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Assassins of Dol Amroth (ENG)

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Three low-to-mid level adventures based on THE LORD OF THE RINGSTM and
THE HOSSITTM. Each adventure stands on its own and can be set up in minutes.
Produced and distributed by IRON CROWN ENTERPRISES, INC.
1.1 HANDLING PLAY ..................................................... 2
1.3 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS ............................... ...... 3
2.1 PLAYER CHARACTER CHART ... ............................ 4
2.2 ADVENTURE ONE ................. ................................... 5
2.3 ADVENTURE TWO ..... ...... ......................................... 6
2.4 ADVENTURE THREE ......... ......... ....... ....................... 7
3.1 THE TALE OF TIRANIR THE RANGER .................. 8
3.2 THE NPCS ........ ......... .................................................. 8
3.3 THE SETTING ............................................................ 9
3.4 THE TASK ............................................... ................. 12
3.41 Starting the Players ....................... ......................... 13
3.42 Aids .......................... ........................... ................... 13
3.43 Obstacles ................................................................ 13
3.44 Rewards ................ ................................................. 13
3.5 ENCOUNTERS ........ .................... ........ ........................ 13
4.1 THE TALE OF GABBON TROLLS DIRGE ............. 14
4.2 THE NPCS .... ............... .............. ............... .... ............. 15
4.21 Gabbon Trollsdirge ............... .. ................. ............... 15
4.22 The Shades ............................ .................................. 15
4.3 THE MANOR RANORAN ........................................ 15
4.4 THE TASK ................................................ ................. 21
4.41 Starting the Players .... ......... ................................... 21
4.42 Aids ................ ............ ............................................ 21
4.43 Obstacles .............. ................................. ..... ....... .. ... 21 CREDITS
4.44 Rewards ........................................... ......... ............. 21
Author: Charles Crutchfield
4.5 ENCOUNTERS .... ......................... ............................... 21
Editor: Terry K. Amthor
5.0 THEHILLOFSHADES Series Editor: Peterc. Fenlon
5.1 THE TALE OF THE HILL OF SHADES ................. 22
Interior Art: Jeff Menges
5.2 THE NPCS ................................ ................................. 23
5.21 Gontran the Shade ................................................. 23 Layouts: Elizabeth Preston
5.22 Balthrod ................................................................. 24 Cover Art: AngusMcBride
5.23 Tinindil ...... .. ...... ............... ................................ ..... 24 Cover Graphics: Jessica Ney
5.3 THE SETIING .. .. .... .. ... .............................................. 24 Copy: LambertBridge
5.4 THE TASK ... ................ .. .... ........... ................. ........ ...... 30 Production: Suzanne Young , Jessica M. Ney, John
5.41 Starting the Players ................................................ 30 David Ruemmler, Kurt Fischer, Leo LaDell '
5.42 Aids ..... ....................... ......... ................................... 30 Typesetting: Karen Stange and Faslih
5.43 Obstacles .............. ........ ..................................... ..... 31 Special Contributions: Kurt "I don't need this" Ras-
5.44 Rewards ................................................................. 31 mussen, Deane (the champagne is in the mail) Begiebing,
5.5 ENCOUNTERS .................. .............................. ............ 31 John Breckenridge, Preston "Max" Bennett Eisenhower IV,
Olivia "An alien energy draining ray hit me .. . " Johnston,
GAMEMASTER'SNOTES Coleman "Dol Aroroth or Dull Amthor?" Charlton, Karl
NPCCHART "My back! My STOCK!" Borgster, Bill "Is that so?"
Downs, David Johnson , Bruce (The Fire Chief) Neidlinger,
Ernest Lewis, John Ruemmler, and the Swinkoid, ferret
from Mars.

Copyright 1987 © TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES, a division of ELAN MERCHANDISING, Inc., Berkeley, CA. Assassins of Dol Amroth, The Hobbit ,
and The Lord of the Rings, and all characters and places therein, are trademark properties of TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES.
Produced and distributed by IRON CROWN ENTERPRISES, Inc., P.O. Box 1605, Charlottesville, VA 22902. Stock#8106
First U.S. Edition, Nov 1987. ISBNO-91S79S-98-1
2 Guidelines: AdaptingThisModule

Lothuial waited, silent and immohile as the rock she leaned Once play ensues, the GM should refer to the Beasts and NPCs in
a/?ainst. Her prized possession, the enchanted da/?/?er, /?leamed Sections 6.0 and 7.0, at the back of the module. They cover the Beasts and
with a pale silvery li/?ht in the chill ni/?ht air. Behind her, Dol NPCs found in each adventure.
Amroth /?littered like a jewel in the moonli/?ht, the port city alive
and hust/in/? even at this late hour - which would soon he more 1.2 ADAPTING THE MODULE TO YOUR GAME
than she could say for the lone traveler approachin/? on the Like the rest of the series, this module is designed for use with
seaward path. theMiddle-earth Role Playinggame(MERP)orthemore
Blood rushed throu/?h her veins as Lothuial's anticipation advanced Rolemaster (RM) system,butis adaptable to most
mounted, yet she remained quiet as the wind. Her hoodfell hack, other major FRP games. Statistics are expressed on a closed or
free in/? her heautiful sahle hair, hut she dared not move to /?ather open-ended scale, using a 1-100 base and percentile dice (D 100).
it hack. "No matter, it will not distract me. Gontran will he pleased No other dice are required.
with my earnin/?s for toni/?ht, " she mused, already /?loatin/? over 1.21 CONVERTING HITS AND BONUSES
the uncounted wealth ofher unsuspectin/? tar/?et. "Fool! He thinks
that the Prince can protect him' Well, he is not safe from the Bon uses: When converting percentile values to a 1-20 system a
Shades of Dol Amroth!" simple rule is: for every + 5 on a D 100 scale you get a + I on a D20.
Hits: The concussion hit numbers found in this module only

= ':sa represent general pain and system shock. They cover bruises and
small cuts rather than wounds. Critical strike damage is used to
describe serious wounds and fatal blows. The hit figures shown
here are less important than those used in game systems where

death occurs as a result of exceeding one's available hits. Should
you use a game system that employs no specific critical strike
results (e.g., TSR Inc.' s Dungeons and Dragons®), simply double
1.0 GUIDELINES the number of hits your characters take or halve the hit values

TheMiddle-earth Ready-to-Run Series is designed for 1.22 CONVERTING STATISTICS

Gamemasters who want adventures which can be set up in a few When using this supplement with your FRP campaign, be
minutes and played in a few hours. The adventures require little or careful to note the character statistics before beginning play.
no preparation. Should any adjustments need to be made, you may wish to consider
Assassins of Dol Amroth has four parts. Sections 1.1, 1.2and the following guidelines. The material provided is in terms of
13 deal with guidelines regarding the use of the module. Section percentages and is intended to give the reader a relatively clear
2.0 provides pregenerated characters for the players (which can be picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals and
used as non-player characters ifsodesired). creatures discussed. Most FRP systems will relate to the data, and
The third part consists of Sections 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0, the ad- conversion should be simple; remember, however, that there are
ventures. Each adventure stands on its own, although a common dozens of role playing rules and the change-over from the statistics
theme unites the stories. They can be set anywhere in Middle- given here may be troublesome.
earth where the story seems appropriate.
The fourth part consists of the tables. An area map is located on CONVERTING STATISTICS FOR ANY MAJOR FRP SYSTEM
the last page and provides a blowup of the immediate region All the statistics and numerical information used in this module
around the adventure location s. are expressed on a closed or open-ended scale with a 1-100 base.
They are designed for use with percentile dice (DIOO). Use the
1.1 HANDLING PLAY chart below to derive appropriate bonuses or to convert the 1-100
Each adventure is geared for a different difficulty level. The one numbers to figures suitable for non-percentile systems.
found in Section 3.0 is challenging for 1st or 2nd level char-acters,
or inexperienced players. Section 4.0' s adventure is aimed at 2nd 1-100 Dl00 D20 3-18 2-12
or 3rd level adventurers, while the adventure in Section 5.0 is Stat Bonus Bonus Stat Stat
designed for 4th or 6th level characters. 102+ +35 +7 20+ 17+
The adventures are divided into five standard parts: ( 1) the tale, 101 +30 +6 19 15-16
which describes how to start in terms of the setting, the back- 100 +25 +5 18 13-14
ground, and the plot; (2) the Player Characters, PCs; (3) the Non- 98-99 +20 +4 17 12
player Characters, NPCs, a person-by-person description of the 95-97 +15 +3 16 -
prominent non player characters, including their stats; (4) the task, 90-94 +10 +2 15 11
a discussion of how to start the adventure, along with the aids, 85-89 +5 +1 14 10
clues, obstacles, and rewards awaiting the adventurers; and (5) 75-84 +5 +1 13 9
encounters, which cover typical or probable meetings between the 60-74 0 0 12 8

adventurers and the NPCs. Adventure 3 (Section 5.0) also con-

40-59 0 0 10-11 7
tains the primary layout: a level-by-Ievel, room-by-room descrip-
25-39 0 0 9 6
tion of the major adventure site (Moonstone Castle), complete
15-24 -5 -1 8 5
with numbered diagrams, fioorplans, and illustrations;
10-14 -5 -1 7 4
The GM should skim each section of an adventure before
beginning play. Then he can have the players pick pre-designed 5-9 -10 -2 6 3
characters from those provided in Section 1.3 (and described in 3-4 -15 -3 5 -
Sections 3.2, 4.2, and 5.2), or he can permit the players to design 2 -20 -4 4 2
their own PCs. (Of course, theGM can assign PCs.) 1 -25 -4 4 2
Guidelines: Abbreviations & Definitions 3

1.3 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS Dor-en -Ernil: (S. "Land of the Prince. ") Princely fief in south-
These abbreviations and terms are used throughout the series. central Gondor. Ruled by the Prince of Dol Arnroth, it includes the
area between the Gilrain/Serni and Morthond/Ringl6 rivers.
1.31 ABBREVIATIONS Dunedain: (S. "Edain of the West"; sing. Dunadan). These High
GAME SYSTEMS Men are descendants of the Edain who settled the western island
MERP .... ... Middle-earth RolePlaying RM .. . ... . Rolemaster continent of Numenor around S.A. 32. The Dunedain returned to
explore, trade with, colonize, and later conquer many areas along
Ag ..... Agility(RMIMERP) Me .... Memory(RM) the western, southern, and eastern coasts of Endor during the
Co ..... . Constitution(RMIMERP) Ig ...... Intelligence( MER P) Second Age. Unfortunately, their hubris and desire for power led
St ....... Strength(RMIMERP) Re ..... Reasoning(RM) them to attempt an invasion of the Valar's Undying Lands. As a
PR ..... Presence(RMIMERP) Em ... . Empathy(RM) result, Eru (the One) destroyed their home island in S.A. 3319.
It(In) Intuition(RMI M ERP) Qu ..... Quickness(RM) Those called the "Faithful" opposed the policies and jealous Elf-
Sd ... ... SelfDiscipline(R M) hatred that prompted this "Downfall." The Faithful were saved
when Numenor sank, sailing east to northwestern Middle-earth.
AT ..... Armor Type Lvi ...... Level (exp. or spell level) There they found the "Realms in Exile," the kingdoms of Arnor
bp .... ... bronze piece(S) MA ...... Martial Arts and Gondor. Although sparsely populated, Arthedain (in Arnor)
cp ....... copper piece(s) Mod .... Modifier or Modification contains the highest proportion of the Faithful and the most purely
Crit .... Critical strike mp ....... mithril piece(s) Dunadan culture in all of Endor. Many "unfaithful" (or "Black
D ... ..... Die or Dice NPC .... Non-player Character Numen6rean") groups survive as well, living in colonies and
D I00 .. Percentile Dice Result OB ...... Offensive bonus independent states such as Umbar.
DB ..... Defensive Bonus PC ....... Player Character The term Dunedain refers to the Numen6reans and their descen-
FRP .... Fantasy Role Playing PP ........ Power Points dants in Middle-earth, groups which possess considerable physical
GM .... Gamemaster R or Rad .......... Radius and mental strength, longevity, and a rich Elven-influenced cul-
gp ....... gold pieces(s) Rnd or Rd ........ Round ture. Adunaic is their native language.
ip ........ iron piece(s) RR ....... Resistance Roll Dunlendings: (Dn. "Daen Lintis.") A rugged race of Common
jp ........ jade piece(s) Stat ...... Statistic or Characteristic Men who, for the most part, migrated out of the White Mountains
tp .. ...... tin piece(s) in the Second Age. The Eredrim of Dor-en-Ernil are a related folk.
Descendants of the Daen Coenis, Dunlendings have a medium or
A ....... Adfinaic Kh ....... Khuzdul (Dwarvish)
stocky build, sparse brown hair, and tanned or ruddy complexions.
LotR .. The Lord of the Rings
Men average 5' \0"; women stand around 5'6". Mostly mountain-
BS ..... Black Speech
Cir ..... Cirth or Certar Or ....... Orkish
dwellers or hill-loving herders, they are known by various names:
D ....... Dunael (Dun lending) Q ......... Quenya
Dunmen, Dunnish Folk, Dunlal'lders, Eredrim, the Hillmen of the
Du ..... Daenael (Old Dunael) R ......... Rohirric White Mountains, etc.
E ....... Edain Rh ....... Rhovanion Eriador: All of the terri tory north of the river Isen and between the
EI ...... Eldarin S .. ....... Sindarin Blue Mountains (S. "Ered Luin") and the Misty Mountains (S.
Es ...... Easterling S.A ..... Second Age "Hithaeglir"). Its northern boundary lies along the ridge that runs
I.A .... First Age Si ........ Silvan Elvish northwestward from Cam Dum and reaches to the Ice Bay of
F.A .... Fourth Age T.A ..... Third Age Forochel. Some accounts place the southern border along the line
Hi ...... Hillman Teng ... Tengwar bounded by the rivers Greyflood (S. "Gwathlo") and Swanfleet (S.
H ....... Hobbitish(Westron variant) V ......... Variag "Glanduin"). Most hold it to be that area north of Gondor's
Har .... Haradrim W ........ Westron(CommonSpeech) traditional western border. Eriador loosely translates as the "empty
Hob .. Hobbit Wo ...... Wose(Druedain) Lands" and includes the regions of Minhiriath, Eregion, Cardolan,
Kd .. .. . Kuduk(ancient Hobbitish) Rhudaur, Arthedain, and, by some, Dunland and Enedwaith.
Gondor: (S. "Stone-land.") The great Dunedain kingdom that lies
1.32 DEFINITIONS west of Mordor and north of the Bay of Belfalas. It includes a
A few crucial concepts are detailed below. The majority of number of regions: (clockwise from the north) Calenardhon
unique terms and translations from The Hobbit and The Lord of the (Rohan after T.A. 25 \0); Anorien; Ithilien; Lebennin; Belfalas;
Rings can be found in the text proper. Lamedon; Anfalas; and Andrast. Osgiliath on the Anduin serves as
Anfalas: (S. "Long Coast;" W. "Langstrand.") Region of Gondor the Gondorian capital until T.A. 1640, when the throne is moved
to the west of the provinces of Dor-en-Ernil and Lamedon. to Minas Anor (Minas Tirith).
Belfalas: (S. "Coast of the Powers.") Great, hilly peninsula in Lorien: (S. " - Dream".) Also known at various times as Lothlo-
rien (S. "Dreamflower"), Laurelindorenan (S. "Land of the Valley
southern Gondor. Belfalas juts out into the bay that bears its name.
Belfalas is also used as an alternative name for the land called Dor- of Singing Gold"), Lorinand, Lind6rinand (N. "Land of the Sing-
en-Emil , but this usage is not particularly accurate. Actually, ers"), and Dwimordene (R. "Haunted Valley".) The Golden Wood
Belfalas is the southern half of Dor-en-Ernil. was formally established by Galadriel in T.A. 1375, although a
number of Nandor Elves preceded her there.
Dol Amroth: (S. "Hill of Amroth.") City and associated castle
located on the coast of northwestern Belfalas (western Dor-en- White Mountains: (S. "EredNirnrais.")Snow-cappedmountains
Emil). The capital of theLand of the Prince, it was originally which run eastward from the Cape of Andrast and end above Minas
(beforeT.A. 1981) called Lond Emil (S. "Haven of the Prince"). Anor (Minas Tirith),just west of the Anduin. The Paths of the Dead
Dol Arnroth also refers to the hill upon which the town and citadel cross under the White Mountains between Harrowdale (on the
stand, a great granite massif that juts into the Bay of Belfalas. north) and Erech (to the south). Alpine in character, the White
Mountains rise to heights of well over 11,000 feet.
Race Dunadan UrbanMn Dunadan Dunadan Nonhmn DUnadan Dwarf UrbanMn Rohir Nonhman UrbnMn Dunadan UrbanMn Sinda Dunadan Rohir Dorwnadan Sinda
H!/Wl 5'/180 6'/150 5'11"/160 6'8"/225 6'1"/240 6'4"/190 4'6"/150 5'1"/101 6'/225 6'/190 5'7"/120 6'1"/187 6'/190 6'7"/190 7'/260 6'/190 6'/155 6'2"/150
Hair black black black black red black silver red blond blond brown black brown blond brown blond brown blond
Eyes black green blue grey blue black green green blue blue brown black blue grey black blue brown grey
Profession Warrior Scout Ranger Animist Bard Mage Warrior Thief Ranger Animist Bard Mage Warrior Scout Ranger Animist Bard Mage
. Lc:vel ~ I I .l I I 3 3 3 --L 3 3 5 5 ~ ~ ~ ~
HilS 25 22 35 20 16 12 82 38 45- 30 27 27 90 43 54 38 37 39
AT(DB) CH(50) SL(30) SL(30) RL(lO) None(5) None(25) PL(40) SL(35) None(35) RL(IO) None(20) None(l5) Ch(40) SL(35) Ch(l5) RL(25) None(30) None(lO)
Shield Y25 N Y20 N N N Y25 N Y25 N N N Y25 N N Y25 N N
PwrPoints 0 0 2 2 3 3 0 0 6 (+1) 9(+1) 6 18 0 0 5 30 10(+3) 30
BasSp.OB 0 0 0 7 5 5 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 0 10 10 5 10
STrength 98 71 80 60 98 50 99 52 80 75 63 65 95 90 97 70 65 51
AGility 91 98 77 90 55 100 56 100 82 68 95 95 90 98 80 73 90 92
COnstitulion 96 63 57 71 81 62 87 63 63 80 70 63 93 77 76 81 70 80
IntelliGence 60 79 63 57 101 101 75 86 61 73 98 100 87 80 61 79 95 98
InTuition 51 16 99 96 10 80 63 80 96 101 74 52 62 76 16 96 82 73
PResence 73 94 72 80 85 85 93 19 84 97 93 83 84 95 84 84 89 88
A~arance 70 60 J.7 91 56 60 97 10 73 99 51 87 82 93 90 80 80 77
NA MvMvr +10 +25 +15 +10 +5 +25 +0 +35 +15 +15 +20 +20 +20 +5 +25 +15 +15 +20
SL MvMvr - +5 +5 +5 - - - +10 - - - - - +5 +5 - - -
RL MvMvr - - - +5 - - - - - +5 - - - - - +5 - -
Ch MvMvr +5 - - - - - PL+5 - - - - - +5 - +5 - - -
(:11 EdgedOB +43ax +35ss +'WI)s - - - +941)s +68ss +72bs - +22dag +25itag - +IOQ1js +65ss +451is - -
I-h Con OB - - - +15ma - - +63ha - - +4Oma - - +l1Oma - - - - -
2-hOB - - - - +2Oqs - - - - - +28qs - +8Oqs - +1002hs - +45qs +2Oqs
Thrown OB +28ax - - - - - +7Oha - - +3Oma - +25da - - +50ss - +55sp -
Missile OB - +30s1ing +331bow - - - - - +21sbow - - - +65cb +701b - +35sb - -
Polearm OB - - - - - - - - +8OmI - - - - - - - - -
Climb +20 +30 +33 +10 +5 +30 +5 +78 +29 +18 +23 +10 +25 +60 +50 +25 +25 +15
Ride +5 +5 +15 +5 +25 +10 +5 +5 +34 +28 +25 +15 +30 +50 +55 +60 +30 +15
Swim +15 +10 +15 +20 - +10 - +20 +19 +13 +8 +5 +20 +25 +30 +15 +10 +10
Track +0 +35 +20 +11 +10 +5 +15 - +24 +13 +\3 +20 +20 +30 +25 +25 +10 +5
Amtiush 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 5 3 0 0 0
Slalk/Hide +5 +60 +22 +5 +10 - +21 +30 +26 +10 +30 +15 +18 +55 +60 +20 +30 +10
Pick Lock - - - - - - +20 +21 +5 +20 - - +21 +35 +5 +10 +40 +20
p isarm Trap - +20 - - - - +20 +21 +15 +20 - - +10 +35 +5 +10 +40 +20
Read Runes - - - +11 +25 +25 - - - +18 +33 +41 - +5 +5 +30' +45 +6cr--
Use Item - - - +23 +25 +25 +15 - - +28 +30 +35 - - +10 +45 +45 +40
DirSpell OB - - - - - +25 - - - +21 +18 +44 - - - +25 +20 +70
PerceQtion +10 +20 +15 +20 +10 +2 +15 +36 +40 +30 +28 +15 +18 +60 +45 +40 +30 +20
2ndry Skill Sail15 Trap20 StarG20 Garden20 Herd35 StarG15 Smith85 ~RopeM25 Forage 40 Forage35" Forage30 Medit30 Gamb37 Forage60 Forage65 P.S.55 Sing60 Stai'G55
2nd!)' Skill Tumble20 Cook20 Fletch15 Meditl5 StarG20 Dance30 Music42 Tricks40 Weather35 PubS~O PubSp50 - - - TraQB60 - - Sing60
Language Aps4 West5 Aps5 Aps5 West5 West5 Khuz5 WestS Rohir5 Rohir5 Aps5 Nahaid5 West5 Sind5 Aps5 Rohir5 Loga5 Sind5
Language West5 WestS West5 Rohir4 Aps5 WestS West5 WestS West5 West5 Aps3 West5 West5 West5 WestS West5
Language Quen3 Quen4 Aps3 Harad4 Aps3 Silv4 Quen3 Dun3 Bet4 Quen5
Language Quen3 Rohir4 Adun4

