Multiple Choice. Select the letter that corresponds to the or cost-recovery (point in time/time of completion)
best answer. This examination consists of 70 items and the method is employed.
exam is good for three (3) hours. Good luck! b. recognized in the current period under the
percentage-of-completion (over time) method. but
1. Salaries to partners typically should be the cost-recovery (point In time/time of
a. A device for sharing net income completion) method defers recognition of the loss
b. An operating expense of the partnership to the time when the contract is completed.
c. Drawings by the partners c. recognized in the current period under the cost-
d. Reduction for the partners’ capital account balances recovery (point in time/time of completion)
method. but the percentage-of-completion (over
2. Initially, a partner’s interest in a partnership is generally time) method defers the loss until the contract Is
equal to completed.
a. The sum of the fair values of the assets contributed d. deferred and recognized when the contract is
to the firm, increased by the liabilities of the completed, regardless of whether the percentage-
partners assumed by the partnership of-completion (over time) or cost-recovery (point
b. Total fair market value of assets contributed less in time/time of completion) method is employed
liabilities, at book value, to be assumed by the
partnership 8. State the correct sequence of the following steps of
c. Total fair market value of assets contributed revenue recognition under PFRS 15.
d. Net assets contributed at fair market value I. Determine the transaction price
II. Recognize revenue when (or as) the entity
3. Partnership net income is defined as satisfies a performance obligation
a. the interest allocation to the partners, based on III. Identify the performance obligations in the
weighted average invested capital contract
b. partnership income after deducting partner salaries IV. Allocate the transaction price to the
and interest. performance obligations in the contract
c. partnership income after deducting partner V. Identify the contract with the customer
salaries. a. V, IV, II, I, III c. V, III, I, IV, II
d. partnership income before deducting salaries and b. V, I, IV, III, II d. V, I, III, IV, II
9. Which of the following correctly relates to ‘Step 2’ in the
4. If the total debits in the statement of realization and recognition of revenue under PFRS 15?
liquidation exceeds the total credits, there is a. The entity shall assess the customer’s ability and
a. Net loss for the period c. Either A or B intention to pay the consideration in the contract
b. Net gain for the period d. None of these when they become due.
b. The entity shall determine the transaction price and
5. It is the initial report prepared at the start of the shall consider whether the transaction price
liquidating process. includes, among other things, a variable
a. Cooling-off statement consideration or significant financing.
b. Statement of break up c. The entity shall treat each promise to transfer a
c. Statement of love affairs distinct good or service as a performance
d. Statement of affairs obligation.
d. The entity shall recognize revenue when (or as) a
6. Which of the following is not true about revenue performance obligation is satisfied.
recognition with respect to long-term construction
contracts? 10. A promise to grant a license is most likely to be distinct
a. Long-term construction contract s often are viewed if
as having a single performance obligation, because a. the license is integral to the functionality of a
goods and services fail the "separately identifiable tangible good.
" criterion. b. the customer can benefit from the license only in
b. Long-term construction contracts often satisfy the conjunction with a related service.
criteria for recognizing revenue over time. c. the performance obligation is satisfied over time.
c. Long-term construction contracts require d. the customer can benefit from the license on its own
accounting for construction in progress as well as and the license is separately identifiable.
billings to customers.
d. Long-term construction contracts typically include 11. If the promise to transfer a license is distinct,
multiple performance obligations because of all the a. the entity shall treat all the promises in the contract
different types of goods and services included for as a single performance obligation.
each project b. the entity shall determine whether the
performance .obligation is satisfied over time or at
7. Cost estimates on a long-term contract may indicate a point in time using the general principles' of
that a loss will result on completion of the entire PFRS 15.
contract. In this case, the entire expected loss should c. the entity shall determine the nature of the grant
be of license as either "right to access" or "right to
a. recognized in the current period. regardless of use."
whether the percentage-of completion {over time) d. B and C
12. An entity enters into a contract with a customer to 17. Under PFRS3 Business Combination, goodwill is
license (for a period of three years) intellectual property computed as:
related to the design and production processes for a a. Cost of investments less subsidiary's fair value at
good. The contract also specifies that the customer will the beginning of the year.
obtain any updates to that intellectual property for new b. Cost of investments less subsidiary's book value at
designs or production processes that may be developed the acquisition date.
by the entity. The updates are essential to the c. Cost of investments less subsidiary's fair value at
customer's ability to use the license because the acquisition date.
customer operates in an industry in which technologies d. Cost of investment less subsidiary's book value of at
change rapidly. The entity does not sell the updates the beginning of the year
separately and the customer does not have the option
to purchase the license without the updates. Which of 18. Which of the following Is not a true statement with
the following statements is incorrect? regard to a statutory merger?
a. The promises to grant the license and to provide the a. One entity continues to exist
updates are two separate performance obligations. b. One entity ceases to exist
b. The license and the updates are accounted for c. The name of the new entity is not the same as either
together as a single performance obligation. of the entities
c. The general principles are applied to determine how d. All of the above are true statements with regard to
the performance obligation is satisfied. a statutory merger
d. The single performance obligation is satisfied over
time. 19. Consolidated Net Income attributable to the owners of
the parent is computed as
13. Which of the following would most likely not be a. Net income of the group less non-controlling
considered as a separate performance obligation in interest net income
relation to a franchise agreement? b. Parent net income from its own operation plus share
a. grant of license to use the franchisor's trade name of parent in the subsidiaries net income
b. transfer of equipment to be used in the franchisee's c. Consolidated net Income attributable to owners of
business the parent plus net income attributable to NCI
c. franchisor's promise to undertake activities to d. Parent separate net income plus NCI net income
support the franchise
d. all of the these are separate performance 20. Goodwill is attributed to both the owners of the parent
obligations and non-controlling interests (NCI) if
a. the NCI is measured at 'proportionate share.
14. Which of the following would most likely not be b. the NCI is measured at 'fair value'.
considered as a separate performance obligation in c. in both a and b
relation to a franchise agreement? d. the goodwill is big
a. grant of license to use the franchisor's trade name
b. transfer of equipment to be used in the franchisee's The balance sheet of Piedmont Enterprises and Skelton
business Company at December 31, 2021 are summarized as follows:
c. franchisor's promise to undertake activities to
support the franchise Piedmont Skelton
d. all of the these are separate performance Assets P5,000,000 P 2,000,000
obligations Liabilities P1,500,000 P 500,000
Capital stock , P40 par 2,500,000
15. Statement 1 (S1): The balance of the Allowance for Capital stock, P25 par 1,000,000
Overvaluation of Inventories: Branch ledger account is Retained earnings 1,000,000 500,000
deducted from the balance of the Investment in Branch
account in the separate balance sheet of the home At the date of acquisition, Skelton’s assets are understated
office. while its liabilities are fairly valued.
Statement 2 (S2]: If the home office bills shipments of
merchandise to the branch ai 25% above home office On January 1, 2022, Piedmont purchased 80% of Skelton
cost and the adjusted balance of the Allowance for Company’s outstanding shares for P2,000,000 when the fair
Overvaluation of Inventories: Branch ledger account is value of Skelton’s net assets was P2,200,000. Piedmont
P20,400, the amount of branch inventories at billed issued 10,000 unissued shares in consideration of the
prices is P81,600. acquisition. Piedmont is to assign an amount to the non-
a. S1 - True; S2 – True c. S1 - False: S2 - True controlling interests at the date of acquisition based on the
b. S1 - True; S2 – False d. S1 - False: S2 - False total fair value of Skelton’s outstanding shares.
16. Statement 1 (S1): A home office records shipments to 21. How much is the consolidated assets at the date of
its branch at billing prices and adjusts the loading acquisition?
account (deferred profit) at year-end. When this a. P9,000,000 c. P8,000,000
approach is used, the loading account during the period b. P9,700,000 d. P 8,700,000
will always be zero.
