ECG Interpretation
ECG Interpretation
ECG Interpretation
Basic observations
Heart Rate
Rhythm: regular? sinus?
P wave
PR intervals/segment
QRS complex/ QRS axis
QRS interval
ST segment
T wave
1. Regular or irregular (based on DII)
Regular rare = the longest RR - the shortest RR < 4
small box (0.16 sec).
Irregular rate
Count the number of R waves in 6 seconds (30 large
box) then multiply by 10
Sinus Rhythm
Normal value:
< 0.035 seconds (V1 - V2: of the right ventricle).
< 0.045 seconds (V5 - V6: of the left ventricle).
ST segment
Results from
ST Segment Elevation
Earliest reliable sign that myocardial infarction has
ST Segment Elevation - Pericarditis
Pathologic Q Waves
Indicate presence of
myocardial damage
or myocardial
Inferior MI
Pathologic Q waves and evolving ST-T
changes in leads II, III, aVF.
Q waves usually largest in lead III, next largest
in lead aVF, and smallest in lead II
Inferior MI
Inferoposterior MI
ECG changes are seen in anterior precordial leads V1-3,
but are the mirror image of an anteroseptal MI,
Increased R wave amplitude and duration (i.e., a
"pathologic R wave" is a mirror image of a pathologic Q).
R/S ratio in V1 or V2 >1 (i.e., prominent anterior forces).
Hyperacute ST-T wave changes: i.e., ST depression and
large, inverted T waves in V1-3.
Late normalization of ST-T with symmetrical upright T
waves in V1-3.
Often seen with inferior MI (i.e., "inferoposterior MI")
Inferoposterior MI
Inferoposterior MI
Right Ventricular MI
Right Ventricular MI (only seen with proximal
right coronary occlusion; i.e., with inferior
family MI's)
ECG findings usually require additional leads
on right chest (V1R to V6R, analogous to the
left chest leads)
ST elevation, >1mm, in right chest leads,
especially V4R.
Right Ventricular MI
Anterior MI
High Lateral MI
What is the diagnosis?
MI plus LBBB
Q waves of any size in two or more of leads I, aVL, V5, or V6 (See
below: one of the most reliable signs and probably indicates
septal infarction, because the septum is activated early from the
right ventricular side in LBBB).
Reversal of the usual R wave progression in precordial leads.
Notching of the downstroke of the S wave in precordial leads to
the right of the transition zone (i.e., before QRS changes from a
predominate S wave complex to a predominate R wave complex);
this may be a Q-wave equivalent.
MI plus LBBB
Notching of the upstroke of the S wave in precordial leads to the
right of the transition zone (another Q-wave equivalent).
rSR' complex in leads I, V5 or V6 (the S is a Q-wave equivalent
occurring in the middle of the QRS complex)
RS complex in V5-6 rather than the usual monophasic R waves
seen in uncomplicated LBBB; (the S is a Q-wave equivalent).
"Primary" ST-T wave changes (i.e., ST-T changes in the same
direction as the QRS complex rather than the usual "secondary"
ST-T changes seen in uncomplicated LBBB); these changes may
reflect an acute, evolving MI.
Old MI plus LBB
Non-Q wave MI
Recognized by evolving ST-T changes over time without the formation of
pathologic Q waves (in a patient with typical chest pain symptoms and/or
elevation in myocardial-specific enzymes)
Although it is tempting to localize the non-Q MI by the particular leads
showing ST-T changes, this is probably only valid for the ST segment
elevation pattern.
Evolving ST-T changes may include any of the following patterns:
Convex downward ST segment depression only (common)
Convex upwards or straight ST segment elevation only.
