Criminal Law Ii
Criminal Law Ii
Criminal Law Ii
INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer for each of the following question. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the
letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
1. It is the lawful killing of a person not attended by any qualifying aggravating circumstance.
a. murder c. homicide
b. manslaughter d. parricide
2. Nancy legally adopted Beenay. In June 2014, Beenay was hospitalized after being beaten by Nancy. Beenay subsequently died. As the best investigator in
the region, what crime will you file against Nancy?
a. homicide c. parricide
b. infanticide d. child abuse
3. Rohas killed his live-in partner, Corinna and Nonoy, their illegitimate child. What crime was committed for the death of Corinna?
a. homicide/murder c. parricide
b. infanticide d. child abuse
4. In the above proceeding number, what crime was committed for the death of Nonoy?
a. homicide/murder c. parricide
b. infanticide d. child abuse
5. The following EXCEPT one are aggravating circumstances:
a. treachery c. evident premeditation
b. cruelty d. intoxication
6. Madasalin, while praying inside the church felt that his wallet was being taken by Magna. Because of the solemnity of the proceedings, Madasalin did not
make any move. His wallet was taken with his knowledge. What crime was committed?
a. none c. unjust vexation
b. theft d. robbery
7. Manny, knowing that his girlfriend Jinkee is pregnant gives her drug to alleviate her stomach pain. The medicine caused the death of the fetus. What crime
was committed by Manny?
a. intentional abortion c. infanticide
b. unintentional abortion d. none
8. Manny, pointed a gun at Jinkee, his pregnant girlfriend. Jinkee became frieghtened, ran and slipped. As a result, the fetus was aborted. What crime was
a. intentional abortion c. unintentional abortion
b. murder d. none
9. It is a sovereign act of oblivion for past acts, granted by the government to a certain class of persons, charged or guilty of crime, usually political offenses,
and often conditioned upon their return to obedience within a prescribed time.
a. amnesty c. pardon.
b. parole d. probation
10. The willful and corrupt assertion of falsehood under oath of affirmation, administered by authority of law on a material matter.
a. perjury c. slander
b. libel d. truancy
11. Malandi, while sleeping felt that someone is on top of her and undressing her. She did not resist believing that it was her husband. Laging huli, who
always comes home late, was doing the “deed”. After the act was consummated, Malandi opened her eyes and to her surprise, it was Salisi, her kumpare who
had sex with her. What crime, if any, was committed by Salisi?
a. rape c. seductor
b. acts of lasciviousness d. no crime
12. Suki, a prostitute was enticed by Dorobo to have sex with him for P250.00. Suki willingly rendered her “personal service”. After having sex however,
Dorobo refused to pay and ran away. Feeling aggrieved, Suki filed a complaint for rape against Dorobo. As the head of the women’s desk, will you give due
course to the complaint?
a. Yes, there was rape through fraudulent machination
b. No, the sexual conpress between them is mutual
c. No, Suki is a prostitute
d. Yes, Suki and Dorobo are both of legal age.
13. The kind of rape wherein the victim is under 12 years of age.
a. consented rape c. statutory rape
b. rape by sexual assault d. simple rape
14. Rape can be committed by a woman against a man. This statement is_______.
a. partly true c. partly false
b. absolutely false d. absolutely true
15. It is the law which punishes the crime of rape removing such as crime against chastity and classifying it as crime against persons.
a. RA 8294 c. RA 7610
b. RA 8353 d. RA 8551
16. Out of revenge, Boy Bukid pulled from the farm of Maglulupa the latter’s carabao and killed it. What crime was committed?
a. malicious mischief c. theft
b. cattle – rustling d. robbery
17. In the above case, aside from killing the carabao, Boy Bukid cooked as “pulutan” the meat of the sold carabao. What crime was committed?
a. malicious mischief c. qualified theft
b. cattle - rustling d. robbery
18. Magno, a house servant, stole the laptop and iPhone 6 of Mayaman, his master. What crime did Magno commit?
a. theft c. robbery
b. larceny d. qualified theft
19. This is committed by any person who shall remove from any jail or penal establishment, any person confined therein or shall help the escape of such
a. delivering prisoners from jail c. illegal detention
b. arbitrary detention d. maltreatment of prisoners
20. Alcalde, the town mayor utilized the prisoners services for domestic chores in his house including using him as cook. What crime, if any, was committed
by Mayor Alcalde?
