User Guide
User Guide
User Guide
User’s Guide
Bret D. Whissel
Information Technology Services
Florida State University
December 9, 2021
1 Introduction to LATEX 2 6.2 Quotation Environments . 18
6.3 Single-Spacing Environment 19
2 Installation 2 6.4 Insertions: Figures, Tables,
2.1 The Basic LATEX System . . 2 Musical Examples . . . . . 19
2.2 Editors and IDEs . . . . . . 2 6.5 Cross References . . . . . . 20
2.3 Installing the fsuthesis 6.6 A Note on Mathematics . . 21
Class File . . . . . . . . . . 3
7 Changing Default Settings 22
3 Helpful LATEX References 4
7.1 Changing Table of Contents
4 Working with LATEX 4 Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.1 Paragraphs and Space . . . 4 7.2 Changing the Level of
4.2 Special Characters . . . . . 5 Heading Numbering . . . . 22
4.3 Dashes and Quotes . . . . 5 7.3 Avoiding Club and Widow
4.4 Macros, Comments, and Ties 6 Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.5 Document Divisions . . . . 7 7.4 Adjustments to Titles . . . 23
7.5 Extra Packages . . . . . . . 24
5 The fsuthesis Class 7
5.1 Files in the Package . . . . 7 8 Keeping Things in Order 25
5.2 The Document Preamble . 8
5.3 The Document Body . . . 10 9 More Examples 25
5.4 The Main Text . . . . . . . 13
5.5 Back Matter . . . . . . . . 14 10 Bugs, Corrections, Improve-
ments 25
6 More EX Features
LAT 17
6.1 List Environments . . . . . 17 Index 27
1 Introduction to LATEX
If you are already a TEX/LATEX convert, you may skip over this introductory material and
jump ahead to the description of the fsuthesis class macros in section 5. If you’re new
to LATEX, you may want to learn a little bit more about what you may be getting yourself
into first.
If you have grown up only learning to use the word-processing tools that are installed on
a typical PC, LATEX may feel awkward initially. However, LATEX’s ability to generate cross-
references, lists of tables and figures, and a table of contents—automatically—is already
worth the small amount of effort required to get started with this very powerful typesetting
system. Further, if your document contains mathematics, you’ll be hard-pressed to find
better software for making your equations look good in type.
Historically, LATEX is not a WYSIWYG1 system. Instead, documents are created using any
available plain text editor. Your document will contain “markup” commands that identify
things like chapter titles, section headings, citations, quotations, enumerated lists, etc.
When ready, the document is run through LATEX to produce viewable or printable output.
This two-step process may be different from what you’re used to, but one advantage is
that it allows authors to focus more on the content of their documents, and to focus less
on the formatting (or at least to defer the attention to formatting until the final stages of
document preparation).
2 Installation
2.1 The Basic LATEX System
The LATEX system (and the TEX engine upon which it is built) will take just a little effort and
download time to get installed and running. It is completely free software with a large and
committed group of users, and there are lots of resources for helping you to get started.
These are much more comprehensive than this User’s Guide can be.
If you are working in a Microsoft Windows environment, take a look at the MiKTEX
project (see Mac users will find the MacTEX resources useful (see Linux/UNIX users should investigate the TEX Live distribu-
tion, if TEX is not already a part of your installation (see
pronounced “wizzywig”: What You See Is What You Get
There are more advanced document editors for LATEX which include document previews or
WYSIWYG functionality. One such option for Windows users is TEXnicCenter, available from This application provides a complete editing and previewing
environment for creating LATEX documents, including drop-down menus for common LATEX
commands. The application Texmaker (see provides
an integrated development environment for all three major operating system platforms.
A popular alternative to LATEX is the LyX document processor (see
However, in order to use the features provided by the fsuthesis class, you will need to
create a custom layout for LyX that corresponds to fsuthesis. Unfortunately, this is not
trivial. If you wish to use LyX, you could try creating your document using the standard
LATEX report class layout within LyX, export the document to LATEX, and then do the final
editing using the standard LATEX tools.
Be sure to document your changes, and only edit the fsuthesis.dtx file. If you make
changes to the fsuthesis.cls file, they may be overwritten later if the class file is re-
To extract a new class file from the altered source, run the following command:
latex fsuthesis.ins
To make the class available system-wide, copy the fsuthesis.cls file into the LATEX file
search tree. (The proper location is operating system and installation-dependent. For
UNIX/Linux systems, this location might be something like /usr/share/texmf-site/tex/
latex/fsuthesis/.) Otherwise, for local use only, copy the new fsuthesis.cls file to the
folder where your thesis or dissertation document resides.
