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Summary of Items Discussed in 3/2013 APSEC Discussion Forum On 10 May 2013

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Summary of Items Discussed in 3/2013 APSEC Discussion Forum on 10 May 2013

Items proposed by Convenors for Discussion Summary of Discussion and BD’s Responses
Item raised by AAP
1. External Pipe Duct Inspection After the presentation, BD representatives exchanged views on the
AAP will deliver a short presentation focusing on the Pushrod system system with Members. BD would consider the acceptability of
cameras for external pipe duct inspection. The presentation will last such provision for inspecting drainage pipes with external screens.
for about 10 minutes.

Items raised by HKIA

2. Follow Up on Items Discussed at 2/2013 APSEC Discussion Forum
(a) External Pipe Duct (a) The PNAP was being revised. The BD advised that before the
The stakeholders are eager to know when the practice note will be issue of the revised PNAP, application for provision of screen for
ready for issue. external pipe duct would be considered on a case by case
basis, and justifications for access for inspection and
maintenance should be provided.

(b) Flue Aperture for Bathroom (b) The BD was requested to consider (i) allowing the provision of
A discussion paper focusing on the provision of one flue aperture only one flue aperture for one flat if a gas / electric water heater
for several bathrooms complying with the supply rules is enclosed of appropriate capacity would be used to provide hot water for
for consideration (please refer to Appendix I). all water points in the flat instead of multiple flue apertures, and
(ii) no flue aperture should be provided if no town gas supply
system would be provided by the developer. The BD
responded that comments from EMSD and Gas Co. would be

3. Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings 2011 (the FS Code)
(a) B11.3(b) (a) FS Code Clause B11.3(b) stipulates that the horizontal distance
The horizontal distance measured between a required staircase between a required staircase or a discharge point and any one of
and any one of the other required staircase is no longer specified the other required staircases or discharge points should be
to be “along the corridor”. If the aforesaid interpretation is measured on plan along the centreline of the "exit route". The
correct, it is suggested to add information to Diagram B3 to avoid description of "...along the corridor..." in MOE Code para.
ambiguity. 14.3(c) is no longer necessary in FS Code Clause B11.3(b)
since the definition of "exit route" has been elaborated in FS
Code Part A Section 3 with illustration vide Diagram A2.
Also, its Diagrams B2 and B4 have clearly illustrated the
requirements of Clause B11.3(b), and Diagram B3 aims to
illustrate Clauses B11.3(a), B11.6 and B11.7 where an angle of
not less than 30o formed between the lines to 2 exits at a room /
an area is required for accepting the room / area as being
provided with alternative exits.

(b) D11.4 (b) Clarifications of FS Code Clause D11.4 would be made soonest
It is specified herein that “Every lobby to a fireman’s lift should possible upon clarification and consultation with FSD.
have access,… to an exit route”. It is understood from HKIA’s
representative in the FSD Liaison Group that FSD insisted that [Post meeting notes: Necessary revisions to FS Code Clause
the access from the fireman’s lift lobby to an exit route should be B16.1 and D11.4 were presented at the
through a protected route. To avoid confusion, it is suggested meeting of the Technical Committee on
that a practice note of some sort be issued to clarify the point. the FS Code held on 18.7.2013, which
would be considered for promulgation
vide the 3rd Corrigenda to the FS

(c) B5.7 (c) FS Code Clause B5.7 (the wall enclosing the exit route should
It is stipulated herein that when an exit route adjoins another exit be returned along the frontage of the final discharge or project
route, the walls along the exit route should be returned along the from the frontage for a distance of not less than 450mm) is
frontage for 450mm. Noting the acceptance of a projection in under Part B on “Means of Escape” whereas Clause C9.8 and
lieu of a return to achieve fire separation in Diagram C3, the BD its Diagram C3 are under Part C on “Fire Resisting
is requested to advise whether the same principle could be applied Construction”. FS Code Clause B5.7 aims to divert persons
to B5.7 such that 450mm return be replaced by a 450mm discharging from 2 immediate adjoining staircases / exit routs
projection separating two exit route. to avoid their clashing with others at the discharge points of
such staircases / exit routes. Any proposal without a
minimum 450mm return along the frontage of the final
discharge which could be satisfactorily demonstrated to fulfill
the spirit of Clause B5.7 as aforesaid would be considered on a
case by case basis.

