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Journal of Undergraduate Biology Laboratory Investigations

Sucrose increases the emission of CO2 during yeast

(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) fermentation faster than
James Wilson, Andrew Miller, And Hoang, Jessica Collette, Traci Dubose*
University of Oklahoma, Department of Biology, Van Vleet Oval, Room 314
Norman, OK 73019

The use of certain sugars, such as monosaccharides and disaccharides, have been used in
fermentation to increase its rate. Studies have shown that certain types of sugar and yeast
have faster rates of fermentation than others. We decided that a monosaccharide’s
(glucose) rate of fermentation would increase more rapidly than a disaccharide’s
(sucrose) rate of fermentation. We organized a total of six trials, three for each solution,
and compared the emission of CO₂ produced. We anticipated that those interested, such
as brewers and distillers, in the use of simple sugars to increase the rate of fermentation
would be interested in which sugar type, monosaccharide or disaccharide, increased CO₂
emission as a result of increasing fermentation.

Introduction process, simple sugars are broken down to

make ethanol, often using the Crabtree
Bakers yeast (Saccharomyces
effect. The Crabtree effect, also known as the
cerevisiae) are eukaryotic organisms that
contra-effet Pasteur, is the opposite of the
produce waste products such as carbon
Pasteur effect and represses aerobic
dioxide and ethanol when they go through
respiration in favor of high fermentation
fermentation. A special trait of S. Cerevisiae
rates and has been shown to effect S.
is its ability to convert sugar into energy in
Cerevisiae metabolic rates (Deken, 1966).
both aerobic and anaerobic conditions;
There are two types of sugars that
however, it is more commonly used in
yeast can feed off to perform anaerobic
anaerobic conditions for fermentation
respiration. Monosaccharides are composed
(Dashko et al, 2014). The purpose of
of the simplest of sugars whereas
fermentation is to create energy to fuel
disaccharides are a covalent-bonded form of
organisms in the absence of oxygen, also
two monosaccharides. We tested whether
known as anaerobic respiration. During this
yeast ferments at a faster rate with glucose (a
1 JUBLI 2:1 (2019)
monosaccharide) or with sucrose (a find a rate of fermentation in ppm/second.
disaccharide). Our hypothesis was that the The slopes of each trendline for the glucose
rate of fermentation would be slower for a and sucrose groups were then placed on
solution of yeast with sucrose than one of separate box-and-whisker plots to directly
yeast with glucose since sucrose consists of compare the rates of fermentation and sugar
two units and would take more time to break type. This type of graph allowed us to
down. We knew whether our hypothesis display the variability and range of our data
would be supported based on the amount of in a concise manner. Using PAST3 software,
carbon dioxide present during our trials. If we used an Unpaired t-Test to determine if
the rate of carbon dioxide increased more the difference in values was because of
rapidly during the glucose trials than the chance or because the sugar type was
sucrose trials, then our hypothesis would be directly influencing the rate of fermentation.
supported. However, if there was less or We used an Unpaired t-Test because we
equal amounts of carbon dioxide in the found that our data was normally distributed
glucose trial, then our hypothesis would not using a Shapiro-Wilk normality test
be supported. (Hammer & Harper, 2013).

