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Class 9

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Stephen’s Group of Schools

English Language
Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)
1. Letter – Formal, Informal
2. Email
3. Notice
4. Grammar - Rewrite Sentences, Tense, Preposition, Join Sentences
5. Essay - Narrative, Descriptive, Argumentative, Story ,Picture
6. Comprehension

Final Examination
1. Essay - Narrative, Descriptive, Argumentative, Story-Writing ,picture
2. Letter - Formal / Informal
3. Email
4. Notice
5. Comprehension
6. Grammar
(entire terminal syllabus to be included)

English Literature
Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)

1. Bonku Babu's Friend
2. Oliver Asks For More
3. The Model Millionaire

1. A Work OF Artifice
2. I Remember I Remember
3. Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat
4. A Doctor's Journal Entry for August 6, 1945

Final Examination

(entire terminal syllabus to be included)
2nd Language (Bengali)
Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)
১) গগগি
২) লালু
৩) বামা

১) বঙ্গভূ গমর প্রগি
২) সভযিার প্রগি
৩) কুগল মজুর

৩) ববাধপরীক্ষণ
৫)এক কথায় প্রকাশ
৬) পদ্ান্তর
৭) গবপরীি শব্দ
৮) গচত্র রচনা

১) কযানভাসার
২) নাম
৩) অসহয াগী+ পূবপাঠ

১) আবার আগসব গিযর
২) গসিঁগ়ি
৩) রবীন্দ্রনাযথর প্রগি + পূবপাঠ

রচনা, পত্ররচনা, ববাধপরীক্ষণ, এক কথায় প্রকাশ, বাগধারা, পদ্ান্তর, গবপরীি শব্দ, বানান
শুদ্ধ + পূবপাঠ,
ব গচত্র রচনা
2nd Language(Hindi)
Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)
1. साहित्य सागर - संक्षिप्त किानियााँ काकी, मिायज्ञ का परु स्कार ।
2. साहित्य सागर पद्य भाग - गगररधर की कंु डलियों, स्वगग बिा सकते िैं।
3. व्याकरण भाग - निबंध (250 शब्द), पत्र िेखि (औपचाररक और अिीपचाररक
पत्र िेखि ), गचत्र िेखि, अपहित गद्यांश, व्यावािाररक व्याकरण आहद ।
Final Examination
1. साहित्य सागर - संक्षिप्त किानियां - िेताजी का चश्मा, अपिा अपिा भाग्य, बात
अिन्िी की ।
2. साहित्य सागर पद्य भाग - वि जन्मभलू म मेरी, मेघ आये, साखी ।
3. व्याकरण - निबंध, गचत्रण िेखि, पत्र िेखि, अपहित गद्यांश व्यावािाररक व्याकरण
आहद ।
History and Civics
Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)
1. Our constitution.
2. Basic features of the constitution.
3. Fundamental Rights and Duties.
4. Directive Principles of states Policy.
5. Elections.
1. The Harappan civilization/ Indus Valley Civilisation.
2. The Vedic Period.
3. Jainism & Buddhism.
4. The Mauryan Empire.
5. The Sangam Age.
6. The Golden age of Guptas.
7. Medieval India: South India and Cholas.
8. Medieval India: The Delhi Sultanate.
Final Examination
1. Local Self Government: rural.
2. Local Self Government: Urban.
1. The Mughal Empire.
2. Composite Culture: The sufi & Bhakti Movement.
3. Modern age in Europe: the Renaissance.
4. The Reformation.
5. The Industrial Revolution.
Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)
1. Ch. 1 – Earth as a Planet in the Solar System
2. Ch. 2 – Latitudes and Longitudes
3. Ch. 3 – Motions of the Earth
4. Ch. 4 – The Earth – Lithosphere
5. Ch. 5 – Landforms of the Earth
6. Ch. 6 – Types of Rocks
7. Ch. 7 – Types of Volcanoes
8. Ch. 8 – Earthquakes
9. Ch. 10 – Weathering and Mass Wasting
10. Ch. 11 – Work of River and Wind
11. Ch. 12 – The Ocean

Map Pointing: WORLD (all topics as per ICSE Syllabus)

