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 A 5V to 48V DC converter is a crucial component in electronic systems where

different voltage levels are required for various components or devices. The IC
MC34063A is a versatile and widely used integrated circuit that serves as a switching
regulator, making it an excellent choice for designing such voltage converters.

 The MC34063A IC is known for its simplicity, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in

DC-DC converter applications. It operates as a step-up (boost) or step-down (buck)
converter, allowing for a flexible design that suits different voltage level

 By carefully designing the circuit using the MC34063A IC, it is possible to achieve
a reliable and efficient 5V to 48V DC converter for various electronic applications.

2.1 MC34063A (IC1): Boost/buck/inverting switching regulator.

 The MC34068A is a voltage regulator IC (Integrated Circuit) manufactured by ON

Semiconductor. It is a part of the MC34063A series of regulators and is commonly
used for DC-to-DC voltage conversion applications. The IC is designed to provide
step-up, step-down, and inverting functions.

2.2 Diodes:

 Diodes are semiconductor devices that allow current to flow in one direction only.
They have a crucial role in electronic circuits and are used for various purposes. The
basic working principle of a diode is based on its semiconductor nature, typically
made of materials like silicon or germanium.

 1N4007 (D1 and D3)

 The 1N4007 is a commonly used rectifier diode. It belongs to the 1N400x series,
which includes various diodes with different voltage ratings. The 1N4007 diode is
known for its high voltage (1000 volts) and high current (1 amp) capabilities.

 Schottky diode SR1100 (D2)

 A Schottky diode, such as the SR1100, is a type of semiconductor diode that is

known for its fast switching speed and low forward voltage drop.

2.3 LEDs: Two 5mm LEDs (LED1 and LED2).

 A 5mm LED (Light Emitting Diode) is a semiconductor device that emits light when
an electric current is applied in the forward direction

2.4 Inductors:

 Inductors are passive electronic components that store energy in a magnetic field
when an electric current flows through them. They are commonly used in electronic
circuits for various purposes, including filtering, energy storage, and inductance.

 The basic working principle of an inductor is governed by Faraday's law of

electromagnetic induction, which states that a change in magnetic flux through a coil
of wire induces an electromotive force (EMF, or voltage) in the coil.

 L1 (100µH to 150µH for current above 1.8A)

 L2 (usually from 22µH to 220µH for current above 100mA)

2.5 Fuse: F1 to protect the circuit from continuous over-current input.1A fuse with

 Fuses are safety devices designed to protect electronic circuits from excessive
current. A 1A (1 ampere) fuse will allow current flow up to 1 ampere, but if the
current exceeds this value, the fuse will "blow" or open the circuit, protecting the
connected components.

2.6 Resistors:

 Resistors are passive electronic components that restrict the flow of electric current.
They are widely used in electronic circuits for various purposes. The basic working
principle of resistors is to provide resistance to the flow of electric current.

 R1 1.5 kilo-ohm.
 R2 limits the maximum switching current (Ipeakmax = 0.3V/R2).0.22 ohm.
 R3 limits the current for the inbuilt driver transistor of IC1.68 ohm.
 R4 for adjusting the output voltage (Vout = 1.25Vx(1+R4/R5)).39 kilo-ohm.
 R5 1 kilo-ohm.
 R6 22kilo-ohm.

2.7 Capacitors:

 Capacitors are electronic components that store electrical energy in an electric field.
They consist of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material called a
dielectric. When a voltage is applied across the plates, it creates an electric field, and
charges of opposite polarity accumulate on the plates. This stored charge can be
released when needed.

 C1 220µF,16V electrolytic.
 C2, C4 100nF ceramic disk.
 C3 680pF ceramic disk.
 C5 , C6 220µF,63V electrolytic.
 C3 determines the operating frequency of MC34063A (40kHz to 60kHz).
 C4 and C5 are the first filtering capacitors.
 C6 in conjunction with L2 for additional filtration of OUTPUT2.

4.8 Connector:-

 A 2-pin terminal connector is a simple electrical connector with two pins or

terminals that are used to establish an electrical connection. These connectors are
commonly used for various electronic and electrical applications where a basic
connection is required.

 Con 1- Con 3:- 2 pin terminal connector.


The working principle of the 5V to 48V DC converter described involves the use of a
boost/buck/inverting switching regulator based on the MC34063A integrated circuit
(IC1). Here's a step-by-step explanation of how the converter operates:

1. Input Power Supply: The converter accepts an input power supply in the range of
5V to 7V through connector CON1.

2. Fuse Protection: A fuse (F1) is included in the circuit to protect it from continuous
over-current input, providing a safety feature.