a. infidelity in the custody of prisoner
b. delivering prisoners from jail
c. evasion of service of sentence
d. none
21. Peenoy, after forcibly taking the watch of Beenay, shot to death the latter. What crime/s did Peenoy commit?
a. robbery and homicide c. murder
b. robbery with homicide d. theft and murder
22. Suki, a prostitute was enticed by Dorobo to have sex with him for P250.00. Suki willingly rendered her “personal service”. After having sex however,
Dorobo refused to pay and ran away. Feeling aggrieved, Suki filed a complaint for rape against Dorobo. As the head of the women’s desk, will you give due
course to the complaint?
a. Yes, there was rape through fraudulent machination
b. No, the sexual conpress between them is mutual
c. No, Suki is a prostitute
d. Yes, Suki and Dorobo are both of legal age.
23. Assuming that Peenoy, instead of shooting Beenay, fired his gun forward and fatally hit Iskodero who was watching from his window. What crime/s now
did Peenoy commit?
a. robbery and homicide c. murder
b. robbery with homicide d. theft and murder
24. Enreally, Istrada, Rebilya and Beenay robbed a bank. When they were about to flee, the policemen came and traded shots. Rebilya died after being shot by
the policemen. You are the investigator handling the case, what charges will you file against Enreally, Istrada and beenay?
a. robbery and homicide c. murder
b. robbery with homicide d. theft and murder
25. The crime committed by any public officer who, without legal grounds, detains a person.
a. illegal detention c. abduction
b. kidnapping d. arbitrary detention
26. The crime committed by public officer or employee who shall detain any person from some legal ground and shall fail to deliver such person to the proper
judicial authorities within the period prescribed by law.
a. delay in the delivery of detained persons to the proper judicial authorities
b. delaying release
c. arbitrary detention
d. violation of domicile
27. A person who at the time of the commission of the offense is below eighteen (18) years old, but not less than fifteen (15) years and 1 day old
a. juvenile delinquent c. minor child
b. child in conflict with law d. gifted child
28. It is a crime committed by any public officer entrusted with law enforcement who by reason of consideration, promise, gift or reward refrains from
arresting or prosecuting an offender who has committed a crime punishable by reclusion perpetua to death.
a. direct bribery c. indirect bribery
b. qualified bribery d. corruption of public officer
29. A person who at the time of his trial for one crime shall have been previously convicted by final judgment of another crime embraced in the same title or
a. recidivist c. quasi-recidivist
b. band d. habitual delinquent
30. It is a public or malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status or circumstance tending to
cause dishonor, discredit or contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of one who is dead.
a. libel c. slander
b. slander by deed d. gossip
31. It is the improper performance of some act which might be lawfully done.
a. malfeasance c. non - feasance
b. unfeasance d. misfeasance
32. It is any other name which a person public applies to himself without authority of law.
a. allias c. fictitious name
b. screen name d. given name
33. A document created, executed or issued by a public official in response to the exigencies of public service, or in the execution of which a public official
a. public document c. official document
b. private document d. commercial document
34. Within how many hours must a police office turn-over to the proper judicial authorities a person who was charged of crime punishable by afflictive
a. 48 hours c. 12 hours
b. 72 hours d. 36 hours
35. It is committed by any person who, not being authorized by law, or without reasonable ground therefor, shall arrest or detain another for the purpose of
delivering him to the proper authorities.
a. arbitrary detention c. unlawful arrest
b. illegal detention d. slavery
36. It is committed by a Filipino citizen or a resident alien who levies war against the government of the Philippines or adheres to ite enemies giving them aid
and comfort.
a. treason c. rebellion
b. sedition d. espionage
37. Pasahero, armed with a “bente-nuebe”, forced drayber who is driving his car bound to manila, to change his route and instead drive him to kalinga. What
crime did pasahero committed?
a. unjust vexation c. carnapping
b. slander by deed d. grave coercion
38. The following EXCEPT one are persons in authority.
a. lawyer c. punong barangay
b. teacher d. police officer
39. Patola, a member of the drug enforcement unit of the Northeast Police District stopped and frisked Kawawa while the latter is driving. While frisking, he
intentionally put a sachet of shabu inside Kawawa’s pocket. He thereafter arrested Kawawa and charged him for violation of RA 9165. What crime did Patola
a. libel c. perjury
b. incriminating innocent d. slander
40. While walking, Lakwatsero was beaten by the group of Basagulero. Lakwatswero was badly injured and was hospitalized for twelve (12) years. If you
were the investigating police officer, what crime will you file against the group of Basagulero?
