Complied By:
April 23
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Table of Contents
Table of contents..................................................................................................................................... II
1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….1
9. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………….14
1 Introduction
Assessment plays a major role in the medical school curriculum by providing a way to monitor
student progress toward the learning outcomes that we expect them to achieve. To ensure that
assessments are consistent with course objectives and address truly important learning
outcomes in a balanced manner, assessments must be developed according to a well-thought-
out plan. Constructing a blueprint for assessment is an important approach evolving today and
being emphasized to assess medical students including that in Pharmacy. Like any other
education field, a Pharmacy educator is supposed to assess the grooming of Pharmacy
professionals and so assessment is of utmost importance and interpretative of the learning
process. In our system, written examinations are a useful tool to judge students’ knowledge,
skill, and attitude. Hence, the items in the question paper must match the course and a
proportional weightage should be given to each competency of the curriculum concerning its
domain as per clinical relevance. Hence, course content and learning objectives will guide the
development of the blueprint and the test blueprint will be a guide for the assessments. The
Ministry of Education of Ethiopia has, therefore, planned to develop the test blueprint for the
exit exam that is going to be prescribed for assessing all undergraduate program students
(public and private), starting from the 2022/2023 academic year onwards.
Test preparation is not an easy task; it requires careful planning and guideline to make the task
simple. A carefully planned test construction contributes to improving the overall quality of
the test in terms of its content validity, difficulty level, discrimination power, and test
reliability. To have a tool of such quality, preparation of an exam blueprint is mandatory.
Creating a test blueprint is a tool for the educator that ensures that test content is mapped
carefully against learning objectives to produce a valid examination. A harmony will be
established among the material delivered during teaching sessions or competencies required to
be achieved by the student and the questions that appear in the test. Creating a test blueprint
will help to plan questions to be included in examinations and ensures that it adequately
assesses the learning objectives of the course. It also helps in identifying areas where the
question pool may be lacking.
A comprehensive blueprint, therefore, serves as a reference framework for the test constructor
to prepare the test. Test blueprints can be used to demonstrate to the students, the topics of
value and serve as a study guide for them. Furthermore, it will serve to reduce two major
validity threats associated with written examinations – construct under-representation, that is,
no balanced representation of the curriculum, and construct- irrelevant variance, for example,
items that are too easy or too hard.
Keeping this in mind, the team has prepared this test blueprint document to help the test
developers or content specialists in their process of valid and reliable test construction. The
major points considered in the process of preparing this blueprint guideline were the core
competencies that have been already identified for the themes of courses, the course contents,
course credit hours, and the learning outcomes with their corresponding levels of achievement
by learning domains.
In line with these, the number of test items that should adequately assess the performance of
students in all the content topics will be determined through discussion with the content
specialists who construct the blueprint and test for their corresponding study program.
Therefore, the main purpose of this document is to give direction on how to develop a blueprint
for content specialists so that they can develop a test blueprint for their respective programs.
• A test blueprint will help us plan which questions to include in your exam and ensure
that it adequately assesses the learning objectives of the course; and
• It defines the knowledge, skills, and attitude you want to assess and will enable you to
build purpose-driven, successful assessments.\
❖ Knowledge
➢ Possess the necessary background to pursue further advanced study in pharmaceutical
➢ Institute and promote safety, quality control, and quality assurance in their allowed
work area
➢ Provide education and information on health care and medicines
➢ Promote community health and provide related information and advice
➢ Demonstrate a high level of professional ethics to satisfy the pharmaceutical needs of
the society
➢ Maintain and expand knowledge through self-directed learning
➢ Use his/her critical thinking to improve the pharmacy working environment
➢ Familiarize him/her with the latest scientific findings to improve the quality of services
