Prediction of Burden Distribution and Electrical Resistance in Submerged Arc Furnaces Using Discrete Element Method Modelling
Prediction of Burden Distribution and Electrical Resistance in Submerged Arc Furnaces Using Discrete Element Method Modelling
Prediction of Burden Distribution and Electrical Resistance in Submerged Arc Furnaces Using Discrete Element Method Modelling
1Samancor Chrome, Dikwena Chrome,
South Africa. Synopsis
2Mintek, South Africa. A computational model of a submerged arc furnace (SAF) used in the production of ferrochrome
3Stellenbosch University, South Africa. is presented. The model‘s intended use is to investigate the extent to which intrinsic and extrinsic
properties of the raw materials affect burden distribution and electrical resistance within the
furnace. The model is built on the discrete element method and calculates the mechanical
Correspondence to: interactions of particle distributions resulting from the flow motion of typical raw materials used
S.J. Baumgartner in the smelting of chromium ore. This model excludes the effects of thermodynamics, furnace
chemistry, and heat transfer. It illustrates how the consumption of materials (chromite pellets,
Email: flux, and reductant) is affected by changes in electrode length, reductant fractions, and reductant sizing and density during the formation of a reductant bed. The resistance calculation algorithm
developed by Mintek was applied to construct networks developed from particle contacts, which
can quantitatively generate estimates of the electrode-to-electrode and electrode-to-bath electrical
Dates: conduction conditions.
Received: 18 Aug. 2023
Revised: 15 Jan. 2024 Keywords
Accepted: 22 Jan. 2024
Published: March 2024 submerged arc furnace, resistance, ferrochrome, segregation.
How to cite:
Baumgartner, S.J., Reynolds, Q.G., and
Akdogan, G. 2024
Prediction of burden distribution and
electrical resistance in submerged arc Introduction
furnaces using discrete element method
modelling. Ferrochrome is an essential source of elemental chromium for the production of stainless steel, to which
Journal of the Southern African Institute it imparts increased corrosion resistance, hardness, and toughness. South Africa is a primary producer of
of Mining and Metallurgy, vol. 124, ferrochrome and possesses 72–80% of the world’s total chromite ore reserves (Beukes, Dawson, and van Zyl,
no. 3. pp. 123–132
2010). The industry contributes approximately R42 billion in GDP per annum and employs over 200 000
people directly or indirectly (Africa Mining IQ, 2019). Recently, the ferrochrome industry has been placed
DOI ID: under severe strain due to increasing electricity tariffs and a decaying electrical infrastructure that poses a threat to the sustainability of high-energy processes.
9717/3042/2024 Researchers such as Kajiwara, Jimbo, and Sakai, (2006) and Shi et al. (2016) have studied burden
distribution in blast furnaces used in the steel industry and developed prediction models that have
ORCID: been used in the understanding and optimization of blast furnace operations. However, these models
G. Akdogan failed to consider the influence of raw material properties on the charge, which would influence in the burden distribution due to the changes in the properties of the raw materials used (Mio et al., 2020). In
addition, Mio et al. (2020) included the specifications of the equipment used to dictate burden behaviour
and developed these models using discrete element modelling (DEM). The study by Mio et al. (2020)
investigates the influence of particle segregation during the charge flow within a blast furnace. The authors
found that DEM can analyse in detail the behaviour of the charge particles, and can inform researchers
on the behaviour of the charge layers and time series changes that would be impossible to observe via
traditional experimental methods. In addition, the use of DEM in blast furnace studies clarifies control
mechanisms and the influence of design operations on the process (Mio et al., 2020). Mio et al. acknowledge
the influence of material properties on the dynamics of segregation and advise that these findings from
studies be compared against actual process phenomena.
Considering the similarities in burden flow between blast furnace and SAF operations, along with the
lack of studies specifically conducted on SAFs for ferrochrome production regarding material flow and
resulting segregation, it was decided to investigate the behaviour of the burden using DEM modelling. Mio
et al. (2020) effectively contrasted DEM simulations with real blast furnace performance and subsequently
implemented their findings in real blast furnace operations. In addition, the DEM simulations were
conducted to analyse the behaviour of the burden in a ferrochrome furnace. This study also considered the
electrical behaviour of the burden, taking into account various properties of the raw materials.
