9838 Article Polyurethanes en
9838 Article Polyurethanes en
9838 Article Polyurethanes en
and Vacuum
Vacuum technology in
the chemical industry
Headrest Glass encapsulation Headliner Seals A, B, C column Additional springs Body panel
Sun roof Rear deck Slide bearings foaming Axle and support sill
Door panel Stabilizers bearings
Frontal and
End stop (clips)
side impact
protection Arm rest
Steering wheel
Air filter Acoustic foam
Wire harness
Body mount
Damper bearings
Impact absorbers
Torque supports
Seat cushioning
Spare tire
The chemical industry is a supplier of indispensable raw materials for many industries. Not
only the automotive and engineering industries, for example, but also the plastics, food,
glass and building material industries rely on basic chemicals produced by the chemical
industry. By far the most important role is played by polyurethane plastics or resins, which
serve as the basis for foams or paints. These substances are employed in countless finished
products that we use on a daily basis. Vacuum technology is indispensable for a large part
of these applications.
Polyurethane, polyisocyanates and vacuum various footwear and automotive interior materials. Poly
Polyurethanes are compounds which are formed in a polyad- urethane has become indispensable, particularly, for the latter
dition reaction from multiple alcohols (di-, tri- or polyols) and field of application.
polyisocyanates. Depending on the basic components used,
thermosetting plastics, thermoplastics or elastomers are In the EU alone, more than 2 million tons of polyurethanes are
obtained which differ greatly in their properties and can produced annually; global demand rises on average by 5% per
accordingly be used in a large number of different end year.
Polyisocyanates are highly reactive organic compounds and
Polyurethane foam is used, for example, for upholstering fur- act as crosslinkers for two-component polyurethane, from
niture, as mattress foam, carpet backing material, for cleaning which coatings and foams are formed. The targeted curing of
sponges, filter material or as insulating material for buildings the substance at room temperature and the use of a special
and cooling devices. Polyure- coating device, allow to customize
thane as a foam is also used in the curing time for the particular
vehicle construction, for example For the production of high-quality application. For example, in a pro-
as a soft covering for handles, duction plant, coatings only need
interior paneling, steering wheels foams, it requires medium vacuum to be mixed if needed immediately.
or arm rests. conditions up to 0.05 hPa.
Vacuum technology is enormously
As a component in coatings and important for the polyisocyanate
varnishes, polyurethane is characterized by good adhesive production. Following the actual production of the isocyanate,
properties and high resistance against solvents, chemicals, the highest possible concentration is ensured by means of a
and weather conditions. Coatings and varnishes are used in multi-stage distillation process. It requires fine vacuum condi-
many fields, including flooring, textiles, leather, as well as tions, i.e., absolute pressures in the range of 0.05 hPa.
ATEX certified vacuum solutions for the production of ATEX-certified Roots pumps
Thanks to their magnetic coupling, the OktaLine pumps are
TDI (2,4-toluene diisocyanate), which besides MDI (methylene ATEX hermetically sealed. Their extremely low leakage rate of
diphenyl di-isocyanate) is the most widely-produced polyiso- <1 · 10-6 Pa m³/s provides additional safety as it prevents zone
cyanate in the world, is not only a very toxic liquid, but can entrainment. Zone entrainment means the risk that, for exam-
also be used at higher temperatures to form flammable vapor- ple, failure of a seal can cause explosive mixtures to escape
air mixtures. For this reason, the operators of the systems from the pump to the outside, entraining the risk of explosion
preferably use vacuum pumping stations which are certified in being carried over to the outside. Since the operator of the
accordance with the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU and which system usually does not expect explosive mixtures there, the
also meet particularly stringent requirements for tightness. risk potential is correspondingly increased. Due to this perma-
nently low leak rate, the pumps are also TA-air compliant.
In order to cover all aspects of quality and safety in the pro-
cess operation, exact configuration according to the specific Long maintenance intervals – reducing operating costs
requirements of the respective application is necessary. In the
first step, the respective gas volume flows are calculated on In addition to the advantages already mentioned, the magnet-
the basis of substance data and flows in the process. The ic coupling eliminates the shaft seals. Pumps with shaft seals
results then serve as parameters for selecting the appropriate can heat up due to lack of oil lubrication through friction and
vacuum pumps. Important requirements include, besides safe- therefore represent a potential source of ignition. Experience
ty, the durability and reliability of the vacuum technology from the field has shown that this condition – an empty oil
used. tank for lubrication of the shaft seals – is very common. Fur-
thermore, shaft seals are weak points in pressure surges and
Pfeiffer Vacuum offers complete ATEX-certified vacuum sys- require regular maintenance.
tems for the production of polyisocyanates. Most processes
require a multi-stage construction of the vacuum system. The The OktaLine ATEX has long maintenance Intervals resulting
Pfeiffer Vacuum experts developed a six-stage system for a in lower maintenance costs. The magnetic coupling also
large German chemical company consisting of a five-stage reduces power consumption due to the virtually lossless
Roots and a liquid ring vacuum pump. At different stages of transfer of the engine torque. As a result, the power con-
the process, different gas inflows are taken into consideration. sumption at the operating point can be reduced by up to
The system was created according to the customer’s specifi- 20 %. This is realized in comparison with other magnetically
cations and fulfilled all individual parameters. coupled pumps by a non-metallic containment shell, which
has a significantly lower turbulent flow induction than, for
CombiLine vacuum pumping stations example, magnetically-coupled liquid ring pumps. Air cooling
also requires considerably less energy than water cooling,
To enable companies to create the vacuum conditions which significantly reduces operating costs.
required in the various applications effectively and in a
cost-optimized manner, Pfeiffer Vacuum offers customized
solutions based on its comprehensive range of products.
Especially with regard to applications in the chemical industry
that require a pressure of less than 30 hPa, the Roots pump-
ing stations from Pfeiffer Vacuum’s CombiLine WS have
established themselves as ideal solutions.
Roots pumps are usually used for additional stages, which are
available as air-cooled (standard) or gas recirculated versions
and in various materials (e.g., spheroidal graphite cast iron or
stainless steel). Specific coatings and coupling types are also
available and can be combined for individual requirements.
For applications in potentially explosive atmospheres,
ATEX-certified 2G and 3G Roots pumps are available.
Although it is now easier to replace older devices,
Pfeiffer Vacuum recommends to always check the previous
design of the vacuum system.
All information is subject to change without prior notice. PI0472PEN (June 2019/0)