rendered to the society
➢ Familiarize him/her with the latest scientific findings to improve the quality of services
rendered to the society
➢ Maintain and expand knowledge through self-directed learning
➢ Participate in research to ensure the optimal use of medicines
➢ Familiarity with the latest laws, directives, and guidelines governing the pharmaceutical
❖ Skill
• Provide Pharmaceutical Care and Dispense and ensure the optimal use of medicines
by the patient
• Communicate effectively both verbally and in writing
• Collect, document, retrieve and interpret data related to all their activities clearly and
• Organize and control the manufacturing, compounding, and packaging of
pharmaceutical products
• Monitor and maintain proper functioning of necessary equipment/reagents
• Develop and modify laboratory procedures
• Prepare educational materials to promote the rational use of medicines and medical
• Screen for drug abuse and refer patients to appropriate care center
• Communicate effectively both verbally and in writing
• Engage in policy, professional standards, and continuing professional development
issues about the pharmacy profession
• Store and use laboratory supplies and dispose of expired drugs safely according to the
rules and regulations
• Develop and modify laboratory procedures
• Organize the selection, procurement, storage, and distribution of pharmaceutical
materials and products
• Plan drugs and equipment logistic procurement, evaluation, setup, and auditing
• Monitor the inventory in storage, work, and laboratory area
• Provide professional services, leadership, and quality assurance in work areas
• Demonstrate leadership and management skills
❖ Attitude
• Advocate the proper use of necessary materials by screening
• Recognize, adhere to, and promote established safety rules
• Respectful and compassionate to patients, their relatives, and other professionals
• Be able to work as a member of the health team
• Advocate the proper use of necessary materials by screening
• Recognize, adhere to, and promote established safety rules
• Advocate the proper use of necessary materials by screening
• Maintain the pharmacy's ethical code of conduct standards
• Contribute to stewardship of their profession
• Recognize, adhere to, and promote established safety rules
• Pursue graduate training in pharmacy and other health-related disciplines
• Participate in policy, professional standards, and continuing professional development
issues about the pharmacy profession
• Respectful and compassionate to patients, their relatives, and other professionals
• Maintain the pharmacy's ethical code of conduct standards
• Recognize, adhere to, and promote established safety rules
• Institute and promote safety, quality control, and quality assurance in their allowed
work area
• Participate in policy, professional standards, and continuing professional development
issues about the pharmacy profession
• Pursue graduate training in pharmacy and other health-related disciplines
4. The objective of the Program
4.1. General of B.Pharm Program
The general objective of the B.Pharm Program is to train highly qualified pharmacists who
fulfill the essential, minimum common expectations of healthcare systems worldwide while
fulfilling local needs.
Graduates would be expected to have the required knowledge, skill, attitude, and behavior to
support the health care system and to respond to patient needs working in hospital and
community pharmacies; drug manufacturing, import, and wholesale companies; public health
services; academic institutions; pharmaceutical research; drug regulatory body and quality
control organizations.
5. Themes and courses to be included in the exit exam
Total 49 28
Pharmacology I and II 14 8
Pharmaceutical analysis I and II 14 8
Pharmaceutical Integrated physical pharmacy and 18 10
2 Sciences and pharmaceutics-I and II
Pharmacognosy 7 4
technology (42.50%)
Industrial Pharmacy 7 4
Total 60 34
Drug Supply management 5 3
3 Supply Management Medical supplies, equipment, and 3 2
(6.25%) reagents
Total 8 5
Pharmacy Law and Pharmacy law and ethics 3 2
4 Professional Ethics
Total 3 2
Drug informatics 3 2
Dispensing and Pharmacy Practice 12 7
5 Drug Information Communication skills for 3 2
Services (13.75%) pharmacists
Total 18 11
6. Share the Themes/Courses/Items in Percentage (%)
Table 2: Share of the themes/courses/items and CAPs in percentage (%)
Themes and share of the themes Course Name Credit Weight of Number of Cognitive
in % hour course or test items
proportion= from each
course Cr.Hr ÷ course= wt,
total theme Cr. of course, *
Hr theme %
Pharmaceutical care Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics I-IV 16 0.57 20 4.5 4.5 1.5 4 2 0.5 1 2 20
Internal Medicine clerkship 4 0.14 5 1.25 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 5
Pediatrics clerkship 4 0.14 5 1.25 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 5
Ambulatory clerkship 4 0.14 5 1.25 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 5
28 35
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacology I and II 8 0.24 10 2 1.5 1 2 0.5 1 0.5 1.5 10
