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Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial Upgrading: Automotive Sectors in Malaysia, Thailand, and China in Comparison With Korea

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The European Journal of Development Research (2021) 33:275–303



Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial

Upgrading: Automotive Sectors in Malaysia, Thailand,
and China in Comparison with Korea

Keun Lee1,2 · Di Qu1,2 · Zhuqing Mao3

Accepted: 5 December 2020 / Published online: 12 January 2021

© European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) 2021

This study compares the evolution of automotive sectors in Malaysia, Thailand, and
China with that of Korea by focusing on industrial policy, particularly local con-
tent requirements (LCRs) and global value chains (GVCs). Although LCRs show
common effects of increasing the localization ratio to a certain degree, the eventual
development paths of automotive sectors diverge in the three countries. In terms of
three measures of upgrading in GVC, namely, the share of domestic (or foreign)
value-added in their exports, export orientation (re-exported intermediate imports),
and international competitiveness of their intermediate parts (domestic value-added
embodied in foreign exports), China is the most successful (highest in two meas-
ures), followed by Thailand with strong export orientation, and with Malaysia being
the least successful. Such divergent outcomes in three countries are explained in
terms of three key factors, namely, local ownership, disciplines from market com-
petition, and firm-level effort and strategies. Given the monopoly by national brand
makers, Malaysia lacks discipline from market competition, whereas Thailand lacks
local ownership and consistency in promoting domestic value-added. China is nei-
ther a national monopoly nor dominated by foreign joint ventures, but a strong entry
by locally owned firms result in fierce market competition. In addition, Chinese
firms attempt to build their technological capabilities and localize the production of
key parts and components.

Keywords Global value chain (GVC) · Industrial policy · China · Korea · Malaysia ·
Thailand · Auto industry

Cette étude compare l’évolution du secteur automobile en Corée avec celui de la
Malaisie, de la Thaïlande et de la Chine en se concentrant sur la politique industri-
elle, en particulier sur les exigences de contenu local (ECL) et les chaînes de valeur

* Zhuqing Mao
Extended author information available on the last page of the article

276 K. Lee et al.

mondiales (CVM). Bien que, dans une certaine mesure, les ECL montrent des effets
communs en terme d’augmentation du taux de localisation, en bout de compte, les
trajectoires de développement des secteurs automobiles divergent dans les trois pays.
Si l’on considère trois mesures permettant l’amélioration des CVM, à savoir la part
de la valeur ajoutée nationale (ou étrangère) dans leurs exportations, l’orientation
des exportations (importations intermédiaires réexportées) et la compétitivité inter-
nationale de leurs parties intermédiaires (valeur ajoutée intérieure intégrée dans les
exportations étrangères), la Chine est la plus performante (elle l’emporte sur deux
des mesures), suivie de la Thaïlande qui est fortement orientée vers l’exportation,
et la Malaisie est la moins performante. Des résultats si divergents dans trois pays
s’expliquent par trois facteurs clés, à savoir l’appropriation locale, la discipline face
à la concurrence sur le marché et les efforts et stratégies au niveau des entreprises.
Compte tenu du monopole exercé par les fabricants de marques nationales, la Malai-
sie manque de discipline face à la concurrence sur le marché, tandis que la Thaïlande
manque d’appropriation locale et de cohérence dans la promotion de la valeur ajoutée
nationale. La Chine n’est ni un monopole national ni dominé par des entreprises com-
munes (joint venture) étrangères, mais l’importante entrée sur le marché d’entreprises
locales entraîne une concurrence féroce. En outre, les entreprises chinoises tentent de
renforcer leurs capacités technologiques et de localiser la production de pièces et de
composants clés.

JEL classification F23 · O14 · O24 · O25 · O38 · L62


Firms from latecomer economies are often characterized as “resource-poor and late
entrants” (Mathews 2002). Given their late entry into the international division of
labor, latecomer economies have limited choices and inherited certain segments,
typically low ends, from firms in advanced economies, in the form of subcontracting
original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or subsidiaries of foreign multinational
corporations (MNCs; Amsden 1989; Hobday 1994). Thus, the path from OEM to
original brand manufacturer (OBM) via original design manufacturer (ODM) has
become the standard upgrading process for latecomer firms.1 However, the even-
tual transition or upgrade to the OBM stage is quite rare (Lee et al. 2018). As such,
merely joining global value chains (GVCs) in the form of OEM or foreign direct
investment (FDI) may not guarantee an upgrade into higher value-added segments.
The optimistic view, such as that of Baldwin (2016), is that this inclusion helps in
the industrialization of latecomer economies without the need to build entire value

According to Hobday (1994), OEM is a specific form of subcontracting under which a complete, fin-
ished product is made to fit exact buyer specifications. Several OEMs evolve into ODM firms, which
perform most of the detailed product design. The final mode is the OBM in which firms are responsible
for all functions, including design of new products, R&D for materials, production, and sales and distri-
bution for their own brand.
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 277

chains.2 By contrast, the pessimistic view indicates the possibility of the OEM trap
in only performing low value-added activities without value upgrading (Lee and
Mathews 2012).
These contrasting views imply that the key issues are learning and building local
capabilities after joining the GVC (Lee et al. 2018). Thus, industrial policies are
pursued to upgrade local industries to achieve a higher degree of competitiveness in
global markets. One of the most typical industrial policies that promote the growth
of infant industries or at least create a “level playing field” for domestic firms is
local content requirements (LCRs; Belderbos and Sleuwaegen 1997). With this pol-
icy, manufacturers are required to use domestically manufactured goods or services
provided by local suppliers in their production process to enable more domestic
jobs, value-added segments, and eventual upgrading of industries. These local sup-
pliers may either be domestic or localized foreign-owned firms (Kuntze and Moer-
enhout 2012). However, the effectiveness of industrial policies has been questioned
for years, as different countries and sectors show varying results, whereas a few
countries, such as China and Korea, achieve success (Lee 2013).
In China’s wind turbine industry, foreign firms dominated and captured nearly
the entire market before the implementation of LCRs in 2000 (He 2016). This domi-
nance changed dramatically after the launch of a series of policies supporting wind
power manufacturing, including LCRs. By 2009, almost 90% of the market thus
became occupied by domestic firms. China not only increased the local produc-
tion of wind turbines but also supported its own brand during the development of
the wind turbine industry. A similar success was achieved in the automotive sector,
which features fierce competition among foreign joint ventures (JVs) and indigenous
makers, with the market shares of the latter rising since the 2000s (Hu 2009; Chu
2011). China soon became the world’s largest producer with an annual production of
over 20 million.
Thailand and Malaysia attempted to promote their automotive industries using
various tools of industrial policy but achieved mixed success or failure. Baldwin
(2016, pp. 250–254) observed that different from the failed “build strategy” in
Malaysia, a successful case is the “join strategy” of the automotive sector in Thai-
land, wherein Japanese firms established Thai factories that focused on the assembly
and promotion of Thai component suppliers under LCRs. One of the key points for
such success was the firms’ focus on a particular market segment (e.g., light pickup
trucks and vans) to achieve sufficient economy of scale at a minimum cost for inter-
national competitiveness rather than attempt to produce a whole range of models
(Baldwin 2016).
Given this literature review, a comparison of Malaysia, Thailand, and China
would be of interest because they all attempted to implement LCRs in their auto-
motive sectors before they joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) and can-
celled the policy, resulting in divergent outcomes. Although Thailand has become

The main point is that building an entire value chain in a latecomer economy is highly difficult and
risky, and such activity does not provide sufficient economy of scale required to achieve cost competi-
tiveness due to limited market size (as in the case of Proton in Malaysia).
278 K. Lee et al.

