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Swimming KO

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St Edmund Campion Physical Education Department – Knowledge organiser – Swimming year 7 and 8

Skills and Techniques Rules Glossary

Front crawl/freestyle: Front crawl Front crawl Streamline Freestyle

Back stroke Kick Pull Butterfly
Arms: (catch, pull, recovery): The finger tips lead the hand entry, Start by diving into the water. The Swimmer’s head must surface by Submerge Dive Tread-water Sculling
entering the water at a point in front of the head, between the the 15-meter mark. On the turn & finish some part of the swimmer Breast stroke Propulsion Medley
shoulder and centre line. The hand catches the water, palm down and must touch the wall at the turn and the finish. No pulling on the Synchronised Stream-lined Jump Breathe
then accelerates making a pull action, through an S shape pathway to lane lines, walking or pushing forward off the bottom of pool. You Buoyancy Body position Body tension
the hip. Recovery, The arm is taken back over the water in a pathway are not allowed to walk on or push off the bottom of the pool.
close to the body, with the head and near the water surface. Bilateral breathing Glide Float Water
Breaststroke Rules
Legs: Kicking action is on top of the water; kick from hip; knee slightly Pictures
bent; ankles relaxed; toes pointed. Usually 6 or 8 kicks per stroke Front Crawl arm action
Start by diving into the water. The swimmer is allowed one full arm
pull (beyond hipline) and one kick while submerged at the start and
after turns; head must break the surface by the widest part of the
Breathing: There should be a breath out into the water as the arm 2nd stroke (before hands turn inward). The stroke cycle consists of
pulls through and the head rolls to the side ready to take a breath in. one arm pull and one kick in that order; the head must break water
Breathe inwards quickly as the arm recovers over the water surface surface at least once each cycle. Swimmer’s leg motions must be
and the face rolls back into the water as the hand enters. Each part of simultaneous; feet must be turned out in downward propulsive part Breast stroke leg kick
the stroke should complement each other whilst maintaining a of kick. No flutter or butterfly kick is allowed.
balanced and streamlined body position. All actions must be smooth
and continuous.
On the turn & finish a simultaneous two-hand touch is required. You
Breast stroke: 'pull, breathe, kick, glide' are not allowed two strokes or kicks underwater; alternating kick;
scissors kick; butterfly kick; arms not moving in the same horizontal
Legs: Breaststroke leg kick takes place under the water and begins plane; out-of-cycle or a one-hand touch.
with the legs in an extended position with feet together. The knees Back stroke leg kick
bend to bring the heels towards the butt and the feet flex into an Backstroke Rules
outward turned position at the same time. With the feet now turned
Start in the water, 2 hands on the bar and push off on your back.
outwards, they accelerate in a curved pathway, with the soles of the
You must remain on your back for the whole of the race. The head
feet exposed to the water to provide propulsion. The feet then snap must break the surface by the 15-meter mark. The swimmer must
together and the legs finish together to form a streamlined shape. remain on their back and may not be completely submerged except
Arms: The arms begin extended out front with palms facing
downwards. The arms then pull in a circular movement, outwards and at the touch and the finish. After the start you cannot be submerged
downwards, followed by a movement inwards and forwards. The past the 15M mark. You cannot pull on lane ropes or push off the
hands finish together with arms fully extended and elbows tucked in sides. You must touch the wall when you turn.
Breathing: Breathing inwards takes place every time the arms pull
back to allow the body to lift and the head to rise. Breathing outwards In a relay, four swimmers compete as a team. A swimmer may swim Backstroke breathing
occurs as the legs kick back and the arms extend forwards - think only once in a relay, and must swim one-fourth the total distance of
'blow your hands forwards'. the race. In a freestyle/front crawl relay, all swimmers swim
freestyle/front crawl. In a medley relay, each swimmer swims a
Back stroke: different stroke. In a medley relay the strokes must be swum in this
order: backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle/front crawl.
Legs: Toes are pointed with ankles relaxed and the knees bend
slightly with each kick. The knee bend provides power on the upbeat Diving Front crawl breathing
phase of the kick, finishing as the toes just break the water surface.
Place your lead foot over the rim of the pool. If you're right-handed,
Arms: The hands enter the water little finger first, palm outwards with your lead foot will be your right foot, and if you're left-handed it will
the upper arm just brushing past the ear. The arm pulls through an S be your left foot. Standing start - Place your lead foot in front of
shape pathway, finishing at the hip, palm downwards. One arm begins your back foot, so your toes slightly jut over the pool. Your back foot
to pull as the other recovers over the water surface. Dive – Entry Dive - Preparation
should be on the ground, with your weight balanced equally over
your feet. Start from the side or starting block - start in a crouched
Breathing: Breathing should be regular and in time with the effort position, gripping the edge of the block with both your fingers and
phase of the stroke. your toes. As you start, push off from the side, raise your arms
above your head, with your elbows straight. Tuck your upper arms
Treading water: is where you move your limbs to keep your body against your ears. Hold your hands flat, with one palm resting over
afloat in a vertical position and your head above water. To scull/tread the back of your other hand. Push off and dive into the pool, with
water, you lift your arms sideways at shoulder level and then sweep your lead foot. Enter the water fingertips first. Keep your body
your hands forward and backward against the water. The pressure of Competitive dive start
straight as you dive, with your legs together and your toes pointed.
your arms and hands against the water creates some vertical lift that
keeps your body afloat. The leg kick also provides some lift that helps
you to keep your body afloat. To kick, you kick alternatively with each
leg forward then backward or complete breaststroke leg kick.

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