Final Examination
1. Ch. 13 – The Realm of Air
2. Ch. 14 – Air Temperature
3. Ch. 15 – Air in Motion – Air pressure and winds
4. Ch. 16 – Humidity in the Atmosphere
5. Ch. 18 – Equatorial Region
6. Ch. 19 – Tropical Grassland or Savanna Region
7. Ch. 20 – Tropical Desert Regions (Hot Deserts)
8. Ch. 21 – Tropical Monsoon Region
9. Ch. 22 – Mediterranean Region
10. Ch. 23 – Temperate Grassland Region
11. Ch. 24 – Taiga
12. Ch. 25 – Tundra
13. Ch. 26 – Pollution Around Us
14. Ch. 27 – Sources of Pollution and Major Pollutants
15. Ch. 28 – Effects of Pollution
16. Ch. 29 – Preventive Measures
17. Includes all the chapters of the terminal as per the ICSE Class IX Syllabus

Map Pointing: WORLD (all topics as per ICSE Syllabus)

Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)
1. Measurement and Experimentation (Part A and Part C Full)
Part B—Measurement of Length using Vernier Calipers and micrometer screw.
Decreasing Least count leads to an increase in accuracy; least count (LC) of Vernier
calipers and Screws gauge, zero error (basic idea) [No Numerical Problems on
Calipers and Screw gauge]
2. Motion in One Dimension – (Non uniform acceleration Excluded)
(Equation Sn th is also not included)
3. Laws of motion – (Inertial Mass is not Included)
In Gravitation (problems on variation of gravity not included)
4. Pressure in Fluids and Atmospheric Pressure.
5. Upthrust in Fluids, Archimedes Principle and flotation.
6. Heat and Energy.
Final Examination
1. Updated Council Class IX Syllabus to be Followed.
Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)
1. Language of chemistry.
2. Chemical Changes and Reactions.
3. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding.
4. Study of Gas Laws.
5. The Periodic Table.
Final Examination
1. Water.
2. Study of the First Element – Hydrogen.
3. Atmospheric solution.
4. Practical Chemistry
[All the chapters of Terminal are included in Final]
[ 2026 ICSE Scope to be strictly followed]
Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)
1. Cell: The unit of Life.
2. Tissues: Types of Plant and Animal tissues.
3. Flowering Plants.
I. Flower
II. Pollination
III. Fertilisation
4. Plant Physiology
I. Structures of Dicot and Monocot seeds, Germination of seeds
II. Respiration in plants.
5. Diversity in living organisms.
i)Five Kingdom classification.
ii)Economic Importance of Bacteria and Fungi.
6. Nutrition.
7.Digestive System.
8.Waste Generation and Management.
Practical:- Ex 1-5
Final Examination
1) Skeleton-Movement and Locomotion.
2) Respiratory System.
3) Structure and function of skin.
4) Health and Hygiene.
5) Aids to Health.
6) Health Organisations.
7) Disease
Practical :- Ex 6-8
[ Council prescribed full syllabus to be followed]
[project and Practical: As per council Syllabus.]
Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)
1. Indices
2. Rational & Irrational numbers
3. Compound Interest
4. Simultaneous Linear equation
5. Problems on simultaneous linear Equation
6. Pythagoras Theorem
7. Mensuration
Final Examination
ICSE updated syllabus is to be followed.
Computer Application
Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)
1. Introduction to object oriented Programming Concepts. (chapter-1)
2. Elementary concept of objects and classes. ( Chapter-2)
3. Values and Data types (chapter-3)
4. Operations in Java (chapter-4) (Bitwise and shift operators are not included)
5. Input in java (chapter-5)
6. Mathematical Library methods (Chapter-6)
7. Conditional Constructs in Java. (chapters-7)
Final Examination
1. Iterative Constructs in Java. (chapter-8)
2. Nested for Loops. (Chapter-9)
(Nested While and Nested Do-while Are not included)
3. Computing and Ethics. (Chapter-10)
Revision Chapters: Ch-1, ch-2, ch-3, ch-4, ch-5, Ch-6, Ch-7
[Updated Class IX ICSE Syllabus to be followed.]

Value Education
Terminal Examination Syllabus (2024-25)
1) The Blessed One (ch-1)
2) Open Ears (CL-2)
3)Finding Peace (ch-5)
Final Examination
1) Sumy Days (ch-8)
2) Online Safety (ch-3)
3) Grab it All (ch-4)
Commercial Application
[For all chapters /Topics Scope of Syllabus to be followed]
1. Introduction to commercial organisation.
2. Ownership structures- Sole proprietorship and joint Hindu family business.
3. Ownership structures- Partnership.
4. Ownership Structures- Joint Stock company.
5. Communication in a commercial Organisation.
6. Ways of communicating.
7. Tools of communication.
8. Ownership structures – Co-operative Society.
9. Public Sector Enterprises.

