ABCs of Accounting by CGA
ABCs of Accounting by CGA
ABCs of Accounting by CGA
ABCs of Accounting:
Accounting Definitions
ABCs of Accounting:
Accounting Definitions
While great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information as
at December 2006, the Certified General Accountants of Ontario does not
assume any liability.
Although the maintenance of financial books and basic forms of accounting have
existed for centuries, the accounting profession is relatively new and continues to
evolve. Like many other professionals, accountants have developed their own
language or jargon in an effort to do their jobs more efficiently.
To help you reach a better understanding of the basics of accounting, this booklet
introduces and defines the more common accounting terms. When referring to
these definitions, bear in mind that many terms do not have narrow and precise
meanings in the legal sense. The financial definitions contained in this information
booklet aim to increase understanding by non-accountants.
Accountants Communication
● the accountants written communication that prefaces the financial statements;
● additionally, see Auditors Report, Review Engagement Report and Notice to Reader.
Accounting (Accountancy)
● functions include analyzing, interpreting and examining the results of the
bookkeeping process; and
● information system design and development of controls and procedures.
Accounting Equation
● a description of the relationship between a companys assets, liabilities and
equity; expressed as Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity; and
● also known as the balance sheet equation.
Accrued Expense
● liability, created by consumption of economic benefit that has not been invoiced
and does not require payment until a later date (e.g., accrued property taxes).
Accrued Revenue
● an asset, created by realization of economic benefit, which normally is not due
or invoiced until a later date (e.g., accrued interest income).
● systematic allocation of cost over a related time period
● the expensing of both tangible and intangible assets; and
● often referred to as depreciation.
● a sequence of equal payments, usually made at regular intervals of time.
Articles of Incorporation
● legal documents that recognize a corporation as a legal entity
● additionally, is granted by the federal or provincial jurisdiction in which the
company is incorporated; and
● the documents would include the name of the company, the nature of business
activities, and the number and types of capital stock it can sell.
● anything of value owned or controlled by a corporation or individualmay be
tangible or intangible; and
● anything owned by the company that provides a future benefit.
Audit (External)
● examination of the records and financial statements of a business or
organization by an independent accountant, for the purpose of expressing an
opinion as to whether the financial statements present fairly the financial
position at a given date and results of operations ending on that date in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
● see External Auditor; and
● see Internal Auditor.
Auditors Report
● the report that prefaces financial statements and expresses the opinion of the
external auditor as to the fairness of the financial statements attached.
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● amount arrived at by adding all debits and subtracting all credits; and
● to ensure total debits equal total credits.
Balance Sheet
● statement, at a particular point in time, of the financial position of a business or
organizationdivided into three partsassets, liabilities and ownership (equity);
● also known as statement of financial position.
Bank Indebtedness
● balance of a bank account when funds withdrawn exceed funds deposited.
Bank Reconciliation
● analysis that accounts for the difference between the balance shown on the
bank statement and the balance shown in the accounting records on a given
● legal status of a person or corporation who/that is unable to pay his/her/its
debts as they become due and who/that has made a transfer of property or of a
right or interest in property to a trustee for the benefit of creditors.
● the state of being bankrupt.
● high standards established by other similar companies in an industry; and
● are used as a comparison base by individual companies to identify activities with
the greatest room for improvement.
Bill of Lading
● written document issued by the carrier of goods
● both a receipt for goods and a contract to deliver goods; and
● title to the goods may be passed by transfer of the bill of lading.
● the recording of financial transactions, electronically or manually; and
● all work in support of the accounting process, including verification of accuracy.
Branch Accounting
● complete set of records kept separately by a branch operation for which a
controlling account is maintained in the records of the main operation.
● monetary planthat may be simple or very detailedwith a forecast of cash
flows, revenue, expenses and profit or loss over a future period, usually one year
or one operating cycle; and
● a plan of action expressed in financial terms.
● the internal rules formally approved by the owners or members of an
organization to regulate the method of operation.