Symmetrical T wave inversion only (common)
Non-Q wave MI
Differential MI pattern
WPW preexcitation (negative delta wave may
mimic pathologic Q waves)
IHSS (septal hypertrophy may make normal
septal Q waves "fatter" thereby mimicking
pathologic Q waves)
LVH (may have QS pattern or poor R wave
progression in leads V1-3)
RVH (tall R waves in V1 or V2 may mimic true
posterior MI)
Complete or incomplete LBBB (QS waves or
poor R wave progression in leads V1-3)
Differential MI pattern
Pneumothorax (loss of right precordial R waves)
Pulmonary emphysema and cor pulmonale (loss of R
waves V1-3 and/or inferior Q waves with right axis
Left anterior fascicular block (may see small q-waves
in anterior chest leads)
Acute pericarditis (the ST segment elevation may
mimic acute transmural injury)
Central nervous system disease (may mimic non-Q
wave MI by causing diffuse ST-T wave changes
ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) – Symptoms & diagnosis
Breathing difficulty /
Due to left ventricular dysfunction or dynamic mitral regurgitation
shortness of breath
Profuse sweating
Bradycardia Patients with inferior STEMI may have bradycardia due to vagus nerve activation
• Symptoms of ischaemia
A rise and/or fall of cardiac • New or presumed-new significant ST-segment-T wave
biomarkers (preferably troponin (ST-T) changes or new left bundle branch block (LBBB)
(cTn)) with at least one value
above the 99th percentile upper
reference limit (URL) together with
+ • Development of pathological Q waves in the ECG
• Imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or
new regional wall motion abnormality
at least one of the following: • Identification of an intracoronary thrombus by angiography
or autopsy
Cardiac death with prior new ischaemic ECG changes and symptoms suggestive of myocardial
ischaemia, without definitive biomarker evidence
PCI-related MI*
*See notes
ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) – Symptoms & diagnosis 0
ST Elevation ST depression inversion
PR Segment PR PR PR Segment
Segment Segment Segment Segment
PR Interval
QT Interval
Diagnosis of STEMI
ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) – Symptoms & diagnosis
Superior portion of 1st diagonal branch of Inferior leads II, III and
High lateral Leads I and aVL --
the lateral wall of LV LAD aVF
Anterior and lateral Proximal LAD or LAD + Leads I, aVL, V4 – Inferior leads II, III and
Antero-lateral --
wall of LV LCX V6 aVF
Inferior Inferior wall of LV RCA Leads II, III and aVF Leads I and aVL Gooda
LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle; LAD, left anterior descending artery; LCX, left circumflex artery; LCA, left coronary artery; RCA, right
coronary artery. a ~40% of these patients have a concomitant RV infarction and a poor prognosis; b Not directly visualised by the
standard 12-lead ECG – must be confirmed by 15-lead ECG; C RV infarction is uncommon.
Basic observations
ECG changes in hypertrophy of the heart
ECG changes in Myocardial Ischemia and
ECG changes in Electrolytes disorders
ECG Changes in Hypercalcaemia
The main ECG abnormality seen with
hypercalcaemia is shortening of the QT interval
In severe hypercalcaemia, Osborn waves (J
waves) may be seen
Ventricular irritability and VF arrest has been
reported with extreme hypercalcaemia
ECG changes in Hypocalcaemia
Hypocalcaemia causes QTc prolongation
primarily by prolonging the ST segment
The T wave is typically left unchanged
Dysrhythmias are uncommon, although atrial
fibrillation has been reported
Torsades de pointes may occur, but is much
less common than with hypokalaemia or
Torsades de pointes
ECG features of hyperkalaemia
Hyperkalaemia is defined as a serum
potassium level of > 5.2 mmol/L.
ECG changes generally do not manifest until
there is a moderate degree of hyperkalaemia
(≥ 6.0 mmol/L).
The earliest manifestation of hyperkalaemia is
an increase in T wave amplitude.
ECG features of hyperkalaemia
Peaked T waves
P wave widening/flattening, PR prolongation
Bradyarrhythmias: sinus bradycardia, high-
grade AV block with slow junctional and
ventricular escape rhythms, slow AF
Conduction blocks (bundle branch block,
fascicular blocks)
QRS widening with bizarre QRS morphology
ECG features of hyperkalaemia
With worsening hyperkalaemia… (> 9.0
◦ Development of sine wave appearance (pre-terminal
◦ Ventricular fibrillation
◦ PEA with bizarre, wide complex rhythm
◦ Asystole
ECG features of hyperkalaemia
The push-pull effect
ECG features of hypokalaemia
Hypokalaemia is defined as a serum
potassium level of < 3.5 mmol/L.