The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 124 MARCH 2024 123
Prediction of burden distribution and electrical resistance in submerged arc furnaces
Model description
DEM governing equations and force models
Both the translational and rotational motion of granular particles
can be defined by Newton’s second law of motion in combination
with the force-displacement correlation at the points of contact
between particles (Wei et al., 2019; Zhao et al., 2015). An
appropriate time step of 1 x 10-4 seconds was adopted for the
simulations. The time step depends on the damping coefficient,
particle mass, and normal stiffness and is defined by Equation [1]:
Software implementation
LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC® (CFDEMresearch GmbH, 2022), which is
available as an open-source computational software package, was
used as the modelling tool for the present work. Reynolds et al.
(2021) describe the model as based on the time-step of soft sphere
algorithms and it can introduce a broad range of friction and
collision force models. An advantage of using LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC®
is that the software allows flexibility in the application thereof and Figure 2—Contact relationship between two particles
the implementation of other models as subcomponents.
To perform the electrical resistance calculations based on the to the graph generated for the contact networks; however, in this
particle assemblies resulting from the DEM modelling, Python case each edge is represented by the electrical resistance of each pair
(Python Software, 2022) was used to process the electrical of particles. Thereafter, Kirchoff ’s Circuit laws are used to convert
contact network algorithm. The construction and manipulation the resistance network into a matrix equation containing the voltage
methodology was implemented using the Network X package of each particle node, which is finally solved using linear algebra
(Network X, 2022). The SciPy package (SciPy, 2022) was used to methodology.
optimize and increase the efficiency of the matrix algorithm of the When particles touch each other, they have a shared surface,
linear system, and to speed up the resistance calculation, parallel which allows for the calculation of the electrical resistance between
computing was exploited through the mpi4py Python library the pairs of particles. This is accomplished by integrating the
(mpi4py, 2021). combination throughout the entirety of the particle pair's volume,
starting at the centre of each particle and extending to the point
The use of the resistance calculation algorithm where they make contact. Figure 2 depicts the concept by showing
The methodology employed in this study, to determine the the geometric configuration of spherical particles i and j. Each
resistance of the cases , is proprietary to Mintek and is known as the particle has a radius of ri and rj, respectively, and separation is
resistance calculation algorithm (RCA) (Reynolds et al., 2021). defined as rij < ri + rj. aij represents the shared radius between the
Utilizing the RCA, the resistance between the three electrodes two particle.
and the surrounding burden is estimated. At each time step, DEM The current density vectors are assumed to be parallel to the
simulations yield the particle assemblies, which are defined as the axis where all the points are in contact between the particle pair,
coordinates of the individual particles within the array and the thus the net resistance Ωij between the particle centres is defined by
number of distinct surfaces that some of the particles make contact Equation [2] below. The normal force is implicitly accounted for by
with. the rij; however, the normal force contributing to the interparticle
The algorithm takes into account pairings of particles that are resistance is not accounted for in the equation.
in mutual contact within the given system. In the current study,
the collection of paired particles was arranged to exclude any [2]
interaction with nonconductive particles, including flux and pellets
(sintered and pelletized chromite concentrate). The remaining sets Here the electrical conductivities of the two particles, i and j, are
of particle pairings in the contact network are utilized to graphically represented by σi (S/m) and σj (S/m), respectively (Reynolds et al.,
construct a contact network by constituting nodes as edges on the 2021).