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Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
● the federal body responsible for interpreting and applying tax laws and
regulations and collecting the tax from individuals, corporations and trusts in
Canada; and
● previously known as Canada Customs and Revenue Agency and (before that)
Revenue Canada.
Capital Asset
● assets of either a tangible or intangible nature, owned or held by a business,
which are expected to be used or held over several fiscal periods; and
● additionally, see Fixed Asset.
Capital Gain
● profit or gain realized from the sale or disposal of a capital asset; and
● under income tax legislation, the term has a special meaning.
Capital Loss
● loss realized from the sale or disposal of a capital asset; and
● under income tax legislation, the term has a special meaning.
Capital Stock
● see Stock.
Commitment/Encumbrance Accounting
● often used by not-for-profit organizations, an accounting concept where
expenses are recorded when goods or services are ordered, rather than when
the organization receives the good/service; and
● the end result generally reduces the possibility of overspending the budget.
Compliance Audit
● an audit performed with the purpose of determining whether the party being
audited is following specific procedures or rules set down by a higher authority;
● an example would be reviewing wage rate paid by an employer to see if it is in
accordance with minimum wage laws.
Compilation Engagement
● the compiling of unaudited financial information into financial statements,
schedules or reports, based on information provided by the accountants client;
● basically, client information is arranged in the form of a financial statement,
without performing an audit or a review.
Compilation Report
● the Notice to Reader that appears on each page or prefaces the financial
statements, schedules or reports, warning readers of the very limited
involvement of the accountant in a compilation engagement.
Compound Interest
● the interest calculated on both the principal amount invested and the previously
accumulated unpaid interest.
● a person who receives goods that belong to someone else, for future sale or
another purpose; and
● although consignees are not the owners of the goods, they are accountable for
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● goods that are in the hands of someone other than the owner for future sale or
another purpose.
● the owner of goods that are in someone elses hands for future sale or another
● is assumed to exist where the acquiring corporation has acquired more than 50
per cent of the voting shares.
Controlling Interest
● direct or indirect ownership of voting shares sufficient to elect the majority of the
board of directors of a corporation.
● legal entity formed under the authority of either provincial or federal statutes
● usually formed to make a profit
● liabilities of shareholders (owners) are generally limited to the amount of their
investment; and
● the name of a corporation ends with Limited, Ltd., Incorporated, Inc.,
Corporation or Corp.
CRA Auditor
● an individual hired by the Canada Revenue Agency who is responsible for
performing compliance audits on individuals, corporations and trusts; and
● this individual audits taxpayers on behalf of the federal government.
● entry recording an increase to a liability or owners equity or revenue or a
reduction to an asset or expense
● credits are recorded in the right hand column of an account or a two-column
book; and
● the opposite of debit.
Current Asset
● unrestricted cash, or other asset, which is expected to be converted into cash or
consumed in the production of income within the greater of one year and the
normal operating cycle.
Current Liability
● liability expected to be liquidated in the greater of one year and the normal
operating cycle, excluding any liability otherwise classified as current, which will
be settled from other than current assets.
● an unsecured bond.
● entry recording an increase to an asset or expense or a reduction to a liability,
revenue or owners equity
● debits are recorded in the left hand column of an account or a two-column book;
● the opposite of credit.
● a negative amount (debit balance) of retained earnings caused by cumulative
losses and dividend distributions exceeding cumulative net income.
Demand Loan
● loan repayable upon demand of creditor.
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● gradual using up or consumption of a natural resource; and
● charge to an accounting period that reflects the cost of the portion of wasting
assets consumed or used (e.g., timber resources).
● see Amortization.
Direct Cost
● any cost that can be easily and efficiently traced directly to the product (e.g.,
wheels in the production of wagons or labour in the production of custom
● an amount paid below the face value (e.g., purchase of $100 bond at a cost of
● portion of the earnings of the company distributed to shareholders by
declaration of the board of directors.
● the ability for consumers, businesses and others to order products and services
electronically (e.g., via the Internet).