Statement 2 (S2): If a "loading" account is used, the 22. How much is the consolidated liability at the date of
"shipments to branch" account on the home office acquisition?
books is created for the actual cost of shipments made a. P2,000,000 c. P1,800,000
to the branch whereas the "shipments from the home b. P1,500,000 d. P 500,000
office" on the branch's books includes any initial
unrealized profit 23. How much is the stockholders’ equity in the
a. S1 - True; S2 – True c. S1 - False: S2 - True consolidated balance at January 1, 2022?
b. S1 - True; S2 – False d. S1 - False: S2 - False a. P7,000,000 c. P6,000,000
b. P5,500,000 d. P6,700,000
The following balance sheet was prepared for ACADEME BAHAY-PARE SINAG-
COMPANY just before DLSU CORPORATION acquired its TALA
entire net assets on January 1, 2018. Current assets P 420,000 P 302,750
Land 210,000 210,000
Particulars Book Value Fair Value Building (net) 1,050,000 283,500
Cash P 10,000 P 10,000 Investment in SINAG- 385,000 -
Accounts receivable 40,000 40,000 TALA
Inventory 100,000 145,000 Current liabilities (708,750) (367,500)
Plant assets 300,000 350,000 Ordinary shares, P3 par (525,000) -
Goodwill 50,000 - Share capital, P10 par - (175,000)
P500,000 P545,000 Paid-in capital in (315,000) ( 87,500)
Accounts payable P140,000 P140,000 excess of par
Bonds payable 60,000 65,000 Retained earnings, Jan. (446,250) (175,000)
Ordinary shares 200,000 2, 2022
Share premium 20,000 Sales (367,500) ( 70,000)
Retained earnings 80,000 Cost of goods sold 210,000 61,250
P500,000 Operating expenses 78,750 17,500
Dividends declared 8,750 -
Totals -- --
DLSU issued 10,000 shares of stocks with a par value per
share of P5 and a fair value of P30. Additional cash
30. Compute the consolidated net income for 2022.
payments made by DLSU in completing the acquisition
a. P75,520 c. P72,550
b. P70,525 d. P75,250
Broker’s fee paid to firm that located P10,000
31. Compute the consolidated Retained Earnings at
December 31, 2022.
Cost to issue and register the shares 40,000
a. P517,250 c. P515,270
Professional fees paid to accountants 30,000
b. P525,170 d. P512,750
Professional fees paid to lawyers 25,000
Professional fees paid to official valuers 15,000 The following information was taken from the books of
Indirect acquisition costs 15,000 MAYON COMPANY and its Naga City branch on December
31, 2022, before adjusting entries were recorded.
27. Assuming DLSU is an SME, calculate the goodwill /
(income from acquisition) that will result from the Branch books
combination. Sales P300,000
a. P 20,000 c. P 40,000 Inventory, January 1 19,000
b. (P 40,000) d. P 95,000 Purchases 20,000
Shipment from Home Office 180,000
The partnership starts operation on April 1, 2022 and on value through the non-cash assets prior to Clara’s
December 31, 2022 reported a net income of P305,400. admission.
The following is the profit and loss agreement among the 47. How much will be the capital balances of Alma and
partners Bella after the admission of Clara?
• 10% interest to each partner’s beginning capital a. P 150,000 and P150,000
• Salaries of P30,000 per quarter will be given to Emong b. P 210,000 and P190,000
and Ramil c. P210,000 and P210,000
• Bonus of 10% of net income after interest, salaries, and d. P190,000 and P19,000
bonus will be given to Emong.
• Residual profit/(loss) will be divided equally. 48. The entry to record the admission of Clara will not
43. How much is the net asset contribution of Ramil? a. A debit to Cash of P400,000
a. P210,000 c. P175,000 b. A debit to Alma, capital of P210,000
b. P150,000 d. P125,000 c. A debit to Bella, capital of P190,000
d. A credit to Clara, capital of P400,000
44. What is the beginning capital of Partner Bobby?
a. P352,500 c. P129,000 The balance sheet of Abby, Blanche, and Celia partnership
b. P211,500 d. P141,000 on January 1, 2019, the date of partnership dissolution, was
as follows:
On December 31, 2019, the balance sheet for the XYZ
Partnership follows: Cash P 4,000 Liabilities P 8,000
Other 26,000 Abby, loan 1,000
Cash P 10,000 Accounts payable P 17,500 assets
Accounts 15,000 Loan from Zoilo 12,500 Celia, loan 2,000 Abby, capital (20 2,000
receivable % P/L)
Inventory 35,000 Xander, capital 35,000 Blanche, capital(40 9,000
(20%) % P/L)
Plant 30,000 Ysabel, capital 25,000 ________ Celia, capital (40 12,000
assets, net (20%) % P/L)
Loan to 15,000 Zoilo, 15,000 P 32,000 P 32,000
Xander capital(60%)
Total P105,000 Total P105,000 In January, other assets with a book value of P16,000 were
assets liability/equity sold for P10,000.
The percentages shown are for the residual profit and loss 49. How much will each partner receive from the cash
sharing ratios. The partners dissolved the partnership on distribution after the liabilities had been paid.
January 1, 2020 and began the liquidation process. During a. Abby, P1,200; Blanche, P1,800; and Celia, P3,000
January the following events occurred: b. Abby, P 0; Blanche, P2,500; and Celia P3,500
c. Abby P1,800; Blanche , P1,800; and Celia, P2,400
• Receivables of P7,500 were collected. d. Abby, P 0; Blanche, P2,000; and Celia, P 4,000
• All inventory was sold for P10,000.
• All available cash was distributed on January 31, 2020, 50. If the partners have retained available cash of P400 for
except for P5,000 that was set aside for contingent future liquidation expenses, after the liabilities have
expenses. been paid, how much will Blanche receive from the
cash distribution?
45. How much cash would Ysabel receive from the cash a. P1,800 c. P2,500
that is available for distribution on January 31 b. P2,000 d. P2,300
a. P0 c. P 5,000
b. P3,000 d. P 1,000 The following data were taken from the Statement of Affairs
of Greenfield Corporation.
46. How much cash would Xavier receive from the cash
that is available for distribution on January 31 Pledged Assets : BCV ERV
a. P 5,000 c. P 3,000 Plant, property, and equipment P72,000 P60,000
b. P0 d. P1,000 (PPE)
Merchandise inventory 59,200 41,600
Alma and Bella formed a partnership in the Philippines,
Free assets 56,000 32,000
which uses PFRS based on IASB accounting principles. The
two partners agree on a profit and loss ratio of 60% and Total assets P187200 P133,600
40% to Alma and Bella, respectively. At a later date, the Secured liabilities
partners agree to admit Clara into the partnership for a Bonds payable (secured by P24,000
50%interestin capital and in earnings. PPE)
Notes payable (secured by 48,000
Capital accounts of the partners immediately before the merchandise inventory)
admission of Clara are: Alma, P300,000 and Bella,
Unsecured liabilities:
Clara invested P400,000 for the partnership interest and Taxes P 3,000
that this is a fair price for the share of partnership interest Salaries and wages 2,600 5,600
to be acquired. Clara paid the money directly to Alma and Accounts payable 89,600
Bella for 50% each of their existing interests. The partners
have decided to revalue partnership interest to current fair
55. Calculate the expected amount recoverable by partially 60. What amount of gross profit would be reported for the
secured creditors in the event of liquidation. current year if the percentage of completion method is
a. P71,000 c. P69,500 used for all contracts?
b. P50,000 d. P80,000 a. P 65,000 c. P215,000
b. P190,000 d. P240,000
Home office bills its branch for merchandise shipments at
30% above cost. 61. Aside from uncollected contract receivable, at what
The following are some of the account balances on the books amounts should (1) Bohol and (2) Cebu be shown in
of home office and its branch as of December 31, 20X0: the balance sheet at the year-end, respectively, under
the % of completion method?