technology (42.50%) Pharmaceutical analysis I and II 8 0.24 10 2 1.5 1 2 0.5 1 0.5 1.5 10
Integrated physical pharmacy and pharmaceutics-I and II# 10 0.29 12.5 3 2.5 1.5 2 0.5 1 0.5 1.5 12.5
Pharmacognosy 4 0.12 5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 1 5
Industrial Pharmacy 4 0.12 5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 1 5
Total 34 42.5
Pharmaceutical Supply Drug Supply management 3 0.6 3.75 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.75 0.25 0.5 3.75
Management (6.25%) Medical supplies, equipment, and reagents 2 0.4 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.5
Total 5 6.25
Pharmacy Law and Professional Pharmacy law and ethics 2 1 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 2.5
Ethics (2.5%) Total 2 2.5
Dispensing and Drug Drug informatics 2 0.18 2.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 2.5
Information Services (13.75%) Pharmacy Practice 7 0.64 8.75 2 2 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.5 2 8.75
Communication skills for pharmacists 2 0.18 2.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 2.5
Total 11 13.75
7. Test blueprint Table (Table of Specification)
Table 3: Share of Competencies (KSA) per Courses
Learning outcomes
Share of course in %
Themes and List of Courses Cr. General Specific objectives or learning outcomes
share of the Hr objective
themes in %
Integrated 16 Apply and integrate • Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical
Pharmaceuti Pharmacotherape foundational knowledge presentation, and diagnosis of each disease state
cal care utics I-IV (i.e., pharmaceutical, • Set goals of treatment and select treatment options for
(35%) social/behavioral/administ the management of each disease state
rative, and clinical • Formulate dose recommendations and pharmacokinetic
sciences) throughout the considerations for individual patient management
patient care process. • Monitor clinically significant adverse drug reactions and
4.5 4.5 1.5 4 2 0.5 1 2 20
drug interactions
• Evaluate therapeutic outcomes for effectiveness, safety,
and patient adherence
• Develop and exercise pharmaceutical care planning for
managing a specific patient's condition
• Provide patient medication counseling and drug
Internal Medicine 4 To train students to • Processing prescriptions/medication orders .
clerkship provide pharmaceutical • Identifying and resolving drug-related problems through
care to admitted patients patient information retrieval and assessment
in health setups • Development of patient-specific Pharmacotherapy care
• Monitor drug therapy
• Communicate with patients and other healthcare
providers 1.25 1 .5 5 .25 .5 .5 .5 5
• Provide patient education and training
• Demonstrate drug and literature information retrieval,
evaluation, application, and related verbal and written
communication skills
• Develop a practical and functional understanding of
pharmacy services/systems in different practice settings,
including related patient safety and management
Pediatrics 4 To train students to • To provide the student with an understanding of
clerkship provide pharmaceutical pediatric patient care in the clinical setting.
care to pediatric patients • To develop a knowledge base of common pediatric
disease states and their therapy.
• To learn to apply therapeutic and pharmacokinetic
principles to pediatric patients.
• To develop an appreciation of the pharmacist's role in
1.25 1 .5 .5 .25 .5 .5 .5 5
monitoring drug therapy in pediatric patients.
• To be able to evaluate the appropriateness of drug
therapy in pediatric illnesses.
• To be able to interact with the pediatric care system as a
• To develop an understanding of drug dosage and
formulation problems unique to pediatric drug therapy
Ambulatory 4 To develop the essential • Evaluate pathophysiology, clinical presentation,
clerkship skills necessary to treatment goals, drug therapy, monitoring parameters,
provide patient-specific outcome measures, prognosis, and long-term
care to patients in the management
ambulatory care • Identify drug-related problems; formulate and implement
patient-specific, evidence-based patient care plans, and
follow up
• Succinctly present oral and written outlines of patient 1.25 1 .5 .5 .25 .5 .5 .5 5
• Synthesize succinct, evidence-based answers to drug
information questions posed by patients or healthcare
• Evaluate patient understanding of provided information
about medical conditions, drug therapy, outcome goals,
potential side effects
Pharmaceuti Pharmacology I 8 To impart fundamental • Understand the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, 2 2 1 2 .5 1.5 .5 .5 10
cal Sciences and II knowledge, and skills on therapeutic use, and toxic effects of drugs
and the pharmacokinetics, • Describe general toxicology principles and clinical
technology pharmacodynamics, management practice
(42.5%) therapeutic use, and toxic • To describe drugs acting on various organs and
effects drugs of both systems such as the cardiovascular system, renal
therapeutic benefit or system, nervous system, respiratory system, endocrine
toxic/poisoning agents. system, gastrointestinal system, etc.
