ablation created during
Extra-PV 6 19 RL and MI had no influence on acute AF mechanism termi-
PV 5 pulmonary vein. nation by PVI considered in this study, as suggested in
Luongo et al AF Driver Localization Using the ECG 133

previous work.43 Nevertheless, it is recognized that these classification, respectively. Both these parameters analyze
linear ablations can be effective to prevent some postablation the variability of PC 7 over time, but R7 emphasizes this vari-
atrial flutter (eg, perimitral atrial flutter) segmenting the atria ability more than l7 .
into isolated regions.44
AF driver localization
Previous works have considered ECGs to classify AF from
Feature sets
sinus rhythm,19,48 or to automatically diagnose multiple
Compelling results were reported previously for RQA ap-
types of abnormal heart beats.20,49 To the best of our knowl-
proaches and PCA eigenvalue ratios regarding the character-
edge, ours represents the first study to use the 12-lead ECG
ization and discrimination of different
directly for automatic and noninvasive discrimination of
arrhythmias.32,45,33,40,46 Indeed, RQA and the ratio of PCA
the location of AF drivers to guide clinical decision-making
eigenvalues were also key features for the binary classifica-
and procedure planning (electroanatomical mapping
tion implemented in this study. Nine of the 11 most selected
required? LA access required?).
features were obtained with RQA or ratios of PCA eigen-
The high performance on the simulated dataset achieved
values (Figure 4A), probably owing to their sensitivity in de-
for PV vs extra-PV AF driver classification with old-out
tecting changes in the dynamic behavior over time.47 We
cross-validation indicates the potential of using the features
observed that AF drivers located in the PVs produced a
extracted in this work to identify the location of the sustaining
more regular activity than the extra-PV cases (Figure 1A–
AF mechanism using only the noninvasive 12-lead ECG sig-
1B.3). In fact, in the simulated episodes, the irregular activity
nals. The classifier trained in the computational framework
driven by PV cases was limited to a small portion of tissue
was subsequently tested on a clinical dataset, each consisting
owing to the presence of anatomical obstacles (eg, the PV
of 12-lead ECGs acquired from 46 patients (23 labeled as PV
sleeves) that prevented the driving mechanisms from
class, and 23 as extra-PV class). The G-mean of 78.1%
meandering to the remaining parts of the atria. Therefore,
reached on the clinical test set suggests that such a noninva-
in the remaining atrial areas, the signal was propagated as
sive classification might provide valuable complementary in-
an organized single wavefront. Contrarily, AF driving mech-
formation in clinical practice. The specificity of 82.6% and
anisms located in extra-PV areas were free to meander
PPV of 80.9% indicate the algorithm’s robustness in identi-
throughout the tissue owing to the fewer anatomical con-
fying the extra-PV cases, suggesting that a PVI-only
straints, which yielded more irregular ECGs. The selected
approach (eg, using a cryoballoon) might not be sufficient
features succeeded in detecting these irregularities and differ-
in these patients to treat AF. Instead, physicians may choose
ences between classes. This information was also quantified
an ablation technology that is able to detect non-PV trigger
by the selected RQA and PCA eigenvalue ratio parameters,
(eg, electroanatomic mapping and additional extra-PVI ra-
resulting in significantly higher values for the PV and
diofrequency ablation). Also, the sensitivity of the classifier
extra-PV classes, respectively.
is comparably high (73.9%), indicating robustness of the
Regarding the 3-class classification, 7 out of the 13 most
classifier in identifying the cases where PVI is sufficient to
selected features (Figure 4B) were the same features selected
terminate or convert the arrhythmia (PV class). In these cases,
for the binary classification (Figure 4A). This supports the
direct cryoablation without prior mapping might suffice to
considerations about the higher regularity of the signals pro-
treat the patient. In addition, the consistency test performed
duced by the PV cases compared to the extra-PV cases. The
on the ECG set of clinical data extracted from the same pa-
PV cases have been shown more regular than the extra-PV
tients confirmed the nonrandomness of the classification im-
LA, and even more regular than the RA cases owing to fewer
plemented in this project, matching 93.5% of the results
anatomical constraints starting from the PV cases and ending
between the 2 sets (only 3 more cases were misclassified in
with the RA cases. These observations corroborate our previ-
the second analysis than in the first one, 2 belonging to the
ous studies.30,40 Some of the features are different between
PV class and 1 to the extra-PV class).
the 2 sets, and more features are required to solve the 3-
The 3-class classifier demonstrated the potential of this
class classification, since this represents a consecutive
machine learning approach to identify the atrial position of
approach more complex than the binary one. Therefore,
the mechanisms sustaining AF even more deeply. The G-
different information may be required to perform this
mean metric was only slightly lower than the binary classifi-
discrimination task. Accordingly, more features were needed
cation G-mean (75.1% vs 85.3%). The 3-class approach
to characterize the increasingly irregular activity generated
could provide important information regarding the need to
by the 3 classes, starting from the PVs class up to the RA
perform a transseptal access to the LA during the electro-
class. This was the case with sOI and SE, which showed
physiologic study or whether catheter access to the RA
significantly lower and higher values from class PVs to class
should suffice.
RA, respectively. However, some features differing between
the 2 classification approaches did indeed measure similar
characteristics of the signal (and were very correlated), so Influence of torso and atrial geometries
they could be interchangeable, ie, the average eigenvalue From the literature, it is known that the atrial models used to
l7 and the average ratio R7 from the 3-class and binary generate ECG signals can have a strong influence on the
134 Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, Vol 2, No 2, April 2021

