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PDF Jobs in Korean

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Jobs in Korean

Complete List of Occupations



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Jobs in Korean
From: Jobs in Korean – Complete List of Occupations

Job Titles in Korean

English Korean Romanization

Accountant​ 회계사​ hoegyewon​

​Actor​ ​배우​ baeu​​

​Advertising 광고 전문가​ gwanggo

specialist​ jeonmunga​​

​Animal caretaker​ ​동물 관리인​ dongmul gwalliin​​

Architect​​ 건축가​ geonchukga​​

​Assistant​ ​보조​ bojo​​

​Baker​ 제빵사​ ​jeppangsa​

Ba​​rista​​ ​바리스타​ bariseuta​​

Bookkeeper​​ ​부기계원​ bugigyewon​​

Bus driver​​ 버스 운전사​ beoseu unjeonsa​​

Business(wo)man​​ ​실업가​ sireopga​​

​Butcher​ ​정육업자​ ​jeongyugeopja​

​Carpenter​ ​목수​ ​moksu​

Cashier​​ 출납계원​ ​chullapgyewon​

​Chef​ 요리사​ ​yorisa​

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English Korean Romanization

Childcare worker​​ 육아종사자​ ​yugajongsaja​

​Cleaner​​ ​청소부​ cheongsobu​​

​Coach​ 코치​ kochi​

Construction worker​ 건설노동자​ geonseollodongja​

Cosmetologist​​ 미용사​ miyongsa​​

​Counselor​​ ​상담원​ sangdamwon​​

​Customer service 고객센터 직원​ ​gogaeksenteo

representative​​ jigwon​​

Dental assistant​ ​치위생사​ chiwisaengsa​​

Dentist​​ ​치과 의사​ chigwa uisa​​

Director​​ 감독​ gamdok​

Doctor​ ​의사​ uisa​​

​Editor​​ ​편집자​ ​pyeonjipja​​

​Electrician​ ​전기기사​ ​jeongigisa​​

Engineer​​ 엔지니어​ ​enjinieo​​

​Farmer​​ 농부​ ​nongbu​​

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English Korean Romanization

Financial advisor​​ 금융 상담원​ ​ eumyung


​Fire fighter​​ ​소방관​ sobanggwan​​

​Fitness instructor​​ 운동 강사​ undong gangsa​​

Flight attendant​ 승무원​ seungmuwon​​

Graphic designer​​ 그래픽 디자이너​ geuraepik dijaineo​​

​Hairdresser​​ ​미용사​ miyongsa​​

Healthcare worker​ 의료계 종사자​ ​uiryogye jongsaja​​

Hotel receptionist​ 호텔 접수원​ hotel jeopsuwon​​

Housewife​​ 주부​ jubu​

Human resources 인사조수​ insajosu​​


IT specialist​​ ​IT 전문가​ IT jeonmunga​​

​Janitor​​ ​관리인​ ​gwalliin​​

​Journalist​​ ​기자​ ​gija​​

Judge​​ 심판​ ​simpan​​

​Kindergarten teacher​​ 유치원 교사​ ​yuchiwon gyosa​​

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English Korean Romanization

Laboratory 임상병리사​ imsangbyeongnisa​


Lawyer​ ​변호사​ byeonhosa​​

Librarian​ 사서​ saseo​

Lifeguard​ 인명 구조원​ inmyeong gujowon​​

Mailman​​ 우편집배원​ upyeonjipbaewon​

​Maintenance worker​​ ​관리 직원​ gwalli jigwon​​

Manager​ 매니저​ maenijeo​

Marketing specialist​ 마케팅전문가​ maketingjeonmunga​

Mechanic​​ 정비사​ jeongbisa​​

Musician​ 음악가​ eumakga​​

Nurse​ 간호사​ ganhosa​

​Office worker​​ ​회사원​ ​hoesawon​​

​Painter​​ ​화가​ ​hwaga​​

​Paralegal​ 준법률가​ ​junbeomnyulga​

Personal caretaker​​ 개인간호사​ ​gaeinganhosa​​

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English Korean Romanization

Personal trainer​​ 개인 트레이너​ ​gaein teureineo​

Pharmacist​ 약사​ yaksa​​

Photographer​​ ​사진작가​ sajinjakga​​

Pilot​​ 비행사​ bihaengsa​​

Plumber​​ 배관공​ baegwangong​

Police​​ 경찰관​ gyeongchalgwan​​

Post office clerk​ 우체국 사무원​ ucheguk samuwon​

Professor​​ 교수​ gyosu​​

Programmer​ 프로그래머​ peurogeuraemeo​​

Real estate agent​​ 부동산 중개인​ budongsan


School principal​​ 학교장​ hakgyojang​​

Secretary​​ 비서​ biseo​​

​Security guard​​ ​경비원​ ​gyeongbiwon​​

​Sales person​​ ​판매원​ ​panmaewon​​

Social worker​ 사회복지사​ ​sahoebokjisa​​

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English Korean Romanization

Soldier​​ 군인​ gunin​​

Stylist​​ 스타일리스트​ seutailliseuteu​​

Taxi driver​​ ​택시 운전사​ taeksi unjeonsa​​

Teacher​​ 선생​ seonsaeng​​

Telemarketer​​ 텔레마케터​ tellemaketeo​​

Tour guide​​ 관광 가이드​ gwangwang gaideu​

Travel agent​ 여행사 직원​ yeohaengsa jigwon​

Truck driver​​ 트럭 운전사​ teureok unjeonsa​​

Veterinarian​​ 수의사​ suuisa​​

Waiter​ 웨이터​ weiteo​​

Writer​ 작가​ jakga​​

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1) Korean Name Creation

Learn 5 awesome ways to get a Korean name​.

2) Korean Drama Phrases

Fantastic phrases that will help you understand K-Dramas better.

3) Korean Slang

The best Korean slang​that will impress your friends.

4) Enlightening Korean Proverbs and Sayings

Get inspired and share your wisdom with these proverbs and sayings​.

5) Top Korean & Konglish Jokes

Laugh until your stomach muscles hurt with these Korean jokes​.

6) Korean Love Phrases For Dating & Relationships

Useful phrases​for dating and relationships. ​

7) Korean Emoticons: The Ultimate Guide

Learn how to express your emotions​through text.

Learn Korean using a fun and easy method at www.90daykorean.com​

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