3 Helpful LATEX References
For simple texts, you might not need more from LATEX than what’s described in this User’s
Guide. For more complicated texts, however, or for documents containing several tables,
figures, or mathematics, you will certainly want to supplement your LATEX references. You
will find a wealth of information on-line using your favorite web search engine, as well as
several bound and printed reference materials. I have found the texts cited below to be of
particular value.
• For first-timers, The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX 2ε by Tobias Oetiker, Hubert
Partl, Irene Hyna, and Elisabeth Schlegl promises to have you off and running in a
few hours’ time. It’s a document you may find readily on-line in PDF form.
• The standard reference is the book LATEX: A Document Preparation System, 2nd Ed., by
Leslie Lamport, the original author of LATEX. This text covers all the basics clearly
and succinctly.
• A larger starting reference book is Guide to LATEX, 4th Ed., by Helmut Kopka and
Patrick W. Daly. At twice the length of the Lamport book, Guide covers all the basics,
and it also touches on a few of the more common add-on packages. The book comes
with a CD-ROM with the TEX Live distribution included, which can save you a lot of
downloading time.
• Once your working knowledge of LATEX is secure, The LATEX Companion, 2nd Ed.,
by Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens covers a broad range of topics and LATEX
add-on packages. This text goes far beyond the basics, but it’s an indispensable
reference if you’re interested in customizing the appearance of LATEX documents.
them. No matter how many blank lines you leave between paragraphs, it’s the same as
typing a single blank line: all the extra space is ignored. Likewise, a 100 taps of the space
bar has the same result as a single space.
Don’t worry about where the end-of-line occurs as you’re typing: LATEX will reformat
the paragraph for you. LATEX will also insert paragraph indentations, so there’s no need to
type tabs or spaces (and they’ll be ignored anyway).
The fsuthesis class has defined most of the document spacing for you, so you generally
don’t need to worry about it. If you have particular spacing needs, look into the references
in section 3 for more information. Here’s an example of how LATEX processes what you type
into paragraphs:
Typed as . . . Displayed as . . .
I am typing a silly I am typing a silly paragraph
paragraph to see how it will to see how it will turn out.
turn out.
And here is the next para-
And here is the next
# $ % & _ { } ^ ~ \
If you want to use these characters in your text, you cannot enter them in your manuscript
as is: they need extra attention. The first seven may be simply prefixed with the backslash
character, and the last three require a small bit of additional syntax. Here’s how you would
type the characters in your document to have them printed:
You should also be aware of single- and double-quote characters: in well-printed doc-
uments, the lefthand-side quotes are shaped differently than righthand-side quotes. The
LATEX-aware editors that come with the distributions usually handle this for you automati-
cally when you type the double-quote character (") on your keyboard, translating it into
the appropriate pair of characters.
Single quotes don’t usually get the same automatic treatment, and you should type the
individual characters yourself. The left-side “backward” single quote character is usually
found beneath the tilde (“squiggle”) on your keyboard. The right-side single quote character
(apostrophe) is usually found underneath the double-quote character. Sometimes it may be
necessary to add a small amount of space between sets of quotes using the \, command
(as in the last example below), but this is a more subtle typographic nicety.
Typed as . . . Displayed as . . .
This ‘word’ is single-quoted This ‘word’ is single-quoted
‘‘These words’’ are double-quoted “These words” are double-quoted
‘‘\,‘I’ am, I think’’ “ ‘I’ am, I think”
The optional arguments are included in square brackets (e.g., [option]) immediately fol-
lowing the macro invocation. Required arguments follow the optional arguments (if any)
between curly braces (e.g., {This is a required argument }). The letter case of the macro is
important: you must spell commands exactly as they are presented, or LATEX will complain
about unrecognized commands when your document is processed.
The function of the percent sign (%) special character is to introduce a document comment,
which runs to the end of the line of the input file. Commented text is ignored by LATEX
entirely, and will not be typeset. Recall that we may avoid this special behavior by prefixing
a backslash character:
Typed as . . . Displayed as . . .
total is 23\% of adjusted gross total is 23% of adjusted gross
(Refer to section 4.2 for the complete list of special characters and how to type them.)