Home Office Branch a. (1) P40,000 Contract asset and (2) P5,000
Books Books contract liability
Inventory, January 1 35,000 101,500 b. (1) P20,000 Contract asset and (2) P10,000
Shipments from Home Office 263,900 Contract Asset
Purchases 1,575,000 350,000 c. (1) P40,000 contract liability and (2) P10,000
Shipments to Branch 253,750 contract asset
Branch Inventory Allowance 91,875 d. (1) P40,000 contract liability and (2) P5,000
Sales 2,100,000 1,260,000 contract asset
Operating Expenses 507,500 192,500
2022 3,993,600 The stand-alone selling price of the initial training and
certification is P15,000, and P450,000 for the building and
2023 6,473,600 equipment. Joey received P75,000 on July 1, 20x6, from
Althea and accepted a note receivable for the rest of the
franchise price. Joey will construct and equip Altheas'
Job Estimated Billings To- Collections
building and train and certify Althea by September 1, and
Costs To Date To-Date
Altheas' five-year right to operate as a Joey Muffler
establishment will commence on September 1 as well.
1 --- 520,000 440,000
Franchisee has the right to access on the franchise
2 P3,072,000 1,935,360 1,843,200
2,297,856 3,686,400 3,512,080 68. What amount would Joey assign as the stand-alone
selling price of the five year right to operate as a Joey
3 4,096,000 1,500,000 1,310,000 Muffler retail establishment?
a. P135,000 c. P585,000
2,246,400 5,250,000 5,000,000
b. P150,000 d. P600,000
--- 8,000,000 7,800,000
69. How much revenue would Joey recognize in the year
62. The gross profit recognized in 2021 was ended December 31, 20x6, with respect to its franchise
a. P675,000 c. P756,000 arrangement with Althea? (Ignore any interest on the
b. P657,000 d. P576,000 note receivable.)
a. P9,000 c. P465,000
63. The total gross profit for all the projects to be b. P450,000 d. P474,000
recognized in 2023 will be
a. P144,650 c. P146,450 70. Ronella Ocampo sells hairstyling franchises. Ronella
b. P144,560 d. P145,460 Ocampo receives P50,000 from a new franchisee for
providing equipment and furnishings that have a stand-
Under a consignment arrangement, CONSIGNOR COMPANY alone selling price of P50,000. Ronella Ocampo also
ships 24 units of special electronic gadgets called Tsamba receives P30,000 per year for use of, the Ronella
Bebe to CONSIGNEE ENTERPRISES. The cost per unit to Ocampo name and for ongoing consulting services
Consignor, Inc. is P1,500 and the goods will be sold at (starting on the date franchise is purchased). Carlos
P2,400 each for a 10% commissions on gross sales. Freight became a Ronella Ocampo franchisee on July 1, 20x6
charges paid by the consignor on the shipments was P1,500. had completed training and was open for business. How
At the end of 30 days, the consignee rendered an Account much revenue in 20x6 will Ronella Ocampo recognize
Sales for 18 units sold and reimbursable charges for: for its arrangements with Carlos?
Delivery expenses, P1,000 and Advertising, P1,500, among a. Zero c. P65,000
others. The consignor uses the Consignment-Out account in b. P10,000 d. P70,000
accounting for the consignments. On the other hand, the
Consignee uses the Consignment-In account. Thank you for participating in Team PRTC
Nationwide Online Open First Pre-Board
64. How much is the net remittance by the consignee? Examination.
a. P36,380 c. P33,680
b. P36,830 d. P30,638
Multiple Choice. Select the letter that corresponds to 7. Which of the following is the only reason why a home
the best answer. This examination consists of 70 items office cannot report inventory shipments to a branch
and the exam is good for three (3) hours. Good luck! as sales?
a. The inventory transfer is a transaction with a
1. Which of the following results in dissolution of a
related party.
b. There is no practicable means of determining
a. The contribution of additional assets to the
whether the transfer prices approximate those that
partnership by an existing partner.
would occur in an arms-length transaction between
b. The receipt of a draw by an existing partner.
independent parties.
c. The winding up of the partnership and the
c. Only inventory transaction between the company
distribution of remaining assets to the partners.
and outside third parties can be considered sales.
d. The withdrawal of a partner from a partnership.
d. The principles of conservatism.
2. When property other than cash is invested in a
8. The home office bills its branch for merchandise
partnership, at what amount should the noncash
transfers at a price in excess of cost. In the home
property be credited to the contributing partner’s
office separate financial statements, the allowance for
capital account?
unrealized profit in branch inventory account would
a. Contributing partner’s original cost.
appear in the financial statements of the home office
b. Assessed valuation for property tax purposes.
c. Fair value at the date of contribution.
a. An operating expense of the current period.
d. Contributing partner’s tax basis.
b. Deduction from the cost of goods sold.
3. If a new partner acquires a partnership interest c. Addition to the cost of goods sold.
directly from the partners rather than from the d. Deduction from the investment in branch account.
partnership itself,
9. Which of the following statements is true regarding a
a. No entry is required.
statutory merger?
b. The partnership assets should be revalued.
a. The original companies dissolve while the
c. The existing partners capital accounts should be
remaining as separate divisions of a newly created
reduced and the new partner's account increased.
d. The partnership has undergone a quasi-
b. Both companies remain in existence as legal
corporations with one corporation now a subsidiary
4. If the partnership agreement does not specify how of the acquiring company.
income is to be allocated, profits and loss should be c. The acquired company dissolve as a separate
allocated corporation and becomes a division of the acquiring
a. Equally company.
b. In proportion to the weighted average of capital d. The acquiring company acquires the stock of the
invested during the period. acquired company as an investment.
c. Equitably so that partners are compensated for the
10. Toks Co. acquired all of the assets and liabilities of
time and effort expended on behalf of the
Owen Co. for cash in a legal merger. Which one of the
following would not be recognized by Tok on its books
d. In accordance with their capital contribution.
in recording the business combination?
5. According to IFRS 11, Joint Arrangement, what is the a. Accounts receivable
method of accounting for investment in joint venture? b. Investment in Owen Co.
a. Proportionate consolidation method c. Intangible asset – Patent
b. Cost method d. Accounts payable
c. Equity method
11. In accordance with IFRS 10, Consolidated Financial
d. Fair value method
Statements, and IFRS 12, Disclosure of interests in
6. IFRS 11, Joint Arrangement, provides that the Other Entities, a consolidated statement of financial
classification of the arrangements will require entities position (or notes thereto) would not present
to apply judgment when assessing their rights and information relating to
obligations arising from the arrangement by a. Investment in Subsidiaries.
considering the following except b. Goodwill acquired by the group.
a. The terms agreed by the parties in the contractual c. Loans to entities not related to the group.
arrangements. d. Non-controlling interests' share of consolidated net
b. The structure and legal form of the arrangement. assets.
c. When structured in a legal entity, the choice
12. According to IFRS/PFRS for SMEs, the term "control"
between proportionate consolidation and the equity
means ownership, directly or indirectly through
subsidiaries of
d. When relevant, other facts and circumstances.
a. More than one-half of the outstanding voting stock completion) method defers recognition of the loss
of another company. to the time when the contract is completed.
b. At least 20% of the voting stock of another c. recognized in the current period under the cost-
company. recovery (point in time/time of completion)
c. At least 50% of the voting stock of another method. but the percentage-of-completion (over
company. time) method defers the loss until the contract Is
d. At least 10% of the voting stock of another completed.
company. d. deferred and recognized when the contract is
completed, regardless of whether the percentage-
13. Which of the following best illustrates the insolvency
of-completion (over time) or cost-recovery (point
of a firm?
in time/time of completion) method is employed.
a. The filing of bankruptcy proceedings against the
firm. 19. Goods on consignment should be included in the
b. A deficit in the firm's retained earnings. inventory of
c. The firm has more liabilities than assets. a. The consignor but not the consignee.
d. The firm has negative working capital. b. Both the consignor and consignee.
c. The consignee but not the consignor.