graph. The resistance network between a pair of electrodes and Two electrical burden conduction models were used to
conductive and nonconductive particles is depicted conceptually in determine the inter-electrode resistances of the SAF DEM model
Figure 1. simulation outcomes for various model situations. One model
Thereafter, the graphed data is analysed for connections and examines the direct conduction between electrodes, as depicted in
contacts between the cathode and anode surfaces, and where there Figure 3a. The other model analyses conduction from the electrode
are legitimate relationships, the data is processed to determine the through the molten phases, slag, and alloy, and then back to the
resistance network. The resistance network is structurally identical neighbouring electrode, bypassing the burden, as shown in
124 MARCH 2024 VOLUME 124 The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Prediction of burden distribution and electrical resistance in submerged arc furnaces
Table I
Average resistance results for the different consumption zones
Consumption zone Electrode conduction model type
Electrode to electrode via burden average Electrode to electrode via molten bath (alloy and slag)
resistance (mΩ) average resistance (mΩ)
Below electrode Case (1) 2.06 3.06
Partial slag area Case (2) 1.67 1.72
Full slag area Case (3) 1.52 1.40
The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 124 MARCH 2024 125
Prediction of burden distribution and electrical resistance in submerged arc furnaces
If the model had considered the resistances related to the slag
and metal, the results would have indicated that the conduction
model between the electrodes was mostly affected by conduction
through the molten bath. In this situation, the resistance value
would have been significantly reduced in comparison to the
conduction model, as the current flows from one electrode to
another through the burden (Reynolds et al., 2021). However,
in the present study the conduction caused by the slag and metal
is ignored. The main objective of this research is to examine
the material segregation and resistance that may be completely
attributed to the burden. The expected result of the inter-electrode
conduction for both models is anticipated to be similar. This is
grounded on the consistency of the material composition across
the entire model, along with the measurements of the distance
between the electrode tip and the molten bath (1.50 m) and the
electrode pitch radius (2.25 m). The most closely related results for Figure 6—Simulation geometry of the base case model
this condition are found in the case of a complete slag consumption
zone (case 3), where the resistances from electrode to electrode via
the burden and through the molten bath are measured at 1.52 mΩ
and 1.40 mΩ, respectively.
To eliminate the inclusion of material thermodynamics and heat
transmission, it is beneficial to utilize a technique that effectively
accommodates the consumption zone, hence ensuring the validity
of the present study.
126 MARCH 2024 VOLUME 124 The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Prediction of burden distribution and electrical resistance in submerged arc furnaces
Table III
Base case material properties
Material type Parameter Value
Pellets Diameter, D (mm)a 10–15
Density, ρ (kg/m3)h 3948
Young's Modulus, G (GPa)d Actual 70.500
Young's Modulus, G (MPa) DEM 5.000
Poisson's ratio, Eh 0.250
Coefficient of pellet-pellet static friction, μsh 0.724
Coefficient of pellet-pellet rolling friction, μri 0.400
Coefficient of pellet-pellet restitution, eh 0.480
Coefficient of pellet-anthracite static friction, μs 0.800
Coefficient of pellet-anthracite restitution, e 0.397
Coefficient of pellet-flux static friction, μs 1.000
Coefficient of pellet-flux restitution, e 0.434
Anthracite Diameter, D (mm)a 15–30
Density, ρ (kg/m3)e 1050
Young's Modulus, G (GPa)b Actual 5.570
Young's Modulus, G (MPa) DEM 5.000
Poisson's ratio, Ee 0.220
Coefficient of anthracite-anthracite static friction, μse 0.870
Coefficient of anthracite-anthracite restitution, ee 0.390
Coefficient of anthracite-flux static friction, μs 0.400
Coefficient of anthracite-flux restitution, e 0.389
Number of spherical clumps (particle shape) 3.000
Flux Diameter, D (mm)a 20–40
Density, ρ (kg/m3)e 2604
Young's Modulus, G (GPa)c Actual 85.000
Young's Modulus, G (MPa) DEM 5.000
Poisson's ratio, Eg 0.170
Coefficient of flux-flux static friction, μse 1.000
Coefficient of flux-flux restitution, ee 0.370
Number of spherical clumps (particle shape) 6.000
until stable pseudo-steady dynamic conditions were achieved. consistent and stable electrode penetration to maintain optimum
Similarly, Reynolds et al. (2021) assumed that the electrodes exhibit metallurgical conditions for improved smelting. DEM simulations
symmetry. To make the computational model feasible, the size of were run where the electrode tip position relative to the metal heel
the region was scaled down by a factor of 5. was varied between static positions ranging between 500–2900 mm,
A summary of material properties determined and used in the while keeping all other parameters in the model constant as per the
base case model is given in Table III. base case model in Tables II and III. The comparison simulations
are provided in Figure 8.