LATEX attempts to fill up each line of a paragraph optimally, and sometimes we need
to provide some advice for where not to create a line break. The function of the tilde (~)
special character is to tie adjoining words together with an “unbreakable space” so that
they are not split between lines. This is often useful to ensure that honorific titles don’t get
separated from their name (e.g., “Frau.~Blucher”, “Dr.~Frankenstein”), or after certain
abbreviations (e.g., “a vs.~b”, “cf.~Fig.~5”), or where numbered entities are referenced,
(e.g., “page~23”).
4.5 Document Divisions
A LATEX document begins with a division called the “preamble”. In this section, you specify
the document type, set up the document-wide processing settings (like page margins, or
selecting the font size, for example), set the document’s title, author, and other such pa-
rameters, and perhaps load additional packages which provide new features for processing
your document.
The rest of the document is called the document “body”. It begins with the LATEX command
\begin{document}, and anything that comes before this command is considered part of
the preamble. Some LATEX commands are only allowed in the preamble, while others are
allowed only in the document body.
5.2 The Document Preamble
If you look at the file mythesis.tex, you will see that it consists primarily of LATEX macros
and “commented out” lines containing more LATEX macros. (Recall section 4.4.) As you add
text and flesh out your document, you may “uncomment” additional lines in this primary
file by removing the leading percent sign, thereby making the line active.
The document setup may look intimidating at first, but don’t let this deter you. The tem-
plate document and the sample document provide you with some boiler-plate information:
you can just fill in the blanks with your own data to get started quickly. You don’t have to
know or understand all this stuff at first. I encourage you to look at the example files and
review the output documents to see how they are correlated.
This line declares the document type to be fsuthesis, and that the text will be set in 11-point
type using expanded spacing. (Note the optional arguments supplied in square brackets,
and required argument provided in curly braces.)
Class fsuthesis is derived from the report class, so all the standard document options
supported by report will be supported by fsuthesis. (See one of the LATEX references
in section 3 for complete lists of document options.) The fsuthesis class provides four
additional document options: hardcopy, chapterleaders, expanded, and copyright.
10pt, 11pt, 12pt These options select the font point size for the document. Without any specifications, 10pt
is the default. (The standard LATEX report class supplies these options.)
chapterleaders This option adds leader dots on chapter headings in the Table of Contents. Normally, chapter
headings are displayed in bold type with a page number and without leader dots, while
by default, sections and subsections are displayed with leader dots connecting their page
numbers. If you write a thesis without sections or subsections, or if you suppress their
display in the Table of Contents, then you might want to specify the chapterleaders option.
copyright This option adds a copyright statement at the bottom of the title page. Though your thesis
or dissertation is protected by copyright law already, you may wish to state the copyright
ownership explicitly using this option.
expanded This option expands line spacing by 50%. Some colleges, schools, or departments will prefer
expanded spacing to allow committee members to pencil in comments. In addition, ETD
requires that the document not be single-spaced.
hardcopy This option adds extra space along the binding edge of a page. This may be useful for print-
ing hard copies for review by your thesis committee, or if you want to have a professionally
bound copy of your thesis or dissertation. If you also include the standard report option
twoside, then in addition to the binding-edge offset, all the chapters of your document will
be forced to start on odd-numbered (right-hand) pages.
\title This macro declares the title of your thesis or dissertation. If the title is long, it will be
broken over several lines on the title page. You can control how the title is broken into
lines two ways: using the LATEX line-separator operator (‘\\’) to force a line break, or using
the word tie (‘~’) between words to prevent a line break. (The line-separator command is
what the LATEX manual calls “fragile”, and so you must say ‘\protect\\’ when it is used in
the argument of the \title command. See the example in the box below.)
\author This macro stores your name. Your name should be given as specified in the FSU Guidelines.
\college This macro should contain the official name of your school or college.
\department If your degree comes from a school or college with separate academic departments which
issue degrees, the \department macro should declare this name. Otherwise, you should
comment-out or delete the \department line from your document file.
\manuscripttype This should be set to one of the following words, as appropriate: Thesis, Treatise, or
\degree The title of your degree (e.g., “Master of Arts” or “Doctor of Philosophy”) is given by the
\degree macro.
\degreeyear The year your degree is awarded should be set here. This must be a full 4-digit year.
\defensedate Use the \defensedate macro to specify the date of your thesis, treatise, or dissertation
defense. Refer to the FSU Guidelines for the appropriate format.