Spell List PathM SurfWys ConlrSg SpiritM CairnS SurfWys FireL BloodW ContS WindL
Spell List BloodWys LightLaw BloodW WindL SurfW Lore FireL
Spell List CairnS LightL B/MW SoundC LightL
Spell List B/MW SpiritM CaIrnS Spirit M LvngC
Spell List Lvng Chng AnimW WaterL

Guidelines: Player Characters 5


Just after her sixteenth birthday Jin found herself at the head of
These characters may be used by players, or by the G.M. as non- a noble house in Dol Arnroth. She was the only heir to quite an
player characters with whom the players may i.ntera~t..An opt~onal estate and is now owner of a shipping empire and mercantile house
personality profile is included for each and then StatIStICS are lIsted
in addition to the broad swath of farmland amid which the family
on the chart that follows.
manor rests. All this, though, means little to her. She has grown
Codes: See the NPC stat table for a list of the basic codes. The
following is an explanation of other notations and abbreviations up with the luxuries wealth brings and finds most of the privileges
which are used in this chart. that her station buys her to be rather dull and tiresome. To get away
Power Poin ts: The number (if any) given in parenthesis indicates from this she has chosen to have a go at the adventuring life. She
the possession of a "bonus spell item" and its bonus (see MERP has trained under the Prince's Gamekeeper and has been a fair
section 4.56). pupil. Now her teacher has decided that the time has come for her
Skill Bonuses: NA, SL,RL,CH =Maneuver and Movement in No to do a little wandering on her own. She has purchased excellent
Armor, Soft Leather, Rigid Leather, and Chain; !HE OB, !HC OB, armor and equipment, as well as a superbly balanced broad sword
2H OB, Thrown OB, Missile OB, Pole-arms OB = Offensive which should be treated as +5 just for its craftsmanship.
Bonuses for One-hand Edged, One-hand Concussion, Two- PC 4. MELADORN
handed, Thrown, Missile, and Pole-arms; Dir. Spell = Directed Like his father, this young Dunadan tends the burial grounds of
Spell Bonus; 2ndary Skill =Secondary Skill. Dol Arnroth. In his free time though he dreams of a more
Secondary Skills: Each secondary skill is abbreviated by giving adventurous life. He is tall, even among his own race, with dark
the beginning letters of the skill (MERP section 2.33). The bonus hair and sea grey eyes. His personality shows the calm that is the
for that skill follows the abbreviation.
rule among members of his profession, well suited to reminding
Languages: Languages are abbreviated by giving their first three
the bereaved that death is Eru's gift to Men, not punishment. He
letters (MERP, ST-l, p. 19). The rank for each language is given
has put great effort into his study of spells and learned an additional
following the abbreviation.
list for his troubles. He wears a robe of dark green, as tradition
Spell Lists: Spell lists are abbreviated by using the first few l~tters
of each word; for example, "Snd/Lt. W." refers to "Sound/ Llght- dictates, but when outside the Garden of the Tombs he also dons
Ways" spell list. armor of leather and carries a steel shanked oak baton (treat as a
mace). He also carries a pouch of healing herbs which currently
2.1 PC CHART holds two Mirenna berries and one dose of Anserke root.
See previous page for the PC Chart. PC 5. BRACH NE BRATACH
This young Bard has come to Dor-en-Ernil out of the Wilderland
west of Mirkwood. A Northman, used to Northern ways, he has
2.2 ADVENTURE ONE found the atmosphere of the city to be a never ending source of
wonder and of confusion. He has found though, that taverns here
It may be that the only reason Poddit has chosen the profession of
are much like taverns anywhere and so he has begun to make a
a Warrior is his size. In his childhood he dealt with the fact that his
living for himself telling his Northern tales. Brach is a large man,
cohorts were bigger than he was by knocking them down. Since
with a considerable paunch but he is as strong as one of his father's
that time the Dunadan has mellowed somewhat and his overall
kine. He is good natured and friendly, quick to smile and always
outlook is friendly, but he is still prone to belligerence when his
dependable when times get rough. He has reddish hair and a thin
height is made fun of. Even now that he is fully grown, he stands
beard which only a few more years will thicken. In the streets the
only five feet tall. That five feet, though, is packed with muscles
storyteller wears a tunic of buck skin with a belt of bronze links. He
that are like coiled steel. For battle gear he wears a shirt of chain
has trained in the use of the quarter staff and carries one that was
links and a metal cap. He fights with a short-hafted axe and carries
carved by his father as a going away present before he left the
a round shield of cured bull' s hide stretched across an iron frame.
village where he was born. It is decorated with a pattern like
interlocking rings of rope.
There is a tale told at the Prince's hunting lodge of a young boy,
raised in the scullery by his unwed mother, who took on with the
This young Dunadan has come from Linhir to The City of the
Gamekeeper and learned the ways ofthe woods as easily as another
Prince to seek a new master and continue his education. He left his
might learn the streets of a village. His natural talent was such, it
home town when his old instructor fell victim to a misfired spell
is said, that he could cling to the forest like the bracken itself. The
and was deprived of his reason. Tensidir made the best of the
boy was born Kint Karninson but his skills bought him the name
situation by moving on to the bigger city, looking for a more
of Bracken. He left the lodge some months ago. His mother had
enlightened community of scholars. Now he wanders the streets
disappeared, carried off by beasts or brigands, and he set out to find
in frustration because he has not yet been accepted, the days are
her. Since then he has searched to no avail, finding nothing more
dragging since he does not expect to hear for another week of two.
than the signs of some sort of struggle on a path she had been known
He is a thin fellow who reminds one of an old man, though he is still
to use and, on the trees near by, a thin residue of powder that looked
quite young . He wraps his sharp-edged frame in a voluminous
like ash and smelt of pitch and smoke. At last he has given up hope
cloak of deep red and wears an odd hat of red and white on his high
and wanders the taverns of the town looking for something to make
brow. He carries no weapons and deems physical combat unbefit-
him forget his sadness. He is a tall boy, and sparely built. His dark
ting of a user of magic so he has gained no skill with arms.
hair reaches overthe shoulders of his leather vest. At his belt hangs
a short sword and a sling which he uses with fair skill.
6 Guidelines: Player Characters

2.3 ADVENTURE TWO crowds here. He is a gregarious fellow and already has several
PC 7. THRODIN SON OFTHOROD drinking buddies in the taverns he visits. His equipment is typical
This tough warrior is gruff even for a Dwarf. It is rare that he puts for his people, a broadsword and a shield with the white horse on
more than two words together to get his point across. Instead of green blazoned on its face. He wears buck-skin riding clothes
speech he uses his hands to express himself. When at home, where under a linen tabard of green and red. He also owns a long lance,
he spends the Winter whenever he can, he is known as one of the which stands by his horse in the stable of the White Shoals tavern
finest metal workers in his clan. When out in the wild world he is (Havens of Gondor sec 11.36). The sword he wields is magical,
renowned as a warrior of merit. His skill with metal is displayed with +5 normally and + 15 vs. Orcs and Half-orcs. He also has a
in the gear he carries. He arms himself with a sword of the finest small earring which is a + I spell adder.
steel and elegantly simple design (+ I 0 for its superb balance). His PC 10. RELLO OF THE MACE
helm, greaves, and breastplate are of dark steel etched in a delicate The patron of this Northman Animist is Fejjil Goldhair, a hero of
pattern with inlay of copper. Beneath this he wears a padded sur- ancient legend. The totem of his followers is the mace they use in
coat of bright crimson, which is charmed to raise his DB by 15. All battle. Rello travels as did his hero, throughout the Wilderlands.
of this is set off by his beard of He is a cheery fellow and is thought
bright silver, forked and tucked to bring good luck by the villagers
into a broad belt of worked he visits. Blond hair worn in braids
leather. His skill at arms is shown and his rugged good looks call back
by a number of brass rings hung the memory of the heros of old. He
from the bottom edge of his belt, wears armor of rigid leather beneath
one for each opponent he has a cloak of sky blue. His mace is all
felled . of shining steel and gives him an of-
PC 8. LESSITH THE CUMBER fensive bonus modifier of + 15 as
In the town of Linhir there is a well as acting as a + I spell adder.
warrant out for a slender red- PC 11. KINDA THE SCOP
haired girl, suspected of robbery The tales and songs of the South
and murder. For this reason she Ki ngdom are the joy of Kinda' slife.
has come to Dol Amroth. The She sings and recites in taverns and
robbery was hers, she will admit, courts across the land and is well
but the murder was undertaken by liked by all of her hosts. She is plain
the owner of the house, an old in her looks but has a charming
merchant who saw his opportu- manner that often wins her friends.
nity to be rid of his nettlesome Browns and reds are the colors of
mistress. He slit her throat and her simple traveler's garb and her
then called for the guard. Now, staff is twined with ribbons of these
Lessith seeks to spend some time tones. At her belt she wears a long
and the money she stole from the dagger but usually fights with her
merchant in a slightly safer town. staff instead. This is a magical
The girl is a friendly sort, but none weapon and bums upon command
too trusting. She currently spends with fire that will not harm her
hertime in the city's taverns, look- hands, but, in addition to any nor-
ing for entertainment. At just over mal criticals it inflicts, delivers one
five feet, she is short for a heat critical of equal magnitude. In
Dunadan but her spunky personal- a pocket of her robe she keeps a
ity makes her hard to overlook in mouse which is her familiar. She
relaxed times. Under her leather jerkin, hanging up-side-down in has named it Huan and is quite fond of it.
a cleverly designed scabbard, she carries an interesting short PCI2. TIRALGAR OFTHE WOOD
sword. Though it is not decorated and even looks rather poorly At about the age of seven Tiralgar stepped out of the forest into a
made, this weaponis actually quite a prize. It has been enhanced Woodman village knowing nothing but his own name. The village
by enchantment which gives it +5 in combat, and allows it to be mage took him in and trained him and he has grown up tall and
thrown with the ranges of a short bow. strong but his birth remains unknown. Now he has left hi s home
PC 9. ELLOLLEN LANG RIDDER to seek his lost parents. He seems of Dunadan stock and so he
An errand for a Rohir chieftain has brought this tall horseman out roams the towns ofGondor asking after any hints as to his heritage.
of the lands he knew and, now that his message has been delivered, He is a personable young man who makes friends easily and makes
he plans to spend a little time getting to know the strange folk of his living doing magical odd jobs in the places where he stops. His
the city. Blond and bearded, and weighing in at over 220, he is an traveling clothes are of russet and green with a bright red hat in
impressive figure as he wanders through the darker complected which he keeps a woodbird' s feather. That feather was a gift from
his teacher in the forest and acts as a x2 power point multiplier. He
also has a dagger which is + 15 in due to its fine construction.
Introduction: Player Characters 7