a. serious physical injuries c. slight physical injuries
b. less serious physical injuries d. arson
41. It is committed by any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a man not her husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her
knowing her to be married, even if the marriage be subsequently declared void.
a. concubinage c. adultery
b. bigamy d. rape
42. Problemado, a problematic father, intentionally killed his 72 hour old daughter. What crime did Problemado commit?
a. parricide c. infanticide
b. murder d. homicide
43. The Old People’s Army, a lefts group, for purposes of toppling the Aqueeno government and embarrass the Philippines in the international community,
entered the armory of the Camp Aguinaldo, seized the whole camp and killed several soldiers and civilians. The Old People’s Army is liable to what crime?
a. sedition c.coup d’etat
b. murder d. rebellion
44. Malikot, a grade three pupil was spanked by his teacher, Guro for disciplinary reasons. Malikot went home crying making his father, Erpat irritated. Erpat
then attacked and punched the babyface of Guro while the latter is selling lombands inside the classroom. What crime did Erpat committed?
a. slander c. slander by deed
b. indirect assault d. direct assault
45. It is the unlawful taking of a motor vehicle without the consent of the owner or by means of violence or intimidation of persons or by using force upon
a. theft c. robbery
b. maliciouc mischief d. carnapping
46. Only a woman can be a victim of forcible abduction. This statement is____________
a. partly true c. absolutely false
b. absolutely true d. partly true
47. The following EXCEPT one are persons in authority.
a. mayor c. punong barangay
b. councilor d. policeman
48. It is the declaration of the accused expressly acknowledging his guilt of the offense charged. It is a categorical acknowledgement of guilt by the accused in
a criminal case, without any excupatory statements.
a. admission c. commission
b. omission d. confession
49. It is a place where there are no houses at all, a place of considerable distance from town, or where the houses are scattered at great distance from each
a. inhabited place c. uninhabited place
b. squatters area d. depressed area
50. Akusado was convicted by final judgement for murder. He then escaped from prison. What crime, if any was committed by Akusado?
a. evasion of service of sentence
b. infidelity in the custody of prisoners
c. none
d. escape from penal establishment
51. Assuming that Akusado escaped while his appeal is pending before the Court of Appeals, what crime did he commit?
a. evasion of service of sentence
b. infidelity in the custody of prisoners
c. none
d. escape from penal establishment
52. Assuming his appeal was later dismissed after he was able to escape, what crime did he commit?
a. evasion of service of sentence
b. infidelity in the custody of prisoners
c. none
d. escape from penal establishment
53. Asi Taungaba, a Tongan national was arrested for molesting a lass from the Visayas. He was declared undesirable alien and was scheduled for
deportation. Before he was deported, he escaped from the Bureau og Immigration facility. What crime was committed?
a. evasion of service of sentence
b. infidelity in the custody of prisoners
c. none
d. escaped from penal establishment
54. Nasalisihan was convicted under Art. 247 of the Revised Penal Code after killing the lover and his favorite wife. He was sentenced with destierro.
Nasalisihan did not bother to file an appeal. Before serving his sentence, he intentionally went back to their home where he killed her wife and his lover. What
crime was committed?
a. evasion of service of sentence
b. infidelity in the custody of prisoners
c. none
d. escape from penal establishment
55. These are documents issued by a public official or employee in the exercise of the functions of their office.
a. official document c. private document
b. public document d. commercial document
56. P/Dir. Turisma was suspended because of corruption and anomalies in the PNP. While suspended, he planned and directed the police operation for the
arrest of high value terrorist Narwan and Dakkel Usman. Such operation failed and resulted to the death of numerous police officers. What crime was
committed by P/Dir. Turisima?
a. none
b. illegal use of uniform and insignia
c. usurpation of authority
d. gross misconduct
57. It is committed by any person who, without authority of law, shall by means of violence, threats, or intimidation, prevent another from doing something
not prohibited by law, or compel him to do something against his will, whether it be right or wrong.