• Explain autacoids and drug therapy of inflammation.
• Explain drugs used for the treatment of Infectious
Diseases and Neoplastic Diseases
Pharmaceutical 8 To acquire a mature • To understand the theory and application of modern 2 1.5 1 2 0.5 1 0.5 1.5 10
analysis I and II understanding of the analytical techniques for pharmaceutical analysis;
theory and application of
modern analytical • To select the analytical method of choice for a particular
techniques for chemical circumstance;
analysis • To gain a deeper understanding of the regulatory matters
and quality assurance principles currently in practice for
the manufacture and licensing of medicines;
Integrated 10 To teach students the • Understand the different types of dosage forms, types of 3 2.5 1.5 2 0.5 1 0.5 1.5 12.
physical application of the intermolecular interaction forces, the concepts of surface 5
pharmacy and knowledge of the and interfacial tensions,
pharmaceutics-I physicochemical • Understand adsorption at liquid and solid interfaces,
and II# principles of pharmacy to • Understand the distribution law,
the rational formulation, • Understand the different types of containers, * explain
compounding, quality packaging materials, storage conditions, and labeling
control, packaging, and requirements of pharmaceutical dosage forms;
storage of pharmaceutical • Explain the methods of determination of viscosity and its
dosage forms. pharmaceutical applications; *understand sedimentation
in suspensions, interfacial property of suspended
particles, and types of emulsions and methods to identify
emulsion type,
• Understand theories of emulsification and physical
instabilities in emulsions, preservation of emulsions &
rheology of emulsions;
• Understand methods of extemporaneous compounding of
emulsions, labeling, and storage conditions
• Understand the rheologic property of suspensions,
preparation methods, and labeling & storage conditions
• Differentiate Newtonian and Non-newtonian systems; the
thixotropic property of fluids; sedimentation in
suspensions, interfacial property of suspended particles,
the electric double layer, and DLVO theory
• Define solubility and the different solubility expressions,
flocculated and deflocculated suspensions,
Pharmacognosy 4 Demonstrates medicines • Understand and demonstrate the source, chemical & 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.2 1 5
derived from a natural biological nature of drugs and drug substances of natural 5
source; and natural origin;
substances and their • Explain different forms of complementary & alternative
chemistry. medicines
Industrial 4 To introduce the pertinent • To equip the student with theoretical and practical 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.2 1 5
Pharmacy unit operations employed aspects of manufacturing pharmaceuticals; 5
in the production of • To teach about the necessary skills required for
dosage forms. processing dosage forms at an industrial scale;
• To familiarize students with the fundamentals of quality
assurance of pharmaceuticals and current good
manufacturing practices
Pharmaceuti Drug Supply 3 To be able to ensure and • Describe the concept of essential drugs and the national .5 .5 .5 .5 .25 .75 .25 .5 3.7
cal Supply management manage the supply chains drug policy including the core objectives and key 5
Management of pharmaceuticals strategies.
(6.25%) (drugs, medical supplies, • Discuss the importance of drug management in
equipment, and reagents) controlling costs and preventing morbidity and mortality.
in various healthcare • Explain the basic concepts in public health services
settings. management
• Explain the healthcare delivery system in Ethiopia
Medical supplies, 2 To be able to ensure and • Describe the different types of medical supplies, .5 0. 0.2 0.2 0. 0.25 0 0.
equipment, and manage the medical equipment, and reagents and their uses. 5 5 5 25 . 25 2.5
reagents supplies, equipment, and • Describe the concept of medical supplies, equipment, 2
reagents in various and reagents including the core objectives and key 5
healthcare settings. strategies.
• Discuss the importance of medical supplies, equipment,
and reagents in controlling costs and preventing
morbidity and mortality.