PC 13. PERDIDO Out of Rohan this Animist has come to see the World. His
Dol Amroth has always been home to this young warrior. He is antlered leather helm shows him to be a priest of the Cult of the
of mixed stock and heritage but has given his loyalty to the Stag. He travels through the land searching for adventure and
Dunadain. He serves in the city lists when called but earns his daily observing his religious festivals with any folk he finds who share
bread as a sergeant of the guard at the Iron House (see Havens of his heritage. Like so many of his folk, he has long blond hair which
Gondor 11.34). This pays well enough but he wishes for a more he keeps in braids. He also braids his thick reddish beard, with
interesting lot. This wish comes from tales told by an old uncle rings of copper and gold entwined among the strands that jingle
who was quite a traveller. That uncle also left his favorite nephew slightly as he walks or rides, these rings act as a 3x power point
his battle gear and travel equipment. There is a heavy mace, iron multiplier and bring him luck (in the form of a +5 to any three rolls
from grip to head, which has a magic about it that allows it to be he chooses each day). A long rigid leather coat and a round wooden
wielded as if it were of normal weight. The end result is a bonus shield which bears a white stag on a field of green are his protection
of + 15 in combat. He also wears a suit of chain mail that was made in battIe and he wields a broadsword (+ 10) or a short, double-
long ago by the Dwarves of Moria. It is not magical but its quality curved bow for which he has five arrows that are charmed against
is high enough to give it a bonus of 10 for defense. The travel gear Orcs (+15 vs. Orcs, +10 normally).
is also high quality and consists of a long coat of dark blue leather, PC 17. BEHHRIN BEHHORNSON
which he wears over his chain, and a magical belt which allows him Tavernkeepers throughout the South Kingdom are pleased to
to climb and run on rocky hills and mountains as well as any welcome this tall brown-haired storyteller at their doors. He is fed
mountain goat (+20 to any MM that involves moving on precarious and kept without charge all across the.land. In his travels he wears
ground). a cloak of grey and a tall hat of sky blue. He wears no armor but
PC 14. GLORINADAN has a ring which increases his defensive bonus by 20 and acts as a
An Elf of Edhellond, this scout has spent his life learning to know +3 spell adder. As a staff he carries a spear which has a magical
the woodlands and plains that surround his home. He spends a fair bonus offifteen and can be thrown at double normal ranges. As can
amount of time in Dol Amroth as he is often asked to carry be expected from a Dorwinadan, the Bard is a warm and friendly
messages there from his own city. For clothing, the color he prefers type, given to celebration and drink as well as the storytelling by
is a light green and he wears this both in his simple traveling tunic which he earns his keep.
and in the leather armor he wears in battle. This armor is helped PC 18. LARRITHIN
to protect him by the power of a ring he wears which adds fifteen An Elf of Lorien, this Mage is out in the World as something of
to his defensive bonus as well as bringing him luck in the form of an agent of the Lady Galadriel. At most times he is free to go as
a + I 0 to anyone roll he chooses in a day. The Elf fights with a long he chooses but on occasion she will contact him with some mission
straight sword or with a long bow at range. The sword is a magic or task for him to undertake. He wears grey robes with a silver cord
weapon with a bonus of +20 against any who serve the Enemy. about his waist and a silver circlet rests upon his brow. The circlet
is a 3x power point multiplier and also protects his head as would
a full helm. He has a staff of ash wood which is + lOin combat but
he will go to almost any length to avoid melee. He prefers the
greater subtlety of magic. He is somewhat carefree for a Sinda and
tends to be friendly and talkative, even with strangers. In a pocket
of he robes he keeps a small crystal statue of a finch which has
power to charm birds and winged creatures and will cause them to
obey simple commands, so long as such orders are not too alien to
the subject's nature.
All the lands of the South Kingdom are home to this quiet
Dunadain. He roams from place to place in his own subtle war
against the forces of evil. His thick beard (unusual for a Dunadan)
and fur cloak have earned him the nickname "The Bear" among the
townsfolk he visits and those who have seen him fight will attest
that the name is fitting. He has made many friends among the
people of the towns and villages and is popular for his stories told
late at night around the tavern fires. Beneath his great cloak he
wears a shirt of non-metallic chain which does not inhibit his spell
casting, is magical (+ 10), and cannot be pierced by any arrow
(Arrow hits do only 2 points of bruising damage unless a crit that
strikes lower arms, legs, head or neck is rolled.). A great two-
handed sword hangs over his back which is plus fifteen in combat
and at his belt is a short sword which has the same bonus and can
be thrown as if it were a dagger, returning jf it fails to hit its target.
In a pouch he keeps two nodules of Rewk, one dose Of H;;uiy, and
one Degiik leaf.
8 Murder on the Docks: The Tale

3.0 MURDER ON THE DOCKS track down criminals in the countryside and to lead skirmish troops
into battle. He is known for these deeds to all the folk of Dol
The area around Dol Amroth, Dor-en-Ernil, is a pleasant region Amroth and he has always had great popularity among the city's
with fair weather and gentle terrain. Since late in the First Age its people.
comfortable lands have been inhabited by a number of different Now he has scheduled a party to celebrate the thirteenth birthday
peoples, both Elves and Men. With the founding of Gondor a new of his son, his only love since the boy's mother died a few years
era began throughout Middle-earth and along the southern coast ago. The morning of the event Tiranir rode out across his estate in
this came with the establishment of a principality under the House search of wild boar and the trail led him on a course he had not
of Edhelion. Ever since this time the coastal lands have been ruled travelled for several years. He came upon a rocky knoll (see
by princes friendly to Gondor. In times of peace these people are section 5.0) which was shrouded in an unusual and evil seeming
as gentle as their land but when the trumpets of battle are blown, mist. Unequipped for any real fighting, having only his boar spear
none fight more determinedly in the armies of the South Kingdom. and a long knife, he chose to forgo investigation until another day.
He went on to take his quarry in a nearby thicket and returned home
3.1 THETALEOFTIRANIRTHE to deliver it to the kitchen. Afterwards he spoke of the knoll to his
RANGER son, but without the eery feeling of the mist, it seemed less
Tiranir is at the latter end of an impressive career of service to important than it had when he was there. He set the issue aside to
his prince. In the court of Dol Amroth he has been honored for his go on with his preparations. Only one thing was left for the Ranger
bravery and fortitude many times. Now, at the age of sixty-one, he to do before the party, a quick run into town to pick up a present for
lives in retirement at his family home, a small stone keep not far the boy. He has commissioned a fine cloak at one of the weavers
from the city, known as The Woodhold. He passes his days down in The New Port, near the docks .. ..
teaching his young son the ways of Knighthood and enjoying the
liesure he has earned so well.
In his earlier days Tiranir was known as the greatest hunter of
Dor-en-Ernil. He made a name for himself in the year following
the Corsair Invasion ofT.A. 2758, rooting out the last remnants of 3.2THENPCs
the Southerners' armies. At that time he was only twenty-one but There will be only one NPC of note involved in this adventure,
had come to lead his family after his father's death during the initial the assassin Joraal. His superior skills coupled with the challenges
onslaught of the invaders. Repeatedly since, he has been called to of the hideout into which the PCs will all travel should prove
trouble enough for them to handle. See Section 5 for more on the
Shades: that ring of assassins who have dire plans for the citizens
of Dol Amroth.
Dressed all in the Shades' chosen grey, this tall man cuts an
imposing figure. His face is covered by a swath of cloth and his
hands are gloved. Across his back he slings a light broad sword and
in his belt are several throwing knives (six). He carries a twenty
foot coil of rope with a grappling hook slung around one arm and
a set of thieves picks are in a pouch at his belt along with two
carefully wrapped glass balls in which his master has placed a spell
of stunning (third level) which will effect all except the caster
within a ten foot radius by causing them to be stunned for one round
for each five points of RR failure. His robe is also magical and
allows a servant of his cult the power to become invisible once per
day. This invisibility is limited in that its subject cannot move in
any way without cancelling its effect. Finally, he has, in with his
picks and the glass ball a potion which will allow him to see clearly
even in total darkness, though it will not aid him in seeing through
smoke or mist.
Joraal is tough and wiley. He has a strong sense of honor which will
rule out the possibility of surrender under any circumstances but
will not prevent his use of ungentlemanly tactics to inconvenience
his pursuers. His training has led him to hold all who are not of his
order in contempt but he is unlikely to underestimate the skills of
an adversary more than once.
Notable Skills: Climbing 60, Disarm Traps 30, Hiding 50,
Ambush 40 (8), Swimming 35, Stalking 50, Perception 35 {In Role
Master add Adrenal Moves : Speed 35, Ballance 30, Leaping 35 ,
Landing 35.J. Languages: Westron5 Dunael3.
Murder on the Docks: The Setting 9

3.3THESETTING 1 A. The Loft. Hooks and pulleys hang here at all angles, with ropes
In the New Port Quarter of Dol Amroth, tucked in amid more dropping towards the floor and running the length of the warehouse
active buildings, stands the abandoned warehouse of Fordis the to converge at the ends around great spindles just off of the two
Grain Seller. Years of business success were brought rapidly to an long platforms. To these are attached harnesses for several mules.
end for Fordis when, in the same month, seven ships and both of The platforms themselves are very sturdily built, suspended from
his sons were lost to pirates on the bay. The poor man has become the rafters by thick beams all around. Each can be reached from
something of a hermit now and has left the remainder of his below by ladders that run down from their seaward ends.
holdings to fall into disrepair. This warehouse is one piece of 2. The Grain Bin. Its floor some thirty feet below the streetlevel,
property he has held onto but he has done nothing to keep it up or this area was used to hold grain to be loaded aboard ships. The
make use of it for several years. Now it is the sometime home for walls and floor are sheathed in copper to keep out vermin and to
various wandering vagabonds but serves no other purpose. smooth the job of pushing the contents into shipping containers
through the seaward doors. The second task was served well; years
of abandonment have, however, given rats and mice plenty of
opportunity to find ways into the bin. Currently the area is about
a third full of grain that was left when the owner left the business.
It is, of course, spoiled, but it will still act as a cushion for anyone
who might fall from the bridge. This may not be pleasant, as there
is quite a strong smell and no immediate prospect of getting back
THE WAREHOUSE up, since the walls are smooth and have no ladder, however such
When it was active, this was considered one of the finest a fall will result in no physical injury to a healthy character.
facilities in the area. Large and well ventilated, it was ideal for the Movement in the grain will be limited to about half normal but it
great loads of grain the merchant brought through it. Below the thins out to almost nothing at the West end. There the floor and
ground floor is a storage area with room for many tons. Above is walls slope toward two exits. These once had doors but now the
a complicated tangle of ropes and pulleys with two long platforms panels lie broken on the floor of area # 3.
where mules were led back and forth, harnessed to the tackle, to 3. Loading Room. Here large, wheeled crates were filled with
carry delivery wagons out over the storage area and to lift contain- grain to be hoisted up by the mules and rolled aboard ship. Two
ers up from below to be stowed on ships. Now, most of the such containers are here now, square with small wheels and eyes
hardware remains but years of neglect have allowed it to fall into for hooks at each comer, and more can be found on the dock outside
a sorry state of disrepair. the sliding doors above . There is no ladder to the floor above to be
1. The Main Floor. The ground level of the Warehouse is made found here either but, in the north-west comer of the room a
of one large chamber. It can be entered through two pairs of large passage has been cut through the oak planking of the wall. Beyond
double doors in the street-side wall, each with a smaller postern this, a short tunnel through the darkness leads to a dank passage that
gate in its left door, and through the seaward end where there isone seems to run through the moist stonework of the seawall.
normal door at the right side and a row of huge sliding doors all 4. The Passage. In the construction of the seawall, the builders
along the rest of the wall. These were all locked once upon a time used thick stones for the facing of both sides but filled the area
but the many illicit tennants that have passed through the place between them with earth instead of building it all of stone. This
since it was abandoned have long since done away with all of those gave it almost as much strength but cut back sharply on the cost of
troublesome bolts. The doors, walls and floor are all of sturdy oak labor and materials. In a few spots along its length, this has been
planks, fixed with iron nails and hardware. The majority of the area exploited by folk who live outside the law. The dirt has been
is unfloored, open to the storage room below. This gulf is shielded cleared out and breaches have been made in the landward wall,
by a three foot railing around its edges and spanned by a railed from cellers and disused basements along the way . This has
catwalk, running down its center from end to end. To avoid created a number of hidey-holes along the waterfront which are
obstructions in the area below, the builders did not use pilings to almost impossible to detect. Here, of course, is one such place, dug
support the walk. Instead it gains its strength from thick ropes that out shortly after the grainery shut down, by a band of petty brigands
run under the treads and are attached at either end. These are that has since met its demise in a fight with some competitors. The
stretched quite tight to keep the walk surprisingly rigid. For all its walls and ceiling are the thick black stones of the seawall and on
appearant stability, though, this is a dangerous bridge. A family of the left hand one can hear the pounding of the waves. From the
mice has been at work on the lines near their seaward ends and they entrance at the grainary it runs north for about a hundred feet to a
are near the point of snapping. One man can make the trip across place where it broadens to form a sort of cave.
with no risk but under the weight of five or six the walk is certain S. The Cave. This "cave" is formed where the outer wall bulges out
to fail, dropping them into the grain bin below. In such a case, the to support a small guard house, Here the thieves put up their own
ropes will not all break at once so it is likely that people will fall "No Trespassing" sign. The skeleton of a large man has been wired
before the whole thing comes down. This will probably save a few together and hung here with a rusted sword fixed to its right hand
cracked heads since even one of the ropes will still hold the wood and another stuck through one eye hole and out the back of the
of the walk so long as no one adds his weight to it. If anyone should skull. It hangs from the inner end of a mooring ring which moves
manage to catch hold of some part of the structure when the rest as the boat tied to it rocks on the waves so the bones sway back and
fall, he may be able to hold for a few minites but eventually the last forth with a motion that is rather unsettling. There is nothing else
rope will break, dropping him along with a fair load of wood. in the room and neither of the swords is of any worth. Here the
10 Murderon the Docks: The Warehouse

_I_ _ _ _ _ _~

- f j - - - -......~

. .. .
·............ ..: ....
. ... ........ .
. ••. ..• • .• 2 . •••..
. ..... '.-......
· .... :::..... : .
... ..... ;: ......... : ..
..-:.... ... .
... ....
. . . . . ...... .

o 20' 30' 40'

