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Words from the film

1) To define – визначати 16) To deserve – заслуговувати

2) Roomie (roommate) – сусід по кімнаті 17) Hardwired – запрограмований
3) Disclosure – розкриття інформації 18) Desirable – бажаний
4) To distract – відволікати, збивати з пантелику 19) Mocking – насмішкуватий
5) To dread – боятися 20) Excitement – захоплення
6) Influence – вплив 21) Arrogant – зарозумілий
7) Protective – заступницький, захисний 22) To dump – кинути когось
8) Bookish vibe – книжкова атмосфера 23) Dorm. (dormitory) – гуртожиток
9) To insist – наполягати 24) Dude – чувак
10) To flatter – підлещуватися, лестити 25) To regret – шкодувати
11) To picture – зображати, уявляти 26) Mesmerizing – заворожуючий
12) Townie – місцевий (той хто живе у місті де є 27) Complicated – складний
коледж або універ, але там не навчається) 28) Liar – брехун
13) Virgin – цнотливий 29) Adorable – прекрасний, чарівний
14) Rejection – відмова (у стосунках) 30) To claim - стверджувати
15) Masterpiece – шедевр

Phrases and idioms from the film

 In the flesh – власною персоною, особисто

 To be bummed – бути засмученим
 To be proud of – пишатись кимось, чимось
 To pay attention – звернути увагу
 Truth or dare – правда чи дія
 To be in love with – бути закоханим
 Not at all – анітрохи, зовсім ні
 Fair enough – справедливо, по чесному
 Not a chance – нізащо, без шансів
 Jail sentence – тюремне ув’язнення
 To look forward to – з нетерпінням очікувати
 To fall in love with - закохуватися

Phrasal verbs from the film

1. To drive up – під’їхати 9. To find out – дізнатись

2. To freak smn. out –налякати когось 10. To hang out – проводити час, ‘тусити’
3. To go out – піти кудись 11. To cover up – приховати
4. To pick up – підібрати, підняти 12. To fall apart – розклеїтись (в плані почуттів)
5. To make out with – цілуватись з 13. To break up – порвати стосунки, розійтись
6. To look for – шукати 14. To cut off – припинити спілкування
7. Turn on/turn off – ввімкнути/вимкнути 15. To talk smn. into smth. –вмовити когось
8. To go out with – зустрічатись з кимось, мати 16. To fight off - відбиватись, боротись
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box

Say, lies, meaning, away, known, protect, frightened, atmosphere, effect,

firmly, imagine, praise, involved, laughing, never, end, live, wanted, love,
automatically, room, art, man, better, excited, actions, attractive, sorry,
charming, difficult

1) To define – to describe the __________ of something

2) Roomie (roommate) – a person who you share a __________ with
3) Disclosure – the act of making something __________
4) To distract – to take someone’s attention _________ from what that person is doing
5) To dread – to feel extremely worried or __________ about something
6) Influence – the power to have an __________ on people or things
7) Protective – wanting to __________ someone from criticism, hurt, danger, etc. because you like
them very much
8) Bookish vibe – the __________ of liking or reading books
9) To insist – to say __________ or demand forcefully
10) To flatter – to __________ someone in order to make them feel attractive or important
11) To picture – to __________ something
12) Townie – a person who lives in a town where there is a college but who is not __________ with the
13) Virgin – someone who has __________ had sex
14) Rejection – the act of not giving someone the __________and attention they want and expect
15) Masterpiece – a work of __________ such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill
16) To deserve – to have earned something or be given something because of your __________ or
17) Hardwired – the state of being ready __________ do something and cannot change that behaviour
18) Desirable – worth having and __________ by most people
19) Mocking – behaviour that involves __________ at someone or something in an unkind way
20) Excitement – a feeling of being __________
21) Arrogant – proud in an unpleasant way and behaving as if you are __________than other people
22) To dump – to suddenly __________ a romantic relationship you have been having with someone
23) Dorm. (dormitory) – a large building at a college or university where students __________
24) Dude – a __________
25) To regret – to feel __________ about a situation, especially something sad or wrong or a mistake
that you have made
26) Mesmerizing – very __________, in a mysterious way, making you want to keep looking
27) Complicated – very __________
28) Liar – someone who tells __________
29) Adorable – __________, attractive, and easily loved
30) To claim - to __________ that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it

Circle the one word which fits the best to the sentence

1) We were unable to define/dread what exactly was wrong with him.