[Topics/Chapters of Terminal Syllabus + Following Topics/Chapters]
1. Natural resources.
2. Depletion of resources.
3. Functioning of a commercial organization.
4. Practices for conservation of resources.
5. Industrial pollution and degradation of Environment.
6. Nature and Technology of accounting.
7. Accounting Records.
[For Final Examination , Council Prescribed full Syllabus To be followed]

Physical Education:
1. Introduction of Physical education.
2. Lesson1: The Human Anatomy and Physiology.
3. Lesson 2: Muscular System.
4. Lesson 3: Respiration.
5. Lesson 4: Circulation-> Heart in Detail.
Physical Efficiency Test
Football [Knowledge of the game, rules & regulation, Terminology and Fundamental skill]
Select any two games of the following.
1. Football.
2. Cricket.
3. Basketball.
4. Badminton
N.B- knowledge of the game rules and regulation.
Lesson 4: Circulatory system:- Blood, Benefits of Exercise on the circulatory system.
Lesson 5: Games and sports.

Select any two games of the following.
1. Football.
2. Cricket.
3. Basketball.
4. Badminton
[ Practical file work of two games of your choice]
1.Physical efficiency test.
• 50 meter run (Boys/girls)
• 1000 meter Run (Boys) / 600 meter Run (girls)
• Push ups (boys)
• Bench Push ups (Girls)
• Shuttle run 10 Meter. (Boys/ girls)
• Sit Ups (Boys/Girls)
• Standing Broad Jump
[ Council prescribed Physical Education syllabus to be followed]



1. Ch 1- Introduction to economics
• Only the definitions of Adam Smith, Keynes, Robbins and Samuelson to be tested (no
• Meaning and differences of micro and macroeconomics with examples and meaning
and difference between economic and non-economic activities with examples.

2. Ch 2- Basic economic entities in an economy.

• Definition and functions of economy
• Definition examples and differences between primary secondary and tertiary
• Meaning of firms, Households, foreign sector and government. Any 5 roles of

3. Ch 3-Basic concepts of economics.

• Definitions of human wants, goods of all types, services, wealth, utility, production,
consumption, factors of production, sustainable consumption, market, price, value, income,
saving, welfare.

4. Ch 4-Types of economies
• Meaning, features and differences between capitalistic socialistic and mixed
• Meaning and difference between developed and underdeveloped economies.
• Difference between economic growth and economic development.

5. Ch-5 Basic problems of an economy.

• Definition and types of resources with examples, meaning and causes of economic
problems, a brief understanding of What to produce, How to produce and for Whom to
6. Ch-6 Main sectors of an economy.
• Classification of different activities into primary secondary and tertiary activities.

7. Ch-7 Primary sector

• Definition of agriculture and its contribution.
• Problems of Indian agriculture--- limited use of technology, problem of economic
holding, dependence on monsoon, lack of rural credit facilities, inadequate marketing
facilities, lack of storage facilities.
• Government measures to improve agricultural production-use of HYV seeds, better
irrigation facilities, adoption of technology, use of fertilizers, expansion of credit facilities,
provision of better storage and marketing facilities.
• Meaning of green revolution and its positive impacts only.
• Definition of food security and role of FCI.

8. Ch-10 Poverty

• Definition of poverty, poverty line (both general and calorie intake definition).
• Meaning and difference between absolute and relative poverty.
• Any 5 causes of poverty.


1. Ch-8 Secondary sector

• Definition of industrialization, interdependence of agriculture and industries ,large
scale and medium scale industries (meaning and examples only) .
• Meaning, features, differences and examples of cottage and small scale industries
• Any 5 role of small scale and cottage industries in India.
• Adverse effects of industrialisation with reference to industrial pollution and

2. Ch-9 Tertiary sector-

• Education, healthcare, transportation, banking, insurance, communication, storage
and warehousing .Role or importance of each of these sectors(no other subheading of this

3. Ch- 11 Unemployment
• Definition of seasonal , structural, technological, disguised, educated
unemployment, underemployment and their examples.
• Definition of jobless growth and any 5 causes of unemployment.
• HRIDAY and MGNREGA to be studied in details with objectives.

4. Ch-12 LPG model

• Definition and objectives of LPG model.
• Meaning of SEZs.
• Definition of liberalisation, privatisation, globalization and their positive impacts

5. Ch-13 Smart City-

• Definition of smart city and its objectives only

All chapters from terminal are included in the final.

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