14. If the value of the pledged property is lesser than the
d. Neither the consignor nor the consignee.
obligation, what is the treatment of the liability?
a. Partially secured. c. Collateralized. 20. In accounting for sales on consignment, sales revenue
b. Fully secured. d. Unsecured and the related cost of goods sold should be
recognized by the
15. The revenue model framework provides Step#1
a. Consignor when the goods are shipped to the
Identify the Contract with the Customer. All of the
following are criteria of a contract with a customer
b. Consignee when the goods are shipped to the third
within the scope of IFRS 15, except
a. The right of each party in relation to the goods or
c. Consignor when notification is received that the
services to be transferred can be identified.
consignee has sold the goods.
b. The terms and conditions of payment for the goods
d. Consignee when cash is received from the
or services to be transferred can be identified.
c. The contract has commercial substance.
d. The contract must be in writing only and approved On January 1, 20X5, MC and AC agreed to form a
by the parties to the contract. partnership. The following are their assets and liabilities:
Accounts MC AC
16. Under IFRS 15, how does an entity satisfy the
Cash P34,000 P19,000
performance obligation on its contracts with
Accounts Receivable P22,000 P12,000
Inventories P76,000 P91,000
a. Satisfaction of performance obligation over time
Machinery P120,000 P110,000
b. Satisfaction of performance obligation at a point of
Accounts Payable P54,000 P36,000
Notes Payable P35,000 P15,000
c. Either A or B
d. Neither A nor B MC decided to pay-off his notes payable from his personal
assets. It was also agreed that AC’s inventories were
17. When accounting for revenue over time for a long-
overstated by P6,000 and MC’s machinery was over
term contract, the percentage of completion used to
depreciated by P5000. AC is to invest/withdraw cash in
recognize revenue in the first year usually is
order to receive a capital credit that is 20% more than
determined by measuring:
MC’s total net investment in the partnership.
a. Costs incurred in the first year, divided by
estimated remaining costs to complete the project. 21. How much is the contributed net asset of MC?
b. Costs incurred in the first year, divided by a. P163,000 c. P198,000
estimated total costs for the completed project. b. P203,000 d. P175,000
c. Costs incurred in the first year. divided by
22. How much cash will be presented in the partnership’s
estimated gross profit.
statement of financial position?
d. Costs incurred In the first year, divided by
a. P 90,600 c. P102,600
estimated total costs to be incurred in the
b. P112,600 d. P121,600
remaining years of the project.
23. The partnership agreement of AAA and BBB provides
18. Cost estimates on a long-term contract may indicate
that interest at 10% per year is to be credited to each
that a loss will result on completion of the entire
partner on the basis of weighted-average capital
contract. In this case, the entire expected loss should
balances. A summary of BBB’s capital account for the
year ended December 31, 2009, is as follows:
a. recognized in the current period regardless of
whether the percentage-of completion (over time) Balance, January 1 P 140,000
or cost-recovery (point in time/time of completion) Additional Investment, July 1 40,000
method is employed. Withdrawal, August 1 15,000
b. recognized in the current period under the What amount of interest should be credited to BBB’s
percentage-of-completion (over time) method. but capital account for 2009?
the cost-recovery (point In time/time of a. P15,250 c. P16,500
b. P15,375 d. P17,250
Nicole, Candace and Maxinne formed a partnership named Capital
CLK Enterprise. Their beginning contributions amounted (20%) P143,600
to P70,000, P105,000 and P65,000, respectively. Total Total
Furthermore, they share profit and losses 20:35:45. For Assets P560,000 Liabilities
the first year of their operation, they earned P82,000. The and Equity P560,000
following conditions were established on the first day of On January 1, 2023, the partners decided to liquidate. For
the first year of operation. the month of January, assets with a book value of
• Nicole is entitled to have a salary of P6,400 yearly. P250,000 were sold and liabilities to outsiders were fully
• Bonus is to be distributed to Nicole and Maxinne equal paid.
to 5% of net income after deducting Salaries and 29. How much were the noncash assets sold if Mawet
bonuses. received the amount as prioritized to him as per Cash
• Interest is to be given to all partners amounting to Distribution Program?
P4,500 each. a. P223,200 c. P273,200
• Nicole invested additional cash during the mid-year b. P296,800 d. P269,800
amounting to P17,000.
• Each partner is allowed to withdraw P8,000 yearly Angel Co. is undergoing liquidation. Relevant information
which they availed. follows:
On the second year of their operation, the business earned Carrying Realizable
P52,600. All the conditions remained the same except that amount value
each partner will be allowed to take cash out of the Assets pledged with
business 15% higher than last year which only Candace partially secured creditors 80,000 50,000
availed, the remaining partners availed only the amount Free assets 220,000 160,000
equal from last year. Moreover, Maxinne invested Expected
additional P14,000 to the business. settlement Amount
24. How much is the share of Nicole in the income during amount unsecured
the first year of operation? Liabilities with priority 16,000 -
a. P23,715 c. P25,480 Partially secured creditors 75,000 25,000
b. P24,424 d. P32,805 Unsecured creditors 155,000 155,000
25. How much is the ending capital of Maxinne during the 30. What is the total amount available for payment of
first year of their operation? claims of unsecured creditors without priority?
a. P72,905 c. P94,760 a. 210,000 c. 144,000
b. P89,805 d. P97,805 b. 160,000 d. 0
26. How much is the total partnership capital after the first 31. What is the amount of deficiency to creditors?
year of operation? a. 36,000 c. 160,000
a. P298,000 c. P315,000 b. 144,000 d. 180,000
b. P306,000 d. P322,000 On November 1, 2023, Walang Forever Inc.’s trustee
27. How much is the share of Candace in the income prepares a Statement of Affairs with the following
during the second year of operation? information:
a. P16,875 c. P17,885 i. P340,000 cash will be received by Delta whose
b. P16,429 d. P14,405 claims totalled P1,360,000
ii. Alpha received a 12% note of P124,000 from
28. How much is the net change in Nicole’s capital from WALANG FOREVER on March 1, 2023, secured
first year beginning balance to second year ending with machinery with a market value of P115,000
balance? iii. WALANG FOREVER issued to Beta a 12%, 1-year
a. P45,240 c. P40,940 note of P136,000 on January 1, 2023. Nothing has
b. P42,840 d. P38,740 been pledged to this note.
iv. Charlie holds a note of P137,500 on which interest
The Statement of Financial Position of RMM’s partnership
of P7,452 is accrued, secured with equipment with
as of December 31, 2022 is given below:
a book value of P153,000. The fair value of the
RMM Company
equipment is determined to be P173,250
Statement of Financial Position
v. WALANG FOREVER still owes D, its cashier, with
As of December 31, 2022
her salary worth P12,220
Assets Liabilities
and Equity 32. Beta will receive
Cash P 30,000 Liabilities P 80,000 a. 37,400 c. 38,080
Noncash Loan from b. 34,000 d. 37,740
Assets P520,000 Mawet P 10,000
Loan to Roman, 33. The cashier will receive
Manoy P 10,000 Capital a. 3,055 c. 12,000
(50%) P123,400 b. 12,220 d. 3,080
Capital 34. Charlie will be paid an amount of
(30%) P203,000 a. 137,500 c. 153,000
b. 144,952 d. 7,452
35. Alpha will be paid an amount of relevant activities of ENGELBERT equally with three other
a. 124,000 c. 115,000 venturers. Transaction costs of 3% of the purchase price
b. 133,920 d. 119,730 of the shares were incurred by TOM JONES.