Murderon the Docks: The Warehouse 11

corridor leaves the wall and turns back inward, sloping sharply attack is unsuccessful. A Hard (-10) Perception roll must be made
down through a short, dirt-walled passage. to detect the wires or notice the trap before it is set off. Neither will
6. The Guard Room. A rude door has been set up to block the end be noticed if the PC does not actively look for traps. The illusion
of the passage here but it has no latch and is not very stout in any on the treasure will be dispelled as soon as it is touched. As a
case. Beyond it is a finished room that was once some sort of office. consolation prize, though, there is one silver piece in the pocket of
The building above was bought some years ago by a trader in the coat.
livestock who needed the space for a stockyard. It had been a 10. Ante Room. This room was used as a lounge when the
warehouse with its administrative offices down below and storage basement was a place of business. It still holds the trappings for
space above. The new owner wanted only the open space and had that purpose. The are two low couches with end tables and a chair
no desire to lease out the basement so he sealed it off instead. It is with an ottoman. It was all rather nice once apon a time. Now the
now never entered and pretty much forgotten. This first chamber leather upholstery is somewhat moldy and one of the couches sits
was most recently used as a guard post by the brigands. It holds a awry with one of its short legs broken. On each of the end tables
simple desk and chair, turned to face the seawall door, and leaning stands a small lamp of decorated bronze worth about thirteen
against the desk is a heavy crossbow with several bolts set out on bronze pieces. Another trap is set here. A small ruby sits on the
the desk top. ' The stone walls and floor are dirty and the ceiling is floor at the chamber's center. It is charmed, and if any person
festooned with spider webs. In one drawer of the desk is a hom of comes within five feet of it it will emit a powerful Fireball (+ 10),
dulled brass which was to be an alarm for the former occupants. It filling the entire room with flames. Such a blast will set the
has no special properties but, ifit is cleaned upitcan be seen to have
rather fine decoration and it produces a lovely tone when winded.
At the market such a hom might draw as much as ten silvers.
7. Hall. Through the east door of the GuardRoom is an open area
where a hallway opens out. A thick, magical mist fills the room,
limiting visibility to less than a foot. It is lit every few seconds by
bright flashes of lightning that fill the air with a sharp crackling
sound. Despite its fearsome appearance this is no more than a
display, put here like the skeleton in #5 to discourage intruders.
The room does, however, provide an excellent opportunity for an
ambush where the mist thins, heading into the narrower section of
the hallway.
8. Thieves' Common. Here the outlaws practiced their trade on
each other, drilled with their knives and short swords, or just lay
about between jobs. Along the north and west walls, tattered
cusions lie on the floor and a few empty wine bottles are scattered
among them. A thorough search will find that one of the pillows
holds a sack of thirty bronze pieces and seven silvers hidden in its
stuffing. Across the chamber from these is a rack that holds three
short swords and two long, as well as two staves and two shorter
rods of ash (used for fencing practice). None of these is of great
worth but one of the short swords is of rather high quality, and has
a hidden compartment in the hilts, now open (-15 to detect when
closed), which might hold a tightly rolled scroll or a set ofthieves'
picks. There is also a wooden mannequin which bears the scars of
many practice strokes.
9. False Treasury. This was once another office, and all of its
furnishing s are now heaped in its north-east comer. However, their
appearance has been altered by a powerful spell. They now seem
to be a heap of loot rather than an old coat, a broken desk, and a
chair. The treasure consists of an open chest full of silver coins and
gems, a throne of gold, and a glittering suit of plate armor. This furniture burning as well, but the fire will not last long as there is
"treasure" is not without protection and the protection is quite real. a fair amount of moisture in the stuffing of the seats. This trap will
In a cabinet on the north wall are six miniature crossbows, each rearm itself after thirty seconds and will hold seven charges. (It is
cocked and loaded with a poi soned bolt. Amid a heap of cleverly currently full) . So long as charges are held in the stone it will be
fabricated false cobwebs, three trip wires cross the chamber just in extremely hot to the touch , hot enough to cause cloth to smolder
front of the door. If anyone of these is hit (90% chance if walking and, eventually bum. This will make it difficult to take. The fact
normally) all six bows will fire, making unmodified attacks against that it will generate a new fireball every thirty seconds should
whomever is within three feet of the trip wire that activates the trap. further discourage any avaricious PCs.
The poison on the quarrels is known as Lethenis and will induce a
catatonic state for ten to twenty minutes if a RR versus a third level
12 Murder on the Docks: The Task

11. Bunk Room. Here the thieves used to bed themselves down at Anyone emerging from this door will be greeted with surprise and
night. The room was once an infirmary and is well furnished with some degree of suspicion but the manager of the building is a good
seven sturdy cots and several sets of shelves and cabinets. There and trusting man so the party should have little trouble convincing
is also a table with a straight-backed chair. The former tennants him of the truth. Lying to him however, may be unwise for, if he
were never strong on cleanliness and their bunk room shows the discovers the untruth, word will soon go out that the party members
fact. The beds are rumpled and flea ridden. Under each is a heap are almost certainly thieves and murderers, not a good reputation
which contains that thief's possessions. Most are no more than to have these days in the city of Dol Amroth.
piles of clothing with an odd grappling hook or wrecking bar 15. Brigand Chief's Bedroom. The leader of the thieves was only
thrown in. slightly more cultured than his men. His room is dirty and smells
The farthest bed from the door is somewhat more neatly kept of spilled alcohol. It has a bed, draped in garish but filthy silks, a
and the items under it are tucked into two duffle bags. Inside the cluttered desk with a low chair, and a sea chest of scarred wood.
smaller of these is another sack of leather which contains a The desk holds nothing of great interest, just a pile of papers with
carefully coiled rope with a folded grappling hook. This is a sketched out plans and drawings of various buildings around the
charmed item which will add + 30 to any attempt to throw it and will city. In the chest, however, there is a heavy bag of coins with eighty
hold its bite twice as strongly as a normal hook. In one of the bronze pieces and fifteen silvers, a scroll tube, and a well wrapped
cabinets there is also a canvas bag which holds 95 bronze pieces. long sword. The scroll tube is empty but has a small magic of its
12. Hall. Through the door here are the stairs to the next floor. It own in that it will protect its contents from all forms of physical
is made of plain oak with iron fittings but a brass plaque has been damage. The sword is also magical, giving its wielder an addition
fixed to it. This sign is part of a magical lock that holds the door. of + 10 to his OB. The chest is locked with an intricately fashioned
Upon it, in graceful script, is written a riddle: lock which is Very Hard (-20) to pick, and trapped with a poisoned
needle (2nd level fatal) which is Hard (-10) to detect and Very
Feline Hunter and Feline Prey Hard (-20) to disarm with failure on either resulting in its being
Joined in an Unending Fray activated.
Fiercly chasing, Runs away 16. Treasure Room. Here the rogues kept a store oflootagainst
Wildest Battle seen as Play the day when they might find a buyer for it. There is a chest that
holds twenty silvers and sixty bronze. A suit of chain mail that is
When the answer ("A Kitten Chasing His Tail") is said aloud, +5 due to the strength of its rings is bundled on the floor in the
the door will swing back to reveal the stair. comer. Beside this, a staff of reddish wood leans against the wall.
13. Bridge Room. At the top of the stair is a chamber where the It is not magical but it has been crafted to be receptive of Essence
diggers constructing the basement came across an underground power and will store a spell (upto 10th level) thatis cast into it. This
inlet from the harbour. Fed by a deep and narrow channel, this pool spell can then be cast once more at a later date without power point
stays relatively calm, a few feet below the level of the floor. It was expense. Of course, points must be used to charge the staff with the
once spanned by a wooden bridge but this has been tom out by the spell. On a small table in the south-east comer is set a largish book
thieves and replaced by a slightly trickier path. This is a monkey that may be quite interesting. It is entitled The Traps and Wards
bridge, three lengths of rope, strung across from the end pieces of of Lithnantir. It is from this tome that the various traps in the
the old bridge, one at floor level like a tight-wire and two on either thieves' home have been taken. Some, like the arrow trap in #9, are
side of it about three feet higher to act as rails. It is not too difficult simply mechanical devices; others like the fire trap downstairs and
to negotiate, being a light maneuver at a slow pace. At a run, the guardian of this chamber are essence magic, a series of seventh
however, it becomes hard. The pool beneath it will prove an level spells. All of the magics described are limited in use to the
uncomfortable surprise for any who fail to conquer the ropes. It is protection and defense of objects or places. The value of such a
home to hundreds of Cave Stingers. These are blind fish native to tome will depend upon the market at the time of sale, but it could
sea caves all along the Bay of Bel fa las, living off of tiny organisms well run as high as 50 gold or even higher. The treasury is guarded
they find in the water. Their name comes from a property of their well enough that all this will not be gained without sweat. Standing
skins. Like jellyfish, the exude a mild poison which stuns the tiny in the center of the room is what seems to be an empty suit of plate.
creatures on which they feed. This acts on human skin as a harsh When the room is entered it will animate, wielding a broad bladed
irritant and anyone falling in among them will find himself covered axe. It will attack all who enter the room without calling the
in a burning rash. This will leave him at minus fifteen in all of his thieves' password ("IlIgotten"). It fights and takes damage as a
undertakings for several days. This can be allayed temporarily by normal second level warrior (OB 56, DB 15, Hits 47) but will not
applying lotion or permanently by a Frost/Burn Relief spell. be effected by stunning, blood loss, or spells that attack the mind
14. Corridor. At the east end of this corridor is thedoortothe stair or spirit. Once it has been vanquished this false warrior will revert
up to the warehouse. It is blocked by a large, iron-bound oak chest. to its unenchanted state. It is no more than a rusted breast plate and
This was placed here by the thieves against the unlikely event of a battered hatchet.
someone from above trying to gain access. It is filled with stones
and held shut by a lock that has had its works disabled so that it 3.4THETASK
cannot be opened. It will be more than anyone man can move, The players' objective here will be simple enough once things
weighing about eight hundred pounds. At the top of the stairs is get underway. There is a question of survival in a fight with the
another doorway which has been lightly boarded over from the assassin. They must also find their way back to the streets above.
other side. This leads into the warehouse stock yard above. If they are morally motivated, they will probably also see the need
to avenge the murder they have witnessed.
Murderon the Docks: Starting the Players 13


It will not be difficult to bring the PCs into the story of this Above and beyond the spiritual gains that will come from
adventure. Any of a number of errands might take them into the bringing a murderer to justice, this adventure holds substantial
New Port area and from there it is only a question of timing which worldly rewards as well. The artifacts left behind by the thieves,
will be completely in the hands of the GM. If, however, the party in with their personal gear as well as in their treasure chamber,
is prone to callousness or tends to err on the side of inaction, the constitute a generous haul for a band of youths. There will also be
GM may deem it appropriate to establish some prior connection
some degree of public acclaim bestowed on the adventurers who
between them and the Ranger to add to their interest in the event.
avenge the death of such a popular man as Tiranir.
"As the old ranger turns to answer your wave, a grey cloaked
figure detaches itselffrom the shadow of a small shed and 3.5 ENCOUNTERS
rushes toward him ... " This module has been designed to fit with a rather structured
series of events. This is, of course, open to modification by the GM
3.42AIDS at his descretion but care should be taken to avoid the PCs'
Aside from the talents and skills they bring with them to the becoming overwhelmed or exasperated by Joraal 's superior skills.
docks the party cannot expect any special aid. If the events and The encounters around which it is suggested that the adventure be
encounters provided here are handled carefully and the players act developed are as follow.
with some care, this should be enough to bring them all through 1. After putting an end to Tiranir, Joraal will see that he has been
alive, and somewhat wealthier as well. observed and flee into the warehouse. Mention to the characters
that Joraal disappears into an oily cloud of smoke which reeks of
3.43 OBSTACLES pitch. He will use the bridge across the grain bin and as they follow
There should be no need for obstacles beyond those already him he will cast his grapple toward the rafters, hoping to escape
included in the descriptions above. The traps and wards set by the among the shadows overhead. Just as he does this, the bridge will
thieves and the cruel cunning of the assassin Joraal should prove fall out from under him. As he goes down he will lose his rope in
quite enough to keep any party of novice adventurers quite enter- a moment of surprise. As soon as he regains his bearings he will
tained. It should be noted that the party, on a simple excursion in see that going back up is not possible and so will head for the exits
town will probably have their weapons and armor, and perhaps a to the west.
torch for their trip home that night, but will not have such 2. Joraal tends to cope with doubt by charging through, so the
adventurers ' items as rope, lanterns, provisions, etc. scare tactics at#5 and #7 will not hold him long. Justthrough #7,
he will stop as the mist thins and wait in hopes of scoring an
ambush . After his attempt or when he can tell from the conversa-
tion or noises of the PCs that he will get no chance, he will move
on to area 10. Here his tendencies will come to hurt him. As he
rushes through this room he will be hit by the fireball. This will
singe the assassin for seventeen hits.
3. Coming to room 12, Joraal will admit that he has no head for
riddles and sit down to wait, under his invisibility spell, for the PCs
to catch up and answer it themselves. Once they do, he will leap
up and cast his glass ball on the floor, using the ensuing confusion
to run through and up the stair.
4. The assassin will have no trouble with the monkey bridge in
13 but will take the time to add to the PCs' troubles. He will cut
the lower rope, making passage across a hard and rather slow
process. He will then wait in the shadow of the far hallway, with
his throwing knives prepared, to make the crossing still more
troublesome. As soon as missle fire is returned, however, he will
move on.
5. The final encounter with the assassin will come at the door at
# 14. Having seen that neither of the side doors holds any promise
of escape and being unable to move the whole chest by himself,
Joraal will pull out his thieves' picks and go to work on its lock.
This vain attempt will keep him busy until the players catch him up
for the final showdown.

14 A Home by the Sea: The Tale


In the wake of their assassination of Tiranir the Ranger, the TROLLSDIRGE
Shades have grown bolder in their activities, attacking parties on In T.A. 2745 the House of Grallow had been minor nobility in
the roads around Dol Amroth to hone their skills in preparation for Dol Amroth for many generations. Its head in that year, Abrin the
the eventual execution of their leader's designs (see section 5.1). Tall, had two sons who were as different as day and night. The
A Home by the Sea is set in this period and centers upon an ambush. elder, Abris, was a man of kind heart and quiet disposition while
If the PCs are those who fought in Murder on the Docks this attack his brother, Gabbon, was known for a rough nature and a rather
can be considered an act of vengeance for the death of Joraal. poor temper. Abris was given to study and the arts; Gabbon had
Otherwise, it can be explained as a random act, part of the Shades' a passion only for the arts of war. In 2745, at the age offorty-five,
training. The adventure that grows out of this assault will provide Gabbon had grown tired of the quiet life of Dol Amroth and took
several tests for the players in which their minds and their morality up his weapons to find adventure in the lands of the South and East.
will be called to task (as well as their combat abilities). He sailed away alone and in secret, leaving only a note which said
The rich countryside about the city of Dol Amroth is dotted with he would someday return, when he had made a name for himself.
the manors of the region's powerful men, knights of the nobility, That name was never to be heard by his father or his brother, fort he
particularly wealthy merchants, and the leaders of some of the former fell ill and died in the next year and the latter was mortally
craftsmen's guilds. In the evenings the owners of these mansions wounded in the battles of 2758. In fact, since that day, no word of
entertain themselves by throwing gala parties for their neighbors the younger brother has come to anyone in the City of the Prince.
and as dusk comes down, the dust of the roads that wind between However, Abris, after his injury at the hands of the Corsair raiders,
them is stirred from its daylong rest by the passing of happy, on his deathbed and without an heir, willed the mansion of his
talkative bands, on foot or horseback, going out for an evening of family to his wandering brother, insisting that the man would
merriment. someday return and that the house should be kept for him. Since
The adventure A Home By The Sea begins on just such an that time the estate has been maintained at rather irregular intervals
evening with the group of PCs on their way to just such a party. by the servants of various friends of the family, but no one really
They stroll happily toward the home of an old wine merchant who hopes for the adventurer's return and only for the sake of their
is known for his festivities, fashionably late and ready for an respect for the last wishes of Abris has it not been sold.
evening of quiet fun ...

