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Single and Double Diffusion Breaks in 14Nm Finfet and Beyond

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Extended Abstracts of the 2017 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Sendai, 2017, pp219-220


Single and Double Diffusion Breaks in 14nm FinFET and Beyond

K. Miyaguchi, F. M. Bufler, T. Chiarella, P. Matagne, N. Horiguchi, A. De Keersgieter, G. Eneman, A. Spessot, *B. Parvais,
D. Verkest and A. Mocuta
IMEC, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium, Phone: +32-1628-3286, E-mail: Kenichi.Miyaguchi@imec.be

Abstract pitch, 11nm gate spacer thickness, 110nm poly pitch and
Layout-dependent effect (LDE) in FinFET technology DDB structure. The length-of-oxide (LOD) represents a dis-
is investigated by means of TCAD process and Monte- tance from edge of the center channel to the STI. We fabri-
Carlo device simulation. A good agreement is obtained cated the devices having 3 different LOD, named LODn in
when comparing to experimental data on 14nm FinFET which LOD equals to n*CPP-Lg/2, where CPP is poly pitch
with double diffusion break (DDB). Single diffusion break and Lg is physical gate length.
(SDB) in 7nm FinFET is discussed. Simulation indicates The TCAD process simulations run to estimate channel
that stress relaxation is pronounced in case of DDB and strain of the devices of LOD1, LOD2 and LOD3, considering
self-aligned SDB, while non-self-aligned SDB preserves only S/D epi-induced stress. The integrated channel strain in
stress at the price of high variability. the center channel is plotted in Fig. 3. The strain increases
from LOD1 to LOD2 by 25% approximately in both n- and
1. Introduction p-FinFET. The channel closer to the STI suffers from stress
The layout-dependent effect (LDE) on stress and device relaxation more due to the proximity to free space at fin-cut
performance is a big concern in scaled CMOS technologies edge at the STI oxide, that reduces stress due to small elastic
[1]. Double diffusion break (DDB) isolates neighboring de- stiffness. A small increase of the strain from LOD2 to LOD3
vices with fin tuck under dummy poly shown in Fig. 1 (a), is observed since LOD2 is enough far from the STI to avoid
taking 1 poly pitch of width of shallow trench isolation (STI). the stress relaxation.
Single diffusion break (SDB) is a promising option to reduce
die area with STI width of 1 gate length illustrated in Fig. 1
(b), but a heavy facet of source/drain (S/D) epi at edge of STI
causes epi volume reduction and drive current variation.

Fig. 3 Integrated channel strain in the center channel in 14nm FinFET.

Taking the estimated strain value, the single-particle MC
device simulation considering quasiballistic overshoot effects
was performed with analytical dopant profile [2][3]. The sim-
Fig. 1 Schematic views of DDB and SDB structures.
ulated drain currents of the LOD1 at absolute drain voltage of
0.05V and 0.8V have been reasonably matched with the
To investigate impact of DDB and SDB on S/D epi-in- measured ones in the n- and p-FinFET as depicted in Fig. 4.
duced stress and drive current, we apply TCAD process and
Monte-Carlo (MC) device simulations. First, we demonstrate
that the TCAD simulation results show a good agreement
with Imec 14nm FinFET experimental data of the DDB. Us-
ing the validated TCAD setup, the stress and device perfor-
mance of 7nm FinFET with the SDB are evaluated.

2. Double Diffusion Break in 14nm-node FinFET

Fig. 2 shows schematic views of Imec 14nm FinFET with
28nm gate length, 7nm fin width, 26nm fin height, 45nm fin
Fig. 4 Measured and simulated drain currents of Imec 14nm FinFET
Fig. 5 shows the LDE on the drain current in the linear
regime extracted at 0.4V threshold voltage offset. The meas-
ured LDE in n-FinFET is 2% increase of the drain current
from LOD1 to LOD2, while 4% is found in the simulation.
The p-FinFET pronounces the LDE due to silicon-germanium
S/D epi stressor with 16% increase in the experiments and
11% in the simulation. In spite of incomplete device inspec-
Fig. 2 Schematic views of Imec 14nm FinFET