a. grave misconduct c. grave abuse of authority
b. grave coercion d. grave threats
58. It consists of acts which are offensive to decency and good customs which, having been committed publicly, have given rise to public scandal to persons
who have accidentally witnessed the same.
a. video scandal c. grave scandal
b. public scandal d. grave misconduct
59. Vagrancy is punishable by law. This statement is_____________.
a. absolutely true c. absoluetely false
b. partially false d. partially true
60. Artek, with intent to gain took away for “pulutan” the dog of Pastol. It was found out during the investigation that the dog is as big as a cow. If you are the
investigator, what crime will you file against Artek?
a. cattle-rusting c. robbery
b. no crime d. theft
61. The group of Jito, Tic and Joey were playing their musical instruments noisily during midnight. You are in that neighborhood, what proper charges, if any,
will you file against Jito, Tic and Joey?
a. slander c. none
b. alarms and scandal d. theft
62. It is a mock serenade where the offender actually disturbs the peace by using cans, pans, utensil, etc.
a. alevosia c. hara-kiri
b. origami d. charivari
63. Trigger, with no intent to kill, directed his newly refurbished MK-74 assault rifle towards Target. Trigger pulled the trigger but it did not hit target. What
crime was committed by trigger?
a. illegal discharge of firearm c. alarms and scandal
b. frustrated homicide d. attempted homicide
64. It is the crime committed by public officers amassing involving at least P50 million by means of combination of series of overt acts each of which may
constitute different offenses.
a. robbery c. malversation
b. plunder d. bribery
65. The crime of rape is a crime against chastity. This statement is _______
a. false c. true
b. cannot be determined d. either a or b
66. A person who at the time of his trial for one crime shall have been previously convicted by final judgment of another crime embraced in the same title or
a. recidivist c. quasi-recidivist
b. band d. habitual delinquent
67. It is the lawful killing of a person not attended by any qualifying aggravating circumstance.
a. murder c. homicide
b. manslaughter d. parricide
68. In the above proceeding number, what crime was committed for the death of Nonoy?
a. homicide/murder c. parricide
b. infanticide d. child abuse
69. Artek, with intent to gain took away for “pulutan” the dog of Pastol. It was found out during the investigation that the dog is as big as a cow. If you are the
investigator, what crime will you file against Artek?
a. cattle-rusting c. robbery
b. no crime d. theft
70. Asi Taungaba, a Tongan national was arrested for molesting a lass from the Visayas. He was declared undesirable alien and was scheduled for
deportation. Before he was deported, he escaped from the Bureau og Immigration facility. What crime was committed?
a. evasion of service of sentence
b. infidelity in the custody of prisoners
c. none
d. escaped from penal establishment
71. A document created, executed or issued by a public official in response to the exigencies of public service, or in the execution of which a public official
a. public document c. official document
b. private document d. commercial document
72. Magno, a house servant, stole the laptop and iPhone 6 of Mayaman, his master. What crime did Magno commit?
a. theft c. robbery
b. larceny d. qualified theft
73. It is the lawful killing of a person not attended by any qualifying aggravating circumstance.
a. murder c. homicide
b. manslaughter d. parricide
74. This is committed by any person who shall remove from any jail or penal establishment, any person confined therein or shall help the escape of such
a. delivering prisoners from jail c. illegal detention
b. arbitrary detention d. maltreatment of prisoners
75. It is the law which punishes the crime of rape removing such as crime against chastity and classifying it as crime against persons.
a. RA 8294 c. RA 7610
b. RA 8353 d. RA 8551
76. . A person who at the time of the commission of the offense is below eighteen (18) years old, but not less than fifteen (15) years and 1 day old
a. juvenile delinquent c. minor child
b. child in conflict with law d. gifted child
77. . Assuming that Peenoy, instead of shooting Beenay, fired his gun forward and fatally hit Iskodero who was watching from his window. What crime/s
now did Peenoy commit?
a. robbery and homicide c. murder
b. robbery with homicide d. theft and murder
78. . It is committed by any person who, without authority of law, shall by means of violence, threats, or intimidation, prevent another from doing something
not prohibited by law, or compel him to do something against his will, whether it be right or wrong.