the largest exporter of automotive among ASEAN countries (Tai and Ku 2013),
the amount of domestic value-added generated is unclear, given the dominance of
MNCs. This question can be answered by examining several GVC indicators, which
will be discussed in “Dynamic Patterns of Linkages and Upgrading in GVCs” sec-
tion. Thailand has only gained mixed success in its share of domestic value-added in
gross exports, whereas it has been more successful in exports. By contrast, the ques-
tion for Malaysia is why locally owned makers, such as Proton, have captured the
market in their initial stage but could not maintain that advantage, failing to increase
not only the domestic value-added but also the export orientation. The final question
is how China has upgraded its automotive sector with domestic value-added increas-
ing remarkably over time.
In this paper, “Industrial Policy in Malaysia, Thailand, and China” section pro-
vides an overview of the auto industries in Malaysia, Thailand, and China, focusing
on the LCR policy. “Dynamic Patterns of Linkages and Upgrading in GVCs” sec-
tion investigates the performance of these automotive sectors and compares them
with that of Korea in terms of the degree of upgrades in GVCs using the measures
of backward and forward linkages, including the share of domestic value-added in
gross exports. “Explaining the Divergence in Terms of the Three Factors” section
explains various performance outcomes in terms of three key explanatory factors
namely, local ownership, disciplines from market competition, and firm-level effort
and strategies to build technological capabilities. “Summary and Conclusion” sec-
tion presents the summary and concluding remarks.

Industrial Policy in Malaysia, Thailand, and China

Malaysia, Thailand, and China all desired to promote their automotive industries,
which are usually regarded as an important industry with strong backward and for-
ward linkages. However, these countries are considered latecomers, given that their
automotive sectors started in the post-war period or even the 1960s. As such, these
countries have to rely on foreign technology by either importing licensed technology
or joining GVCs. Although all of them use LCRs to increase local value-added, their
actual growth paths have diverged.
Malaysia has focused on establishing a local brand and is the only one that owned
its national brand in the ASEAN. The first Malaysian car—Proton—has success-
fully occupied the domestic market. However, the brand failed to compete in the
international market. Thailand has approximately 14 automakers, but all of them are
majority-owned by foreign companies. Thailand has become the largest exporter
among ASEAN countries and highly liberalized and competitive markets due to for-
eign makers’ participation. By contrast, the automotive sector in China now features
fierce competition among foreign JVs and indigenous makers, despite the initial
dominance of the former, including the one with Volkswagen (Chu 2011). Indig-
enous makers, such as Chery and Geely, entered the market after China joined the
WTO and rapidly captured market shares in the 2000s (Hu 2009; Lee et al. 2016).
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 279

Table 1  LCR ratios in the Passenger vehicles Commercial vehicles

Malaysian automotive industry
1850 cc or less 1850–2850 cc 2.5 tons or less

1992 30% 20% 20%

1993 40% 30% 30%
1994 50% 35% 35%
1995 55% 40% 40%
1996 60% 45% 45%

Source Fujita (1998)

LCRs in the Malaysian Automotive Industry

In the 1960s, the Malaysian government targeted industrial development through

import substitution; thus, its automotive industry expanded rapidly (Athukorala
2017). The government encouraged assembly factories and suppliers of components
and parts for assembled cars, and approved 6 assembly plants in 1967; by 1980,
this number increased to 11 (Athukorala 2017; Wad and Govindaraju 2011). Mean-
while, protective tariffs were imposed on completely built-up (CBU) and completely
knocked down (CKD) units.3 However, the local content ratio of locally assembled
cars were less than 10% (Athukorala 2017). Therefore, in the early 1970s, the gov-
ernment recommended the local content ratio to reach 40% and implemented a pol-
icy to reach at least 35% by 1982 (Wad and Govindaraju 2011; Lim and Onn 1983).
To achieve this, the government created a “mandatory deletion program” to remove
certain components from import approval lists and protect local component manu-
facturers (Athukorala 2017). Finally, Malaysia established two national car brands,
Proton and Perodua, through the “National Car Project” (Athukorala 2017; Wad and
Govindaraju 2011; Fujita 1998).
Following the LCR policy, the LCR ratios had annually increased since the
1990s, as shown in Table 1. In 1992, the rate was only 30% in the case of 1850 c­ m3
or smaller-sized passenger vehicles (PVs), 20% in the 1850–2850 c­ m3-sized PVs,
and 20% in the case of commercial vehicles (CVs) no larger than 2.5 ton. In 1996,
the rates then rose to 60% in small passenger cars and 45% in large passenger cars
and CVs. However, the LCRs were abolished when Malaysia joined the WTO in
2004 (Wad 2009). The actual localization has reached over 70% in the cases of Pro-
ton-branded cars before the LCRs were abolished (Simpson et al. 1998).4

CBU and CKD tariff rate ranges were 30–80% and 20–30%, respectively, in 1966 (Bower 1991).
Local content ratio or localization rate is defined as the percentage of the value of domestically pro-
duced parts or components in the value of finished products (Thuy 2008).
280 K. Lee et al.

Table 2  LCR ratios in the Thai Passenger vehicles Commercial vehicles

automotive industry
1975 25% 20%
1980 35% 20%
1981 40% 25%
1982 45% 30%
1983 45% 35%
1984 50% 40%
1987 54% 51%
1994 54% 72% (Diesel engine)
60% (Gasoline engine)

Source Natsuda and Thoburn (2013) and Fujita (1998)

LCRs in the Thai Automotive Industry

The automotive industry in Thailand started in the 1960s, while LCRs were initiated
in 1975. In the first 2 years of its implementation, the effect of the LCR policy was
undermined by the large number of imported CBU automobiles. Moreover, massive
imports resulted in increasing trade deficits (Natsuda and Thouburn 2013; Fujita
1998). To raise the effects of LCRs and decrease the trade deficits, the Thai govern-
ment announced protective policies that banned CBU imports and increased the tar-
iff ratio on CKD (Natsuda and Thouburn 2013; Fujita 1998; Tai and Ku 2013). Fur-
thermore, a “mandatory deletion” scheme was imposed in conjunction with LCRs to
forbid foreign manufacturers to add contents in their imported CKD kits and stimu-
late the local production of components, such as brake drums and exhaust systems
(Natsuda and Thouburn 2013). Meanwhile, assemblers were mandated to use locally
produced engines on their pick-up trucks (Natsuda and Thouburn 2013).
The LCR ratio has gradually increased since 1975, as shown in Table 2. The
ratios were initially low at 25% for PVs and 20% for CVs. In 1994, the LCR ratio
increased to 54% for PVs and over 60% for CVs. The actual localization ratio
reached over 70% in 1999 for certain special vehicles, such as the Soluna model,
pick-up trucks, and the Hilux model produced by Toyota. However, LCRs were
abolished when Thailand joined the WTO in 2000.

LCRs in the Chinese Automotive Industry

The implementation of the “Interim Regulations on the use of Tax Incentives to Pro-
mote the Localization of Small Cars” (“Tax Regulations”) opened the gate for LCRs in
China in 1990 (Song and Wang 2013). The state council also announced the “Automo-
tive industry Policy” in 1994 and then the “Interim Provisions on the Use of Tariffs to
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 281

Table 3  Localization rate of leading automotive manufacturers in China (2011)

Guangqi- Toyota Shanghai- FAW-Volk- Nissan Dongfeng- Beijing-
Honda Volkswa- swagen Hoda Hyundai

Model Accord Corolla Lavida Audi TIIDA CIVIC ELANTRA​

Rate (%) 90 80 95 90 60 72 91

Source Song and Wang (2013)

Promote the Localization of Light Passenger Cars” in 1997. An important part of LCRs
in China is its scheme with detailed linkages to import tariffs. The basic idea is that a
higher rate of localization is associated with a lower import tariff, and vice versa. The
details of the tariff and added-value tax for the various levels of localization can be
found in the “Tax Regulations” and other supplementary LCR documents.
Tariff rates imposed for imported parts and components of units with localization
rates between 40% and 60% was 75%, but only 60% for those with 60%–80% localiza-
tion. If the localization rate exceeded 80%, then tariffs were reduced to 40%. Further-
more, such tax preference was guaranteed only when the annual growth of the localiza-
tion rate was higher than 20% during the initial 3 years. An important graduation clause
was included, that is, a total period of the preferred tariff treatment may not be over
10 years.
The LCRs were also abolished when China joined the WTO in 2001. The WTO
entry resulted in double shocks on local component manufacturers from the intrusion
of foreign manufacturers and the elimination of protection policy. Hence, the general
administration issued the “Measures for the Administration of Import of Automobile
Components and Parts Featuring Complete Vehicles” in 2005 as a buffer for local com-
ponent manufacturers, such as tariffs on imported parts and components on CBU basis.
Table 3 shows the actual localization rates in leading automotive manufacturers in
China 10 years after the elimination of the LCR policy. The rates were all higher than
80% in 2011, except for TIIDA of Nissan and CIVIC of Dongfeng Honda. The highest
localization rate was 95%, which was achieved by Lavida of Shanghai Volkswagen.