36. Jhimminy Co. and Kurtsy Co. are joint operators in the On December 24, 2023, ENGELBERT CORPORATION
development of Kaboom, a software system. Each declared and paid dividends of P24,000.
joint operator retains control over the assets ENGELBERT CORPORATION recognized a loss of P67,200
contributed to the joint operation and share equally in for the year ended December 31, 2023.
the profits and losses of the joint operation. During
Published price quotations are not available for the shares
the year, Jhimminy Co. earns revenue of P1,000,000
of ENGELBERT CORPORATION. Using appropriate
from its own operations. Sales of Kaboom amount to
valuation techniques, TOM JONES COMPANY determined
P400,000. How much total revenue shall be reported
the fair value of its investment at December 31, 2023 as
in Jhimminy Co.’s statement of profit or loss for the
a. P1,000,000 c. P1,400,000 Costs to sell are estimated at 8% of the fair value of the
b. P1,200,000 d. Either a or b investment.
37. Jhimminy Co. and Kurtsy Co. are joint venturers of 41. The Investment in Joint Venture account TOM JONES
Blessing Co., a producer of high mobile phones. Both will show in its 2023 balance sheet under the fair value
venturers, each have a 50% interest in the net assets model will be
of Blessing Co. During the year, Jhimminy Co. earns a. P 95,680 c. P 92,800
revenue of P1,000,000 from its own operations while b. P 104,000 d. P 95,584
Blessing Co. reports revenue of P400,000. How much
total revenue shall be reported in Jhimminy Co.’s 42. The profit/(loss) to be recognized by TOM JONES in
statement of profit or loss for the year? its income statement for 2023 under the fair value
a. P1,000,000 c. P1,400,000 model will be
b. P1,200,000 d. Either a or b a. P 17,200 c. P 14,416
b. P 8,880 d. P 6,096
A and B formed a joint operation. The following were the
transactions during the year: On May 1, 2023, GEMMO Enterprises consigned 80
freezers at a cost of P5,000 each, to NORMA COMPANY.
A B The cost of shipping the freezers amounted to P8,400
Total purchases 100 80 and was paid by GEMMO Enterprises. On December 30,
Total sales 120 60 2023, a report was received from the consignee, indicating
Expenses paid 200 that 40 freezers had been sold for P7,500 each.
Other income 10 Remittance was made by the consignee for the amount
due, after deducting a commission of 6%, advertising of
The joint operation was completed at the end of the year.
P2,000, and total installation costs of P3,200 on the
Each joint operator is entitled to a 10% commission on its
freezers sold.
purchases and a 20% commission on its sales. Any
remaining profit or loss is divided equally. 43. Compute the inventory value of the units unsold in the
hands of the consignee.
38. How much cash is due operator A?
a. P 0 c. P 200,000
a. 200 c. 212
b. P 204,200 d. P 205,800
b. 100 d. 88
39. How much is A’s cash settlement? 44. Compute the net profit of the consignor for the units
a. 92 payment c. 190 receipt sold.
b. 92 receipt d. 88 payment a. P 72,600 c. P 74,200
b. P 689,400 d. P 70,400
On January 1, 2023, Cubicle Company and Expander
Company formed XX Corporation in their joint 45. Compute the amount of cash that will be remitted by
undertaking. Cubicle and Expander contributed cash of P the consignee.
600,000 and equipment with a book value of P380,000, a. P 268,400 c. P 276,800
respectively. The said equipment has a fair value of b. P 300,000 d. P 294,800
P400,000 at the date of contribution. Cubicle and
46. Assuming the consignee remitted to the consignor
Expander companies agreed that mutual consent is
only 90% of the total amount due, the journal entry
necessary for all management decisions regarding the
to be recorded by the consignor upon receipt of the
undertaking regardless of the agreed ratio of 6:4 to
account sales will not include
Cubicle and Expander respectively.
a. A debit to cash of P249,120
40. On January 1, 2023 the entries in the books of b. A debit to expenses of P23,200
Expander will include: c. A debit to receivable from consignee of P27,680
a. Debit Equipment in JO of P 240,000 d. A credit to consignment sales of P272,320
b. Credit Gain on Sale of P 8,000
The consignment-out ledger account for the month of July,
c. Debit Cash in JO of P 240,000
2023 in the accounting records of MANILA COMPANY for
d. Debit Investment in JV of P400,000
BALIWAG ENTERPRISES, a new consignee, follows:
On January 1, 2023, TOM JONES COMPANY , an SME,
acquired a 25% equity of ENGELBERT CORPORATION for
P92,800. TOM JONES will share in the joint control of the
Multiple Choice. Select the letter that corresponds to the d. joint control by the parties over the activities of an'
best answer. This examination consists of 70 items and the operation.
exam is good for three (3) hours. Good luck!
7. When accounting for revenue over time for a long-term
1. Which statement is true concerning the safe payment contract, the percentage of completion used to
and cash distribution plan approaches to liquidation? recognize revenue in the first year usually is
a. Both approaches are used in simple liquidations. determined by measuring:
b. The safe payment approach determines how the a. Costs incurred in the first year, divided by
current available cash Is distributed, but not future estimated remaining costs to complete the project.
payments. b. Costs incurred in the first year, divided by
c. The safe payment approach is more conservative estimated total costs for the completed project.
than the cash distribution plan. c. Costs incurred in the first year. divided by
d. The safe payment approach uses the right of offset, estimated gross profit.
but the cash distribution plan does not d. Costs incurred In the first year, divided by
estimated total costs to be incurred in the
2. If the agreement provides for the division of losses remaining years of the project.
only. Profits should be divided:
a. Equally 8. In accounting for sales on consignment, sales revenue
b. According to beginning capital ratio and the related cost of goods sold should be recognized
c. According to original capital ratio by the:
d. According to average capital ratio a. consignor when the goods are shipped to the
3. The total unsecured liabilities without priority can be b. consignee when the goods are shipped to the third
computed as party
a. Sum of administrative expenses, unpaid employee c. consignor when notification is received the
salaries and benefits, and taxes and assessments consignee has sold the goods.
b. Total liabilities minus priority claims d. consignee when cash is received from the customer
c. Unsecured creditors without priority plus deficiency
of assets pledged to partially secured creditors 9. Which of the following would most likely not be
d. Unsecured creditors without priority less estimated considered as a separate performance obligation in
realizable value of assets pledged to partially relation to a franchise agreement?
creditors a. grant of license to use the franchisor's trade name
b. transfer of equipment to be used in the franchisee's
4. The estimated recovery of partially secured creditors is business
equal to c. franchisor's promise to undertake activities to
a. The realizable value of the assets pledged plus the support the franchise
excess amount multiplied by the estimated d. all of the these are separate performance
recovery percentage obligations
b. The realizable value of the assets pledged minus
the excess amount multiplied by the estimated 10. Contract costs recognized as asset are
recovery percentage a. amortized in a manner that is consistent with the
c. Their claims multiplied by the estimated recovery recognition of the related revenue.
percentage b. deferred and amortized using the straight-line
d. Any of these method
c. depreciated over the estimated useful life of the
5. Which of the following statements is not correct? asset.
a. Joint arrangements may be entered into to manage d. expensed immediately when incurred.
risks involved in a project
b. Joint arrangements may be entered into to provide 11. A debit to the Income Summary ledger account and a
the parties with access to new technology or new credit to the Home Office account appear in:
markets. a. The accounting records of the home office to record
c. Joint arrangements require investors to have equal the net income of the home office
interests in the joint arrangement. b. The accounting records of the home office to record
d. The key feature of a joint arrangement is that the the net income of the branch
parties involved have joint control over the decision c. The accounting records of the branch to record the
making in relation to the joint arrangement. net income of the branch
d. Some other manner
6. The particular relationship between parties that
signifies the existence of a join arrangement is: 12. How is the non-controlling interest in the subsidiary’s
a. significant influence by one party over the other net assets presented in the consolidated statement of
party financial position?
b. control over the operating policies of one party by a. As a mezzanine item between liabilities and equity
another party b. Within equity but separately from the equity of the
c. shared influence by two parties over the activities owners of the parent.