After his leavetaking, Gabbon did indeed make a name for

himself. In the lands of the far east he fought with a band of
mercenaries and discovered in his heart a great hatred for the race
of Trolls. This arose, it is said, from a period he spent as the guest
of a group of these folk who impressed him as appallingly poor
hosts. After a daring escape he returned and gave the Trolls a
lesson in etiquette which none of them survived. This won him,
among his associates, the epithet of Trollsdirge. Many years
passed before the warrior, with old age eating away at his sanity,
took it into his head once more to see the lands of his birth and to
visit his father and brother. Thus, 2800 finds him at home at last,
but in the end, the strains of this last journey and the realization that
no one remains to welcome him, have broken his mind completely.
He lives now in his mansion but lives as he has for years in the
wilderness. He has seen none of the people of the city, and they
remain unaware of his arrival. He camps within the fine halls of the
house as if he were alone in the lands of the Enemy. A few recent
reports of lights in the windows of the building have simply been

put down with all of the other ghost stories that have formed around
the estate over the last forty years .
A Home by the Sea: The NPCs 15

The NPCs of A Home by the Sea are not numerous. There are
eight Shades of second level whose stats can be found on the master
NPC table in section 6.0. Aside from them there is only Gabbon
himself, who also appears on that table and is described in detail
The "lost" adventuring son of the House of Grallow is a man of
impressive size indeed, standing 6'8" and weighing over three
hundred pounds. Long, peppered hair and a grizzled beard adorn
his proud head; he is dirty and unkempt and has more the look and
smell of a wild man or hermit than that which befits a noble of Dor-
en-Emil. He is a warrior of tenth level but is feeling his age, at just
over one hundred years, and his strength and skills are fading. So
is his reason. He recognizes this place as home but knows no more
about it. He often muses that he wishes to see his father and brother
again but does riot realize that with a short walk he could come to
a neighbor's house and learn where they have gone.
The old warrior wanders the mansion halls and camps in his
father's old room. His war gear is left in the closet there, and he
carries with him only a heavy oaken cudgel and a bag of old soup
bones for his dogs. Around his neck on a chain is a silver whistle
which will summon the beasts with an ultrasonic call. The bones
will add 20% to any attempt to calm the warrior's hounds.
Any intruders in the house are seen by the owner as thieves and
robbers and no arguments to the contrary will be able to pierce the
clouds of dementia that darken his mind. For this reason he will
attack visitors on sight, calling down condemnation on all thieves
and particularly on those in his house; and though he may pause to
listen for a moment to whatever denials they may make, he will not
be satisfied until they fall or flee from the house. His dogs are of
similar attitude but, though they are huge and were once formi-
dable, age has dulled the edge of the threat they pose to those whom
they might attack.
Notable Skills: Trap-building 60, Foraging 100, Sailing 80. 4.3 THE MANOR RANORAN
Languages: Westron5 ,Logathig4,Adunaic 3 . On a reasonably well-travelled country lane, not far from the
city of Dol Amroth and close by the sea, stands the Grallow family
manor, Ranoran. Set in a small wood of tall dark pines, the estate
is surrounded by a wall of stone ten feet in height with an oaken gate

that lets onto the road .
.... ~
Within the wall the wooded grounds are overgrown with weeds
and brambles making passage through them noisy and difficult.
The courtyard, however, has remained clear and the house itself
has been kept in fair shape by the visits of servants sent by friends
of the family who act as caretakers awaiting Gabbon's return.
4.22 THE SHADES The mansion is built running down the bank that forms the
The group of assassins is made up of eight second level Shades. seashore and the roof of its uppermost story is only even with the
They are all clothed in the grey livery of their cult, full-body ground-level of the road. In three steps the house drops to where
covering with a shroud for the head and gloves, all of a cotton duck. its lowest story's floor is but a few feet above the high-tide mark.
They wield broadswords, which are scabbarded across the back, Its roof is made of red clay tiles which have been weathered such
and carry throwing daggers, five each, in their belts. As per their that they give good traction when dry, but when moistened by rain
normal team procedure, each has a shrill whistle on a chain about or the sea spray they are as slick as glass. The seaward walls are
his neck, which he will use to bring his fellows in for a kill. all pierced by or entirely made up of thick-glassed windows, set to
Notable Skills: Stalk42,Hide40,Ambush20(4). Languages: take advantage of the glorious sunsets over the Western Sea.
Westron 5, M orbeth 2. Around these windows there is plain stonework of grey marble.
Where the house meets the waves, at its northern end, a covered
stone pier juts out into the sea, ending with a glassed sun room and
a dock for boats.
16 A Home by the Sea: The Setting

1. The Courtyard. A seven foot wall,done in the grey marble that attack as a charge. The only exit from this room besides the door
is found throughout the house, comes off of the main wall to form to the parlor is a curving stair downward to the guardroom on the
this large yard. It is floored with white gravel, now strewn with level below.
needles from the surrounding pines, and has at its center, a hitching 5. The Guardroom. Spartan in its furnishings, this room was
post set with iron rings, each held in the teeth of a carved marble home to the household lieutenant who kept the upstairs office. It
face, and encircled by a trough of carved stone. In the north-east holds a simple soldier's cot at the north wall and a plain bureau on
quarter stand stables built of dark-stained wood with a roof of the west. The bureau's drawers are empty and the cot is bare. In
thatch. These hold neither horses nor tack as all was removed by the center of the floor lies a thick rug of brown and red. The room
the caretakers years ago to prevent its theft. There are four exits has exits to the hall through a wooden door and to the office above
from this area, the doubled main gate to the east, one small door in by a stone stair. Neither exit can be seen from the other.
each of the north and south walls (These are locked but their keys 6. The Ballroom. This huge hall is dominated by the great expanse
are in the mechanisms on their inward sides.), and a wide stair that of glass that makes up the entire west wall and half of the ceiling.
leads down to the house's entrance in the south-west. A great sweep of the ocean can be seen through it and the view is
2. The Ante-room. The lavish decorations of this chamber have truly wonderful (though some of the panes are now cracked and
long since come to show their age, but still, their quality and style broken. In an alcove to the east is a low stage with stairs up to it
are impressive. A fine woven carpet covers most of the stone floor. on the south. A massive chandelier hangs above the dance floor but
Its pattern depicts beautifully the petals of an opening rose. The is, of course, unlit. Three doorways lead out ofthe room, one to the
walls are decked with portraits and tapestries that show the north and two to the east. One of the latter pair holds red and gold
founders of the Grallow clan in battle and at sea. Between these painted double doors and leads into the manor's ante-room, the
hang sconces for candles, but they hold none. Around the edges of other lets through a door, painted to blend with the wall, into the
the floor are set several comfortable chairs and two end tables, all kitchen area. The northern exit leads through another painted door
of which are bare of any artifacts. On the south wall is a plain door to a stair that leads down to the lower floors. Beside this, on the
of wood that leads to an empty coat closet. On the north is a door wall, is a wooden box, also painted red and gold. It is open on top
of varnished wood which leads into the parlor and on the west is a and holds two short rods, each contained in a leather bag. If these
grand pair of doors, decorated with flaking paint of red and gold, are examined they will be seen to produce light equal to that of a
which open onto the great ballroom. normal torch but give off no heat. This magic is permanent and
3. The Parlor. This chamber is as finely fitted as the ante-room but cannot be doused except by covering them.
its furnishings are more comfortable. From the walls hang tapes- 7. The Pantry. Theairismustyhereandcarriesascentofvinegar.
tries of thick weave that depict great game animals of the region, Wooden shelves run along the north and west walls and along the
the wild boar and the proud woodland stag, among others. The east is a double row of sturdy casks, each marked with the sign of
floor is of bare stone set in a pattern of black and grey squares. a prominent local wine merchant. None of these hold more than a
There are several low couches covered in richly embroidered pint or so of dregs, long since soured to vinegar. Parallel to the
fabric of intricate pattern. Among these are three small tables of barrels run lines of ceiling hooks, some of which still bear strands
smooth wood that once was beautifully polished but has grown of stale herbs and vegetables. The room has only one door, a plain
somewhat dull with the years. On one of these is a small silver box wooden one which leads into the kitchen.
which holds five brown nuts. These are mild stimulants and each, S. The Kitchen. From the door to this chamber a low moaning
if eaten, will cure five hits of non-critical damage. The box itself sound can be heard. Though it sounds like the wailing of spirits
is worth about thirty-seven bronze pieces. Doors of plain var- doomed to wander after death, it is actually nothing more than the
nished wood lead north andsouth from this room into the office and wind blowing across the chimneys of the three large ovens which
the ante-room respectively. line the south wall. These are built of brick and fitted with doors
4. The Office. Much more functional in its design than rooms 2 and racks of wrought iron. Before them runs a twenty foot
and 3, the manor's business office has only a bas-relief of the preparation table with a well-used butcherblock surface. Under-
family crest for decoration. This is a shield with a bear's head on neath can be found all manner of fair quality cooking implements,
its face, carved ftom the grey stone of the north wall. In front of from pots and pans to knives and skewers. Across the table from
this carving is a massive desk of black oak with a heavy chair. the ovens is a large, circular fire pit with a smoke hood which
Facing it are two smaller chairs of worked wood. Any search of the connects to one of the other chimneys. In the westernmost oven
desk's drawers, which are unlocked, will yield nothing more than lives a flock of small, dark birds which go in and out through the
several sheets of old and yellowed paper. Underneath, however, chimney. A careful listener might hear them moving about inside
where the chair can be pushed in, is a small metal oblong any time after dark. If the door of the stove is opened they will burst
(I "x I "x6"), hanging from a nail on thong through a whole in one out into the room with a loud flurry of wings and noisy chirping,
end of it. This device holds a version of the spell Stunning (Calm probably giving anyone around quite a start but causing no real
Spirits) which will effect all within ten feet of it except for its damage.
wielder. This is activated by squeezing the oblong in one's fist. 9. Assembly Room. Empty save for its three doors, this room was
(Note that anyone trying to pull on the device where it hangs below used to gather the waiters to carry out dinner courses on feast days.
the desk will probably set it off.) Only one charge can be placed It now holds nothing but dust, and a slight echo. A wooden door
in the item atany given time but for its renewal it needs only to have leads to the ballroom and another into the kitchen. The third lets
a normal Stunning spell cast upon it. If, incidentally, the item is onto a curving stair that goes to a corridor running north under the
empty when its holder is attacked with the spell, it will absorb the ballroom.
A Home by the Sea: The Setting 17

10' 20' 30' 40'

J ,
18 A Home by the Sea: The Setting

10. Hall. The walls of this room are hung with torch brackets and brown and red, and, behind them, hanging on a nail in the
woven tapestries depicting scenes of battle. Each wall has a door wardrobe's back, is a ring with the keys to the house dangling from
of oak with fittings of bronze and against the north and south walls it. NOTE- Except where othelw ise noted, all a/the house's doors
are four high backed chairs with cushioned seats. The floor is have locks but are not locked at present.
covered with a thick brown carpet. 13. Bedroom. Paintings of pleasant landscapes set a gentle
11. The Servants' Quarters. Six simple beds, bare of any linen, atmosphere for this room, which was used to house any overnight
are set along the South wall of this room . Each has a small drawer guests of the family. It is tastefully furnished with simple, wooden
beneath it but all are empty. By the single wooden door, on the pieces. A bed and bureau are set against the west wall and a
south wall, is a wash stand with a brass bowl , corroded and green, wardrobe faces them across the chamber. On the north is a dressing
and a clay pitcher for water. On the northwest wall is a large table of rosewood, topped with a large, circular mirror, and a
wardrobe which once held the housemen 's clothing. Termites writing desk has been built into the niche to the right of the door.
have made this into a fonnidable trap. They have eaten away at the The various drawers and cabinets around the room are all empty,
frontofits base to such a degree that any touch will bring it crashing but there is a small brass box on the dressing table such as might
forward onto any unfortunates within six feet of it. Those who fail hold jewelry or other small items. It is empty as well but trapped
to make a successful maneuver roll will suffer a "B" crush critical. with a magical pain spell that will afflict anyone who handles it
It will also produce a fair amount of noise as it comes down. unwarily. This will result in the loss of one to ten hits for two hours,
Unfortunately , there will not even be any consolation for the poor after which time it will fade away and the victim will return to
victims as the wardrobe is completely empty. normal. This damage cannot be healed by healing spells or herbs
12. The Steward's Quarters. lust off the hall (number 10)tothe but the spell itself may be dispelled by nonnal means. The trap,
South is the comfortable chamber once used by the steward of the however, is not difficult, being +5 to find and + I 0 to disann. A
house. It is carpeted and hung with bright colors. In the South-west small lever on the side must simply be depressed to keep the magic
is a writing desk with a chair. This holds nothing more than useless inactive. The box alonewould net 50 silvers in town .
papers covering the maintenance of a manor house. Beside this is 14. Bedroom. Upthe hall from theguestroom is thechamberthat
a bed with a richly carved headboard, covered with skillfully housed Gabbon in the years before his departure. It is well
rendered flowering vines and mute depictions of garden songbirds. furnished with a bed, desk, bureau, and wardrobe, all of highest
On the far side of the room from this is a matching wardrobe which quality, carved from a rich blond wood and fitted with brass and
also has a cleverly worked cat eyeing one ofthe birds from its place mother of pearl. Unlike those in the rooms to thesouth, the bed here
at the base. Inside this are two suits of clothing in the family livery, is disheveled and untidy . The sheets are dirty and smell of wet dog.
A Home by the Sea: The Setting 19

The cupboards and drawers of the room are all empty save for a that speaks without words of the stilling of the earth from which
mouse nest in the bottom of the wardrobe, but even this is long Trolls are made. It adds +5 to its wielder's OB in normal combat
abandoned by its builders. On the wall above the bed, however, is and adds +25 when used against a Troll. The sword is possessed
an item of some interest, a particularly realistic painting of an of a semi-sentient soul which cannot communicate but will slowly
elderly man working in a garden of herbs. Anyone looking intently work upon any who lays claim on the blade, instilling in him a
at the painting has a 66% chance offalling into a deep trance. Once burning hatred for the race it seeks to destroy. The wristlet of bones
the picture's magic begins to act the player will spend five plus I- holds power as well. It bestows upon its wearer the ability to
10 rounds studying herb lore with the old man, while seeming assume the form, gear, and speech of a lesser Orc. This can be held
merely to stare into space. If allowed to learn uninterrupted for the for one hour, twice per day and it should be noted that, should the
first five rounds, the pupil will gain two levels of skill in herb lore. user be unable to speak Orcish without the charm, he will know
He can only be shaken from his trance by a blow that actually only that tongue while he is disguised.
wounds him for one or more hits. The painting's power can be
invoked only once per month and it cannot be removed from its
place on the wall without breaking the spell.
15. Bedroom. This chamber reeks of dog, and there is a good
chance of its being occupied by one. The furnishings (identical to
those in Gabbon's old room next door) and the thick rug on the
floor are awash with a mixture of tom cushions and shed fur. In the
top drawer of the desk, by the north-east wall, is an amulet of hom,
carved to the shape of a five pointed star and strung on a thong of
rawhide. This room was home to Gabbon's elder brother Abris
who had a strong interest but unfortunately little talent in the arts
of Essence. This amulet did a bit to enhance his limited powers by
allowing its wearer to cast one additional spell, of any available
level, each day. In addition to this, there is, in the wardrobe on the
south-west wall, a rather travel-worn blue robe which also holds
some Essence magic. It allows its wearer to become completely
invisible once a day. The enchantment will last up to one hour or
until it is dispelled by any violent action: falling, striking a blow or
the like. The user of the robe can see himself at all times, so he is
able to retain his normal hand eye coordination but will never know
whether or not his invisibility continues until some other observer
notices him.
16. The Master Bedroom. Here the smell of unwashed human
almost overpowers the dog scent. It was once well furnished with
worked wood and wrought iron fittings. It shows signs of recent
human occupation in addition to the smell. The bed has been slept
in and there is a bowl of tepid water on the washstand in the
northwest comer. On the west wall is a large, heavy desk with a
painting above it of a seaward tower beset by the fiercest of storms.
Lightning seems to crackle around its height where stands a slender
maiden looking out on the waves. The top of the desk is strewn
with sheets of yellowed paper on which have been drawn dreary
landscapes and harsh portraits of Orcs and Trolls. The art work is
17. Hall. This simple passage is made remarkable by the arches
fair at best and worth nothing. In the east wall is the door to a walk-
along its west wall, open to the breezes from the sea. Graceful,
in closet. It is set with coat pegs and a high shelf along its South-
slightly pointed curves with their keystones carved in an intricate
east wall, the north-east is bare. From one of the pegs hangs a plain
pattern ofleaves are supported by slender columns of marble, each
brown cloak and tumbled on the floor behind and beneath it is a suit
bearing a trailer of leafy vine etched in the stone. The craftsman-
of rigid leather plate. This was once powerfully magical but it has
ship is excellent. This hall is the most beautifully built portion of
been allowed to fall into disrepair and the enchantment has fled. It
the entire estate. The years have taken some toll here as well,
is reparable, though, if taken toa fairly skilled leathersmith. On the
however. Creepers and vines have found their way through the
shelf, where any but the tallest of men would need a stool to see up
archways and now tangle the floor and add decoration to the stone
to it, is a scabbarded two-handed sword, and behind it, a moldering
work. Even these, though, add to the beauty of the place, giving it
canvas rucksack. In the sack can be found a bed roll, a sack of
the look of a long lost ruin, full of old tales and history. Gabbon
gemstones (fifteen at 30bp each) and what looks to be a charm
notices none of this, but sees that the floor is an excellent spot for
bracelet made from finger bones of Orcs. The sword is a very
a snare to be hidden. He has placed a trap such as hunters use for
special blade. An inscription on its blade names it as its master was
bear beneath the foliage on the floor. Any who pass unwarily
called, Trollsdirge, and whenever it is drawn it moans a low song
through here will have an 80% chance of encountering it, since the
20 A Home by the Sea: The Setting