Dynamic Patterns of Linkages and Upgrading in GVCs

The preceding section has indicated that Malaysia, Thailand, and China imple-
mented LCRs and achieved a certain degree of localization until they all abol-
ished LCRs after joining the WTO. The current section examines the eventual
course of development centered around the time when these countries removed
LCRs, focusing on upgrading to GVC.
In GVCs, the various stages of the production process, such as design, R&D,
assembly, and marketing, are located across different countries. For latecom-
ers, GVC offers opportunities to join the global production network by special-
izing in specific segments, hoping to gradually upgrade into high-end segments.
282 K. Lee et al.

Humphrey and Schmitz (2002) presented four types of upgrading in GVCs: pro-
cess, product, functional, and inter-sectoral upgrading. Latin America’s experi-
ences show that functional and intersectoral upgrading are rare (Giuliani et al.
2005). This phenomenon is due to the fact that although GVCs provide oppor-
tunities to learn knowledge from foreign firms, the core knowledge would be
prevented from foreign firms, and local firms remain trapped in low value-added
activities (Dünhaupt and Herr 2020). However, these rare upgrading types are
found in Korea (Lee and Mathews 2012; Lee et al. 2018).
Therefore, analyzing and comparing the experiences of Korea with other
countries is of particular interest. Motivated by the Korean experience, Lee et al.
(2018) introduced the “in-out-in again” pattern in terms of the changing degree
of participation in GVCs. The idea is that at the initial stage of growth by a late-
comer, increased participation in GVC is necessary to learn foreign knowledge
and production skills. In the functional upgrade at the middle-income stage, effort
must shift to seek separation and independence from existing foreign-dominated
GVCs to increase domestic value-added. Finally, after establishing their local
value chains, latecomer firms and economies may have to seek reintegration into
the GVC. In this dynamic pattern, the important stage is the declining period of
GVC participation to increase domestic value-added, implying the occurrence of
In this study, three measures, two of backward linkages and one of forward
linkage, are used to determine GVC participation and upgrading (OECD 2017;
Banga 2013; Koopman et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2013). The first measure refers to
the share of foreign value-added (FVA) embodied in the gross exports of a coun-
try. The inverse of FVA serves as a measure of upgrading in terms of increasing
the domestic value-added, because the higher this value is, the lower the share
of domestic value-added will be. Second, the share of re-exported intermediate
imports (REII) in the total intermediate imports of a country serves as a meas-
ure of export-orientation or upgrading in export competitiveness. Finally, meas-
ures of forward linkages, namely, the share of domestic value-added embodied
in foreign exports as a share of the gross exports of a foreign country (herein,
DVAFXSH) serves as a measure of upgrading capabilities and competitiveness of
intermediate goods (parts and components); higher values of this ratio indicates
higher competitiveness of a country’s intermediate parts and components in inter-
national markets.
In this study, these measures are further explained using examples of the auto-
motive sectors in Korea, which is a benchmark case of successful upgrading and
globalization. Then, the same measures for the automotive sectors in Malaysia,
Thailand, and China are investigated for comparison with the Korean benchmark.

Dynamic Patterns of Linkages and Upgrading in GVCs: Automotive Sector

in Korea

Korea is one of the four Asian tigers, which have shown a rapid development in per
capita income and manufacturing value-added. Its automotive industry is one of the
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 283


Foreign value added share of gross exports


KOR: Korea

Fig. 1  FVA (share of foreign value-added in exports) of the transport sector in Korea. Source: Authors’
estimation using the Input–Output table data of Korea 1975–1993; 1995–2011 data are from TiVA 2016
and 2012–2016 data are from TiVA 2018

leading sectors of economic development, with Hyundai Motors as a representative

firm that was established in 1968 and highly globalized in production and market-
ing. The following is an analysis of the trend of GVC participation in the Korean
automotive industry, which indicates the degree of upgrading and globalization.
First, FVA is a typical backward linkage of GVCs that indicates the extent to
which domestic firms use foreign-imported intermediates for export activities
(OECD 2017, p. 8). A high FVA indicates high GVC participation, and a low level
of local value-added is thus created. Figure 1 shows the FVA trends on the transport
sector in Korea. A long period of FVA decline was observed from the late 1970s to
the early 1990s; this phenomenon indicated that Korean automotive firms increased
domestic value-added by localizing formerly imported parts and supplies, including
engines and transmissions (Lee and Lim 2001). From the mid-1990s, the FVA has
begun to re-increase as Korean firms establish assembly factories abroad in response
to the rising wage rates in the country. Overall, this long-term trend is consistent
with the in–out–in again hypothesis, or at least the out-in again parts of Lee et al.
Second, REII refers to the imported intermediate goods that are used as inputs
into production processes in a country and then re-exported as a part of the value
of the assembled products to other countries. REII is another measure of the back-
ward linkages in GVC; it examines the import side of international trade, whereas
FVA examines the export side. If industrial policies, such as LCRs for export pro-
motion, succeed, then REII shows an increasing trend (Banga 2013). By contrast,
REII remains low if the imported intermediate goods are used for assembled cars for
domestic markets. Thus, a high REII indicates that the final products embodying the
imported intermediates are sold more to the international market than to the domes-
tic market.
284 K. Lee et al.

Re-exported intermediate imports as % of



intermediate imports





KOR: Korea

Fig. 2  REII of the transport sector in Korea. Source: Authors’ estimation using the Input–Output table
data of Korea 1975–1993; 1995–2011 data are from TiVA 2016 and 2012–2016 data are from TiVA

Figure 2 shows that the REII of the Korean transport sector is initially low in the
mid-1970s but started to increase because of the establishment of Hyundai, which
attempted to export their products. A period of decline was observed when Hyun-
dai experienced troubles in the American market. Eventually, the rate had displayed
an increasing trend since the 1990s when Hyundai localized the formerly imported
engines and gained export competitiveness in the American market. Eventually, this
ratio of REII increased from 15% to over 55%, which reflected the rapid growth of
car exports by Korean makers. Korea became the world’s fourth largest automotive
producer by the end of the 1990s (Ravenhill 2003).
Third, the DVAFXSH captures domestic value-added that goes into other coun-
tries’ gross exports, measured as a share of a country’s gross exports (Banga 2013).
For example, Korean-made parts may be exported and used in car assembly produc-
tion in China, which may target a third-world country market. Thus, the DVAFXSH
is a measure of the forward linkages of GVC. A high DVAFXSH indicates a high
influence to the other countries’ exports. Therefore, DVAFXSH can serve as an
indicator of the influence (international competitiveness) of intermediate goods pro-
duced by a domestic economy, and thus a measure of upgrading domestic industries.
This ratio also increases when a country’s firms have established more foreign sub-
sidiaries and export intermediate parts to their overseas factories or when intermedi-
ate parts made by a country’ firms can enter foreign market at an arm’s length. In
this sense, DVAFXSH is a measure of globalization of the production network in an
Korean carmakers have begun to establish assembly factories overseas in the
1990s. For example, Hyundai Motors has a series of investments in the United
States, Canada, China, India, and other countries to utilize their cost advantages
or market access (Bose 2012). Thus, the Korean auto industry has been glo-
balized as its overseas factories tend to import several parts and supplies from
their home bases in Korea. Such an overseas investment in foreign countries
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 285