4. Electrical Charging Provision

Electrical charging provision is required if we have to attain The BD confirmed that electrical charging provision was not required
sustainability concessions. The question is whether it is necessary to for loading/unloading areas as stipulated in para. 17 of PNAP
provide electrical charging provision to loading/unloading spaces. APP-2.
Our understanding is that L/UL spaces are not for parking and any
vehicles occupying the space for charging would deprive the use for
loading/unloading. Thus, such requirement is superfluous.

5. Curtain Wall Projection from Columns

For practical reason, curtain wall would not align with the external face The BD responded that according to para.6 of PNAP APP-2 there
of column and for ease of partitioning, column would not normally was no requirement to maintain at least 300mm gap between the
recess too much from the curtain wall. As reflected by our members, column and the internal face of the curtain wall as long as the column
there has been requirement to maintain at least 300mm gap between the was a genuine column.

column and the internal face of the curtain wall. The question is
whether there is in fact such a requirement and if so, what is the logic
behind such requirement.

6. Sanitary Fitment for Club House

Currently there is no prescribed requirement for the provision of The BD responded that sanitary fitments for staff and swimming
sanitary fitment in a club house. It is subject to the agreement pool, if any, were required to be provided in Residents’
between BD’s front line staff and the APs. In such case, it is difficult Recreational Facilities. The AP could provide such number of
for the APs to design and explain to the Clients why one ratio is sanitary fitments for users as he deemed fit.
acceptable in one area and not in another area. It is suggested that a
prescriptive requirement be imposed.

7. Parapet Height
It is understood that it has now become a norm to restrict the height of The BD advised that if the architectural feature was a genuine
parapet at roof level to be not more than 1.5m facing street. When feature to conceal the M/E plant rooms on the roof, usually in case
there are M/E equipments such as BMU or A/C plant located on the of non-domestic building, the BD might accept on a case by case
roof, it is disastrous from an aesthetic point of view. The question is basis upon application for exemption of architectural feature higher
whether it is possible to apply for exemption for architectural features than a normal parapet with justifications.
of a height that is capable of screening such M/E equipments.

8. Approval Time for GBP Amendments and Delay in Acknowledgment

of BA14
It is understood that due to increase in work load, BD’s staff is The BD advised that several means to reduce workload of BD staff
working hard to meet the time limit for approval and were being considered, such as the proposed streamlining of
acknowledgment. It is admitted that sometimes it is due to the hoarding renewal process by self-certification with record photos
quality of submissions but one thing through it appears that the front such that an inspection by BD for renewal of hoarding permit could
line staff of BD tend to look for discrepancy in details of calculations be dispensed. To facilitate early approval of plans, reduce the

and dimensions, which should be the liability and responsibility of the amount of amendments required on plans at the BD’s office prior to
APs to ensure the accuracy, instead of focusing on the principles of approval, and to generally reduce abortive work, the BD had
vetting of GBP submissions. If such principles are upheld, it would previously compiled a “Friendly reminder on Preparation of
probably shorten the time for vetting. Building Plans and Occupation permit” for use by APs. A copy
was attached again for reference.

APSEC Paper No. 1/13 on Draft Revised PNAP APP-23 on

Hoarding, Covered Walkways and Gantries was being revised and
would be circulated to APSEC members for comments. The BD
would welcome further suggestions from the professional

Item raised by HKIE

9. Consent & Form BD103 for GI, Foundation and ELS Works
Normally, RSE or RGE applies consent for GI, Foundation and ELS BD clarified that Form BD 103 and consent letter would send to
for their respective project as they are more familiar with the site applicant when issuance of consent. This is an isolated case. The
situation and progress for these engineering related works. Usually sectional registries would be reminded of the normal practice.
BD will issue the consent letter together with Form BD103 directly to
the applicant (i.e. RSE or RGE) for issuance for site
construction. However, some district sends out the consent letter to
applicant (i.e. RSE or RGE) but dispatching the Form BD103 to
AP. Would BD please unify the practice by sending the Form BD103
to the applicant.