Pharmacy Pharmacy law 2 Explain the process of • Define pharmaceutical jurisprudence and Professional .5 .5 .25 .25 .25 .25 .5
Law and and ethics policy development and Ethics 2.5
Professional evaluation, Identify laws • Discuss Laws Governing the practice of pharmacy
Ethics (2.5%) governing the practice • Describe the Pharmaceutical legal system
of pharmacy, describe • Describe Drug nomenclature and patents
the ethical principles in • Explain the requirements to practice pharmacy, and also
pharmacy practice of to run health institutions involved in the use and
Ethiopia, and identify dispensing of pharmaceuticals
standards and
• Explain the Control of manufacture, import, export,
guidelines governing
wholesale, distribution, labeling and packaging,
pharmacy practice in utilization, administration, and quality assurance of
Ethiopia pharmaceuticals
• Describe the Management and use of controlled
substances, poisons, and radiopharmaceuticals
• Identify prohibitions; legal procedures for offenses and
penalties for violation of Pharmaceutical laws and
• Discuss the Code of ethics for pharmacists in Ethiopia
Dispensing Drug informatics 2 To provide pharmacy • Rapidly locate and evaluate drug information sources .5 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .5 2.5
and Drug students with an • Systematically manage and communicate drug
Information overview of drug information
information resources
Services used in the healthcare • Apply drug information knowledge for the preparation
(13.75%) system. and management of formularies, guidelines, and
• Provide drug information to health care professionals
and patients on the rational use of drugs.
• Compare and contrast online resources to printed
• Differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary
Pharmacy 7 To provide an extended • To describe and practice a broad range of pharmacy 2 2 .5 .25 .25 .25 1.5 2. 8.7
Practice theoretical discussion on practice settings 5
pharmacy practice in • To perform the basic functions and/or skills assigned in
class and visit various various practice settings
pharmacy settings: • To describe the role and function of pharmacy
community and hospital professionals
pharmacies, the • To demonstrate and understand pharmacy operations,
pharmaceutical industry, Professional Activities, Roles, and Responsibilities
drug regulatory bodies, • To conduct an educational program for the community
research institutes, drug
supply and distribution
agencies, and pharmacy
Communication 2 *Introduce the basic • To identify the importance of communication skills in .5 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .5 2.5
skills for concepts of meeting pharmacists’ patient care responsibilities.
Pharmacists communication, • To demonstrate competency in the use of interpersonal
establishing the communication skills of listening, interviewing, providing
pharmacist-patient feedback, and relationship development.
relationship, practical • To apply appropriate communication strategies to
skills in communication address barriers and handle sensitive issues in
with patients, interactions with patients and health care professionals.
collaborative working • To analyze the impact of elements of written, verbal, and
relationship with other he e-communication on the practitioner image.
• To collaborate with peers in developing effective
interpersonal communication skills required of a
Key: In the cells/ boxes some numbers indicate the number of items that correspond to the levels of domains.
8. Share of Competencies (KSA) per Courses / Summery/
Table 4: Share of Competencies (KSA) per Courses
Share of course in % b
No Themes and List of Courses Cr. Knowledge Attitude Skill
share of the Hr
themes in %
9. Conclusion
Exit examination can have a vital role in producing knowledgeable, skillful, and attitudinally
matured graduates. The main idea behind an exit exam is the need to check whether students
have attained the intended learning outcomes of the programs they have attended. Exit exams
can offer several potential benefits if designed as a reliable measure of student learning. It
contributes to preparing competent graduates as it can serve as a quality check for effectiveness.
It also helps in improving academic programs' quality and effectiveness. Furthermore, it can
create a platform for cooperation among academic programs at different universities to work
jointly to improve the programs' quality.
In light of this, this document is produced to assist in the setting of the exit examinations for
all programs, which are being delivered by the Ministry of Education. To meet the graduation
profile, competency, and learning outcome, exit exam competency selection and identifying
core course was done for 2015 EC graduating students. It will help you plan which questions
to include in your exam and ensure that it adequately assesses the learning objectives of the
course. A test blueprint is a great way to help you construct effective exams for your course.
As a result, preparing a test blueprint is necessary to prepare fairly distributed items based on
the above criteria.
This document is compiled by:
• Minyahil Alebachew Woldu (Assistant Prof, Addis Ababa University, School of
• Belachew Boranto (MSc, Arbaminch University, School of Pharmacy)