2) Mothers are sometimes too protective/charming towards their children.
3) A couple of townies/roomies walked into the university disco.
4) He defines/claims to have met the president, but I don't believe him.
5) She has the most adorable/mocking two-year-old girl.
6) Jean was my liar/roomie during our first year at college.
7) I found him arrogant/charming and rude.
8) The house is in a very complicated/desirable and safe area of the city.
9) I regret/deserve that I didn’t buy those shoes when they were on sale.
10) The newspaper made disclosures/masterpiece of his new lover.
11) Leonardo's "Last Supper" is widely regarded as a rejection/masterpiece.
12) His room is full of different book, I always feel bookish atmosphere/vibe when I’m there.
13) Parents are hardwired/arrogant to love their children.
14) He's regretting/dreading the exam - he's sure he's going to fail.
15) If he's so awful and rude, why don't you just flatter/dump him?
16) He's such a liar/virgin - you can't trust a word he says.
17) The teacher had to separate the two friends because they distract/dump each other in class.
18) Try to define/picture yourself lying on a beach in the hot sun.
19) After all that hard work, you deserve/claim a holiday.
20) If you want dormitory/excitement, you should try parachuting.
21) Jason was one cool liar/dude.
22) The relationship is a bit hardwired/complicated. He's my mother's cousin's daughter's child.
23) Helen's a bad influence/insist on him. He started smocking after meeting with her.
24) She was a virgin/townie until she was 30.
25) He never asked her to marry him out of fear of masterpiece/rejection.
26) She gave a mocking/desirable smile because of his strange appearance.
27) Her parents don’t have enough money to rent her a flat, so she has to live in the
28) Please go first - I insist/flatter!
29) He had the most protective/mesmerizing blue eyes.
30) Steve flatters/deserve himself that he's an excellent speaker.

Write the missing letters to complete the words and then translate them

1) To d_fi_e – _________ 11) To pi_tur_ – _________ 21) A_ _ogant – _________

2) R_omie – _________ 12) To_nie – _________ 22) To dum_ – _________
3) Dis_los_re – _________ 13) V_rgin – _________ 23) D_rm. – _________
4) To _istr_ct – _________ 14) R_ejec_ion – _________ 24) _ude – _________
5) To d_ _ad – _________ 15) _ast_erpiec_ – _________ 25) To reg_et – _________
6) In_lue_ce – _________ 16) To de_erve – _________ 26) M_s_rizing – _________
7) P_ote_tive – _________ 17) _ardw_red – _________ 27) Co_plica_ed – _________
8) B_ _kish vi_e – _________ 18) De_irab_e – _________ 28) L_ar – _________
9) To in_is_ – _________ 19) Mo_ _ing – _________ 29) _dor_ble – _________
10) To fla_ _er – _________ 20) E_cit_me_t – _________ 30) To cl_im - _________

Complete the phrases with the correct word and translate them

 In the ________ – ____________________________

 To ________ bummed – ____________________________
 To be ________ of – ____________________________
 To ________ attention – ____________________________
 Truth ________ dare – ____________________________
 To be in ________ with – ____________________________
 ________ at all – ____________________________
 Fair ________ – ____________________________
 ________ a chance – ____________________________
 Jail ________ – ____________________________
 To ________ forward to – ____________________________
 To ________ in love with - ____________________________

Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrase and translate the

 Don't ____________to Nina - she doesn't know what she's talking about.
 He served a nine-month ____________for stealing a car.
 He ____________a young German student. It was love at first sight.
 I've seen her perform on television, but never ____________.
 I hope it wasn't a problem for you. No, ____________.
 You actually think Gina will go with you to the dance? ____________, pal.
 I'm ____________visiting my family this Christmas—I haven't been home for the holidays in
 We always play ____________ when we have parties. It helps to find out more about each
 I failed the very important exam, so now I ____________ about it.
 I ____________ my boyfriend. He is the dearest person in my life.
 I'll wash the dishes today, and you can wash them tomorrow. ____________.
 Parents __________ their children’s achievements.

Create your own sentences using the new phrases

1) _________________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________
4) _________________________________________________________________
5) _________________________________________________________________
6) _________________________________________________________________
7) _________________________________________________________________
8) _________________________________________________________________
9) _________________________________________________________________
10) _________________________________________________________________
11) _________________________________________________________________
12) _________________________________________________________________

Match the definitions with phrasal verbs

 To drive up
 To freak smn. out a) to go somewhere, especially to do something enjoyable
 To go out b) to make something start working
c) to stop someone who is trying to attack you
 To pick up d) to arrive some place in a vehicle
 To make out with e) to have a romantic or sexual relationship with someone
 To look for f) to end relationship
g) to persuade someone to do something
 Turn on/turn off h) to become or make you become so angry, surprised,
 To go out with excited, or frightened that you cannot control yourself
 To find out i) to search for someone or something
j) to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
 To hang out k) to keep something unpleasant or illegal secret or hidden
 To cover up l) to stop communication
 To fall apart m) to lift someone or something up from a surface
n) to kiss with someone
 To break up o) to lose control of your emotions and become unable to deal
 To cut off with a difficult situation
 To talk smn. into smth. p) to discover a fact or piece of information
 To fight off

Write the missing prepositions

1) The police are determined to find _____ who killed Louise.

2) She drove _____ to the door and stopped.
3) He made _____ with her again, and then he was gone.
4) She rushed to pick _____ the baby as soon as it started to cry.
5) It was a real scandal, but the school tried to cover the whole thing _____.
6) The woman managed to fight _____ her attackers.
7) I talked her _____ going to London with me.
8) Meeting my dad again after all these years really freaked me _____.
9) Why did all his friends suddenly cut him _____?
10) Some men would fall _____ if their wives left them.
11) He’s just broken _____ with his girlfriend.
12) She wasn’t allowed go _____ and play with the other kids.
13) He came home, made a cup of tea and turned _____ the TV.
14) They like hanging _____ together on weekends.
15) He’s been going _____ with his girlfriend for three months now.
16) I’m looking _____ Jim. Have you seen him?

Create your own sentences using phrasal verbs

1) _________________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________
4) _________________________________________________________________
5) _________________________________________________________________
6) _________________________________________________________________
7) _________________________________________________________________
8) _________________________________________________________________
9) _________________________________________________________________
10) _________________________________________________________________
11) _________________________________________________________________
12) _________________________________________________________________
13) _________________________________________________________________
14) _________________________________________________________________
15) _________________________________________________________________
16) _________________________________________________________________

Who is who? Write everything you remember about main characters

 Tessa Young is ______________________________________________________


 Hardin Scott is ______________________________________________________


 Carol Young is ______________________________________________________


 Steph Jones is ______________________________________________________


 Molly Samuels is ____________________________________________________


 Zed Evans is ________________________________________________________


Answer the questions with full sentence

 What is Tessa’s full name?

 In which city is her college?
 What is Tessa’s boyfriend name?
 Who is Steph?
 What is Hardin’s favorite book?
 Why does Hardin have nightmares?
 Who kissed each other first?
 Where is Hardin from?
 What is Tessa and Hardin’s ship name?
 What does Hardin call Tessa the most often?
 What does Tessa give Hardin for his birthday?
 What book was Hardin reading when Tessa first saw him in her room?
 Where did Tessa and Hardin have their first kiss?

Write short summary of the film


Do you like the film? Why?
Who is your favorite character? Why?
What is your favorite moment of the film?
What is the message of the film?
Are you in love? Speak about your partner
Do you easily fall in love with someone?
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why?
Did you learn anything from this film? If yes,
Did anything that happened in this film remind
you of something from your own life? What?


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