Domesc value added embodied in foreign


exports as share of gross exports


KOR: Korea

Fig. 3  DVAFXSH of of the transport sector in Korea. Source: Data are from the OECD TiVA database
version 2016 and version 2018 (1995–2011 data are from TiVA 2016 and 2012–2016 data are from
TiVA 2018)

Foreign value added share of gross exports


KOR: Korea CHN: China (People's Republic of)

MYS: Malaysia THA: Thailand

Fig. 4  FVA of the transport sector in Malaysia, Thailand, and China. Note: Korea 1975–1993 FVA data
are the authors’ estimation using Input–Output table of Korea. Other values are from the OECD TiVA
database version 2016 and version 2018 (1995–2011 data are from TiVA 2016 and 2012–2016 data are
from TiVA 2018)

result in increasing DVAFXSH since the 1990s, as shown in Fig. 3. This ratio
may decline if foreign subsidiaries use locally made parts and supplies, rather
than import from their home country.
286 K. Lee et al.

Fig. 5  Productivity trend of auto sector in China, Malaysia, and Thailand. Note: Authors’ calculation
using the data of UNIDO; value-added per labor unit is 1000 US dollars

Linkages and Upgrading in Malaysia, Thailand, and China

Figure 4 shows the FVA trend in the four countries. Only China shows a decreas-
ing period from the mid-1990s to the late 2000s, which is similar to that in the
mid-1970s to 1990s in Korea. The rapid decline, as low as 15%, implies that
China is engaged in the “made in China” policy. Such a period of decreasing
FVA or increasing domestic value-added is not clearly observed until the 2010s
in Thailand or Malaysia, except for a short period of decline from 2000 to 2003 in
Malaysia. In addition, FVA in Malaysia shows a sharp increase when LCRs were
abolished in 2004, which increased again since then. FVA in Thailand is always
high without a decreasing trend until 2011, which indicates no period of increas-
ing domestic value-added before 2011.
However, Malaysia and Thailand have started to show some declining trend
since 2011, although the levels are still high above 40% compared with less
than 30% in China or Korea. Whether this recent trend will continue and what
is the driving this warrant further investigation. In Thailand, such trend may be
indicative of some upgrading due not to traditional type of industrial policy but
to diverse forms of domestic–foreign partnership, which enables some “qualita-
tive” change from simple production to technologically sophisticated activities
(Intarakumnerd and Techakanont 2016). One of them is the Automotive Human
Resource Development Program, which started in the late 2000s and aims to
upgrade the capability of local auto part manufacturers (Lee et al. 2019). This
program is a collaboration between Thailand and Japan, with the Japanese side
led by four leading Japanese companies who participated in the program by pro-
viding training experts and course materials in their specialized area: Toyota
(Toyota production system), Honda (mold and die technology), Nissan (scheme
of skill improvement), and Denso (manufacturing skill and mind management).
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 287

Re-exported intermediate imports as % of



intermediate imports





KOR: Korea CHN: China (People's Republic of)

MYS: Malaysia THA: Thailand

Fig. 6  REII of the transport sector in Malaysia, Thailand, and China. Note: Korea 1975–1993 REII val-
ues are the authors’ estimation using Input–Output table of Korea. Other values are from the OECD
TiVA database version 2016 and version 2018 (1995–2011 data are from TiVA 2016 and 2012–2016
data are from TiVA 2018)

Figure 5 shows the productivity trends of the automotive industry in China,

Malaysia, and Thailand. Certain correspondence of these trends with that of FVA
is noted. The most clear-cut pattern is in China, which shows a steady increase from
the mid-1990s to the mid-2010s, at the same period of decreasing FVA or increas-
ing domestic value-added in Fig. 4. Although China used to be lowest in labor pro-
ductivity among the three, the country soon caught up. In Malaysia, the automo-
tive industry productivity increased only from 2001 to 2004, which corresponds to
its FVA declining period. Productivity in Malaysia declined in the late 1990s and
increased again as GVC participation decreased. The productivity of Thailand’s
automotive sector fluctuates in a certain range, and the trend is not that clear. In
Thailand and Malaysia, a closer correspondence is found for the most recent period
of the 2010s when they recorded the pattern of increasing productivity and decreas-
ing FVA. However, such correspondence needs a more rigorous analysis, because
such labor productivity is driven by several factors. Factors include fixed capital
investment, which will lead to a higher capital–labor ratio.
Figure 6 shows that among the three countries, Thailand exhibits the highest level
of REII. This trend is consistent with the high export performance of the sector in
Thailand. However, these exports are all conducted by foreign MNCs from Japan,
and no Thai-branded cars are produced. REII in Malaysia remains low, which is
consistent with the fact that its automotive industry does not produce considerable
exports or that its level of technological capabilities is too weak to exploit foreign
market. The low level of REII in China indicates that the country has low exports.
This value may change in the future as China has begun exports. Such trends of
REII in the three countries are consistent with the trend of export-orientation meas-
ured by the amount of exports as percentage of production in Fig. 7a. Thailand has
kept the steadily increasing trend of export orientation, reaching 15% by the mid-
2010s, in comparison with 20% of Korean case. China is the third at approximately
288 K. Lee et al.


Export in Total Products (%)






Korea Malaysia Thailand China

Export (Units: USD billion)








Korea Malaysia Thailand China

Fig. 7  a Export orientation of transport sector in Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and China. b Amount of
Exports of transport sector in Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, and China. Note: Database is World Integrated
Trade Sulston (WITS), which is available on https​://wits.world​bank.org/. Notably, in the figures and
table, transportation includes both cars and components

foreign exports as share of gross exports
Domesc value added embodied in







KOR: Korea CHN: China (People's Republic of)

MYS: Malaysia THA: Thailand

Fig. 8  DVAFXSH of the transport sector in Malaysia, Thailand, and China. Note: Data are from the
OECD TiVA database version 2016 and version 2018 (1995–2011 data are from TiVA 2016 and 2012–
2016 data are from TiVA 2018)
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 289

5%, whereas Malaysia is at the bottom, as expected. Figure 7b shows the absolute
amount of the values of exports, confirming the rapid increase of Chinese exports,
catching up with the level of Korean exports and more than three times larger than
that of Thailand in recent years.
Finally, Fig. 8 shows that DVAFXSH remains low in Malaysia and Thailand
but increases steadily and substantially in China, close to the level of the Korean
automotive sector. The contrast seems to reflect the rising export competitiveness
of intermediate input or globalization of production in China, which is similar to
Korea. China has started establishing assembly factories abroad. For example, a
locally owned and branded carmaker, Chery, owns 16 overseas factories in Malay-
sia, Brazil, Ukraine, and other countries (Qu 2015); other carmakers have also begun
building factories overseas since 2001 in the form of CBU or production of parts. In
Malaysia, the low DVAFXSH is not surprising because its automotive sector does
not globalize, selling only to domestic markets. In Thailand, despite its export suc-
cess (Fig. 8), the DVAFXSH remains low and reflects the fact that the country is
mostly exporting CBU for domestically sold cars in host countries (Intarakumnerd
and Techakanont 2016; Fig. 3). Such pattern implies that intermediate parts pro-
duced in Thailand are not considerably used in exports by foreign countries.

