Tasko 5
Tasko 5
Tasko 5
a. I’m going to have a party (b) d. She's going to study all day tomorrow (a)
I’m having a party (a) She's studying all day tomorrow (b)
a) It’s this Saturday. Do you want to come? a) She's got an exam next week, and she wants to
b) I don’t know how many people to invite. pass.
What do you think?
b) She's got classes at university from 9 am to б
b. They’re going to arrive in the afternoon (a)
They’re arriving in the afternoon (b)
a) They're not sure what time yet. e. I'm going to fly from Denver to Boston (a)
b) They've arranged for a taxi to meet them at the I'm flying from Denver to Boston (b)
station. a) Which airline do you recommend?
c. Are we going to play tennis on Saturday? (b) b) My plane leaves at 8 am.
Are we playing tennis on Saturday? (a)
a) Yes, I've booked the court for 2 o'clock.
b) Yes, what time do you want to play?
3. Rigardu la tekston.
b. Choose the correct word in italics to complete it.
a. Is each sentences a promise (P), an offer (O), a
1). A I need to go to the station.
decision (D), or a suggestion (S)
B I’ll call a taxi for you.
1). Shall I help you carry that box? (S) 2). A This document is secret.
2). Shall we go for a walk? (S) B Don’t worry – I won’t show it to anyone.
3). I'll drive you to the station if you like. (O) 3). A This box is really heavy!
4). I think I'll have spaghetti. (D) B Shall I help you carry it?
5). Don't worry. I'll call you later. (P) 4). A Those shoes are in the sale, madam. They’re only
6). Let's go to the beach. (S) £20.
7). I won't be late for the meeting. (P) B Great! I’ll take them.
8). Shall we have chicken for dinner? (S) 5). A Shall we go out this evening?
B Good idea. Let’s go to the cinema.
6). A I’m working late tonight. Will you cook dinner?
B Of course.
4. Kompletigu la konversacion uzante will aŭ will kaj la ĝustan formon de la verbo inter krampoj.
c. Complete the convo with will or shall and the correct form of the verbs.
A 1 Shall we go out for dinner tonight?
B Er.. well, I haven’t got much money. 2 Shall I cook something for you at my flat?
A Don’t worry. 3 I’ll pay for the meal.
B Really? Thank you! That sounds great. Where 4 Shall we eat?
A Let’s go for curry. 5 Shall I book a table?
B No, it’s OK. 6 I’ll do it. I know a good place near here. 7 I’ll call them now.
A OK. 8 Will you call me after you make the booking? I’d like to know what time we’re going to meet.
B Yes 9 I’ll call you later. I promise 10 I won’t forget.
5. Bonvolu legiTalk
A Great. la blogan
to youartikolon.
later then. Bye.
a. Find the adjectives in the box below. b. Read the blog and match the places with
1). Very small tiny descriptiions.
2). Makes you feel fear frightening 1). This is in the artist’s house – House of Dreams
3). Makes you think a lot about something 2). You can ride the trains that carried letters – Mail
thought-provoking Rail
a. Answer question. Write L (Leadenhall b. What are/were the following things used for?
Market), M (Mail Rail), H (House of 1). Mail Rail before it was open for tourists -
Dreams), C (Clown Museum), P (Platform Carrying four million letters around London every
93/4). Which place? day.
1). Has been used in films: (L) 2). Platform 9¾ in the Harry Potter film - In the film,
2). Is the oldest: (L) it's where student wizards catch the train to go to
3). Is not open at normal times: (C) Hogwarts School.
4). Is not where you think it is: (H) 3). The artist's house - It has been turned into a
5). Is made out of things the artist has obtained: House of Dreams Museum, a little art gallery.
(H) 4). The egg faces - They were used in the past by
clowns to paint their faces to ensure no one
copied their makeup.