of another party; c. Within equity as part of retained earnings
d. Any of these as a matter of accounting policy choice
13. How should negative goodwill be shown on the 19. Which of the following would most likely comes first in
consolidated financial statements of the acquirer? the budget process?
a. As a gain on the statement of comprehensive a. President’s enactment of the budget
income b. Presentation to the Office of the President
b. As a loss on the statement of comprehensive c. Budget Call from the DBM
income d. Budget accountability report
c. As a liability on the statement of financial position
d. As a separate amount under shareholders' equity 20. Statement I – Temporarily Restricted Net Assets are
on the statement of financial position net assets whose use is limited by donor-imposed
stipulations that do not expire and cannot be removed
14. When there is on intercompany transaction, how much by action of the entity.
of any profit or loss created as a result of the Statement II – NPOs account for revenues and
transaction is eliminated during the consolidation expenses under the cash basis of accounting.
process a. Only statement I is true
a. None of the profit or loss is eliminated b. Only statement II is true
b. All of the profit or loss is eliminated c. Both statements are true
c. The parent's ownership interest in the profit or loss d. Both statements are false
is eliminated
d. If is not possible to determine how much of the Partners Bee, Cee, Dee and Gee who share profits
profit or loss is eliminated without knowing whether 5:3:1:1, respectively, decide to liquidate their
the transaction is upstream or downstream partnership. Capital balances before liquidation are:
The partners dissolved the partnership on July 1, 2023, and 29. Suppose Janice, instead, paid P450,000 directly to the
began the liquidation process. During July the following old partners for 20% each of their respective capital to
events occurred: acquire her one-fifth interest, (1) how much will be
• Receivables of P3,000 were collected. Donna’s capital after Janice’s admission? and (2) how
• The inventory was sold for P4,000. much cash will Blanche receive in exchange for her sold
• All available cash was distributed on July 31, interest?
except for P2,000 that was set aside for a. (1) P412,800, (2) P159,300
contingent expenses. b. (1) P421,800, (2) P139,500
c. (1) P428,100, (2) P195,300
23. The book value of the partnership equity on June 30, d. (1) P482,010, (2) P153,900
2023 is:
a. P38,000 c. P34,000 OAS Company is insolvent and its statement of affairs shows
b. P32,000 d. P30,000 the following information:
24. The cash distributed to the partners on July 31, 2023 Estimated gains on realization of P1,440,000
is: assets
a. P6,000 c. P2,000 Estimated losses om realization 2,000,000
b. P4,000 d. P8,000 of assets
Additional assets 1,280,000
25. How much cash would Xin receive from the cash that is Unpaid liabilities 220,000
available for distribution on July 31,2023? Share capital 2,500,000
a. P7,500 c. P2,000 Deficit 1,200,000
b. P12,000 d. P9,000
30. The estimated recovery for shareholders is:
R and E formed a partnership agreeing to share profits
equally. R contributed P10,000 cash and P400,000 newly a. .38 c. .41
b. .32 d. .27
purchased equipment. E contributed P15,000 cash and a
parcel of land acquired 5 years ago for P100,000. Three
hours after formation, the land was sold for P200,000. The following were taken from the Statement of Affairs of
Gael Corporation:
26. How much is the capital balance of E?
a. P165,000 c. P150,000 Assets pledged with fully secured creditors
b. P115,000 d. P215,000 (current fair value is P166,000) P 208,000
Assets pledged with partially secured creditors
Summary balance sheet for the ABD Partnership follows: (current fair value is P112,000) 144,000
Abner, Blanche, and Donna share profits in the ratio of Free assets (current fair value is P104,000) 124,000
5:3:2, respectively. Liabilities with priority 26,000
Fully secured creditors 76,000
Cash P100,000 Partially secured creditors 136,000
Accounts receivable 125,000 Unsecured creditors without priority 276,000
Inventory 200,000
31. Determine the estimated amount to be paid to partially
Land 800,000 secured creditors:
Buildings, net 1,500,000 a. P112,000 c. P136,000
Total P2,725,000 b. P125,440 d. P144,000
Accounts payable P 250,000
Forever Company is in bankruptcy and is being liquidated.
Long-term debt 450,000 The trustee has converted all assets into P300,000 and has
Abner, capital 810,000 prepared the following list of approved claims:
Blanche, capital 729,000
Accounts payable, unsecured P75,000
Donna, capital 486,000 Trustee’s fees and other costs of liquidation 40,000
Total P2,725,000 Mortgage payable, secured by property that as 150,000
sold for P200,000
The partners agree to admit Janice for a one-fifth interest. Note payable to PRTC Bank, secured by all the
The fair value of the land is appraised at P900,000 and the accounts receivable of which P75,000 were 100,000
market value of the inventory is P250,000. The assets are collected and P5,000 were written off
to be revalued prior to the admission of Janice. Prepaid revenue (P2,500 each of two customers
that ordered Products that were never 5,000
27. By how much will the capital accounts of Abner,
Property taxes payable 10,000
Blanche, and Donna increase due to the revaluation of
the assets?
a. The capital accounts will increase by P50,000 each. 32. How much is the total amount of unsecured priority
b. P60,000, P54,000, and P36,000 respectively. claims
c. P75,000, P45,000, and P30,000 respectively. a. P55,000 c. P50,000
d. P60,000, P50,000, and P40,000 respectively. b. P40,000 d. P45,000
28. How much cash will Janice have to invest into the 33. How much is the total amount of deficiency to
partnership to acquire her one-fifth interest? unsecured non-priority claims
a. P534,750 c. P547,350 a. P 20,000 c. P100,000
b. P553,740 d. P543,750 b. 0 d. P 80,000
34. How much will the bank be paid for the note payable? The following information was taken from the books of
a. P 80,000 c. P75,000 MAYON COMPANY and its Naga City branch on December
b. P100,000 d. P76,250 31, 2023, before adjusting entries were recorded.
The Consignment-Out ledger account for the month of April, Branch books
2023 in the accounting records of MAXINNE COMPANY Sales P300,000
follows: Inventory, January 1 19,000
Purchases 20,000
CONSIGNMENT –OUT of Robert, Inc. Shipment from Home Office 180,000
Expenses 80,000
Date Particulars Debits Credits Balance Home Office books
April 4, Shipped 80 P11,520 P11,520 Sales P400,000
2023 units dr Inventory, January 1 40,000
4 Freight costs 936 12,456 Purchases 210,000
dr Shipment to Branch 150,000
31 Charges by Expenses 210,000
consignee: Allowance for overvaluation of 31,500
Delivery Expense 360 12,816 branch inventory, December
dr 31
Commissions on 2,625 15,441 There are no merchandise shipments in transit as
sale of 50 units dr at the year-end. The ending inventories are:
31 Selling price of P13,125 2,316 dr Home Office (all from outside P50,000
50 units suppliers)
Branch office (40% from 40,000
35. How much is the consignment profit of MAXINNE outside suppliers, the rest
COMPANY? from home office)
a. P5,340 c. P 2,355
b. P 2,490 d. P 2,004 40. Calculate the 2023 net income of the branch that was
closed to the reciprocal accounts
36. How much is the balance of the Consignment Out a. P 121,000 c. P 68,500
account after the recognition of the consignment profit? b. P 41,000 d. P 140,000
a. P 7,656 c. P 4,671
b. P 4,806 d. P 4,320 41. Calculate the net income that was closed to the
Retained Earnings
Bobby Tan Trading established a branch in Pasay City to a. P 140,000 c. P 181,000
distribute part of the goods purchased by it from other b. (160,000) d. P 208,500
suppliers. Bobby Tan ships merchandise to the branch at
20% above cost. The following account balances are taken 42. The amount of branch 2023 net income closed by the
from ledger balances of the home office and the branch: home office to its Income Summary account in its year-
end closing entries is
Home Office Branch Office a. P 68,500 c. P 140,000
Sales P384,000 P134,400 b. P 41,000 d. P 208,500
Beginning inventory 76,800 38,400
Purchase 320,000 Cebu Corporation’s home office and branch pre-closing trial
Shipment to branch 83,200 balances on December 31, 2023 contained the following
Shipment from Home 99,840 accounts and amounts among others:
Operating expenses 46,080 23,040 Home Office Branch Books
Ending inventory 62,720 30,720 Books
Branch P95,000
All of the branch inventory is acquired from the Home Office. Home Office P73,400
Shipments to 90,000
37. Calculate the overstatement of cost of sales in the branch
branch income statement for the year in term of home Shipments from 75,000
office cost home office
a. P 17,920 c. P33,760
b. P 19,360 d. P16,192 Additional information
38. Calculate the true branch net income. a. On December 31, 2023, in late afternoon, the home
a. P 21,760 c. P 3,840 office sent a P5,000 check to its branch to
b. P 17,920 d. P 19,360 replenish working capital
b. The home office credits the shipment to branch at
39. Calculate the combined net income. cost without a loading factor.
a. P 90,880 c. P108,800 c. The branch had transmitted P1,600 in cash to the
b. P104,960 d. P106,080 home office which was not received until January
2, 2024.