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tion and lack of measured stress values, the same trend be- for epitaxial growth shown in Fig. 7(b) [4].
tween the measured and simulated results are obtained. That The SA-SDB removes a risk of the epi volume reduction
validates a reasonable accuracy of the TCAD simulation ap- thanks to alignment to dummy poly, but S/D epi-induced
proach for device performance prediction. stress is lost during the STI formation similar to the DDB case.
Fig 8 compares process simulation results of the LDE on the
channel strain in the center channel of the DDB, SDB and
SA-SDB as well as non-fin-cut as a reference. The DDB and
SA-SDB decrease the strain by 85% at LOD1 compared to
the non-fin-cut due to the stress relaxation during dummy
poly removal. The SDB has benefit of retain the strain in the
channel due to stiff environment around the S/D epi.
Fig. 5 Measured and simulated LDE on drain current in the linear regime

3. Single Diffusion Break in 7nm-node FinFET

As technology scales towards 7nm node, the electrical im-
pact of the SDB enabling die area reduction with narrowing
STI width has to be investigated. Fig. 6 summarizes process
flow assumption of the DDB and SDB. The DDB and non-
self-aligned SDB can be made by the same flow, but the
height of the oxide filled in the STI assumes to be different Fig. 8 LDE on channel strain at center channel in 7nm FinFET
shown in Fig. 1.
Based on the simulated stress values, MC device simu-
lations were run to assess drain current at supply voltage of
0.65V. The on-state drain currents with off-state current tar-
geted to 0.1nA/µm in LOD1 are plotted in Fig. 9. Compared
to non-fin-cut, the on-currents of the DDB and SA-SDB are
degraded by 10% and 38% for n- and p-FinFET respectively.
On the other hand, the SDB achieves high on-current due to
no loss of the strain, however the on-current degradation of
Fig. 6 Process flow of DDB, SDB and SA-SDB
9% in n-FinFET and 25% in p-FinFET in case of 5nm misa-
The self-aligned SDB (SA-SDB) is formed after S/D epi lignment need to be taken into account.
growth and its width is defined by length of poly mask. On
the other hand, the non-self-aligned SDB has a potential issue
of misalignment between fin-cut and poly masks. Fig. 7
shows schematic views of 7nm FinFET with 18nm gate
length, 5nm fin width, 35nm fin height, 24nm fin pitch, 5nm
gate spacer thickness, 42nm poly pitch and the SDB structure.
The fin tuck exists under the dummy poly and the S/D epi Fig. 9 Comparison of simulated on-state current in 7nm FinFET
grows towards 3 facets of top and both sides in case of no
misalignment. If fin-cut and poly masks are misaligned 4. Conclusion
enough to make fin tuck in the S/D contact area, the S/D epi We demonstrated that the TCAD MC device simulation
volume is significantly reduced due to extra facet towards results have successfully agreed with the experimental data of
edge of the fin. The epi shape is accurately predictable using the 14nm FinFET LDE on on-state current with the DDB.
the kinetic monte-carlo option in TCAD process simulation For a further scaling node, the validated TCAD deck has
predicted the LDE of the SDB on channel strain and drain
current. The non-self-aligned SDB can retain S/D epi-in-
duced stress in the channel and achieve high drain current, but
its variability due to mask misalignment needs to be consid-
ered. The SA-SDB has a benefit of variability and die area
reduction in spite of lower drain current than the non-self-
aligned SDB.

*B. Parvais is also at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

[1] M Garcia Bardon et al., VLSI-Technology 2013, p. 114.
Fig. 7 Schematic views of 7nm SDB FinFET with and without [2] F. M. Bufler, F.O. Heinz and L. Smith, SISPAD 2013, p. 172.
[3] F. M. Bufler and L. Smith, J. Comput. Electron. 12, p. 651, 2013.
[4] Synopsys Inc., “Sentaurus Process User Guide,” L-2016.03, 2016.

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