signals themselves, likely introducing a bias in machine follow-up study, the predictive power of the classifier should
learning approaches based on simulated training data.36 be tested regarding recurrence of AF after PVI (long-term
Such anatomical bias can lead to a misclassification of the PVI outcome).
signals generated from unseen atrial geometries. Therefore,
in the present study, we focused on features that are not prone Conclusion
to be affected by the specific torso and atria models used to The results presented in this study show that (1) a machine
simulate the AF mechanisms. We used a multi-lead feature- learning classifier to distinguish between AF drivers located
extraction approach to avoid focusing on a single lead, ie, a in the PVs vs in other atrial regions is feasible (82.6% spec-
specific projection of cardiac activity, which could be ificity, 73.9% sensitivity on a clinical dataset using 12-lead
strongly influenced by atrial geometry and orientation. As ECG; 93.5% of results matching on a set of different ECG
such, it is easier for the multi-lead approach to generalize segments extracted from the same 46 patients for a consis-
well. The LOAO and LOTO analyses confirmed the good tency analysis); (2) classifiers trained on simulated data for
generalization properties of our classifier regarding unseen which the ground truth is known can generalize well to un-
atrial and torso models. seen clinical data; (3) AF drivers identified in the PVs could
be considered to be treated with cryoballoon PVI without
prior time-consuming and costly electroanatomic mapping;
Limitations (4) AF drivers identified in extra-PV areas using the ECG
The simulated AF drivers used to train the machine learning are unlikely to terminate or convert upon PVI. Prospective
classifiers in this study are limited to stable long-standing ro- studies are needed to confirm points 3 and 4.
tors and focal sources. Thus, the classifier was not specif- As such, a machine learning–based classifier leveraging
ically trained to localize other drivers such as multi-wavelet the routinely available noninvasive ECG signal could prove
reentry,50,51 meandering rotors,52 or intramural reentry.53 to be valuable for clinical decision-making and increase
Moreover, in silico analysis of acute PVI success in this study personalization of therapy.
may not lead to the same results in clinical practice because of
the presence of remodeled tissue. Nevertheless, the perfor-
mance on the clinical data containing in vivo AF drivers Acknowledgements
was not markedly lower as on the synthetic dataset. The authors thank Deborah Nairn and Laura Unger for their
The AF episodes were simulated with atria-only models valuable suggestions.
without the ventricles. Thus, the QRS-T complex was absent
from our simulated signals. Nevertheless, the removal of Funding Sources
QRS-T complex and its replacement with a sigmoid function, This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon
as done here, or other forms of QRS-T cancellation54 has 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie
proven to robustly extract the f-wave component from the Sklodowska-Curie grant (agreement No.766082, MY-
clinical 12-lead ECG, so that the signals can be analyzed ATRIA project), by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
by our classifier without relevant disturbance from ventricle (DFG) through DO637/22-3, by the Spanish Research
activity. Further refinements of the synthetic dataset could Agency through PID2019-104881RB-I00 and PID2019-
focus on including heterogeneous atrial wall thickness55,56 105674RB-I00, by European Social Fund (EU) and Aragón
or extending the dataset to cover even more anatomical torso, Government through BSICoS group T39 20R, and by the
atrial,57 and conduction velocity variability. British Heart Foundation (PG/18/33/33780 and Research
Three-second-long signals were simulated and used to Accelerator Award). We acknowledge support by the state
train the classifier implemented in this study for computa- of Baden-W€urttemberg through bwHPC. We acknowledge
tional limitations. As an outlook, a test of the classifier with support by the KIT-Publication Fund of the Karlsruhe Insti-
clinical signals of a longer length could be performed to tute of Technology. The funders were not involved in the
verify the robustness of the classifier. design and execution of this study.
A decision tree was chosen as a machine learning classi-
fier for its simplicity. However, other classification algo- Disclosures
rithms could be optimized and tested to investigate more The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
robust methods (eg, support vector machines or artificial neu-
ral networks; Supplemental Material).
To strengthen the statistical power, the classifier could be Ethics Statement
prospectively applied on further clinical data. Clinical signal The authors designed the study and gathered and analyzed
labeling (PV and extra-PV classes) was done retrospectively the data according to the Helsinki Declaration guidelines
at acute PVI success (termination of AF or conversion to on human research. The research protocol used in this study
atrial flutter). Nevertheless, there is no exact information was reviewed and approved by the institutional review board.
about the AF driver mechanisms and their positions. There-
fore, the ground truth of the clinical dataset between the Patient Consent
extra-PV LA and RA classes could not be labeled. In a All patients provided written informed consent.
Luongo et al AF Driver Localization Using the ECG 135

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