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Torus Ingles

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Medicine and Community Health Archives

Abbreviated Key Title: MCHA

Journal homepage: https://mchapub.com/index.php/mcha
Volume 01 | Issue 01 | Page No. 26-30 |

A rare case report with surgical treatment of bilateral maxillary

buccal exostosis in patients with polydactyly and distomolar
Abdalla Aly*1

Masinde Muliro University Of ABSTRACT:
Science And Technology, Kenya
*Corresponding author Buccal exostosis is bony prominence located on buccal side of
alveolar ridge of maxilla or mandible. It is commonly seen in maxilla
than mandible, whereas the etiology remains unclear. This article
presents a rare case of bilateral maxillary buccal exostosis,
distomolars and polydactyly along with surgical management of
exostosis. A 39-year-old male patient came to the dental OPD with a
chief complain of swelling in the right and left back region of upper
jaw from 12 years, which was a cosmetic concern to the patient.
Patient was medically healthy with no familial history of gingival
overgrowth. On examination, patient had polydactyly and bilateral
mandibular distomolars. These isolated findings couldn’t be related to
any syndrome after thorough examination and medical consultation.
Finally, the treatment plan consisted of, oral hygiene instructions,
mechanical debridement and periodontal resective osseous surgery,
so as to reduce gingival inflammation and improve esthetic by
removing the exostosis. Nonsurgical periodontal therapy alone did
not reduce the gingival enlargement because of the bony nature of
enlargement, thus necessitating surgical intervention. Post-operative
evaluation at 1, 3 and 12 months reveled an uneventful healing and no
sign of recurrence at surgical sites.

Key Words: Exostosis, Resective osseous surgery, Polydactyly,


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MCHA | Volume 01 | Issue 01

A rare case report with surgical treatment of bilateral maxillary buccal exostosis in patients with polydactyly and distomolar 27

INTRODUCTION; (Figure 1). The overgrowth was a major cosmetic

concern to the patient. Whereas, the area serves as
Tori and exostoses are nodular protuberances
a good nidus for food lodgment, thus causing
of calcified bone designated according to their
difficulty in oral hygiene practice by the patient.
anatomic location. Torus palatinus (TP) and torus
Detailed personal and family history of the patient
mandibularis (TM) are the two most common
revealed that the enlargement was not familial in
types of intraoral osseous overgrowths [1]. Buccal
nature. The patient didn’t reveal any history of
exostosis is a bone prominence located on the
medication and reported no known drug allergies.
buccal aspect of alveolar ridge of the maxilla or
mandible and usually consists of dense cortical On extra-oral examination we found that
bone that are relatively avascular. It usually patient had a high and broad smile line (1st molar
occurs bilaterally and seen in the premolar and to 1st molar). The general examination revealed
molar region. It is more commonly seen in maxilla the patient had a Polydactyly in both hand and feet
than mandible (5.1:1) and affects men more than (Figure 2) and the radiographic examination
women (1.66:1). [1,2,5] The overgrowth is usually showed bilateral distomolars in lower arch (Figure
asymptomatic but may cause esthetic concern to 3). These isolated findings couldn’t be related to
the patient. The area serves as a good nidus for any syndrome after thorough examination and
food lodgment, thus causing difficulty in oral consultation. The overgrowth was an esthetic
hygiene practice by the patient. No consensus has problem to the patient due to the broad smile line.
been reached to determinate the etiology of buccal There was a generalized gingival inflammation in
exostosis but it is believed that the reason is the upper and lower arch, and the probing depths
multifactorial, including environmental elements were in the range of 3–4 mm with areas of 5 mm
acting in unclear relationship with genetic factors in the upper left first molars. There was Glickman
. The diagnosis of a buccal exostosis is grade I furcation involvement in both maxillary
based on the clinical examination along with left and right first molars.
radiographic interpretations. Radiograph of
exostosis appears as well-defined round or oval After obtaining a medical clearance
calcified structure superimposing the roots of regarding the isolated findings, periodontal
teeth. [1,3] treatment was planned as patient education and
Polydactyly is a condition of physical motivation by oral hygiene instructions, scaling
anomaly in humans resulting in the presence of and root planing and periodontal resective osseous
extra fingers and/or toes. The extra finger is surgery. The patient was prescribed 0.2%
commonly seen in the ulnar (little finger) side of chlorhexidine gluconate two times daily so as to
the hand [7]. Distomolar is a supernumerary tooth reduce plaque and gingival inflammation. Re-
which is located in the distal aspect of third evaluation after four week showed normal
molars. It appears more frequently in men than in gingival characteristics, whereas the gingival
women. This case report presents a rare case of enlargement failed to regress. After explaining the
buccal exostosis associated with distomolars and risks and benefits of surgery to the patient, an
polydactyly along with surgical management of informed consent was obtained. After
exostosis. [8],9] administration of local anesthesia, full thickness
mucoperiosteal flap was reflected in order to gain
CASE REPORT; complete access to the exostosis.