3. Reverse Voltage Protection: Diode D1 is employed to protect the circuit from

reverse input voltage, ensuring that the input voltage is applied correctly.

4. Current Limiting: Resistor R2 is used to limit the maximum switching current to

approximately 1.5A. This is important for controlling the current flow through the
circuit and preventing excessive current that could damage components.

5. Switching Frequency Control: The MC34063A integrated circuit operates as a

switching regulator with a frequency in the range of 40kHz to 60kHz. The operating
frequency is mainly determined by capacitor C3.

6. Inductor (L1): Inductor L1 plays a crucial role in the circuit. It stores energy during
the switching cycle and helps boost the voltage. The inductor's value is chosen in the
range of 100µH to 150µH for currents above 1.8A.

7. Output Voltage Regulation: The output voltage is regulated to be around 48V and
can be adjusted using a potentiometer (R4) according to the relationship Vout

8. Current Limiting (R3): Resistor R3 limits the current for the inbuilt driver
transistor of IC1, ensuring that it stays below 100mA.

9. Schottky Diode (D2): Schottky diode D2 is used to prevent reverse voltage at the
output and is preferably rated at least 100V.
10. Filtering Capacitors (C4 and C5): Capacitors C4 and C5 serve as the first filtering
capacitors, reducing ripples at the primary output (OUTPUT1).

11. Dual Output Option (OUTPUT2): A second output (OUTPUT2) is provided after
an LC filter consisting of inductor L2 and capacitor C6. This secondary output offers
additional filtration to reduce voltage ripples.

12. Output Usage: Both OUTPUT1 and OUTPUT2 can be used simultaneously under
the condition that the total current does not exceed 60mA.

Overall, the converter efficiently transforms a lower input voltage to a higher, regulated
output voltage using a combination of switching regulation, inductors, capacitors, and
resistors, while providing protection features and options for dual outputs.


Fig. 1: Circuit diagram of 5V DC to 48V DC converter

 The circuit diagram of the 5V DC to 48V DC converter is shown in Fig. 1. It is built

around boost/buck/inverting switching regulator MC34063A (IC1), two rectifier
diodes 1N4007 (D1 and D3), Schottky diode SR1100 (D2), two 5mm LEDs (LED1
and LED2), two inductors (L1 and L2) and a few other components.

 Input power supply ranging from 5V to 7V can be applied to connector CON1. Fuse
F1 protects the circuit from any continuous over-current input. Diode D1 protects
the circuit from reverse input voltage. Resistor R2 limits the maximum switching
current to around 1.5A, as per relationship:
 Ipeakmax = 0.3V/R2

 Resistor R3 limits the current for the inbuilt driver transistor of IC1. This current
should be below 100mA. Operating frequency of MC34063A is in the range of
40kHz to 60kHz, and depends mainly on capacitor C3. Inductor L1 is in the range
of 100µH to 150µH for current above 1.8A.

 Output voltage is around 48V and can be adjusted with R4. It can be calculated using
the approximate relationship:

 Vout = 1.25Vx(1+R4/R5)

 Output current is up to around 50mA, which is enough for several applications
including microphone amplifiers. Voltage on pin 5 of IC1 should be equal to internal
reference voltage or around 1.25V (1.21V to 1.29V). Schottky diode D2 should
preferably be rated at least 100V. Schottky or ultrafast diode can either be SB1A0,
SR1100, SS110 or SR180.

 C4 and C5 are the first filtering capacitors. Ripples at OUTPUT1 are around 50mV
at 50mA load, which may be too high for some applications. So, second output
(OUTPUT2) is provided after LC filter. L2 (usually from 22µH to 220µH for current
above 100mA) and C6 produce additional filtration of the voltage produced by the
DC-to-DC converter.

 We can use both the outputs, OUTPUT1 and OUTPUT2, at the same time under the
condition that total current is below 60mA. The circuit does not need any adjustment.


A 5V DC to 48V DC converter is used to step up the voltage from a lower level (5 volts)
to a higher level (48 volts). This type of converter is commonly employed in various
electronic and electrical applications where a higher voltage is required. Here are some
common uses for a 5V to 48V DC converter:
1. Power Over Ethernet (PoE):-
 In networking applications, PoE allows both power and data to be transmitted over
a single Ethernet cable. Devices such as IP cameras, wireless access points, and other
network equipment often require higher voltages, such as 48V. A 5V to 48V DC
converter can be used to provide the necessary power.
2. Telecommunications Equipment:-
 Some telecommunications equipment, such as certain types of routers, switches, and
other devices, may operate at higher voltages like 48V. A DC converter can be
employed to power these devices from a 5V source.
3. Industrial Electronics:-
 In industrial settings, there are various devices and sensors that may require higher
voltage levels for operation. A voltage converter can be used to adapt power sources
and meet the voltage requirements of these industrial components.
4. Powering Motors:-
 Some motors and actuators used in robotics or automation systems may require
higher voltages for efficient operation. A DC-DC converter can step up the voltage
to meet the motor's specifications.
5. LED Lighting:-
 Certain LED lighting systems and fixtures may require higher voltages for optimal
performance. A voltage converter can be utilized to power these lighting elements.
6. Battery-Powered Devices:-
 In portable electronics or devices powered by low-voltage batteries, a DC-DC
converter can be used to boost the voltage to a level suitable for specific components
or subsystems within the device.