Items raised by BD
10. PNAP ADV-14: Facilities for External Inspections and Maintenance of
In March 2013, Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (the FTU) Pursuant to paragraph 7 of PNAP ADV-14, BD advised the APs and
wrote a letter to Labour Department expressing their concern about RSEs to actively consider providing cast-in anchor devices in the
work-at-height safety related to external wall works. The FTU also design and construction of new buildings. The anchors would
raised concern about building design and construction that might provide for the direct attachment of personal fall protection systems
induce falling hazards to workers who were engaged in different and equipment for use of workers to prevent and / or arrest falls
building services installation, repair and maintenance works at from height when working on the external walls of buildings during
external walls of buildings, in particular the condenser of split-type air repair and maintenance works.
conditioners, electric / gas water heaters, etc that were installed at
recessed areas of the external wall. The Labour Department then
enclosed the letter from the FTU and requested BD to advise the
developers to consider providing safety features at the building
construction stage to facilitate subsequent external wall works.

11. Briefing on PNAP APP-132

Upon the promulgation of revised PNAP APP-132 in December 2012, A briefing on PNAP APP-132 was conducted. In the presentation,
stakeholders would like BD to give a briefing on the revised PNAP, in members were briefed on the requirements of adopting “Open Space
particular the “Open Space Approach” which newly introduced, to Approach”, examples of viable notional scheme and the calculation
their members. of un-built open space of proposed innovative scheme.

Members exchanged views thereafter in this regard and it was

agreed that the BD would provide the softcopy of PowerPoint
presentation to the convenors for information.

(Post-meeting note : The softcopy of the PowerPoint presentation
in PDF format was provided to the convenors
on 27.6.2013 for their circulation within
professional institute / association.)

12. Wider Common Corridor

Arising from recent inspections, it was noted that some massive BD reminded the industry that the policy objectives of introducing
decorative features were constructed along the “wider common wider common corridor were to encourage more spacious common
corridor” after the issue of occupant permit. The provision of these area along the corridor for residents’ better enjoyment in order to
features had narrowed the corridor width and deviated from the JPN allow ease of movement for people and large furniture. BD would
policy. keep in view this issue and carry out corresponding review if needed
in due course.

In the Forum, members of respective institutes and associations

acknowledged that massive decorative features should be avoided in
order to maintain the corridor with reasonable width.

13. Softcopy of Record Plans for RVD in AutoCAD Format

Matters arising from Item 33 of the Discussion Forum on 26.10.2012 Upon RVD’s request and pursuant to PNAPs APP-13 and ADM-12,
regarding softcopy of record plans for RVD in AutoCAD or BD reminded APs / RSEs / RGEs to submit the softcopy (preferably
Microstation format. in AutoCAD or Microstation format) together with the hardcopy of
the record plans for all newly completed buildings and A&A works
for RVD’s rating purposes. RVD had committed that the softcopy
of the record plans would only be used for relevant rating purposes
and would not be released to other Departments or parties.

Members raised reservation on providing editable softcopy of record

plans to RVD. As discussed, HKIA and REDA would nominate
representatives to pursue this matter with RVD directly.

(Post-meeting note : Contact details of representatives of HKIA

and REDA were provided to RVD for
arranging a meeting to follow up this subject.)

14. Signing of Undated Specified Forms for Contract Award

BD had recently received information that for consideration of the BD reminded the practitioners that signing of undated specified
award of a contract, some developers might require prospective forms to certify completion of building works or street works which
contractors to give an undertaking to complete, sign, endorse and had yet to be carried out might contravene relevant provisions of the
return undated copies of specified forms under the Buildings Buildings Ordinance and other enactments. If any AP / RSE / RGE
Ordinance, Cap. 123, for the proposed works under the contract. / RGBC / RSC was asked to complete and sign undated specified
forms or to take part by assisting or facilitating the commission of
such act in such circumstances, he/she was advised to report the case
to BD for further investigation.

(Post-meeting note : A circular letter regarding this issue was

issued to all AP / RSE / RGE / RGBC / RSC
on 24.5.2013.)

AOB Items
15. Submission of External Ceiling
(Item raised by HKIS)
HKIS suggested including erection / alteration / repair of external HKIS’s suggestion would be relayed to Minor Works Unit for their
ceiling panels for existing buildings in Minor Works Control System. consideration.

16. APSEC Discussion Forum

(Item raised by BD)
Matters arising from Item 14 of the Discussion Forum on 1.3.2013 It was agreed in the Forum that each institute / association would
regarding setting a quota for the number of attendees of each institute / have a reasonable number of attendees and it might not be necessary
association attending the Forum. to set a quota for the time being.


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