Effect of electrode length on model behaviour A notable observation is the consistent distribution and
A pivotal control mechanism in ferrochrome SAF furnaces and separation of the burden with electrode tip positions 700 mm and
one that efficiencies depend upon is the electrode positions. In 2700 mm from the heel. While the position of the electrode may
industrial ferrochrome furnaces, the electrode position is controlled vary, the composition of the raw materials remains constant. This is
by automation and relates to the electrodes' secondary current and because the characteristics of the raw materials remain consistent
resistance. Therefore, studying and understanding the impact that regardless of the electrode tip position. Although the degree to
electrode tip position relative to the metal heel has on the burden which this regularity in the burden distribution is visually apparent
structure and the electrical behaviour is of importance to improve (Figure 8) may be limited, a more precise demonstration of this
electrode control on an industrial scale to increase alloy throughput, consistency has been conducted. This involved directly calculating
provide consistent and even power distribution, and allow for the mass fractions of the reductant and FeCr pellets at different
The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 124 MARCH 2024 127
Prediction of burden distribution and electrical resistance in submerged arc furnaces
Figure 9—Reductant and pellet mass fractions at (a) electrode tip position at 700 mm and (b) electrode tip position at 2700 mm
128 MARCH 2024 VOLUME 124 The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Prediction of burden distribution and electrical resistance in submerged arc furnaces
size of 30 mm (base case = 1). A reduction in the reductant sizing segregation of the reductant particles towards the contours of the
results in a more even distribution of reductant particles with electrodes and the delta region between the electrodes (the area to
distinct pellet voids interrupting the continuous electrical paths the left of the visualizations) is dominant and the electrical paths
between the reductant particles, thereby imparting a high resistance formed between the reductant particles between the electrodes and
to the bed. Comparing the case with +25% larger reductant sizing, across the bed are concentrated, leading to a lower bed resistance.
Figure 11—Total resistance as a function of simulation time for different electrode tip positions
Figure 12—Model simulations of the two cases of reductant fraction Figure 13 – Total furnace resistance as a function of reductant fractions
Figure 14—Total resistance as a function of simulation time for different reduction fractions
The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 124 MARCH 2024 129
Prediction of burden distribution and electrical resistance in submerged arc furnaces
The above observation is significant for industrial furnace Effect of change in reductant density on model behaviour
operations as the reductant sizing is a parameter that can be An investigation was conducted to examine the influence of density
manipulated to suit the required resistance of a reductant bed for on the segregation of particles and the resulting resistance.
optimum efficiencies. The findings indicate a significant correlation between density
and resistance, with resistance values ranging from 0.90 mΩ to
2.67 mΩ with increasing density. This suggests that changes in
reductant density have a impact on furnace resistance, as illustrated
in Figure 18.
The observed phenomenon can be ascribed to the extent of
segregation, which intensifies with increasing density. as reductant
particles of lower density tend to aggregate prominently on the
surface of the furnace simulation, as illustrated in Figure 19c.
Concurrently, it is noteworthy that particles of lower density
contribute to a more uniform dispersion of particles close to the
electrode and beneath it, as depicted in Figure 19a. In contrast,
reductant particles of higher density form a less concentrated zone,
leading to a greater degree of segregation among FeCr pellets,
as evident in Figure 19d. Specifically, higher-density reductant
particles exhibit increased concentration, featuring well-defined
voids amid FeCr pellets and flux particles, as portrayed in Figure
Figure 15 – Total resistance as a function of simulation time for different These findings align with the conclusions drawn by Gray
reductant sizings and Ancey (2015), whose investigations revealed a prevalence of
regions rich in the lowest density particles near the free surface,
with a notably limited presence of particles from other species.
Figure 17—Computational visualizations of furnace burden at different Figure 18—Comparison of resistance changes with change in reductant
reductant sizes density
130 MARCH 2024 VOLUME 124 The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Prediction of burden distribution and electrical resistance in submerged arc furnaces
Chrome Ltd. The authors acknowledge the Centre for High
Performance Computing (CHPC), South Africa, for providing
computational resources.
The authors would like to thank the following institutions,
companies, and individuals for their contributions and support:
➤ Samancor Chrome for providing the authors with operational
➤ Stefan Swanepoel and Markus Erwee from Samancor Chrome
for their technical guidance and support.
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132 MARCH 2024 VOLUME 124 The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy