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Answer Key


Use of English Level 1 Competences Assessment Level 1
Vocabulary and Grammar Page 1 Written Comprehension Page 5
1 1. mystery 4. tablet 1 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T
2. beautiful 5. meet friends 2 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. e 5. a
3. music 6. go home
2 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. f 6. e
Written Production Page 6
3 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. c Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Page 2 1

4 1. walks the dog

Oral Comprehension Page 7
4. crime
2. Horror 5. narrow Laura: Let’s do something fun today, Mike!
3. outgoing 6. goes to the cinema Mike: OK, Laura. Do you want to make a video for
TikTok? We watch a lot of TikTok videos, but we
5 1. romance 5. athletic never make them!
2. funny 6. go shopping Laura: What do you want to do in the video?
3. literature 7. nice Mike: We can play an instrument. Or walk my dog. Or
4. makes videos 8. pencil case even tidy my room!
6 1. some Laura: Tidy your room?
5. an
Mike: Well, you never know! People like watching all
2. any 6. the kinds of things on TikTok.
3. a 7. a Laura: Ha ha, Mike. I don’t want to tidy your room!
4. any 8. some Mike: OK. So let’s think of something creative.
7 1. There aren’t any real people in animated films. Laura: I know! Let’s make a video about disguises!
2. There is a rubber on my desk. Mike: Yes, that’s a clever idea. We can show how
making small changes to someone’s
3. There isn’t an action film on TV tonight.
appearance can make the person look very
4. Is there an English lesson at 3.30 pm? different!
5. There are some science textbooks in my Laura: We can show how I look with my curly hair. Then
schoolbag. we can show how I look very different with
6. Are there any friendly students in your class? straight hair. Or you can change your light hair to
dark. Or we can make ourselves look very ugly.
Page 3 Some people also change their eyes, their noses
8 1. b 3. c 5. b 7. b and their teeth.
Mike: I’ve got some good accessories at my house.
2. d 4. b 6. a 8. c We can use those to help us.
9 1. walks 5. is wearing
1 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
2. are watching 6. streams
3. do … play 7. Are … using 2 1. make 4. ugly
4. doesn’t get up 8. am not listening
2. disguises 5. ears
Page 4 3. light
101. are … going 5. make
2. meet 6. Do … you
Oral Production
3. a 7. are jumping Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4. There are 8. any

Answer Key

TERM TEST 1 Page 4

Use of English Level 2 101. Where 5. Do … want
Vocabulary and Grammar Page 1 2. meet 6. are jumping
1 1. f 3. have got 7. any
3. b 5. c 7. e 4. My 8. There are
2. h 4. a 6. d 8. g
2 Possible answers TERM TEST 1
1. a. a rubber b. markers Competences Assessment Level 2
2. a. science b. literature Written Comprehension Page 5
3. a. ride a bike b. play football
1 1. 6 2. 5 3. 2 4. 90 5. 14
4. a. stream songs b. play computer
2 1. T 2. DS 3. F 4. DS 5. F
5. a. long b. curly
6. a. outgoing b. kind
7. a. action b. crime Written Production Page 6
8. a. have a shower b. have breakfast
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Page 2
3 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. f 6. d
Oral Comprehension Page 7
4 1. eyes 6. documentary Henry: You’re listening to Henry’s Film Podcast. Today,
2. diary 7. yellow I’m interviewing Erin about her two favourite
science-fiction films. Which one are we starting
3. strong 8. schoolbag with?
4. musical 9. have lunch Erin: The Map of Tiny Perfect Things. It’s an
5. aunt 10. medium height adaptation of a short story. It’s a science-fiction
5 1. There are some film, but it’s also a romantic dramedy.
4. There is an
Henry: Dramedy?
2. Is there a 5. Are there any Erin: A drama AND a comedy!
3. There aren’t any Henry: What’s it about?
6 1. studies 4. doesn’t watch Erin: A teenager, Mark, has got a problem. Time
doesn’t move for him. He gets up every morning
2. am not going 5. are riding and it’s the same day, but only he knows it. He
3. goes 6. is doing wants his normal life back. Then he meets
Margaret. She also lives the same day again and
Page 3 again. Mark and Margaret become friends.
7 1. Does Nick often chat online? Henry: What happens in the end?
Erin: I recommend seeing the film, so I’m not telling
2. Who is Ann sitting next to? you!
3. When does school start? Henry: OK! What’s the second film, Erin?
4. Are we / you going to the cinema? Erin: Bonfire. It’s an animated virtual reality film.
5. Do you play football on Saturdays? Henry: Virtual reality?
6. Why are you going home? Erin: Yes, virtual reality. With the help of computer
8 1. Amanda never listens to podcasts. technology, you participate in the film.
Henry: Isn’t virtual reality usually for games?
2. Peter is studying with friends at the moment. Erin: Yes, but there are virtual reality films, too. Bonfire
3. There is a new student at my school. is an adventure on an alien planet. It’s also funny.
4. I don’t ride my bike to school every day. The best part is that YOU are the main character!
5. Theo is tidying his room right now. You meet Pork Bun, an alien, and interact with
him. His actions change, depending on what
6. There aren’t any scissors on my desk. YOU do. For example, when you’re kind, Pork
9 1. They know the answer. Bun comes near you. You decide what happens,
and how the film ends.
2. I am watching my favourite comedy right now. Henry: Wow! Thanks, Erin!
3. Where does Julia usually go shopping?
4. There aren’t any books on the shelf.
5. How often does the teacher give you homework?
6. Are there magazines on the desk?
7. Why are you running?
8. Anna meets friends at the weekend.
Answer Key