Explaining the Divergence in Terms of the Three Factors

Three Factors for Successful Upgrading

Although LCRs have been implemented in many countries, their outcomes are
mixed, with several cases of successes and possibly more of failures. Thus, deter-
mining the success (failure) conditions of these tools of industrial policy is of par-
ticular interest. This section discusses these conditions, focusing on the following:
(local vs. foreign) ownership of target firms, market structure (discipline from mar-
ket vs. entrenchment from monopoly), and firm-level effort and strategies.
First, given that LCRs are oriented toward independent industrial development
imposing restrictions on foreign-made goods in a national economy, they are often
compared with a liberal policy stance emphasizing the positive roles of FDI. On the
basis of the related literature, we hypothesize that LCRs are effective when applied
to locally owned firms or to FDI firms that are later turned into locally owned firms
by share purchases or merger and acquisition (M&A).
Amsden’s research (1989) research is one of the early studies that emphasize the
importance of promoting local ownership rather than passive reliance on FDI. Lee
et al. (2016) and Lee and Lim (2001) observe that FDI can be an important chan-
nel for gaining foreign knowledge but tends to interfere with the eventual growth of
indigenous technological capabilities. These observations are based on comparable
examples in the automotive sectors of China and Korea (e.g., Geely and Chery vs.
Shanghai Volkswagen and First Auto Works in China; and Hyundai Motors vs. Dae-
woo, a JV with GM in Korea). The success of Taiwanese catch-up is also supported
by the eventual rise of indigenous firms (Amsden and Chu 2003). Indigenous own-
ership becomes more important at a later stage because foreign firms tend to become
290 K. Lee et al.

increasingly reluctant to transfer or sell technology.5 A similar view is shared by

Marin and Bell (2006), who observe that the spillover effect of FDI does not occur if
host countries do not focus on the linkages between FDI and the domestic economy.
Specifically, in terms of upgrading in GVCs, Lee et al. (2018) argue that national
ownership is eventually necessary to build local value chains for upgrading.
Second, we determine that LCRs are effective when combined with discipline
from either domestic or global markets. Aghion et al. (2015) regards competition
as a precondition of an effective industrial policy, that is, LCRs. Greenaway (1992)
also considers market structure as a key factor that affects the successful implemen-
tation of LCRs. Hao et al. (2010), in a study on the British wind power sector, state
that a stable and sizeable domestic market is an important factor that can determine
the success of LCRs.
Third, the effectiveness of LCRs is also affected by how firms respond to such
policies, along with supplementary ones. Lahiri and Ono (1998), Davies and Ellis
(2007), and Hao et al. (2010) also observe that LCRs cannot be effective when
implemented alone without supportive policies, such as other taxations and preferen-
tial loans. However, the most critical factor should be firms with the right response
to such policies in the form of increasing effort toward building their technologi-
cal capabilities. One might reason that combination of local ownership and pressure
from market competition can result in firms exerting more effort for technological
innovation and their own capabilities, which, however, is not always the case for
firms, because firms tend to take different decisions and reactions to the same condi-
tions. Hence, we still consider additional firm-level responses and strategies as one
of the three factors to be considered.
The three requirements mentioned above for a successful upgrade to GVC by
industrial policy, such as LCRs, can be discussed with the Korean automotive sector
as an example. Over the past 50 years, the Korean automotive industry has grown
from a small auto parts supplier to a global center of automotive companies (Raven-
hill 2003; Lee 2011). Independence in terms of ownership is considered as a factor
that helps Korean automotive firms achieve industrial upgrades from OEM to OBM
(Lee and Lim 2001). Hyundai, one of the leading Korean brand cars, chose an inde-
pendent R&D strategy to develop its own engines after Mitsubishi refused to pro-
vide the engine technology. According to Ravenhill (2003), the reason why Hyundai
can increase their localization rate faster than other Korean automotive producers is
their explicit strategy to avoid dependence on partners and integrate licensed tech-
nology from diverse countries to develop its own technology, including their engine.
Although Hyundai Motors is initially a JV, foreign ownership (by Mitsubishi) is lim-
ited or less than 20%, and eventually bought out by the Hyundai side.

An example from Lee et al. (2016) is the mobile handset sector in China. To take advantage of the
large market, MNCs formed various JVs with indigenous firms to produce mobile phones in China. Nev-
ertheless, in 2001, most MNCs stopped their JV collaborations after China joined the WTO. The same
occurrence was observed in Korea when Korean IC chip firms caught up with foreign firms, and the lat-
ter became increasingly reluctant to provide designs for chip production (Kim 1997; Lee and Lim 2001).
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 291

An interesting contrast can be made with the case of Daewoo, a former JV with
GM with a share of 50%. In this JV, the perception of Daewoo is that GM is reluc-
tant to transfer core technologies to Daewoo and is not willing to allow Daewoo’s
foreign expansion plans (Auty 1994; Ravenhill 2005). After experiencing manage-
ment conflicts among its major shareholders, this JV was dissolved in 1993, and
Daewoo became independent. Only after this independence and since the-mid 1990s
has Daewoo begun to realize achievements from its R&D effort (Lee and Lim 2001).
This experience underscores the limitation of the JV strategy without local owner-
ship and control. A similar story of a failure involving JV is experienced in the case
of Guangzhou-Peugeot in China, which will be discussed later.
Next, we discuss the discipline from market competition in domestic or global
markets and supportive policies. A fierce competition is observed among four or
five carmakers in Korea, mainly among Hyundai, Daewoo, Kia, and Ssangyoung,
although foreign ownership remains limited (Lee 2011). Furthermore, these brands
are oriented toward the global market from the beginning. Given the oligopolistic
market structure protected by high tariffs during the 1970s and 1980s, certain rents
are associated with such protection but are used to pay for capital investments that
are required to survive in the global market (Jung and Lee 2010); one of the key
nature of industrial policy in Korea is the close linkage between export performance
and privileged access to cheap loans and other supportive measures. The effects of
such combination of oligopolistic rents and discipline from the global market on
productivity growth are confirmed by econometric studies by Jung and Lee (2010).
Given the aforementioned framework that comprises the three factors and Korean
experience, the following explanation is proposed for the performance and upgrad-
ing of automotive sectors in Malaysia, Thailand, and China. First, the failure of the
automotive sector in Malaysia, despite its national brand ownership, is related to the
lack of competition in markets and of specific strategies to localize imported parts
and components, such as engines. In Thailand, the limited success (or upgrading)
can be associated with the lack of local ownership under the less consistent indus-
trial policy, which is given up after liberalization and WTO entry. By contrast, the
relative success in China is related to the combination of restricted foreign own-
ership, the competitive nature of markets among foreign and national brands, and
an explicit firm-level effort to build its technological capabilities through in-house
R&D and M&A of foreign firms and their technologies. Further elaboration follows.

Common Starts with Divergent Ends in Malaysia and Thailand

Common Starts

The automotive industries in Thailand and Malaysia began in the 1960s. Initially,
both countries aimed to build their own automotive industry, thus restricting impor-
tation of CBU by complicating its process, charging high import taxes, and charging
292 K. Lee et al.

lower tariffs to CKD cars.6 Given such policies, the local automotive assembly
industry achieved rapid development in both countries in a short time, although the
main makers are foreign JVs (Tai and Ku 2013). Both countries desired to restrict
foreign ownership in such JV cases to allow domestic partners to have majority
ownership. In the 1980s, the two countries diverged directions, with Malaysia head-
ing toward a nationalist road of promoting locally owned brand cars and Thailand
toward reliance on foreign (mainly Japanese) makers.
In 1982, the Malaysian government declared the “National Car Project” to estab-
lish a national champion brand—Proton, through cooperation among national enter-
prises, the Heavy Industries Corporation of Malaysia Berhad (HICOM) and Mit-
subishi Corporation. With the government’s support, Proton became the leading
brand in the Malaysian car market at that time (Athukorala 2017; Wad and Govin-
daraju 2011; Fujita 1998). By contrast, Thailand took advantage of the eagerness
of Japanese makers to establish assembly lines overseas, seeking low labor costs
to offset the cost increases associated with Yen appreciation after the 1985 Plaza
Accord. The Thai government initiated a series of favorable tax incentives to attract
Japanese investment (Tai and Ku 2013). They also loosened the former policy of
restricting foreign ownership in assembly makers in the early 1990s. In 1997, the
government officially cancelled the restriction of majority ownership to be held by a
Thai national (Intarakumnerd and Gerdsri 2014). Consequently, Ford, Chrysler, and
GM from the US established their assembly factories in Thailand. Their suppliers of
parts and components then followed. Japanese manufacturers also constructed new
factories in Thailand in the 1990s. After several years of promotion through poli-
cies, the MNC automotive suppliers in Thailand have increased to 300 manufactur-
ers from 1987 to 2005 (Wad 2009). Foreign ownership has taken over the Thailand
domestic market not only in assembly but also parts and supplies in a lesser degree.

