Five Pharmacological Parameters That Determines Serum Drug Concentartions
Five Pharmacological Parameters That Determines Serum Drug Concentartions
Five Pharmacological Parameters That Determines Serum Drug Concentartions
3. Fluoxetine (prozac)
F. IMMUNOSUPPRESIVE DRUGS - Toxic effects: thrombus
1. Cyclosporine formation, nephrotoxicity and
- Inhibits the cellular immune neurotoxocity
response by blocking
production of interleukin-2 3. Rapamycin (sirolimus)
- Used to prevent rejection of - Similar to tacrolimus; major
allogenic organ transplants side effects are lipid
- Used for suppression of abnormalities and
acute graft- versus host thrombocytopenia
disease (GVHD)
- The organs such as the 4. Mycophenolate mofetil
heart, liver, and pancreas - It decreases renal allograft
requires high dosage (300 rejection
ng/mL) 5. Leflunomide (LFM)
- Has marked affinity with - Inhibits lymphocyte
RBC; RBC-cyclosporine is proliferation; for treatment of
temperature dependent rheumatoid arthritis
- Orally administered with
5-50% absorption G. ANTINEOPLASTIC DRUGS
- Elimination: hepatic 1. Methotrexate
metabolism - An effective therapy for a
- Specimen of choice: whole variety of neoplastic
blood (with lysis of RBC to conditions; also an
yield the total amount) immunosuppressive agent
- Toxic level: >500 ng/mL - Inhibits DNA synthesis in all
- Toxic effects: renal tubular cells, by blocking
and glomerular dihydrofolate reductase
dysnfucntions, GI - Leucovorin is used to reverse
distrubances, hirsutism and the action of methotrexate -
hematologic dyscrasia leucovorin rescue
- Toxic level: 0.01 umol/L
2. Tacrolimus (Progaf/ Fk-506) - Toxic effects: leucopenia, GI
- Is 100x more powerful than ulceration,thrombocytopenia,
cyclosporine cirrhosis
- Take Macrolide lactone
antibiotic; GIT uptake is 2. Busulfan
variable - It is an alkylating agent used
- Elevated levels are observed to treat leukemias and
in cholestasis lymphomas prior to bone
- Elimination: hepatic marrow transplantation
- Specimen of choice: whole H. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY/ ANALGESICS
blood 1. salicylates/ aspirin (acetysalicylic
- Commonly used analgesic, - Method; HPLC
antipyretic and
anti-inflammatory drug 3. ibuprofen
- Direct stimulator of the - Has analgesic and
respiratory system and anti-inflammatory actions
inhibitor of the kreb’s cycle - Has lower risk of toxicities
- Has an anticoagulant than salicylates and
property (anti platelet activity) acetaminophen
by inhibiting the action of - Toxic effects: nausea,
cyclooxygenase vomiting, blurred vision,
- Function: decreases abdominal pain, edema
thromboxane and - Therapeutic level: >100
prostaglandin formation ug/ml
through inhibition of I. Neuroleptics (antipsychotic major
cyclooxygenase tranquilizers)
- Acute aspirin intoxication: - Blocks the action of
common cause of fatal drug dopamine and serotonin in
poisoning in children the limbic system
- Side effects: gastrointestinal - Used in the treatment of
disturbance and interference acute schizophrenia
with platelet aggregation - Monitoring of these drugs in
- Therapeutic level: 5mg/dL serum is difficult due to
(treatment of headache) abundant metabolites for
- Toxic level: >30mg/dL each drug resulting to
- Toxic effects: mixed extensive metabolism in the
acid-base disturbance liver
(metabolic acidosis and - 2 classes: phenothiazines
respiratory alkalosis), (chlorpromazine) and
hypoglycemia and reye’s butyrophenones (haloperidol)
syndrome - Examples: risperdal,
- Method: Trinder assay; olonzapine (zyprexa),
enzymatic assay (salicylate quetiapine (seroquel),
hydroxylase); HPLC; EMIR aripiprazole (abilify)
- Toxic effects:
2. Acetaminophen (tylenol) cholestasis,orthostatic
- Inhibitor of prostaglandin hypotension, aplastic
metabolism anemia, muscle rigidity
- Commonly used as analgesic
and antipyretic drug Methods for TDM:
- Overdosage of this drug - Specimen of choice: serum or
leads to hepatoxicity plasma
- Therapeutic level: >50ug/mL - Whole blood EDTA sample is
- 100-300 ug/mL (hepatic required for cyclosporine and
necrosis) tacrolimus test
- Timing of specimen collection is the - Acetaminophen in urine is detected
single most important factor in TDM by boiling to form p-amphenol which
- TDM samples should not be then reacts with o-cresol to form
collected in tubes with gel indophenol blue.
separators or SST- some gels - Trinder assay for salicylate using
absorb certain drugs (phenytoin, ferric nitrate forming a (+) colored
phenobarbital, lidocaine, quinidine, complex
and carbamazepine) causing a
falsely low result. 2. Immunoassay methods
- No changes occurred in theophylline - Provides rapid analyses of blood
and salicylate levels when blood is and urine samples
collected in serum separator tube - Can detect drug levels in the
(SST) nanomolar range; sensitive and
- Measurement of serum specific methods
concentrations should be done only - Uses antibody specifically reactive
after steady state has been with a particular drug- the drug must
achieved. bind to antibody before it is identified