In your own document up to this point, you could have something like the following (after
the initial \documentclass command):
\department{Department of Physics}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\defensedate{October 31, 2015}
If you are generating a PDF file, you can add a subject and search keywords to the
document’s “metadata”. This information is not printed in your document at all, but it
becomes part of the electronic version of the document’s internal description. The title and
author’s name will already be included in the metadata by default. Since the document
metadata are searchable, adding keywords and a subject may assist people who may be
looking for research like yours.
\subject A terse description of the manuscript topic.
\keywords A comma- or semi-colon-separated list of germane keywords.
5.3.1 Front Matter
\frontmatter The first element after \begin{document} should be the macro command \frontmatter,
which sets up roman numeral page numbering for the document elements that precede
the first chapter of your thesis or dissertation. The document skeleton in mythesis.tex
contains place-holders in the proper order for all the optional elements of the front matter.
Uncomment those elements that you will use, or you may leave commented or delete those
elements that you don’t use.
\maketitle Once \frontmatter has set the stage, the macro command \maketitle will generate the
\makecommitteepage document title page. Likewise, the \makecommitteepage macro will create the committee
page. Information for these pages is gathered from the data you have already set in macro
calls in the preamble.
Environment: If you wish to include an optional dedication in your thesis or dissertation, uncomment
dedication the \begin{dedication} and \end{dedication} lines, and type your dedication between
them. The Guidelines specify that the text should be centered vertically and horizontally
on the page. You should apply the horizontal centering yourself, as in the example below.
Any other formatting is up to you.
To my parents
Environment: Likewise, if you wish to include acknowledgments in your document, uncomment the
acknowledgments \begin{acknowledgments} and \end{acknowledgments} lines, and insert the acknowl-
edgment text between these lines. The resulting page will have the centered heading
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, followed by your text.
Thanks to my committee, especially my major professor.
\tableofcontents The next item in the front matter is the Table of Contents, which is generated for you
automatically by the macro \tableofcontents. By default, the Contents page(s) will contain
entries for the remaining front matter material, and entries for chapter headings, section
headings, and subsection headings. If you find your Table of Contents has too much detail,
you may adjust the level of headings included. (See section 7.1.)
\listoftables The FSU Guidelines state that if you have more than one figure or table in your document,
\listoffigures the figures and/or tables should be contained in their own lists. Turn each of these options
\listofmusex on by uncommenting the \listoftables and/or \listoffigures lines in mythesis.tex.
These tables will be generated for you automatically when your document is processed.
For those documents which contain multiple musical examples, a list of these may also be
generated by uncommenting \listofmusex.
Environment: If a List of Symbols or List of Abbreviations might be helpful to your readers, fsuthesis
listofsymbols provides these environments. If you wish to include such document elements, uncomment
listofabbrevs the appropriate \begin . . . \end pair, and add any text you may require.
These entities would likely consist of tabular material, so you’ll want to dig into LATEX
table-making using any of the basic references mentioned in section 3. Below is a simple
example of how you might use these environments to create tables with some useful
information if needed.
\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{r l}
$E$ & Energy--Mass equivalence: $mc^2$ \\
$R_e$ & Mean Radius of the Earth, ${}\approx 6367.65\,\textup{km}$\\
$\pi$ & $3.1415926\ldots$\\
\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{l l}
i.e. & \textit{id est}, ‘‘that is’’\\
e.g. & \textit{exempli gratia}, ‘‘for example’’\\
Environment: The last element of the front matter is a document abstract. Insert your text between the
abstract abstract \begin . . . \end pair. The proper heading is included for you automatically.
This abstract is a concrete example.
\input chapter1
This tells LATEX to insert the text of the file chapter1.tex at this position and continue
processing. (The file extension is appended automatically.) There is nothing special about
the file names, except that they should end with the extension .tex. Otherwise, you may
call the external files whatever you like. (However, avoid using filenames with spaces
or special symbols, as these may be difficult for either LATEX or your operating system to
handle properly.) You can break up large chapters into even smaller pieces if you like, and
then change mythesis.tex accordingly, e.g.,
\input chapter1a
\input chapter1b
Or you could just continue adding text to mythesis.tex directly, avoiding having to deal
with any other external files entirely. This is all up to you.