Methods Results
In order to measure the effect of
sugar type on the rate of fermentation, we Both groups exhibited a positive rate
measured the rate of emission of CO₂ of both of fermentation during each trial as shown in
glucose-yeast solutions and sucrose-yeast Figure 1. The average rate of fermentation of
solutions. Since CO₂ is a product of the glucose-yeast solution was 8.212 ppm/
fermentation, we decided this was be the best second. The average rate of fermentation of
method for measurement. We began by the sucrose-yeast solution was 13.731 ppm/
creating a yeast solution consisting of .6 second. The range of data for the glucose-
grams of yeast and 10 mL of distilled water yeast solution of 1.8175 ppm/second was
using the process shown in French and Shaw lower than the range of data for the sucrose-
(2018). The first group tested was the yeast solution of 4.652 ppm/second.
glucose-yeast solution. We measured 10 mL Furthermore, the overall range of data for the
of glucose and poured it into the yeast glucose-yeast solution was lower than that of
solution. Immediately following, a CO₂ the sucrose-yeast solution: the highest rate of
probe was placed inside the beaker. We used the glucose trials (9.1644 ppm/second) was
LoggerPro to measure and record CO₂ lower than the slowest rate of the sucrose
emission for six minutes while collecting trials (11.466 ppm/second).
data every 10 seconds (LoggerPro3, 2016). An Unpaired t-test was conducted to
This process was completed two additional compare the effect of sugar type on the rate
times using the glucose-yeast solution and of fermentation in a glucose-yeast solution
three times using the sucrose-yeast solution and a sucrose-yeast solution. There was a
consisting of 10 mL of raw sucrose. significant difference between the two
We fit a trendline to the graph of raw conditions; t (5) =2.10, p=0.019.
data collection of CO2 vs. time in order to

2 JUBLI 2:1 (2019)

Discussion than the disaccharide although they used a
different variety of sugars (Burnison et al.,
After our investigation comparing
2018). Another paper showed that glucose
fermentation rate between monosaccharides
tends to be the faster and higher yielding
(glucose) and disaccharides (sucrose), we
sugar type compared to fructose, the other
found our hypothesis was not supported. Our
monosaccharide in sucrose (Emmerich,
data showed that CO₂ levels were higher in
the sucrose trials than the glucose trials.
Sucrose is one of the most commonly
Although our hypothesis was proven
used sugars in the industry for fermentation
incorrect, statistical analysis showed that
of food and beverages. In Saccharomyces
sugar-type significantly affected the emission
cerevisiae, there is an enzyme called
of CO₂ during fermentation.
invertase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of
Our results were not consistent with
sucrose into both fructose and glucose which
findings from other papers. Another paper’s
could explain why sucrose produced more
findings, also comparing monosaccharide
carbon dioxide than just glucose (Marques et
and disaccharide in fermentation, showed
al., 2016). Some types of yeast lack the
that the monosaccharide produced more CO₂
ability to properly process glucose in

3 JUBLI 2:1 (2019)

anaerobic respiration because they lack the Gancedo, J. M., & Gancedo, C. (1971).
enzyme phosphofructokinase (Gancedo, Fructose- 1,6-Diphosphatase,
1971). This could explain why our yeast, Phosphofructokinase and Glucose-6-
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, did not perform Phosphate Dehydrogenase from
as we had predicted. Potential errors, such as Fermenting and Non Fermenting
not effectively rinsing out the bottles in Yeasts. Archiv Für Mikrobiologie,76,
between trials, differing temperatures of 132-138.
sugars, and varying speeds of which the
solution was stirred could have affected our Hammer & Harper. (2013). PAST3 (3.2)
results. [Computer software]. Oslo, Norway:
Literature Cited
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Burnison, H., Gratano, T., King, M., & software]. (2016). Beaverton, OR:
Hallidaschult, T. (2018). The Effect of Vernier Software & Technology
Monosaccharides versus
Disaccharides on the Rate of CO2 Marques, W. L., Raghavendran, V.,
Production. Journal of Undergraduate Stambuck, B. U., & Gombert, A. K.
Biology Laboratory Investigations, (2016). Sucrose and Saccharomyces
1(1). cerevisiae: A relationship most sweet.
FEMS Yeast Research,16(1), 1st ser.
Dashko, S., Zhou, N., Compagno, C., &
Piškur, J. (2014). Why, when, and how
did yeast evolve alcoholic
fermentation? FEMS Yeast Research,
14(6), 826-832.

Deken, R. H. (1966). The Crabtree Effect:

A Regulatory System in Yeast. Journal
of General Microbiology,44(2),

Emmerich, W., & Radler, F. (1983). The

Anaerobic Metabolism of Glucose and
Fructose by Saccharomyces bailii.
Microbiology,129(11), 3311-3318.

4 JUBLI 2:1 (2019)

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