Oslngbhod1620223 TLX
Oslngbhod1620223 TLX
Oslngbhod1620223 TLX
Carrier's Receipt (see clause 1 and 14).Total number of Place of Issue SHIPPED,as far as ascertainedby reasonablemeans of checking,in apparentgood order and conditionunlessotherwise
stated herein,the total numberor quantity of containersof other packagesor units indicatedin the box entitled“Carrier’s
container or package received by carrier.
always subject to as Terms and Condition hereof (INCLUDINGALL, THOSE TERMS AND CONDITIONSON THE
2 X 20' from the place of the Port of Loading,whicheveris applicable,to the port of Board” loaded on board” or words to like
effect, shall be deemed to be on board the means or transportationperformingthe carriagefrom the place of Receipttot
Number & Sequence of Originals B/L he Port of Loading,Where the bill of lading is non-negotiable,the Carriermay give delivery of the Goods to the named
Ship on Board Date consignedupon reasonableproof of identity and without requiringsurrenderof an originalbill of lading.Where the bill of
lading is negotiable,the Merchantis obliged to surrenderon a original,duly endorsed,in exchange for the Goods, the
Carrieraccepts a duty of reasonablecare to check that any such document which the Merchantsurrendersas a bill of
16/09/2023 lading,is genuineand original.If the Carriercompanieswith this duty, it will be entitledto deliverthe Goods againstwhat it
reasonablebelieversto be genuineand originalbill of lading,such deliverydischargingthe Carrier’sdeliveryobligation,in
Accepting this bill of lading, any local customer of privilegesto the country notwithstanding,the Merchantagrees to be
Place of Issue Date bound by all Terms and Conditionsstated hereinwhether written,printed,stamped or incorporatedon the face or reverse
side hereof, as fully as if they were all signed by the Merchant.INWITNESSWHEREOFthe number of originalBills of
16/09/2023 Lading stated on the side have been signed and whereover one originalBill of Lading has been surrenderedany other
shall be void.