JULIO COMPANY and AUGUSTO COMPANY are participants Cost of printing the stock 25,000
in a joint arrangement sharing control and profits equally. certificates
They contributed P500,000 each. JULIO’s contribution is Legal fees paid 5,000
cash. AUGUSTO contributed an equipment with a carrying Direct acquisition cost 20,000
value of P480,000. The equipment has a ten-year remaining Indirect cost 10,000
life when contributed. They established APRIL MAY
CORPORATION on January 2, 2023 to carry on the joint 48. Total amount of land on the consolidated balance sheet
undertaking, thus JULIO AND AUGUSTO have equal rights a. P 300,000 c. P 375,000
over the net assets of the business. b. P 350,000 d. P 365,625
The following information is relevant in answering the
various questions: 49. Total amount of buildings on the consolidated balance
JULIO CO. AUGUSTO APRILMAY a. P 550,000 c. P 596,875
CO. CO. b. P 400,000 d. P 592, 350
Net income during P 72,000 P80,000 P144,000
the year 50. Total APIC on the consolidated balance sheet
Cash dividends 18,000 24,000 36,000 a. P 55,000 c. P 135,000
paid during the b. P 110,000 d. P 80,000
Retained earnings, 100,000 P70,000 P0 51. Total retained earnings on the consolidated balance
1/1/23 sheet
a. P 75,000 c. P 20,000
44. How much total amount of asset(s) will AUGUSTO b. P 70,000 d. P 140,000
COMPANY recognize on January 2, 2023 to record its
investment? On January 1, 2023, GININTUANG PUSO CORPORATION
a. P490,000 c. P 0 acquired 80% of the outstanding shares of BAGAL SULONG
b. P500,000 d. P480,000 COMPANY for P743,750. At this date, the stockholders’
equity of BAGAL SULONG follows:
45. At what amount will the investment of AUGUSTO
COMPANY be shown in its December 31, 2023 balance Ordinary shares, P5 par P 350,000
sheet? APIC 175,000
a. P 432,000 c. P608,000 Retained earnings 175,000
b. P 450,000 d. P554,000 P 700,000
46. At what amount will JULIO COMPANY report its The net assets of BAGAL SULONG on January 1, 2023 were
Retained Earnings at December 31, 2023? fairly valued. GININTUANG PUSO assigned the full fair value
a. P 100,000 c. P 154,000 to the non-controlling interest at the date of acquisition in
b. P 226,000 d. P 298,000 analyzing the fair value of its investment.
47. The journal entry AUGUSTO COMPANY will record its Selected information over the first two (2) years of affiliated
investment on January 2, 2023 will include operations follows:
a. a debit to Cash in JO of P250,000
b. a debit to Equipment in JO of P240,000 • Intercompany merchandise sales are summarized as
c. a credit to gain on sale of P20,000 follows:
d. a credit to gain on sale of P10,000
Separate balance sheets for P Company and S Company on Date Transaction Sales GPR Remaining
December 31, 2022 are as follows: Amount Ending
Cash P150,000 20,000
Other current 150,000 80,000 In Upstream 25% 6,125
assets 2023 35,000
Land 300,000 50,000 In Downstream 30% 10,500
Buildings 400,000 150,000 2024 56,000
Current liabilities 200,000 50,000
Common stock, 600,000 100,000
P10 par • Condensed trial balances of the two (2) companies on
Additional paid-in 60,000 75,000 December 31, 2024 follow:
Retained earnings 140,000 75,000 GININTUANG BAGAL
P Company issued 20,000 shares of its own common stock COMPANY
with a market value of P250,000 on January 1, 2023 in Current assets P 1,428,000 P 387,275
exchange for 80% of S Company’s outstanding stock. All of Investment in BAGAL 743,750 ---
the excess is attributable 25% to land and the balance to SULONG
the buildings. The following out of pocket costs were paid Equipment, net 1,891,750 262,500
by P Company Buildings, net 1,592,500 332,500
Goodwill 105,000 ---
Finder’s fees 25,000 Liabilities (1,123,500) (186,025)
Fees paid to company 5, 000 Common Stocks, P1 par ( 437,500) ---
accountants Ordinary shares, P5 par (350,000)
APIC (2,187,500) (175,000)
Cost to register and issue 30,000
Multiple Choice. Select the letter that corresponds to Parent Co. These are then transferred to Parent Co,
the best answer. This examination consists of 70 items which sells them to third parties.
and the exam is good for three (3) hours. Good luck! C Co is 75% owned and is located in France. It
manufactures and sells its own range of products
1. In a partnership, which of the following statements is locally. It negotiates its own day to day financing
true regarding the allocation of profits and losses needs with French banks.
among partners?
a. Profits and losses must be allocated equally 5. Which of the subsidiaries are likely to have a different
among all partners. functional currency from Parent Co?
b. Profits and losses can be allocated in any manner a. A Co and B Co c. B Co and C Co
agreed upon by the partners. b. A Co and C Co d. all three subsidiaries
c. Profits must be allocated based on each partner’s
capital contribution, and losses must be allocated 6. When a parent has a foreign subsidiary whose
equally. functional currency is the national currency of the
d. Profits must be allocated equally, and losses must country where it operates, which rates of exchange
be allocated based on each partner’s capital should be used to translate the items below into the
contribution. parent’s functional and presentation currency?
Non-current Non-current
2. When a partner withdraws more money from the assets liabilities
partnership than their share of profits, what is the a. closing rate closing rate closing rate
result? b. historic rate closing rate closing rate
a. An increase in that partner’s capital account.
b. A decrease in that partner’s capital account. c. historic rate closing rate
c. No impact on the partner’s capital account.
d. An increase in the partnership’s assets. d. historic rate historic rate
3. In a statement of affairs, assets pledged for partially
The San Lorenzo Association, a private non-profit
secured creditors are
organization, received a contribution of P50,000 in 2018
a. Included with assets pledged for fully secured
restricted for membership training in providing emergency
aid during calamity situations. None of the contribution
b. Offset against partially secured creditors
was spent in 2018. In 2019, P35,000 of the contribution
c. Included with free assets
was used to finance a training seminar as to the role its
d. Disregarded
members may take in helping people in flood disaster
4. Which of the following statements, in respect of
foreign currency translation, are correct according to
7. Unrestricted net assets are typically the assets in the
PAS 21 The effects of changes in foreign exchange
a. General fund
b. Restricted fund
I. The functional currency of an entity is selected
c. Permanent endowment fund
by management
d. Loan fund, term endowment fund, annuity fund,
II. The presentation currency of an entity is
life income fund and plant fund
selected by management
III. The functional currency of an entity is
8. In the cash distribution plan, which partner gets the
identified by reference to circumstances of the
first cash distribution?
a. The partner with the largest loan balance
IV. The presentation currency of an entity is
b. The partner with the largest loss absorption
identified by reference to circumstances of the
c. The partner with the largest capital balance
a. I and II only c. I and IV only
d. The partner with the largest profit or loss ratio
b. II and III only d. III and IV only
Agency LLL, a national government agency, incurs an
Parent Co has three overseas subsidiaries:
obligation on April 20 2016 for the purchase of IT Software
A Co is 80% owned. A Co does not normally enter into
for P120,000 for delivery on April 24, 2016 and to be paid
transactions with Parent Co, other than to pay
on May 25, 2016.
dividends. It operates as a fairly autonomous entity
on a day to day basis although Parent Co controls
9. The entry to be recorded by LLL for the incurred
its long term strategy.
obligation would correctly include a
B Co is 100% owned and has been set up in order to
a. Debit to Equipment and Software
assemble machines from materials provided by
b. Credit to Accounts Payable
In this department: 2,725 Costs incurred in Department 2 during the current month
Materials are given below
Conversion 1,015 Materials 24,000
Transferred in during 34,000 Labor and overhead 45,240
Added during the month: 51,900
In answering Questions 31 through 34 that follow, assume
the following unit costs for April were determined from the
Conversion 28,832
above-mentioned information.