clever woodsman has put it upon the only easy path through the 21. The Sitting Room. An extraordinarily large bearskin rug
undergrowth. Anyone actively looking at the floor will have a 20% covers most of the floor here, and the rest is taken by the three
chance of spotting it before it is sprung (To this roll perception leather chairs and the couch that molder around the walls, facing
bonuses should be added .). The trap has lost some of its spring the large fireplace on the northeast wall. Above the mantle is a
from rusty joints but will still have the effect of a sprain on the ankle large composite bow which will add fifteen to its user's offensive
affected. This will reduce the victim 's movement by half for three bonus. To draw it, however, one must have at least a 100 strength
or four days and subtract 15 from all moving maneuvers that use and stand over six foot two. A string for it, waxed for storage, can
it, as well as from his OB in melee. The pain will also disturb be found in a pouch on the mantle itself. The north and west walls
concentration to deduct five from any spell casting that might be are lined with shelves holding various nautical curios, scrolls tied
undertaken . These effects will be halved in strength and duration with faded ribbons, and books on history and on the sea. None of
if the victim is wearing high, hard boots. theseis valuable but there is a decanter of cut glass which might
18. H a II. This hall tends to be a bit dark these days. Though its west catch someone 's eye. It holds a sweet-smelling liquid of an orange
wall is pierced with windows, the style is different from that of the color which has no properties beyond its ability to preserve soft
other seaward rooms. There is more stone and less glass, lots of leather. It does not taste bad, and is not poisonous but, if drunk it
little windows, rather than one large one. This pattern has offered will have the same effect as would a large dose of Castor Oil.
vines and creepers much more to bite into. They have covered most 22. The Sunroom. The best view to be had from the main house
of what glass there is. The decor can be seen to further the pales by comparison when one watches the ocean from this glass-
atmosphere that the windows begin. Itconsists of heavy panelling, walled gazebo. It is reached by a stone pier that runs from the
dark and richly carved, set with a number of small mirrors along the house, which is covered but has glassless windows along its entire
landward walls. All together it makes for an interesting play of length. At the walkway's end, through a glass paned door, the sun
light and dark in patterns all across the walls and floor. Beside the room holds five sturdy deck chairs and a hatch cover table, all of
steps to the east door there is a ledge, about five feet above the floor. polished teak with fittings of slightly corroded brass. In a locker
It was once used for the display of a large, decorated ewer which by the west door is the tackle for the boat which can be seen through
has since been moved off to decorate the home of one of the care the window, bobbing at#23 and a set of pilot's instruments which
takers. Now it is no more than a perfect place for an enterprising have a magical bonus of +40 for navigation at sea. They would be
assassin to lie in wait to ambush passers by. worth as much as 50 gold to any merchant-sailor captain who could
19. Dining Room. On a stormy night, the ocean waves break right afford them.
against the thick -paned windows ofthis chamber. When Gabbon' s 23. The Dock. An open stone pier runs off from the west side of
father was still master of the house, the long table was the site of the Sun Room with docking space for as many as three boats. In
many late suppers when the waves were high. He loved the sea and the nearest slip is the boat that brought Gabbon home. It is of
would often spend hours here, reading or talking with his sons long strange design, but is quite seaworthy. About twenty-six feet in
after their meals had been cleared away. The table is built of white length, it has a small, enclosed cabin and a single mast, set up for
pine, thickly varnished, and mounted on its surface is a beautiful a main sail and ajib. Setting it up and sailing would be beyond the
map of the surrounding lands and the coastline for several miles in skills of any but an experienced seaman, but, if it can be boarded
both directions. Currents are charted and anyone who can read and pushed away from the dock the current, as shown on the map
Adunaic will be able to tell, if he is interested, that a boat put out in#19 , will nose it into the New Port of the City of the Prince within
from this cove would be carried almost directly into the harbor at a few hours.
Dol Amroth. The dining room also holds a buffet, running along 24. The Deck. The wood of this structure has seen better days. It
the inward wall. Its drawers are empty, but on its top are two silver is now quite soft and anyone walking on it runs a 60% chance of
candle sticks, cleverly shaped to twine about a tall candle like the falling through into the water, two to five feet below, depending on
shoots of a flower.These end with leaves that will frame the light the tides. In Winter this can be quite serious as the cold of the water
with a reflection that looks like a bright bloom. These could easily can kill within minutes. Getting out again will also be difficult.
be sold for fifteen silver pieces each. Once the first hole is broken the rest of the surface will weaken to
20. The Kitchen. Intended only forthe lighter duty of preparing offer an 80% chance of breakage. It will also be slippery and wet
small meals for the family or a few friends, this kitchen is less fully to inhibit climbing. Just getting back onto the wood counts as a
outfitted than the one upstairs. Ithas only one oven and a small fire- Very Hard (-20) maneuver, requiring 60% success (i.e., a total roll
place, both on the inner wall and served by a common chimney of 86 or better) and the player will still have to make it to the door.
which runs up through the stonework between two windows on the Of course, before he can even attempt to free himself of the water,
Ballroom's north-west wall. A prep table runs the length of the he must successfully swim in choppy water, and then there are the
chamber and an extensive selection of well made cooking utensils sharks. There is a lesson a player might learn here.
are stored under it, on hooks and in its three deep drawers. The 25. The Main Stair. This stair runs down from the Ballroom to the
room ' s north door leads into the Dining Room (#19) and the door floor below. The walls are plain, save for empty torch brackets and
on the east lets into a corridor that runs under the Ballroom and the steps are of smooth stone. Gabbon has greased these heavily
branches to the Servant's Quarters at #11 and the kitchen area to inconvenience intruders. It will be noticed in time by anyone
upstairs. who looks at the floor and makes a perception roll at +20. If one
knows the grease is there, negotiating the stair is a Light maneuver.
If not, however, it is Very Hard and rolls on the failure table should
be modified by + 15. If the victim is running, it becomes Sheer
Folly, though the bonus does not increase.
A Home by the Sea: The Task 21

4.4THETASK goods alone, not to mention Gabbon's things, should keep them
On this night, the adventurers' task is laid out as clear as crystal. happy enough. There is also the question of fame to be had for the
It is simple survival. They are attacked and pursued and will have first folk to prove that there really is a gang of assassins, organized
to fight, using stealth as well as strength to save themselves. The and striking right here at home. Many would also be glad to hear
players may choose to expand their objectives by attempting to the tale of Gab bon 's return. However, if the old man is dead, it will
capture an attacker, seeking to understand the mystery of the old be best that the tale has him slain by one of the Shades. In this case,
man, or just hunting for loot. This is up to them. The balance of though, fame and fortune will not go hand in hand. The adventur-
the game, however, should be such that their main concern is ers who tell the tale of besting assassins in the manor of Ranoran
staying alive. will be ill advised to seen selling off the family silver. Here they
can have riches or renown, but not both.
The PCs can be drawn into this adventure in one of several ways.
They can be on their way to a party, as suggested above, on some
Here again, it is advised that the GM keep a close eye on the flow
other errand that takes them out into the country, or even simply
of the game and schedule encounters as they become opportune,
traveling in the countryside on their way to some other region. The
rather than leaving it up to random methods. If he must use dice
only important factor is that they be on the road by Ranoran at the
however, it is suggested that percentile dice be rolled for each
about eight one cold and blustery night. From that point on it will
twenty minutes of game-time with the result bringing encounters
be easy enough for the GM to get things rolling. As the party passes
from the list below:
by the front of the Grallow Manor, an ambush that has been set for
them will misfire. 01-60-NoEncounter
For one reason or another a group of eight Shades has lain in wait 61-75 - A meeting with a roving Shade is an encounter which
here, but their attack will be just far enough mistimed for the PCs could take many forms . Checks should be made for surprise with
to notice an opportunity to slip away through the manor gate. From some advantage being given for the assassin's training. The
there the chase is on. Two pairs of the attackers will take off around specific circumstances will influence this. Once the adversaries
the sides of the estate to cut off escape and to look for other ways are aware of each other the Shade will pull forth his whistle and
in (There are none). These will be essentially out of the game begin to blow it loudly. This will attract another shade every two
unless the GM sees a need for reserves. Otherwise they will lurk to five rounds to the location of the combat. Gabbon's dogs will
also arrive after eight rounds and the Warrior himself will come
outside, acting only to limit the PCs choices of escape routes, until
within ten.
just before dawn when they will be forced to move on so as not to
risk discovery. The other four will follow the PCs in through the 76-84 - A Shade lying in wait forthe players will lead to a similar
gate, or over the wall if the players are clever enough to bar the gate. encounter to that in #1 above. However, the opening of the
skirmish will run differently. The assassin will choose his hiding
4.42AIDS place with care and skill (e.g., The ledge beside the stairs in room
Aid will be hard to come by in this adventure. All of the NPCs 18.) and will do nothing to give away his position until he has
involved will be ill-disposed toward the players, so they will find attempted to spring the ambush. After he is exposed, the whistle
no friends. The only real help they will get will arise from the fact will be blown, if possible, and things will move on as described
that Gabbon is no more fond of the Shades than he is of any other above.
trespassers. This is true of his dogs as well, of course. 85-93 - Encountering one or more of the dogs will prove an
This aid will take effect at least once when, at a time best chosen interesting event. The beasts are not trusting by nature but
by the GM to suit the flow of his game, one of the assassins will fall someone possessed of skill with animals will have some chance of
victim to the trap the Warrior has set upon the stair at #25. At the befriending them. Magical charms may also calm them but will
almost certainly not override their true master's specific orders. If
bottom, the poor soul will meet the Man himself. The broken body
a fight begins with one of the animals, the barking will draw the
should be found half way through the lower door, obviously the
other dogs within two rounds. Shades will begin to show up after
victim of more than just a fall. This will have its best effect if it can four, one every two rounds, and the master of the house will come
be thrown in before the PCs have an idea that the owner has come along in eight.
94-00 - The probable outcome of a meeting with Gabbon is
4.43 OBSTACLES described in section 4.2 above. If he chooses to attack , which is
Of course, the main obstacle with which the players will be faced likely, he will not call for his dogs until he really seems to be in
takes the form of a gang of grey cloaked assassins. With the skills trouble, but the sound of a fight will draw them on within five
of stealth and night fighting on their side, and with the possibility rounds. Shades will begin to arrive within six, one every three
rounds, but they will probably not join in until the combatants have
of bringing in reinforcements from outside, the GM should be able
worn each other down as much as possible. They will also use
to use these foes to give his players quite a run for their money.
whatever opportunity this all provides for them as far as setting
Added to this will be Gabbon himself, his dogs, and the traps he has ambushes or striking from range.
set around the house. It should all make for an interesting night
Note : In all of these encounters, the GM should feel free to
modify the rate of arrival of enemies to suit the flow of the game.
4.44REWARDS Having all of the foes at once will detract from the players'
For those players for whom survival is not enough, there is also enjoyment of the game whether they are victorious or not.
a fair amount of treasure to be had inside Ranoran. The household
22 The Hill of Shades: The Tale


Far out on the Woodhold estate, in a clearing in the forest, stands
a low, stony hillock. On it, the broken ruins of a burned out lodge
and watchtower give mute testimony to the damages done by the
Corsairs' attacks on the lands of Dor-en-Ernil. In recent times it
has come to be shrouded in a cold mist through even the brightest
days. Around it there is a charge in the air that will raise the hairs
on the back of any good man's neck and causes normally sedate
horses to become skittish and difficult to manage. Hidden in this
fog is the meeting place of the Shades of Dol Amroth.
The stone walls and the contours of the hill itselfform a maze of
ravines and shadowy hollows. Tough grass grows among the rocks
but the paths remain free of vines and undergrowth so it is not
difficult to pass through them. In what once was the courtyard of
the lodge, the cult has given over a space to their worship of
Darkness, and all through the tangled ways of the hill, wherever the
light of the sun cannot reach, are scattered small shrines where the
totems of the cult are placed. These ten artifacts, talismans of
wrought iron, provide the Shades with power; enabling their
leader to produce various magic items and devices which aid them
in their exploits. So long as these medallions are not exposed to
sunlight their power will continue to increase, growing along with
the numbers of the Shades on their hill and as Sauron, in the guise
of the Necromancer, builds his strength in Mirkwood and across
the face of Middle-earth.


Ten years after the assault on Dol Amroth by the armies of the
south, a young man called Gontran, orphaned son of a soldier of the
Prince's guard, had become embittered with his lot in life. After
his father's death in the fighting, the lad had been awarded a small
sum by way of pension from the Prince. That, however, was long As he gathered these pupils to himself and led them in worship at
since gone and the sour boy had done little to make a life for his alter, the power of the talismans grew. The evil mist closed
himself. In his meanness, he held the Prince responsible for his around his hill, and a growing sense of expectation came upon his
misfortunes but was, of course, in no position to do any more than men.
complain about it to whomever would listen, a rapidly dwindling He began to supplement the arts he taught with items and bottled
group of friends from his childhood. . spells for his students and sent them to try their new-learned skills
Things began to change for the boy when, roving through the on local farmers, all in careful preparation for a reign of terror to
forest in search of small game for his supper and chasing a large jet be launched upon the city. Gontran feels this plan will pay the
black squirrel, he chanced upon a bag of iron symbols hidden Prince for past injustices, but it is actually more tied with the will
beneath some weeds. The devices, left from an ancient temple of of the Dark Lord and his schemes against Minas Tirith.
Sauron, caught his mind and he began to develop new ideas. Ideas The discovery of the Hill of Shades by Tiranir forced the
that would help him avenge himself for the wrongs he imagined the assassin to early action; this his first strike against a prominent
Prince had done him. It was put into his mind to set out the pieces figure may have been premature. However, the success of that
among the ruins on the lands of Wood hold Manor, each in a place mission has convinced him of his cult's abilities and in the months
of permanent shadow. Once all were placed their power was following that attack, his undertakings have grown steadily bolder.
released. Gontran's personality was altered. He became charis- Now he deems his forces nearly ready, after a raid which took the
matic and grew more and more energetic. He also withdrew from life of one of Dol Arnroth ' s most well-protected nobles. In town,
most human company, living on his hill and gathering strength. however, the powerful have decided that things have gone too far.
When his master saw that the time was right, Gontran began to A small band, the PCs, has been selected to investigate and try to
gather men to himself. He sought out weak-minded folk and stop the recent outbreak of killings. There seems to have been no
dominated them with his own borrowed will. He taught them the real pattern to the murders so far but some say that the Ranger, the
skills he had learned from the charms, the ways of stealth and first figure of note to be killed, must have done something to touch
cunning that make a perfect assassin. He had studied alone for it all off. They suggest that the investigators might speak with his
nearly thirty years, for his learning had been slow without a human son to see if he knows anything that might help.
teacher. With his aid, his students progressed much more quickly.
The Hill of Shades: The NPCs 23