Each of these macros takes a single argument, the text of the heading. All headings
should be capitalized as titles, i.e., mixed case text, each word capitalized except articles,
prepositions, and conjunctions. Chapter headings will force the start of a new page. The
file chapter1.tex in the thesis folder has some example text to get you started. (If any of
your headings include math symbols, you may want to activate the textcase package. See
section 7.5 for more information.)
By default, section and subsection headings are prefixed by section and subsection
numbers. Sub-subsections produce an unnumbered in-line heading in bold-face type as
the opening of a paragraph. Paragraph and sub-paragraph headings also produce in-line
headings and start new paragraphs, but with progressively subtler font selections. If you
like, you may change the level at which headings are numbered. See section 7.2 for more
\input appendix1
\input appendix2
Picaut, J., F. Masia, and Y. du Penhoat, 1997: An advective--reflective
conceptual model for the oscillatory nature of the ENSO.
\textit{Science}, \textbf{277}, 663--666.
This example provides two bibliography entries. I had to specify the style-guide preferences
myself (such as presenting journal names in italic type, volume numbers in bold-face, etc.).
Once these are processed, they’ll look like the following:
Picaut, J., F. Masia, and Y. du Penhoat, 1997: An advective–reflective conceptual
model for the oscillatory nature of the ENSO. Science, 277, 663–666.
Yasunari, T., 1990: Impact of Indian monsoon on the coupled atmosphere/ocean
system in the tropical Pacific. Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 44, 19–41.
For more sophisticated reference management, the preferred option is to create a BibLATEX
database. BibLATEX is a newer bibliography system that supercedes the functionality of the
original BibTEX system that came with LATEX. For the most part, older BibTEX databases will
be compatible with BibLATEX, but macro packages built for BibTEX will not be supported. You
should use the older system only if you are using a particular bibliography style package
that requires BibTEX rather than BibLATEX.
The references (see section 3) can help you get acquainted with older BibTEX. You can
find comprehensive BibLATEX package documentation online. And there’s also a BibLATEX
cheat sheet for quick reference. We will outline only the basics here.
\addbibresources The biblatex package has a few dependencies, including packages babel and csquotes.
(See section 7.5 for more on packages.) These packages have many features and options
which could be useful if your manuscript contains multiple languages, and you should read
the package documentation for additional information should you need it. The following
commands provide a bare-bones BibLATEX environment. Go back to your document preamble
to add the following lines:
\addto\captionsamerican{\renewcommand*{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}}
The babel package will change the title of the Table of Contents page, so we fix that manually
in the second line after including the package. The last line, \addbibresource{myrefs.bib},
specifies the BibLATEX file which contains your bibliography entries. You will need to refer to
the LATEX references and BibLATEX package documentation for the information you need to
create the myrefs.bib file. Within your discipline, you may find collections of bibliography
entries already in BibLATEX (or BibTEX) format, which may save some effort and time. There
are also many software applications that can manage your references database and output
BibTEX/BibLATEX-compatible files. Verify that data can be exported from an application in
BibTEX-format before investing money and time in that application.
\cite Once you have set up a file containing your references, within your document, you may
use the \cite{refkey } macro to select entries from your BibLATEX database. (The refkey is
defined as part of the bibliography entry.) The citation will be formatted in the appropriate
style within the document, and the reference is recorded for inclusion in the bibliography.
Particular BibLATEX styles may provide additional citation macros to provide more options
depending on the context of the citation.
\printbibliography Now in the backmatter of your document, where the bibliography/references should be
placed, the single line
for a Chicago Manual of Style format. While BibLATEX has built-in options for some styles,
APA and Chicago styles are contained in their own packages that you’ll need to download,
biblatex-apa and biblatex-chicago. Search for other styles for your discipline if these or
the built-in options don’t meet your needs. You should also check out the document in the
sample directory for some more concrete examples.
5.5.3 BIBTEX
\cite If you need to use the older BibTEX system, as with BibLATEX, you create or download a
\bibliographystyle separate file of reference materials. Then you may cite any of these references within your
\bibliography manuscript using the \cite macro. By running LATEX in combination with BibTEX, citations
are resolved, and a list of the cited references are pulled into your document automatically.
