Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Differential equations
The laws of physics and mechanics, as well as numerous chemical, biological, or eco-
nomic phenomena, reduce to the search for functions (of one or more variables) whose
derivatives satisfy certain relationships. This is the case, for example, for the movement
of a material particle or the temperature at a point in a homogeneous conductor.
5 Définitions
A differential equation is a relation between a variable x, an unknown function
y = φ (x) of the variable x, and the successive derivatives y ′ = φ′ (x) , . . . , y (n) = φ(n) (x)
of this function :
y (n) = f x, y, y ′ , . . . , y (n−1) .
Solving or integrating a differential equation means finding the set of all solutions.
y ′ = f (x, y) .
6 First-order differential equations
x2 y ′ = y 2 .
We replace y ′ with , and we obtain
x2 = y2.
dy dx
= 2,
y x
and by integrating Z Z
dy dx 1 1
= ⇐⇒ = + C.
y2 x 2 y x
y= ,
1 + Cx
where C is a constant.
Theorem 25 The general solution of a first-order linear differential equation (I) is the
sum of the general integral of the homogeneous equation (II) and a particular integral of
the non-homogeneous equation (I).
6 First-order differential equations
y = C.eA(x) , C ∈ R,
with A (x) = − a (x) dx.
Particular solution by variation of constants
We seek the particular solution in the form
y = C (x) eA(x)
this amounts to replacing the constant C with a function of the variable x (hence the
name of the method : variation of constants).
Let’s differentiate y and substitute it into the differential equation (I). We obtain a
differential equation with the unknown C.
This leads us to integrate to find the function C(x) and then substitute it into
y = C (x) eA(x) .
x y ′ − 2y = 0.
6 First-order differential equations
C ′ (x) = 1 =⇒ C (x) = x.
y = x3 .
The general solution of the non-homogeneous equation is
y = x3 + Cx2 , C ∈ R.