a. grave misconduct c. grave abuse of authority
b. grave coercion d. grave threats
79. It is a place where there are no houses at all, a place of considerable distance from town, or where the houses are scattered at great distance from each
a. inhabited place c. uninhabited place
b. squatters area d. depressed area
80. It is the improper performance of some act which might be lawfully done.
a. malfeasance c. non - feasance
b. unfeasance d. misfeasance
81. A document created, executed or issued by a public official in response to the exigencies of public service, or in the execution of which a public official
a. public document c. official document
b. private document d. commercial document
82. It is a mock serenade where the offender actually disturbs the peace by using cans, pans, utensil, etc.
a. alevosia c. hara-kiri
b. origami d. charivari
83. Within how many hours must a police office turn-over to the proper judicial authorities a person who was charged of crime punishable by afflictive
a. 48 hours c. 12 hours
b. 72 hours d. 36 hours
84. Pasahero, armed with a “bente-nuebe”, forced drayber who is driving his car bound to manila, to change his route and instead drive him to kalinga. What
crime did pasahero committed?
a. unjust vexation c. carnapping
b. slander by deed d. grave coercion
85. During the lupon hearing, Tsismoso secretly recorded the conversation between him and the complainant Talunan. Tsismoso then submitted to the court as
evidence against Talunan. What crime was committed by Tsismoso?
a. wire- tapping c. unjust vexation
b. slander d. grave misconduct
86. It is the act of a person ar procuring a false witness to testify and thereby commit perjury.
a. falsification c. grave misconduct
b. subornation of perjury d. perjury
87. It is the crime committed by rising publicly and taking up arms against the government. It is political in nature.
a. seditin c. rebellion
b. coup d’etat d. subversion
88. It means the courts of justice or judges of said courts vested with the judicial power to order the temporary detention or confinement of a person charged
with having committed a public offense, that is, the Supreme Court and such other inferior courts.
a. judicial authority c. legislative authority
b. executive authority d. administrative authority
89. It is any lascivious or lewd act habitually done for profit by a woman.
a. restitution c. prosecution
b. institution d. prostitution
90. The mayor of Mumusapano directed the police officers to arrest women who are working as GRO in places of house repute in their municipality. The
mayor ordered that they be removed from Mumusapano and instead be deported to the municipality of Tukonalipaw. What crime, if any, was committed by
the mayor?
a. expulsion c. violation of domicile
b. illegal detention d. no crime
91. This is a private document that has been notarized.
a. private document c. commercial document
b. public document d. official document
92. It is the taking, with intent to gain, of a motor vehicle belonging to another without the latter’s consent, or by means of violence against or intimidation of
persons, or by using force upon things.
a. theft c. robbery
b. cattle- rusting d. carnapping
93. Aderis took away the vehicle of article, a 2015 Sarao Jeepney rare model, without the latter’s consent. What crime was committed by Aderis?
a. theft c. qualified theft
b. carnapping d. robbery
94. It is the seizure of any person for ransom, extortion or other unlawful purposes, or the taking away of the property of another by means of violence against
or intimidation of person or force upon things of other unlawful means, committed by any person on any Philippine Highway.
a. robbery c. kidnapping
b. carnapping d. brigandage
95. When there is deceit in demending greater fees than those prescribed by law, the crime committed is.
a. illegal exaction c. estafa
b. fraudulent insolvency d. malversation
96. A tax collector who collected a sum larger than that authorized by law spent all of them is guilty of.
a. illegal exaction and estafa
b. fraudulent insolvency
c. illegal exaction and malversation
d. illegal exaction and robbery
97. A fiscal, for a sum of money, refrains from prosecuting a person charged before him. If the penalty for the crime involved is reclusion perpetua . For what
crime may the fiscal be prosecuted?
a. direct bribery c. indirect bribery
b. qualified bribery d. corruption of public official
98. Supposed in the preceding problem no.97, the penalty for the crime involved is lower than the reclusion perpetua. For what crime may the fiscal be
a. direct bribery c. indirect bribery
b. qualified bribery d. corruption of public official
99. In the preceding problem no.97, for what crime may the giver of bribe money be prosecuted, if the fiscal pretend to accept the corrupt consideration and
turned it over to his superior as evidence of the corruption.
a. corruption of public official
b. direct bribery
c. attempted corruption of public official
d. attempted bribery
100. The following persons except one, are liable for prosecution of offenses negligence and tolerance. Which one is exception?
a. chief of police c. fiscal
b. brgy. captain d. investigator
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