At the end of the document, you first select the bibliographic style, and then specify the
BibTEX database file to generate the bibliography or references:
This selects the plain bibliography style, and the BibTEX database is said to reside in
myrefs.bib. Processing your document now requires a few extra steps as well:
• Run BibTEX
• Run LATEX twice more
If you have a relatively small number of bibliographic entries or citations, then choosing
the references environment is probably the easiest solution. However, if you are trying to
manage a large number of citations or work in a discipline that has already established a
large BibLATEX/BibTEX database, then it may save you considerable effort to learn how to use
these systems, in which case you will certainly need to use one of the LATEX references and
the package documentation mentioned earlier. There is also a complete working BibLATEX
example in the sample folder.
The author was born, educated, and then re-educated
repeatedly until this document was finally finished.
Typed as . . . Displayed as . . .
\begin{itemize} • Granny Smith Apples
\item Granny Smith Apples
• Hominy Grits
\item Hominy Grits
\item Gruy\‘ere Cheese • Gruyère Cheese
Yet another list style is provided by the description environment. This looks like the
Typed as . . . Displayed as . . .
\begin{description} Green eggs A delicacy.
\item[Green eggs] A delicacy.
Ham Cured pork.
\item[Ham] Cured pork.
\item[Sam I Am] Hawker of food. Sam I Am Hawker of food.
You may also create lists inside of lists, mixing and matching itemize, enumerate, and
description styles as necessary. Lists may also be customized in many ways, so if you
need something fancier, you should read through one of the references.
For longer quoted passages (one or more paragraphs), use the quotation environment.
Each paragraph in the quotation environment is indented.
Typed as . . . Displayed as . . .
\begin{quotation} This quotation is a bit longer,
This quotation is a bit just as a test.
longer, just as a test. And here’s a second para-
graph now.
And here’s a second
paragraph now.
This paragraph will be typeset
in single-space mode, even when I’ve
asked for expanded spacing.
You should not need this environment too often: lists and quotations already reduce their
spacing for you. Also, if you are typing algorithms or computer code in LATEX’s verbatim
environment, spacing has already been reset to single-space mode. If you have not set the
expanded spacing document option, then this environment formats its contents as a regular
\caption Each figure, table, or musex should contain a LATEX \caption command whose single
argument contains the text of the caption. For figures and musical examples, the caption
should be placed below the figure or musical example. For tables, the caption should be
located above the tabular material. Examples of the use of each of these environments can
be found in the in the sample directory.
LATEX keeps track of the number of tables, figures, and musical examples, and your caption
will be labeled and numbered automatically. The caption text will also be inserted into the
appropriate List of . . . if you requested the list in the front matter of your document.
LATEX has many features to assist you in producing tabular material of arbitrary com-
plexity. Also, simple diagrams may be created using the LATEX picture environment. If
you want to include graphics generated by external software, then you’ll need to learn to
use the features of the graphicx package, and you should add the appropriate \usepackage
command in mythesis.tex preamble (see section 7.5). You are strongly advised to refer
to the LATEX references to learn more about figures and tables if you intend to use them in
your manuscript.
\label The equation environment automatically numbers equations for us. The command
\ref \label{eq:euler-id} creates the key “eq:euler-id”, tying it to the equation number.
\pageref To access the equation number, we use the \ref{eq:euler-id} macro, while the macro
\pageref{eq:euler-id} retrieves the page number. For figures, tables, or musical examples,
the \label command should immediately follow the \caption macro. In the example,
you might also note the use of the tie special character between the \ref and \pageref
commands and the text that precedes them (see section 4.4).
Since your text may \ref label keys before the corresponding \label has been encoun-
tered, you will need to run your document through the LATEX processor at least twice. The
first pass will write all the label keys and page numbers out to an auxiliary file, and the
second pass will then be able to resolve all the references properly. (LATEX will complain
about unresolved or changed references, reminding you to run the processor a second
As you’re writing your document, you might want to keep a list of the label keys you’ve
created so that you don’t have to surf through other files to recall what a particular label
key was. Keep in mind that figures, tables, musical examples, and equations all use the
same label system, and all label keys must be unique. You may develop your own label
key standards (like using eq: when referencing an equation, fig: to label a figure, etc.,
to avoid label “collision”). If you expect to have lots of figures, tables, etc., you may find
it helpful to use descriptive label keys rather than generic ones, as they may be easier to
remember. E.g., fig:map-Europe-pre1914 is probably more mnemonic than fig:MapOne.
Blank lines surrounding the equation in the document source tell LATEX to leave too much
vertical space, disconnecting it from the paragraph. Worse, the text following the equation
would be indented as if it started a new paragraph, which is not the intention in this case.