ECG changes generally do not manifest until
there is a moderate degree of hypokalaemia
(2.5-2.9 mmol/L).
The earliest ECG manifestation of
hypokalaemia is a decrease in T wave
ECG features of hypokalaemia
Increased P wave amplitude
Prolongation of PR interval
Widespread ST depression and T wave
Prominent U waves (best seen in the
precordial leads V2-V3)
Apparent long QT interval due to fusion of T
and U waves (= long QU interval)
ECG features of hypokalaemia
With worsening hypokalaemia…
◦ Frequent supraventricular and ventricular
◦ Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias: AF, atrial
flutter, atrial tachycardia
◦ Potential to develop life-threatening
ventricular arrhythmias, e.g. VT, VF and
Torsades de Pointes
Define bradyarrhythmia and tachyarrythmia
◦ Remove cause (ie drugs)
◦ Treat cause (ie hypothyroidism)
1st degree AV node block
PR interval >0.2secs (more than 5 small squares)
Delayed conduction through/near the AVN
Usually asymptomatic
Narrow QRS complex indicates block within AVN
Wide QRS complex indicates His-Purkinje block.
◦ MI
◦ Myocarditis/endocarditis
◦ Usually benign
◦ Can progress to other forms of AV block
◦ If symptomatic, consider pacemaker
Mobitz type 1 (Wenkebach)
PR interval progressively lengthens until a P wave is not
followed by a QRS complex.
Continues as a cycle.
Due to a conduction defect within the AVN
◦ Inferior MI
◦ Drugs
◦ Myocarditis
◦ None required (unless reversible cause)
Mobitz type 2
Intermittent non-conducting P waves.
May occur in regular pattern e.g. every 3rd p
wave is not followed by a QRS complex (3:1
◦ Anterior MI
◦ Inflammatory (rheumatic fever, myocarditis)
◦ Autoimmune (SLE, systemic sclerosis)
◦ Hyperkalaemia
◦ Infiltration (sarcoid, haemochromatosis, amyloid)
◦ Internal pacing eventually as likely to progress to 3rd degree heart block
Complete AV block
Complete dissociation between atrial &
ventricular depolarisations
All impulses from atria blocked by the AVN
Very symptomatic & very syncopal.
◦ Inferior MI
◦ Drugs (ca channel blockers, beta blockers, digoxin)
◦ Progression of Mobitz 1 & II
◦ Congenital (if mother has SLE)
◦ Lev's disease: idiopathic fibrosis & calcification of conducting system
◦ Internal pacing
Adult Bradycardia Algorithm
Sinus tachycardia
HR > 100bpm
Intra-cardiac causes Extra-cardiac causes
Ishcaemic heart disease •Drugs
Valvular heart disease •Alcohol
Heart failure •Stimulants e.g. caffeine
Cardiomyopathy •Stress
Congenital heart disease •Hyperthyroidism
Treat the cause.
Broad and Narrow Complex tachycardias
Broad Complex Tachyarrhythmias
Ventricular Tachycardia
Torsades de Pointes
Ventricular Fibrillation
◦ Amiodarone
◦ ICDs
Atrial Fibrillation
Atria chaotically fibrillate.
Fibrillation rate between 350 & 600bpm.
Variable impulse conduction through the AVN
Irregularly irregular rhythm
Most common arrhythmia.
10% of population >80 years old.
Significant morbidity due to thromboembolic disease
Unmanaged = 5% yearly stroke risk.
Atrial Fibrillation
Paroxysmal (acute onset, spontaneous termination within 1 week)
Persistent (>7 days, can be cardioverted)
Permanent (> 1 year not terminated by cardioversion)
Cardio (HTN, valvular disease, CAD, myositis)
Pulmonary (PE, pneumonia, COPD, lung Ca)
Metabolic (hyperthyroidism)
Drugs (alcohol, illicit drugs)
Bedside – ECG/24 hour tape
Bloods – FBC, U&Es, LFTs, TFTs, coag screen
Imaging – CXR, echo
Amiodarone (HF)