National Ownership without Competition in Malaysia

With regard to ownership, the National Car Project in Malaysia resulted in two
national car brands, Proton and Perodua, with majority equities of 70% and 68%,
respectively, although their Japanese partners Mitsubishi and Daihatsu owned 30%
and 32% of the equity shares, respectively (Athukorala 2017; Wad and Govindaraju
2011). In 2004, Proton became a fully Malaysian owned company when Mitsubishi
sold the stake to Khazanah National BHD (the government’s investment arm).
To support the growth of the two national makers, various policies have been
implemented. First, tariffs of CKD kits for national vehicles were exempted to
lower the price of national vehicles (Tai and Ku 2013; Athukorala 2017). Second,
the “Vendor Development Program” was also implemented to boost the develop-
ment of local SME parts suppliers. Through this program, the parts manufacturers
of national cars were provided with production subsidies, which allowed their parts

Before the 1990s, the Thailand government used to charge high import tariffs, as high as 300%, for
PVs larger than 2300 c­ m3. Imports of PVs lower than 2300 c­ m3 were not allowed (Natsuda and Thou-
burn 2013).
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 293

prices to decrease by 10–12%. The number of parts suppliers of Proton increased

rapidly from 17 in 1985 to 186 in 1999 (Tai and Ku 2013).
However, the Malaysian automotive industry lacked competition in the domestic
market, and no push was exerted to export to the global market. The government has
forbidden other manufacturers to produce models that could result in direct com-
petition with Proton (Tai and Ku 2013; Athukorala 2017). Even the other national
maker, Perodua, was allowed to produce cars only with an engine capacity of less
than 1000 c­ m3 (Athukorala 2017), despite enjoying the same tariff concessions, tax
relief, and other government supports as Proton (Athukorala 2017).
Before national cars appeared, Toyota and Nissan dominated the Malaysian mar-
ket. Proton seized the market in an extremely short time with the help of a series
of discriminatory policies, occupying 80% share of vehicles under the 1500 c­ m3
range by 1987 (Nizamuddin 2008). In 1991, the Malaysian government made a par-
tial reform to reduce the restriction of the automotive industry, which allowed new
entrants, such as Hyundai, Citroen, Rover, and other international car manufactur-
ers into the Malaysian market. By the mid-2000s, despite 15 car manufacturers in
Malaysia, the major market share remained occupied by the two national cars (Wad
and Govindaraju 2011). The two national makers thus faced no discipline in the
market to upgrade their innovation capabilities, such as the localization of engines
and other key parts, as shown by the high FVA and low REII ratio. Furthermore,
they did not compete for the larger markets of other countries, which prevented them
from achieving economy of scale and from enjoying the discipline from global mar-
kets. These firms should have devoted the financial resources from near monopoly
profits to upgrading of their technological capabilities to produce their own engines,
which did not actually occur.
Eventually, since Malaysia has joined the WTO and abolished LCRs in 2004,
the dominance of national carmakers weakened steadily over time and they failed
to enter the global market. The automotive group formed by Proton and Perodua
once produced 6000 auto parts in their heyday (Tai and Ku 2013). Proton’s mar-
ket share declined after high-quality models produced by Japanese manufacturers
with lower prices were launched in Malaysia (Wad 2009). National carmakers were
not ready to compete against foreign carmakers once the market is open, because
they lacked technological capabilities. Given its ever-weakening performance, Pro-
ton has become a problem for Malaysia. As a solution, it was sold to the Diversified
Resource Bernhard (DRB-HICOM) in Malaysia in 2012. In 2017, the DRB-HICOM
transferred its 49.9% stake to Geely, a rising Chinese carmaker that also acquired

Strong Exports with Less Domestic Value‑Added in Thailand

Ownership in the Thai automotive sector is basically characterized by foreign domi-

nance in parts suppliers and final assemblers. Most of the leading firms in Thailand’s

Source https​://www.thest​ar.com.my/busin​ess/busin​ess-news/2017/05/24/drb-hicom​-to-sell-49pt9​pct-in-
294 K. Lee et al.

automotive industry are JVs with majority shares owned by Japanese car-making
firms. For example, Toyota Motor Corporation holds 86.4% of Toyota Motors Thai-
land; Mazda Motor Corporation holds 96.1% of Mazda Sales (Thailand) and 100%
of Mazda Powertrain Manufacturing (Thailand); foreign ownership also holds Nis-
san Thailand and Mitsubishi Thailand (Intarakumnerd and Charoenporn 2015). By
the end of 2005, 16 car assemblers and 1800 component suppliers could be found in
Thailand. Among the assemblers, Japanese firms dominated the market with 91%
market share (Busser 2008).
Without national carmakers to monopolize government support nor issue of
entrenchment by any carmakers, foreign JVs faced the same market competition.
They were also eager to enter the global market or the Southeast Asian market, using
Thailand as hub. Thus, the production and export volume of Thailand became the
largest among ASEAN countries (Tai and Ku 2013). However, industry policies for
domestic suppliers were not sustained in Thailand; for example, tariffs on the impor-
tation of CKD and CBU and on vehicles with diverse sizes increasingly declined
year by year, whereas more incentives were given to foreign JVs (Tai and Ku 2013).
Given their own need to enhance productive efficiency, Japanese makers
attempted to train and upgrade the skills of Thai workers and to conduct more tech-
nologically sophisticated activities (Intarakumnerd and Techakanont 2016; Lee et al.
2019), and such effort may have translated to a certain extent into increasing the
domestic value-added in the industry. However, given that nearly half of their sup-
pliers were also foreign-owned, the eventual influence on locally-owned suppliers in
terms of local value-added may have been limited. For instance, all the assemblers
are foreign controlled JVs, and among the 635 1st tier part suppliers, almost halfs
are foreign JVs, while local ownership is dominant only at the 2nd or 3rd tier suppli-
ers, as of the mid 2010s (Intarakumnerd and Techakanont 2016). Thus, even though
some trucks use engines locally-produced by foreign JVs, their local value-added
must be limited. Further, these foreign partners do not seem to have pursued globali-
zation in terms of setting up factories abroad. Such tendency is not surprising as it
also happened to GM-Daewoo in Korea; GM did not want this JV to go for globali-
zation (Lee and Lim 2001). This is why Thailand has ended up showing low values

Ownership, Competition, and Policies in China

Mixed Outcome or Even Failure with JVs in the Early Period

China’s automotive industry started earlier than Malaysia and Thailand. Before the
1960s, the country had 5 assemblers with an annual production capacity of 60,000
vehicles (Ma 2003). China also intended to build its own automotive industry
despite its low level of technology (Yu et al. 2008). This situation led to a change in
policy in the 1980s toward inviting foreign JVs with the expectation of technology
transfer from the so-called “market for technology,” which was also applied to other
industries, such as telecommunication equipment (Mu and Lee 2005). One of the
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 295

Table 4  Chinese patents granted to automobile makers

Invention patents (application year) 1998–2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Sum

Local companies (time founded)