1 The Map of Tiny

Perfect Things

1. It’s a romance. ✓

2. It’s a virtual reality film. ✓

3. It’s an adaptation of

a short story.
4. It’s animated. ✓
5. There is an alien in the

2 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a

Oral Production
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Answer Key

TERM TEST 1 8 1. Has she got a big pencil case?

Use of English Level 3 2. Where do you do your homework?

3. What is Tim reading?
Vocabulary and Grammar Page 1 4. Is there any French homework?
1 1. dark 4. orange 5. When do William and Todd usually meet friends?
6. Are these textbooks yours?
2. go to the cinema 5. tall
7. Do you understand the homework?
3. between 6. comics
8. Why are you sitting here?
2 Categories Possible answers 9. Are they cousins?
10. Who is Liz talking to?
1. School Subjects English, Science
2. Adjectives of Personality fun-loving, nice Page 4
3. Film Genres comedy, horror
9 1. are … going 6. make
4. Parts of the Body hair, legs
5. Morning Routines have breakfast, 2. meet 7. Do … want
go to school 3. What 8. are
3 1. Your mother’s brother is your uncle. 4. have got 9. any
5. There are 10. We
2. You have dinner in the evening.
3. You can walk the dog at the park.
4. January is the first month of the year. TERM TEST 1
5. Her nose is big.
6. I use a pencil to write.
Competences Assessment Level 3
Written Comprehension Page 5
Page 2
1 1. Mystery Escape Room
4 1. ears 5. Saturday / Sunday
2. Mystery Escape Room, Fright Room
2. biography 6. laptop / tablet 3. Mystery Escape Room
3. grandmother 7. desk 4. Escape Plus
4. April 8. wide 5. Escape Plus, Fright Room
5 1. a 6. have got 2 1. six
2. Is 7. are 2. on TikTok
3. her 8. They 3. They’ve got a special room for birthday parties and
4. Those 9. never you can bring your own food.
5. isn’t 10. doesn’t 4. on their Website, www.escapeplus1.com
6 1. do … tidy 6. There are 5. because you can get a coupon for the Fright Room
2. haven’t got 7. any
3. aren’t 8. has … got
4. aren’t playing 9. an Written Production Page 6
5. this 10. am listening Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Page 3
7 1. There is a science-fiction film at 9.00 pm.

2. Jay has got dark hair.

3. Mason usually reads comic books.
4. Gayle is getting dressed at the moment.
5. My notebooks are not / aren’t on my desk.
6. There are five pencils in my pencil case.
7. Dina isn’t visiting her aunt today.
8. We haven’t got a football game this afternoon.
9. Ingrid doesn’t play an instrument.
10. My parents are at the cinema right now.

Answer Key

Oral Comprehension Page 7
Henry: You’re listening to Henry’s Film Podcast.
Today, I’m interviewing Erin about her two
favourite science-fiction films. Which one are
we starting with?
Erin: The Map of Tiny Perfect Things. It’s an
adaptation of a short story. It’s a science-fiction
film, but it’s also a romantic dramedy.
Henry: Dramedy?
Erin: A drama AND a comedy!
Henry: What’s it about?
Erin: A teenager, Mark, has got a problem. Time
doesn’t move for him. He gets up every
morning and it’s the same day, but only he
knows it. He wants his normal life back. Then
he meets Margaret. She also lives the same
day again and again. Mark and Margaret
become friends.
Henry: What happens in the end?
Erin: I recommend seeing the film, so I’m not telling
Henry: OK! What’s the second film, Erin?
Erin: Bonfire. It’s an animated virtual reality film.
Henry: Virtual reality?
Erin: Yes, virtual reality. With the help of computer
technology, you participate in the film.
Henry: Isn’t virtual reality usually for games?
Erin: Yes, but there are virtual reality films, too.
Bonfire is an adventure on an alien planet. It’s
also funny. The best part is that YOU are the
main character! You meet Pork Bun, an alien,
and interact with him. His actions change,
depending on what YOU do. For example,
when you’re kind, Pork Bun comes near you.
You decide what happens, and how the film
Henry: Wow! Thanks, Erin!

1 1. short story 4. the main character

2. a normal 5. science-fiction
3. funny
2 1. a drama and a comedy

2. Time doesn’t move for him.

3. She recommends seeing it.
4. He comes near you.
5. You do.

Oral Production
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

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