7. Medical Devices:-
 Some medical devices may require higher voltages for certain functions. A DC
converter can be employed to ensure the medical equipment operates at the required
voltage level.
8. Automotive Applications:-
 In automotive electronics, there may be components or systems that operate at higher
voltages. A DC converter can be used to step up the voltage from the vehicle's lower
voltage supply.


1. Powering High-Voltage Devices:-

 Some devices or systems, such as certain telecommunications equipment, motors,

or industrial sensors, may require a higher voltage like 48V for proper operation.
Using a 5V to 48V DC converter allows you to power these devices efficiently.

2. Longer Cable Runs:-

 Higher voltage levels can help mitigate voltage drop issues over long cable runs.
When transmitting power over a distance, higher voltages result in lower current,
reducing the resistive losses in the cables.

3. Efficiency in Power Distribution:-

 Power distribution systems often use higher voltages to reduce power losses.
Transmitting power at 48V instead of 5V allows for more efficient power
distribution, especially in systems with multiple devices connected over extended

4. Compatibility with Standard Power over Ethernet (PoE):-

 Some network devices, such as IP cameras, access points, and other networking
equipment, may be designed to operate on Power over Ethernet (PoE) standards,
which often use voltages around 48V. A 5V to 48V converter can enable the use of
standard PoE for such devices.

5. Battery-Powered Systems:-

 In battery-powered applications, stepping up the voltage can allow for the use of
smaller, more lightweight batteries. This is advantageous in portable electronics or
other applications where size and weight constraints are crucial.

6. Increased Efficiency in Power Transmission:-

 Converting to a higher voltage for power transmission can result in lower power
losses during transmission. This is due to the reduced current flowing through the
transmission lines, as power loss is proportional to the square of the current.

7. Wider Range of Components:-

 Some components and systems are designed to operate at higher voltages for
various reasons, such as increased efficiency, reduced heat generation, or
compatibility with other devices. A 5V to 48V converter can broaden the range of
components you can use in your system.

8. Compatibility with Existing Infrastructure:-

 In cases where a 48V power supply is standard in an industry or application, using

a converter allows you to integrate new components or devices into existing
systems without the need for major modifications.


1. Efficiency Loss:-

 Converting voltage levels typically involves some degree of energy loss. The
efficiency of DC converters is not always 100%, and some power is dissipated as
heat during the conversion process.

2. Complexity and Cost:-

 Building a reliable and efficient 5V to 48V converter can be complex and may
require the use of specialized components. This complexity often translates into
higher manufacturing costs.

3. Size and Weight:-

 Achieving the desired conversion while maintaining efficiency can result in larger
and heavier converter designs. This can be a disadvantage in applications where
space and weight are critical factors.

4. Heat Dissipation:-

 The conversion process generates heat, especially if the efficiency is not high.
Adequate heat dissipation mechanisms such as heat sinks or fans may be required,
adding to the overall complexity and cost of the system.

5. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI):-

 DC converters can introduce electromagnetic interference that may affect other

components in the system or nearby electronic devices. Additional measures, such
as shielding, may be needed to mitigate EMI.

 The 5V to 48V DC converter project appears to be a well-designed circuit that
provides flexibility in terms of input voltage, output voltage adjustment, and dual
output options. It incorporates protective features such as fuse, diode protection, and
current limiting resistors. The inclusion of two output options and additional
filtration demonstrates an effort to meet specific application requirements.

 However, the effectiveness of the circuit depends on the intended application and the
specific design considerations. Users should carefully evaluate the circuit parameters
and test it under various conditions to ensure stability, efficiency, and reliability.
Additionally, attention should be paid to component selection, especially when
considering factors such as current, voltage ratings, and temperature conditions.

 How to Build a Switch Mode Power Supply Circuit with an MC34063 – Great
tutorial and really helped me calculate the passive values by hand though his
examples were vague in a few places.
 Wikipedia
 Online Project Platforms
 Electronicsforu.com – idea and research paper was taken.


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