SAIC (Shanghai Qiche Gongye Jituan) 4 1 10 21 23 10 3 72
Chery (Qirui 1997) 0 1 1 12 19 86 103 222
Geely (Jili 1997) 5 0 0 0 5 14 2 26
Joint ventures (time founded)
Shanghai Volkswagen (1985) 1 3 0 3 3 2 1 13
Shanghai GM (1997) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Utility model (application year) 1998–2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Sum
Local companies (time founded)
SAIC (Shanghai Qiche Gongye Jituan) 10 7 15 20 27 23 2 104
Chery (Qirui 1997) 0 28 35 6 9 143 33 254
Geely (Jili 1997) 7 0 0 0 28 79 14 128
Joint ventures (time founded)
Shanghai Volkswagen (1985) 1 3 4 8 11 4 2 24
Shanghai GM (1997) 0 0 0 0 3 25 3 31

Note: For SAIC, included are patents owned by its local affiliates, excluded are patents owned by its
foreigner JVs. Patent searched using key words, like “Shanghai Dazhong Qiche”, “Shanghai Tongyong
Qiche”, “Qirui Qiche”, “Jili Jituan + Jili Qiche + Jili Konggu”(symbol “ +” means “or”), for each com-
pany in assignee/applicant field
Source: Adaptation of Table 5 in Lee et al (2009); original source of data: SIPO, http://www.sipo.gov.cn/

first JV was the Beijing Jeep Company signed in 1983, followed by Shanghai Auto
Industry Corporation (SAIC)-VW (SVW) in 1984 and Guangzhou-Peugeot in 1985,
while more came in the 1990s.8
In 1988, the government proposed a strategy of supporting three majors and three
minors among JVs. With this series of JV agreement, the production of automobiles
increased rapidly as new brands were launched, given no competing locally owned
brands (Wang 2007). In these JVs, the cap of foreign ownership was regulated to be
50% or less (Liu et al. 2014) and were also requested to establish R&D centers (Yu
et al. 2008).
However, this strategy of relying on FDI or JV had not led to the expected out-
come in terms of technology transfer and eventual enhancement of technological
capabilities of automakers in China (Chu 2011). In the early effort, the size of the
country was not considerably an advantage; rather, it was a source of information

In the 1990s, a joint venture agreement between SAIC and GM in 1997, followed by Guangzhou-
Honda (1998), Tianjin-Faw-Toyota (2000), Changan-Ford (2001), Beijing-Hyundai (2002), Brilliance-
BMW (2002), and Dongfeng-Nissan (2002); and the Chinese auto market became a global battlefield
(Chu 2011).
296 K. Lee et al.

and coordination failure associated with complex politics involving the central and
local government that resulted in difficulty in conducting Japan–Korea-style central-
ized industrial policy (Huang 2002; Thun 2004, 2006; Brandt and Thun 2010).
Although the central government attempted to achieve economy of scale by limit-
ing the number of automakers (e.g., three majors and three minors) in the nation,
provincial government often circumvented such regulation and actually allowed
entries by local or foreign JVs firms. Thus, China had ended up more 110 car assem-
blers with about half of them as foreign JVs (Chu 2011). The problem in the auto
sector in China had been summed as “outdated products, high prices, and no R&D
capabilities,” or “too many production sites, indiscreet project approval, redundant
investment, and slow localization” (Chu 2011). Particularly, the policy by the central
government that allowed only state firms to form JVs with foreign firms is responsi-
ble for the situation that each JV adapted an old mid-market design from the foreign
partner and concentrated on fulfilling government-mandated localization require-
ments, rather than tried to develop their own engines (Thun 2018).
Table 4 shows that these foreign JVs were not performing considerable R&D
activities locally in terms of their filings of invention patents and utility models in
China. The number of patents filed by Shanghai-GM or Volkswagen was only one
digit in comparison with 107 patents by Chery in 2007. The number of utility model
(petite patents) filed by these JV during the 1998–2007 period was only 24 and 31
for Shanghai-Volkswagen and Shanghai-GM, respectively, compared with 254 and
128 for Chery and Geely, respectively.
Guangzhou-Peugeot Automobile Company (GPAC) is a representative case
that failed in China as one of the first foreign–Chinese JVs. It was established in
1985 as a JV between Peugeot and Guangzhou Automobile Group. After some suc-
cess until 1992, the sales plummeted due to low competitiveness, and the total loss
reached 10.5 billion RMB by 1997 until it was closed in March 1997 (Lassere and
Zeng 2002). Peugeot was unwilling to promote local value chains but kept relying
on foreign imported parts, which ultimately raised the final cost of the products
(Harwit 1995). The reliance on CKD kits caused troubles. For example, production
stopped more than two months in late 1986 when Peugeot and the Chinese could not
agree on the price the JV should pay for the CKD kits (Harwit 1995; Peng 2000).
Although the Guangzhou area lacked high-quality parts suppliers, Guangzhou offi-
cials prohibited the purchase of high-quality parts at a low price from other areas of
China suppliers. GPAC had an extremely high dividend payout ratio instead of using
profits to make changes to their products (Sun et al. 2010). Thus, the Chinese side
believed that Peugeot focuses on obtaining the short-term profits from selling CKD
kits quickly without facilitating localization (Fernandez and Shengjun 2007).
Notably, in Thun’s (2006) three types of auto industry development model in
China, Guangzho and Beijing belong to local laissez-faire system, whereas Shanghai
belong to the model of local developmental state, in addition to the leading local
state model of enterprises (Changchun and Wuhan). Such typologies imply diverse
types of industrial policy that leads to different outcomes in terms of localiza-
tion. Thun (2006, pp. 71–72) reports that in 1997, local parts accounted for 90%
of the parts used by SVW compared with only 20% in Guangzhou-Peugeot, 15%
in FAW-VW, and 20–30% in Beijing Jeep. Hence, although the preceding section
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 297

has reported the rapid increase of localization, the reality is quite a degree of cross-
regional divergence that depends on the capability of the local government in imple-
menting industrial policy. Thus, the Shanghai municipal government is the only
local developmental state that used an industrial policy model similar to the East
Asian one (Thun 2006).
The size of domestic market can be a strong source of bargaining power in deal-
ing with foreign companies about technology transfer negotiation; however, this
notion does not imply that it is actually utilized as such unless the local govern-
ment has an effective plan and will to promote the local industry. Thus, the so-called
“trading market for technology” idea is effectively utilized in the case of the tele-
communication switch development, which is not the case in the auto sector because
the local government does not give auto development projects high priority and fails
to provide an effective coordination to promote a parts–supplier network until the
2000s (Chu 2011).

Success with Indigenous Ownership Since the Mid‑2000s

Only after China joined the WTO in 2001 were locally owned carmakers allowed to
enter the market (Zhao 2013; Lee et al. 2016), causing a rise in competition. Before
2000, JVs dominated the Chinese market (Tian et al. 2010). Since then, locally
owned makers, such as Great Wall, Chery, and Geely, rapidly emerged and contin-
ued to increase in market shares, reaching 30% in 2009 (Tian et al. 2010). In pas-
senger cars, shares by indigenous brands already reached approximately 40% in the
2000s; and in sport utility vehicles, seven of the top-10 bestselling models in 2015
were produced by indigenous firms (Lee et al. 2016).
These new companies pursued slightly different strategies from that of foreign
JVs in building technological capabilities and acquiring foreign technology. They
conducted in-house R&D activities, filing more patents than foreign JVs (see
Table 4), and relied on active licensing and international M&As. For example,
Chery bought the used assembly line of the SEAT company (a Volkswagen-sub-
sidiary in Spain) and the Engine Factory of the Ford Company based in England in
1997 (Lee et al. 2009). With the imported assembly line, they recruited engineers
from foreign JVs; the CEO (Tongyao Yin) of Chery used to be a manager in the
FAW-VW, and more than 100 engineers left the FAW-VW to join the Chery. Moreo-
ver, 13 key engineers joined from the Dongfeng-Nissan and joined the development
team for the Tonga famous QQ model, which took off Chery (Lee et al. 2007). These
key engineers left the JVs with disappointment because the JVs had no ambition to
be an independent innovator, and they wanted to build an independent automaker in
China (Lee et al. 2009).
Given the strong motivation for success associated with private or non-state
ownership and facing tough market competition, indigenous firms, including BYD,
invested aggressively in new facilities and technologies to build their technological
capabilities. These firms frequently tested and improved their ideas in the market to
learn rapidly, launching over 170 models from 2003 to 2007 (Chu 2011; Lee et al.
2016). Indigenous firms further built their capabilities through global outsourcing
and even acquired foreign companies (Lee et al. 2016). Chery established a JV with
298 K. Lee et al.