Of course, if an equation actually does begin or end a paragraph, then leave a blank line
before or after, as appropriate.
7 Changing Default Settings
You may change document default settings in the document preamble. For example, should
you want to change the width of the text column or the page margins, the document
preamble is where you would do it. (Note that you must still adhere to FSU’s Guidelines, so
be sure you know what you’re doing.)
If you set tocdepth to zero, then only chapter titles will be listed in the table of contents. In
this case, you may want to enable the chapterleaders document option. (See section 5.2.1).
By setting secnumdepth to zero, you may disable all heading numbering except at the
chapter level. Or you may increase the value up to five to generate heading numbers all
the way down to the sub-paragraph heading level.
The last line of a paragraph which occurs at the top of a page is called a “widow”; the first line of a paragraph
which occurs at the bottom of a page is called a club. These are relatively ugly, typographically speaking.
To LATEX, the value 10,000 is the maximum penalty. By setting these values to almost the
maximum, LATEX will avoid generating widow or club lines in all but the most extreme
Similarly, if you have more than one appendix, you may want to change \appendixtocname
so that the entry in the table of contents is correct.
There’s another way that this mechanism could be useful. Let’s say that your document
has a lot of maps associated with it, and you’d like to keep the lists of maps and figures
separate. Further, you’d like to have a “List of Maps” included in the front matter of your
document. You can do this by renaming some other environment that you’re not using, say
the List of Musical Examples.
\renewcommand*{\listmusexname}{List of Maps}
Having done this, whenever you invoke the musex environment, the caption will be labeled
with “Map” rather than “Example”. If you include the \listofmusex in the front matter
of your document, then “List of Maps” will be the heading of that page instead of “List of
Musical Examples”.
7.5 Extra Packages
LATEX has many document feature add-ons. If you wish to load additional packages, these
options should follow the document class selection. Be warned that some packages may not
be compatible with the fsuthesis class. Many optional packages may already come installed
with your TEX/LATEX distribution, or you can download and install them from the CTAN
website ( The skeleton document does not enable any additional
packages. However, the sample folder provides several examples of external packages you
may wish to use.
You enable features by adding a \usepackage command to the document preamble. Some
packages provide sets of features or configuration options which can be enabled via the
command line. Here are some examples:
This loads the amsmath package with its default settings and options, and it loads the
natbib package with the round option (which sets citations off in parentheses rather than
square brackets). Read the package documentation! Packages may rely on other packages
and options, and some combinations of packages may be incompatible.
The following list is by no means exhaustive. There are hundreds of packages available,
but a few may be generally useful (or harmful) to a wide number of users, and so I highlight
them here.
geometry, setspace, tocloft Do not use these packages with fsuthesis! (unless you really
know what you’re doing). These packages will change page layouts and spacing,
undoing a lot of the hard work that fsuthesis has done for you. In many cases,
interactions between settings in geometry or setspace and fsuthesis will cause ugly
or non-compliant spacing. You have been warned!
amsmath The American Mathematical Society has developed a large set of symbols and
macros to assist you in producing high-quality mathematics.
textcase If you have title, chapter, or section headings which include mathematic symbols,
or if letter casing needs special attention, you may want to install the textcase package
with the overload option. This will prevent upper-casing mathematical symbols and
offer more control in formatting headings:
graphicx If you will be inserting figures into your document electronically, you should
investigate the graphicx package. You can find some simple examples of figure
inclusion in the sample directory, but for the highest quality output, you owe it to
yourself to learn more about this topic. Searching the web for “latex figure inclusion”
or other similar terms will turn up some useful links.
biblatex, biblatex-apa, biblatex-chicago, natbib, apacite These packages provide al-
ternatives for formatting citations and bibliographic reference lists. The document
in the sample folder provides more citation examples, and provides links to other
information regarding bibliography creation.
hyperref If you are generating an electronic version of your document for which you’d like
to have hyperlinks automatically connecting cross-references and entries in the Table
of Contents, you should activate the hyperref package. The hyperref package has
lots of configuration options, and you should refer to its documentation for helpful
information. The use of external hyperlinks within your document is discouraged.
If you enable this package, be sure to turn color links off, as the Guidelines prohibit
multi-colored text in your document.
You can create any number of folders and sub-folders to help keep your files organized.