Electronic Approval/Signature
● in electronic purchase-order or payment systems, the process where an order is
approved by a code or password, rather than a conventional signature.
Engagement Letter
● written communication between an accountant and a client with respect to a
professional engagement, which outlines the scope of the accountants
responsibilities and arrangement agreed upon.
Environmental Audit
● examination to evaluate environmental protection policies and procedures
including, in pertinent circumstances, an assessment of the viability of past and
present methods for disposal of soil, water and air contaminants and/or search
for their presence.
● see Capital.
● evaluation of conflicting alternatives, in order to achieve the greatest good or
cause the least harm.
● consumption of an asset or payment for an expense; and
● incurring a liability.
External Auditor
● an independent accountant engaged to determine if the financial statements of
an entity present fairly (without any material misstatements) the economic
events that occurred during the period audited (referred to as the attest
function); and
● the external audit is for the shareholders/owners (rather than for management).
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Fair Market Value
● the highest price available in an open and unrestricted market between
informed, prudent parties, acting at arms length and under no compulsion to
transact, expressed in terms of money or moneys worth.
Financial Statements
● formal financial reports prepared from accounting records (e.g., balance sheet,
statement of retained earnings, statement of income, cash flow statement).
Fiscal Year
● a period of one year for which financial statements are prepared that may or
may not coincide with the calendar year.
Fixed Assets
● see Capital Assets.
Fixed Cost
● costs that do not change in total in relation to the activity
● an example is rent that is fixed in relation to the production of goods; and
● additionally, see Variable Cost.
● an estimate of the most likely business operating results based on existing
information for one or more future periods
● to estimate business results in advance
● to plan the business course for the future; and the document that lays out the
Forensic Accounting
● the investigation of the financial aspects of a particular situation, usually with
the objective of establishing evidence relating to possible or pending criminal or
civil legal proceedings.
● abbreviation for generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS); and
● auditing standards that have been given formal recognition or authoritative
General Journal
● the journal in which transactions are recorded for which specific journals are not
provided (e.g., adjustments and corrections); and
● in a small operation the general journal may be the only book of original entry.
General Ledger
● ledger in which all the assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses are
posted and from which financial statements are prepared.
● the difference between going-concern value and tangible asset value (tangible
assets include identifiable intangible assets having values that can be
determined separately).
Government Auditor
● an individual hired to audit the federal or provincial governments on behalf of
the taxpayers
● an example is an Auditor General; and
● additionally, see CRA Auditor.
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Imprest Fund
● a bank account solely dedicated to one specific type of disbursement, the
purpose of which is to provide a higher level of control over the disbursement of
the fund; and
● some examples include payroll disbursements, dividend disbursements, etc.
● money or its equivalent, earned periodically by an individual, a corporation, etc.,
in return for goods or services provided; and
● the opposite of loss.
Income Statement
● a financial statement summarizing revenues, expenses, gains and losses for a
stated period of time; and
● also known as statement of earnings, statement of income or statement of
Income Tax
● tax levied on the income of a person or a business.
Incorporated (Inc.)
● see Corporation.
● when liabilities exceed assets
● the inability to pay debts when due; and
● additionally, see Bankruptcy.
● part of a sum of money or a debt to be paid at regular intervals, usually made up
of principal and interest combined.
Intangible Asset
● an asset without physical substance that has value due to rights resulting from
its ownership and possession (e.g., goodwill, patents, trademarks).
Internal Auditor
● an employee of an entity (for example, a corporation) who audits for
management, providing valuable information for decision-making concerning the
effective operation of his or her business.
Internal Control
● a co-ordinated system of procedures and techniques designed to safeguard a
companys assets, to ensure the accuracy of its accounting records and to
promote efficiency and adherence to prescribed policies.
● items of tangible property held for sale
● detailed list of items and their values owned at a specific point in time
● stock inventory could include raw materials for manufacture, materials partly
processed, as well as finished products including items in transit for which title
is held
● stock inventory would not include items physically held for which title belongs to
others; and
● inventories may also be made of capital assets, stationery and supplies, etc.