Jaguar Land Rover to enhance its brand reputation and technological capabilities. In
2007, Geely set up an overseas factory and bought a stake in UK cab firm Manga-
nese Bronze Holdings (Guo et al. 2017). In 2009, Geely acquired Australia’s Driv-
etrain Systems International, the world’s second-largest gearbox manufacturer, and
Geely improved further its technological capabilities through the M&A of Volvo.
Currently, given the rise of indigenous firms, the size of domestic market seg-
mented into low and high ends had a role in facilitating growth of such firms first
based on the low-end segment while avoiding the direct competition with JVs tar-
geting the high-end market (Tian et al. 2010; Thun 2004, 2018). Eventually, these
indigenous firms, such as Geely, have achieved stage-based upgrading, from imita-
tion to innovation, from low-end to middle and high-end, and from the domestic
market to the global market. The rise of indigenous firms also indicates more com-
petition between these local firms and JVs, which further contributes to the deepen-
ing and widening of local supply chains in China as an additional factor other than
the LCR policy. Given the dominance of local firms in the low-end segment and of
foreign JVs in the high-end segment, the competition for medium segment forced
foreign JVs to attempt to reduce the cost and local firms to improve the quality by
building their own local supplier network and increasing localization (Brandt and
Thun 2010).9
Other than LCRs, three categories of policy initiatives have been implemented
for the automotive sector in China, namely, import restrictions, entry control, and
market discrimination. First, according to the “Automotive Industry Policy” issued
in 1994, import quota licenses are used to regulate the import of auto parts and
assembled cars. Even the types of car allowed for imports are determined in consid-
eration of the nationwide policy of automotive sector promotion. Thus, either used
cars or parts for car assembly are forbidden, which implies that automotive manu-
facturers are not allowed to import kits to produce cars via semi-knocked down or
CKD (Chen and Han 2007). Second, foreign enterprises are not allowed to establish
more than two JVs in China for one specific type of car. For investment projects
with regard to such parts as CBU and engines, foreign automotive manufacturers
are required to collaborate with indigenous manufacturers (Nan 2005). Third, for-
eign cars are discriminated through higher registration fees and taxes than those for
domestic cars (Chen and Han 2007).

Summary and Conclusion

This study compares the evolution of the automotive sectors in Malaysia, Thailand,
and China with that in Korea, focusing on industrial policy and upgrading possibili-
ties. The three countries all desired to promote their automotive sector and imple-
ment industrial policy, that is, LCRs, until they joined the WTO and suspended the
policy. Although the LCRs have a common effect of increasing the localization ratio

The Shanghai Volkswagen case provided by Brandt and Thun (2010) is useful in understanding the
upgrading effect of LCRs on local supply chains.
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 299

to a certain degree, the eventual development path of the automotive sectors has
China has been achieving a steady process of upgrading in terms of increas-
ing the share of domestic value-added in their exports (FVA), labor productiv-
ity, and globalization in terms of the share of domestic value-added in foreign
exports (DVAFXSH) although it is not yet considerably export-oriented (low
REII). Although China had mixed outcome with its early policy with JV promo-
tion, it has eventually learned and succeeded with the rise of indigenous firms
competing successfully against foreign JVs in domestic markets, thus undergoing
a similar success path as Korea. Thailand follows, with not a considerably fast
increase of domestic value-added and intermediate part exports (low DVAFXSH)
but with strong rise of exports (high REII). Malaysia comes last, with a low share
of domestic value-added in their exports (FVA), extremely weak exports (REII),
and low share of domestic value-added in foreign exports (DVAFXSH).
Such divergent outcomes in the three countries are explained in terms of the
three key factors, namely, local ownership, market competition (discipline), and
firm-level effort and strategies. Despite local ownership, global competitiveness
(REII) is not enhanced in Malaysia due to the lack of competition during the
protectionist period and the nonexistent will and strategies to localize high-tech-
nology parts. Thailand differs from Malaysia with its strong export performance
(higher REII); however, its dominance by foreign MNCs is associated with the
lukewarm performance in enhancing domestic value-added (high FVA) and no
globalization (low forward GVC linkages or DVAFXSH). By contrast, China’s
automotive sectors are neither monopolized nor dominated by foreign JVs. Strong
entries by locally owned firms since the WTO membership provided fierce com-
petition to incumbent foreign JVs. Supportive policies have also become more
consistent and confident in the 2000s, which are combined with the aggressive
firm-level responses of in-house technological efforts (Chu 2011; Lee et al. 2016).
Overall, China shows a case most similar to Korea in terms of local ownership
and supportive policies, with a slight difference that the former relies on disci-
pline from huge domestic markets, whereas the latter relies on discipline from
global markets. Malaysia has opted for a “half-Korean-style” strategy of “devel-
oping a national care without world market discipline” and thus resulted in dismal
results due to weak technological capabilities. Thailand used to share the similar
nationalist vision with Malaysia but turned to FDI-led development model, and
the final outcome is a compromised success.

Acknowledgements This paper has benefitted from useful comments by the editors, Ha-joon Chang
and Antonio Andreoni, and three anonymous referees, and from the discussion at the workshop held in
London in June 2019. The first author acknowledges the support by the Laboratory Program for Korean
Studies through the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Studies Promotion
Service of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2018LAB-1250001). The research for this paper started
first as the MA thesis of the second author, with the first author as the supervisor, and then the first and
third authors have worked to turn it into a journal paper, in particular with all the new and updated figures
provided by the third author.
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Keun Lee is a Professor of Economics at the Seoul National University; Head of the Center for Compara-
tive Economic Studies of SNU; a Fellow of the CIFAR (IEP program); director of the Center for Eco-
nomic Catch-up. He is the winner of the Schumpeter Prize for his monograph on Schumpeterian Analysis
of Economic Catch-up (2013), as well as the Kapp Prize (EAEPE). He is also an editor of Research
Policy, and an associate editor of Industrial and Corporate Change. He served as the President of the
International Schumpeter Society, and a member of the Committee for Development Policy of UN.
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial… 303

Di Qu holds a MA in economics degree from Seoul National University. She now lives in China.

Zhuqing Mao is a Postdoctoral fellow at University of Johannesburg. She received her Ph.D. Degree in
Economics from Seoul National University. Her research interests include Economics of Development,
International Trade, Area Studies (China, South Korea, South Africa, and Other Developing Economies),
Economics of Innovation. She has published in Journal of China Studies, European Journal of Develop-
ment Research, Journal of International Trade & Commerce, and Science Research Management.

Authors and Affiliations

Keun Lee1,2 · Di Qu1,2 · Zhuqing Mao3

Keun Lee
Di Qu
Department of Economics, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak‑ro, Gwanak‑gu, Seoul 08826,
Fellow, IEP Program of CIFAR, Toronto, Canada
DST/NRF South African Research Chair in Industrial Development, College of Business
and Economics, University of Johannesburg, 31 Henley Road, Auckland Park,
Johannesburg 2092, South Africa
Reproduced with permission of copyright owner.
Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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