Total charged to the P119,532
Preceding department P 7.00
department in August
Materials 3.00
28. Compute the EUP for materials in the Finishing Labor and overhead 3.90
Department during August, 2023. Cumulative P13.90
a. P36,400 c. P30,640
b. P30,640 d. P34,600 31. Compute the cost of units completed from the In-
Process, April 1
29. Compute the EUP for conversion in the Finishing a. P 25,364 c. P26,680
Department during August, 2023 b. P 25,436 d. P 25,463
a. P33,920 c. P33,900
b. P33,912 d. P33,870
32. Compute the cost of units completed from those
received during April
A reconciliation of the Makati branch account of Manila a. P 83,400 c. P 87,490
Head Office and the Head Office account carried in the
b. P 89,470 d. P 84,970
books of the branch office shows the following
reconciliation items on December 31, 2023. 33. Compute the cost of production charged to Factory
1. A credit for merchandise allowance of P9,562.50 was Overhead Control
taken up by the branch as P8,437.50. a. P 9,549 c. P 9,954
2. A charge by the branch of P6,750 for an advance
b. P 9,945 d. P10,510
taken by the Branch Operations manager when he
visited the branch was recorded twice by the 34. Compute the cost of units still in process at April 30,
Home Office. 2023
3. The branch has not taken up P4,375 covered by a
a. P 46,850 c. P 45,680
credit memo from the home office. b. P 48,560 d. P48,650
On January 1, 2023, G&A and SCHEMA agreed to form a
The Makati branch account in the head office books had a
partnership. The following are their assets and liabilities:
debit balance of P380,625 on December 31, 2023. The Accounts G&A SCHEMA
reciprocal accounts were in agreement at the beginning of
Cash P34,000 P19,000
the year. Accounts Receivable P22,000 P12,000
Inventories P76,000 P91,000
30. The unadjusted balance of the Head Office account in Machinery P120,000 P110,000
the branch books on December 31, 2023 is: Accounts Payable P54,000 P36,000
a. P392,875 c. P387,375
Notes Payable P35,000 P15,000
b. P379,375 d. P381,875 G&A decided to pay-off his notes payable from his
personal assets. It was also agreed that SCHEMA’s
BIGLANG-SIGAW MANUFACTURERS uses process costing inventories were overstated by P6,000 and G&A’s
in its manufacturing operations and adopts the FIFO
machinery was over depreciated by P5000. SCHEMA is to
method in costing its production. In Department 2, invest/withdraw cash in order to receive a capital credit
conversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the that is 20% more than G&A’s total net investment in the
process. Materials are added following inspection, which partnership.
occurs at the 90% stage of completion. In view of the 35. How much cash will be presented in the partnership’s
simplicity of the production process, losses are not
statement of financial position?
expected, thus any spoiled units are deemed abnormal a. P 90,600
and their costs charged to Factory Overhead Control
b. P112,600
account. c. P102,600
d. P121,600
The following information relates to Department 2 for April YELLOW and RED are partners who have the agreement
2023. to share profit and loss in the following Manner:
Units Pesos
In process, April 1 (40% 2,000 P16,000 Annual Salaries P 52,200 P 51,800
converted) Interest on ave. balances 5% 10%
Received from Department 1 12,000 84,000 Bonus (based on net 10%
Transferred to finished product 8,000 income after salaries and
In process, April 30 (70% 5,000 interest)
converted) Remainder 50% 50%
Lost units 1,000 During the year ended December 31, 2023, the
partnership generated a profit of P115,000 before any
40. The fully secured creditor will be paid an amount of 45. Consolidated Cost of Sales
a. 140,250 c. 144,952 a. 39,000,000 c. 33,000,000
b. 138,950 d. 143,600 b. 35,000,000 d. 37,000,000
A Consignment Out account on the books of Consignor 59. How much is the overstatement of the cost of sale in
Inc. appears below the branch 2023 income statement resulting from the
Consignment Out – Consignee Sales home office billing policy?
Jan. 3 Shipped 12 P16,800 Jan 31 P21,600 a. P46,000 c. P20,000
sets Sales, 9 b. P38,000 d. P 0
3 Freight charges 1,440 60. How much net income was reported in the company’s
31 Charges by 2023 income statement?
consignee a. P362,000 c. P236,000
Delivery exp. 900 b. P263,000 d. P326,000
Commission(20%) 4,320
Advertising 1,000 The Carl Company will issue P10 par value common stock
54. The consignment profit realized by Consignor, Inc. on for the net assets of PBA Company. The fair market value
the consignment during the month was per share of Carl’s common stock is P40. The following is
a. P 1,700 c. P 3,360 the list of accounts of PBA Company on the date of the
b. P 4,340 d. P 4,800 acquisition.
Book Value Fair Market Value
55. The adjusted balance of the Consignment-Out account Current assets P280,000 P 320,000
after recognition of the net profit will be Plant assets (net) 680,000 1,280,000
a. P 6,450 c. P 4,560 Liabilities 320,000 320,000
b. P 4,605 d. P 6,540 Common stock 64,000
Additional paid-in capital 256,000
56. The amount of cash remitted by Consignee was Retained earnings 320,000
a. P 14,300 c. P 15,380
b. P 19,700 d. P 21,600 61. To have an income from acquisition of P120,000, the
number of shares to be issued by Carl Company
The Dasmarinas Corporation operates a branch in should be”
Calamba City. The home office ships merchandise to the a. 30,000 shares c. 29,000 shares
branch at more than cost. Selected information Selected b. 30,400 shares d. 35,000 shares
information from the December 31, 2023 trial balances
are as follows: 62. Same data as above, to have a goodwill of P 120,000,
the number of shares to be issued by Carl Company
Home Branch should be
Office Office a. 30,000 shares c. 29,000 shares
Books Books b. 30,400 shares d. 35,000 shares
Sales P600,000 P300,000
Summary information is given for P Company and S
Shipment to Branch 200,000
Company at July 1, 2023. The quoted market price of P
Purchases 350,000 - Co.’s stock on July 1, 2023 is P 32 per share.
Shipment from Home 230,000 P Company S Company S Company
office Per books Per books Fair values
Inventory, January 1 100,000 40,000 Current assets P19,200,000 P6,400,000 P7,200,000
Allowance for 58,000 Plant assets 20,800,000 17,600,000 20,800,000
overvaluation of branch Liabilities 12,000,000 4,000,000
inventory Common stock, 16,000,000 8,000,000
Expenses 120,000 50,000 P10 par
Additional paid-in
Inventory at December 31,
capital 800,000 800,000
Retained earnings 11,200,000 11,200,000
Home office P30,000
Branch office P40,000 Assume that P Company issues 1,000,000 shares of its
own stock for the net assets of S Company on July 1,