● funds committed to acquire something tangible or intangible, in order to receive
a return, either in revenue or use.
● document for goods purchased or services rendered, showing details such as
quantities, prices, dates, shipping details, order numbers, terms of sale, etc.
Joint Products
● two or more goods having approximately the same economic value, which are
manufactured simultaneously from the same raw material.
● a book of original entry in which financial transactions are recorded (e.g., a
purchase journal is a record of purchase transactions).
Journal Entry
● an entry in any journal.
Just-in-Time (JIT)
● scheduling production to meet immediate sales or demand, with the intention of
reducing inventories (and related costs) to a minimum level; and
● sometimes referred to as pull production.
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● a legal contract conveying the use of property from the owner (lessor) to another
(lessee) at a rent, for a stated length of time.
Leasehold Improvements
● additions, improvements or alterations made to leased property by the lessee.
● a book of final entry containing all the accounts of a business or all the accounts
of a particular type (e.g., general ledger, accounts receivable ledger).
● an amount owed, not necessarily due to be paid immediately; and
● an obligation to remit assets or services at a future date.
Limited (Ltd.)
● see Corporation.
Limited Partnership
● a partnership with two classes of partners: limited partners and one or more
general partners; and
● limited partners have no personal liability for debts of the limited partnership
beyond the amounts invested by them.
Liquid Asset
● an asset, such as cash, that can be readily converted into other types of assets
or used to buy goods and services or to satisfy obligations.
● payment of a debt; and
● the winding-up of an organization by settling with debtors, creditors and
Liquidation Value
● the net amount realized on assets in the event of a liquidation.
● the excess of expenditures over revenues; and
● the opposite of income/profit.
Market Value
● the highest price that an owner could realize in an open market transaction.
● a term used to describe the significance of financial statement information to
decision-makers; and
● an item of information is material if it is probable that its omission or
misstatement would influence or change a decision.
Minority Interest
● the equity of all shareholders who do not hold a controlling interest in a
Net Income
● the excess of total revenue over total expenses for a period of time; and
● additionally, see Profit.
Net Worth
● total assets less total liabilities; and
● additionally, see Capital (or Equity).
Note Receivable
● written promise by another party to make payment to you at a specified date.
Notice to Reader
● see Compilation Report.
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Operational Audit
● an audit whose purpose is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of a
process or performance, the purpose of which is to serve as a basis for
improvements in effectiveness and efficiency; and
● an example would be assessing the layout of a factory, to determine if it
facilitates the movement of new materials to production.
Operating Cycle
● normal business cycle; and
● assumes to one year in length, although some industries (e.g., ship building and
various areas of construction) have a longer cycle.
● all costs associated with production of goods or services other than direct costs,
for example, the cost of heating a factory or the cost of support staff in an
accounting firm.
Parent Company
● a corporation that, directly or indirectly, owns a controlling interest in another
corporation; and
● additionally, see Subsidiary.
● two or more persons carrying on a business for profit, whereby each partner has
unlimited liability for the debts of the partnership, except in a limited partnership
in which some of the partners may have limited liability.
● an obligation to pay a sum at a future date.
● a record of wages or salaries paid or payable; and
● the actual wages and salaries paid during a given period.
● series of regular payments or a lump sum of money paid to retired employees or
their beneficiaries.
● a process whereby transactions are transferred from a journal to a general
ledger or subsidiary ledger.
● an amount paid over and above the face value or normal price (e.g., purchase of
$100 bond at a cost of $110); and
● an amount paid for insurance.
● an asset created by payment for economic benefits that do not expire until a
later time; as the benefit expires the asset becomes an expense (e.g., prepaid
rent, prepaid insurance); and
● shipping costs paid by the shipper rather than the receiver.
● the capital portion of a loan as opposed to interest.
● the excess of total revenue over total expenses for a period of time; and
● additionally, see Net Income.
● a forecast of expected business results that considers one or more possible
changes to the environment, policies or processes, which will affect future
outcomes; and
● projections often consist of a series of what-if or best case/worst case
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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
● used primarily in inventory systems, an electronic tag that allows the
identification of a goods item to a point-of-sale system; and
● RFID is gradually replacing the traditional barcode system.
● relative size, expressed as the number of times one quantity is contained in
another (e.g., the ratio of assets to liabilities of a company having total assets of
$200,000 and total liabilities of $150,000 would be $200,000 ÷ $150,000 =
● an amount to be received at a future date.
Retained Earnings
● cumulative net incomes of a corporation, less losses and dividend distributions
to shareholders (profits not distributed).
● gross proceeds from the sale of goods or services
● interest and dividends earned on investments; and
● a source of income.
Review Engagement
● the unaudited review of financial statements of a business or organization by an
independent accountant for the purpose of determining the plausibility of the
information reported on; and
● a review involves making enquiries concerning financial, operating and
contractual information, applying analytical procedures and having discussions
with appropriate officials of the enterprise.
● one of equal parts of a class of capital stock in a company
● legal ownership certificate for above; and
● additionally, see Stock.
● person who is the owner of a stock certificate or share in a corporation.
Significant Influence
● where the acquiring corporation does not have control but is able to influence
business decisions of the acquired corporation
● assumes to exist where the acquiring corporation has 20 per cent of the voting
shares; and
● additionally, see Control
Sole Proprietorship
● an unincorporated business wholly owned by one individual.
Source Documents
● documents that are the source of information recorded with accounting entries
● can be either be on paper or in an electronic form; and
● an example would be an invoice, cheque, bank statement, contract or other
documentation, either paper or electronic.
Standard Cost
● predetermination of costs of production (i.e., direct costs and overhead) under
normal, efficient operating conditions
● costs assigned to work in progress and finished goods in a standard costing
system; and
● used to compare to actual results, in order to monitor costs and performance
(see Variance).
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● summary of an account for a period of time (usually one month) showing
invoices, credits and balance due, provided to a customer by a supplier.
Statement of Earnings
● see Income Statement.
● capital of a corporation that is divided into portions or shares. There may be
several classes of shares in a corporation, each class divided into equal portions
or shares
● additionally, see Share; and
● materials and finished products on hand (stock inventory).
Stock Dividend
● a dividend paid by the issuance of shares of capital stock.
Stock Option
● the right to buy shares of capital stock at a stated price on or by a given date; a
privilege often extended to executives or employees of a company.
● a corporation controlled by another corporation that owns directly, or indirectly,
an interest sufficient to elect a majority of the board of directors of the
subsidiary corporation; and
● additionally, see Parent Company.
Tax Evasion
● illegal attempt to escape the impact of taxes.
● legal right to ownership of property.
Trial Balance
● listing and totalling all balances in a ledger to verify that total debits equal total
credits; and
● listing and totalling all balances in a subsidiary ledger to verify that the total is in
agreement with the controlling general ledger account.
Trust Fund
● money, property or valuables legally held by a person or company for the benefit
of another.
● a person or company legally responsible for the property of another.
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Valuation Day
● date established by law as the basis of one method of valuation for the
calculation of capital gains or losses for income tax purposes; and
● valuation day is December 23, 1971, for publicly traded securities; and
December 31, 1971, for all other capital property.
Variable Costs
● costs that change in total in relation to the activity
● an example is the total cost of wheels increases as the production of wagons
increases; and
● see Fixed Costs.
● the difference between standard cost and actual cost; and
● the difference between an actual revenue or expense item and the budget for
that item (budget variance).
Working Papers
● analyses, confirmations, schedules, transcripts, notes and other memoranda
prepared and accumulated by accountants and/or auditors in the performance
of a professional engagement that supports the conclusions reached and any
report issued.
● to transfer an item that was an asset to an expense account (e.g., to transfer an
uncollectible account receivable to bad debts expense); and
● the item or amount reduced or cancelled. or
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Certified General Accountants of Ontario
240 Eglinton Avenue East
Toronto ON M4P 1K8
416-322-6520 or
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