5.2THENPCs that some item known to him be left at the target location
It is unlikely that the PCs will have much opportunity to get to The leader of the Shades is able to cast any of these, and has an
allotment of twenty-four power points a day, given him by the
know any of the Shades except in combat. Therefore most will be
power of the charms. Joraal would need to "overcast" Vanish (see
described only on the Master NPC Table (Section 7.0). The leader
Spell Law Optional Rules if using Rolemaster), or he can place the
of the Assassins, however, as well as his lieutenant Balthrod and spell in a token.
Tinindil the son of Tiranir, are described below.
As can be seen from his tale in section 5.1, Gontran is a mean-
spirited man. His life has been hard, but the dark path he has
chosen was never forced upon him. His nature has not been
changed by the charms he found, simply magnified and added to
by the will of his Master. His youth was full of anger and
frustration, but in command of his band of killers he has found
another view on his lot. Now, he feels that he is in pursuit of a great
goal and it is finally in his sight.
His long study under the guide of the Talismans has given
Gontran many unusual skills. He has learned the rituals required
to make a number of enchanted items, as well as the techniques
needed for the fabrication of many non-magical, but very effective
devices (see the description of the Store Room in section 5.3 area
#9). He has mastered the arts of stealth and deception needed by
an assassin and now teaches them to others. He has also been given
spells to cast which are unknown to Men who are not enthralled by
the Dark Lord. These are of the realm of Essence and are listed by
level below.
3. Leaping/Landing. This spell enables the caster or his target to
make jumps and land uninjured at three times his normal ability
(i.e., If a man could jump 10 feet this will enable him to jump thirty.
If he should fall, the distance he falls will be reduced by two-thirds
for the calculation of damage.). This effect will last 10 minutes for
each level of the caster.
4. Stealth. The caster or target may move with complete silence.
This spell does not deaden sound, but gives its subject higher skill
in moving silently. It will add + 100 to his normal chance. It will
not, however, prevent him from making noise should he choose to
do so and cannot prevent the noise that will ensue in the unlikely
event that he should fail his roll to move silently. The magic will
endure for ten minutes per level of the caster. In dealing with the men he has corrupted to his service Gontran
5. The Shade. ThisenchantIflentaliowsthe castertobecomehis is stem and harsh but he is also dynamic and offers them the
own shadow for a previously determined time (up to ten min. per
inspiration that is the sign of a great leader. Of course these skills
level). As such, he is able to perceive his surroundings in only a
are simply borrowed from his Master but, nonetheless, they are
general way. (E.g., he will be able to sense the shape and size of
a room or the presence of a living being, but will not be able to effective. His men are unquestioningly devoted to him and to his
distinguish between colors or identify a passer by.) While the spell cause. He has found in each of them a complaint or dissatisfaction
is in effect the caster will be limited to one form of motion. He will to nurture into outright hatred for the Prince. As a commander,
be able to attach himself to other shadows and move with them as Gontran has also been aided by the teaching he has received. In
they follow the objects by which they are cast. battle he will be calm and cool. He will direct his troops, through
6. Venom. The assassin may create one dose of lethal poison well-practiced signals and calls, with great skill and cleverness. He
(Attack level will equal half of the caster's level). upon any item. also fights quite well himself and is full of dirty tricks and guile.
The thing poisoned, a sword, a dish, et cetera, will remain lethal for This composure, however, will hold only so long as he can still
ten minutes per level of the caster. The poison created must be believe that victory will be his . If faced with the prospectoffailure,
taken into the body through a wound or orally to take effect. The
of destruction, he will quickly grow desperate and his ability to
death of the victim will be slow and terribly painful (over 2-20
evaluate the events around him will fail. It is likely, at the end, that
rounds) and the effects may only be relieved by a magical cure.
8. Moving Shade. Like the 6th level spellexceptthattheassassin his reason will leave him altogether, reducing him to an angered
may move at will, at walking speed, and the duration can be beast.
determined while in shadow state. The maximum duration, Notable Skills: Climb 70,ambush 9,StalklHide65,PickLocks
however, is still ten minutes per level. 58, Disarm Trap 55 , Ritual (Allows the enchantment of certain
10. Vanish. By means of this spell, the caster can instantly return items when at his shrine.) 85, Acrobatics 70, Contortions 55,
to a predesignated place from any point within ten miles per level Signaling 79, Trap Building 65. Languages: Westron5,Morbeth
of that place. This will carry the assassin's body only and requires 2 .Spell Lists: Special.
24 The Hill of Shades: The Setting

5.22 SAL THROD Alone among Gontran's pupils, Balthrod has also learned the
Like his mentor, Balthrod has long harbored a strong hatred for spells that have been given to the cult. He knows them up to his
the Prince of Dol Amroth. His father also served in the armies of own level (Six) and has twelve power points to use them, drawn
the city but was never true to his duty. He met his end in a duel, after from his own natural talent.
trying to blackmail one of his superiors. When the officer was not Notable Skills: Climb50, Track20,Ambush 6,StalkIHide42 ,
punished the young Balthrod took it as evidence of a plot against Pick Lock 42, Disarm Trap 37, Acrobatics 45 . Languages:
his family. The idea was preposterous, as his friends all told him. Westron 5, Morbeth 1. Spell Lists: Special.
But, at twenty-five he had the world all figured out and the good 5.23 TININDIL
sense his comrades spoke could do nothing to sway him. Then one This young man is not destined for his father's greatness. Now
night in a tavern his raving was given a sympathetic ear. This older going through the early stages of puberty, he shows every sign of
man could see just what he meant, could feel for what he must be growing up to be no more than a weak -willed courtier. He has been
going through ... the friendship between Balthrod and Gontran was cared for since the death of his mother by a maiden aunt who
begun. coddles him unceasingly. He is spoiled and temperamental.
However, he is relatively bright. Once he has spent some minutes
disparaging the chances of anyone being able to beat the men who
killed his father, he will settle down and listen to their questions.
If prompted properly (e.g. Did your father say or do anything,
abnormal on the day he met his untimely end?), he will recall
Tiranir's strange tale about the mist and the rocky knoll. He will
also remember the location vaguely, having been near there once
when his father had taken him hunting years ago. Beyond this he
will be of little help and his aunt will begin to shoo his visitors out.
She puts little store in any sort of fighting, for good causes or no,
and she'll keep her little Tinni right out of it, thank you very much!


The directions Tinindil can give to the hill will prove accurate
enough. It rests in a vale between two higher hills which are
covered in tall beech trees. From the edge of the forest it will be
difficult to determine much about the assassins' hold because of
the thick mist that surrounds it. Only the top of the old watchtower
rises above the grey vapors and little can be told from it.
The assassins keep a constant watch over the approaches to their
home, from several cleverly concealed blinds around the area. It
is quite unlikely that the pes will manage to arrive at the hillock
unannounced (a 20% chance if they travel normally and a 50%
chance if they are attempting to hide their passage, for which every
party member must successfully attempt one Stalk/Hide roll). At
the time of their visit, however, a substantial portion of the students
will not be present, as most of them have kept up a pretense of being
normal citizens and spend their off hours in town. Those who are
ho:ne will not have a great deal of time to prepare but can be
expected to have set up their defensive positions. These will differ
from what might be found in a camp of normal soldiers. These men
are trained for stealth and ambush, not for a stand up fight. Their
The younger man showed himself to be a willing pupil and leader is also confident that his men will be able to use these tactics
displayed promise. His fervor matched that of his teacher and he to defeat any group so small as this. Thus, the assassins will attack
rapidly became second in command of their growing cell of by ones and twos from under bridges and behind walls. Their
discontents . Now he has become quite skilled in the ways of the efforts will be coordinated but there will be no pitched battle as
assassin. He does not have his leader's charisma and could not rule long as other alternatives are available.
the band, but he has no such aspirations. He is fanatically loyal and
would die for Gontran without a second thought. In combat style
the lieutenant is a loner. His only failing as a student has been his
inability to learn group tactics and master team work. He is,
however, a terror with a sword and can do, on his own, the work that
most would give to a group of men.
The Hill of Shades: The Setting 25

The occupancy of the Hill will be as follows. Gontran and will be quite empty. If they should achieve surprise, and if they
Balthrod will be there at any time; they are now only teachers until come to the Bunkhouse before any great deal of noi se is made or
the reign of terror begins. There will be a number of other cult any of the assassins can find time to alert those who are asleep, then
members; four of fourth level, eight of second and eleven of first. there will be one adept, two initiates, and three novices here. They
These will be spread about the ruins in various hidey-holes and will be light sleepers, but since the door is never locked there will
waiting to spring ambushes on the intruders. In the event that the be a fair chance of catching a few before the others awake.
PCs do arrive unexpectedly, they will be somewhat less dispersed,
tending to their duties around the camp. Even in this case though,
at the first sound of trouble they will take off to their assigned
waiting points as rapidly as possible.
NOTE: Differences in the make up of particular parties and
even in the playing style of the players themselves may call for
adjustment ofthe balance set out in this adventure. The GM should
consider the skills and limitations ofhis own players and adjust the
numbers of the Shades up or down accordingly, if necessary.
4. Courtyard. This yard is the focal point ofthe assassins' cult. The
1. The Tack Room. This was once the store room for the Stable at
mists and the eerie feeling are heaviest here, so strong that any
#2. Around the two walls that remain can be seen shelves and pegs
~imal that has not been trained to stand against Dark Magic will
for saddles and the other accouterments that would be needed for
simply tum and bolt if forced to come within the walls that
a mounted hunt. All of the equipment is long gone and even the
surround the area. In a shallow pit where the flag stones have been
racks themselves are mostly broken and useless. In the south
tom up and the earth scraped away, there is place for fires to be
comer, though, there is one small bit of shelf-work that has been
built. This serves as Gontran 's altar for his dark worship services.
repaired. In a pigeon hole, about four inches to a side and five deep,
Above the ashes that lie here the mists are thick enough to be almost
is a curious bit of worked iron. It has a shape which represents
completely opaque, looking like a cloud of murky milk. Within
nothing material but which is disturbing to the eye. This, of course,
this, dark, disturbing shapes seem to move back and forth. There
is one of the ten charms that are the focus of the cult. If a PC is
is a strong sense of menace in the atmosphere. The evil here is very
searching the walls or is actively looking for wrought iron items,
powerful and anyone fool enough to treat it lightly will pay a heavy
this one will be easily found. If not, however, a perception roll
toll for his rashness. The vapors over the pit surround the nexus of
must be made to notice it.
the forces that are generated by the charms that are scattered across
2. The Stables. The broad door of this building lies flat on the
the hill. Anyone who does not remain cautious in the vicinity may
oaken boards of its floor, and the whole north comer of the walls
be subject to the same effect that that snared Gontran in the first
has tumbled in around it. A few charred beams also poke out from
place. The charms reach out to willing or unprotected minds to
the tops of the walls that stand, or from the floor where the frames
gain control over them and, though the effect mayor may not begin
of the stalls were. The rest of the wood has been used to feed the
immediately, they will try to influence anyone who comes near the
fires for ceremonies in area 4. In both the east and west comers the
altar. In the case of wary men who have come to destroy the cult,
old beams support cascades ofleafy vines that fall right to the floor.
their power will have little chance of penetrating their quarry's
These have been carefully cultivated by the assassins. Behind each
guard, but any who let themselves relax before all of the charms
tumble of green is a space in which men might hide. These spots
have been set out for the sun will be at risk. The attack is made as
are the ambush posts of three Shades, two novices in the east and
a fourth level channeling spell, and its effects, though subtle at first,
one adept in the west. Their battle plan is for the two to launch their
will be strong, finding some hatred in the victim and nursing it into
attack first, with their senior waiting to take advantage of any
an obsession to be twisted to the service of their master. If there is
confusion they might cause. In the last comer of the room, the
a threat that the talismans might be exposed, this attack will be
south, a hollow has been made in the stone of the wall and in it is
stepped up and it will act more quickly. The PC who fail s to make
a second talisman, similar, but not identical to that, in area I . The
his RR will be taken by the darkness at once, causing him to tum
same guidelines apply as far as its discovery as did in the Tack
against any who would destroy the temple with any means at his
disposal. His sanity is also quite unlikely to survive. The only cure
~. Bunkhouse. Of all of the buildings that made up the lodge, this
for the possession is the destruction of the charms but even that will
IS the only one that the Shades have rebuilt completely. The cedar-
not restore the mind of one who has been broken by them.
shingle roof, a fair portion of the stone work, and all of the
Powerful healing spells would be required for that.
windows, three on each side, can be seen to be relatively new.
The leader of the assassins has forbidden them to fight within the
Inside are twenty sets of bunk beds, each plain and without
courtyard, so there will be no attacks on PCs there. A close watch,
drawers. The mattresses are simple and utilitarian as are the bed
however, will be kept on anyone who enters there and any actions
clothes. In the southward portion of the single room is a large table
they take will serve to add fury to their opposition.
where the assassins take their meals. The entire building is
The walls of the courtyard are of the some grey stone as the rest
spotlessly clean and nothing is ever left lying about. The novices
of the ruins. There are two doors that let through the stone work,
would be treated harshly if they should ever fail to keep the area,
made of stout oak with hardware of iron Though they look to be
maintained. This is part of their training and is never taken lightly.
in fair condition, the locks on both are rusted inside and cannot be
If the PCs have been seen as they approach the hill, this building
26 The Hill ofShades:The Setting

o 25' SO' 75' 100'

I =====t
The Hill of Shades: The Setting 27
5. The Stair. This wooden stair has been refurbished by the shades, below. The triggers are hiddenin the planks; there is a 70% chance
as has the building to which it leads. A banister runs up along each of triggering the trap while walking normally; 50% if running. The
side and there is a landing where it turns, about half-way up the hill. trap is Very Hard (- 20) to detect.
Under this landing there is a space, about four feet high and with 9. The Tower. This stone structure holds three rooms of identical
a floor area of six by three. This is another ambush post. If trouble dimensions, one on each floor, with a narrow spiral stair in the
comes, two initiates and one adept will hide here, observing the south-west alcove connecting them.
alter and waiting for a chance to strike. Also beneath the stair here A. The first floor is Balthrod 's quarters. It is sparsely furnished and
there is a lever which will release the supports of the stair itself. To always kept neat. There is a simple cot in the north comer. By it
it is tied a rope of about forty feet to allow the man who pulls it to is a small chest which holds the assassin' s few possessions, an
be safely out of the way when the steps come down. Any who are extra suit of greys and a set of plain clothes. His training has taught
on the upper portion of the stair (or on the landing) when this trap him to do without more than this since an assassin must be
is sprung will suffer damage as if from a ten foot fall with a twenty unencumbered. The only other object on this floor is a spare sword
percent chance of taking puncture criticals instead of crush, since that the lieutenant keeps propped by the stair. It is a normal long
the wood will tend to splinter. sword in a scabbard of grey leather.
6. Bridge. The three covered bridges that are found on the hill have B. The floor above Balthrod's room is the storeroom for the cult's
all been set right by the members of the cult. They are built of thick tools and devices. Several racks here hold various mundane items:
wooden spars, fastened by brackets and nails of iron. This one is two swords, several grappling hooks with rope, a folding ladder,
used often for trips to and from the tower and the guard post at # 15. and other tools of the trade. On a table in the south comer is a
In the rafters that support its shingled roof is another ambush post. smaller rack that holds eleven glass bulbs. These are made by
Near the midpoint of the span two Shades, one novice and an Gontran with the power of the charms and each holds a spell inside
initiate, will wait to drop on passers by. Their positions are it. Though the bulbs are made with the power of Channeling, the
screened by vertical baffles that are set every eight feet along the spells inside them are of Essence. Three hold Stun spells (see
length of the bridge. In addition to his normal gear, see section 5.0, section 3.2), two hold Opening J from the Unbarring Ways list, one
each of these will have an extra coil of rope which he may use to has Sleep X from the Spirit Mastery li st, two have Sudden Light
drop to the ground below if the initiate should choose to attack the from Light Law, one has Shade from the same list, one has Vacuum
intruders there instead. from Wind Law, and the last holds a Fire Ball from Fire Law. In
7. The Game House. Here the hunters used to hang their prizes out a chest beneath the table on which a permanent version of Venom
and do the skinning and cleaning. The building is of stone, with a (6th level attack) has been cast, is a set of the cult 's greys which
simple door of wood that has no latch. There are two windows on carries two enchantments. It will cast both Stealth and Mo ving
each wall except the north which has only one, but all are shuttered
and held by bars from within. Inside are several large and sturdy
tables with thick tops that bear the marks of long use under sharp
knives. Around these are racks of wood where skins might be hung
out. Hooks of hom are fixed to the walls and the low ceiling for
meat to be hung upon. Above all this, in the south-east comer of
the building, is a cramped loft where the supplies needed for
tanning hides and preserving meat were kept. It still holds three
small barrels of salt and a wooden box of ointment the old
gamesman used for curing leather. This is particl,\larly effective
stuff and, if treated with it, leather armor will grow more supple,
adding ten to its wearer's DB above and beyond any other pluses
it might have. There is enough here to maintain one suit of armor
for six months (must be applied monthly). On the ground floor,
tucked back in an alcove in the southeas't, is a small nitch in the
wall. Within this is another ofthe talismans to which the same rules
of observation will apply as did in areas J and 2 Directly above
this, however, in the darkest comer of the loft, is another nitch with
another talisman. This one will only be noticed if the loft is actually
entered and searched with a torch, a difficult task, since its ceiling
is only about thirty inches above its floor. The building is never
occupied and has not seen use since the lodge was abandoned years
ago. All that remains besides the furniture is a varied collection of
dry bones from the kills that were left upon the tables.
8. Bridge. This bridge is never used by the men of the cult. It has
been set with a clever trap to discourage intruders who might see
that the game house is not ruined and head for it. When anyone
of three trip-levers near the middle of its length are hit its entire
floor will be loosed .from its fastenings along the north side,
dropping whoever might be an it to the ground, twenty-five feet
28 The Hill of Shades: The Setting