9 More Examples
The files in the thesis-template directory are only a bare-bones template to help you
get started on your own manuscript. You will find a more complete example of a thesis
manuscript in the sample directory. The LATEX source files in this directory contain ex-
planatory comments and many more examples of useful code. The file thesis.pdf in the
sample directory is the result of processing the source files, so you can easily compare the
source files to the output to see how everything works. You’ll find some simple examples of
equations, figures, tables, and bibliographic citations to help you create your own document.
You can find much more help from the web should you need more sophisticated examples.
portion of your document which you believe is misbehaving. Likewise, if you think that the
appearance of theses or dissertations may be improved in some way, or if you have some
macro definitions that you think may be generally useful and could be added to fsuthesis, I
am happy to hear your ideas.
Also, if you think that any of this documentation is misleading or unclear, please let me
know. I wish to make this User’s Guide and the fsuthesis class as helpful as possible.
Please note that I cannot help you to learn features of LATEX: there are many resources
and tutorials that are freely available, and I am unable to support individual requests for
help with anything that does not pertain directly to the fsuthesis class.
abstract, 12 dash-type characters, 5
\abstractname, 23 dedication, 11
\acknowledgename, 23 \defensedate, 9
acknowledgments, 11 \degree, 9
\addbibresource, 15 \degreeyear, 9
APA style, 16 \department, 9
\appendix, 14 description, 17
\appendixtocname, 23 documentation, 4
arabic numerals, 13 \documentclass, 8
\author, 9 options, 8
babel, 15 enumerate,17
biber, 16 environment, 10
BibLATEX, 15 abstract, 12
\bibliography, 16 acknowledgments, 11
\bibliographystyle, 16 biosketch, 17
\bibname, 23 dedication, 11
BibTEX, 15, 16 description, 17
\biosketch, 17 document, 7, 10
\biosketchname, 23 enumerate, 17
blank line, 4 equation, 20
figure, 19
capitalization, 9, 14 itemize, 17
\caption, 20 listofabbrevs, 12
\chapter, 13
listofsymbols, 12
chapterleaders, 8
musex, 19
Chicago style, 16 picture, 20
\cite, 16
quotation, 19
club lines, 22 quote, 18
\clubpenalty, 22
references, 14
\college, 9
singlespaced, 19
commands, see macros table, 19
comments, 6 equation, 20
\committeeperson, 10
examples, 25
contents, table of, 11 expanded, 8
detail, 22
leaders, 8 figure, 19
\contentsname, 23 file names, 13
copyright, 8 font size, 8
cross references, 20 \frontmatter, 11
csquotes, 15 fsuthesis
installation, 3 \listoftables, 12
package lists, 17
contents, 3, 7 bulleted, 18
source code, 3 description, 18
enumerated, 18
graphicx, 20 \listsymname, 23
\listtablename, 23
hardcopy, 9
headings, 13 macros, 6
capitalization, 14 \mainmatter, 13
default, 23 \makecommitteepage, 11
letter case control, 24 \maketitle, 11
math symbols, 24 \manuscripttype, 9
numbered, 14, 22 mathematics, 21
package, 24
\includegraphics, 25
spacing, 21
\input, 13
metadata, 10
insertions, 19
musex, 19
itemize, 17
\musexname, 23
\keywords, 10 myrefs.bib, 15
\label, 20 packages, 24
LATEX \pageref, 20
distributions paragraph, 4
MacTEX, 2 \paragraph, 13
MiKTEX, 2 picture, 20
TEX Live, 2 point size, 8
editors preamble, 7
TEXnicCenter, 3 \printbibliography, 16
LyX, 3
quotation, 19
Texmaker, 3
quotations, 18
installation, 2
quote, 18
references, 4
quote characters, 6
line spacing
expanded, 8 \ref, 20
single, 19 references, 14
\listabbrevname, 23 references, LATEX, 4
\listfigurename, 23 roman numerals, 11
\listmusexname, 23
listofabbrevs, 12 sample document, 3, 7, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24,
\listoffigures, 12 25
\listofmusex, 12 secnumdepth, 22
listofsymbols, 12 \section, 13
singlespaced, 19
space, 5
unbreakable, 6
special characters, 5
\subject, 10
\subparagraph, 13
\subsection, 13
\subsubsection, 13
table, 19
\tableofcontents, 11
line breaks, 9
\title, 9
tocdepth, 22
twoside, 9
unbreakable space, 6
\usepackage, 24
widow lines, 22
\widowpenalty, 22