ETU - Skills Based Talent Strategy Ebook
ETU - Skills Based Talent Strategy Ebook
ETU - Skills Based Talent Strategy Ebook
a Skills-Based
Talent Strategy
How Skills Intelligence Drives
Business Performance
This eBook provides a blueprint for improving business performance
by defining workforce competencies that drive strategic success.
It advocates using a skills intelligence model to assess, develop,
analyze and validate employees' skills. With the right foundation and
approach, skills intelligence delivers powerful workforce insights to
build business agility and resilience for the future.
3 A Skills-Based Talent Strategy
07 Skills Framework
07 Skills Mapping
13 Skills Verification
In our rapidly changing world, In their quest for a more skills-based approach,
employers have often focused on technical and
the traditional approach to
role-specific skills, but many of those will likely
developing skills, based on role be replaced — or at least impacted — by AI
and hierarchy, must evolve. and automation. A future-oriented, skills-based
The key to driving business talent strategy should focus on “power skills” —
performance is a skills-based also sometimes referred to as soft skills. They
talent strategy, which improves include emotional intelligence, communication,
organizational agility and decision-making, critical thinking, design
thinking and even data storytelling skills. These
keeps companies competitive.
are human-centric skills far less likely to be
impacted by AI. They are also transversal across
the organization, so improvements in these skills
can have a big impact on business performance.
Collaboration 73%
Inclusiveness 64%
A Skills-Based
Talent Strategy
The move from role-based to skills-based
organizations is well underway across all
industries, but is more a marathon than
a sprint. A skills-based strategy requires
skills intelligence, which is based on a skills
framework and comprises skill mapping,
assessment, development and verification.
Source: Brandon Hall Group™ Study, Transforming Learning and Development for the Future of Work
Percentages represent the organizations agreeing that the statements are challenges
Skills intelligence also improves organizational agility and resilience. By understanding the skills gaps that
exist today and anticipating future needs, learning and HR leaders can take proactive steps to upskill
and reskill employees. This ensures the workforce is equipped with the competencies required to meet
evolving business goals and priorities. Skills intelligence provides the necessary capability to pivot, upskill
and redeploy talent quickly when conditions change.
Evaluates employees’
Initiatives that expand proficiency in skills
capabilities of talent to that training aims to
foster employee and develop — before the
organizational growth. training begins.
Existing approaches to skills measurement often lack assessment of skills proficiency before training and
focus only on knowledge transfer after training. Often, the level of skills application is also overlooked.
While there has been some progress over the past two years, according to Brandon Hall Group™
research, only about one-quarter of organizations believe they are proficient.
16% 27%
2021 2023
Percentages reflect organizations that rate Source: Brandon Hall Group Study, Think Like a CEO:
their proficiency as a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale How Learning Drives Business Impact
Progressive organizations combine approaches, where technology first does the heavy lifting to pre-
populate skills data. Then, skills identified by employees, job candidates or managers can be overlayed
or integrated.
Skills Proficiency
Identifying skills is only a first step. To make “What might seem straightforward
talent decisions, you must know how proficient starting the process, becomes
employees are. Is an identified skill rarely more complex as you dive in.
applied? Or has the employee demonstrated This is especially true of power
some competence, but still requires some skills. For example, what does
guidance? Or are the people you are evaluating ‘strategic agility’ really mean, and
fully competent and can demonstrate expertise? how do you set about measuring
proficiency in it?”
Technology tools are getting quite advanced
at identifying skills, but still need to improve Talent Leader in a
at making proficiency decisions. People, either services organization
employees or managers, are better at assessing
proficiency, but it is challenging to do this at
scale and precision for a wide range of skills.
Skills tests and assessments can work well for The Advantage of Simulations
verification, but traditional testing methods can
be limiting. We are seeing new methods fill this gap,
combining the scale advantages of technology
and the accuracy of people. One such
approach is simulation, where employees
“Unless you're doing it (applying are put in realistic business situations where
skills on the job), then you're they are actively making decisions. Their
probably not as professional as you observed behaviors are then automatically
thought you were. We've got people assessed by the skills needed to navigate the
who are data scientists with PhDs simulation. Simulation providers such as ETU
but they haven't really been doing have run trials with industrial/organizational
data science work for some years.” psychologists to confirm the validity of the
measurement. Simulations can be used both to
Talent Leader, assess skill proficiency before training and after
media organization training to understand the increase in applied
skill proficiency.
Case in Point:
Personalized Learning at Scale at IBM
targeted and customized learning programs
that increased the efficiency and effectiveness Net Promoter Score of
of skill development.
A 20-fold increase in
employee participation
through a new learning
$5.6 million in
program savings
Skills Verification
The biggest missing link in the traditional approach to learning measurement is verification of skills
application. Brandon Hall Group™ research shows that only 35% of organizations measure how
knowledge and skills are being applied by learners on the job or in simulated job scenarios.
Technology is a great enabler of measuring and verifying skills proficiency. This includes understanding
any remaining gaps and designing initiatives to reduce or eliminate those gaps.
Here are a few ways AI and other emerging technologies can be leveraged to measure and verify skills
As you get started on your journey with skills intelligence, here are some important considerations as
you evolve your skills-based talent strategy:
1 5
Validate your skills framework. Ensure Deliver behavior change. Behavior change
the taxonomy evolves along with business requires space for skills application, practice,
objectives through regular review and and reflection. Use new technology to help
stakeholder input. you scale.
2 6
Scale strategically. Many organizations Make skills data a strength. Having data
struggle or fail to develop skills intelligence as a single source of truth is critical to a
because they try to do too much, too fast. skills-based talent strategy. Leverage new
Acquiring skills intelligence is complex. It’s approaches to skill verification for better
important to start small and scale as you talent decisions.
gain experience and insight.
Knock down silos. Cross-functional
Focus on impact. Assess skill levels before collaboration brings a holistic view of skills
learning initiatives and personalize the needs and strengthens adoption.
experiences to the employee’s needs. This
precise type of learning leads to more Communicate progress. Share skills
impact for the learner and for the business. intelligence successes, use cases and metrics
to sustain engagement. Celebrate success!
Empower employees. Communicate the
importance of power skills across the
workforce so employees understand how
they can drive their own development and
career mobility.
With the right foundation and
approach, skills intelligence
delivers powerful workforce
insights to build business agility
and resilience for the future.
Brandon Hall Group™. Licensed for Distribution by ETU. 15
Supercharging a Skills-Based Talent Strategy
How Skills Intelligence Drives Business Performance
About ETU
ETU helps the world’s leading companies measure and develop power skills to achieve business goals.
Our powerful simulation platform creates digital “learning-by-doing” experiences. Employees apply
workplace skills in realistic scenarios, while the platform measures their strengths and gaps. Rich data
insights drive precision skill development, at scale.
Individual and Enterprise
Membership Options: Includes
Professional Certifications research assets, advisory support,
Self-paced certification a client success plan and more.
programs. Virtual group
sessions for companies.
In-person conferences
and summits.
WE CAN HELP Advisory Offerings
Custom Research
Projects, including
surveys, focus group
Excellence Awards interviews and Organization
Three annual programs Needs Assessment for
recognize the best Transformation, Technology
organizations that have Selection and Strategy.
successfully deployed programs
to achieve measurable results.
Organizational Organizational
Excellence Excellence
Program Program