Obstetrics & Gynecology PART 1 - IMP LIST
Obstetrics & Gynecology PART 1 - IMP LIST
Obstetrics & Gynecology PART 1 - IMP LIST
Define normal labour. Write management of 2nd stage labor. Write management of 2nd
Stage labor - MPMSU 19 Jun- 20 marks
Twin Pregnancy
A G1P0 32 Year old Women Present at 30 weeks of gestation with a fundal height of 36
weeks. What are the differential diagnosis. Enumerate the complications of twin Pregnancy. -
MPMSU 20 Feb - 20 marks
Hypertensive Disorders
Describe Eclampsia and its complications. How will you manage a case of eclampsia
presenting at 34 weeks of pregnancy - MPMSU 20 Aug - 20 marks
A Primigravida of 32 week of gestation was admitted with convulsions and blood pressure of
160/110 mm of hg. What is your provisional diagnosis and how would you manage the case
- MPMSU 21 Nov - 20 marks
Preterm Labour
Preterm Labour - MPMSU 20 Aug - 5 marks
What is Postpartum Haemorrhage? Describe the type and causes of PPH. - MPMSU 20 Aug
- 20 marks
What are the causes of atonic PPH. How will you manage a case of atonic PPH during
cesarean section. - MPMSU 21 July - 20 marks
Enumerate types of breech presentation. Describe the etiology, clinical features and
diagnosis. How will you manage a Primigravida in labor with breech presentation - MPMSU
21 July - 20 marks
Define Deep Transverse Arrest. Write down its diagnosis and management. - MPMSU 23
Feb - 20 marks
Define Puerperal sepsis. Describe the Predisposing factors and causative organisms. How
will you manage a case of puerperal sepsis in a primipara patient. - MPMSU 21 July, 20 Aug
- 20 marks
Community Obstetrics
LAQSHYA Program. - MPMSU 19 Feb - 5 marks
Neonatal Jaundice. - MPMSU 19 Feb - 5 marks
Discuss about clinical features, management of a second gravida with previous caesarean
with 36 weeks of pregnancy with bleeding per vaginum. - MPMSU 22 May - 20 marks
Write down Treatment of 3rd gravida with HB% 7.5 gram % at 32 Weeks gestation - MPMSU
22 May - 5 marks
2019( June)
2021( April)
Prevention of pre-Eclampsia. - MPMSU 21 Apr - 2 marks
PGE2 gel. - MPMSU 21 Apr - 2 marks
Unruptured ectopic Pregnancy. - MPMSU 21 Apr - 2 marks
Advantages of ventouse over Forceps. - MPMSU 21 Apr - 2 marks
Threatened abortion. - MPMSU 21 Apr - 2 marks
Premature Rupture of Membranes. - MPMSU 21 Apr - 2 marks
2021( July)
2021( november)
2022( May)
Episiotomy. - MPMSU 22 May - 2 marks
Extended breech. - MPMSU 22 May - 2 marks
Bishop’scire. Mifepriston. - MPMSU 22 May - 2 marks
PPIUCD insertion. - MPMSU 22 May - 2 marks
Lower uterine segment. - MPMSU 22 May - 2 marks
2023 (Feb)
Magnesium sulphate dose regimes in the management of eclampsia
Prostaglandin E2 Gel
Incomplete Abortion.
Components of biophysical profile
Advantages of breast feeding