Shade, twice and once per day respectively, with durations based 11. The Spring House. This low building is all of stone, roof and
on an eighth level caster. The chest can be opened safely with a walls, with only a small door of wood, latched with a bronze hook.
dagger or with gloves but any touch upon it with unprotected flesh The outside is covered with thick moss and it looks almost like part
will allow it to take effect (This version of the spell creates contact of the hill. Inside there is always a cool darkness. No noise is to
poison that need not be ingested.). In two other chests on this floor be heard save the tinkle of water pouring from the spring ' s mouth
are some thirty more sets of greys in all sizes, ready for new in an outcrop of rock, into a natural basin of stone, and back into
recruits. the earth through a small hole near the south corner. Floating in the
C. Gontran's room is on the top floor of the tower. Like his pupils, basin will be various vegetables, ready for the Shades' mess.
the master of the assassins keeps things neat in his room. He has Where the shadows are deepest, near the spot where the water
a bed, a desk, and a large chest. The bed is simple and utilitarian leaves the room, there is a small hollow in the floor. In it is set
with one pillow, one sheet, and one blanket. A large and difficult another talisman. To find this the PCs will have the same
(-20) lock graces the latch of Gontran's oak and iron chest. difficulties as in location I with an additional -10 for the darkness
Gontran carries the only key on a chain about his neck. If this is unless they carry torches.
broken or picked a magical trap will be triggered. The chest itself
will teleport to the tower's flat roof, accessible through a small trap
door in the ceiling fifteen feet above. In its place will be left what
seems to be a lovely silver vase. This is actually a cleverly con-
structed spring trap which will launch a great number of razor
sharp shards into the air around it as soon as it is touched, even
lightly. The flying metal will deliver five to fifty points of damage
(halved for metal armor) to any who stand within ten feet, with one
C slash crit for each ten points of damage taken. If the chest is
opened, it will be seen to hold two sets of greys, three sets of street
clothes, and, under all the rest, a sack which is full to bursting with 12. The Kitchen. Fire took this building during a Corsair raid. Its
roof is a tangle of charred and sagging beams to which a few
gold coins. These, Gontran calls his pension; he has had them
blackened cedar shakes still cling. The old chimney still stands in
collected from the victims of his cult and thinks of them as an
the south corner. Inside is a broken table under which are scattered
advance on what he will collect from the Prince. The bag contains
several rusted cooking implements. The burned ruin of a large
three hundred fifty-seven gold pieces. The desk, in the south
wooden cabinet that once held spices and food stuffs stands on the
corner, is bare on top, but has a deep drawer underneath. In this can
south-east wall, to the right of the door. Under the rubble from the
be found a large, leather bound book, along with a pen, ink, and
north comer are the remains of a crockery chest. Shards of pottery
several loose sheets of parchment. The book is a journal wherein
are scattered across the floor. (Anyone falling or being downed
the most recent entries describe the events that form the two earlier
here has a 15% chance of suffering an A puncture crit). The
adventures in this module and many other similar occurrences, as
chimney served both a brick oven and a normal fireplace. In the
well as the Shades' plans for the terror they would unleash upon the
latter of these, in the shadows near the back, is another talisman.
city. As one delves farther back, the information given in the tale
The requirements for observation of this are the same as applied in
in section 5.2 will come to light. The only omission will be any
the Tack Room. Hiding here in times of attack will be two Shades,
mention of the Dark Lord. Poor Gontran actually has no idea
an Initiate and a Novice. They will use the cover of the large
whose power lies behind the charms he worships. His terms for it
cabinet and the table to hide in preparation for ambush on anyone
are all references to "the ancient strength" and "the vengeful
who enters through the door. PCs entering from the other side,
force." Like so many others, the assassin has been taken in by the
unless they were seen coming from the North in the first place, will
wiles of the great deceiver.
have a 50% chance of surprising the assassins if they are able to
stalk up to the entrance successfully. In this they will be aided by
the fact that the earth there is soft and adds 25 to stalking maneuvers
but the guards at 17 must not be forgotten. They may signal those
in here (with a bird call or some such).
10. The Short Stair. Rising only about ten feet, this stair gives a 13. The Hollow. In the south wall of an arrow ravine here there is
small boost to those who wish to get to the top of this hillock. It is a hollow about four feet deep. In it Gontran has placed a small shelf
not used by the Shades, who practice their climbing skills here and on it is another talisman. This will be easy to find once in the
instead, and has been allowed to remain in the poor condition they ravine, as in area I, but the ravine itself is unobtrusive and unlikely
found it in. For this reason, it is rather treacherous. Though the to be noticed by anyone who is not actively looking for such a
wood still looks reasonably sturdy, the higher treads are all rotted place. Of course a bright PC who asks himself, "Now where could
nearly through. This should be handled as a trap, requiring a they find a shadow to hide one in, if its not in one of the buildings?"
normal perception roll to be detected. If anyone steps on the sixth will be just the sort to see this spot.
through tenth stairs, he will need to make a Hard maneuver roll to 14. Bridge. Like the others, this bridge is built of strong wooden
maintain his balance as the wood crumbles under his foot. Failing spars, but, unlike them, it is completely safe. West of it though, on
this will result in a fall of ten feet onto an uncomfortable bed of its south end, there is a hiding place under a leafy thicket. Here two
thorn vines and rock. The Shade on guard at # 17 has a bow which Shades, an Initiate and a Novice, will wait for an opportunity to
he may use to take advantage of any confusion these stairs cause. launch their attack on passersby above or below them.
The Hill of Shades: The Setting 29

bJl iI1DI




o 3' 6' 12' 18'

30 The Hill ofShades:The Task

15. Guard Post. Atthenorth endofthe bridge at #14,surrounded 18. Guard Post. This well hidden spot looks over the most
by a stand of tall grass, is a small clearing with two wooden- convenient route in from the city, also from Woodhold. The
benches. Here two Shades stand guard, looking out, up the vale watchmen sit on their benches in a small pit, dug out of the rocky
that holds their hill. An Initiate and a Novice man the post and their soil. An Adept waits here with an Initiate, and both are in good
guard will always be vigilant. The approach to their post from the position to spring on anyone trying to pass into the camp beside
north side is steep and treacherous and if any intruder should try to their post. The Adept carries a matched pair of throwing knives
scale it the guards will have a 90 point bonus on hearing him, even which are enchanted to be as effective as bolts from a light
if they have not already seen him, and a bonus of thirty in attacking crossbow and will return to the thrower's hands one round after
him, as long as he remains on the slope. If trouble begins in the they are cast. Thus, with two knives, he can throw one each round
camp behind these guards they will turn their attention inward and indefinitely.
act along the same plan as the assassins at #14.

The task the PCs will face is reasonably straightforward. Their
mission is to seek out and destroy the cult of assassins. With careful
management, this will provide them with an evening of play where
they walk the line between power and peril and end in their victory
over the Shades.
The players can be brought into this scenario in any of a number
of ways. They might act for reasons of vengeance if an associate
should be killed by Gontran's men. They could simply be
wandering through the woods and come across an odd looking hill.
The idea suggested in 5.1 is that the powerful of Dol Amroth have
found the assassinations to be a thorn in their side and, though they
are reluctant to commit troops to what may be a wild goose chase,
they wish to take some action. They will approach a band of
worthy adventurers with an offer of gold, or perhaps simply play
upon the good will of the group, if they are known to be loyal to the
Prince. The PCs should be offered a reward which they are likely
to accept but haggling for more will be frowned upon by their
potential employers.
5.42 AIDS
Any aid the players can expect will come almost entirely before
the actual adventure begins. If they are working under the
commission of the city , they will be supplied with whatever normal
equipment they may require and perhaps, if the GM deems it
appropriate, a few doses of healing herbs. They will also be guided
16. Guard Post. This post is hidden in a group of stone outcrop- by directions from Tiranir's son, if they go to him. Otherwise, they
pings. It is furnished and manned just as is #15, but the way up to should be allowed to track a Shade from the sight of some recent
it is gentler, so these guards will not have the bonuses their killing. Beyond this, the GM may feel it necessary to give some
companions were given. The more experienced of these two men sort of clue as to the nature of the charms. This might come in the
has a weapon of higher quality than most. It is plus lOin combat form of a prophecy from some sooth sayer, reading as follows:
due to its sharpness. The quality is also shown in the decorative
work of its fittings, they are all of worked brass. Half a Score Charms
17. Guard Post. The guards here watch the slopes to their west for Rule the Swords o/the Night
signs of intruders. As at # 16 there are two men here, one Novice Mists Shroud Their Home
and one Initiate. Like the others, they sit upon benches, and like Clouds o/Cold Fright
#15 they are surrounded by high grasses and sit atop a difficult
climb. The Initiate here has somewhere acquired fair skill (OB 45) Shielded by Stones
with a bow and keeps one here with him along with twenty regular They Hide/rom the Light
and five +5 arrows. The Dark is Their Solace
The Sun is Their Blight.
The Hill of Shades: Obstacles 31

There is an impressive force standing in opposition to the party
that undertakes this mission. The main obstacle they will face is
the group of Shades that are in residence at the hill. In addition,
unless they are able to approach the hill without being detected by
any of the watchers that are stationed along the routes in, the guard
who spots them will send a signal to the hill (by coming to a
preassigned point within the sight of the inner guards and giving a
sign) and then make a circuit to gather the other outer sentries (a
total of four) and bring them into the fray. These are designed for
use as reinforcements to be used if needed. The GM should set
their experience level and the time of their arrival to fit the flow of
the game and if things are going too badly for the PCs, they need
not come atall. The skill of the assassins, the amazing swordsman-
ship ofBalthrod, and the evil cunning and magic ofGontran should
go together to make the adventure lively indeed.
The material gain available in this adventure is reletively
unimpressive. The gold Gontran has hoarded and the magical
devices in the Store Room of the Tower, as well as the few items
of value on the persons of the other assassins, will constitute some
small profit. If the players, however, tend towards materialism, the
GM should consider this when setting the reward offered by the
Prince. Beyond the possible monetary gains, though, there is the
glory and reputation that will come from ridding the city of this
menace and, of course, the peace of mind that comes from working
in a good cause.

1. Beyond the items found in the thieves' den, the contents of the
book in adventure I, room. 16 is left up to the GM. It is possible
that there are no others, but others could be added as game balance
65. and the GM's inventiveness allow.
2. In Section 5.0 it is important that the GM pay attention to his
players' ability to figure things out. The Talismans will be a
mystery at first and it is up to him, in his descriptions of the rooms,
to guide the PCs toward the realization. If the poem given in
5.5 ENCOUNTERS section 5.42 is not used, the fact that the Charms will lose their
As in A Home By The Sea, the encounters involved in this power if all are exposed to sunlight can be hinted at by their
module should be handled carefully. The ambush posts give some placement in permanent shadow. However, this should be done as
structure to the assassins' combat tactics, but their battle order is subtly as possible, beginning, perhaps, with simple mention of the
designed for flexibility. Gontran will redeploy his men ifhe needs fact that all of the hiding places face north, putting them where the
to and is able. This flexibility should be used to keep the game in sun never shines since this is the Northern Hemisphere, and
balance. The Shades may also miss an opportunity to press an growing more blunt as neccessary. Again, if the poem is not used,
advantage, if the PCs are in danger of extinction. The master the fact that there are ten of them can be di scovered by the fact that,
assassin himself, as well as his assistant, will travel all over the though as each is moved the mists seem to lighten a bit, they will
compound, fighting or giving orders as needed. not go completely until all ten are found.
As was mentioned above, there are also the guards from the 3. Standard equipment for a Shade is as follows: a grey uniform
outer posts who must be considered. If these are brought into play, of cotton duck with gloves and covering for the face, a long sword
they will rove the camp at will unless told otherwise. As a general (slung across the back), five or more throwing knives, soft leather
rule for all of the encounters, the shades have a bias towards stealth boots (also grey), and a small pouch for carrying any special
and ambush. Even in cases where a bold attack would be vastly equipment. In addition, one may have a number of special items
more effective they will often, though not always, drop back for a ranging from a set ofthieves' picks or a grappling hook, to a clutch
surprise attack at a later time. of bottled spells, depending upon the requirements and importance
of his mission.
32 NPCChart:


Name/Rank Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr MeleeOB MissOB MM Notes

Joraal 4 63 None 15 N N 80 45 15 Urban Man/Assassin

Gabbon Trollsdirge 10 90 None 10 N N 70 - 5 Dunadan/Warrior
Gontran 8 110 None 20 N N 110 80 25 Dunadan/Assassin
Balthrod 6 87 None 20 N N 135 42 15 Urban Man/Assassin
Adept 4 70 None 15 N N 80 45 15 Urban Man/Assassin
Initiate 2 40 None 5 N N 55 35 10 Urban Man/Assassin
Novice 1 35 None 5 N N 43 28 5 Urban Man/Assassin

o- - - - 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 mile

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~ ,'f. ................'11
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~ .
Dol Amroth



A knight of great renown is slain on the quays of Dol Amroth before your eyes. His attacker, a tall man
cloaked in grey, flees into the abandoned warehouse at his back. Are you bold enough to avenge the
Murder on the Docks?
Mysterious, grey-cloaked bandits chase you through country lanes to the gates of a deserted manor house.
But is it deserted? A ghostly warrior with a pack of hounds and an ancient saber paces the cobwebbed halls.
Can you survive the dangers of A Home by the Sea?
A raid on Dol Amroth's Castle Quarter costs a titled courtier his life-despite two strong bodyguards. The
city's nobles want the killers in grey captured and brought to justice. Will you brave their stronghold upon the
eerie Hill of Shades?
Death lurks in every shadow, but fame and fortune follow peril in these 3 exciting adventures!

Printed in U.S.A. #8106

IRON CROWN ENTERPRISES, INC. holds the exclusive worldwide
BOARDGAMES based on J.R.R. Tolkien's THE LORD OF THE

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ISBN 0-915795-98-1 characters and places therein are trademark properties of TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES, a division
of ElAN MERCHANDISING, INC., Berkeley, CA. No unauthorized use permitted.

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