A 39-year-old male patient was referred to Resective osseous surgery was performed
the Department of Periodontology, College of in the following steps: 1) Vertical grooving: It was
Dentistry, King Khalid University with the done in order to reduce the thickness of the
complaint of swelling in the right and left alveolar housing and to provide relative
posterior region of upper jaw from 12 years prominence to the radicular aspects of the teeth. It
MCHA | Volume 01 | Issue 01
A rare case report with surgical treatment of bilateral maxillary buccal exostosis in patients with polydactyly and distomolar 28

is the first step of the resective process because it Fig 2: Polydactyle in both hands and feet
will define the general thickness and subsequent
form of the alveolar housing. It was performed by
rotary instruments using round carbide burs with
high speed under copious saline irrigation. 2)
Radicular blending: This was an extension of
vertical grooving in an attempt to gradualize the
bone over the entire radicular surface so as to
provide the best results from vertical grooving. It
helps in providing a smooth surface for good flap
adaptation. 3) Flattening of interproximal bone:
This step is indicated when interproximal bone
levels vary horizontally and requires the removal
of minimal supporting bone. 4) Gradualizing
marginal bone: It is the last step in which the
marginal bone was gradualized to provide even
base for gingival tissue to follow. Fig 3: Panoramic radiograph showing Bilateral
Distomolars in lower arch:
.After removing the exostosis, surgical
site was checked to determine any further
recontouring. On obtaining the final result, the
flap was sutured with 3-0 vicryl suture material.
Postoperative medications and instructions were
given to the patient. Patient was recalled after 10
days for suture removal. Post-operative evaluation
at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months reveled an uneventful
healing at all surgical sites without any reported
complication and clinical sign of recurrence.

Fig 1: Preoperative view showing enlargement

Fig 4: Resective osseous surgery of maxillary
at maxillary left and right buccal region:
right and left buccal exostosis:

MCHA | Volume 01 | Issue 01

A rare case report with surgical treatment of bilateral maxillary buccal exostosis in patients with polydactyly and distomolar 29

They are commonly seen in premolar and molar

region. [1,2,5]

Polydactyly is defined as a condition in

which a person has more than five fingers per
hand or five toes per foot. It is considered to be
the most common birth defect of the hand and
foot. Surgery may be considered for poorly
formed digits or very large extra digits. Surgical
management depends on the complex level of the
Fig 5: 12 months postoperative view showing deformity.[7]
absence of enlargement in maxillary left and
right buccal region: Distomolar is a supernumerary tooth
which is located distal to third molars. It usually
appears in male more than female. The “Dental
lamina hyperactivity theory” to be the most
accepted theory to explain this Condition.
Distomolars are usually impacted. They can be
asymptomatic or cause complications.
Radiographs are important diagnostic tool for the
detection of distomolars. Treatment involves the
removal of the distomolar if there are associated
complications otherwise to keep under
observation. [8,9]

A differential diagnosis of Fibrous

dysplasia and Gardner syndrome was given.
Gardner syndrome was excluded due to no
appearance of multiple polyposis of the large
intestine; osteomas of the bones; multiple
epidermoid or sebaceous cyst of the skin. Clinical
DISCUSSION; appearance of bilateral nodular growth on the
buccal surface of the maxilla under the
In this case report on examination, patient
muccobuccal fold over which the mucosa
revealed polydactyly and bilateral mandibular
appeared blanched ruled out fibrous dyslasia. .
distomolars and maxillary buccal exostosis. [10,11]
According to the patient's medical and dental
history, it was difficult to relate the exostosis to a In this case report, phase I periodontal
direct cause. The patient was medically healthy therapy alone did not reduce the gingival
and not under any medications. Exostosis was not enlargement because it was bony enlargement,
in the family as the patient didn’t mention any that thus surgical intervention was needed. Vertical
any family member had gingival overgrowth. grooving was the first step of the resective
osseous surgery to reduce the thickness of the
Buccal exostosis is a benign outgrowth,
alveolar housing and to provide relative
which is usually seen in the facial aspect of the
prominence to the radicular aspects of the teeth.
upper jaw as compared to the lower jaw [1,2].
Cooling with sterile saline must be done so that
These outgrowths are usually asymptomatic, but
the temperature of the bone is not raised beyond
sometimes may increase in size and cause
47°C. Radicular blending was done next which is
cosmetic concern. They are commonly seen in
an extension of vertical grooving in an attempt to
male population compared to female population.
MCHA | Volume 01 | Issue 01
A rare case report with surgical treatment of bilateral maxillary buccal exostosis in patients with polydactyly and distomolar 30

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MCHA | Volume 01 | Issue 01

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